monday, dec. 15 th daddy long...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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l i«


Dixie Theatre Monday, Dec. 15 th



In Jean Webster's C^lMated Play

Daddy Long Legs" The Love Story of an OrpKan. A Super

Attraction in^ix Re^.



Lost »19 Ciab Hdd

W i H

Her*—BeUwl Offtrad.



B«7» and 6iil» Aakcd to H«lp With Pkyakal Suggmliomi.

[MiM Unira V. GilbMt, Conatr DMBonstrktion AgMit.]

Althonch th« snow btgn to murlj Safeirday' mornins, st tha «p-, pointed time the boyi MM! giria of eonaty begkB to arrive in for the last comity meeting of AfrienltnnU and Home Clvb twe 1919. More than tidrfy

. were ^presest. __ „ A {^>od.program liad been arrang­

ed ami altiiouch oar coonty saptfm< tendent ha4 to be excnacKl everything puiaijil ug ill guwl unlw nnd ihi I D T meeting of the year waa quite a eeaa.

The Washington Star banner presented to the winning ehib. Bethrd avb received this buiner. This elob has attended, witb a good represent*-tkm, ev(M7 county meetinc, has held a meeting each montii and has its last meeting for the year on the second Saturday in ' Decemhar. All Teptrtif have, been seat in and con^ositfcMia written. This Mb haa vr riced hard. Later we hope to have the president's xvport joiitted, so that otlier daks may know just what has baan done i^ Mxe Bethd Chb.

Mr. S. 8.' CUM, edltoi- of the 3t«>, s«it the following telegram MI the oe-

. caaion of the.presentation of the ban-j ner: "The Star regrets that it is im-I possibleJo have a representative pres-I ent at the awarding of the bai i ff *?•

"Why should tha legislator* make iberal provisiott for physical adoea-

aad Itealth 'developmeBt ol V^ pupils of tlie pttblic schools?"

For the best 'composition on this in­viting them*. CoL i. E. West, a mem­ber of tli* sUte senate, has oStnA a cash iwts* of' »i6, the eompetitiorr

open to all high school pnpils in irginia- Compbsitions ar« ^mited

1,000 words in length. The Caenlties of the several high

lir-inv requested to select the two i^mpositioiB written on this

e in their schools and send to the te Peard of HealUi at Richmond latar than January 1. It is antic-

ited that the eatranta la this contest b* ttomeroas and tke aflirmativ*

Its mad* by the boys aaiil d T l ^ state coawbtebtg <m this

tqpie. ^


LMUe Bed Croaa Ckrlstsua Stiekcn -CM»-B«nr

the winning agHcoltiiral ebb in ^rtaiee WnUam cotmty, bnt extends its congratolatieas and best wishes to the boys and gtris whoae achiev«meat| manaces evwy has brought them the hoaor. Th^ class or groop. Star-is'eonfldeBt they will go forward to Btffl greatw aeeompliiAaMBts mak-ifag nsefol dtixens in'the grand old commonwnilth in wliicfa tliey reiUe

~7and in our common nation." " - j - 1%e meeting Was

• tksrd-year member of th* ^g cfaibb.

^ Every Bad Crou Cbristmas l^chaaed means a contribatiea to the I^Uc heaHh, which means the heiUth

tile individuaL Every aeii maami ittle more money to carry on the 'k of edoeati<m that is saving lives.

If means the spread of knowledge con­ing tabercniosis. It means bet-

liviiM^ conditions for gtsat nombers people who are, sobjMWi-and ex-

di-sease. tjatw^h jgnoraaee

Poor HovdrW CUldrc»Jgsu»-Jhuimg N«vMiikawR

VaedMKtiMM. Etc

Tha November report of the coonty health aait, inrtnding T>r. J^iC Har. per, health oOcer, Mr. R. R. Whitmore, assistant, and Miss Andi*y Drake, Bad Cross public health mirse, USkmm:

Homes surveyed, 86. Old privies made safe, 8.

.„New privi^ csoatenet^d^ New water sewage, 2. Health dgns posted, U . Specimens collected and examined

for intestinal parasifesi gj,—^ Cultures sent to laboiatoiy (dij^

theria),40. Treatments given for intastinal par,

aiifei, 28.—


Bread Truck Driver Dteppgani MoBdaj-.Tnick FooMl N«ur


Complaints investigated, 1. Infectious diaeaae invaatigationa, 4. Vaccinations, for smaDpox, 80. Bulletins distribat*d, 262. School talks, 17. Pupils inspected, 399. Traatmaats indoeed, 18. Schools visited by nurse, 13. Treatments given by rnnae, A.

Ev«ry iCeat to find any trace of tha tiiieraaboots of K«uieth Morrison P. ^^iringmann, twenty-foor yean old, driver of a truck for the Doveh Bafc ing Company, Washington, thus far '1iax~prov«d' nuvaUing'. SprtnguaBo, whose home is in Alexandria, has baas missing since Monday afternoon. Tne^ day morning 'Wa—truck was standing intact near'Forir Mile Springmann at the time was reton-ing to-Washington, Itaving eomplatai his day's Work of delivering bread j i ^ .

Hoadleyr Priaea


Mfas Aoiregr Drake, Red CTMB'

Ceaaty Noni^ Wfl Gire • Ingtructfcwi to Wuaiea,—-

a^insakitatlija. 'The fight agunst tuDeicaiosts U

everybody's flght, for this disease person, itt~~iriiatev«r So the seals sbonM

be. used on every paiekage as a testi-mgolal to the imiveraal concern that is §ttt tar the waging of this "i Bumign

%bay Bed <&«*• s e ^ a canae that aileeta yooi

at th* An members en tiie program r«iq>ond ed ehecvfnily. "Why the Chimes Rang" was given bf. itiag Geoigik Harrell, IGss Aline Davis gave "Little Orphan Annie" and two ^ M ^ * ^ mm-b o s inre given by ICss Lucy Breedoi and her brether-Qden-

A short bat very instructive address was made by the farm demonstrator, Mr.' Krowamg giving to tbe bt^s and girls some of his plans far tite coming year.

f - ^PrwMtioB ptus WW* p N s e n t o t ^ 1 the boya and girls who liad completed the year's work.

I vOnring the meeting tite executive committee met and • arranged the meetings toa: the year aa foQows; Tint

> Saturday in April, iviy, Scytembar and Detwmber. -

j After tins report a motion -made to. adjourn. Auld Lang Syne

sung and'tfce club members ad-

Baptist Cenueil Rramiaen tM Reeosi-BMda W. M. Cred fer Miaiatty.

An exaMining council,-caDed at the , jneqnest of Oak Dale, met in Manassas

<» Wednesday at the home of Rev. Bamett Grimsle^ to examine Mr. W. M Cred, of Greenwich, with a view to hia otdinatioB to the gospel minis­try. Tho couneS waa organised by dioosmg Rev. a W..Cole moderator and Rev, Baraett Grimsley c l ^ c The

4-Maiy Pickford paif $40,000 for die stoiy jf^flV^ ^^ •»*" ^^

] "^ I I 1 I f I - I " * loHgwiBg mnvtng pictni* raala

apne. 1 i^ye only arranged lor ttus one day, SO do not wm dus chance. - -Madnee 3-p. m., Admisdon - - - - .1 Ic-t 7c Night, 7:30 and 9 p« m., Admissiott, 20&'30c

Everybody Knows Mary PicHord.

<a Today,' Boys' "Strawberry Cottv* These wer* all

" H ^ n g the Farmer Pfttsyhrai^ Com Onb

IfiglK^ Known Prices for BflHer Fat -ficgiuiag Deeember 1, 19U. we wifl pay as f«ilawa:

Fancy 75e per peoad AND ntANSPfHtTATKHf. TUs tes t i s per ccst or men la I •ot tee aevr aad Bot aff ia fia^.

Na. 1 7Sc per pond. Mwt teat 80 per «eo« ar mare ia Batter Vwt , aiad he af gaad quality.

K«L 2 Tie par paawdtar batter fat i> cream tcatiag aider M per cent. GOLDEN A COMPANY, WaaUactMi. D. a


in Kaateeky." iualmeUva aad

entertaiiiing. , It is hop*d that at o v aaxt m*etiag there will be f good Tapresautatimi oi

as an befa aad girls fat-in dah .weak -ar» imjtad ta

Wa^waiBt tlias «frh*-tts ban­ner year ia dob ««rk in Prase ITO-

ia wliieh the week haa Mt iasBtad aa gfiis ai rWbd.


Is Your Subscription Paid in Advance?

4 & - * # .,. V i,'"' Ifc C-tH:. «- 3H&$€-:- &«««M&#43H&»«»«HSH&$«

With the approach of the holiday aeaaan eones the tiMiugBt os Christ-maa candy aiHf-wlth IT tha sCtKl^ nt

Trytfcase rttTpas: Stuffed Datea^—ReaMtve stoaca and

fill cavities with nuts or fondaot aad nuta. RAQ hi gramlatad sugar. Dataa are aometimea flUad with a little pea­nut bnttar and lullad fai tM(y

fai eald Stuffed Prunea Sdect large

thWMgldy aad tat sett

d i j proas OB daaa cloth aad iO eaa-tera with nuta er fondant and nuts, preserved ginger or candied tntL Boll in granulated sugar.

Ptpcioia Ban*.—Cook ooa cup eaca syrup Afteen minntea and aM two ta> blespoons vinegar. .Whcn the syrup snfcpa or popi when ttated in cold wa­ter add popcorn, mix well sqd farm into 1>aTT« wfQi linger tipa which have been slightly battered or oiled.

J l W worth il

whde e^Mdally your own fand-

ly. For th«« is no-immune class.' Let the Uttl* Bed Cross seals go

farth by adlUoiia, to testify i» th* awakened realization of th* peeide of this conununity as all other ccupmuni-tier-that health is worth flgMing for and worth paying f< .


following brethren compoasd the eoun-cU, Rev. & W. Cde, Rvr. T. D. D.

Bamett <kimal*y aad Deacon J. W. Code.

•a satisfaetfry « M ' " ™ - « ^ Re¥. Mr. CHark rocommaadad the ordi-natioa of Mr. CntA. The ocdfamtiaa win t i l a plaee at Oak Dah Baptist Church OB flniad^r, Jaauaiy 8, ! • » .


Mrs. Emaia^Akers,-wife of Mr. Lotiber Akara, died at^tEe Borne «rVa in^ibttet, Mn. Georga Fryfogle, in

iDMwabarl. Mx*.AlHrs Ataghtar •ftlbe late Rfv. Bd-'

ward Daha and a niece of the farte Rev. B^ P. Dn^iit^Greenwieh. She ii SMitaed by her huabaad,* «eig danghtetp aad two seas, Mrs. Jaaiea Cliftea, «( Launl. Md.; Mi*. WiUiam Grady, of Savage, Md.^Jfaa^ George FryfegWi lC*a FaaaiaBBrB and-

Mdward aad Frauk Ahasuv *C BaltimoraL Sh* was praeadpd te htt Crav* about 7 year ago to tar, Mrs. Walt* Pkdpa.

m i h Mia.

TW mother's 's Christiaa

held on Frid«y at tha pnaidaat. Mrs. George C.

of ^he W*-Uaioa, of the


*y the aad the social h o v was mudi

enjoyed. Miss Bendall was a guest at the

b<HBe of Mrs. E. L. Hombakarte West street during her stay i

The wwrtk

LM a ymr— it.

Arrangemaata have been made, by the Red Croaa eoa^|aittee on nursing activities to begin pnotlMr class inxle-mcmtary jggiOi* aad bom* car* of ihe side, begliiiiliig ftriday, Jaguary J, at

iSO p. nil, in ih* eouaty health oOce in Main street. ,

This class will be under th* direc tiMi of Miss Aadrey Drake, our Qonni-ty nnr^e, and a fee ot 9ZJS0 wih M charged ta help defiray the Be^essary expoises-of conducting the class. The eousa* begiaa wttb tha irpi»uiUun in tite eauaa aqil imwatluS H disaatf^

em of the ddc in the home as weB anatle-a-wumaB ttf'iauil hwr JnetKaMe duties with increased understanding and Usefulness. In times of - emer-geecy this kaovdedge gained will ena­ble her to sssnwi» mere tespondMUty for die care (rf tbe sick in her boaie.

It is earnestly hoped ^lat those wishing to take/this course will enrol at once, im only a limited number can be admitted, ApjdicatioD for admit­tance, or for any informatimi pertyda-ing to the class, should be addressM to the secretary of the Red Cross com-

L. Bushong, Manassas, Va. _^


Siter, ef Bifbmoad. ^eaks Interest ef WarM Pregraak

Miss J. Joaephine Sixer, of Ridi-moad, q « i t several days in Msnaaaaa uus wees ui tue mterest of tue Amerr^ can Young Women's Christiaa Asso-ciatioB. Miss Siier presented ti>e world service program of the assoda-ti«n at a nnioB l»ayer meetiBg held Wednesday eveniog it tbt J^gdgrtt-^ nan Uhnreb, as a result of wUdi Hon. C. J. Meetxe offered to Ssanwa duogu «f ja idag « fuad-af-fTK for th* work. Mrs. A E.<Spiss waa appilatid tiuas-. arur o€ the fbad.

I t e aiiirtlBg waa ^*a*d by Rev. D*Fonet Wad*, pastor af the Praabr-

dnetad by tha paster. Miss Siaar took dwrg*. Rev. WilH— "» , i tar 'of Gt|M« Clrareh, alao apoka.


A moat-distressing accident occurr­ed on Friday aftcraeon last whsa Mr,

Craig farm, between Philomont aad Airmoat, whBt~Iie' had race^iy piff-fhaaed, aaya tha Loadena Mimr. Mr. Wyakoep wpa hauling fodder from th* ftdd with a two haisc team, aad was l idng sideways on oae.afJbe horses, aad Jast as tiw team waa » - ~ ~ ^ g a saadl hiU. hs tuned to speak to the bey hi the wagoa, sad lea^»r Wa hal-

feQ backward batwaaa th* two If acorn I ng nigfalaaad, the an-

iaiais lunged forward, aad all faur ^ the ,wagna wheela passed ovar Mr!/ Wynkoep'a body, one of the rear wheels passing over hia head and eaioslng festant death. He-waafcrtT^ six years ot age and n survived by his wife, two daughtwa aad oae- son.

ter going as far William county.

He arrived fai ATdcandria, accordiac; to his wife, between 3 and 4 o'dock Monday afternoon, went home and.]»-fore leaving again told his wif• tftak h* would b« hom* between 6 mod C ^ o'dofik tiiat evening. Nothing fnrtfeMT was thought of the matter untfl Ml failed to make his iqtpearaaca at Ma Jwm* Tuesday morning.

Search was instituted by relativaa and an investigation resulted in ilnd-iag his truck standing in the road aff Four Mile Run. The Alexandria adi Washington authoritiaa later war* *». gaged in dragging the run in hope at nnding tKe body. Every nvsilahls foot Of nearby territory was gone ovar by the searcWs without success.

Hie wife is ottfae opini<» that ha had between 9100 and fl25 in his paa-Session at aie tim*. ^ l ^ tting '»««Mr he had osHeeted fin* bread ddivared a s his trip to Alexandria and. the neigli-borii^ counties. He has a wife aad littie baby aa^. his wife is a teachm ia tha Alexandria public schools. Mia. Springmann is overcome at the uaax* plamed disappearance of herhuabaad and is hopinir hourly to heay ftggopte t i l ­ings e f ^ whonabouta^ RBiative«(

dllft'of lOwf I !'• VlcAtiS < ^h^; CITIZENS PKtrnON BOARD

Saparrisers Aslud to Graat AMtisMl Peasieu t* Ceafefcratia.

Many citizens have dgned a peti­tion to the county board of supervi­sors, asking the board to grant to tiw Coafedfc^e veterans of the couatgr

state pensioners a pendan eqialto that fiigrgranted by the stata^ as provided by recent enacWent.

The petition, which is beti^

.erate veteran, reads as follows: -'T^the HonoraUe Board of Super­

visors of Prince Wi liaBii County: ' ^ e , the undersigned dtixens aad

taxpayers tor said county, reapaetfnt-ly petition your hoaorable board i» siqiplefflent, or grant to the Coafedar-ate veterans in said county, who are now poisiMMrs.of tile state, a pmidiM equd to that uow gtaaled by tiggtitn. as provided by recent enactment. Th* eonaty of Fairfax ar of the SUte have granted to its old soldiers, and aa at

are left aad idio bai breasts to the bulleta <rf be wttfa ~USL but a dMrt tiaie' aad aa a m a d tAea af th* they mad*, let's grant tiiat

the hflPC theas, which is peraytted by law.

caagntAB BMA^emaauBiw^

ef dw

The Ladies' Aid Society at Braadi Church ft the Piethiea « • -have a Christmas sale in Coaatf'B Ha l on Saturday, Deeember IS, htlmilaa St II a. BL n * ' sale will eonaist e< boBie-madc artide*, among

forter, tatted taUe runners, towaia with erocbet«d adgaa, boudoir aad dMT cape, pillow cases, uaderd«tlBi«, ^ l -dren's garmenta, aproaa, hanftmihlsfa and various usefU aad attiaetiva (tfla for Cbristasas.

Coffee, dsKdeas pies aad cakes aad freah popped e o n wffl ba aa aale.

Eiaayhadj is iavitsd «e attend. Th* pncadhi wiB b* •B*d «sr

Nat Sack After AH.

Jean, who was a cook in a lumber camp, remarked while picking over s raess of cranberries^ "Craaberry he make better apple sauce thaa prune she do."

A colored boy who lives sear Igo, a dispatch from Cotnora, Va.

d>ot faito a fleck of wiW geeae a few mornings ago, crippling one, and when be was tiJ^Bg one otf tiie other geese dived under him aad carried him off on his back.

Try OUT Ba brioe results.



•idlsr Set for

An tfrdar for « apacutl tena of eaaxi on Monday, Deeember 29, for tlw tri*! of Prohibition Offices H*n, SuUlvu,-

marder of Shackifclfard mni Hncbon, a l l e ^ bpotlegffen, s r u wigntd- by Judg« Brent on Satardfty at the cloir in^ session of the Defcanber te i t t of the circuit court for Prinea WiUiam county.

The summary of the'eonciodinc sio&'s business follows:

Ca»»a» l* ir .

procaaa acanat-Umr '—^: The Momata oCJtka foUowinc coon-

I aail iiiWsi^l Mar irfViiHls

Gao. G. Tyler, dark; Thoa. H. Liao. attorney for eomaioBwealth: Chaa. A.. Barbae sheriff; i. P. Karlia. iWjirtjr sVrHf, and Bflhyt Jaimanai Jiuiw;

Shtr*"'*"*'' Nstionsl Bank Woodstock against William B. Waltet. et ala—^jndsment for plaintifr ta re-ee¥er at dafeadswte, Williaii B F

Commonwealtii against M u f i u ^ Baylor, charged with breaUBg the lock of a trunk—defendant bended in sum of $25r0 to nvp*" « • A^t Y "^ February term. . •

Commonwealth against A^hey Sam­uels, larceny—defendant bonded in sum of {250 to appear on first day of February term.

D. M. rinyH »g«i»i«t R Tf W»n«i-«, Catharine^Wallace and W. B. BoUoek, action of debt on note—^jodgmeat for plaintiff to recover of the defendant, W. B. Bullock, ffiOO with interest and costs; case stall at roles as to otibar defendants and clerk direetad to iasoe alias process against tibniu..'

First National Bank of Badfoixl against W. B. Bullock, P. M. CToyd and C. Bullock, acjtion of debt wi note judgment for plaintiff to recover from defendants, W. B . Bollock and C. Bol -

Walter and Mwy j ; B. 4«Utcr, 1106.80 ifHth interest and eoata, sidtjsct crediU of $6 tad $23; caae docketed as to defendants K. L. Fnak and J). J. Walter and ccmtinaed to Febroary term.

AnAww Dracos against Aristidea K<mtoa, l4>Dis Ziompolas and S6t«rioe

tM>n_ against defendaatal e^se eon;, tingled.

John Lavria against. Missonri 1 Yal-ley Bridge and Iran Company—order entered D e r g n b y 1 removing canae to eircnit eoort for d t y of AUxandria aet a«de; judgment for plaintiff, M M and coats.

HI Thornton Davies appointed eoii-'

E. G. W. Keys af MHnted assesaor of

a g i d M W K S ESTATE OF ANIffE CBCIUA W B . a H«U. J o t e H. SolOvaa. H a n y F. Sweet and —^ In ^lansiry

ter HMnmiaaiiinrr. for repixt; canae set for Tiiaadsf, Jannary 4, i f iM, lor etBHtam a f - d e a n a ^ l y MtU «iener-at ifl a . « . bi t t e Aflfce a T ^ . t l w m t o o Davies at Mans sea a

Bank of O«eoqnan againat Amrie L. ral?wli—ciMr rtfarr*d »g_l master ^'wwmiaaiwMr, for report.

lands and lots in <listrict No. 2 , Prince Willianr county; atsesaor quatiftea, ca­tering into bond of (6|0OO with O. C. Cline, surety.

Appointment by CShks. A Barbae, sheriff,-of J. P. Kerim as hia deputy, approved; d ^ n t y ahojff qualifiea ae-mwlmy to law. ^ ,

T. M. Bnaaell, dniy elected aoper-viaor for Coles distriet, qnaUflea.

Order tor special term December 29

Edith Moralnja e t tiTi^iSiS^tE^Siii Heams. et al, i«fo«nea—canae re­ferred to L. Tiwhwan, master commia-uoner, for report; leave given deCsad-ants to file answer in ten days e f t i ^ rising of the court.

Nellie Johns<» against James John--Qg-Biyu GuiAto

commissions, eonftrmed; Thoa. H. Lion appointed special comnuaaiafMr to aeU certain reaJ .pftmtm. in tl>a event that defendant tails within thirty daya of rising of coort to pay flSO (with eoata) doe to the plaii^iff, hia fenner wife, for the »vppo^ of hia chiUrsn, aaST'lUO having aeoonidated at the mte Of 17.60 per month. >

W. CrSoMiBwood, guardian, ngniBat Randan Smallwood et al—decree con­firming sale of real eatate to Mr. Jaa-per for |S25; W.' C. Smallwood, gnar-dian, and TIMS. H . l i o n agpo^tod to convey real estate to pardiaaar, par-ehaae mMiey to ba paid to W. C Smallwood, guardian, wlw shall make rcjMTt to court.

At a Ctrcoit Court held for Pribee William Cvmty, Thvndsy , December

PHILIPa ^ttrwppmcmg to QM cdtorTthat the

of Gommissioaer C. A. Sinclair Lowe, guardian, against Lowe et al (who waa appointed 'Cor the porpoee

—eauae referred to L. Ledman. maatj by order altered October, 1919), of the aceounta of l o b t . A Hutekiaott, esemtor of Aaam CrndU^ FUiipa, de-

against km eatate, have been filed in the cleric's oAee of this court under chapter 121 of the Virginia Code, and tlufi 'Vt" * * " •"• 1 " " " ^»p—^ since the unsKfiratitm W the aMd ex-•nttoar, M the comb Graham, guardian of Montroae Graham, one of the legateea or beneficiaries under the will of the said Anne Cecilia PUlipe. it ia ordered that the creditors, distribatees and all others interested in said cstote do ap-

OMXt on d t a f i n t d a y

o o o o o o o o o o o o s o o o e o o o o o o o o e to Prince WlObm


of ita Fobniary torn, 1920, and ahow cause, if any they can, against the cmaftnnatioa of -tiw-aaid vepeft. Hid the payment and daUvciy ef the said eatote in aecerdanee with the aaid re-p(Ht, withoot a rrfgndtog bond, and particulariy to the said gnardian of Mania Mootzose Graham and Mary

wm. - " "- ' A eopf of this ordn' pub­

lished once a week tor toor aaeeearfve weeka in the Manaasas Jogmal . a

WUbam eounty. A eopy—^Teato:— a(M

^ GEO. G. TTLEH, CSarit

< t » M « » t a t > g t t < < i



this order be published wiice a ^ek for tour eaaoeasive weeks ip tht' .Ua-

" n a a a U Journal, a aew^wper published and ciaeolated in the eouaty of Prince WilUam, Virginia; that a copy of the aanw b e sad* by legiatored mail, by the Clerk of tliis Court, addressed to Annie &L (Germain Jolmston, 22 Mon-


«i* • Wa b« laaww Taawflffii 24 W. F. DOW9LL.

tlie (%mV* OBce of O ^ ^ S P ^ S T Court of the County iX Prmee Wil-Itoa on Ifca 8th A y at necwnhsr, 1818.. KOKMAN JtWNSTONr-ndatiff



nment Avenue, C^harieetown, -chaaettar and a copy posted at the front door of the courthouse of this oamty mi <»' before Deeember 16,1919, that being the next succeeding rule day a f t « tiiis order was entered.

GEO. G. TYLER, C l e ^ A Ovy—Teata:

GSXi. G. TYLER, Clerk. W W RirtAM-, p. q. „ 30-4


Geo. D. Bak^ Undertaker

IN CHANCERY The object 6t thk suit is to obtain

a diiwrM.1ar/«» p l i i»«f -Mf*™«t>l« defeadant, disaoMag tiM bands of watrimoay, a viando awtrimonii, the gMundf of isSdaU^, aad fbr gen­eral reliaf.

And siOdavit having bean made aad filed that the dafandant J a tih« iStrf* -aatitled cause k not a repdoit of the stato of Virginia; and an appUcatioa for tfeja ordar of ptddieatioa aetting fbrtik that the last known ^ a e e of

_ I abode of •ttig'~dgfffiHlaiit TS" 22 "Moiiu-" meat Avenue, (Tharleatown, Maaaaehn-aetti^ h a ^ n g bean made ia writtng aad duly granted by tiie (Tlack of this court, it is tketfixn oadared tfiat the said defcadaat do appear here within fifteen d ^ a f t s d « puKkaSSn httaof aa^ do triiat ia necessary to protect bsr iateresto in thia suit.

It ia further ordered that a copy of

AND L l d M a B D EMBALMBR Lee A v e Near C H.. Msaaaass, Ta.

Prampt attcntton givsa aB Prieaa aa low aa sai tarid wffl jnati^r-Canted ia Stock.


DIA6N0STIGIAN ^pedsEft • Ovoaic DiaeaMS

Acato diMUKS set wel of Aoadves or natiatociaaatc Mas. Tlmeis'alwaysa taase aad yotr caa not get w d nnbi dw caaMtareawved. Cauie sad cfcctii Ac Vnt lawof aataK. YankBOwrjSedfeet

the cause. Send a

• • •


Kid Gkves, Shoes, Sweater»j Silfc Hose, Bed Room suppers S& Waists, Ham&ercl^efs, Bath Robes, Kimoiias Belts Hand Bags, Siut Gases, Pearl Beads;:

Christmas^Neckties-— ' > . 1 — 1

$1.00 Ties, $ .75 -42J)aTie>, L50

We ask coiparisoi wtt a^ $1.00 mk

$100 ties i n CM hgaifwfare.

U M s to select firiK ~

Men's Bdts, 75c to ^ . 0 0



56c to $3.00

500 Dozen Ladies' Crepe-irchief s inr

~AB tbelteaudfid colors.

29 cents

hterwo¥€i MCRV Bast I • - ' • ^ ^ — ^ W ^ — . ^ ^ — ^ ^ — M ^ ^ — ^ • ^ . — ^ ^ M P — • • •• I • I ^ 1 1 ^ — ^ — ^ •

m S a k M a t H l e . T i » bert aock i M d

LUe^SOc Sak.$1.00

Ladies' HancB>ags LEATHER. SIL^ •aA VELVET. ALL Yljg j ^ ^ SHAPES.


_ _ _ _ '

$6.50 to $45.00—.

$1.00 to $9.00

Men's Clothing for

¥ M Mst wear ywr dd sal: iMfcr. His sends fte ''potr polc; ^ omm ^ M I t Bcrdart, lid M is t ix i , aid JDSt exaidjLwte J C ^

MBt \mi, yM owe it to ysv-sdf to fay strictly dt-wsd, perfectly l^ed fjama^ aad we efifer ysojist exactly datchssd ckA^ i i i i r Ja^Scfefior & ftnm^ •ay csst a Etde mxt, fat tfay are wwA a great ied •Mre, ad we ve fare to. ptieJtwifli saidxtioi ar aiewganMiL tfytvfanrr


hm&llt^ ^*r?,;

B r f

' 'W' l

'•*. s


ft I n sat tr mretat, ysi kitw; if yn fare Mt, it ii iMyw^git wise to i «

We Know She Witt Like a ~ Gift Like These: Sflk Gowns, SiQc Teddies, Sf&~BkNises, I k Cauniscdes

i2k ,«ot

The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Qothe*

Bart, Scfaifar ft Ian Sits

$35.00 to $55.00 Mer Sits $17 to $30

''Gdtanp Bros." dKcMM^ aid leatfar ctais, aa^ i i tfa great Mrtfan^' wfare

faow faw! Id V sfaw yea tfa tfereace. Copynj^t 1919, P - t SdufEner k M i n

—Vi^<«8M{M$M5r<«< V t:^t>«5Mit4»^C - ' • ^ ^ .

P^frr:^|*ilHii|§i^^ M!!i^i*M!jpM


The Manassas JouiHal PnbUshed OTory Friday bj A s


Kntand at the poaTofflf « l ' Va^ as aaeoad-cUaa mail mattar.

J t l 1W TMT te

F r i * i y , 12.1919 9*"P«

WHAT TOU MAKE IT A immapttr ia a good deal Ukc any

joOMr jMribUc iwfKtntwwi—it*t wkat yon •Mkait I t ' ^ ^ " " to wtttfldad of a paper ia toiaad pot here in' Chase City, tat U ht haant yo«r-eo-operataoa, t ^ f ^ e r wQl not be as good as it eoidd be.

In cities they pay reporters good salaries for goinK o«it and gettinc the news. Here «e most do as they do ia <m etttac temis^^^Ms ris^ we n(«st

'tteueuJ iargely ape» BMglibora te get the news to the edi-tor. And w b n 700 OBBC ibid-how\Ut^ tie trouble this amoonts t* and hew much better it makes sack issue of yoor paper you wiU f erm tMe hal^ of doing it e w y week. —

No laatter who yon are, somebody is intweated in ye* and yonr eeniings

-j[ You Afe tocKng fo^ wfllTier Found m DowellV

inas Section of

and goings. And the chances are, that very somcfaody tidies the pmtr. When yon have a vintor yon may net tUric aayone tat yunrw^ fa mterestejtt bgt tliey are. Thc^ want to know who doea the town sad yoa the honor to Visit it. If there is siekness'ln the faauly, they are entitled te know, for possibly Uttv can be <rf sssistannf. If Tffll hmir frota a farmer reajdent. let the ethers know it through this news-paptf, for maybe, they u e wondering jastrwhat became of tfa«n sinee they moved away.

Try this once. Try haTiding tine edi­tor little items that you dont consider news and watcjh hew rpiiAly yoSr pa per becomes more interesting, both to yon'and everyone tk tke eraummity.— Chase City Progress.

TWO AM EBICAK GOVKWORS Let OS all mske our bow to Gov.

Davui of Virginia. He is the stuff. He has the right idea of the duty of an oA^al in the hoar of daagw. He takes charge in peraim. He goes te the scene <rf threatened trouble to sv^a-vise the execntioB of the law a g a i ^ tiiese who wo«id~vk3ate fiie^law. As the Govermw of Virginia, be is, sad h d i r Mmadf, respoauSte ttar ttae^pro-tection, to the fnOest extent ef his oHidml reaourees, of life and proffettj withm the berddS of the *odla&io£-wealth. fiia action is worthy ci Om besttraditioBS of the Old DominhiB

Geiv. Davfa is not iidsag aides as be-t w e ^ capital and kdior. As a matter of fact, he is acting in the interests of both m acting in the pnbUc interests. The interests id all are^voived. <iafi-tal and labor are, so to say, citizens of

. Virginia ^md of the United States. As ethers most do, the; most obey ti>e law, arfaeliier they Hfe titf ta'Sr tx SMt. The law Imtds alL

No ^juestien «f aeetii^ ^ race, er politKS S'mvolved. AS sed^ons, all races, all parties have a romwnen in­terest in the ma'mjrtuipee of law and order. ^

F<Htanatety 'for ti»e country, thia fact is bong made very plain AJtat. weeka ago a test came ia Maasachs-aetts; and the Bay state met the emergency in fine stTle. Gov. Goid-idi^ took penonri' diarge, accepted thjS^ehalleage at the law-breakers atud theBT defenders, and rooted horse, foot and diagoons.

Xnvther toft now eotaes m VfifgJBtt" and Gov. Davis atxepts tiie challenge of the defers of flie law, ahd personal diafce of the ^afaiie inter-erta. And' there need he no doiAt <tf t h e r e a t AH daSers of t i e l iw wflT be defeated.

Ifssisiliiisills fa a northern state •hil rail riinliiliii fas lapiiMif I Tir ginia fa a serthera s t a ^ and Gov. Oavfa fa a demqerat. B D A ^ ^ a s as* SBwng ^ e original thirteen. Both are

spsit. haa not a dwaee in aithar.

The exampfa of these two govern­ors should, snd wiB. ^Hatk «sr wide good. For sarriy no nksyor, no sher­iff, no chief of police la cither •tste. or in any of the othv forty-efac ^ristes^ will fsal to aeteand - • - • -^ hilei|iii<sH»n nf offirial daty by o2-ciafa so highly ptacsd.

These are serious tiases, sad most be met hi a seridosway'^ all men fai authority. Coddling a mob by open

, or by fecUe and half­way suahimlii at at oat, fa to invito

NO BOYAL aOAD " WSfe'we are talkmg aaent our'Saa-' cattoaal needs of the ssomeut and en­deavoring to deviae a plan tar fftuie servlee as weB; let us vmmim- thane words from tlw seaw^ ^ t ** Virginia edacatMnal oommjaaion:

If the stato desires better education, it must pay for it. Vtrginia shooM decide at onoe whether she fa to eon-tiaoe her present policy or adoft a poiicy which will provide for the citi-sens nf Vinrinfa at leaat equal to that pnjv i<J4!i] in utuei

"" - iffJACE-miUr-K

a i ( arettes aid Pyes Kadaks aai Sappfri fg-

Scab aad BaBjr ,Baxes.

Doo't forget you get a vote with eadi cent's piu^cIiAse till Chrii bnaii on Rexall Doll Contest.


Feeds! FeedsH^eedsl f Tke heavy feedBsg BMSM is i w r let ma —H^y 7vm

Eiulbmiv^ ^atrOmtain fiv foBowfaq: DAIRY F^EDS: PWHW CatAlMS^ LAKBO DAffiY FKKIJS, JUG Q


Cotton Seed Meal wlietller in tea lots or car lata, ask for oar qoatatieas. I We have oa hand at aD tuMs a eoavMc Block tf feeds,

. 8M_I1II-11JI-U H i u i t m i i i i . i i •» ' • »" w - »

RoBei OBts aad CFBcfccd Coca, WUte Oats airf Hay. rfTaakage, Beet aatm, aenUk FMIJ. I^JIBI Ifiiih Oyster Shifc, Grit. f SALT-^il aiae bass, citiwr fine, ooazse or ioHp ndu



8 Tlwir Good Judgment tk*


•ra af SPBCTAeUS XTSGLA8SBS IVtoeath OUeat



««tail trotxr, not eoly for tli« cgpooiic aohitkxvpr the dethnsy pnfalan, but for tfaebringim ci «aode £com die dodES or atatioae to hi* plaoe of bnainrai, and far tfavcoiuc t^. owiitiy and bnaipng in produce. For jroni H^JbMdXiotXaa^ Track widi its qtlendid mangmfsr t t t sw wordwEnvc. powerfbl Foitl Model -T Motor, Btranc Vaaadium ateel frame, has been aerviac in eveiy line 1 if TiiMiimsi adxvity, and «e Iiave yet to bear the &9t comfimiA a» to rear axle trouble or ^mator troublfc Ic bes 4iw Isweae^uochaaa pnce oa ^be soMlEet, aad tke ooat

opcrathig aad rinirtfiining ia nrwi«1ingiy«n^ . Intact, tl>e Ford Doe Toa L^¥t. yoiu' oiilei witfa tia wlthBnt dtkyi— TmcH

e wm give you prompt-ettention and; and give you en crixr ccrvicc diat will in Tnick.

your oontinuoqa operitioa of the

W.E. MCCOY Aaikorind Sales and Svrka


. ^ '


"A FRIEND IN NEED" Wfceii ire fcas dcrastated yoar ko or plaee of basfaMss, wkca Hfc kx Markeat, wkca tke savings of yci luve gene Uf in-aaoke tkea yoa 1 ^reeiatc tke valac of ai

wkiek pays its ksses pnaapt^ sets yoa oa yoar foet agakk HuU's




a t aacaaaasaBacaaBaaBBaaa:

NOTICE ^^i^^^^ii^ M M PRODOCESS r V > . Y O U fntatSM»r« a i ik ami craaa? If so,

~ « ^ i b a s k o o U feed EUREKA DAIRY RATION, dke hifhert ia quality and aaf«st to use, for boat resuh*. Yoa saay be froaa Miaaofi, but we can alMmyno. Ask your feed dealer aboot EUREKA and find wbat yon bave kmf bantt_lBqjkiBl^_fsT^




'"far which We arc iiving, require that we ex­ercise the utmod caie in economy widi our fkianrial (ifaling . _ T b^ "^^ who, is not__ daurehil lookqig after Us fiiiances,~wiil some

-dmrruethedajrr— WeamreadyataU times . to assid you m any W2^1x)a^^1o hettar:

your financial condition. ' We believe a



•••' -^


BRIEF IjOCJIkL NEWS —Mrs. D. A. PhM is ill at h«r hAin*

in Grant'»venue. •'~' '

—The ladiM of Trinity Church Guild will serve a luncheoa here «a Monday, December 29.

—Mrs. S. W. Burdge has been on the sick list during the past week at her home in Battle street.

• ' • • '

—Mr. and Hza. IL X. Long have mov8d_ from NokesvilU to Bealeton. where they haw purchaHd a dairy farm. *

—LlUle Mis*Xora fishar-And-Uas-ter Elmer Fisher, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. fisher, are recovering from diphtheria.

—Mr. William Martin, of Bristow, has rantad the Robertson fsnn aesr Wellington, recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Quillia Robertson, who have moved to McLean.

—While hunting: at his home near Sudiey, says the Bound Hill letter-to the Hamilton EInterprise, Mr. Charles Brewer had the good luck to Idil a

tally, a d d n n a d by speakers of state-wide repntatton, and a farmew' m y t i n g ^slaiin Jths at-iantion of Manassas dtizena today.

—Mr. A. 0 . Weedon, of Warreiaton, was appointed by Governor Davis to represent tiie commonwealth of Vit-glnla at the elevenIh annual conven­tion of the Southern Commercial Gon-gnn, lisld thta vivA In SavKrumh, Gu.

—At a special meeting e l ih« Town Council, held at the Town Hall on Wednesday night, the resignation of Mfr-G.'L. Rosonbergor, superintendent of public utilities, was accepted, and Mr. N. ff." Heriiley~was app6ihts2~to serve in Mr. Rosenberger's place at a salary of |125 per month. Mr. Hens-ley ha* assisted Mr. Rosenberger in electrical work for uome time.

—Dr. Went, of New York, will grive a Bt«$reopticon lecture here Wednes­day evening in the interest of Armen-

—A aiae-rooin house en the estate; of the late Mrs. C. C Langyher, near | Bristow, was destroyed l i ^ rriday morning by fire of unknown- origin., Mai 'Ed- WelU, daughter of Mrs.} Langyher, who occupied the heusei i saved very little of her household goods.' The property was insured by | t h e ^ p e c o m b Insurance Agency.

—Hrs. Samantha A. Leach, widow i of Charles T. Leach, died on Sunday, at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. William H. DeShields, in Washington, at the age of eighty-two. Mrs. Leach J was a native of this county, where ahe > spent her early life, and will he r membered by the older residents a s ! Miss Samanthii Trimmer. She is a sister of .Mrs. Kato Hynson, now of i



Washingluii, wldAW Of the late C. L. Hynson, and is survived by a la iye family of sons and danghtora.

deer weighing 114 pounds.

—Independent' Hill Council, No. 34, Order Fraternal Americans, will hold an oyster supper and dance in the hall Saturday evening, December 20. The public is cordially invited.

—The time for the payment.of tax bills at the county treasurer's office has been extonded to December 81. Ta?c bills paid o a - ^ after Janiiary 1 will be subject-to a penalty of five per cent.

—Rev. L. C. Messick, pastor of As-bury United Brethren Church, waa generously pounded last week by the Mariassai and . Buekhall congrega­tions, who gathered at the U. B* par­sonage in Weat-street. -*—

—The Nation-Wide prayer circle and the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Episcopal Church will hold a "joint meeting next Tneeday Kftemooa at three o'clock at the home of'Mrs. G. G. Allen in Prescott avenue.

—Mr. John Kane, of Fairfax, has moved to the farm of Dr. C. R. C. Johnson, near town. Mr. F. P. Cro-sen, who has been living on the John­son farm, has moved .to tile Butier place recentiy purchased V by Mr. James Birkett •

—Rev. William G. Pendleton, rector of St.

tan ana Syrian relief, accordmg to the announcement of Rev. Westwood HutoUsOR, head oi the work in this county. The ftlnis will give a vivid protrayal of conditions among the sufferers of the Nuar V.aat.—Whera the lee tore is to be held has not been announced.

-j-Among the churches in the Poto­mac Baptist Association who have re­ported "over the top" in the Baptist 76 Million Campaign are Haymarket, Rev. Edward Tabor, pastoc, and Rock Hill, Stafford Store «nd Motmt Car-mel. Rev. Westwood Hutchison, pas­tor. Haymarket is reported as $851 over-subscribed 'and the Stafford churches, 974.95. Mrs. McCutcheon, of Leesbnrg, t e K t of the- Womaa's Missionary Union for the associationj reports a grreat victory for the women of the association.

-^Two dances will be gives at Con-ner's Hall during the holidays, o ie on


There is one problem that is ever presient with every man's wife. It is most insistent at the time of the changing seasons, as in the autumn when.waim Imliaii sumiuer-dayT after

If your grocer will not furnish you ad-yise^iist and we wilT see that yoiTger

a cold snap, bring the man-of-the honae home at night fagged out.

Friday evening following Christmas day and the other on N e w Year's night. A six or seven-piece Jazz band from Washington' is expected for the Christmas dance, to which admissioji •will be ^ , and surplus receipts will be

The thoughtful woman, who rightly views her half of the marriage part­nership as protector of the fimds, whether, tiiey be the money or the health of her household lots Just cause to be concerned.

Ebccessive "nignt fagg" is a symp­tom of lowered vitality. Lowered vitality means a physical condition in which the system is. prone to the as-

. similstinn of whatever germs hiVpea to be floating about "Colds" are most easily caught at-surii-a time and may result more or less seriously.

There is one thing that every house­wife can do to alleviate this "tired"

. feeling". She can feed her patieni

Warrenton, has declined a tall to Win­chester, where he \nUt iavtted to suc­ceed Rev. W. D. Smith, a prominent Virginia clergyman who is now rec­tor of a church in Richmodd.

—Grace M. E. Church, South, Rev. William Stevens, pastor, will hold its third quarterly meeting Sunday even­ing at 7:30 o'clock, with ly conference Monday moniing at. 10 o'clock. Thejreaidjng elder. Rev.-H. P. Hammill, oT" Aftixandria, will be present.

—A mee'.ing of the Independent Hill farmers' local will be held at the IndepeadpTit Hill hall on Tuau^tty evening at 7i30 o'clock. Officers of the union will be elected according to the law of the organization which holds that such electiona shall take place at the Deeemb<qr'imeShgr "

—The Tuesday Night Auction Bridge Club met thia week witii Mr. and MT8^ :fl:~ BiywiMld—^tyUlff*, a t

applied to a larger baud fur the New Year event. Invitotidns will be is­sued early next week. Those who have friends whom they vrish invited are asked to leave the names with Mr. G. O. Spies at Codte's Pharmacy.

—Mrs. Elizabeth Sfarshall Armis-tead, widow of Capt. B. E. Armistead; of Fauquier county, died Wedaesday night at tiie home of her son-in-law. Dr. M. 0 . Burke, in Richmond. She is survived b; five sons knd f ve daugh-

raw eggs. Raw eggs are recognized by medical authorities as padding for worn nerves, props for droopipg bodies, and lullabys for sleepless eyes. The idea of a raw egg is not particu­larly palateble. In fact few people can take them nndiBgmsed.—But hap-pily titere are many iHgeaiuB and de­licious disguises.

James EpiseiOpal Church aT terv^-^Mnsrs. Henry H. Armistead, Richmond; Baylor Armistead, ^littie Rock; "Ark.7 Stanley Arhiistead, Ar­kansas; Lewis A. Armistead, Chicago; R.. M. Armistead, Front Royal; Mrs. M. O. Burice, Mrs. James A Anderson, Mrs. John T. McGuire, Mrs. darence Gochnaeur and Miss Courtney Armis­tead

Wh i t e^o&e^ J'lour It Is Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction

Ho% AboutCotton SeedJeal? WeHave It-Also M Kinds of

Horse and Poultry

Tvai he", given "St Conaar'a HaH tonight under the aus­pices of the'committee for s&eet im­provement in Manassas. The patrons and patnmesses are: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ^ibbs, Mr. and Mrs. E. B! Gid-dings, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fred Dowell, Mr. and tin. E. H. Naah. Mf. and Mys. J. H.

; Burke, Mr. and Mrs.R. S. Hynson, Mr. and Mrs. B. hrnn Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hill Brov»n,^n and Mrs. A. A Hooff, MFT an3~ Mrs. George B. Cocke, Mr. and Mrs. C E. Naah, Mr., and Mrs. C, R. C; Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Raym<»d Rateliffe, Mr. m&i Mra. J, T. Biwhiing, Mg. l t d 8ba."E:

their residence in Grant avenue, the guests being Dr. a n * Mrs. C. R. C. Johnson, Dr. abd Mrs. W. Fewell Mer­chant, Mrs. Q. D. Watna, Mrs. Ifar-garet Pringle Lewis and Mrs. JtSA L. Harrell. At the eloM of the even­ing a delightful simper of quail oa-toast was served. .

R. Cornier, Messrs. Camper an^Ja i -kins, and MK««T« rH»jt«tm wmA Mifiii»»

T^e U n i t ^ States government has filed suit in the United States district court for the condemnation of the Camp Lee site, which is to be used permanently for military purposes. The list of the names of owners, whose compensation will be' decided by a jury, runs well into^the hitidreds.

One of the last aeis of the Prince of Wales before 'suling, according to a New York dispatch, was to send ashore in the royal barge twenty-four eases of liquor,- consigned to tiie British embasay, W*4MttBt(«), with -his complimenta.

Msunassas Feed and U t t i g Co. B. LYNN ROBERTSON, Proprietor MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

WtiMtigUm, w

nf their employers:' r^srthHt"some

striking butchers in Chicago on Sat- i urday opened a large retail shop and j sold porterhouse steak at 18 eoi ts . a! potmd, veal chops at 16- e«ito a pound m d Hamburger steak at lO cento e , pound. * ' I

_Mr and Mrs. Sylvsnns Stnkes j r ,' ase receiving congratulations on t h e . arrival of their, wee daughter on Nov­ember 12. She has been named Mar-Vfir BH original cuutraction of her father's and mother's names. Mrs. Stokes before her marriage waa Kiss Margaret Fahneatoek.

frepreWXmas: If After looking aroond town Santa Clans has discovered the right

'•—plate, and knows where he can procure his supplies of / CHRISTMAS PRESENm

for those who are •zpeeting something extra this year. You Will agree with Mm WIMM JOB have lotted e<r«r vta stock of


—Mr. C. A. Montgomery, O d p « p « county agent,.hat haen ^poHited*a»-sistant state d a b agent, with heed-quarters at Blaeksbnrg; and will leave. for his new hogae..tha-laat e< ber Mr. R. P. X i e , a V. P» L uate, has been n iwed to swryeed Mr. Montgomery. Mr. MontgeiBeiy wse FYince William namity- ageut befora the war and u n ^ liU lialll llilll tiie. military service,

near Leesburg, far the s u a of |S47.-.SO, and ita buyer was offered an _ad: , _

ance if he would give up his pur-] T U E n > A r . r ^ E C E B I B E R 1 £

ACllfARUBEa«S ; . in. .


chase. At a recent sak of Mr. ThoBkpsoti, near Heradon, 24 grade cows sold for aa avenge priea of tSAgJO each.

—Mr. J. W. Barnes, of Washington, and HBss Bessif, Bowers, of Quicks- . burg, were married Wednesday after' nooTt at the LutheraA parsonage by {lev. Edgar Z. Pence, pastor of Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Cfaureh. The reremony *rtt* witjjessed by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bowers, brother and sister-in-law of the bride, who entertained

hr.dal PHrty at supper. Mr

Brushes Brush Sets

Perfume Toilet Sc#^

IVory Goods

Special, Monday, Decembo* IStib


I J 1 - 1 .

. Cigar Hifflaidprs Huyler's Candies Whitman Candier

I ether things, and especially the erase of the s«unn^


—Grade cows are bringing enor­mous prices in Loodoun and adjoining. _ ^> f%

I S S:^S,at^1^^««HP^B^3yAancetcrsee^ Story at the sale of Me. Retw Phiiij, held Mahiiee 3 p. m^ l l c l 7 c - Night. 730-9K)0, 20<>30c

Ala* CMBedy, "Ws Bitter Pffl.' lle-17c 7



"OTHER MEN'S WrVES" ler maker and is em-j Used as a cat'^ paw she scratched ninsrton. where the j thp -wrortjf wav.

rSIDAT. DECEMBER It^ An Arteraft

WILLIAM S. HART . . h i . .


1 L ' - > -. - I - .

• I - i I _ j - 1 . .

1 - 1 .

. )t



i - 1 t _ L- I _

t _ I - I .

He's ready to fight with insaae Hay fsr the woman he leyea.

AdB iflBkm, Ilc-I7c

Cocke's Pharmacy — GBORGB B. COCIkE, PiopilclM — —



Episode No. 11, "The Stolen Iden­tity." New Sennett. "Uncle Tom Without the Cabin." News and Ford ' 'ekiv. Matinee. ^ p. m. --.\(!m;-- r, (^o-Ur. N'ic' : " M). i

•ri2i^i'"&ii2.'i.' i i - i ' . : . •J'liJ/lt. )feffe'"iti tai' l i r ^ Jt=L ikS

' " » •*,. %




' I am in the market for 25 thor-ojujKhbreiJ mature pullets; also for winter beara4or & fa«aa «f-younir stock. J. H. Dodge. 80-2

r 'r

Mazda lamps in three sizes for Delco and other home lighting plants. Prince Wttttam Phar­macy. ' 30 ' " - -^ • • X. - '••

be«n vUiting -Jafilliam Kline

Lost—Double-barrel hammer less shot gun in road from ray machine between Catholic Inati- ^^ tute and Gainesvins.'OrpMBtbljr Macwn Br«addiMh on the old pike within a mile of flaineaville^flnder ^casejifitk. f y me and 1 will cdll forBuuiu and p ^ $5 for their trouble. Hiirris, Bristow, Va.

W. E. 80-2

Buy that Christmas box of candy at the Sanitary.'Lunch, Meti A Davis are always ready to serve you.

For Sale—^7-year-old mare, very gentle and a good worker. Good Christmas gift for a fami­ly pet. Dayton spring wagon, almost new, with flat top and side curtains and hAmess. Can­opy-top surrey Hid harness. Come. Quiek for bargain. S. T. Hall Furniture Store, Manassas, Va. 30-2

Mr. R. B. Gotvfm, ot Waterfall, b a Manasaaa Tteitor tsdsjr. " ~

Mrs. J. W. Caton, of Catharpin, wa« a town Tiaitor yesterday.

cenlly. [ '

Mr. Sewey B. Hedd, of Catlett, U visiting at tb« h<»iie of hia aunt, )(ra. Ada Dayia.

Mr. A. C. Schtffalt, otVitrnx; hai ftacal y e v , ending June 30, 1919, 93; at the hoDM of Mr.

Mr. John B. Broaddus apenf Sunday in Washington with hia ai«t«r, Miss

Mr, and Mrs. Quillia Kqfa WdliiigtwUf htkW Alexandria eounty.

Mr. James R. Haydon, of Saaford, Fla., is spending s e v u a l weeks at the home of Mr. F. £ . RansdeH.

Mrs. W. N. Lipscomb, wha is sp«D<I-ing the winteir in Washington, was a Manassas viiitoy on Monday.


Trwitod at RkhmoDd Insti-tation. * .

The aiuraal report of Qii work done for the injmred and crippled children of Virginia by the Stete Orthopedic Hospitel at the Memorial Hospital,' will strike a responsive chord in the hearta of. the people of the common-i w.ealth.-. Puring the hospital's first:

patients were admitted for treatment, 78 white and at-eotewd.—Of this num. HOT tU h a w >> Hl^haryd , 1«iivmff 29 in the institution at the end of the year, 22 white and _7_colored._ __

During the year Dr-^W. T. Graham,' the physician in charge, who gives his services to the aid of tl»e state's af

Wanted—Reliable white wo­man as working housekeeper; $22 per month. EUa W. Garth. Manassas, Va. - —80=?

8 0 - 2 Rev. Thomas M. Browne, rector of St. Paul's Church at Haymarket, was a Manaasaa visitor Vastwda^,

Mr. Arthur Longwell visited sister, Mrs. 0 . D. Waters, last week, en route to his home at Gaaaaway, W. Va,

Mrs. A. B. Davis has returned to her huuie in <%rnuiiluii, afl*!r'a'flhvrt,iitay in Manassas as the guest of Mrs^ A. E. ^ i e s .

Rev Gainesville Methodist Church, made a busimeA trip to Manassas during th« -wedc • —i—•

flicted little children free of charge, performed 200 surgical operat^iona on children ^&om all parte of the atete, many remarkable cures liaVing re-aulted. Medical treataient fmr the children is also -accorded without charge by Dr. McGuire Newton, while Ehr. Alfred Gray does the X-Ray work also without compensation, being paid

Any Man Caa Find His Style

H^Styleplus Clothes are always good quality, but are never found in the topjwngc of prices.

..Comparison any time will ^y^nv^ ynn thM.

High bred grade Holsteins for sale. Cash or on time. Jno. J. Davies. See H. Thornton Davies.

— Bam on Fortner avenue for rent. Mr?. E. Wood Weir. 29-4

Ford roadster for sale. H. W. Sanders. 2»-tf

.. Campfire Marshmallows are \ delicious; 25c per box at Prince

\ j William Pharmacy. 29 2

Wanted — Colored- man and , family; house, lirewood, acre xd.

Igr ground and $40 per month. Only ^ ' man who understands farm work

need apply. R. B. Wagoner, Ma-- naasas, Va.- —. 29-2

CUT OUT THE PROFTTEiart A 10 per cent discount on any

Watch of similar grade advertis­ed in any Mail Order Catalogue. Write for prices; W. S. Smoot ft Co., 202.701 St^S.^ W., JVash-uigton, D. C. ' 25-tf

- Ttfartha JKaahmgton. .xani sold exclusively at Sanitary Lunch. Why buy standard oys­ters wh«i ««deeta can be bought at the same price at Sanitary

' Lunch ? H. Elmer Metz, Propri-etor. — —2Z=f

T hnvft pnrahftiwrt w o o d WOrk-ing machinery and am prepared to do all sorts of shc^ work. J R. Evana., - 46

Wanted—60JWW white Oik zrom tiefc Son ua end get prirf H M. Lynch ACo. 28-tf

*3" Coal stove for sale, base burn­er in good condition. May be seen at Jounnl (rfSce. Oietift at $10-00- -•

NoncBi . Q B aocouBt o f th*' death of my

brother, Rev. T. W. Manafleld. Who mad* his home with S. T. Hall tmi famUy, Manaasaa, Va., and worked a

Bgeat, and by reqoeat in his last will I adntiwistTjtoc

bat my yuailiuB a r f i a g n a a a a South­ern railway trains 9 and 10 prevente nM tnm vl>lttng hb curtomenrmT^ one having M t a pietar* with him, or due money to him i» having account against him, please eooM or write to S. T: HaU, Furniture _ Store, Maaaa-aaa^y«» loicaettlem^t.

J. W. MANSFIELD, ^ - Maaasaas, Va. 30 Admimatrator of T. W. MaaaftekL

Come in aod Look Orer Onr SffistmaT^CaacEes

The Prices WiH_ Plcase^oiral


Mrs. Eliza N. Gibson, of Upperville, is the guest of her 8(m-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rfxaont in East

only for the actual coat of the neces­sary material used.

Owing to the fact that a large num­ber of oM ffgj^-y p»m» <xi tii» hffgpitBl I

^"*rf««" treatment diiring the first year the average stey per patient was lon­ger than it i s likely to be in the fu­ture. In addition to the hospitel worlc four hours each week ia devoted to outaida ^satiente...

In his report Dr. Graham pays high tribute to the King's Daughters' Cir­cle and tiie Protestent Hospitel in

Rev. Homer Wdch, pastor of the [TTorfolk, by whose help it has been found possible to give orthopedic treatment to a grreat many children in thn cjiy witnout- tne necessity"

—Mrs. Carl G. Griffith, of Washing­ton, visited her mother and sister, Mrs. William Foote and Mrs. D. R. Lewis, yestMday.

Itev. L. C. Messick attended as f delegate a meeting held at Richmond last week under the auspic^Bbf the Inter-Church Worid Movement.

M n . Wheatley M. Johnson haa r«-tumed from a visit to her sister, I(rs,.

cjty briagihg them to Richmond. Splinte dressings and other material are fur-niahed from the Richmond hospitel.''-

The war's great demand for prtbo-pedic nursesjiaving ceased, tiie_Vlr' ginia institution has been able te se-

Cjrnl W a i e 3Dalton,vin Si^on, N. J . and other relatives in Maryland.

Mrs. W. B. Champion, wife of Mayor Champion, of AlexaiidTia, re­turned home Monday.- after s e n d i n g a few days at the home of Mrs. W. R. Akehk

Mrs. Emanuel Fetzer and her daughter, Mrs. H u r y BriU^ both—^ Star Tannery, Frederick i»anty , cer cenOy visit«d Mrs. Fetacfr'a daughter. Mrs. C:~rr.TaleIy.

—^f'none of ito children ahpald be left' to grow up crippled, or deformed or suf-'fyrtag from u i y d^eet that proper Ueatmant in efailAieed nmy-t«mtieif.

Grace Methodist Episcopal Churdi, South, recmtty attended a meetiag in Washington m the intetest' of the Inter-Church World Movement.

—Miss Mildred Belt, of Didtimoje;^ and Miss Inee Semmgard,, of Waah-ingt<Ai,-were week.«id gneste of Miss Julia Maloney and Miss' Louise JIalo? ney, at their home in Grant avena«.

Miss Elizabeth Quarlca Johnson re-visitad Rirhmond., accompany-

ing her fathgy, Dr. V.. R. C. J«»hiwmi, who represented the MsouuHaa district school hOMd i g t>a »Qtte edoeatioiMd coBferCTca. '

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brawner, who raoesdy sold their farm near Maaa»-, -inmy, ]^v* today -ftw W«»li^t»y»^ where they ejqpecb^to spaiMLthe winter with thear aan-fai-law and dawghtar, Kr. mad Mrs. WUUaaa T. GrUML

JDt, and M > I W A M—WI;;«II ' iriwi

have been the gneata of Mrs. Nsfw-s motlier, Mrs. Jamea E.~H«Tril,

EivvrataRMd to iibcfir 1 M M Is^WB-lungtoB, N. C , aceompaBJad by Mrs.

a. mr

"Vr. and M M . ~BaIQng l ^ n n Kobert-son recently had as their goeate at their home ia aonth Mxia^ street Mra. Rdbertaen'a pareirta a»d^airtMri_Mr. and Mra. Aleacaodar F. Stoagar and

Jl isa Maadaa-^aagaa, -af- M^wrt Vaa-BOB, N. T , . -

Prof, and Mra. B. T. H. Hodge had as their gneste at Robfaiy Cottage dur­ing the wcdc-ead Mrs.' Hodge's neph­ews, Col. William Lay Pa t t eMa, Major Fred McLartai Patteraoo and Lieut. Lynian Patterson, aU of Waah-ington._ ' 3 ^ 3 * S I W t W '•^'cJieads^ morning for hia new post as CkMV Za«faary Taylor, Ky.

srajz»1^iaBgiK»iiLi£M Tba Jonmal doea not miarepreaant

its drenlation in ordar to secure adver-*** j tiaing.- 4Ca- have tha largest drenla­

tion of any newspaper published in FVince William county. Onr circola-t!or 1? ov»r 1400. Books open to ad-

cure the services of a graduate of the Children'* Hospital at Boston to tiJce charge of the nursing personnel here.

,Np effort wds inade . to nuL up. a large>list of patiente jUie first year, it being the policy of the institution to gradually expand ite' service to the little people of Virginia as rapidly as it can give such pa^etlft adequate tentian-carrying out the ideal of the 1giH>d people of the commonwealth that


Speaking of the wonderful pig-grow­ing possibilities of Biickland, Uncle Joah, a' country oorrespondtiit from Buddand, says in the Fauqul«r~pem-ocrat:

\ ^tTWKT 'r *^' ffffmrnilTiitv give his wimmin folks a pig-t!^ raiaa^;=93 name ^>hx Toota. • T* show th' size he wuz to start with an -th' dimensions to which he riz it is told thtit on th' fust -Mg^t-uv hJB stay in hig i Toote jumped thru a knot hole in two Qv tit' planks nv his pen en run es fer es th' nearest neighbors, which wuz a good ahoutin'- liintBTn-g away, hefo' he WM caught en bronght home.

"Bout two montliB after thet Toote sold fer $8 en it tack two people t' hist hmi mt' th' wmyip, Tli' ^^ly thinfi 1 refuse V be reapon^de f te is th' size nV"itef%tot h o l e ; —

Virginia fscea the loaa of one r ^ -*iBeauteti>B in Congress if that body faila to maka proariaicm for an inereaaa in the Heoaa of BapteaaOtogvea. .Aa lepteaantetion in Congress stanSi aT piaseMt,sach state, ia allowed one rep­resentative for each 211,480 popnla-tioa, wiiile according to the new can-saa, aiiCirtXwuinasluiial dishh t j f f l average about'245,681, wUA ia aMde <ha —M liffifl tlon. Using the estfanated of Virginia aa a baau, it wiB be found that Virgfa>ia wOl lose one S t r i c t . There is bat little doubt that the r»^ puMicans-how in control of Congress

A> aS in their power to cnTi^ra-sssitatton in the Soath.


J. W. Mm I la, who tea tela fee a Baltimore shoe hooae, came into Loo-iaa Tuesday night and pot his big ear with about $3,000 worth of samples in tiie Loaisa Hotel garage and WMft over to the hotel to regiater for tiia

i l Vinhnaa. »8 b e f ^ the It was only a few minirtea

of Mr. Atkii had gene off with tha

HAt the "happy mediam" cost, Styleploa -XaolhgDHvgyoq real style, splendid tanarlng^ '• aU-wpoF«i6lTc8, ilftiUUttCHr satlalaciloir- ~ —

II Styleplua anneal to one's pride and tWMual-ly at this time to one's sense of Taloea, be-

. cause H. C. L. is making everybody, in aD' walks of life, sit up and take notice.

H Yon know the quality and style. 1%e sleere tiaket telle the priee. ^«ar judgmwit will make yon a Styl^lns wearer once yon see the clothes—suit or overcoat.

jl Conditkws wiO fmrce prices higbw next


In the Circuit Court STPrinea. William ..County, Virginia.

nOSA UiBT, Plaistiir " v s .


The object of this suit is to obtain for the plaintiff a divorce a vincnlo mAtrmmnii upon the ground of desert tion, iuid~gen»ar relief, and affidavit having been filed- that^f^ said defen­dant. Moles Raney, iaVot a reaident

^ ^ S J o i the Stete of V i i ^ j ^ , and due ap-. I piicatiohTiaving been made for an or-

der of publication against said defea-dant, aa required by scatme, i ^ i a the^tfore ordered that the said Moses

tor piitilieallun uf thl» HOUUB, and Ju what is necessary to protect his inter­est, and that a copy of the same mailed by the clerk of the afi


court to said Moaea Raney at his last to-wit, Alexandria,

V&ginia, and that a copy of the aame


Highest Cash Price Paid

Sell your guineas now while they are in-seasoB an^ while the


V i i v M a May LWte Bei>iaaa*lllHl laJAs puatod a i nmuhaJ Lj tha irtatate ui aoeh eases.made and provided,.and pnbBahed for fear snrrssstve weeks in dta Wnasaaa Joaraai, a new^apsr pnbBslWd in the aforesaid eoanty.

GXO G. TYIJCB, Osrfc. _A_C^y^Teste :—

. GEtTG. TYLER, Clerk.


AD UAte of hadbif at lUrprMK See

nd a n r f h rt

uy imi mi car. Measra. Moiria, Gatea and Maa-sie in another ear went in pursidt. They overtook the stolen car at Mr. Wills' gate just oat of town, tsnt ^^l^mAm miMfiaff occupants had escaped. The car had | * ^ ^ ^ a broken spindle which is the it was so quickly abandoned. |

. 'iTie Journal—SI—»«»* worth It BettpT- n«->- Tonr ^ohjtcnptton ia sd-

We are in the Market for AU Country Prodnra SFF US


Manassas Produce Co* MANASSAS, YIBGINIA





m a ^ CmjMM SBStyVWB


rar Z. Pence, piitbr. Sunday Sehoel i^ M «. ai, . Preaching at 7:80 p. m.-—- -Nokesvilla LuthM'aii Cknrdi—Stt-

vices Svnday at 11 a. m.


Manassas Pmi^fVSttim'—Ckureii,-Rev. DeForeat Wade, Putor.

Sunday School at tO m. m. 11:00 a. m.—fiabjeet, "Tha Heme

Prepared." 7:30 p. m.—Subject, "ZMI tot the

KinKdorrir Wednesday, 7:M p. m.—Prajr^



Tr i nit; Episcopal Choreh, Bev. A. Stuart Gibson, Rector..

Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Service first, second and fonrth

Sunday at 11 a. m.; every Soadaj at 7:30 p. m.

St. Ann'» Memerial ClMipii,"HeBii> ville. Service first Soaday at S p. m.j t)iird Sunday at 11 a. m.


D. D. Clark, pastor. Sunday—Sunday School, 9M m^ BL;

morning service, 11 o'clock; B. T. P. U., 6:46; evening eervioe at 7:80:

Wednesday—Prayer meeting at •f-.SO p . m.

ItEV BARNETT G B I M S L B r S AP-P O I N T M » f r e

Broad Run, sectmd and fonrth £hin-*«y>, H a. m^. _„„ , _J

Hatchers Memorial, second Soaday, 3:30 p. m.;~ fourth Simday, 8 p.' m.;; lifth Sunday, 11 a. m.

Oak Dale, third Sunday, 11 a. m., and first Sunday, 8:00 p. m.

Auburn, first Sunday, 11 a. BL, aad third Sunday 8:00'p. m.~~ —•

C A T H O L ^ All SainU' Catholic Church, Man­

assas, Father William GUI, paator. Mass at 7:30 a. m., first, third and

fifth Sundaya.—Secund auiL fuurtfc Sundays at 10:30 a. m^ fbOonrad by benediction of tint Bleaaed Saewwwnt. On the first Sunday of erary mmith special devotion in honor of tha Sfc-' cred Heart of Jeraa.

MBTHi^IST M. E. Church, iSonth, Iter. WUIiam

Stevens, pastor. — Manassas—Simday School-vt/fttiK. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Epworth League- a t - 6:80 ft m.

Subject, "How to Uae the Bible, Leader, Mr. Eugene Hatt.

Prayer meetiB»JVe(faMsda^ a t 7:80 p. m.

Preaching first and third Snadays at Bradley at 8 p'. m.

Preaching at Buckhall seeood a»d fourth Sundays at 8 p. m.

BULBS ARS ISSUED FOR ~ J A I ^ B 4 6 H<»JI>AY HAIL T o m a k e flaky

bncvitSf acncHKU

Brndt of Maay Gift Gi^m Prince WiUaa.

.In antieipatioft of the annual rush of buaineea caused by the Christmas holiday -period,- tfuptflBlfildWl Mails Ilarty M. Lewder has given nut

'^«Bs, rvo/ddugh-Bute and cake of Vine texture— 70a must uae

$H»^»»^»<*»»«»*K»^^^^»^H^ z

these regulatiooa, which have been Terfeeted^ to warn the public agataut anrora in mailing;

Prepay poeUge fully on all pareela. Address paieela fully and plainly.

— name and addreaa of lender of

Pack articles carefully and wrap aecurely, but do not aei l them, aa sealed parcels are aubjeet to postage at the letter rate.

HIU (HUwila eaily. -They may ha-marked, "Do Not 0 ^ UntO Christ­mas."

Insure valuable parcels. Written inscriptions, iuch a i "Mer-

rv Chriatmas," "HaM>y New Year," "With Best Wishes,'' and numben, names or letters for purpoee of de­scription, are permiaaible additions to^ fourth-class (parcel post) mail. Byoks may bear iiimple, dedicator; tii-scripUons not of a personal nature. Other written additions subject par­cels to letter postage. Communica­tions prepaid at first-claas rate may be sent with parcels i>repaid a t fourth-daes rate, provided tisey are l^aced .b envek^pe a e c a r ^ attached to ontaide of plErcela.


Gttu Lcjenne Orders All Mil­itary Work Suspended Aff&

Notm Each Day.

Joy reigns in the <big Marine Qorpt cantonment at Quantico as the result of an order of Major-General John A. L«jeune that all military work will be dispeqsed with after noon every day

CHURCH OF THE BKBTHBEN Rev. E. E. Blough, pastmr; Rev. J.

M, Kline, assistant. Cannon Branch—Sunday

I'l a. m. • " • 7

Preaching first and third Sondaya at 11 a. m.

Christian Workeiaat-&4L «», \ Bradley—Sunday School at 10 a^.m. Preaching aeeond and fonrth 8 r o -

days at 11 a. m. ^ . "• "

PRiMirnrE B A P T I S T -

Primitive Baptist Qmrdl, S Da 1 ton, pastor^JL 1 . ' .

Services every fourth SiWiay aA 11 s. m. and the Saturday pceeaJiag at 2:30 p .m. ~


Rer L. C. Mesaick's mppoiatiMnta follow;

Manassas—First and t h M 1 •?:30 p. m. Second' days, 11 a. m. " ' _

Buckhall—First and 'fhfad T P m.

Aden—Second aad Umttk Sondays. T p, m. • ' •

Midland—First aad t h M n a. m. • •

Electrical N e e ^ AnytbirTMr jnal • At mf if eledrittl teasten, i date lifki« fidlm. On- wiriif tai mfbJbtm « fa tores s appmti If tte M R T Uwiennilcn. M | « i k i ' t h m l« par I hi| iHiee far MT fmi wait, t f f l

L. R O S E N B C R Q E R M A N A S S A S . VIRGUtlA -

W. S. AtHEY, Pfopriatot. Bsgsage , Funitnra mat aJi

of laefChatkulM or trtlM promptiy tranafarred er


Office—M. I. C. Building Manaasns Yirgiaia

No Marine will he required to drill

play, gcr to 8cho<d, rdiearse with a drainatic tronpei.sing or take lessons with the band.

"This is the time for play and heal-' thy sport," isnnonnced G ^ L^jeune. "Work in the aft«iiooBB will be abol-iahed, and mtry inan will be regaired to oirell for some beidtfay sport or other form ot entertainment.

"We want to m A e Quantico a mod­el iMst for otherHpoitB to look I F a a S wonder how we do it."

In addition to many teams, classes in the following subjects are planned;^ Gas mgiaes , Diesel engines, electric­ity, antomobilea, matiimatica^ En^ish, stra<^raphy and typewriting, b e e ­keeping and accounting. • -

Nation-wide P<ditical News.

liirnni Jl yhrtlliM

BAKING Goboy it todayl




IFARM HAND n a«4%v^ %#j%ii i


WesPnn Pow«raiMi

h Mriaw The BatteifT liuft LoQfor.

Because the charging process is regutotrd and fiiUy con-


trolled . by tbe_ automntib rqiulator.

It 'fe simple is reliable and can be depetided iqioo toriui at idl times

Let us teH y<m toatt id»out, this outfit

-:J; € . TKiiOSS, AgCBt, Va.

"THE BUSY CORNER" PEN MA.««. AT 8 T H.ST % 0. —<!•»»*••• WASHirjGTON, D. C. ai«««P.i.


Of a Good Quality and Style


At $35.00, $39.75, $45.00 , : . • . • ... • •. ii

Loose4)ack ON^ • Pdm blue, Effort Polo Gob, made wjA shawl col- <> br; Inied u firoiL At tiie same pnee are coats oTsBTerteiie, Mei ai ^ I aromii M ka^ coate, in browq, navy wi rmim. Good t^QC AA ^ rangeofsiasal . . ^)JU.UU J

New Coats of Broadclotfa, iq beked and loose-back styles, also m)ar fflodeb of vebnr; siHiie haye collars of self matoial otbos ((OQ 7^

-Salfrphisbandphm. At. . . ^^^lO

File line of Coats, of all-wool vekHflT m tai e, brown and ^AC AA nafy, 4 b d y modeb andiniskeiwidi ead collar& At . f ' t a e U U


The Washington Sunday Star last Sunday began publication of a page of natMwal pnlitiaal jMrnuLgbich it aa^ nounces will be a regular weekly fea­ture until after next year's presiden­tial eleetioii. Tfaia i s one of t h e most amMtioiis ventures any American newspaper ever made into nation-wide journalism. The Star has signed up a special political correspondent. in

of the loi'ly-eight stales^ in most eaaea tJ^ editor of the leading inpar tir-fpremoet political writer, and their namea are te be signed to a& their dis­patches. These correspond«its lurve been iuslmeted that "iTlrat and fore-most, The Star wants the news, with­out partisan or factional bias.*^ i t I s a big newspaper undertaking, and i t ought to aaable readers of The S « B -day S t a r l o ^ the best poatsd cfiatt-

1 MHwUthial-Jsy

B e v ta Gei-Oitt

Tits srt ef gett inc a car out ^ a mudhole ia one w«rth practieiay <n- a t least thinking liEo«£—f er - M one waate te-practfee H.- 8 e a w tim have had to. howsTei.

Ia «Bang_througlLa majBtole .with a truck or car, the driver sometiaMS gets to a place where the wheela will slip and -the machine will not move

Wfaea thia happens, i t I s usajasa. to oentlnae the wgckiit . teyinc to go forward, for it will oaly

Many times the ssaehiwe can be hacked out of such a diflcnlty. The reaaea for thia is that it has plowed its way ahead, and nine timea oat ef

fk way is laeee opea.-If tile car eaaaet be backed out in

this way, thea the )eb may often be

der the wheela to give traetioa. Hay or straw will aho serve O e saoM par-

burlap b a g a — S o o a motor-iete take lasge pisses ef asaa-.a(!. burlap with them for poUiBg out of nndig aad i M r t r TrlarTS Tlit Pro­gressive Farmer.

"SONGS OF LOVE AND WAR" Br Dr. H. M. Clarkaaa

11.00, Poatpaid Addren, THE JOURNAL^

MawiuHiM, T a.



STORL.-^ 8tb and K Streets, 11W Washii ^ 0. C

to Eat

My line embraces Staple j»d-Faiiey Gpoeeriefr Qjaeeiisw^, 1 ^





Horse, Pairyy Hog and Poultry Feeds

• ^

Wejffiunaw in a position to supply our trade with Horse, Dairy, Hog and Poultry F^eds; also Flour, Meai,^iiay.




Aaiy Bsa .




Oao-^Hibfae A GJddJnp — Buildmc


If you really want the NEWS of the county The Joonta! wiS give it to yoa ev«ry week for a year for one d(dlar, in advance.

Get the habit of dropping in ^he-old Jtfagehpuse on Center street-"you all know the place-^and your visit will sdways be appreciated If you find it impossible for y<Ml togeCi us a card and your order or inquiry will receive caref id and prompt at-tenticm. -.



^^<<M$^*4H»j«^:*^j^x*^^^ •:- ^>*>.:

fJ^nkai^ik^i£2nc^-^ di^l^iJH

"T^^WPWSgWSWffl lPSjf* aaiasia^ag^ .» 'e«i iPi iS:3;ai^|

inm, .iiiiititiitim.-thimKmi;A!




acd Parcel Post Service

rs By way <^ suggettion we appmifi a partial Ini whkh lUmtrates U M Moad <cop< of ouf set viua. ' Eight" Braacl>t, with phona coaaactioB. L ^ u» k^ipw

F«dbrt He, Be;

FwOttcK Sib — Ikmu




l i tfei Bc^Eit.


rHnbts Caahiti

CMdiCMm TiyeCwJni liket


OUAtlTY WORK QUfeKr 8 E R V t e &


Ma ttkt. 735 \3A St, ftiTr- "Wwrtrtagtoii;!);^.

Y«t, we gladly adnklt, we a n loving yonstUlI

"Oh, those wet winter roads and tiie mud— how they tary ue—

.Thay'd^ make a tuot mad !mi.*'SPod angel di^.

A fellow whose name should be Ana­nias

Had {he "nerve!* to tdl me Virgiiiia

Get Our Prices on Meats O O O O O

Come ui and give us a calL Before you buy get our prices on meats an<d groceries of. all Idnds. Bring us yeur eggSf-butter, hogs, calves, &c. W e _ ay A e highest prices for couirtry producoi ca»h or

* trade. I We are carrying everything for Christmas—raisins, m cttrraats, citron, cocoanuts, nuts, candies, oranges, B^-bananas, cranbarrie«/celery, etc. _ ^

• Do not forget the good meats we handle that mk always satisfy. Every Saturday a reduced price on

differwit eats of meat WATCH FOR THEM.



r Ae


The name means ALL. It is madti by the Victor TaUcing Machine C!o. Don't be deceived by stnne other—not all Cabi­net Machines are Yictrolss. Let me show you. Give me your order for Records. ' I havesoiac in stOek a l the tiiac. A little

~~ Watch Repainug and Fittiiig oi Glasses


ftglg, yifgtnUT - TBy- |wtd leavea iu?t: falling;

Wild winter is near from Us home in ~ the snows.

EU^ in the air the wild goose is eaU-——•'^p- ; Ja«k Frost has been Voond and dead

is the nue: :— Dam this .chin In the i ^ and—Oh;

wen, it dont matUr Thongh we sneeie with catarrh or

eroak with a cold. For the rabbits are fine and the "pee-

suma are fatter, fat tile cellar the apples are rtiidy and

gold We remember how fair were yoor

green fields and. level As recently viewed fn»m a swnmer-

clad hill; XlMagh ia winter yoar road* -ate mean.

as the d 1.

- — was ilty. -~— U back to ttat land wme day IV be

taming Unless I'm a dock I will try to keep

dry By trading my Ford for an airplfae

and learning All the driest and safest roads in the

sky. ~ • ^ —The 'PosMm HnnUr.

—GleadiHe. lUtd ^— ! _


Rev. Edward Wright, of BaDston, pi:eached in the Clifton^^Jg^byterian Church Sunday morning, Bev. Alford Kdley gwiug to Vieiiiia on the New Era Exchange. Bev. Mr. Wright has not lost any of his art of preaching in the three yevt since he conducted a meeting here.. He had witji him one of his elders from '^llston, wHo gave a talk on the Boy Scout work in the afternoon. Bev. Ur. Wright preach ed again in the eVenmg and left on the night train.

Bev. Edward Tabor held m<«iiing and evening'services at the Baptist Chnrd^

Ruth Birhards and -Miriam.

Voa newr-tastedaach ItiO^ M ^ .

Buckley spent Sunday at their re-speetiveliomes here.

Mrs. Upp's sister, who has been~vis-iting here, left on Monday.

The CUfton schools c ten d Wed­nesday, the fnmaee having beaa ia-

The Aid Society of the Pr««bzterian Qiurch met at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. W, H, Richards FMday ev«suag, with a good attendance. After an en­joyable evening, the meeting adjournr ed till the' Janiia]c7~session with l&s. Payne.

lbs . Charles Ferguson discovered fife at her home last ThiHsday and immediately telephoned to the village for, help. The response was prompt ^r,A tH» flMiwwt -msra a^tJiMpH^lied i n

a short t ^ e Later the same day a load of wheat

belonging to Mr. H. F. Myers was struck by a fast train on the railroad crossing. The. wagon was split an? the. wheat sown for aome distance io the south. 1^ dziyK and horses

M. B. Hatiar* Vtee-Prea.

-GSS. B. WarSeW. CasUer.


UNDERTAKERS First National Bank


THE UNITED STATES Cspital . . . SlM.imM Sorpian «IK1 Profit* . $20t,«ooj« | P r o m p t a n d s a t i s f a c t o r y aer*

11 v i c e . H e a r s e f u r n i s h e d for Pn-.inn< t t t^nt inn (firen t o a d

p«< B.-iiid.r»c rnjirrtioaa -\:ef ^lod Earope. ' a n v r e a s o n a b l e d i s t a n c e .

-In-SMzed memory of my dear son, Thomas Miiton Utter back, who died one year ago today, December 5, l U i .

Dearest Milton, thou hast left «• And the loss we deeply feel, /

But tig God that baa bereft ns He can all oar sorrows heat.

Written by His Mother

CAMELS supply cigarette oontentment beyond anything you ever experienced! bodied tnellow>mildneas; «och refreshing, appetizing

fiavor and coolness. The more Camels yoa smc^e the greater becomes your del ist—CameU mn euch a otjm ntt9 rriYtilMtinnJ '. u— EvMything about Camels you ISnd so'fasciaatinc ia due to th«r quaUty—to the expert. Uand of choice Turkiab j o d choice Domastkrtdbaceosi

Youll say Camels are in a d a s s by theuiwave»=tfaey seem made to meef your own paraonml tamte in so msny waysf Freedom from spy unpleasant dgaretty after-taate'or un-I^eaaant dgaretty odor makes Camda particularly deairaUe

moat IsstidiBUB stisAgs. Ami. 3 1 ^ laaiglre'Caniglrw Hberally as msets yoqr own wishes, Cor they never tire your

taste I You are alwaya keen for the cigarette satisfaction that makea Camels soattractive. Smokers.real-ize that the value is in the dcuet te s and do not iBxpect premiyms or cou­pons ! Compare Camela ixrith any dim'

m "mi

rett0inthw^w6rMMJUi^risrimT'~^ ;^*^%T-

•9mt9<tpmckmimt o/JCcjU«raf««g ortti^ «tf*B {300 dgarwiimmi m • ^aauw-p^pww cowei^d ca/ton. W0_mtecnttS- foommmnd tbim cjuton fcr fft* AonM >- oMc* mtippfy or when yoa trmwL


= ^ * 5


win buy enough keraeene for fuel and enbugh In*. lincating oil to g^i-e n t e 200 watt*hottn of dactr idty widi & Ddco-Light plant.

W ^ 200 w f ^ t j i ^ oTdectricity yoacan do a i 9 of thto fai>

Our Store Is Splendidly Ready To Serve the

f For the many tUngs needed te reploiah or fnmiali the he ie f«f apriag i s


f Onr spadeaa'prooad leor keeping departmeat offers the heat and meat recent devices in ealfamy ntenails, iMiadry eqnipm^rt, liease eleaaiag deviees, ref rigeratan, etc.

CHINA, GLASS AND , ^ ,^__mxEHaEAW8,- :t—

ITbe-Ja^«st-«tMk tt^ the 8e«t|^ indndlag the most elegant predib-tions sa well as the leea ezpeaaive

Tear inspectioa imwiUi.


"" 7




BdPs Better Bread 1 We are glad to ssasaan that Decemfcet lat w* have been aDewed to •whe hreM elUsat mtag any aafaeti. tato af ^^iMst. TWa, ef ce«rM, w « •MU betOr hree4. Tee are M » to-vftedtoaMiartaead. WebeBevew* eaa taraMt aa aitSda ae geed BEST. T We appreciate the Uberml patroaasre ef the public at ear QUICK LUNCH DEPARTMENT. We wfB always be glad to aervc yoa at

iW^ nfc=,'llrs.'"ifc:; . •iiSiT^riSn^'Ti^^fe. . .BELL'S BAK

J^'AUEBtca^ , iTr ^Kmm

THE MANAS;SA^ JOIRNAI , M ^ WSSis/VlHGI^iA, t t tnnY. -TtEf-rr TBEK T?, I TT?


BieaJI»er of Mammmw Orpai—-

(Contribnted) The ninth y^vuil conndl of the N«-

tionar Societir, T7- S. Dsnxhtara of 1812, met at the Jeffenon Hotel, Bieb-mond, VirginWf on TiM«da]r •nd Wed* niesday, Norenber 26 M A 2«. A U ^ I M chaytew nompri^hig the tUte .*i0»n\ catioD were i epteeewtiid, e iceyt the El iubetk U T i ^ » t p » «( BriiAid. ba-preeaive dedicAtory MrrioM-wen heU at the burial pteeee of John T^ler and JasMa Moww," « , IleUywood e e a e -tery, where O Taeiday aftetBooa tte bronze greve ri«ty waa plaeed memory dents.

The society went on neori M ex­pressing ita profooad rasrot at Uie failure of the UaHed SUtea Senate to ratify the peace treaty and of nations coreaaat, en»i>wi1in: t i i* hope that the ineomiaff bMy might act favorably.

A five-dollar gold piece wae award­ed for the greatest amount of hiatori-cal matter sent in to the state histo­rian to the Colooel Ckwrge Armtttwrtl Chapter,


MeMTS. D. C. Aleamdar and J. L. Hintan ware in Mawa—as on Monday. —M«i. i. T. Oarite b viaitiag facr-ila-»ar, ii».^-cr—gajpitaa wader* -_•

iSUii X^J: Garland held servieta at IhirBikptiat C3uil«b here on Saniay. Mr.-aad-Xfw Arthnr Beatwright are expected shortly to visit'Mrs. Boat-lutrtl'l Wii>iii Mil r T rtliimiitw

lira. Isabel Lydia, of Thormont. Md^ left for bar homa on Swiday^ af-t^ a visit to har aiatw, Jfrs. J. W^ Bailey. She was aeconipaaied by her MwUiar, Mra. W. H. ArrfaigtPH.

Mr. J. t. aarka.iHia hai ten oU the aide list, is iaspreviag and la abk t» be oat again.

Mra. Fannie Shackrfford ratamod to MinnievfUa Sqaday, after Reading

-•*-2.-^--iniA ^* j f im waaNwiti i her aiatar, tbm. W. « **• 181* ao- J. Aahby, awl har aiaea. M a . Gaerge

, _ . , ia position to the w . Crabti«e. at Gattott. Mra. »HHsk. of theaa tW9 ^^rginia praai-|etford viaited relaiiTas and J^iands hi

Alexandria aa riHta. . Mr. Oaade OUvar, «f Fairfax, waa

took place in Alexandria on Satarday and he was bozietf^ la Ivy Hill t«i7j near that town.

Patrcna a n d ^ i M d a «|t.HajniHu|3et. i^eiai are JnyftecTto he praaaot at tjaria^.^—^WiWiartainaiant, wlin* take place a^ the pariah >all on Hon da^, Deeimber 22, -AO p. m. The pu2 piiaof the seho^ have done good work in the kill-tha-rat rampaiga and have

' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^§^^

to thair credit


the coin was presented to the regent of the chapter, d ie handed it badt with the request t ^ t it .be naed to help in fortheridg fntuze historical in­terest. Mrs. James H.- Fisher, aC Reedville, won a I3ce priae for compil­ing a most exceUeat wwk for the meeting. Mrs.' F i l l e r said she wished to retain her coin, bat waa riad to « m -tribute $5 to the Same eatiaa. Mra. V.'. Samael Goodwyn, retiring prad-dent, made a like coatzibatiQn.

The prize, a gold medal, given by the president of the s o d e ^ for the best essay on "The Cause and Neces-

a MiimieviUe visitor laat week, pur-ehaaing SOOMI C«WS from Mr. J. T.


sity for the WW «f 1812," ^ a s won by Mrs. Arthur W. Sinclair, of Ma­nassas, who had prepfred in the opin­ion of the committee of award an OE-cellent and instmctrve paper.

Mrs. J. F. F. Caasell, of Staanton. also a member of the Colonel Geoisa Armistead Chapter, was deeted I H « 8 -ident to succeed Ifea. Goodwyn, w^ was made faQnoiary presidait for l i ^

The Dorothea-Payne Madiaon C h ^ . ter was bostesT on aev«i other occa­sions whm the c o m d l met in fticb-mond. Tlie main gadal f e ^ ^ i i

Mr. and Mra. I^ewia W. Ug^itaer have Tctomed from their waddiqg trip Mid 'are at their home, '^Bonnie ffiaa.*" Krs. Ligfatner was, before their mafr l i se ih Vfaihiagton laat week. Miss Estdle J. Borgaas, of The Piaiaa. ^

Mra. Sanntd Claggalt and Mr. T. J. Chew, «l BaltiBioxa, ware h e n for sar-wal days laat wade

Miaa Phoebe Baetor. of Quantico, spent the week-end wiiit Mia. Drowne. " Mrs. Carrd Hall, who is qiendinc t h e w i r t e r i a AaaapsMs, waa-lfce jguast of Mra. Engene Keys«r for the week-,end.

Miss Willie TnUoas and l b . Frank I'uUoss, of Waahington, w w e Hay-market visitors this wedt.

The assignment of Havmarket par.

Mr. William S. Br&wiu ratnmed the-firat of the week from a trip to CU-' eaga, where he attended a eatUe show.

Misses AUee Meta and Mary Tram-ham spent laat weak-aad in • » ' — - m r

Jhe efalldaaa of Mr. and Mta. I>anid Kfatrhalee who faava been on the nA list, are BOW ahfe t* attend schaol again.

Misses Bessie Jtffriea aad Mildred CoUins, of Maitaaaaa Higb School, speCit the wedc-ead at thdg raegerti»a h^oea.

Ura. C. JLarawar and J I i a . X War. ttdngton Abrwf visited at Oakwood OK Saturday.

A great deal of interest has bean shown in tliia locality in tlw rat cam-p d g n aad it ia^ialjeved that whea the "caadaL aKModagea" are all xnontad Catharpin wiH asake 'T-very o a A U U e

T ^ ^ ' -




delightfully appointed limd>eiH> _ ranged for the d e l ^ a t e s at the Jeffer­son. The next ananal cooneil will be the guests of the Admiral H. H. Cocke Chapter of Petr i l* i*g . •-'''• :"^

lah for the Natioci-Wlde Campaign of the Episcopal Church, amoontzng to $2,000, waa over-aabaeribed <» Simday by several hundred dollara.

The Junkir Auxiliary gave a " t a ^ PMty^ at the jjiTTrii hall laet Friday eveziing. - The prixe tot the most orig­inal and novd eostnme was awarded Miss~Renie Rector, l l i e hiJl and ta­bles were prettier 4eearated and eske, candies sad ice craaa wave aiid. T I M aaxiHary is woiidng to raiaa fdnds 1^ adncate a Ca»ineae g irt

R . Charka Jaaney, a farm«ir resi­dent of Haymarket, died in WdUiing-ton; Ml Tteraday las t H k fimi;ral

At the recent elaetien ia Somerset-county. Pa., one asan eaat a ballot on w l i i ^ he wrote ia ane of the vacant spacea 'The Devil'' aad voted for him. This ^ u s e d tlie editar tO^ the BerUa. Ps.i Beeeri tu uMaaieul. "Oiia B e r t e nnn , a ^ sermed to 'want his mast-er'a wiH done on earth as it ia in hdl^' cast a baflot for T h e Devil.' Soch a person should be de^rred of laa fraa-chiae. He ia not fit to share the sama rig^its with resneeUMe. r.«»d-f»»ring people iq a C^rislaan country. His longing for the association td his own Ok ]»t>babty prompted him in voting thna.' Shame aad Amtempt, -tof the so-called American d t i n n wito would Hat inrh hii hsThAr


We wiah to expreaa oar appreda-t i« i of tile, ayaqarthy and kindness of frieidB and neigiibors daring the iD-naaaaad daath^^ a ^ ^ a e ^ died'on'Thimka«ivAiK day<

Mr. and Mra. B . C. Iffiler, J«ipliB, Va

K We win fed at public iraetiiMi for the high doUar the fine tract <tf gnwirf right hi tib* d t j of Maaaaaas kw>WB aa4kt EASTStN COLLEGE PARK raOPEBTT* wfcidi wil he OM of the awat valaaUe addiUoM to the heaotifd town of MaaaMU.

f MANASSAS Jaoae rf the heat towna vf 8,000 ef man I* te trntat-u^Whtfe. It haa g9od aekoeb. a fine Agrioiltaia] High School, is MI the main Ihie of the Soathei^ Railway, with good train smrice to Waddagton for thoae who^dre to five ia llana«ns aad work m-transact baaiacaBfai the Ca^ta ia^ . .^—


Never Wm C%eap

Apostro^Mta Water.

• IIa\ e you heard Kiwanian Jim Davidson's toast to . watN"? N o ? " asked Jeff Bailey. "Wdl, i t ia worth| repeating. So here goes; 'TTon have asked me to respond to the toaat •Water.' the purest and best of all tliHL's that God created. I want to say to you that I have s em it (^istOi- , u:^ in tiny tear drops on the sleeping! lids of infancy; I-havp ween j t faicMei down the blushing ^cheeks of youth, and go in rushing tornnBts down the wrinkled cheeks of age. I have aeea It in tiny dew drops on the Uades like polished diamonds when the morning sun bursts in resplendent glory o'er the eastern hills. I

the rushing river rippKri over pdUsly rxitcorns; roaring over predpitoos falla - tht mad rush to join the father of

waters. And I have seen it in the-r :?hty ocean on ^riioae Broad boaom floats the battle <!«**• rf «li natienn and the commerce of the world, bat ladies and gentlemen, I want to' a a y t o >o.i now that as a bevarage it Is a ^ — failure.—Birauagliam Hi

Hiata for the Hewewife. Did you evaf ruS

the slice of. Try it Yon win.ftpd it_gltaa.a daB-

. i':s favor. You need not bofl an entire ear -.,

:-rt the hard yolk tst rnHai ^%mZ

^ These qd«»did lots are 50 by 150 with sewer pqie already down, and eT«ryth£^ raady for buSdiag ia^Mdiat^. I h u additkm cmivrises ONE-FOURTH the ana of MaMsaas and lots are at a premioai here. NOW b yoor time to get m <m this propodtiM and par-ehaseanroal ot these 119 best fattsi^Jdi we off«- fn- safe on tihe ahero date. J » t ttn auaatcs wa& front statfam. AH bts good loeatimis fw hones.

T 'naK Cash,:or Libertj^Bonds or Acceptable Notes

, - i

Free Cash Prizes on Day of Sale!

S A L E S A G E N T S , B R I S T O L , T E N N .

NOTE—lfr. S. C Hannan at tbe Hotel is our speciaT repreaenUtive and wffl — ghre you any mfnnmation Htwired. SEE l l l i t —

• n^. S


f B ^ g ^ Chrisbna^ E?er eparate the winta aad yalk •<:tho:t breaking latter aad poadi

IS hard in salted water. The whites . .m thus he saved fer

' •''" malSng-gira^reeiAiea. «•» ~ -'• coffee instead «€ water, aad y«« f <^r TOTS arc here ready for yoar ji^poetion a haafanau iinc

probably fiad a. imptarvement m of thea. too. T«a wiB find h a « TOYS TO SOTT KVEKT CHILD For'^n appet idn , . . — « . » ! T H E C O U N T Y . P R I C E S A R E R i G B T A N D I H E B E S T A S -

.^ :LL^^S^J:T^ :^ SORTMKNT WE EVER^HAD. u r and add rhnpp.i . l i , - . , T f F O R Y O U R C H R I S f l f A S T A B L E W E H A V E T U R K E Y S , O Y S -

JJZ^ZiV^'-^ Z ; I ^ CELERT. CRANBEWES, ORANGES. GRAPES, AP-n cold milk «rf^!^,^k^it?^,2,^ ^ ^ LEMONS. m S , B A N A N A S . DATES. RAISINS. CUR-

ate oven. Yo» fkafly wiS • * fc aa "A^^S, CITRO|f, PRDITCAKE. COmAMHTS—JtVMHrwilM^} h«.^ ,GO(M>TOEAT.


Tlie undersigned will bold an even­ing d a a s on the nights most suttaUe, evcrr wedc, at Eastern CoBage, for tha. boarding students aad town s to -deatta from tbe other schools aa w d l aa thoae employed in ttte day.

The • a e t i n g t «t the d a a s wiB be in the baya* handing, Srat floor, -every

- 8 - a I'cleek, -Hie ^ a^to ariA to < , - . iavltad. whtt

t ^ e th i s eeorae. batmct ion wfl] be imp II idaal and | 4 par m o t ^ in ad-vajMe. f l te oaUay for iastrvaicnts, trma^lea, board aad miaceHaaeoaa

frt>sh cake.—Bxehstage. GOOD TO EAT


MRS. TOM THUMB D O S C^otrnteas Primo Magn, kaawa

tne general public as Mrs. T rnumb, aad oae of the beat known M A N I C U R D W S E T S . .1 put)arts in the world, is dead after ^ '*'

. onir ilhieaa. according to an Aaaa«i. 1 ^ ^ ^ M E A N S G I V E U S A LOOK B E p O i f f i B U T S M f i . ~ W E :ed Press dispatch from MiddlebOT^ H A V E T H E G 0 ( M ) 6 A N D T H E R I G H T P R I C B &

v'uss. Ph« wa» aeventy-seven rears - ^ — — • ' . . , .r,d had traveW a r o u J tfce ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N T B U T T E R , E G G S , R A B B I T S A N D A L L P R O D U C E .

. - id several tin:e« under the man-! C O M E T O S E E U S • ment of the late P. I . Barnum.

:, .'i Viagn waa tbe daughter of ^nd Hulda Bump. Caaat husband, survives. BURKE

suapliea for the year, wiU aasennt to ei artneh must be paid at the

„t^^..MMM..g. A credit for the course haa been arranged witii Dr. Roop and ™Tw r ' nrt t-ft^ards y^if dagTse in ool leaea oa a par with George Washing­ton and Trie U u v a i ^ . Advamad stadenta of diawiag wiu be aoe^ted. CeaM a a d briag yoor frieads uai lesaa tliia iwtafealisg aad naefal art.

» - ? J. C. T U L U W S .


ahowlag the e^ehiaiTa aad AatiaetiTe featares waaa by

-^HMt pifgcrtg iriiaamu. footmar by anfl la

mm I t t t R. Street, Ceraer Tentii,

Waahiagtoa. a C

MU Ma4

e ;. B E C A U S E

TWa k a atiaaji, caiefd, aafe andjtaeeessfBl inatita- I g o ^ ^ i ^ a f r g w n i g . aetiw. op-tx^^ate b a £ ^ every : !

HKi! A i m u r

Yoar aecawt w S l e apvradated by tUa bank and i your intetaat wiM ahrajra ba ceaaidated. -

» __ B E C A U S E - -On fMda are guarded by a

I Mfe MMI with fun maoranee.


bia^^arfcoof ;



If y o a a i a a a t a eostoiver of thia bank, let thia be ao invitatioa to you to become one.

__ Oor diractan, <i > are wea- Dtowa. weS4o-do

1 B E C A U S E

BONDS Boucnr 1 Vktery or Liberty B o o ^ aa , ,

aay dfiioilHaliiMt—$H ta SLOOO. boagfat for CASH.

V*- 15-tf 1 The JottnuiJ—Jl.oo » year—and worth i t


top related