monkey island chapter 8 oxygen. 1.when clay wakes up, what holiday does he realize is coming soon?...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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2.What is Clay sick with? What is it? Clay has pneumonia. Pneumonia is when your lungs get filled up and you can’t breathe well.


Monkey Island

Chapter 8“Oxygen”

1. When Clay wakes up, what holiday does he realize is coming soon?

• Clay realizes that Christmas is coming soon. He sees the decorations in his hospital bed.

2. What is Clay sick with? What is it?

• Clay has pneumonia. Pneumonia is when your lungs get filled up and you can’t breathe well.

3. Who is Mrs. Greg?

• A nice lady from the Child Welfare Association.

4. What is wrong with the boy who shares a room with Clay in the hospital?

• They boy has hemophilia, that is a blood disorder when the blood doesn’t clot.

5. What did Clay learn when Buddy came to visit him in the hospital?

• Calvin was going to die and Clay could not live on the street anymore.

6. Why did Buddy think that Clay had to go to the Social Services?

• He had to have a place to live with “three meals a day and a school to go to.”

• 7. What does Buddy say about Calvin?

• He is in a hospital and is really sick. He

is probably not going to make it.

8. What did Buddy bring Clay on Christmas morning?

• Buddy brought Clay a copy of Robinson Crusoe.

9. How did Clay show he appreciated the book? How did Buddy get the money for the book?

• Clay thanked Buddy for he knew that Buddy had had to pick up many, many cans to pay for the book.

10.What did Clay imagine when he played with the bus?

• He saw all the people he met in the park and his mother on the bus, and maybe his father.

11.How was Mrs. Greg different from the Miss You-Can’t Fool-Me?

• She seemed like she really cared.

12.What was the good that came from Clay getting sick and going to the hospital? What do you think would have happened to him if he had not gotten sick?

• This is your opinion.

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