modulo6 - cloud computing

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • Cloud Computing


    Arquitectura de Software

    Mg. Fernando Torres Snchez

  • Challenges and Needs

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres2

  • The next chapter

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres3

  • Evolution of cloud computing

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres4

  • Innovations are enabling services-based solutions to provide faster time to value, better integration and smarter deployment

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres5

  • Cloud Computing

    Consumption & Delivery Models Optimized by Workload

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres6

  • Effective adoption of Cloud Computing begins with standardization

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres7

  • Cloud Computing An effective Cloud Computing deployment is built on a dynamic application

    infrastructure and is highly optimized to achieve more with less.

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres8

  • Virtualization - Overview


    Hardware virtualization is a virtualization of computers or operating systems. It hides the physical characteristics of a computing platform from users, instead showing another abstract computing platform. The software that controls the virtualization used to be called a "control program" at its origins, but nowadays the term hypervisor or virtual machine monitor are preferred

    Reasons for virtualization

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres

    Reasons for virtualization In case of server consolidation, many small physical servers are replaced by one larger physical server,

    to increase the utilization of costly hardware resources such as CPU. The large server can "host" many such "guest" virtual machines. This is known as Physical-to-Virtual

    (P2V) transformation. A virtual machine can be more easily controlled and inspected from outside than a physical one, and its

    configuration is more flexible. This is very useful in kernel development and for teaching operating system courses.

    A new virtual machine can be provisioned as needed without the need for an up-front hardware purchase. Also, a virtual machine can easily be relocated from one physical machine to another as needed.

    Because of the easy relocation, virtual machines can be used in disaster recovery scenarios..

  • VirtualizationExamples

    Examples of virtualization scenarios:

    1. Running one or more applications that are not supported by the host OS

    A virtual machine running the required guest OS could allow the desired applications to be run, without altering the host OS.

    2. Evaluating an alternate operating system The new OS could be run within a VM, without altering

    the host OS.

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres

    the host OS. 3. Server virtualization

    Multiple virtual servers could be run on a single physical server, in order to more fully utilize the hardware resources of the physical server.

    4. Duplicating specific environments A virtual machine could, depending on the virtualization

    software used, be duplicated and installed on multiple hosts.

    5. Creating a protected environment If a the guest OS running on a VM becomes infected

    with malware, the host operating system's exposure to the risk may be limited, depending on the configuration of the virtualization software

  • Virtualization

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres11

  • There is a spectrum of deployment options for cloud computing

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres12

  • Cloud adoption will take place by workload areas.Together we identified potential workload areas

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres13

  • Cloud Benefits for the End-Users - example

    Provisioning Resources

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres14

  • Cloud computing Cloud Computing can provide dramatic, measurable business value

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres15

  • Application Configuration & Provisioning Characteristics

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres16

  • WebSphere in Clouds

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres17

  • Security is built into the IBM Cloud

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres18

  • Simplified management and enhanced utilization of large, dynamic installations

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres19

  • Pattern-Based Deployment of Middleware Services in the Cloud

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres20

  • Bringing the Cloud Experience to Reality

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres21

  • What does it all Mean ?

    Arquitectura de Software 2011 Ftorres22

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