molly paper 4

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Molly Paper 4


    The Importance of Grammar

    Grammar has been passed down by the ancient Greeks where it has evolved

    into Latin and then into English. This prestigious way to eliminate error has had a

    high value of importance throughout the history of the English language. Students

    have been taught to follow the "holy" grammar handbook to prevent them from

    making errors. The handbooks importance was never questioned until the 1960's

    when Braddock said In view of the widespread agreement of research studies

    based upon many types of students and teachers, the conclusion can be stated in

    strong and unqualified terms: the teaching of formal grammar has a negligible or,

    because it usually displaces some instruction and practice in actual composition

    even a harmful effect on the improvement of writing (Warner 76).

    Here we have one of the first arguments relating to the importance of grammar and

    the way that it is being taught. The grammar construct has been questioned and

    argued about by many writers but not much has been changed. So where do we go

    from here? Is grammar really that important and do we need it to be perceived as

    intelligent individuals? If so, should we learn it through the use of handbooks or is

    there a more efficient way? If we should teach it, what age is appropriate? These

    questions have been apart of this ongoing conversation about Grammar. (These are

    all questions that have been a main drive for the ongoing conversation about

    Grammar.)I argue that there is a specific time to teach grammar and that there are

    specific times and places when the importance of grammar should be raised. The

    argument I am making is much more complicated than a simple sentence explaining

    where and when, to whom or how we should use grammar; but much simpler than


    Comment [n1]: You say until the 1960s; so

    instead of one of the first arguments make it

    the first argument because it is the first

    reference to the issue.


    Comment [n2]: Try giving a few names in a

    intext citation to help support this.


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    memorizing the entire grammar handbook.

    Why do we teach Grammar if the students dont get it? ( do they get it?)

    From the beginning of the English Language, students in English class were

    taught grammar through the precise instructions and rules of the grammar

    handbook. I personally (en)vision children in the 50s being slapped on the wrist for

    forgetting a comma here or an apostrophe there. The strict use of the handbook has

    been stressed year after year through generations, condemning kids for their errors.

    Back in the early 1900s, students had hard lives where they had to walk miles to

    school in crappy weather, go to school while working on farms, or were apart of a

    wealthy family. All these types of students were disciplined to do well to help out

    the family or to keep the high status name of the family. If disciplined students from

    the early 1900s who were motivated to do well in school for the well being of their

    family and themselves were always punished for misusing grammar, wouldnt that

    motivate them to study harder? This means that its not just a boring subject,

    which to many it still is, but, I believe that the problem is, that no matter what era

    we are in, students until at least late years of high school, just dont comprehend the

    skill and drill of grammar. If this were not true, then why do students learn the

    same thing year after year in school? As Warner says, It seems the educational

    establishment doesn't expect students to "get it." Can any of us imagine a math or

    science curriculum where the same material is presented and drilled year after year


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    as is the case in grammar textbooks? (Warner 77). Weather Whether someone

    argues for or against teaching grammar for whatever reason, they cannot deny this

    argument. The amount of students that dont understand is far too high when

    teaching the rules of grammar. Warner also includes in her article, If the Shoe No

    Longer Fits, research from psychologists,Jean Piaget, Laurence Kohlberg among

    others, that individuals (can) develop cognitive reasoning at different times in their

    life. In her research, she found that only some adults and adolescents reach the

    highest levels of formal operational thinking. This level of thinking could be the level

    of thinking needed to understand the fundamentals of grammar (Warner 77). If this

    is true then why does the education system INSIST on teaching grammar, especially

    at such young ages?

    The importance of Grammar: Business and Employment

    What is the point of teaching grammar? Why have schools put such an

    importance on the study and rules of the grammar handbook? The desired result

    expected from teaching grammar, is that students can become better writers so that

    they accumulate good and proper communication skills in hopes that they can be

    accepted into the business/ real world. On the other hand, if students do not

    recognize error, they will not be seen as professionals or even educated in the eyes

    of their employers and it can hurt their credibility. If we are to look at grammar in

    this way, we must take into consideration the importance of grammar. In Beasons

    article, Ethos and Error, he describes the importance of error outside of the

    handbook use of the classroom. He says, Errors must be defined not just as textual


    Comment [n3]: Try to emphasize this in you

    argument a little more, its a solid point.


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    features breaking handbook rules but as mental events taking place outside the

    immediate text(Beason 35). Beason conducted a study of 14 business people, both

    men and women, who have positions such as Vvice Ppresidents, Regional Managers,

    Managers of offices, and so onuch. In this study he conducted a series of questions

    to see how these subjects reacted to certain errors. His research concluded that

    errors usually range from somewhat bothersome to extremely bothersome to these

    individuals. He says, The interviews suggest that the extent to which errors harm

    the writers image is more serious and far-reaching than many students and

    teachers might realize (Beason 48). He claims that there are 3 major categories in

    which error affects our credibility. It affects our credibility as a writer, as a

    businessperson, and as a representative.

    When someone has a job that includes a little bit writing, their credibility can be

    affected as a writer when they make specific errors. They may be seen a sa hasty

    writer (someone who did not put enough time into a document), a careless writer

    (one who neglects to proofread), an uncaring writer (one who doesnt pay attention

    or care about the intended audience), and a uninformed writer (one who lacks

    knowledge about the error they make or the topic in which they speak of) (Beason


    He then speaks of the writer as a business person and says their credibility may

    be hurt because they could be seen as a: fFaulty thinker (not having complete

    thoughts), not a detail person (failing to recognize important detail relating to the

    job), poor oral communicator (one who communicates poorly in writing equals poor

    oral skills), poorly educated person (One whos education is doubted or seen as one

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    who didnt care enough in school), and sarcastic, pretentious, aggressive writer

    (seen as a writer who wants attention or implies sarcasm or aggression mostly

    thorough the use of quotation marks which makes the reader judge and question)

    (Beason 52-55).

    The next category, writer as a representative, was brought up by the subjects

    because of employees that they haved had in which the employee embarrassed the

    company because of the usage of errors. The two subcategories include representing

    of the company to customers and representing the company in court (Beason 56).

    If these businesspeople see these errors that some ofus wouldnt think of

    noticing, then it is most likely that other important, prestigious bosses, managers,

    and the people on the hierarchy or business will see the usage of grammar and

    elimination of error as important.

    How should we teach grammar? Rhetorical.

    From this point, we have seen that younger education students do not

    understand grammar because their cognitive understanding just wont allow it. We

    have also seen that grammar and the elimination of error is very important in the

    business world and that and individual will have a very hard time surviving in it if

    they cannot recognize their error. So what do we do? We must find a way to teach

    students the importance of productive writing in the English language in a way that

    they can learn to recognize error that is bothersome to their future bosses. What

    has been stated and proven by evidence is that teaching grammar from the

    handbook has a very low improvement rate in the writing of students.

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    Teachers can teach grammar through the use of language in a rhetorical way.

    Kolln writes about the use of rhetorical grammar and says, I use it to designate a

    purpose that is different from the remedial, error-avoidance or error-correction

    purpose of so many grammar lessons. I use rhetoricalas a modifier to identify

    grammar in the service of rhetoric: grammar knowledge as a tool that enables the

    writer to make effective choices (Kolln 29). Rhetorical grammar relates grammar

    usage to to whom you are writing for, and what parts of the writing you want


    John Dawkins describes the use of Grammar as a rhetorical tool used to place

    emphasis on certain parts of a sentence. He uses a principal called raising and

    lowering in which clauses are more or less separated by the use of punctuation. If

    emphasis should maximum, a period or a semi- colon would be used iIf the

    emphasis should be medium, a colon or dash would be used and a comma or

    nothing for minimum emphasis (WAW 147). The higher or more abrupt

    punctuation like a period causes more separation, more of a pause than a lower

    mark like a comma. For example, compare these two sentences: She wanted to go

    to the store- until she lost her money. And She wanted to go to the store until she

    lost her money. Until she lost her money was emphasized because of the dash. The

    second sentence, which had no pronunciation, was given much less emphasis.

    Dawkins describes grammar as a use of how we want readers to read our writing

    instead of using a bunch of rules so that we are handbook correct. He says

    Learning to punctuate effectively requires only a little knowledge of grammar,

    much less than most English teachers will grant (WAW 150). He goes on to say that

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    we need to understand what independent and dependent clauses are but we know

    this based on everyday speaking, reading and writing just as Sanborn has stated.

    Rhetorical grammar is very useful, but at some point, students will be able to

    better understand the handbook and use it as a guideline, especially when they are

    in the business world. The point, is that they just cant understand until that age.

    I think that the writers of To Grammar or Not to Grammar explaine it best.

    For us, the question is not a simple dichotomy, To grammar or not to grammar?

    Rather, the question is, What aspects of grammar can we teach to enhance and

    improve students writing, and when and how can we best teach them? In the

    context of writing is our short answer, but we keep learning more ways as we keep

    taking risks as teachers (Weaver, McNally, and Moerman 19).


    We have seen the argument that grammar is an essential part to the English

    language. It is, but with in reason. We have also seen how it has been taught over

    and over again to students, taking away the time they get to actually learn and grow

    in knowledge because they just dont get it. Also, we have seen how important it is

    in the business world that we can write and speak with very little error so that we

    can be held credible and seen professional. In between times, teachers have to teach

    how to put a sentence together in some way, the most effective is to teach rhetoric

    writing where the emphasis is placed on certain words or phrases to bring

    awareness to the reader. Finally, we see that there is a problem and that our

    education system is wasting time teaching grammar to children over and over again.

    If time is spent teaching the language through reading, writing, and speaking the Formatted:Highlight

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    language, the students will understand better and eventually be in practice of the

    language where they can come to understand grammar for the purpose of the Job.

    Dont forget a work cited page in your final draft.

    How do educators and writers say grammar should be taught?

    - taught at the end of process jean-

    They stated, The choice and placement of these grammatical options join withword use and other features to create a distinctive style and voice in a piece ofwriting. Thus, guiding students in sentence expansion and revision is critical to

    helping them become more effective, not just more correct, as writers(Weaver, McNally, and Moerman 18).

    How do we encourage and motivate our students to understand English?

    she goes on to explain that this results in frustration and confusion of the kids which

    makes them take a step backward educationally (Sanborn 76).


    Comment [n4]: I like this sentence at the en

    of your paper. It is a good summary and a goo

    final idea to leave with the reader. However, tr

    changing a few things to help it flow better for


    If more time is spent teaching the language

    through reading, writing, and speaking it, then

    student will have a better grasp on grammar.

    Eventually students will put these lessons into

    practice in their future careers.


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    Types of articles:

    1. Why teach grammar if the kids dont get it (if the shoe dont fit)(Weaver)2. Need grammar for Use of businesses and jobs (Beason) (dunn blom .. analzing)3. How teachers should teach grammar ( bill Loyns) (kolln)4. More than just school grammar..rhetoric (Kolln)(Dawkins)5. What teachers think about error and how they should teach (Weaver)6. Rhetorical in which of to whom (Dunn and Kiboln.analyzing)7. Encouraging students and motivation (Weaver) (Dunn and KIlblom..analyzing)

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