money saving€¦ · terest thorecn ar current rutw from date of dep

Post on 24-Jul-2020






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VoL 7. No 26 W ellesley, Thursday, jiLpril 26th, 1907. J. W. GREEN, Prop.

MONEY SAVINGLet no young young man rvpr

permit it to enter bis head that oronoiny is meanness, or that it l? to be despised. £t i» be whoRaws who can afford to give ; and noth­ing Ib mean which in honrst und which goefl to establish une'i in dopendono.!.

Wo will receive yonr dejio&ltft from f l . upwards, al’otvme you in­terest thorecn ar current rutw from date of dep<3*(it to date of with­drawal. Compounded 4 timed a year.

Absolute Security to Depend tore- Capital Authorized * l.ftOO.OCG 00 Capital Paid Up SErO,000,00Reserve tmdivhled profits SPWLOOO.WAssets «,000,000,00

The Watero lank of Cana Jr.Wellesley Branch.

W B. WEST, Manager.

H. HILTSi Dentist

Wellesley.OrviCB S—Oppopite the Furniture



trfHre op-stairs, opposite the Post

Office. King Street. Berlin. Ont.


CLEMENT A CLEMENT,Ilp.TiUI.ata, Solicit or*. KulftricS Publte Co -

vbTru m, Htiittjrla Irfwiii l,u .0 « e s •A rr W b j t* Pivrkir v C ^ .U - r K ju* ..

Pam ary airrptt. Jihl.ll.I*. r . p. rucHiwT, K C. K. W. Ci-tatttr.

gCELLK.N * WEIS.J, A. H.A.. 1. i.. »J. J. A. W*ir, Mppitr iu Chpnrsry.

JU irrb l«r*. feelfctftux*. «■*<- *cn«o •*. loan .-I’ptUirp iu Ui« Aioaric ji UUicl,

lIEauiN..W, GLAISTER, K. D. C. M.

W*U.MO*t,lUld PtHl Sll»*r HrOHM- I-le

S u n t o n O t i w d .A hh>o I*t* Co run cr fu r W n tc r lw C o a a to

Albion HotelWELLESLEY.


Every Modern Accomodation Choicest Liptnru

Best Stabling,

$£*&f C

% ?!

Tfae drath of My,, John Webster, late Inst Friday •rening. has caused jznnentl j-orrow hn. 1 he community where he and his fatrody have been long known anJiriifhly popular. He was in excellent .ealth until the first week iu April when he caught a heavy cold Wtiiqb developed into pneumonia later on and which finally caused hi*:Uutli. The fan- oral occtured on Moiultiy afternoon and whs very largely attended, the remains being iliTt-rred in Hugh’s cemetery, just south of hero. The profound sjniputhy ull is extend­ed to the bereaVwl fiunUy.

Work or the rh’v tclepbono line is being rapidly pushi-d aud it Is expected to he its operation iu a couple of weeks.

Our farmers air getting busy with their sprln;; <ieediBg and by the cad of this w* vk it will be in toll awing.

The regular toeing of the Uq- Wj(itl train vihinlh- ia making ns wonder when the1; long expected r dlwa.v outlet at Wellcalcy will l»e upon to ns.


a > » S

I>o You Think

that year dignity would V ver­ified by wearing a new suit

foe the holiday.

^ IF SOfg?Call nod sen out Easter

specialsReg. $16.00 black serge

for $13.50.Reg- $15.00 blue serge

for $12.00.One end of BlaCK Cblvtot,

Reg, $16,00 to clear at $12.85.

Ak«> a full line of tweeds at b general Reduction.

ED. PFEFFER,Y our T Ailor’

Lisbon.Social ReJuttioas i& All Lihei.

fjoff-j I | j3 ° f I * H B &| Cd 1 ' SI 3 * 1 ( 1

I * f J% IiS1 *$ E-

■ '$

t %

There wa? a cansternaiion itiiicng Ihfl barbers in England over the invention of a 'j^mdoner named WitheriugioD. He lias made paale which roi-rifmw the beard without the usd of n razor in tonminutes.

This ]Ki*to maker the hair so brit­tle that it <an be robbed off clean with, n wet tipoi gft "No skin liviuhlo” is gn,irnn^ed and the t»?r. Forunmco i- nirapi/ ja part of wash­ing the face uprin prising iu the morning.

i *



fferiat FromEYE STRAIN

m TROUBLED THAT WATTIf bo ooostdt a skilled optic- in, We’ll he glad to attend tout case and can guarantee

,e best results. Eyes t^ ted □d glassee adju-ictl to relieve ie strain.


jres tested Free

l W elsh & SoaDirect Importers.

i r r i a g e L i c e n c e s .



Of the Preston and Berlin Elec, trie Railway.

TimetutlcT.No. 3, effective Oct. 6th Leave Ik-rlin fur Preston, Hi

pelcr and Ottlt;—A. M_—8 00, S OS, 10 05, 11 05.P. M —12 05, 1.05, 2 05, 3.05, 4 05,

0.05, 6 <15. t.05, 8.05, 10.05, V 05, 11 05. (PruaLin only).

Extra express car will leave Berlin iar U. P, BrRtatioa, Halt, carry­ing ijqjaiciigBra and liuggugu, at 8.10 n.ui and 0 p.m.Lcn. vo Preston Junction for Ber

liu, Uci,pek‘r and Hall A M,—(!•.«fl. Hcspeler only),(6.3d Gnlt only), L30, 8 30, B.30, 10.35, 11.35.

H. M —12.35, 1.35, 2-35. 3 35, 4,35, & 35, 0.35, 7-35, h 35, 0 33, 10 35

Extra cipresa cars will leave Pros ron Springs at »,0d a .m M_j»dd 6 3i p.m. tor 15, P. R. Htatlun Unit. Leave Unit for Berlin, Preston

and He ipolcr:—A. M —-7.00, 8.00. t 05, 10.05, 11.1 P M —12.05, 1 05, 2.05, 3.05. 4.05.

O.OS, 6 05, 7.0ft, 8,05, 0.05, 10.05, (LI 05, Preston only )

Extra expres-H ear will leave U. P. It atatluii fjotng north on arrival of the 10 25 a, to. and ?,14 p.m. trainH.Leave He«|M)lor for Preston, Halt

nn.l Berlin;—

burg, and across fr^m Blair to Preston ami He#peler. Another line is To link together Phillipsburg, St Agatha., Watcrluft, Bridgeport, Bloorni update, W in ter hou rnc,iw nw to West Mon trow, Elmira, ont to n w Ytttton. There are a few othei smaller spnrs^ Naue t>f these roads have boon yet set aside as county roads, hut the plan is nndur coosiderntion by the town- shipe.—G&lt Reporter.

x'U lU D LINK.

Beeding has commencod and by the end of tho week all hands will be busy at it.

A week ago last Sunday Miss Dewar lost her shawl and it waft found and returned by Mr. Chr. R Gingerich. of NVellcsdey.

Mr. Wm. Miller, of Wellesley, spent Banday lust with his father- iu-luw, Mr. Win. Fink,

Mr Herman Potumer, who is en­gaged with Mr. Bnyder, west, of hero, hud to return home this week on account of illness.

Mr. Chris Erb is getting the tim­ber on the premise* for the large bnm he intends to erect the coming summer.

The Freeborn boys arc nlso get­ting ready for (lie erection of their new baru,

ULAIWTONE —M«ncri-«ltu>u Of th*—

TAvisytMK.Mxi.usti Co., of Tavis­

tock, Ost

Forsnio oy Fred Bivour. Wellesley

LJNWOOD.Miss A nnie 6cbuim ner, of St.

Cleiuents. « s 6 tho gu&tt of her brotlier here for a ih«y or So lust w eek.

Mr John K night of Guelph, was a business visitor to uur town on Friuay of lust week

N ow that spring is hero the yardsThe foli i w i n t n g e t are should be nicely cleaned. That ed, said by-law to take effect Dec, kinfiSfl fbr Iho paste;— ' * - ■‘“WiiiM** uulnut ashea,

brash, etc ., is not only urtSlghlSiy Aecouida tinea far I ho paste

No pnrtierdar barber -to ask If the razor is sharp o no ugh J No sec­ond man wuiting to brash your hut and ask with hi* ntannear for a tip t Yoa rub on the pade and rub it off with H spongo, and preat• 11 Yon go down to coffee and toll* looking like u man fresh from the hands of i bo best barber in !x>ndon. The oust is about one cent a ehuvo—and tip yonrielf."

Cared of Rhunirmtiem,Mr. Wm. Henry, of Obittan wga,

Trnu., hud rheumatism iu ms loft arm, "The strength weenied toJiuvogoau outnf the muscleaw> that it was uwtc-iH for work,” he gayrt. •T applied ChatubejlniiTh Pain Balm and wnipped the iirin in Ununol at night, «ud prniy relief I found that thupuin gradnuUy lolt- mo and the strength returned.” If troubled with rhennaatism try afotv applica­tions of Pain Bairn. You are cer­tain to in pleaswl with the relief whiuh it affords. For sale by A. J, Humidors, druggist, WeHttaLy.


Mr. H. ,r. Bowman, of Berlin, has drawn op a blue print of Wat ertoo County showing the sections of highways which may be> Itioor- parat d in tha prop ned system of n- Tinir levels thut the Roads Mud Bridges Committee is at work on The road leading from Rocktou to Galt is to fiiinr^inthesyfi-temfrom (.he Bevcrly-Dnmfries line, up through Galt, Pre-don; Freeport Berlin, Waterloo, fc«t. Jucbhs, Elmira and almost to Florudalo From oast to west is to be taken the road from Breslou to Berlin I’etursburg, Baden and New Habi httrg, with another fcbretub along the west«r« suction north from llamharg, ro Philipybiirg. Weiles-

but it la « menace to the good health of the plane.

The gruvol plfie^nl on the ri ads hereabouts was in danger of be­ing lost in the mad of the past few weoka hat thu drying tip of the rcvtds show that a good deal of it in an tap yet.

Out local machinists, Wilkor & Decki-rt, are muting proparuMoms fur a \Ra summer's work wbicb Is already beginning to come in.

Mr. B Ballard, of Huwkesvilln, wua ill the /illugouno day iu fi week.

ley, Crossbill. Lin wood, with A, M.—G-35; 8.10, » 10. t o n , 11 *V epurto Mill bank. TJiareis another P. M.—12 14,1.15.2,15, 3 15, -4.10i ijjljrip from Ayr to Rosovllta, anti

Galt up to Blair, Doon and Stras

rate of one cent for each four onnee* prejwid by stamps affixed to each package.

This new arrangement is expect­ed to keep out the trashier period- lolls, though it is dotbtfai. The express cotnpanios, whoao rntos are lower than the postal mtos, will he used more generally and periodicals will bo sold on the sown stands.


Cotmcil met at Budon on Mondav April 13th. Members all present, the reeve presiding. MinatoH of last meeting read and approved.

Moved by Peter Berg, seconded, by 8 , Caasel that leave bo given the mover to introduce a by-law taking the north half of lot S, con. 1, Block B. from 8. 8, No. 16 and add­ing the s&ino to No. 30, and that add by-law be now read a find and second time.—Carried.

Moved by Peter Borg, eeconded by S. Cuiwcl, that by-law No. 454 be now toad it third time and ;


Tim regulations governing the new postal iigTeeO'CUt on the now*, papers passing between Canada and the United Slutes, have been re­ceived by Postmaster Bollinger. They require that postage ut the mto of one cent lor ouch four ounces or fraction thereof be paid on all newspapers going into the United States. This will moan that uit Ktih^cribers of Canadian paper* living on thu Amerieun sidv‘ will have to pay additional postage on Iheii pajatr-samounting to about 1 rent per copy.

Tuoso tiew regnliPI^ns nre the result of a postal convention be tween the Uni tod States nod Cun ada. Under tho postal eonvoulion which has hitherto been in force, the Dominion, it is allaged, had Umnuta decided disadvantagu in regard to the. trabamlskion ofnews- papera and |K3fiodiiMis pacing be­tween tho two countries. There is about u ton of mutter Chining iron, thu Vaulted fctatos to Canada to overy ' 100 pounds going to the United Stutes, and much of the former consists of iiublicallons oi a very cheap order. Hereafter ijowspaptirs und periodicals malic in une country und addressed to the othor will be subject of a uniform

H gtocHJWr, r e p r o a d ................f S 0 0H 8 Shantz, filiing bridge and

material....... . ................... 5 00W Yom#n, wire fence bonus. 6 72L Erb, d itto ....................... . 3 84F Hoi well, rag b <1 an 1 m ---- 10 60Treas Blenheim tp,b*l doo on

rejiuirs town line 1306 . . . . 4 20John Hyde, % coot gravel N

E.mth<>|)o tow n line 1 9 0 6 ... % 26-Council adjourned to meet May

2rth, when a Court of Revision w ill be held and path mas ters w ill re­ceive their instructions.

F. Holwell, Clerk.


Mr. and Mrs. V. Globe attended tho funeral of the lato Mr . Sinn, in Wallace, the fore part of hist week.

Miss Lena Wagner 1ms been visit- iug friends and relations in and a-aund Enrich tlie jmst week nr so.

Mr Kneisol has made quiet a dif­ference in the appearance of his property by cutting down thoso largo poplar trees,

Misb Annie Koch has accepted u position iu tho W. G. & R shirt .uctory, Berlin, and left for that place last woek,

Two now barns are to be erected n this vicinity this Hammer, one

by H. Hold and one by J. F. Conk Both the=e gonllomon are getting tho material ready.

Whooping Cough.I have used Chumberbun's Cough

Remedy in my fuinily in cases of whooping cough, and want to tell you that it is tiio bust mudicino I have ever used.—W. F. Gaston. I’owo, Gn . Tills remedy is safe tndsure. For sale by A. J. Saun­ders, druggist, WelMley,

Mrs. Parkins who bas been on trial in Cayuga for the past eight days, on a charge of having poison­ed her hubhand, was acquitted by by the jury on Tuesday evening.

Ettrekn 1Ya*. I have found it at last.

Found What? Why that Cham­berlain’* Halve cures eczema and nil manner of itching of the akin. I hare 1x*oo afflicted for many years with skin disease. I had to (tot up throe nr four times every night and wash with cold wafer to ally the terrible itching, but since using this salve in December. 1605, the itching has 'stopped and has not troubled tne.—Elder John T Ouglov, Kooivillp, Pn. For sale by A. J. tsunnders, druggist, Wellesley.


ly. Tbta la owing to -proper or im- woper reasons, according to your polities. Sir flfchanl Cartwright Would hardly need a telescope to •view with alarm" thi* year's ap­



tepairing of all kinds of Machinery Iron-

work such as—BlXnRJW. MoWEBX. (t.iHll.lNE

Rmiixes. Wito Mim a Aori- cn.TBRAL lHPLitstKTTu Etc PLOW REPAIRS ON HAND

----- ADVERTISE i> RATESr-C*---------One Si* Three Year. Mrmlhi.Motjtli

On* Oat wan.......... tw *« W-JMali Column........... J! !IN»rl«t (Vilnm*.... U * JOa*-EUel)t1> Column « » 1IVofea-Unml Car l 1 lr,i *Ihuiree* Locale per line'lN.ticr* I means r<-i Nonpareil) J fli.lN-r linn forfir*t toeorliaru »c, |n.r linn lor each

•abMKl«cat icM 'ilioiuAlt chMi*M Of nop* lot MrertUetnentt lie in i h* ulfic« no! later than gju.Uj

r«* edrSv *1 lor th f *• Inaertlopa.

Subscription $1.00 a year, in ad vnnc«. Utberviw $1.25.

Otntlc nnd EflVcttvo.A well-known Manitoba editor

trite* t “ Asian insrdc worker I find ■lmmbcrlnin's Stomach and Liver I’ablctji mvaluable for the touches • »f biliousness mituml to s«lcntary ife, their action M nu gentie nnd •ffev-tivc. clearing the digestive ;r»etar.fl the head." Price 25cents. Samples free For sale hv A. J. Sounders, rtrnggist Wellesley.

----- A (TENTH FOR------

Massey Harris Imple­ments, and ]-----menta, and Repairs, Page Wire fence, Wood- stock wire fence, Lon­don Hay Slings, Iron

You Have Confidence


The salaries of members of ti ehitnrio Government have been In­

creased nnd nre now as foll-’Wr;Hon. J. P. Whit nr*. Premier

and President of thcCoanuil.ffM'OO.Hon. J. J . Foy, Attomey-Gener*

oral, $9,000.Hon. A. .1, Mntbipaon,Treasurer,

$6,000.Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial

I Secretary, $6,000.Hon. R. A. Pyne, Minister of

Education, $6,000.Hon. Nelson Montelth,

of Agriculture, $6,000.Hon. J . C Ileanmo,

Public Works, $0,000.Hon. F. (J. Cochrane, Minister Of

Lands und Mine* 6.000 In addition to those sums the Min.

inters will each recelre ns before their sessional indemnity of $1,000.

The ministers without port folio. Hon. W. A. Willoughby. Hon. J

Adam Bock


“Our Wellesley contemporary fight* valiantly for toWnship con tral of the boons paid out by »hf Department of Public work* for th< construction of standanl ro id ways But the members of rhu Legislature on both sidea of the House, fmvoT the present spstem aud it must b> regarded aa the settled policy of the Govern m eat. With the reeves in the County Council directly rep resenting township opinion nothing is gained by dwelling o-i an impos­sible method, nnd we invite on. Wellesley critic to lull into line and iierferai a roal service to tho com­munity by advocating early ac- quiescenrc in the «OT»*nmont * plaa as it will pass through the present County Council. "—Halt

W ILK ER & DECH ER T, Fortunate is the business [mun who has won tho reputation for dependability, and for giv­ing the beat and most satisfying bargains.

Fortunate is the public that dciils in such a store.

B E K L .I I M

Business olkgeMinister

J Enter *t <«ay time c?5"- Ja Whi It* onr apri ng term opens <A on April Sod; now students a a arc admitted at any time. A If you •-•liter -this sohnol ynu J

a enter tho lu-st suhool in west- a a era Ontario, Tho prof iso a * here. Our graduates getjxis- A } itions. Jf W. D. EDLER, Principal. <

Merchant Tailor,LINWOOD

Has lmllt his Imsinoss up along this liue and it 'sfttill growing.

This year his stock of Suitings, is simplv Elegant. T1>a prices are as low and tho workmanship la ns good as tho beat.

Minister of

It is true as the Reporter nay* and was stated in the Loaf last week, that “the Legi-latnreonboth sides of the House ravow the pres- ont Hystem," but wo cannot hold with onr sprightly Galt eontmnp^r. ary that "it must be regarded ns the settled policy of the Govern­ment.” Government can havo no “settled policy” except to carry out the winhe* of the electors. Now in the amendment just passed hy the Legislature no discussion wa* held and it was apparently rnshed through as a trivial matter. But when the county council* begin to act upon it trouble will nocessnrily begin between the farms and the towns which will compel the Ijegls- latnre to give this serious problem more serious attention in the next session of tho legislature.

County-clerk Bowman baa .issued a blue print (vre giro u disenption or it In another part of this Issue) of tb*> permanent roads pro jawed -by the county council Roads and Brid-

Milea and miles

ROUTE8. Hcndrle und Hon -will have to content themselvos, ns heretofore with the mure sessional indemnity.

In British Colombia the Premier I gets $5,000 and the ministers, four in number, 4.000 each.

In Alberta the Premier receives $6,000 aud hla three ministers $>,000 ajdeco. ftaskatchownu, with the same nnmber comjirising the Coun­cil pays similur salaries.

Practical t®Shoemaker


Opjavjife thu Albion Hotel and next door to the post office whore he is pntp&rod to d3 all kind* o f :


* *,S1CK CHILDRENFor It Cares for Erery Slclt Child

in Ontario whoso Parents Cauuot AfTonl to Pay

For Tretlm tnt.»r «r *r

Th* Hoapiui for Sick Childm, Colls** «t.r*»t, Toronto, sppula to tb« fsthow and tnOther* of Ontario for fundi to maintain tho thousand lick childm that it nuraaa within its valla mttry yaar.I 1 1 Tb« Hospital i» no*

a local iastitatlon— b e t ProrinciaL Tb# siok child frooi any

NOTICEf REPAIRING fCounty of-Waterloo

Promptly anti in F irst-class Style at Lbw Prices.

Boots nml Shoes made) to order; uood fl* and wurkmau- Bhiji guaranteed.^

lour Patron&ie Soititd.


'The Municipal Council nf ^Vnfer- loa wiU nj«et at tho Conrt Uoaac, Berlin, on Tuesday,

APRIL 23rd, 10 o'clock a.m.

HERBERT J. BOWMAN,1 County Clerk.

Berlin, March 23rd, 1907.g«s committee, of these roods proposed to be im­proved lia alongside of railroads, both Blown and electric, and the balance .ippoer to be arteries to car- ry the traffic away from the town- ships to tho large towns Beside this these roods arc already e msid ored to be the best in tbe county and could well wait to be the lost instead of the first upon which these costly improvements are made. We aro not struggling to prevent traffic between the country and tbe town, but we hold, aud tbe farmer holds, that it is fifty times as useful to havo a good road from the farm to its nearest mar­ket as to improve long stretches of already good roads, which parallel trolley lines and railways capable of doing the hulk of the work.

TavistockP r i n t e d

_■ «td» of Toronto.f i t Tlw oorti* #9o«it«

J a V i pw patien t par day,'■fli > o d there were IV*

eick little ones a day ■bood b it . doctor.* ia Um HoepitaL

Since ita feoada- ----

C. F. Ot t m a n n

WELLESLEY.Also all kinds of

F a m i l y - ^ - -^ Groceries

Canned Goods,Spices, Etc,

Produce taken in Exchange.FRED BIVOUR

in Btock and *o!d at Factory PrioeB.

Special attention paidThe good rrada question in too targe a one to be handled in bulk by county councils, and tho “long loading roads” idea will not benefit all who have to pay for it. But if divided up into Individnal municip­ality lot* tho task, while atill a heavy one would at least bo equit­ably performed ■______

In view of the • vast surplus and the inereoBing revenues of Ontario Premier Whltmey could do au im­mensely popular act by making this bonus money for good roads apply to all pcrman&nt bridges, etc., constructed by tho municipal­ity and county. .

The Ontario Legislature was pro- rouged on Saturday last.

The Dominion government ex­penditure is now reaching the en­ormous sum of $110 ,000,000 annual-

to collars and anything in the harness line.

Rtp&irini a Specialty.

O f * OttmannWELLESLEY.

Maple Leaf




Cream Separators,RATMOS»

Sewing Machines,ALso Sleighs, Cutters, oto. for


.— — ----- IlotplUl.‘u ra a ritrm n -a ' E.** the e*«aipta

of what c u bo dime for oluhfoot children. Thor* were 14 like cue* last y w «od buu.


H IM *ed dOwiMlkne m.r

c=«tiiifie Jliiicricatun.',.|r illti'm irl w*r*lr nr.'L,J ot Mi>r •nontuig ■lrr„,.ji .

---- - ArT WmPlreoe eeod eeetrthuflone ,to .T, Bom

KobertKon, diAlrtnin. or to Duigla* David- Sec. -Ttr**., of The IIcwpfUfTor Sick

iiildrea, College Street, Toronto.


j ,,,3r- '■ worrying over the m Ko«d barley for sale, COo per r<o*te which D supposed to give

btsbel. PeterMcMiUin.Hampstrad. razorleas shave, In fact he thinks <*f inventing a scisaorslera haircut f*o that he cun get time logofM iing occasionally with the boys,

i Two Girls and One Boy Wanted —RfpAdy EmpViyment-Light wort,

Apply at Office.R c ih e r B r o s , a Co .

Mr»r Murray. of Tavistook. me- enrnpanbil by her son, Robert, of

Mis *S Esther and Alma Hogg, of I *h® 03BB£nw Wi.rehonse, spent ftirowie, are at present-the gneids of! ^0rH “r vslt** ^er daughter. Mis* tVireotit>tn, Mbs Barbara Hogg inj Marruy’ ° r Bose Millinery, th a village.• b'oettso Inspector Walter was in

Reeve Rnlmrlson in in Berlin at' tending the session of the county council.

Albert Beracht is confined to hi home at present with nn attack of q linsy.

Spring hoane*cleatnera: see the snap bargains in carpets at John B rahr’a.

tow^Tw Friday luHt renewing the licenses here and hand-shaking with hi» hosts of friends.

A little f iv e oents-a-line adver tiseiueot in the Maple l^enf will help yon lmy or sell that horse yon are thinking about.

Spring i» evident ly now here, and boose, cellar, and heck ynrd clean m g are In order if good health is to be maintained-

Borne fine strings of fhh have been caught in the river this week, bat trout fishing docs not com menced until Wednesday next-Muy 1 st.

Black, brown and gray Fedora nod Christy bats, regular *2.35 and *2.50, for only •1.88, nil the newest shapes for 1V07, at John Bpahr'n.

Mesere Fletcher Johnson and Cbaa Heath, two of Stratford’s ris­ing young business men, were in the village on Monday afternoon las

By an error in Mr Kelly «* Chic-n go letter la«f wook our type*the Marshal Field forca of clerks *3,000 instead of 8,500 as was in­tended.

Quite n number in town have tried tbeashes-burning experiment. The general opinion appears t o lie t h a t i t i s a snwxvw as a ,lfad” bnt n o t e n t i c in g , yet. as a permnnuntfuel.

The land has dried up qntfk’y xmder the auushine and dry winds of the past week and farm?™ are already in the fields busy at swd- log work- I t I s expected tbut the end of n « t wrv'k will see those operations abont finished.

The entertainment commit u * of the B. of T. held a meeting on Mon-, day evening and decided not to hold a Victoria Hay oelobratLn this year M tho time for preparation is too short.

Mr. K. H. LflscbitiRir, who was private secretary to Hir. William Mnlock whon Postmaster-General, hasjbeon appointed Assistant Dep­uty postmaster-General at n salary Of |3,fi00. The office is h now ano.B e Is a son Mr, Lascbin- gor. the postmaster nt New Ham­burg. and a brother of Mi«s. Lascli inger of the Berlin post office staff.

A foot hall pane between the school hoys and a Junior loam of town boys was played in the park „u Friday evening. The Kcrrite* bad the wind behind them in iho first hall but were unit hie to score a„ they wore much the lighter team In tho second half the town lads got three goals for which the strong wind and lucky kicks were princi­pally responsible, nei her team showing a n y tblojt like combination, it being tho first game of the seuson.

Mr Henry Hostetler spent part of last week in Cattboro looking over the land described by Mr. John Hill to a letter published by the Maple Leaf a few weeks ugn. While there he purchased « fertu »btcl, will shortly be oocupi*! by his b othoT-in-law who is now t o t e d,m Bt. Joseph's Island. Mr Hos­tetler was quite favorably impress­ed with the taro, bargains offered in the Oanboro district although be did nqt have *” oPP°rtumty t b o r o u ^ investigate the Mil.This is the eeccmd farm which has been sold through tbo pubUsbing of Mr. Hill'* letter in the. Maple Leaf.

Between my place on the 5th hue and Wellesley, ™ Friday,M arch 15th. a now hide. Finder rew arded. J acob Miller

Mr. unci Mrs, L. Koehler were in Berlin on Tuesday attending the funeral of her brother, JohnWneat, who was killed by being run over by a l l . T R. freight tmln late last Friday night.

Wellesley Maple Leaf subscribers who order extra copies for their friends in the United States -must hereafter pay fift cents nrhlitional.ns the government now compels us to put a onc-cont postage stamp on ouch single pajHT to* United States address,

A dangerous operation won sne ce>sfully performed by Dr.GlaDter, assisted by Dr. McEaehern lust Thursday, upon Clayton Play ford, son of Mr. Tho*. Play ford, Cro«*- bill. The lull was snffering from pneumonia, and it became ncces- ary to remove the pus which had gathered. The patient is now re coveting nicely.

BOWLING CLUB MEETING. The Bowling Clnb held its annnnl

meeting at the drug store on Tues­day evening of this week.

The financial statement showed that last season wnA a very sec-j peMtfnl one, that after nil ex- penaes were paid there is a balante of *14 on hood.

The following officer* were elected for the ensuing year:

President—H. Krearzwlescr.Vice-Pros.-E. K. Reiner.B-c.-Treos.—A- J. Bannders.Ex. Com,—A.McDonald,W-Hogg.

John Walton, Dr. Glaisier.An estimate of the cost of operat­

ing the lawn, -this m r « to' be made by tba oxeantivu poulmitToe and presented to a general meeting next Monday evening, when the fee for this year will be arranged

Wall Paper 1 La teat patters; ooua pletely caw, and prices lower than any opposition's, at John Spabr’H.

Wasted —Good general servant m small family. Apidy to Mrtt Alex. MilLler, Berlin.

Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Keltcrbom, of $t. Jacobs, visited relatives in the villuge on Sunday last.

Foh S a l * . — A b a b y carriage, In good condition, also ll folding crib Will b« sold ehgsp. Al^ply at this

I office.

DBR BAUER—Y A H !(Erin Advocate.)

The mmi who wrestles with the cow and Imran the calves to snok, who cast* tho oom before the swine is now in greatest luck, for butter is on the upper grade, veal's higher than a kite, pork is diming up tbo scale, and beef is out of night, eggs be gut hers ovary day from his Poland chicken coop arc almost worth thefr weight in gold and we are in tho *oup. His corn brings him a fancy price, it ’s rising every day, and he rakes all kinds of mon for a loud of hay The former is in the saddle and when be comes to town thereat of Us by rights should

| go away back and sit down.

STANDING COMMITTEES. The council of the Board of Trade

met on Thursday evening last to select standing committees as in strutted by tbo geuc-ral meeting There were present, Messrs Ott mann, K, K. Reiner, Green, bpttlir Schtmb, HoKtotlor, Koehler, Kelter born. Raundor*. The following standing committees were ap poined.

Railway— H. Kelly, Green. Ho« tetlcr, Ottmnnn, G. Holil, Buunderx J . G. Rcint-r,

l i r e Protection— Cleghnm, Dr. Glw.stor, A Kolterliorn, E.K »?oincr P, Ottmnnn, A . K Froelwrn, P Glebe.

Local Improvement end Sanitary —Spnhr, C, A. Kennel, Mickas, Rata. Bivour, Glaisler, W Kelter- born.

Entertainment— H. K. Forler, H Kolterborn, Koehler, Walton. L Schnub, Kaufman, West, Kreutz woioer

A apocial committee, consisting of the Pro*. Vice-Pres., Sac. and Al J- Sannilers was instucted %lo gather information regarding t ie incorporation of the village of Wellesley and report nt the May meeting of tho B. of T. council.

BORNIn Wellesley tp on April 15th to Mr

and Mrs. JonHS Boabart, a daughter.

On the 16th lost, to Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Patterson, North Kouthope, a dan gli ter.

InOrowhtll.on the 1Mb inat., to Mr.and Mrs. Jas. Birmingham, a son,

'in Welledoy', on the 23rd lu»t. to i and Mrs. Peter Liohti, a son.I In Josephbnrg, on the 23th to Mr.

and Mrs. V«l. Dietrich, adaughter.

NEW LIBRARY BOOKS.The following new books have

just been added . to the Wollealey Public Library. Patrons can now

| choose their reading mutter from a selection of 2,0W volumes:The Lone Furrow.. .............. FraserTreasure of H eaven .............. UorelliTho Doctor..................Ralph ConnorKnight Who Fought the

, Dragon ...r i- .t , '.'.7 .?Le«HoCamerons of B ra ce---- RichardsonCnpict and the Candidate......... CarrPnucuke Preacher....................CloicHalf a Ragno................... ..McGrathWhite Plume of Navarre .Oqckeit Hazel of Heat her land.. . . . . GrundyDitnhio and I ...........GrundyCaleb Conover .....................TrehcticDust of Conflict ............. Bind lessPort of Missing Men — NicholsonFriday tho Thirteenth........LawsonCatherine............................ ThurstonLatter-Day Sweethearts , , HarrisonStaying G uest...................— WellsMr. Barnes, American ....G nntlierLady M ary .................. WilliumsouCaptain of tho Kansas............TrucyThe Mystery................... WhiteFir^t it Whs Ordained..........ThorneComing of tho King........... RookingTruthful J a n e ........... .. . . . KingsleyWhere the Trail Di rides. Ltllibridge

W e have just passed through I the customs and put into stock our first shipment of


JACKETSin 3-4 length. Children’s and M isses’ light color. The goods are now on sale.

SMYTH BROS.South Bide King Street.

b k h u i wCash and one Price Cheap Cash Store

Christian Jantzi.

Treats all Diseases of Domestic Animals.

Dentistry a specialty. Residence—third house sontli of

MIh*. Lutheran obnreh.W ellesley.

EARLY CLOSING 1907.We the undersigned merchant*

and bnaincsH men of the village of Weileeiey horony promine and agree t« close our respecti ve places of imsi ness at 7 o ’clock p . m sharp, every evening, commencing May 2nd Wednesday, Saturday, and even mgs before public holidays except ed.


HAmmt t4. WillWAl'K C. D. K lElIl.U l V. K. OTTJlANJf J. J, FUCIHt'RITxUER L. YLEKCHTIAT.’SSraan bivour j . a. tint;auJOKK LOKPi'KK ROBT. KUHE RjLTZ A KI.EIW HUaEER

Barred Rock [Eggs For Sale.JT p *'*rl

4 l*»» While Mini Huff rook t t u .JOilN V. CAilPREht..


Farm for Sale, half lots, firm twiiadan w««t *«rt,

Virsnssh-'" 1r,.o« non** ten* t,«rn. r.ul____*er*» Wl ■but itiy iwbIvu«er*l h«nt Wood lituh, vriit«i,i| |,y H ikilia*..r«» „f.prinf w»t.r. y n*V*r hnnji to quick buyer.


(The nam« TUD- HOPE is all the guarantoe any man needs when buying a Carriage.

You can’t be half U particular about materials and workmanship and service—as tba Tndhopes are.

When a Ttidhope Carriage leaves the factory, it is absolutely faultier to every way.

Tudhope Carriages are guaran­teed by us—and by the house of Tudhope which has been making them to Canada for 55 years.

May we show you some of the

Tudhope Carriages.


HaTTg KelterbomBUTCHER

Dkaucb in all r - —rrFresh and Balt Meats.

Bamuior Bausngu and Wieners on Huiul.

Highest Price for Hides and Fota "*■ V e a l C a l v e s W a n t r d .

Fat Cattle, Bhaep. Hogs, Etc. Bought.


HERE'S A DANDYLook at it a minuto. It skims the

milk from the whole herd in just a few miante^—skims it clean, and just as soon as drawn from the cows. No milk stand- . ing arirand—noskimining by bund—neither puna, crocks nor cans to wash— skim milk ready to food.

IT’S THE TUBULAR# It’s the Rlmrplos Tnhnlar Cream Bopar- ator—and it ’s a dandy. Notice the waitd low supply can and wholly enclosed, seif-

.-i^rtp oiling gears. * A dairy Tabular has done 24 years’ work without repairs and u**d oDly three quarts of oil- All luluhars are just as durable n» that one. Dairy Tulmlars aro built right—are neat and economical—drip no oil—nse tho same oil over and over again- Wo sell the Tabular. It Is tlie leading separator. Every body likes it. Drop in and look ai it—and gut a c&talogno.

The Peter Hamilton cultivator and disc. The Biseoll Disc Harrow and land roller.

We havo now tho agency for tba Stratford Pumping and Power Wind Mill. “Sharplei" Crouin Separators always in stock. We hand le the Singer, Now Williams ami New KaymumL Hewing machines.


Hammond & FreebornA gents tor all kinds of Agricultural Implements

Vehicles, Etc.WELLESLEY.


“Saving a t the Spigot W asting a t the Bung

f*rum thv N«» Sjinskur.One of the difficult problem* the

Hun. Mr. Hanna, t lie Provim-ial Secretary, haa on bis hand* in rela­tion to Tom lata mini:, is the inning of lirens-cs, Boon nfter the C4»>v- imrnent otime into |>->wrr. whether in n nonirrn' of weakness or other- v.iso.n promise was made that there won til Jib no hew licenstw granted in New Ontario If it though* that this promise won «1 suon he for­gotten, the Minister b»» fonrnl he made a mistake. Electors won for­get,but Thoso who havo thoir heart*- in temperance work never forget « promise of this kind. What they have they hold, and they nrfc a t: ways asking for more. They are1 im atiib’o. So. Mr. Uanmi ■■«*« this great country growing ; splen- <InI hotel bnildingn being erected, and urgent demands made for licen ***». and for the same consideration in the matter of hotels which is given fothoan living inO'd Ontario They way: “ Why, what ia the mat­ter with us? Have wo not ns gmxl buildings a* they have at the fr<-n; > Are wo not aa well fitted to manage the business? Why do yon deny us the siirne privileges yon grant to ' North Bay?" The logic of such ■ reasoning goes home to the Minis- ter, but he haa given his pledge, ’ and he is tmt at nil anxious to have * u hornet's tuMt around his head, as : ha would have if he were to break : that promise. 7

In Cobalt, Latch ford anil Engle- - hart- are some splendid hotels.They } are larger, grander in appearance, ■! and more up-to-date than am to bo J aeen in Old Ontario towns of from J 6000 to 10,000 population. When these hotels wore built, the owners he lie veil they wonld get liuonaoa. It is true they bed no pr< mise, '

and the trend of public opinion * was against *nch a supposition, but 7 yet they did think so, and hence ? tbo statement handed to the press by the Minister last week was a "f, sore disappointment, for it means a great loos to them. ^

All through this country the 1111- - cit sale of liquor ia being earn id. on. 1 We attach no blame to the officials for this, because we know the difll- cnltles they had to contend with. Tb*i opinion ns to whether morn harm is done under the state of af­faire aa they now exist or under a license system, is divided. One man will tell you that men buy it by the bottle now,

» That’s what buying poor paint means. Paint Anay be low-priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to the poor covering

power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it’s too late to save. Shut right and UK

A Word re House Furnishing.

We an* showing a lnriro and wc'l nswi'rlod stork of Art Squares, feu.ttiifrl dwdvn*—Scotch Unnloatn* in ft i and 104 , Floor Oil* in -M 1-4 * I—stair Oil*—Lucn Curt nip* from 50? to $3 00 per jwiir—Art Mu*,, in* mid Snoons (wiwt».ible m*xL*} crctUfUWH—Curtain Scrims. Window slimier. ami Wall paper* fjom -Ic a Roll np. loV wall, oei.iugund border.

A call will repay you.

Another large shipment of millinery jn*t recrivcd—Stylish, Chic, m-to-date linos, nt moderate ]>rb os. pl»a«e taill early and make »uur flection as thenttractive -Style* Shown .Sell very Rapidly.

Our stock of garden and harvest tools n iw fully equipped for spring huaine^K.


Made to paint buddings with.

W e carry nl«o u lim p et* range f t bh EK \ \ IN - WILLI AMS Cel­ebrated Paint*, Varnishe.-. i„i for which we iub the sole amu..- ..ere.

•■The Cheapest paint to nso" conaidcriuK durability, covi ring imp­urity n'jil saving of Itilior.

R ea d y F o rBUSINESS.


Chopping MillIN WELLESETC. D. BeckerHas jnst placed a fine chopper ta*-Plaining U»i|l uear theSchool.

First-class work Promptly done.

Aceordeona. Autoharps. Altrw. FWnjos. Bells Bones, Buirles. Bir- itones, Basse*. Blank music books, Blow nccordeon*, Q nn aneto, Columbian Gntphophone*. Uon- oertinns. Cymbalist. clappers, Colninbia Zithers. Unmet*, Draws, Dulcimers. Edison Phon­ographs. Flute*, Fifes, Flageolet* Folios, Guitar*, Uuitar Zither*, EJarmonuuH, Burps, Jews Harps, K> none, Mandolin*. Metronome*, Music Bo-ks, Musin Hoxe*. Mmic Bags, Music Hatc-hels, Mu ie Pi per, Ocaruitis. Organs, Oboes, l ianoa, Piano Scarfs, Saxophones dewing Machine?, Sheet Music TumhovrineH. Toning Frtrks. Trombones, Victor Talking JUtc- > jn<ts, Violins, Vio’ae, Fiotnncel- los, Wnttlihvm Guitars anil SJnn- dolinH, Xylophones, Zithers, Zohon-


has there been shown as large and good an assort­ment of 1907 goods as we have this year end at prices so low .

Open every day.Give me a trial.

Ail Kinds OfPlaining,

.Moulding, Etc.Done to order.

Estimates given and Contracts taken

for Buildings.C. D. BECKER,I W ellesley,

School Books, Stationery, Etc,

He3s’ Stock Food,International Stock Food

Little's Sheep Dip,Zinoleum Dip,

Ki eso Dip.Gambault’s Caustic Balsam.

Kendall’s Spavin Cure.

$1.00 PER YEARIn Advance

(Otherwise $1.25)

Jo b P r i n t i n gCirculars

Pamphlets Office Stationery

Blank Forms, r any thing in the line JOB PRINTING

Promptly And Correctly Done A t Reasonable Rates

It Covers the Field.It’s Advs. are Read.

It Pays to Advertise in the

M a p l e L e a f . - ^ j

PostersBills Pure Drugs, Medicines, Stock Pood. Etc.

W ellesley Machine Shopand Cidor Mill

SKATES SHARPENED to order every dayA Woman Tells How to Believe

Rheumatic Pains,I have been a very great §uffefor

from tbo dreadful disease, rheuma­tism. for a number of yeors. I have tried many medicines but never got much reliof from any of them until two years ago, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I found relief before I bad used all of one bottle, bat kept on applying it and soon felt like a dideront woman, Through my advice many of my friends bare

^Having purcha*«l the «bor(j buKioes*. ioimMljr conducted by (beUteJobci fi Zebr btg w jinuoutK* ihat tb* »h°P b open Ifrt m u*u*I. ,

Engines and threshing M achinery

j Impaired and put in flnU olass condition.

Lawn M owers Sharpened.

Saw gumming, filing, setting and straightening Cultivator teeth, plow points binder and

mower girths and knives, shears, axes, etc., sharpened

and repaired.

top related