module 8 2013 (1)

Post on 01-May-2017






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Eighth grade

MY COUNTRY“Working together for a common goal.”

Cooperative learning

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Autores Doris Landinez Docente Colegio ClaretianoDocencia

Febrero 2013


Docentes Coordinación En proceso de revisión



El presente modulo tiene como eje fundamental; apoyar los procesos de enseñanza –aprendizaje acordes a las practicas pedagógicas institucionales y de área, permitiendo construir un currículo acorde a las necesidades de la población del colegio claretiano y a la necesidad global de acceder a diferentes culturas mediante el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua; la cual permite el acercamiento a través de los medios electrónicos y un enfoque comunicativo.A través de esta práctica los estudiantes adquieren herramientas que aportan a su proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera y la aplicación de esta en contexto específicos de su vida diaria o aportes a su proyecto de vida.El proyecto que se desarrolla en grado octavo es “MY COUNTRY AND ITS CULTURE” integra aspectos relacionados con otras áreas del conocimiento, permitiendo construir un currículo acorde a las necesidades de la población del colegio claretiano y a las practicas pedagógicas institucionales y de área. Además de desarrollar las competencia sociolingüística que permite distinguir entre el valor literal de los anunciados y el valor que adquieren en un contexto dado.Competencia oral que se relaciona con la sociolingüística y se centra en la coherencia y en la cohesión.

ESTANDAR GENERAL PRIMER PERIODO: Hace presentaciones breves y explica de manera sencilla, actividades que suceden en su entorno. Escribe de manera aceptable reconociendo las estructuras trabajadas dentro de la clase.

ESTANDAR GENERAL SEGUNDO PERIODO: Descubre la riqueza de la lengua extranjera; mediante el conocimiento de una gran variedad de formas para expresar sus ideas en forma oral y escrita.


Estructura textos cortos narrativos y descriptivos en presente y en pasado, teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje (puntuación, ortografía, sintaxis coherencia y cohesión)


Primer Periodo

El estudiante intercambia información de manera oral y escrita en presente, sobre las costumbres y culturas de Colombia, utiliza y reconoce una pronunciación inteligible para lograr una comunicación efectiva y manifiesta interés participando en la ejecución de actividades dentro y fuera del aula evidenciando así el compromiso hacia su desarrollo integral.

Segundo Periodo

El estudiante lee y comprende diferentes textos narrativos teniendo en cuenta duración de hechos, adverbios de frecuencia y cláusulas relativas en formas continuas del pasado.Además asume con responsabilidad los roles asignados contribuyendo a la construcción de su aprendizaje y el del grupo.

3. COMPONENTE NORMATIVOElementos de desempeño

2.1 ELEMENTO 1: Describe en forma oral y escrita textos cortos en presente sobre el país, teniendo en cuenta vocabulario sencillo sobre geografía( ubicación, límites),flora y fauna y aspectos culturales.

Elementos de conocimiento y comprensiónRepaso de formas simples en presente y uso de auxiliares do y does para preguntar y negar

Repaso de verbos en presente

Elementos formales para escribir textos en presente.

Vocabulario sencillo para describir acciones en presente , descripción de lugares ,gustos ,disgustos y acuerdos.

Actividad oral sobre lugares, flora y fauna de Colombia

Evidencias requeridas

Comprensión de lectura de textos en presente.

Elaborar diagramas de información sobre aspectos geográficos de Colombia.

Portafolio de trabajos.Fichas con aspectos de la Flora y Fauna Colombiana

Exposiciones sobre aspectos relacionados con la geografía, flora y fauna de Colombia.

Estrategias de lectura (plan lector)

2.2 ELEMENTO 2: Intercambia información en conversaciones sobre las costumbres y culturas de Colombia


Se apropia correctamente de los verbos regulares e irregulares en presente y en pasado simple en forma afirmativa negativa e interrogativa.

elementos formales para usar gramática en pasado

manejo de verbos regulares e irregulares en presente y pasado

Uso del auxiliar Did para negar y preguntar.

Vocabulario sobre costumbres y aspectos geográficos de Colombia

Lecturas de acuerdo al entorno ,manejo de vocabulario geográfico de colombiaLectura de Inventos y Biografia de personajes famosos-ClaretEmpleo del Blog del área para subir los mejores trabajos.Escribo mi BiografiaCompletar searchwords para adquisición de vocabulario

Hacer entrevistas a personajes importantes del pasado

Elaboren juegos con los verbos en pasado

2.3 ELEMENTO 3: Utiliza y reconoce una pronunciación inteligible para lograr una comunicación efectiva


Herramientas para mejorar pronunciación.

Hacer actividades de listening y comprensión de las mismas

Trabalenguas y canciones en inglés

Comprensión y participación con el Plan Lector

Actividades de spelling

Reading pronunciation

Portafolio de Modulo-plan Lector y trabajo

Talleres de Clase.

2.4 ELEMENTO 4: Manifiesta interés y participa en la ejecución de actividades dentro y fuera del aula evidenciando así el compromiso hacia su desarrollo integral.


trabaja en grupo en la elaboración del modulo

Muestra solidaridad en la realización de conversaciones en grupo.

Es respetuoso al escuchar las descripciones de sus compañeros.

Es participativo en los juegos y competencias realizadas en el salón .

Trabajo con modelo cooperativo y Roles según Modelo MECI.

Elaboración del modulo

Participación en juegos de salón de trabalenguas , adivinanzas etc

Descripciones orales hechas por sus compañeros.

Dibujos hechos a partir de las descripciones hechas por sus compañeros.

Participa activamente en las conversaciones realizadas en grupo.

Asumir los Roles de trabajo en clase



Geography information(location, plants and animals Presentations about

Colombia Fauna and FloraReading Plan-audio book

Writing and Reading



Biographies and famous inventors

Reading about Colombia Culture and Traditions

Pronunciation: Tongue Twisters.Expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

Listening songs,videos,stories (Web sites –you tube)


Read and write biographies

Listening the same class and teacher

Conversations and dialogues about Colombia traditions.

Tabla de saberes


Apropiación de elementos formales del idioma como construir preguntas con Wh- questions,

Documentar al estudiante del vocabulario necesario para identificar textos descriptivos.

Listado de Verbos que ayudan a la comprensión de los textos dados.

Gramática del presente y pasado simple.

Elaboración de exposiciones sobre la Flora ,fauna y tradiciones de Colombia.

Descripciones de lugares geográficos de nuestro país.

Lectura de Biografias e inventos claves de la historia

Elaborar la Biografia

Plan lector.

Uso de las herramientas tecnológicas TIC´S- Web Sites,Blogs.

Puntualidad en la entrega de trabajos y la llegada a clase.

Pertinencia al elaborar tareas y trabajos asignados

Respeto al escuchar conversaciones de sus compañeros a la vez que exposiciones.

Colaboración y responsabilidad al adquirir la información requerida para los trabajos en grupo.

Manifiesta interés y participa en la ejecución de actividades dentro y fuera del aula

Con todo lo anterior evidencia el compromiso hacia su desarrollo integral.

THIS MODULE BELONG TO:_________________________________________


MY OBJECTIVES FOR THIS BIMESTER ARE:1.___________________________________________________________2._____________________________________________________________3.________________________________________________________________


Review-Identify: Simple present and auxiliaries Do and Does Likes and dislikes Agreements and disagreements Use of ENDINGS: S ES IES Identify regular and irregular verbs Reading Plan Participate in listening and speaking activities such as roles play, class



Reading Plan Presentation about Colombia Fauna and Flora Famous people-Biographies Use of adverbs of frequency and Past Tense. WH- questions Participate in listening and speaking activities such as roles play, class



ENGLISH MODULE FIRST SEMESTERWorking together for a common goal.”

Please stand up/sit down. Stand at the front of the classroom. Sit up straight. Fold your arms. Come here please. Go back to your seat. Go and stand outside. Line-up outside. Come in. Look this way. Take your books out. Take out your exercise book. Take out your text book. Put away your books. Pass your books to the front. Open your book to page 34. Open your book at the back. Close your books. Use a red pen. Draw a margin Underline the title. Draw a line. Write today's date. Start a new page. Do your corrections. Stop working and listen to me. Hands up/Raise your hands. Listen please. Quiet please. Stop talking. No talking. Are you ready? Quickly/Hurry up. Speak louder. Speak slower. Say again, please.

How do you spell ........? What does ........mean? Repeat after me. What else? Anything else? Well done/Very good. Today we are going to....... We are going to sing a song. Hand in your homework tomorrow. Who wants some help? Is it difficult? I don't understand What does this mean? I don't know how to say. Sweep the floor. Mop the floor Turn on the lights. Turn off the lights. Switch on the fan. Close the door. Open the windows. Tidy the classroom. Tidy your desks. Clean the blackboard. Who is absent today? Have you finished yet? May I go out side please? May I come in please? Who is collecting the milk today? Do you understand? Sorry I am late. You have five more minutes. We have no more time today. See you tomorrow

Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing

Stating an opinion

In my opinion... The way I see it... If you want my honest opinion.... According to Lisa... As far as I'm concerned... If you ask me...

Asking for an opinion What's your idea? What are your thoughts on all of this? How do you feel about that? Do you have anything to say about this?

What do you think? Do you agree? Wouldn't you say?

Expressing agreement

I agree with you 100 percent. I couldn't agree with you more. That's so true. That's for sure. (slang) Tell me about it! You're absolutely right. Absolutely. That's exactly how I feel. Exactly. I'm afraid I agree with James. I have to side with Dad on this one. No doubt about it. (agree with negative statement) Me neither. (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. You have a point there. I was just going to say that.

Expressing disagreement

I don't think so. (strong) No way. I'm afraid I disagree. (strong) I totally disagree. I beg to differ. (strong) I'd say the exact opposite. Not necessarily. That's not always true. That's not always the case. No, I'm not so sure about that.


Can I add something here? Is it okay if I jump in for a second? If I might add something... Can I throw my two cents in? Sorry to interrupt, but... (after accidentally interrupting someone) Sorry, go ahead.

ORSorry, you were saying... (after being interrupted) You didn't let me finish.

Settling an argument

Let's just move on, shall we? Let's drop it. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. (sarcastic) Whatever you say./If you say so.

Speaking-Conversation practice

1. Make simple statements about the following and have a partner agree or

disagree with you. Then switch roles.

1. Talk about today's weather.

2. Say what foods you like best.

3. Tell what you think about smoking.

4. Give an opinion about a current politician.

5. State your ideas about a controversial topic.

2) Complete the sentences.Examples:

1. ________________ enjoys cooking. What...?

Do you enjoy cooking? What do you like to cook?

2. ________________ doesn't enjoy cooking. How often...?

Do you enjoy cooking? How often do you cook?

3. ________________ likes to listen to music. What kind...?

Do you like to listen to music? What kind of music do you like?

4. ________________ doesn't mind studying English. Why...?

5. ________________ doesn't like studying English. Why...?

6. ________________ likes pizza. How often...?

7. ________________ hates pizza. Why...?

8. ________________ loves animals. Why...?

9. ________________ really likes to watch TV. What...?

10. _______________ really dislikes watching TV. How often...?

11. _______________ is thinking about a TV show right now. Which...?

12. _______________ likes his or her job. Why...?

13. _______________ doesn't like to exercise. Why...?


Warming up

1. Watch a video about Endangered animals.2. Listen the song the “Earth song “” of Michel Jackson 3. Practice in the Karaoke activity (


Speaking activity

What do you think?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions

Which animals did you watch in the video?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are the reasons because they are endangered species?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Captivity: a state of confinement or a controlled environment

Carnivore: a flesh-eating animal

Ecosystem: the complex of a community and its environment functioning as an

ecological unit innature

Endangered: a species in immediate danger of extinction; protected by law

Environment: the surrounding in which animals and plants live

Extinct: no longer surviving on earth

Extinction: the dying out of all members of a plant or animal species

Extirpated: a species that is extinct in a state where it was once found, but still

exists in other states

Fauna: animal life

Flora: plant life

Habitat: the natural environment (home) of a plant or animal

Herbivore: a plant-eating animal

Omnivores: animals that eat both plants and animals

Pesticides: chemicals that are used to kill various pests

Pollution: that which caused the environment to become unclean or unsafe

Reserve: an area of land set aside for the protection of animals and plants

Special Concern: a species that has some problems of limited numbers or

habitats, and that needs

to be closely watched

Species: a group of animals that have similar characteristics and can produce


Threatened: a species that is likely to become endangered in the near future and

is protected by law.

Translate in to Spanish the new words.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Endangered especies

Across4 plant life8 the surrounding in which animals and plants live10

the complex of a community and its environment functioning as an ecological unit in nature

11 a group of animals that have similar characteristics

Down1 that which caused the environment to become unclean or

unsafe2 the natural environment (home) of a plant or animal3 animals that eat both plants and animals5 animal life6 a flesh-eating animal7 chemicals that are used to kill various pests8 a species in immediate danger of extinction; protected by law9 an area of land set aside for the protection of animals and plants

posters, hold rallies, and hand out informational pamphlets( upload in the English Blog ). Read

Endangered SpeciesFrom 1 BC to 1800 AD, on average, one animal species became extinct every 55 years. From1800 to 1900, one species disappeared every year and a half. From 1900 to the present, one specieshas become extinct each year. If the current rate of habitat destruction around the world continues toescalate, 1,000 species will be lost each year by the turn of the 21st century.Extinction is really a natural process, and occurs because a species can’t adapt to changingenvironmental conditions. If more offspring die than are born, the species will eventually die out completely. Changes in climate, violent storms, droughts, disease, and lack of food are among thenatural causes of extinction.

The underline word can replaced by:

a. all and whollyb. Each and fully c.each and totallyd. Never and completely

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Humans use an incredible amount of energy for powerappliances, cars, and machines to keep our society going. Much of the energy comes from nonrenewableresources such as coal, oil, and nuclear reactors. Not only do we pollute the land when wesearch for coal and oil, but we pollute the air when these fuels are burned (for example, car exhaustproduces both carbon monoxide and lead, which can approach hazardous levels in large cities). Acidrain, a result of carbon monoxide and sulfur deposits in the air, has destroyed the life in whole lakes,as well as countless trees in Canada and the eastern United States.Industries have long used rivers and lakes as dumping grounds for their wastes.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), by-products of the manufacture of electrical equipment, paints, andplastics, are just one example of the chemicals dumped into waterways. PCBs are known to causedeformities in water birds and fish; fortunately, it is now illegal to dispose of PCBs in water.Liquid nitrogen fertilizer used on crops eventually runs off into lakes and rivers, causing algaeblooms and an increase in waterweeds. This clogs the water so that fish and water-dwelling animals(and the animals that depend on them) cannot survive.Taken of: Endangered Species/Grades

HABITAT DESTRUCTION: People require land – lots of it – for homes, businesses, cars,Agriculture, and recreation. As the human population increases, more and more land is developed, and wildlife is pushed from its natural habitats. Some animals can adapt quickly to new conditions,but most are unable to find new homes or new sources of food. Loss of habitat is the primary reasonthat animals are endangered.Tropical rainforests are home to approximately 3,000,000 species of plants and animals, morethan in any other environment on Earth. These rainforests are being cleared at the rate of 50 acres.EVERY MINUTE! At this rate, all rainforests will have disappeared in 85 years. It is estimated thatmany hundreds of tropical species will become extinct before they are even discovered and described.OVERHUNTING: Few people alive today remember when vast herds of bison and flocks ofpassenger pigeons could be found in the United States. Seeing those huge numbers of animals, manysettlers had the idea that the populations were limitless and were there for the taking.

Understand Teach Wake Beat

Light Fight Sweep TakeRun Strike Steal Stand

Spend Sit Sink Ring

Understood Taught Woke BeatenWrote Withheld Won Threw

Wore Thought Tore Swam

Lit Fought Swept TookRan Struck Stole Stood

Today, thebison is making a comeback from near extinction (less than 1,000 were alive in 1903); the passengerpigeon unfortunately didn’t fare as well, becoming extinct in 1914.

TAKEN OF CLASSElaborate in you notebook a web graph using the Endangered species informationResearch: do you Known ?-QUIZ ABOUT INSECTS .

CREATIVEHave each student choose an animal from the endangered species and have the studentfind out as much as possible about the animal (habitat, diet, behavior, why it is endangered, etc).Using the information gathered, students can “campaign” for their species:* DesignPast EventCan you match the past tense version with the present tense version?



Spent Sat Sank RangMake questions using the "wh" words below.

When How Who What Why

eg. I saw someone.Who did you see?

1. They wanted to see Fiona. did they want to see?

2. I got up at 7 o'clock. time did you get up?

3. She paid $10. much did she pay?

4. He didn't like the movie. didn't he like the movie?

5. We had dinner. did you have for dinner?

6. The meeting finished late. time did the meeting finish?

7. I ate an apple pie? kind of pie did you eat?

8. I played tennis last week. did you play tennis?

9. They wrote to Ellen. did they write to?

10. I didn't eat the chicken. didn't you eat the chicken?

Irregular Verbs

1. Read carefully through the text.2. Underline the verbs.3. Change the verbs so that they make sense. Crossout the wrong one and write the new one above.4. Write the proper verbs in your book.

My Funny Weekend

Last weekend I goed to my friend's house. First,Irunned up to the door and ringed the bell, no answer, so I writed a note and readed it back to myself. Then my friend comed up. I hinked we might go for a ride on our bikes. We rided for miles and my friend bringed a packed lunch.It feeled good to be on the bikes. In the end we goed home and I bringed theempty packed lunch boxes.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Most Famous Invents

Choose some verbs and write five sentences in simple past (Interrogative and answer)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Read the text about:


Complete the box.







My Country “ Colombia”

Research and elaborate a graph






Civil Wars:

Other information:___________________________________


Simon Bolivar, the _1__ revolutionary leader known as “the Liberator of South America,”__2__ born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1783. He belonged to a family of Spaniards who had been born in the New World. __3__ parents died when he was

very__4___ and he was educated by private tutors. In 1799 he left for Spain and it was __5__ that he met his wife.

Choose the correct answer:

1).a. great b. excessive c. inordinated.big2). a. Were b. is c. are d. Was3) a. our b. herc.Hisd.Your4) a. Baby b. child c.young d. Boy5)a. Here b. there c. those d. this

Report:I did a questionnaire about shopping because I am going to open a boutique shop and I want to see thedifference between children/teenagers and adults. I want to hear people suggestions and what people prefer so that Iwill have the proper stuff to cater for everyone. I asked 30 people in all, my classmates, my friends and my relatives. Ichose these people because they are different in age and they have different ideas. I gave them the questionnaire andthey all gave it to me in the time available.Here is my questionnaire:Dear friends,I am going to open a boutique shop and I want your suggestions, so if you like can you fill up this


Gender: Female___ / Male ___Age :

a.0 – 15 b. 16 – 31 c. 32 – 47 d. 48 and over1. Do you like shopping around?Yes ____ No____2. How often do you go shopping?.Frequently ___Sometimes ____Quite___ often___ Never____3. Which areas do you prefer most for shopping? (you can tick more than one)Clothes ______ Music shop ______ games_____ food area____Why____________________________________________________________________________4. When shopping what do you look for? (you can tick more than one)Value for money___ Good quality ____Customer services ____Product image ___Others___ All of the above____5. Do you go shopping for: (you can tick more than one)Clothes___ Shoes & Bags_____ Accessories ____Others ___All of the above___6. Do you prefer designer, branded or unbranded clothes? ( you can write more than one) ______________7. What type of clothes do you go for? (you can tick more than one)Casual clothes_____ Smart clothes____Elegant clothes____ Others____ All of the above_____8. What do you prefer? (you can tick more than one)

Leather clothes_____ Cotton clothes___Woollen clothes___ Others ___

Pre-reading activity

1. Do you play a musical instrument? What instrument do you play? Do you goto music school?

2. What instruments do you like? What instruments do you know?3. What kind of music do you listen to? Do this questionnaire.

Pop,rock,rave,jazz,country,folk,classical,techno,punk,heavymetal,rap,blues,other _______________________(write the name)Read

Nika is making an interview with the drummer of the popular Slovene rock groupBIG FOOT MAMA, JožeHabula. Read the first part of the interview.Nika: Hello, Jože.Jože: Hello to all music fans.Nika: When did you start playing?Jože: We started in 1990.Nika: Tell us something about the members of the group.Jože. They are GregaSkočir, the singer, MihaGuštin and DanijelGregorič, theguitarists, AlenSteržaj is the bass guitarist and I'm the drummer.Nika: Are you professional players?Jože: No, each of us has his own proffesion. Miha is a geodesist, Alen is ajournalist, Danijel is an administrator, Grega is a mechanic and I am acraft teacher.

1. Write about the members of the group. What do they play? Who is a singer?Grega plays the guitar. He is a guitarist.Miha ................................He ....................................Danijel ............................. ...............................................Alen................................. ...............................................Jože.................................. ...............................................2. What professions do they have?Grega repairs cars. He's a .....................................................................Jože teaches craft at school. He ............................................................Danijel helps to organize work in a company. ..........................................Alen writes articles for newspapers. ......................................................Miha studies the Earth. .......................................................................

Read the second part of the interview.

Nika: How do you write a song?Jože: The writers of most songs are Miha and Alen. They have a lot of ideas.You need a text and a melody for a song. For a merry text a composerwrites a merry melody.Nika: How many CDs do you have?Jože: We have three CDs and six video spots, too.

Nika: Who makes a video spot?Jože: A producer and a scenarist.Nika. Where do you have your concerts?Jože: All over Slovenia and also abroad. We have a lot of fans in our country.Nika: What would you tell your fans?Jože: They must study first and if they have a talent for music, start playing amusical instrument and form a group later as we did.3. Can you find some more professions in the text? Here are the definitions of them. Circle the correct answers.1. A person who writes music is a:a) writer b) composer c) pianist

2. A person who writes a scenario for a video spot, a film, a play etc, is a:a) novelist b) writer c) scenarist

3. A person who writes books, stories, texts etc, is a:a) writer b) dramatist c) conductor

4. A person who organizes the production of a film, a play, a video spot etc, is a:

a) player b) poet c) producer


Give yourself 1.for never 2.for seldom 3.for frequently 4.for always

Quality producer 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I work successfully as a team

member I produce quality projects, assignments or performances I use the module work effectively

and in an appropriate wayResponsible citizen

I demonstrate personal responsibility for attitude , actions words and worksI follow rules and directions I demonstrate respect and understanding for myself and other

Self directed individual

I show maturity and responsibility by making healthy, safe and wise choicesI start work, stay on task and complete the assignment without being reminder or promptedI set the goals and I have a positive attitude , I never gave up with the assignments

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