module 5-3 0 road safety program management identify strategies for establishing and sustaining...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Module Introduction to Collaboration Many agencies have a role to play in road safety program management. Each provides different knowledge, expertise, and approaches to problem solving. These differing approaches contribute to more robust road safety programs. They also increase the difficulty of collaboration.


Module Road Safety Program Management Identify strategies for establishing and sustaining effective multidisciplinary collaborative relationships and coalitions. Module Major Topics Defining Collaboration Methods for Developing Collaborative Relationships Sustaining Collaborative Coalitions Barriers to Collaboration Process and Outcome Criteria Benefits of Collaboration Module Introduction to Collaboration Many agencies have a role to play in road safety program management. Each provides different knowledge, expertise, and approaches to problem solving. These differing approaches contribute to more robust road safety programs. They also increase the difficulty of collaboration. Module Collaboration Definition Dictionary definition: To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. Road Safety Program Management definition: agencies and organizations working together to improve road safety Establishing and Maintaining Effective collaborative Relationships Create a basic foundation for effective collaboration. Exert strong leadership. Establish a process to support collaboration. Provide organizational support. Module Methods Build a Foundation Establish goals, mission statements and safety targets. Assess organizational structure. Implement a data collection and analysis strategy. Identify mechanisms for sharing the data and analysis results. Organize and institutionalize opportunities. Establish road safety as a prime objective. Examine dedicated funding. Module Methods Exert Leadership Identify, support, and train safety champions. Establish a high-level executive committee. Encourage the leadership of all organizations. Incorporate performance objectives. Module Methods Establish a Process Develop an analysis-driven process. Adopt an implementation focus. Establish formal levels of communication. Utilize tools. Utilize collaborative technology. Module Methods Provide Organizational Support Develop implementation plan. Assess organizational relationships. Evaluate type and quality of data. Examine interagency communications. Determine human resource and training needs. Assess investment decision-making processes. Examine potential resource utilization. Module Motivating Active Involvement Broad Involvement Individual Representatives Responsibilities and Expectations Meeting Schedule and Location Refreshments Module Sustaining Coalitions Solve Problems Manage Conflict Maintain Participation Evaluate Effectiveness Sustain Morale Module Sustaining (Cont.) Manage Conflict Maintain Participation Continuously Recruit Evaluate Effectiveness Sustain Morale Module Barriers to Collaboration Values Language Problem Solving Strategies Leadership by Discipline or Organization Module Barriers (cont.) Lack of Safety Champions Failure to Mainstream Safety Insufficient Data Siloed Mindsets Turnover Time Module Process Criteria Inclusive Rules of Collaboration Engagement Challenges Information Discussion Prior to Consensus Module Outcome Criteria High Quality Agreements Stalemates Innovative Ideas Learning and Change Social and Political Capital Changes in Attitudes and Institutions Flexible Institutions and Practices Module Benefits of Collaboration Multidisciplinary Problems More Robust Solutions Relationships Building among Competing Interests Module Review Defining Collaboration Methods for Developing Collaborative Relationships Sustaining Collaborative Coalitions Barriers to Collaboration Process and Outcome Criteria Benefits of Collaboration Module 5-3 Exercise #10 Coalition Building 17

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