mom mm* - nys historic...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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M'^<l 'III H'J-»' V .






•..•;'' •: 'Aad l-eate.County In^speniienr.

iSS&A'SV J* jfeb; B,1SSS.

A K D 3tili if snows and' blows.

ds$- . . . . • Y E S ' T B I U D A Y

l e n t , . ' was the ts§£ day of

Tips Cap© Vincent races have been poatpoaed until Friday and Saturday of this week. . S3 . • - - - - -

Henry Bu Thorn pson, formerly of ..Theresa, has become associate; editor of lie Ameneiaii Angler.

Ktj&bi£: MATSMBS,

."WlacaBB wines. .

Tsm "Bear: <£as iighk.

: EriBasFt?x' of sno^foy feasineisi

: / ;M&JNHA^s7stQ?m Waslaaugualty se-= •/yerev" -.. .'"•.-.'.'-i'v '=:".;-". --:.•:•'*."-•'• ;. :- . -

- x -

-;;.:LAS*-Sunday wasabright- beatifi-

..-'""'' J ^ B ^ ^ T . s t t s t ^ B S i t s " reputation

.: ^&ei^a^yxosks were complete^ ; fly ypelkaded o^lEaeSa'^-; - \ . ' '.'

r AaiAi.. SiiBiiDOiTi republican, of Martinsburgh was elected Supervisor on/Tuesday. Mr. Sheldon' Will wake a valuable member of the board.

T"H3£ Adaaisdistriet conference will hold.its ne:£t-sesslou'-in Watertown sibDday and Taesday,Mareh 2nd and Sd,.B£y. T^.B. Shepherd presiding.

* At the high license caucus on Sat­urday'H, JEh Bostwicfej George Bar­rett and At M. :MIHs*, were elected .towh,cpQxmltteefOE the ensuing year^

.'. M s . MAiferasr l 'JCCiJE, of Harris-bQrghjlwha sold his farm.-recently to-iHfara;ijL?eaardi. Expects to remove

to tbife.yiliag^-a&oiit.the first of Mareii.

. <.Av.R-BtfeaSiHK a* • oscpe Opera j & a s « S r i d ^

' }<T£s^3k J'kEEPf tecfttre'lKCoiiday eyeTMuas, was.:postpoiie4 on aeconnt of

. SEECB cojamiitee'to leeate the state fair hay«.:eoneiiiaed fo hold the fair

^ i a j ^ a ^ i h f e y e a r « ; ; ; ; ::;;.

;; ':i£wmM waisi » iifcfct vote i a linostof : t W t&Tiraa ott gEqteidayr;owJthg t o the l^adeondltibi^^ -

.;> /iJ&Ac&& It. Szm'Emmi&is pf Theresa, ° V;b^-seryea/aa/ju.stte^^^

;_: yeaiS»/.f&dhafli risadered'1,3.86- judg-, ^ ^ ^ : ^ ¥ 5 i j ^ i of is? aa3 ; , s f f i t t ^ ^ i n f f J t t M ^ ^ P S ^ t y , .,:_ .

:- Msy i/.^B>::B|bnrft-RiDspy pf.Grraiid. •>'. i'c'iksy ®akot%. formerly-;Of,this; yll-." ijageihas ^ d l ^ f a r n t ojF26C> acres in

! liar|ihsfeiiEgfifei, i>, Tawrxshendfor -. fH,.€Kk}.' h%priee:ineludes" the stoei-

aadiarhiing^uatensSs.^;•:o..-. :.

<•;•:;=55JE ysrloas;.Jaanraaee cempafies : 'nav^Battied'f&elosaes: ocdisio'trMby: ; the/recent "5^:ia'^o^-^Qa^eti'i!'5'i'Bi•

;•'" leprae'ind SfiSk, Hamajpsfoa; received •'.'bit puildia^,.|399-?^^ lii S ; JECelleri. har-;jne^8>S£.fS5S; Arthur ^hejpa|djgipo--

^Mcetfes;?!^? i SEt& fe.J.^o^hfo:nypi|iL •, liaery%nd Kottsehotd ftrMtare, S&25.

-• . ' : # . . i )< QfhMw^t;and;/iaQttis" B".' ;,. Snatftlfaghaw forced a eo^par^feae^-

- s^i^forffie^nufafetare of eixtensien OteT&Iesaad^^aaow shovW3-}n Jhfe yif-

•''• iag0i! They wiriI.oc.cupy the:fam}ding; ;'^'oh;l?ajleyvatteet formerly used,/by.

.ig^iherer;B£ps...aa.»; .furniture jrtaau^ •faetofyi .-•Metf- -machinery, .has .:heea pISK»d:invtee: hMidtog^Dtivtriey; will

- ipsoa M;re&dy. for^usiti^sg.'; .'"'

.; ; ^S^^ iHage"# [-•6pe^M;/eIeetidSt; h'elftftasit;wee"k,'is/-.-. jec'ted e r y oh4of"the four" ptoposi?--.-'. lipns for" Supply!** the f6'wn;. with

fire apparatus. I f cpl^ott.prudenee r

::'-- '^•itea^hifeie duty'thea the people , 6f .out- syfer ;yMag#%#v.e;sbffie short.

; i of .^their duty i n an -JnigpEtaafc'/iaat-. ter . jWehopeihey taay:De •spartsd a

/^c^fi^rAtl0n;whMe..€his,condition of:

. G^BiESVl' . add.John^. ©reerer,. .'gtoeeryiiieit. of' "CNaea, ^Who jnade an • asslgnraentlaat weefewereindehted to K'J^'BichardSQh & <3o,-, ;wf. this vil­lage to theamourit of §202,72;

. THJB eomfflissipner of highways was authorized hy of the to.wn meeting on Tuesday, to purchase a; road scraper for the os'eof the town, at an expense tfot to exceed $225^

-JPSE&E wiM fee a-dime sociable at ^:dod Templarahalihext: Wednesday eyeniag, Feb'.^oth-, ijhe : public are cordially invited; '. •/••" ; • B X GSBSB.OPQOJdEMXT'JCEi?!.

SJBA JNS were delayed somewhat on the Utica and Black Biver railroad Monday afternopn by the storm, thp imi. train &ohi the north n6t reaching IJtiea. until 2 * K i Tuesday mora-: i n g . .. • '

Mr. J, J. Ooreorah, of Oolton, St. Lawrence Cfdi, has.xeated the store in the TIMES*.block in this village, now oecupied by: the Hew York. aaetion' sSore, and ea^y la.'.AprfF will open It .a&.a.dry good's store. . ' "

-.'. BE* E . Bagan, of this village, and 'Miss. Giara.JiLMQrganiOf Housevlllej are to be married next.Thursday af!-:

. temoon.. ThB • eeremony will'. take place at the home of. the bride's alather in BfouseyiHe. •

Broekviile has a snow shoe with one hundred members.


PRESBYTERIAN Sunday school fes­tival at Roseoe hail to-morroW eve­ning.

CffAiS. PLOPPER has sold 24 bales of hops to B. H. Miller for Jo£ cents a pound*

S E E new Prints, Cottons.CHnghams and Embroideries at Shepard & Myers.

, T H E Ladies of the Home Mission, kept their rooms open on Town meet­ing day.

'PHiiKE Was a $4,000 fire a t Canton, St. Lawrence county, last Monday night. Loss fully covered By insur­ance.

i s

T H E St. Johhsville Herald, a week­ly Journal edited by 0. M. Redfield, will make its first appearance this week.

.. .NoyoTE was taken at the towa meetiBg on the .proposition t o ' raise $I,oQ0, for,; biiildtDg a bridge across the creek on Cascade street, as it -was decided that- such .a vote - n ias t -he

•/taken -by;batidf-6n notice duly given^n'cierk,

-.THE Ladies, oftba HQhie .Mission. ;wlK'"--^fPtodtb4.-^^3^p'^ •anee Tabernacle To-morroW feiday •Afi, 2*i,L sharp, to pew for destitute fatniliei i n our village; A business

-meeting will also be field. Mt will­ing to help in- this cause"

• Mf. .•BYS.SN' Y4i*?#a;^N J O£-this village- has xeeeive'd a;haeS*.: pension ampuullng^^to about$|tio5,38 andwiii ' hereafter xeeeiVe'S2i a;.inc3rith-.from the; g«yer*m®'. Weepunt of disa-•Miitiea.'ahd ;ale;icne^4'eausedijjy ,s*'r-.v-iGe'-in -the'anny.' '.Th'-is.'safei \yili grsatly:' help ad'sbr-ving and :-*s?u'r.5iry, • f a m S y . . •• . • :

-;;;•: T£&E$m0iQh&:&^ •; --.-"• e&eeti and the: CctMegH Journal of- ftad-

; ^ t t ^ a i y e ^ i t y . speak In commendaf :ii$riJ}t Sro^fi ^pie',i, atticles ;Pn ' -the^

-. "HtiMiea'iftiSie^^ Life, ahd Laaguaga:pf.

- J lished iff- .th;e#EaKES.;'-: These' articles. '.;^ «Ke;aitritcting;^u0h;attentiph. among

^tudeataiof ^iiiiory, and i f they; shall '.-- provoke' sohSe:'crMcisn^ -.asHa ;;the

;<;6iriraanJcatioh of -Bev, X I . Beiher, ' iiMilorMy:&^€6n& stronger' fetern

'•; <M|ia/the

; '5!iier#w^f d^arge'aiteBaahfes a | the :

- unt|p3ervic&ift the I I . S.;church. last :jBdhiay •eyeMng*;-'$£» mjgeifhg;w^s/ i e t d ln-:: the - interest "of -th4' temper-saife eiiusei aadlnferegting and ^eara-

^ta^dtfeeesf: WjQEe delivered by Bev.-^ b v 3&eafti :&;. i* -ft, francs, Prof,..

'• fe.0^ife>r&ani" and. ©W -A ^ Bthg~ ham. J P W * ; ;addiene0 was in fullebt. gympaihywttji/lhe spsafcersj and t-M

-el<^.attetttiQn whiciiJtSe" eQugiega*. took paid- tefh;eMdrassie3 prpved.-thej

-:4ei>p_laterea0 wteefi: they.tpofc-ia..-thje;-sab l^ / ' .ThB: meatiHg..lasted nearly ;

- j ^ i i h p u r s i -.;'.-.'-".'-.". -:.-; . - ' ' . - .

F. J>. VANWAGENEK, one of the moat prominent and highly esteemed residents of Pulton, died Monday, aged 70. . .

' Bfrv.D.;W, Parsons, of,Borne,, for-.mtjrly pastor oi the State sreet church WatertoWnshas reeeiveda call from Mxjrristowa, N. J . ' and is likely to •aqcept.' -

A. BILL haa been introduced into both branches of the legislature to prevent tixo ptiliuting of the waters of the St, Lawrence river. The bill will nddoubt become a law.

A. P. BURBANK will give the nrst eatertai-nnaeiit in tii.e popular courso,at Buscoe opera house, ITriday evening, Febrnasy ii7. Gougb,-Buia and .Hel­en Potter will appear dur-tng March.

B s v . J. I>. PirBtPS of ;Ufea, will deliver his leeture on"Oape Qodand its -People"in the Methodist chureh, Biaefi Hiver, nex^ week Friday even-ing, Feb. 27th. The lecture will be free.

; J . Pi. Brownell:^ apsisnee: pf WL -Yan Amber.<feSpn, .sold at a.UBtipn at. the Kellogg House da; Saturday' the interest of the firni. in the steam saw. ;mffiiafely operated,i>y'Ihem, and the -prslber; G^-..§,I90 .acres.pfi%nd in rth.e town of' 0r©ghaa. \Oa -the 'property there was -due. in' mortgages, etc,, the fiaWof;^^&..';W*WV?ir^'*?--Bice bought the Yan Amber's interest in IMS .property for |5v ' ' ' . :

! ..

;.,: ^he forisiai- aexvaeea. of Leoh Tai* • /qati werfe largely .attsiraedai the-fesK ; ; d e n ^ <rfMa-pare«t3v M-rk' and Mrs.

;. ^hh;Coiiflyer,;on:-Satu.rd5aiy at. S.K.M:' fl:;B^^r©eprg&\iS. Qsrdmti-rector of '•: .::lfetriify ekurefej eppdttetedihe-seryices •-'".Wfiflcfe wbre'^blema and impr^sive. ! jffia ienaarM' Were--. fujtof teadarnes§ - "•^t^'^x^^^yjx^}-%^a!^&a.tpnder ;-; .chord l a "Mary hearfc. '.The;; Hlahdel-

.'; ; iaiuh jfarnishfid; tihi .s|hgia"g, W&Ieh ; - -jsras; "tiinst: exeaflehL-vTher' L.awis

^Gounty-l»|trr :pf wrtich^the deceased7

: ' : . .:^^^*^^tj0, :••"#to&^i]i .^?f '^a9l^

-•_ f Irl ab&ifi. The *e'mairt$-1were . ^ t M - y & u i i w * « r ^

.';;-;At/the^'-B^patflbarr .eaq&tta held at . - Jh^-jP^Jiri./Hp^rM ',- -S3kqapiiy< afteraop% •.She. fpttowiftg ":.. t i c k e t . ' i ^ } t i & m m ^ ^ ( : / p ^ : M ^ s t i ;. visiiXi; .Gharles.:;"..""& Modtiati^X'^-xm

:; © i e ^ H f t a p potterj.-JusSeij/jf the :/: :¥m&%\ -Ijfa.:": jSharfe,,Asaesgf % '•' >E' JJia-

V ^^ar^'"t:'----^' 'at. "High-^i'.WalySjQ. E.Bawen.t "Sv^rsger Qif^he-

:•'"'> :B£W4V lf;; SEi- ^mpk$ti Gati^tmi -" JameffJPiQpper:? ;0pastaMBf,:';06*rle3.

. _"'•' Bi.S^ven% Wli:Ba,^^Bicfefor4>- BhsH

-. -: Pibpper? Boaatl-iHaStftfj :€aai:le3;' B? -; sim$m? .Town: - GomoiitieV': W«-; ^* ' '-^- «to^dyv:^ & •-' fesMeJ* • t- &i$®$m

'-.; '• There- wa^:siarge-a^Hd«a8.e a t ths , • ta'ney4;pf Jfer*ife ;was iteld:Ite: the $&M vehuteh of th is :*^|agef-

,. af.otte;:'prcCpefc:; ori -gSaturdiyv

• ^ ^ . t ^ - ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ 1 ^ * * ^ :

•;•--. m. "bddy> '^^JMt&k :<$4pftg£_ »pi& :/: "h^fifuLaiad ttie: e^kefe wa* ll*ral|yx , "ebTO^;;%^>:'fio|^fcvy '.:^;::£-^

C^frthina housem '0?ier.'farihoU'#att ilk' - a n d ; a p t / | i y a ^ feiipadi' ';ffinga^

:/2&tti-&ftp>.;is;t -yeras'r^^^fahy. itt' the: ? ii&t^&ktibh Were yisibXy affected by

tfce tfotitbtthe p^sacfaefej «ad' mmi

b» «Wch fySnpQni'imt oeftrji*. I t

awarain« than to the house

u ^

: O s account of IhB heavy storm and the' bad..(fcaSlSon, of. %e.-idad3,':the vofa at.tB6:various townjrieetangs.. in Jeffergph; county-. ;ori.. Tapsdayi was much' lighter than usualy: Th©'fdl-ipMagsupe^Jsor'S/were'elegted j • ' . ^exaridriar-rAdaai' • BieklehaUpt, d e m . • ' - ; • " . . - - -'.-•-;•.'•.; .-.-:" -.\'\

•Faraeiia^^eoEge. A-., ^euasr^rep,. ;= Watertpwn-^Jaebh Stearns,4r»»rep. -• Leroyr^F.,?:cris8anti dem. •

Shereaa—E..W'.Cihapman, dem.. Antwerp—E;'B..'Buckley,, rep.

:FMIa4etphia-t,A.O. Comstpcfej rep. r;.Lorrafne-^A.,"Wr.0rp!*,-rep. ...... -.^W.:13.. Arms,- rep. .

.Bodrx£an>r Whitman Staxon, rep; - Hsesderspn—3. Overton^ rep.--' B'rownviIfe--BdwHrd" Spfeer", rep.

& p e Vincent^-J. A.'ScobeH, dem. Chaoxpion^Gfeorge B.Hewettjdem. Ly^e-^W.^.-Bfiosr'repi..

. ffdansfield4-L W. I>ay, dern. -Wiiaa—James draham, rep;v

Orleans--^P: Newtpri, d'em. - -' Clay tori—Hi'"E.'Mors^,-dem. ' EUisbnrg-—A, S.' Thempapn^rep.

"• .B-B-dtod^and: WprtCareyetto Jiear .froSJ,' - 3?he la'^er. wa*"republieaii last

gajatwo-'over. iap\year?^ying ; them four majpr|ty..iaft!he:b^ar.d. .,. , ';

, ..-"'"" ;'"-Gpi,E.|rDALB,.jSb. fe/lsBS.' .Messrs. . EdItdrsiABear. .Sirs.--Ta

ybuE i^ane of tne^owyllle;^'^Bviks. of ^ e ' ^ b i ^ s ^ ^ i a - ^ e ^ t t f i i i ^ ^ m P T y ^ ^ • 0ki. {''can'; apyvassader vbf. tM.TrsiE^ tell .whfttV*e^*feat- -during; the.' iate w a r " w ^ ^ U ^ t h p ; ^ :and; wJhy'rtt wis^pGatt&d^* '.*' !."•••"' ';'J_ The fegimerit'ih ^Heatipn w^s the 8;h ^isAonsifc.aiid the fiireanas.|ahces

•:wers these:'.; "Whan theafepve named ..regiment was being mastert'd'into the /.seryxeedtthe Bni ted States, the then 'governor pf WKconsjla' bpugM an ;e.agle:rof. an ladiaa.:. hunter and gave ,&iui.«ae bnshel- of corn - ler- iU The goyer'abr" offered "the eagle to any Soidler- Of -the.-.Sth' Wisconsin, that would take the eagle' wltb him in- the campaign/and If .he would keep him alive! and bring him home at the end ^of:%e.;wftr,' h.e;-!-the. goverapf,' wbxild .:giy;e %etsbld'i&rf3,600'. ThePffer t?as 'accepted. ' ;I'havefbrgotten- the na^me' pf t h e .'soldier,. but-Tie did" take the eagfe and. kept him all through th^ eampJigB;, aad?'brbughi ibxm. home atty^i The eagle was slightly "wound­ed twice^ 'whfle:..flyiag; oyer -the rebel-:

iene^mpaieht, .;|^-^6,.'J*mesOaal'(S^,'; Was in' this regimeat^ and .can vouch for the accuracy .df/.'thfese stisfemehtft Haca&aiso gtye; you. other infprija:ar-.

•tipjti iefeUye td.thi's matter" and the regiment .in <pestipn. Yours in haste,.

... . - v . , ... . . E j i l O A S i ^ E B .

,;; W M , H . S M I T H has 66 good village iofe tdi sale-yery' cheap*; • He will ex-(Shange. yiilage. lots, for taeebaaiea!

: I^r^uHdfaKjmateriaitefo,, though :eas& y^Jli apt -'be.:reiased.'";.'Setms' pf payraen* w i | , b e taade. easy to par«

MKS. M A E Y F B E E \ I A N , mother of .Emanuel Freeman of this village, died at Me residence of her son, Wra. Freeqaan, in Houseville Saturday night aged 86 years and 11 month?. The funeral was held at Housovllie yeaterd&y.

O w i j s a to t he severe s t o n a last M o p -day , i t Was t h o u g h t adv isab le t o post-potie t h e lecture on " C a p e Coil a n d Cape Cod Kiilk-i," u n ' i ! a trio e obngeQ-ial ti ne. Thv 'fe;tti-p"e will be given doting the first welkin Miareh, the esaft date of wbioii will be announced, next. week. •

M B . L . G - Seekuer has received a ht« ter from hid brother at Fort Cpllirur, OoloradOj. daled Feb., 5th, ..sayiag that, farmers in that vicinity had ctfmtnehcM. their spring plowing. Spaia farmers in this seetion have been plowing also, but it was plow­ing out the roads with the soil a good ways; beneath them,

THOSE people from this section who have visited the JSfew Orleans expo­sition give any thing but a favorable report of that enterprise. The show is meager," the accommodations.poor and tfie whole thing pretty much a faiturei Theiprobability is the man­agers undertook to- do more than they were able to accomplish, and disappoiatmentvconfusioa aUd failure rmust nepessaTily fulioW.

. Begeat'H examinatioa at the acad­emy next weE>k .-.

The advance examination will be­gin on Monday lb> 23d inst.,and edn-tlau'eduring the week..' "'Examination ih the common Eng^

lisfa branches, on Tuesday and Wed-aesday,, - • . . . •: . • . . . . - ' BOTrA-Ti P . W l t S » B t

' BiaPS1. H* 0; •'NOBTHAM, .: • • , • • . E D W A R D MfiQABTY,

• • ' . . ' €ommilteA -

.. T H E 3H»"E. Sanday .sehpprofthls .'vSIage had a social at the.eharch par­lors last Friday evening. The attend-anee: was large and the young people enjoyed themselves greatly. The sing­ing and other exercises were excel­lent. A bountiful repast was served to. which ample justice was done and

.yet there were-.left more ffiaa twelve basketsfull of fragments.- The libra* ry fund, was considerahly increased

: by the entertainment.

MAHTXJSSBDTS&SC, Edb. 17., 18S5. Lpwviiiii3 TiiAiESi—Thelightesfc vote

ppiied here t(5-day I have ever known. Only 19\ Roads so. bad thaii but few teams .could get here. A few voters came ou foot from the east part of the town; but I think none from 'the hil t W e iiave'oleete'd t h e ea t f re r e j m h l i e a n t i cke t . T h e demoora ta m a d e a n espec­ial d r i v e p a Supe rv i so r , Coiieetor a n d one cons tab le . Euelo^-itl find R e p u b ^ l iean t i eke t w i t h rnajorl t tes m a r k e d ou t h e m a r g i n .

Supervisor—AWal E. Stteldon, 53. . Toyva O'.erlt—Sataaet h. Mot£„ 7-8..

• Uorja^of.Fttgliwaya— iiovmxA- O. BtagUam,3 yrs., 87--T ijomas Bdrice, 2. yra.,- 7!i; JDw-ight

,StU«s,l,y.l',. 70. : Assessopr-LewtoH. rttttes, 71.

; Ov-eTseerof Poor—Wlli>nr F,Seymour, 72. .'" D'tfsaeeof iiia Peaoa, (fall tsria)—Square H. '.XJlIyer,'Sf» •. ;' ."ifusijGe o£.tia,!J Peao2,,,.(ta SU vacancy)'—John •D.Wayto^^i '

; CMlsetor—Anttoay Sbepaftl, Jr., is. :'•• -GoastaWes^-James S. PVeblun, SS; 5«lwaT<i Lewis, a'* Clareace D. IJayne, 81; Henry II. Covey, 77. . . '

- Ins. of SiecfclQa',SDht; So . 1—Norton J,.Stan-~fdii,'7'}; yrdderici G. P'l'oriiij.,.76.

"Ins, ofEieq'tipn, Dlst, No. 2-I,ew!s-A..Pitch-err7"3;, Bealtpn IS. Payne, 75. - - Ins , :Qf.,El?efcion.. Oist,. STo. 8— J . SMles, 75; Edward A. utiles, 75. - tomeeohstaMe-^Dhar'ies Archer, 75.

Y o u r s , ' : - . . • M. S H E L D O S .

The following supervisors were efeeted in this, county oa Tuesday last. , - -

(Jroghan—P.. J . Corcoran, dem. Denmark—S. Duane Paris, rep.

Diana-rO. O. Lake,derri, '.'..' Qreig—Jacob ^Tap Woert, demr

: Harrisbpri'h —GeprgeStioddardirep. High llarfcet-r—•KilleuUea, dem, Ijeyden-^A. Q, -Miller, rep.

. Lewis-ilathewKilts, dem.„ Lowville— Charles B. Bosharfc, rep. Lyonsdafe—bepnis Coe, dem.. Montaguisf —O, E. Liasley.

' New. Bremen—Waller W.'Jamiesohj rep, . . - . : "

Oaeeola—lames A. Co wlesr. rep,. . PInckaey— Turin—Hugh Hughes, rep. West ^Urin—Charles E.Taylor.rep. WatsPn^Joseph Harvey, dem. The board tbus'stands niherepub-

He&us-.-and. Bewa- democrats with -Bioekiiey'^nd Montague-yet to hear frpii, BhotiTd these to.wristb'6th,iele'ci dcmperatic.supervisdrs the board will he a tie. This, however; may not be the eaee. There will-be several new members. ia4he board, but they are men of ability and will worthily rep­

resent their towns.. JLast yea? the board stood It democrats and 0 repub-

•Beans,;- . . . . . . j Later—Piackaey electa Wallace S. Hall, dpmocf at j. for su per viaor.

. Still Later—-O, E. Lindsay, repub-iicaa is elected Supervisor of Moata-guej which gives the republicans two majority to the board. -4 ^ •---*. v .„ " • *-" " ^ ^ " i Brs Gfraves' Heart Begalator eurea

chaser* J S 6 h « j ^ e i a i g p p ^ 0f Heart Bisease, nervous*

Fred Mew York, visiting friends in town.

—Mrs .CD, Manvillehaa beeaoa the sick list for a few days,

—Mrs. E. Smith of visi--ting her sister, Mrs. C; S. Reed.

—Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bichardsoa of Carthage, spent Sunday in town.

—Mrs. Duane Mills of Rome, is visiting relativesand frleadaia town,

—Mrs. D. C. West will spend the remainder of «the winter in Florida.

—Mr. Chas. Isham of Washington,. D.C., is stopping in town for a few days.

—C. D. Watson of the TIMES office spent Friday aad Saturday with Meads in Carthagei

.—Mr. tod Mrs. Amasa Stoddard returned -yesterday from a visit to friends in.Utica and Borne.

—Mr. Amos S. Bingham and Wife, of Jessup, Iowa, are visiting friends ana relatives: in this village^

—ButsoaBea and Azro Back i*e-turaed. from their visit to the New Orieansi Exposition last week.

—-Hrs. M.. M. Spencer of Arcadia, NVY.", has been, visiting Mrs- Wm. Mdoney and other Mends' in town.

—Mr. and Mrs. William Cole of Leydea, attended the fuaeral of Mer-. rift X. Oatman, in this village, oh Saturday.

—Mrrf. Chas. W. Moore and daugh­ter Nettie, of mica, were in town on Tuesday, tho guests' of John G. Keener and family. .

—Henry Gobble, son B.. Gebbte of this village', and- Thomas Sprait, left for Wyoming Territory Pa Moaday, to- eagsge in the stbek raiding, business.

E ^ s o l u t i o a s . o t K«spect . At a.tegular meeting of Lpwvllle

Lodge, No. 134, F . and A. M., held at Masonic Hall, Friday evening, February 13th, A. L, 5885, A, B . 18S5, the following preamble and resolu­tions were unanimously adopted :

The message of death has entered our circle, aad again, are -we reminded bow frail Is our hold on human life. TMg brotherhood stlts on emblems of mourning a a d a l l are oppress­ed as for tile loss of a. friend. Reverently do we bow to the will of Providence, and devote edly do we pay to the memoiy of rjur deoeas. ed brother this tribute.

Resolved; Tliat in the death of Leon Taleott we itbrirn tne loss <sf a. brother who was in purpose manly, in counsel wise, aft4 In. deyo-tiori to the tenets of otir anotent order al­ways loyal. That while testimonials can.add nothing to Ms integrity a sa rnan , and h l sop-rightnessas a mason, we feel i t a privilege to reoaU the. superior talents, earnest character aud geuerous nature which characterized him in all the walks of life, malilng him be­loved as a mason, prominent as a citizen.and devoted as a friend.

-' Resohied, Th i t to the bereaved family of our deceased brother we (aiider our dfpp sympa^ thy'and,bid them—in fhis theirhonrof afltic-.tian—take consolation from thatDIvine Mas­ter who "doeth all things well."

.iUsOlved, Xtiat thd seeretary transmit a copy of these re?olntioas.'to the bereaved fam­ily of fehedeceasedi and cause the same to be entered upon, therecords. of the JGodga...


,...; - ,,'CottjmJttee.

W e a a t q i r a t J c r r t o u Fflilte.

In the midst;'of the terrible stprm on Tuesday,. Febi .tOth, thereWaaa gathering of friends :at the pleasant home of Mr. D-irhyof Jerden Falls. The object of the gatheElagwas for a: social visit, and also to wlfness'-.the' marriage service of Mr. Fredrick' Glmstead and Miss Clara Belle "D<st^ by, which was psiformed by Bev. A^ J, Ootirell. • .. • •

Mr^ Olmstead S afine.ypung pdan from.GreenecoUnty,and,he has taken to himself one of tm Belle's of Lewis.

A sumptuous, dinner was. served and a higbiyBnjoyable time Was had .by ail present, ^ h e ' stp'rai fesseaed Usforee about the' time the service was performed, but it soon, began again with' renewed . energy. Mr. Darby 'presented hladaughter with a cheek for $50. Wa caanot: state t he number and amount" of all the pres­ents received;... -'':: '•-'• -.

The happy pkir staifed soon- after dinner for Lpwyilie,, aud their future home in Greene ephaty.jsPme of the Meads aecpmpaaied them to rudian Jliyer and Crpghaa.' • The roads being very bad and. the storm severe, we would nbfc say who tipped over, nor how many times before they, arrived at their destination.

May the outlook of life be not only bright but prosperous and long con­tinued to the young and hopeful COUple. A.. J . CO'.CTS.EI,Ii.

X»ealh of.SIrg. L e o n a r d T. Cole.

This escelleut christian woman fell asleep in Christ at her home in Port Leyden, at 3 o'clock P. M. on Saturday last. She retained all her faculties, and was conscious to the very last.

Oa taking' leave of the family she fouud it haalest to part with little" Ar^ ehie, her baby boy, two years and four months of age.' He said to her, r'dood bye mamma," and she whispered baek, "good bye- my.little darling." She died fully resigned to the will of God, and trusting her all in the hand^ of Christ. Even her only child whom she loved so- well she was willing to leave hi the hands of God, to whom she had already eotmnenned him in prayer, Siveral weeks befc re her death she ex-> pressed a desire that God would so di­rect and open the way for the educa­tion of her boy thai he might eventu* ally beeonie a pious and devoted min­ister of the gospel, learned in divinity, and instrumental in vviuuiug many souls to Christ,

Several eveuiugs before her death she requested Ker husband to read the 2M Psalm.. She desired him to linger at that passage which .read: "Though; I walk through the'valley and the shad-." ow of death, f will fear no evil; for thoii art with me; thy rbd and thy stair they comfort the," She declared she was willing to trust herself inihearrns of a Hiviour whp could utter such promises as the bible contains.

She was ohly twehty-six years of age but shehad been a great sufferer. That dread disease, consumption, gradually wore her body away, but her heart;her soul.grew stronger as the phyieal frame became more weak, ' ' • • •

The'fuueral services were coaducted in the Methodist church at Port- Ley-* deu, at 10 A, M., on Tuesday,. Bey's. H. A. Harri3 and Lewis "Williams officiat­ing. Her remains' were taken on the noon tram to Hamilton,--N. Y,, and laid to rest in that classic town, by the aide of kindred and loved ones who had preceded her to the spirit land. The grief, stricken husband and .the motherless child wilLbavetue sympa* thy-of a large circle of fdeuds to this sad hour of sorrow and bereavement. -

JJELlCATBMJttESl who have that tired and all-gone

a _,and don't like to be dtaturbed Will continue to be troubled with this eomplaint Until they renew their im­pure blood.Salphur Bitters wlilcauae new and rich blood to course through every artery and vein in the human system. See another column. 35w2.

ciasioria. Whan Baby wa&sick,. we gave her f^astorla, Wlien she was a OhUd, she cried for Castoris, When akfrwas a Ws» r»h8 clang to Ca-toria, m#tt;8ft* ana 0tei4ren» jjlie gsys thoisi oa*.

.••'£oiw'?K**inffi«^<W¥|ll«.;;> .-...

'. The heavy storm M ^Monday,: wiich eo.atiiiued with- more or less severity through Tuesdayj prevented a large number of Voters- from get­ting to the p4is. The'^aoleflum-ber'pf' votes-east was oS^whiGh'fs1

about two hundred short of the full vote in toWh«-

Charles D« Boshaft, therepublicaa candidate for supervisor, was fleeted by 15a majority, which-Was tap larg­est majority re'eeiyed" by ?&$.candi­date pa the fiicrket..' Mr. BpsHait has made one of the best superyigprs pur town has ever had. He is cpaipeteht and faithful, asri haying, darmg the many years of bis ad'miiai.8tr^ioa of this offlsce, carefully Watched; aad guarded the iaterBSt$of thetpwfni I t is notstrangethat the people;,$hputd continue to demand his se'rsice- and elect him to this honoraple andre-spoHsIble office.. • .

The balance of the republican tick-^ et was elected With' thPes-eeptio'a' of collector, on.Wblehofflee there'w'as'.a tie vote. . James Eiopper was the te» publican and-Wiliiam Nola# the democratic' candidate,' ' iEhis orfice will therefore haveibjbe'.fflledhy «p-:

polntmeat bf the town1 bParpV; ' ": The greatest- strife wasJgyer .the.

election of an excise cpnlSSsiprxefi' H. D. Bpstwick ••^asi'nPmittSte'd: oa the high license ttcketj and Bobert Williams as therepresehtatrye of low' Iieeuse: The' Tfeal issue-was onthe question whether. wp " should: have an'exciseboard fhat.Wouid en~ force- the law and compel licensed dealers ,to obey its manpatesy or whether,, as in thepasfci we should' submit to its yiplattioh and'see the traffic carried on during the Sabbath, liquor sold tp -pMldrGn • as freely as-to men, and habitual drunkards.regu-Iarly Bfirved at their counters aad bar3 uatii maddened by^driak they beeonie engager! In brutal fights, or staggering thrkatg-h tbe:streets are the terror of womehaaci ehiidrepi as'top oftea has been, the case during the months and years that, are past. Oh this Issue the Mgh licenset law-aad-order ticket was. a naaj or". i S? of one hundred and tweaty-aiae votes. We shall not attempt to ex­plain thisvote which has provedsUch a. surprise tojaaay of our be3t.mea, and brQdght a pang of. sorrow to-many a mother's heart. I t has an ex­planation ia the iadiffe^enee 6f a. large number of xaea,who.more than" any others ought to be interested In this questipni' because;Of' te peril which threatens.their pwa chHdren,. and the;W-hich they are. ex-: posed. How men -who' have sons already on the rpad'.'tp.ruin.whohave beea drawn: step by.atep intp;, this. awfui-maelstroia of sin- aad.deaths soon to be swallowed u p . forever^, could go tp; the. polls-and. vote fox an unrestricted traffic, for free whiskey, so to speak, a t their verydpor3,.we: cannbt understand, we do not know. We have no words of censure for these,, but.we have feelings of pity that any should-be- so blind,"so thpughtlessj sp iadiffereat in a crisis: like this.. Though defeated, they may

be. sometimes, truth and. right can ;fiever be".conquered, aad' truth and right are on the side of temperauee. and reform. Because of thisjiefeat. good men and women must npt cease to pray and work for the over/feEoM: of this monster evil ia cu t pildit. The need for-work is apw greater than ever before. • ' • ' . • ' "

"The early bird catches,the worra,": Gat ypur lambs oh the early in the Spring-as postible. Day's Horse and Cattle .Powder promotes their growth and fattening. : Brtcp 25 es.-nts.per package of one pduaayigll weight. -.'•' ;••' -.


Mrs. Mary .BobertsVdisd -SUaday eveniag after a siiort iHaeas,j the iao^ era! was heldfrom her late home Tuesday at 2 p . m . , Bev. B. F . Wood eonductiag the Bervieea. ,

A. little child of ..Mr..and. Mrs. Er-win Smith of Champion, was buried Sunday, Bev. W1. j , Cuthbertson conducting the aervlces.

Sunday was a beautiful day j the churches were well attended;. Mon­day opened with another* big stbrin. • Mrs. W. J:, .Alien has been at Ba t -land for two Weeks atfending her mother who Is very sick.

The lecture at the Oongregatloaal 'church Sunday eveaiug oa the llfeitf .Martin "Luther was very interesting.

The party at the hall Friday eve­ning was attended by over 30 couples;: some being present from, other vil­lages. " ' ' " . ' . . ' '.

The. infant son pf Boy.'J. "p'l'Per-" kissdied Feb. 10th, of brain, fever af­ter a .very brier sickness; tixo ruutjrai wa3 held atthe.hpu3e' Wednesday af­ternoon. Rev.' W\ j , Cuthbertson preached the sermon; ;.."•.'"

A caucus was held at .the post office Monday at 2 p..:m. and .Wm, Bi Car­penter was nominated for excise com­missioner, favoring no licenses,..

G ibert B Johnson arid a few others from D^or Biver got up to--towa laeeting; thay showed good courage;

The republican ticket was eleetedlh this town except highway commis-sfener. and-o'rje'. constable.. -

Joseph Boyd was elected as excise ommtssioner ; he favors license.

Last year 408 votes werepblfed'at Deer Biver; this year only 257 were cast,.' .' . ; .';.v" •• ..-' • ;-.'' ..':

No mails arrived Or departed on Monday or Tuesday. '""'""'

W"e hear that during Monday afgltf cigars were stolen, and" the pockets of .the employees of the DivenpPrt House rifled. A visit tp sheriff Fish­er might dp somPgpod. • '

The following ticket was placed in; homlnatiOH • at-therepublican. caucus: at Den mark Saturday : For .Super­visor, J. Duane .BarIs;.Towa'.Clerk, Er?d.a J, Noyes j Justice of the; Peacp, Phmeas Woolworth; Oom-mlSHiotier of Highways, Egbert Haa--ewk ; As^epsor, Eaos Gallup; Collee-tw-i 0. H. Jeaka.; Overseers pf the Poor,' Darwin Nash, Fr^d' A. Greea: Inspectors of Election, Dist.No, I, Li D. Pierce, B. E ,WWte; Dist .No,3; j , S. Campbell, : C A. Thompson.;. Constables,"' Miles Dunham, Chas; H: Townsend; Geo. H CummiagSi Hsa.-ry M. HuKt, James Hodgp; Game Constable^ Oreo. H. Cummings:.; Com-: missioner of Excise, Chester. L". Smith,. . ' . ' . .

Wives 1- M.*t»ejfsi t jBaMgut^

-;; v .-". mempmorM -.•-.-•'. ... «!Bb^a iaeeting- -snow storm as as*

; a a i i ' • " ' • " ' ; - . ' . " . . : • • ' • . ; . . v

Mr. and Mra. HV Cole had f iends from lilartinsburgh-visMng them last week. jEhey were dbiiged; to stay longer th^h they inteaded on ac#iiafe of the saow storm makiag the roads iiapassable.

. Mr. aad Mrs. Zimmer were invited out to a birthday party last Friday nighfc: A pleasant time toalL

Mrs, Holt j3 still visiting friends ig Aibaay;

The Bev. E ;B . SaWyer was a guest of his siaitert Mrs. A. D^ Lord, for a few days last week; ' ' " ' • «

Jamea Peters, haarpluraed^^frorh his visit tp ;Coanectieut. He intends leaving for Klansas ia two weeks. -

Nelson P» /Carter surprised his friends with a flying yiBit.

JBO&T'LEYBMN. . s • \ J . Esefc .Thayer of this town dipd re--;cehjiy &g&$-M; years. Mr. Thayer was born in ^ermontbut When quite young: eaiae: with: his pareats to this county,; siaee.which, time he has re­sided upba the sansie! farra^ He leaves paesoa and several graad bhildrea.

Wesf ' ieyden .has a .skating'' rink and We understand it ..has become-quite au ftttraetlonto theyouag peo­ple in. tha tpar t of t he tp^n . .

-It. is reppited here'that. Mr. itfardy who haa forsoaie time CGBdueted the jewelry business: in this town will.lo-catP in Lowville some time m the Spring.- '-'.. •, . . . '. .;' . .Mr. A. G.. Miliet. has. beea apniia-ated by the; republicans of this 'town for sttpervisdr and a strong effort will be made to elect hiaai I t is every^ where eoaceded that he will: make a g o o d a n d e a p a b l o s u p e r v i s o r .

, . • . - (Too late for last Weelc.) •• • .. : Amo? Y."Shepard, aged, about 77 years, living near Oentervllie, died last week Thursday eveniag | his fuaeraL.topk place at West. Martjas-burgh oUrSaturday. Sia remains were iaterred ia.our cemetery. ; • .,;'*Elie remains of Johrt Haaley were takea to theCatholiccemetery on the hill on Sudday for burial,

"Whs. Ciausrhas been .in the oWl speculation a little of late.;, he used at differeat times some hens from his number, and suspecting foul play frona some source set a spring trap; i a Ihg :do«rae,of a. day orso his cariosity was: gratified ;by finding a Whaling large nprtkern owl eaught by hisfoot in the .trap, HS -seeured him safely • aad ihrpwed him oa the market for sale, Howard pitcher., who dap't. hesitate loag. when he sees a bargain in anything, even as small as aa owl> took him .. quick at prie dollar. We hear that '""Sitenek?'' has "refused a .fabulousprice, but he is holding for. "higher bids' .

.Mrs,Salmon. Jphnsphdied paTueg^ day last at the advaaeed' age of- 88

.'years; she has- ^always enjoyedre^ markahlp gopd: health j the,latter part of iastsar^met.aheriad, what wasaup-posed tp .bfisiighishpckof paralyais which -affected =hpr ^ .speech ^ ahd-iai-palred'her tatad. Shehas lived alone siaee, the death of her husbaudVwhich occurred, abddt 20 years ago until the preseat fall and wiater ; slace which time a fariaiiy living ia "her housfl has had the care of her. Her funeral took place a the r house oa Thursday, at one y,[M^be BeV.l^iHdytofflcia-tingiStie has iPng.beea a wortliy mem-.'bef of ..the Presbyterian phufch,-and has been a ferventi devoted: ehristian^ always resigaed to the-will of the Master, ' . . : - -'•••• .:„ - ' . . / ; , .•,/.-;

There is a coatinuatloa of the stormy, weather at iting.Moa-day .afteraooaa considerable sapw fell which ehapged to raia ia the eveaingi with atroiig south westwind'ziag ' ice loadlag dQwathe branehes oftrees..These were swayed. to-and fro with such yiplenee as tp twist them off,while doing considera­ble damagi to, the telegraph add tele­phone wires; is ihother blizzard la goad earnest.

Moaday and . Tuesday were fearful stormy • days, • Mowiag and aaowiag, makiag the roads al-aipstiaipassable. ,

A very light vote was polled town meeting day. The moat of those who. came put In theirappearanPe oa foot. The republican tieket is elected, . G. T. Pease we.nt to, Oswego last week Moaday oa. business, matters connected witiji his land ageaey..

Theitpv. Dc^France.of Lowville, preached in the Presbyterian church, pnSupday mpruing,taklng for his text the'Lord's prayerj'he gave a very In­structive and interesting discourse in the. presentation pf the true Bpirii of-prayer. ---.^ ••'••••_

Itwasdeelded op towa meeting., at the opening of the polls by a majority of the voters:, preseat to have^ three highway commissioners instead of one, as has been the custom for a few yearspast.

I t is ratherva difficnlt thing to please everybodyt and it has become a very prevalent custom to reject candidates for : office for ffivpious things—es-peelally ia the republican party—and go.against thein as expresslveof their

ydiiappJpbatiPrLPf their ^fitness - to fill the position for Whieh-they were se­lected a t . caucus* .If this state of things is apt abandoned it will keep^ up a dLssatisfaction: that will work, disaster to .the party. .. S> T. Napier has a cigar box labeled.

.prtpneendj "abeantifulbpy," on the pther ead, Vtake oae," and they pass arpuadfreeiy without comments..


eys i

B E Y:OOR O W H PHYSICSIAIS. A Lady, who for "many years suffered, toraieuta worse than, death "from trouble3,su.chasFaIhng:fi| L«ucorrhoea {.Whites,) paiaful aad. suppressed Menstruation, finally, found remedies which cpmpietely cured her. Aay sufferer from such-diseases can take the remedies aad thua cure herself without reyeallag her condition to anyone,or subjecting her womanly modesty to- tfapsbopk of: ao examination by a physician. The recipes with plaib directions:, will be', sear to any address FwaftwCHABGrn secarely sealed. Address MBS. M, J . B1USEEV4M Marshall. St., Philadel-

AmericSra F e m a l e G n u r d l a n ;Sffc}«ty : ayiaflijtvatf! to*.,tb*> Fr lemUes*. 29 B.

SS l i i s i i ' e e t aad. »2 B. S0*1» S t r ee t .

. NEW.YORK, Feb. 13,1885, BBAB'MBS. GOODE^L—Asyoa know,

when the boxfrpni friends in Lo%vville arrived, we could not be sure, who had sent it. But as we unpacked one acti-cle after .another,, we •-could., not but wopdef whether the kind donors,who­ever they were, had realized, how much comfort for,the needy they had folded in. with Jhetn; • •; ' -.. The widespread business. depression has.thrownmauy 'industrioua: pPrson.s out of employment, whp are, fpr:. the first time obliged., to gesk assistance. Whither-should they. tain, if not to the Home for the.Friendless, whose doors are always openrr. ,Haw ra>ny aged, sick and little; bhillrett "therfe. are In;

need all around as, only those can re-aifee Who afs; 'cohstanfcly brought in contact with tliata.*.. Many thanks to the faithful friends "who never seem to weary in their labors of love for them: May you one and all receive the'bless­ing promised' to the cheerful giver.

Will you make known to the beloved helpers how very acceptable and time­ly these supplies are ? Wu% kind re­gards tp y«m all,

'Yours.very sincerely, H. M. HARBIS, COA Sec.

P, S«—The $3,50 inclosed ia letier, gratefully r«seeiy4dy l

'.. • •..'yjJ^J/^a^'jSGOi&VjRA'. ' •.. ".

, We/are haviag a,gopd de.aHf wiad a,hdsaow»- ; • . . ; ' ' . ; . : • ' „ . ' • " '

I t ia aeeesgaxy to have a good sup­ply of wood and cbali Inorder t<>fceep; warm throughthls wintry, weathgr.-

Mr.. Hitchcpekhas'be,ea,-.trylngtb fiEhis Ice hoase this w.eekj but 6witig to the;Stoiray weatherahd; bM.roWs makes-feut slow progress. ; .

There beiag anoticeia the National Zribune .sollcitiag corresppadeneB from young inen and Womeh-.iaaay part of the uaioa, some -of the youag people of both sexes In this place have writtea, giviag their ad-. dress With a ficticious name instead of their own. Oae twelvP year old miss received an answer frOm ayotfag m a n i a Minnesota, aged &> years;, with his picture, requesting her to send pae'of herself to, him.. Such things may result in elandestihenaatv riages; girls shaald not be too fast.;

- We claim. the right to :eritieise the Bepubliean party, haying, stood with it over twenty years, rejoiciag:' in l t s triupip.hs.and grieving at Its defeat. Though a most pronouneepl- prphibi-.; t4onist I voted for Blalae, iacpaslsteat as It sdenas to many. With ail its faults Xsaw more bops for prohlbitioii l a the success of the Bepublicsin than of the Democratic party. Yet lyp ted • under raentai' prptestj and- ..With the steraresolve thataever more.wpuld ayote of :.mine go to the Bepubliean Pr any other party not squarely..eoru> .mitted to the vital, principle .of p ro -hibitipa ia. its struggle against the accursed saloon traffic, and if I am pot naistaksn many thousands.of good Bepubileaas voted jast tall under like protest aad with the same resolve. What then is to bs the next l ias of actipn? Hpoa -what -vital,' fua.dar mental priaciple must the 'Bepubli­ean, or any other, party of the future Stand, that would truly /sei'-ve - and prpteet the- dearest, ijaierests of <iur homes aadour ciiriarlaa Civiiaza"ti9.n ? What c ia i t be but the, suppressibn pf the.liquor traffic thrbugh coastitu-. tioaal ameadmeats, and legal eaact-. meats by the" states]? Away" then With all twaddle ahpnt regulatSoh-throngh tax, high iicbnse and'such

things. Sad -experience proves that, we might as well t ry to regulate; matters in the Infernal| regions. Thp-only way is: to drive iba whole iaurr deirous business back| to the "plaee. from whence i t cornjesi, No haore dallying' wifli old pariiea; or Waiting for them to do better. jNomorebiek^ eringor contentions athpng friend^ of temperance. Bally • at pace arsbiiad the commpastaadard pf prohibMOh^ Israel when bowing t4 Bael- always lost; when true to God they wPat oa from strength to strea|.thv* tipn is hot going tbsi l l oat to rum t and the time has cpmelthus to declare our purpose. In free- America arnah must no be allowed" tp] suffer because3

he is trpa tohis.prtncjtpiesand^pon^ victibns*Qf duty.. It-mftybehis.-;dp.t'y to die for truth's sake; j I t never cdu be his duty to live at the. cost pf its betrayal. ' ' ' ' •'•

• A PsoSiEifiosrisi;- •

:• -- - .;&&&•' sftmrwir.•.- ..';/ -..- ;.-Snow and tospa*^ and s p l i t comes.

: .'Jliss BettaGimsey;-w-oh; ffie Spelling prize given at setiool laWWeefe -:.' '. .. ;.

Mis^erdme-Bilfcs-who bas'been very Sick wifepneumonia Is'slbwly imbro'y^ l a g . - ' - ' - • ' . - - '. -..-- • • . '•-" : • ' , ' • ' • : " -

•MrvS.S. Klinghaa'reeenfiy'purchas­ed alarge lotpf pine lumber, pieeara^ tpry to'the wpi-k: of tlie'cbrniag seaspa. * £5ome of i t is . Canada pipe of", fee'finest' •Quality. .Persons..eijpeeting to .build; will to be to theirtnteregt tgt calf on him'.. ' . - . ' ' - • • ' ' . ' . ..Monday afternoon ia one ;pf.pur streets the contrariness'.Pf. JHie hog was demonstrated by ah ohjeetlBssoh.Two-men during-the ^iprm tried to drive onf in the";light snow, but" success was pufcof the question, '^ gpt,a hand sled And tried to- diaW 'Mmj.but ffiehog pers'isted'.ia apt ridtog.. "Then, a happy thought, suggested by seeipg a pm^harrei',.came to their relief, and' the barrel was^proQuredV 'Theidtea -was-a:good one.- .They attempted to,stand;

'.the hog ia the barrel, aad one.hbluing iton-.the .sled.while the.other <h;sw. Gi-eat .thbugM! But. barreling, live .pork proved to.he better in theorythan in.praetice.- How'mjny fine.spu'h the­ories' have lost their' beauty, -by' sorae- body's being foolish enough' to try to-put thenalh;pra:e.tieer .•• .''.- . ' ' .

3Di;. W. „Wi . Jameison ^as-[ elected .supervisor at the' town meeting, Tues­day, by 19 majoiity.. The Dr. is ,a good: staunch, republican, and uiidouSfcedly 'wiil'pprfcirm the.duties of his ;& anaataierwliioh will ..bring credit to., himself,as town Whose interests be represents,' Alfekpugii- the majorifef may be looked upoij. "assinall,. .Itis-coBBideredtQ be large for the. town of New Bremen,-; .which has:..not:, for years b.efbfe fleeted ar'epubiicaa super­v i s o r . ' - - '',••'•:'•• -'"••••, '- :': "- ' ' . ' - . ' r ,' . .:-

There'will-be= ah oyster-suppsr" giyen for the benefit.of Rev. A. J. Gettrell, at the residence pf JSE, B. Lppaber, Feb;

-27th. 'AH.are-invited."~ : ' : ' '":•. . EESUX# a$> Towfif iiiBESris'Q.-r-Dr.W. W. Jameison 6a TrjnioaAket, J9 -maj'. for Supervisor...--. . . - . ' : .->".•" -"." '.."'.':•;•

For/Town Clerk—George :Jaeger, 33e;ni...3a,-'m'aj.;;'; .-.';.' -.-...-. ••''-.--':';--:-:.-":

Justiee'bf tfie- Peaep—Petier Ossanf/ TTnibnoflmaj. -. ' •'-. :.- ; " ;:-* : . '

. Com. of highway—Stephen Tillnaoat JDem.SpiBaj. • :• i ' . - " •. •'.---.

Assessors—Peter- Tmrek, Demvl.-niajj' John ©uerber, iJeaiyS rnaj. •' *"-

Overaeers of .Poor—Miehael Anarei Bern. 6.maj;- Budolph Blehner, fJnioh;

• 7 9 m a j . i i A s ^ / ? > • - . ; ; - " .-.- • - •,'-. :..-., -.-

Collector — John. Miller,: XJploh 59 toaj.' .-.;- '•- . ' ; " - . - ' . - . . ' - , ' ..--•:-•.,- , " ;

Two. hundred and elghty^three votes cast 'ia.alli •-AbQU.t!S'§-.- voters -in ih& t o w n . . . . . . • '* '."•'•'; . . ". . • ' . ' . .

Frank GlSardin ^aa elected excise eomtoissionerby'29iaaj6rity. '

•- ,.. V :/--. •';TEfi;li-..;QBA-PHr '•

Salvatioa Oil Is the greatest cure oa earth for pain.. I t affprdsiastaat re ­lief and speedy cure to all sufferer's from rheaajatism, neuralgia, 'hea&~ aehe^sOEe throat, pai4 in the'.back, §rde, aad-Harb^eatS, -bruises:, etc. Price twenty-five cents a bottle.

'Bti-sQfflssa L.0OAI.S,

Moirey t© lioajsa. ' §30,0»4> belopging to Lowville

Academy will,be Joaae^pa pro'duo-^ tiye, .unincumbered real estate,, irl, amounts to suit applicants. Long tame desired, !

Lowville, Jan. 21. '; HQBACEBTJSH,

. -GEO. W> FowiiEa, -AMASA B. 'SSOSBAEDJ. ., 0ilAKI,E3 P. LfOlffAB-D, . H I R A M GQWDV,

81 w4 . . i Committee. L. C. DAYEH-JPOKT', Attorney.

FQrS'al&eiiiliip. '*', . ' A "ai5 setofAppietonl'sCyclopedias, eampfete up to this date* Eaquire'at this omce. -- . •., • j

W. H- SMITH;al good dwel-< ling houses for sale at. great -bargat^s; also first class boilding lotsat one hun­dred dollars and upwards. • aim^.

ISensieit Birds. . 'S&itertoivn -.n^jiistfl?.'.

Have a .corriplete line.: pi florists rpquis'ites.and.a largedisplay of Callass Hetpotrope, - Carnations, Bose^i" etel, all orders for cut Flowers and Fune­ral Designs by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attentip.u. Office No, 3 Commercial islock, Watertown, N. Y. Send foi-price list. ?3m3. .

N E W pork barrels for sale at Roberts' Bros.

Immense stock of novelties in furni­ture at Haberer Bros.

Free Trade Prices at Haberer Bros,

W. H. Smith has an-immehser stock of ciHtei's, robes arid harnesses, which lie is closing out at very low prices.

2 3 w 6 . '- • • ' : " . . ' . ' ' . .•. '"' '."•'- '•'"'.'

Alii, persons in the - yicinlty of Lowville and Glenda|e wha ; are afaieted with apydescriptionpf chron­ic disease will find it for'tSeir interest: to consult Dr. J; w; '0wen who will visit Lowville every Saturdayi Office hours at Lowyilie, ISeilogg "Hdusp, from 12tGSp..mV'.. • t£ .

BiAi?os and organs for sale by Ot H. Gpake. - Organs cleaned aad-re* paired. First-closs .piano taaer ..fur­nished. Call at'resideaee pa Hubbard street." Correspohdeijts prbjaptlyaU' tended to. '«f«

Haberer Bros, is the plapa. for. Hell-day Goods, . . .

TO 'JFUeXatUes. Mrs. A- E. Searl has ju3t returaed

from New York,withnew and desira­ble patterns for ladles and- children. Thankful fpr past. favors she * i l l be glad to see one and all at'her new rooms on Shady avehna^

. ,. '-' . ; Mas . A.E. SEAEI, , •


Woiiiaft's $ttflfei*n«g jseiief Those langiud, tiresome s'ensaWorrSiCanstng

yon tofe&l scarcely able vvfte on-yfiur:fee?-; that.constatLt drain that is taking- from y<Snr system. a3i Its fotm«r .eiasticity ; drlvi7>g t h e bloom1 ftonr y.onr•-cheeks, that continual straiitnpon. yoar vita!.forees4 rendering you.

'irritable-ana- fx«tftil,.can easily be remoS^d hy :'-ihfr lisei'Of:that' m-arvelotis yBmedy; HdJ> "Ba^ tSrs. iitregttlaxitlesa'n'd<ibsfantsiiioriscifyoiji" systems sxe oaee- while'tha special can?e olperiodlcai pain a r e permailenWy re­moved. Noire receive so. inueh benefit, and. .none ate'.jio 'prpfovlHdly grateful, and show Stteb,a» interest In: refiom-rneridiiig Hop B1W ters as women. ' . " . ' . " . , ' . " ' ' .' :'

"."';A~:.iPi>^jai i ! ^ r a $.fpry, " . •". fwasstascted-wiiK Sidney, ai^d.-urtnary

•. Ti0hb'Je--2- " - • • • • . . . •fEer-twelvayeats;!"-. ' . _ ' - , - •

c - After -trying -aiJ'.the..docitQrs-.-and. patent medicines I «Qtim hear ofi I used two bottles o f = H b p - ~ . • > • . ; . . - : -• . -. ..- - - - --•

"g|tte»;»" . - . - . . . • . ': AddarhperlectlycuEed.' I S e e p i t -

-: "All- the time!" respectfully, B. F . Booth, SaulsburyvTeriii,—JIay4,.lS83.. , . .'. . • „

.'.," ' ' . • -BBSaoE-OEBiBa,, JJayS^lSTS. i t has, cu«e&.meoJf,several diseases, sucli as

nervousness, sickness at Uie.stomaeh,ii;oiith^-ly troubles, etc. • 1 have Iiot seen a-siefrtfay inAyear,siriceI1.o6kHorji Bitters..- AH m y i neighebrs usethem. '

SEES, FAirarB -GsfflEK. • •"'.. ••' •-.. .$a,0<H>; : : jLostB • '"-..

". "A tonr to Europe that, cost meS3,(jtrci, done 'me less gbba than, on;&bottJe.<)f Hop Bitters ; *th&y also criTed.-my Wife ;of fltteen Tear^' 'Bervous-weakisess, sleepleshess. and dyspep-5 i a r w ; . .'-• . . ' • - . - . - . *•'•• ' / . . .--:

' V , " - . . ' - E.'JC.VAiibta'n.S.iT. -=

::fc«#a|.:' VrOIICE Iff hereby jjISfeu thattiex»-iiMfr'-

JJi. nersttl'p iiei-etofore Existing-befme&a.r«*- . terr Yan'ceyv-Jun., afid Margaret BachisJJis-solv,ed by; jnutnali donsent. Margaret Bfcch .. will-cbrcaituethebnsinesBiSsliiSretdfore.Hie ; •books-arid a'ceouhtEare leftr^th, ^twTAfl-:.--; cey,- jun,, to wtom. jfll-iaynieiiitB «hottld toe m a a e ; i . ' ..... .- . - " • = • . • :.- . ' --:;:..

BeIfo];t.a*arinary"26,.l8S5;-.. .-. '-..•.."-;>•'/ .-.•.,; -c .- - :'PEXEEiSAitreBT,JftBT.i- -v

32w2i- •"--. 'KAfi&AB.ETBACH.>- : TtfPmCJE ..Pis'. lilSSOtHTIOTfcirfltotibe:-I*-.' ,XV Eerehy--giveii-= that :ffie: co-pirtaerihip ' heretofore .existing: Vbetweeiik Kd>ert; Bruoo and-WIUiania:; JMooneir, findej-thalLrm:-n»m« of Braee-ahd Mooiiey, i s *bl» .dax^U««oi'f«* hytniitiial-coiis'efflEf 3?hdse- lndeotectiothe.: -late /Irm are requested to call and settle their iicco'tfnts,.-'• Business a t tlie .ghbp-ifUll)ie.cftX-r t ied on-as Jieretoidrff by ihehndertigned. " ]Li6wvijle,.Oct.?21,.ISgfe: -.'. .".J-.''--../.' "X

istf/ ;:','= >.': :" : \V;;-^rpri^JK>QHi!y^^ ., • A'.UV21BXIS-EJiGBNT FOR •Ghmti^-r-Jn ,i3L Pnrsnance'of *dr Order made by Hon. & S.Merreli;a^wlsCtouni^ Jttdge#on -ti& asav day-of Beeember. 1®^ notice Is her«by given -to aU the creditors andpersons h«vlui:elalm« -against El lis E.-Foot, lately dolnK businesa a t West a^r lh , Jn_«atd::Or>iin©',.ihftt they-are -. •reg.tilre.d-6frpresent itbeir claims irlth, t h e . vouehersJIi&erefiir^ duly -verified to the gta>- •• scriher,J^-duTy OTEbinted.^signee' of the-sWiElhsEiFdbt.Jortheheriefttiibt.lijgrcisd-- ' Itors,'ftt'hls place of traa»actliig buslneM, Kb; ' $ DaystrrStreetj in. Uie TBIage - of Eidwvlttai,' • l<re#'Sr)rlK^ih; or.before the 7th day of March. 1SS5.. -.' ;-*-': v -s. ; X\ '--: :• XX-X- -' -X-: 'XlifliX-;

Bated IkwrrHle; Dec,-28d,:1884^". -.--'. "ALIOS Bi EOOT, Assignee, •:

EK^O;SCHSiUJaf,'Atty;To.r/AsiI«3iee. . >"•-••-'•"- -.'•.-';. ,; '^I»wWeJSE.:X.-' .'



" ' X i A S Q E g ^ E % S^ATVnfilZE gOcu '-."':,

•. Ihe^EtectrJc rjairijrIS;6iie of those useful-M^-. tlelesd0sfce±laeyeryfoinily.. aSieretiftiibUi^" Ing-tdexploSadr; darrgerdns In: Its-coiSstfoo-: Hbni^hileltis.slmpte.-and/easy;tomimage. i t s iight Is generated: by Blectriclty; i t smaU expense..- aeha'Ihcaiidescent Electric7'XiamJK . •eon Standi-fiHoBei Pltttlna Barner.and • npnble Electric Serfer&toi; with, rd l l in i t r i io- / Sons for /piittlhg-lii^^ operation. Ei ther s i ie mailed.on receiptlotuAce T>y.tTie.jnanBfaoi. tarer.. . -/••. FREDEErOK/JjOWEY, -P^O.-box 1322; :;fl8;;^9|,Edltpri-St,; TSesrYorfc, " ST. B.^!Es.iiaiatres: fnrni«he!i!':i'oj-. factory, chttreh, residencer aad municipal IlgbJiing * t . lowest edsfi, andr^t t Hnai^xf e lectr ic^ troijc --rmdertaiettby<^htra6tf-: • X-. ";33e»w •

" . - ' . ' • • | - : ; : . '

^er^^00^M^m -AaperJEE W>X?

mom mm* BEE PNEtJ T R X ^ S E - I BHY :©NEr:

•F6rfall|iiitteiaart:cj»E^Mi;. •

J o b t o t o f U n l T e r s a l Cldtlie«

A iPrfisli.^ttppiy^ biC F»etf. (Cut-• -tfers^f-'^.'SOr.^p.X-. ;...;--;-..•;

.'--'' \ ^ T M r ^ ^ s e H i l h ^ i ' A i / / ^ i .j -'-•'•V.' '

' : l>.efeT .-StjSfcr - #I«»?y.- i&:.-%6i«>Ty; tinysLi'oved. by^^iGreiWblte•&JBIngle.

Blol iawl t Tailey^Jttfe^r|ft<B0l p t o w , ' : ;• "?"..-';: ./"':"/:?".>" ";

.Tiie l i n p i r d ^ e a '.Wat*rt4»WJtt: Pld**-,/ '•' x ;--:.:\-x x",.- • x"--X-- ;•;

AWtk Ciaier. . Best~:.--Mtaitet,'.;at: 3LoW;est, IPitliieis.. } • : /"'"/-..".-.'-/'.

CttR!T'ktol.iit!JBtS,I: : ;

• • -' :labo^-C-iJT*BBiit..'-AndaQreftt Yariety of Agricoltural ImpU.

.inentsialso"' -.,':.:••..-••.-/.•;-

- :' -So.BloornmiyBle;©., J4A^.I,:i79i'-,.. Sirs—IUayeb.een:Sntrerin.s'teri yeats.-arid I thriedyDH-r Hop Biitei'S, a a d i t done me more good thana l l theddetbiSi • •.

Miss S,.S, Boone, * , Balby SaV^edl. We are so thankfal-to say £H3$ 'bar nursing,

baby was Eermantly .our.ed of a dangerous and protracted constipation and irregularity of the bowels :by the nse of Hop Bitters %. its mothet, wMC.hat theSarhetirne -restoxedher •topei-feoth.ealth.«ndstreng.tai,: '•"-.- •.'

.. . . . .—l 'he^r«»ls» Boches.ter.'isri ~ST_

i®>JSorte genutna ^It i ioat a bunch .of green Hops oh-aie white labeH Shun ail the vile, poifionojia'-fltua with- "Hop"; br..:"Hops''' i n •their lianie. ...-.•;•.•• ; ." •"..'-' •Eeb' •.

' HOPErXTERS sold by'Morrison " ikbo re , Tjowviile,K.i.'S'., "" -'-.•••;-• - ': : '> ' - --•'

^ * * * * ; k ^ * * : t rs *x* *r.* CEIC14 SprainSfWreuchfes, Elie'd-Diatlsin, ' I ta i rolgia , SHafiea, ' t l e u r i s y Bains, StlteJi i n - t h e . Sidtvtookadie^.SOTllen J o i n t s , ' H6a*l» Bikeasey Soro. Ja&scies,,..

l>aiaio.ilie.Cliostj 'GiidAH-P^ns.4natt^eseIt '33firibeaior deejj-sejiteflCansiastaiifty r o t a t e d tmd speediiy wxiii)T . the woll-Iaw>^n Hop JPJasfer. Coia5joiiaided,.asiiis,of tliB 3nj.*diciiKtt virfcui25€>f £rK;H^o|is , -Sains, S a l v i a s a n d . Usfeaets, ibis Indeed tfie 1/est, Jfain-iiliingy «t imuiat ihs , '; BootlilaSjiwdsjieiiKtlieuinff 3?jprotig I-ia^er- ersjr anddo. ' Hop Ffos?frsare-soId':byaU&ruggistsa»dcoTmta'y-Btiores. -23«entsoral*efei'61.-00.-/• B'B «9"ti-S"»-''

" " " ' ' - -• - -- - p ; . Siaifea p a . iec6ipir--o£ pr ice , .ffop £>&»•££)• Co., Proprie^ira -And JI&IBI-faottirert', goston>?IaS^' STER

E^CBatfrdtohgaej'Iidd nreatB, sonf3pmacfi.ajj 'dliver' dferaaegnyd B y g g g l p y ' s S t o i h a r i h : ; ^ ^ ^ ! ? ! ! ^ Sct&-

HopPiastersaold by Mbtrfsoh & Mi&ie, • ' - . -lioyrville;iiewis county, IS."J.' "'

TSrrOTIOE—The names'of tweifty fonrper-i>-Sons^iarjd.,the: nam'es ,.of •taGr%sixper6ons!ta;ser.veag'djrial, iTUYoTcs: a t a.-Oo'niity^-Oourt, and-'-Oonrt'Oif-Ses-slons,. to beheld at tfie'Gourt .Bouse i n . tfie vill.nge ofiowviile, b& Mohds^-fhe 16th day of March, IS85, a t Id o?olbe& th the fdienobTii will . be. drawn ajt thejBfflce of the Clerlii of fher Oorinty otliewls.'bnthe/OTth day;'ofFebruary; ' I88S, a t S r o - o X p c K A i S I . - . - • - • - • :-



Jr^rJnst ieostved-, Six Car Loads of-

I Whicti w in toft sold i n aiiarititieS 'to "grot a t

.. - JLOW : smmf-i-i •:';: For any of theatxive goods csiU OB

: - D i a F O O T ^ S O N , - : • - , / . -.- NS.rPaKamStreet;, ,-•--.

:.Is due to a low and impure state of xhe bloo& Freqneriayiatal aisdrffei*{-i>t jba jUteirtls*: functions,waat^daiid enfeeblea :*p&«rettl« dire e^cts«IinaIarlal--polJsojilnie._. Dr. I>ftTW Eennedy's- " ; ' '"• "'"-' '

prevents and cures'ifcEUanA,-bestow th« -blood to i e a t t h aii 4 S:eeps;tlie i l v e r , Kldneym -and,Bowasl4j[bo^-^br^ng:oiaer. : --. ;•-.••.'.;'.'. READ Ex-Sis^Toi:Wni^$'EiND6]ts£uENak ;: .. .; .;SEBw4i^,-x,.^..Jseb.1l'iSM.= -''..

DEV 13. E^^p*, .Ebndbut r .Ki ; 'S[ . : . . ~~ "'• I3ear®r—My-^ehas^ the highest oplKibn ;

Of your '•FavbriteSe'meay'f forMalarlai.' •: W» haY'ettseatt in bur mihlijr, and sifter, ftthb-rougH trial and experlenoe:!. consider I t i n * -bestan.eaiclheeyeri)foduoed;-" ;.-."'. - -

• .--. ..Tenia very.l*rdy,-.: :.-JvT.Wi9a«T.:/-.. Favorite Be'medy is.* me'dicuie; no fimatt

.should. * e ..without.. AH d r u ^ s t s keep .11. . •«a;00'x(er botfie." . • "•'." ""-/-• •./;':..:••*/

• »ii. i ; j i / i . . v . ~ : - ^ ~ ^ » ! ~ : ' . . . . . / ' ' >*• -. Kf..Kenne(ly'fl- F«^orifeB- Remedy Sbm p y / Mofiasba iMoose,'£6i^ym^ I*wl* Ooonty .

Bated. February. 18,1885. 'SS\v2 "-•;• .;.-: "/ ; . : •. E . Si. B Q S H / Q i e j E i -

-' IljaW:BpdslWtof£naoar,*jr^ott1io1»-4l|t!MSl-Br"Jt3" OBO'tBodsauasoroasoBfllt!io febist-Js&_ a n d o r jo'n^-

• |tanaa^aaTo.iebhfiufoa-.lB4«.e'ji*asffong;laioyraltlr. indta.*flictliy,t))3ti:*ill BtmiVrVO BQISLBS PKEE^

- &geth8Ywlth&y,AIjT£ABTiBT.&EAraSEohtBl8diBoaS8 . to-Miyenaftrai. O l w i g s J S S ^ ^ ' s O . n i l t e s B . :

^ - nB.K.A.S l iOOyi i ; jE iKar lS t . ,4SswTorS . " ' .32w4-

SrMby 3iOEBISOH.&M:OOEE^ Lo-sTYiilOi.

A l ? « T F Of. t t t f e l t o 3 B y . ; T * S t f l t t O -n i a l s w l i i c u G. t i . T r o o m a n

;..;., .V:';-':B^^^^eiEl'^4»-:,--„-^- /•;.;" '.Hieviniiused y iboJaa t f i Kine. OVei?JFi^ai

I prrn&unceit a n excellent Kndsnperior^r-Hole.."..".--'- /TBiUSEAKJOA-VIS.'--.: V

- FowlertBt. I )«^^be^.,-Br. :l5R* ;";

' Staving used;Yrijbin»n?ii Elnir" 0Ver"I!»ta -can f ecommeha I t «s - a. good medicine © I pa4n in the stomach, side and •orethroat.and -many othecllls"toa^uniefoOB^ Jnejition. '., "" v As ©iaHDBiaiToiSi-/-.--

:-'•.. •'•'••.••:'-/'.'.-/".-.Su^KiT«;-»4-Xv:-. ' ' Copenn-agen„.iKi^^Febi iviSBfet'ifcwi.-.. used <s. X,. VrbbmanV'King' QrefcPaiit-rbj; overtivo years-in'inyramllya'or Sore ThrQat, .: ISaneBaogLand^^inanybthSr ills toonumeronji tp/mefttibn.'v.V. • -:: . B.3Ek.aAaB^]R*_.-",.• - For sa je*ydrns^ t t -ev .e ig^ l r t^ : / ; ; ; ' , -

A A l ? 7 ^ f r r Q * * n t e a , . f o x f f b e ^ i T e 5 - f a : jSbV^ JEi iH ' J - J3Al l the Eretldent* -ofvUie H. .S..The IargestPh»nasbme«{;,' beBtbopk'-eyej soldforlessthaii.twlce'6b|.prlbei- The,fastest seiarig'biSoteiji 3£m'ericW ;Immensel?rQflt* to agents - AtrinteiHgeht pepple.;7rstnt ft . Any. one can-beeomei »-sucoeSsfuCateittiXSexaaf -free. BMLXXTC BOOH: t»i,^Pbra*indiSUane»--.

atid Floor Oil {^ot1is,wo^^ feomlagi.^ear* Tke display in WMte Cfoods-:i)epa,ritiaeEt^-l^,;^^ef ad^^t^;-vious offering ia beautiful g-ao^e^at e^treiae )Qwpiiepfc; ^Haav; feui'gs, Laice Trimming^, W ffit - L r sf ®.brl^;3?^nB^^H^ India tinea," Table Lia^n, JQaaiasJ.cs, 3^apl^^'-pti^d3|er^p0fei;^ •'•

S .

, Oro-gmin silks at T6g and $1; . SO. eea£ -sito. :~~,^^ ,.^« Vaa t to get the'be&t gbods-^gQGd i^ia%iego0dg--s^ga1dvfe^ us..-Cashm<a*es, fleipietta.^ tricots, OttomanSj ilaaads^ lower feaa ever.,.- •-,,-.; ..", ' - , . . - " ; •

Pure. This powder never vaues. A marvel of

pureily, .trenth and -wholcsomoness. More economical than the ordinary klnds,and c&n notbesoldln competition with the mult i­tude of low test, short weight, alunx or phos-hate povrdors. Sold, only in can*, 7yi

BoTftlBstkltu! P0Wer.Co„K«rYoi&,

Jn ©ider "69 make, rooai,fbj>$o& Ifew. G-oadsj'-. .#e:.:vr^-^loge./.oal for t henes t tairty days Gfeaks, Boiaiang,"#eles^01pftkiii^" Siiaw^ls, YelVefei ^aad ^TMte -pmm'^•dbds.;^t;a;^l^sacrifi^e^-TJiose wao desire" ^0 . o B | a i n ^

WeiiaYe plaoed-oaoar jjeniaianj; (Doualerv;' .'.';,'.'^/^

Remnants of Brussels Carpets, 55p, worth SI. do do -T,UwoolJngriiins(:.50c, worth 9tis.,

• do • do l a c e Ourtains a tJ ia t tpr ies . SiQO yards diess goods .at 12}^e, -worth 25aiid

: 5 o e : , . ' . - ' ' " • • - • - • ' • • • . - - • i • . - • • • • - • ;

Ohllds' Legglns, Mc waJth 10c, Fur-top Wd mittinE, 2?o, worth SI. TjAdies' Berliniinea gloves, Wic,•rbrthS5c.. •Indies' liid eiove'8, qhality, B5c, -}VOrth?l. Ladies' and Misses FeltfeUrts, 2ie. woith 75c, Ladies' knit jackets. So, -svorth 75c. One lot of boys hats and cap-;, 25c, worth 75c.

. .Bemaantsof SJlfesj remnants.ofy$l*its ; rornnanteibf XiticeS. of Hanihirris.of /\BeUIiiB«. reinnaaitsef win ter,gbotft: rernn»nts i t evto^:. d epartment of our stock Shat must sb*: . : SOWyards ne&vy brown sheetihsr, Sc-yaid,-- . " 50!Wy.ardsSleache*5!<heetin|[V-«iS*,i*8b' " ' ;

-aW0'yai-ds'eaiicb,3;a.a:nd5c«'/? ' .. .: - •• .-"SoonyaidseDtton'dressgoodSifib,. ; "... 2yo lbs; colored catpetwifp.^ic lb. 2(W9 lbs. cotton hatts, 10 and M}j£, 6» bbls, hPSttn'annlatedBuear^o. 35 bbls, good brown sugar, 8 c

; / " . I

Together with a full aad complete assortment of goods, that we will sell cheaper thaa the cheapest. Call early.


i -.'-.-.


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