money - serve god or serve mammon ?

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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The Bible tells us clearly that it is an alternative to serve money or to serve God, we cannot do both ! How can this be put in reality in our mind and actions ?


Serve God or Mammon ?

Dr. Christoph Sontag Phayao University

( The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. )

The Lord Jesu said:

Hard facts: To live with God => we can NOT serve money Serving money => we do NOT serve God


often we hear, that God “blesses” people by giving them riches !?!

NOT REALLY ! See for example:

“Blessings” from God in the OT used to be also connected to material comfort. (That’s what many people like to hear and believe)

But the real deep meaning is far beyond that.

How then ? How to “hate” money ? On the other hand we should be true with money:

Let me make a comparison here – Compare your life with a ride in a nice car along a road.

You like this car, don’t you ?

Now: do you love the gasoline, that drives your car ? Do you look at it, smell it, enjoy its presence ?

I guess not – actually we DESPISE the gasoline !

Its smelly, toxic and dangerous !

So I think we should do with MONEY it’s dangerous, deceiving It can destroy lives it can become a drug

BUT: we need it to keep our daily life running, Same as the fuel we need to keep our car going.

My advice: Regard money as FUEL for daily life I don’t love it I don’t pile it up at home I don’t adore it I just use it on a daily basis because I have to do. Happiness and comfort comes from another source.

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