monongalia mirror (morgantown, va. [w. va.]).(morgantown ... › lccn › sn86092163 › ... ·...

Post on 05-Jul-2020






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General Advertiser,a *AND. '-

Reduction in g'rict:4Ti, .a chadwick & co'S.

"fTJ8T'r«;flv»(l from the Knst, Kit h bor-*> ilercd t'nrasols, Queeii'b gray & blackSilk*, silk Fringe null fine Milt's, Diaper,J)iill, red Flannel, sprig'd Swiss, UonnelGorct, Umbrellas, brown Muslins, shortI.ace ami block love Veil-, Rnbissnn'FShot's a 11J Slippers, equally as gum! us nnymade in our town, alio.a few Gra'isMtiioks.We have jiist concludcd lotifii offfotnc

thinfy^rilhonl,regard locos^t Cull amitee, hen, while bargains arc going.

llfCnlico for4cts.(flit LawnsrforS and 10 rls.mrt " <1; 'for 12j Si

ftTw^Ofrji cheap,Coflie, Whin Sugar, Tea, 4tc.Keep yorir eye» nn the Red Post if you..*nrgain8 you ever purchased.

r Prosecuting Claims,At tk". Oity of Washington.

subscriber undertakes the coiicciion,JL «ctt!cment and adjustment of all mannerat claim*, accounts or demands against tieGovernment of the United States, or any for¬eign State or country: before any of the pub*.

ipartments at Washington.procuring of Patents, Army and Navy,-the collection of accounts against thecot, nil land claims,and every demandbusiness of whatever kind, requiring"t-and'efficient services of an attorney

ee of fourteen years at the soat ofGovernment, with n thorough andtusintance with the various systemsof public busines* at the differentell as in Congress; added to this,

free acCMt to the ablestlegul advisers, ifneed¬ed, justifies the-mndersigned in pledging thefullest satisfaction and tho utmoct dispatch tothoie who may entrust their business to hiscarei Being well known to the greater part o!the citfceri# of'tbi» di#tricr> and to many gen-tlettton who have been members of both Hous-«« of CongresJ ft the last twelve years, it isJeemed uselCka to extend this notice by specialreferences.Communications most be prepaid In all cases.

Charges or ftes will bo regulated by the na¬ture and extent of the business, but moderatemail cases. 1 Address*

M H. C. SPALDING, Att'y.fa Washington, D. C.

June 5,1S^

E. A. M0S1ER,Dagiierrean .trlist,

Hespr-ctfu 11v informs the citizens of Mor-gantown and vicinity that be has lakcn I lieroom over Dr. Cart's Drug Store, wherehe ii prepnred lo'fnrnish oil who wishon elegant Daguerreotype Likeness. La-J'O* er.d Gentlemen »re respectfully invi-uid to call and examine specimens at theroom.Old I.ikenessei taken In exchange, and

a reasonable reduction made.Persons token after decease.Instructions eir^n in the art.

¦», May ;i6, 1852; :144-lf.^ . ¦ -V- ,

Fayette Springs.rpHlS highly attractive and fiuhionable wat-X cring place has been leaiW, together with

¦ <tTbe FaycKe Spring Hotel,'adjacent thereto, by. ihe^1 proprietor of the.. KARMINGTON IldTEL," on ^NationalItoad, who hansecured the beatXqola and thebeat Supplies Of-every kigfo yrfth n rtwlorttiiwh-rinn *«y¦

' ' >¦ Anew buildingwith 40 rooms has recently been added to theestablishment. <.

Theae Springs are surrounded by tho moat¦dalightful and romantic

Mountain Scenery,in a cool climate, where the pure air and purewater.themaelres thetrue elements of health,God's greatost blessing to man on uartli. Thernrative and purifying-properties'oftAe watershave boon fully established by the fact tliatj.they hive 'NEVER" FilltED to cure the worst*¦cases of Serqf.ula, the tnest inveterate sorts,and other Discitm if the Blood, by drinking Uiewater freely, and in vases of eruptions,bathingand applying the depositee of the streams ex¬

ternally. The waters are thoroughly chalybeatewith portions of Magnesia, Salts, fc.vt jBesides,"these Springs are located in^the j

midskof Classical Gnouxusj within 'ah horf^s'/ride of Washington's First Battle Field*ar"FortNecessity," whore the entrerichm&htsare still distinctly visible. Geherat. Brad-dock7s and Juxoxviliz'b. Graves, Du»bar|«encampment, Washington's Spring andiMend-ows',"which he owned t^ho.'died. In the irSkmediate vicinity, aloo are soveral remarkablenatural^curioaities, among'th'era"¦cu*n spclancy'8 CavcJ

which may be explored for miles under the'mountains, the celebrated OHIOPILE FALLS,on the Youghiogheny river, the CUCUMBERCATARACT, descending from a shelving rockmore11Han' fortyYeefc perpendicular.GAME and TROtrf FISHING abound in the

neighborhood. Horses, Saddles and Carriageswill be furnished for visiters.

Stages and Hacks will arrive at and leave the*Stcamboats'at Brownsville daily, from whencevirtters'-will pass ;ln'n drive of *4 or^ hours totKe Springs, about half the distance throughone of the richest1 and frost delightful agricul¬tural Regions to'the country, to Uriiontown andthen 8 miles farther over Laurel Mountain,presenting from its steeps and its summit,splen¬did* views of the great western Valley, with itsrich, vriricgated and beautiful scenery.

In short, it is confidently believed there is nowatering placo in the 'country, presentingstronger attractions to those seeking healthand-ptEAsuRE than "the Fayette Springs,"innfl the undersigned is very certain they can;no where find a greater disposition to please,or morS a'ccolhiriodating* terms,.as; 8EUA8TIAN RUSH."May 29, ISM. 146-tf.

Carriage Jtlaking.EAIItCHILD, LAUGHEAD &CO.

JJurbanuah, Near Morgaiitowu, Va.,T> ESPECTFULLY inlbrm their friends and

XV the public that they aro prepared with.tiiAtorials of the very best quality, to mako¦CoacJict, "¦Cdrrtages, Buggies^ Spring

Their painting ami trimming aro done by ex¬

perienced and ikilAil handa, and the Smith-work is ei)oal to any In this part ofthe world.

1'arriagen of c»orydescription made'to ordernt' thurl notice, and a variety of vchiclci kept.on hand'for sale.

raraona in want of Carriage! win oonault.tholr oiW'fklorWt' and eflmfort by examiningmir .took before purebaiing olaowhere.REPAIRING done immediately, or aoon-

cr, -mul all work warranted.May Mi IMS. ' 146-Smo.

Removal!".t|flO«i«» tj. <ftiwor .US'! nif >"i UT*'* 1*0* '

sttlmctiliors have remov¬ed their Stock of Goods -to their now Ware-Tloc.e en Walnut ureal, immediately belowiheir.old ataud on tho corner ofHigli aud Wal¬nut Vrrcota, where Iboy may be found ready to

welcome their old.friendi and cuatomera, ami40 render tlirm preat faci| the wny of

i/uieha«l«J Ooodi at tkir pricei.GEO. M. HAC.'ANS & CO.

Morgantown, Va. February SS, 13,12.i.uiuberi.Persons tfnvitig first-rate

r*1tnn*i Lwibtr to dispoce of, would do wellMfeU. G.J! .K.fcCo.

Ladies' iFashionable SHOE ani.QAITEft!

MANUFACTORY.Spring: nml Summer Styles*

tlTiLLIAM II. SAM8KL reUuns his tUak*?V tu h'w friends and the public gcnarally,

for the Hlioi'ftl; patronage horetoJore received,and rcspecUbliy inTyrms them that J»c contin¬ue# to manufacture at his Shop, on'Walnutstreet,;onc door Bast of Mr. .C.M.-lIngun'sDry Good^StoreiLadles', Missna' anil GhfliTrcn's Shoos,from the very host materials, in t|ic latest ^stylesand dndcr'lii«'immediatq.supcfint«4ridai»cc. "Hehas on hand and will constantly keep a perioralassortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children'sWear,,viz; ,

Ladies' fino Kid & Morocco. Slippers,do. Leather and Morocco walking

Shoes, |doj. black and ^ronzed .Gaiters, a

variety oi' pattenm,do. black and livjuzcd Jenuy Xiiu'Shoes.

Having received f'om the East a splendidassortment of the finest materials, selectedwith great caro, he feels confident Of being 0-

blc to give general satisfaction.Orders promptly attended to and work made

up ai the shortest notice. V*flWILLIAM H. SAMUEL.

Morgantown, April 10, 1852. 139 ly..55 ..j nrrA. HAYJIOM). >J..C.«CK£*PAUCH.The Way to Save Yo«t^loncy !!t. 5'CTfr CAttl'XT w ^


PHILADELPHIA AND PARIS STORE.WE have just received and opened a very

large and mostbeautiful stock of new SP1UKGand SUMMER GOODS, of every variety, andas for being cheap, they beat the world forthat. Goods have never been sold ns low hereas wo are no w selling them, since the begin¬ning of the Christian Era. Wo can and arefound to bent any thing you can scare up inthis country. Our stock is full and complote,and our Goods being bought for cash, canuotbe beat, and will bo sold on the most accom¬

modating terms, All kinds of country producetaken iaexcbnngc.Our Stock consists of the following articles

in great abundanco:.Borages, lawns, beragedo laines, French lawns, plain and embroideredswisses, prints, muslins.bleached and1 brown;fine alpaccas at 18 cts. per ynrd, silks and ging¬hams, ribbons and laces, flowers, hosiery,Men's and Women's Gloves of every stylo..All colors of Sarcenet and Crnpo for bonnet li-inngs. Bonnets for Women and Misses.

CLOTHS. CASSINETS, CASSIMERES,CottonadeB,' white and brown Linens, Men's &Boys Wear of every description. A large andwe'll selected stock ofReadyMade Clothing,trunks, valices, carpet bags, and a little of ev¬

erything else.'

QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE,Groceries, looking glasses, Carpenter's tooli,cotton Yarn and batting, boots and shoes..D7* We invite the Ladies particularly to call

and examine our Stock, whether you buy ornot. But tve, will guarantee you buy beforeyou leave, as wo are oxtremely fond of show¬ing our Goods to the Ladies.Being grateful to our friends for their former

patronage, we stil J solicit their attention lo our

new stock, and obligate ourselves to make it toyour advantage to buy -of us. Bring all yousee who want to buy cheap Goods> as we arethe very fellows who can make your pocketsglad bv saving them money.

HAYMOND & PICKENGAUGII.) Morgantowh, May 29,1S52. 146-tf.

spRim MiRiwiL


RESPECTFULLY calls the attentionof the citizens of Morgantown anil thesurfounding country to his fresli supply ofConfectioneries &c. His establishmentisMirectly opposite Messrs. Haymond kCo.'s Store, and on the North-eeVt corner0110 door from the .Drug Store. His stuckconsists ofFresh Oranges & Lemons, Figs, Rui-

sinj, Prunes, Dates, Almonds, Fil¬berts, English Walnuts, Ground-Nuts, &c. Also, fresh Candies ofevery description; a very superior

" article of Cheese.Temperance Drinks,

exclusively, in great abundance, vizGinger, Fop, .Lemon do., Lemonade, RootBeer; Patent Gas do., Sarsapaiilla'Mead,that shoifld bo nsed indeed for health..Also^n hand ?constant supply "of

Fruh.iOAKES lf Orackcra,Such jks PotiRd Cake, Sponge, FruiU

Scotch, Taylor,J.emcui, Ginger, &c. Wo-'tevButtef, Sugar, Spdtmnd Ginger crack,era. WRite.loal' BRKADand Brown do,on hinil^Mhii latter shoultPbe used by allwho are delfcale.CCjT'fariies of Ladles and Gentlemen

can be ar.eonnnodaled.will; rooms and Re-frcshmejilsit his house at all times.Anrii3jrj|BwK?T? CYPHERS.DRUGS,TOBACCO, GLASS, &fi.

y"*.iW1 .<.

JU8T receivod and forsalo^t Logan & Carr'sDrug and Tobacco Storcfbno door cast of

the Court-House, nt the sign of the "MammothMortar," on Main Street,-.,320 boxoi various brands Tobacco,among which

will be found u very choice lot of Kl Doradoand Esmaralda Tobacco;

8 boxes".Gravely, a fine ar^cle;^ ";1< ^10 do Standard and Superior,, fib20 do Walthol, 20 do Coats,10 do Motts, 13 do IJarwood,15 do Robinson it Co.'s,5's, *10 do Burns, 40 do Royal's,20 do Clay's lb. Lump, (j20 do Archer's do.,12 do Peyton's 8's, lOdo YoangMffilorrelL20 do Langhorn ii Co;'s, 12'b. L;24 do Hutchison's, .10 do Madison, V' j10 do Mockingbird, 4 do Jones,Togcthor with an oxtensivo variety of brand*,

to suit customers, both iu regard to quality andjprico.

-AT,SO.10,000 Pantylla Sugars,3,000 Jenny Lind do.,3,000 Justo Sana Principe, ^

2,500 Spotted Castillo, 4,000 King Spanish,2,000 Et Niptunn, 1,000 ICI Divans,1,0001.. U. Rillei, 5,000 La Normas,2,000 castor Regalia, 30,000 hnirSpunlsh,40,000 Havana 6>, 40.000 Ynroc's,Togother with various other qualities, all

both pleasant and agreeable, to which we wouldnvite a sngar-shioking custom.Also, Tldball's Kappep,Muccaba and Scotch

Snuff, SunfF byxes and Scgur csty;*, TobaccoKnives, Pipes,1 Pip'eHeads rihd Stems, a largolot of fine cap, letter and not« pafior, as wellaa every variety of Wrapping Paper.A vory |argr and extensive and well selected;

assortment of Drngs, embracing every articl<jnecessiry to furnish a practitioner's oilicq. Al-uo, SpjcfsV^Starchj Salern'.us und Indigo,Oils ofevery kind, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, 80 boxesOlass, assorted sizes, Putty, Patont Medicinesof every name, together with a very extensiveassortment of Fancy Articles, Cutlery and Jew¬elry, Soaps n ltd'Perfumery; itc.,&c.To all^onJiobove, we .would)invite a,visit

and examiu at it'll ftultU&wn and cpnntrV, aiylmerchants gencraUf fit hott?t"fctid'ftbrunt(;... 'LOGAN tt CARfUJFairmont, May SO, 1'MjW.y



Martin d. callendink ii now ro-

ccWlag arul opening at his Store in JVIor-guntown, a handsome assortment of GOODS,of all tho latest styfe» and pattens for

Ladies* and Gentlemen's TVear,suitable for the present and approaching sea-!son. The assortment i» complete.cafi yand:exnminn for yourselves. J will pledge 'to thosewho may favor mo with a mil that oil shall besold as cheap as if I had always boon a little" ahead.'? i am not a banker, nor have 1 a14 red post," yet I make no exceptions to anyfor cheap Goods} and if you will call at the

TWO HIG uoons,opposite the atone pile, where I always takepleasure in making a liberal exchange. I haveon hand (.'KOCUUIl^ of all kinds, Sugnr,Molasses, Tea, coffee, salt, Pittsbnrg PloughPoints, wagon boxes, tea kettles, cotton yarn;

Quecnsware and Hardware,a full and complote assortment; Scythes andscythe sriends; together with n largo assortmentof 9toiic Ware; crocks, jars, &c.

Leghorn and Palm Huts,Bonnets of every kind, braid, gimp, silk, &c.A line assortment of Shoes oi all-styles andcuts;.which will be exchanged for Cash or

approved country Produce.MARTIN B. CALLENDINE.

April 2-1, 1852.

removal:-Will. E. GKOYE,

Has removed his Tuilor shop to Tuilor'sRow, two doors cast of DcmainV Groce¬ry, and immediately opposite the jail,where he will bo happy to see all who mayfavor him with their patronage. Allwork intrusted into his hands will be doneop according to Gemot). Scott's latest Ne¬wport of Fashions, or to your own tables,{young or old. No work shall leave myshop without general satisfaction.

Than fill lor past favors, I hope a contin¬uance of the same.

Always in receipt of Genio C. ScoltVL* lei»t Fashions,

Hjlorgantown. May 15. 1852. 144-tf.


FeUciman's I)c|>oi,Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Taylor

Counhj, Va. I

ARE now prepared to rccoivc and forwardmerchandize to all points in the surround-

ing Counties; also, to all points on tho Ohioriver, west of Parkersburg, Va. This will betho most de'sirablo roulo for Western iner-

chants, during low water in the Ohio river.N. B..S. MAGUIRE k Co., Cumberland, (by

arrangement) will pay Railroad freights on allgoods consigned to us, (when required) there¬by avoiding tho necessity of pro-paying in Bal-tiinore. \.. May 22, 1S52. 146-tf.


Carriage Manufactory,rpiIF. Subscriber respectfully informs hisJL friends and tiio public generally that Iiq isnow c.iirviiij; on the Carriage Making businessat his New Stand on Pleasaut street, near thecorner of Front, and within call of the Perry,Morgantown, Va.) where he is ftilly preparedto do all work in hm line, such as making, re¬

pairing) painting and trimming Carriages, Bug-gicB, Sulkeys, &c. These vehicles are madeto order and kept constantly on haud for sale.

All work giving way, by fair usngc, withinone year from tho time a new Carriage.leavesmy shop, will be repaired, gratis;March 20, 1852. 3m J. M. KERN.

-N-..B..flis Smithwork is done by, Esq. the best workmen in his linein this section ofcountry, and hardly to be beatanywhere.WJI. DL'RBIN. Ei W. TOWER

MOItGANTOWN BOOK STORE.William Durl)!n & Co.,

KEEP constantly on hand at their Store, on

High street, opposite Carr, Smith & Go's.,a general assortment of BOOKS, including Bi¬bles, Testaments, and a variety of standardReligious, Medical and Historical works, to¬

gether witha large assortment ofSchool .books,:Novels,'&c., &c.Blank Books, Stationery, Steel-pens, &c.GROCERIES..'They have also a lot of supe¬

rior Groceries.Morgan town, Nov. 20,1851.


Publishers of the Model Architect, bySAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completedin 24 monthly parts.Tho above work is designed to meet the

wishes not only of those directly interested inbuildings, but of all who desire the advance¬ment of this noble art in our country, and wishto cuitivato ther tastes and acquaintancewith architecture. The handsome manner inwhich it is propared and cmbellisheo, renders ita tasteful olrnainent for the drawing-room, while,its accurate deliuoations give it the highestpractical value.Nob. 1 2 & 3 arc now ready for delivery.Srice.50 conts per number. Address as a-

bovo, post paid.Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1851. 123-tf.

MHOA" and A\1ILS.A large lot just received which render our

assortment a general one, and which wo olferupon the lowest terms:

Mjirch 6. Carr, Smith S; Co.

Oils, Oils, Oils!1 barrel Sperm Oil,1 do Lard do2 do Flax-seed do1 do Fish^do, just received at Carr,

Smith & Co's New-York cheap Vuriety Store.i^WWch'C, 1852^Glassware, Glassware.

Just received per Steamer Lindsey,21 boxes Glass ware, consisting of Pitchers,

Mir bowls, Sweet-meats, Tumblers, Disbes,asses cantf^Cistors and Cruits, Jelly gins*

,ses, tc, Vhich we offer very low. Call and see-

March 0. Carr, Smith i\CoSPRING ARRIVAL

lOf Miliary and Fancy Goods,Mrs. JAItFt. BEAR,

low receiving IromjPitUburgand tho East-JL ern Cities, a large arid splendid assortmentol Bonnots, bonnet trimmings, crapes, laces,silks, satins, blonds, ribbons,Artificials, and a

little of everything pertaining to Millinery andMantua-Makfo. P- > '¦

She rtffert her present Stock for " small pro¬fits amtfgulck returns," and invjtcs all whowish articles or work in herline to givo her a

Bonnets and Hats bleachH'ana done up ingood order aiic) atshort notice. Shop oftFrontstreet, one door North of the Printing bflice. 'l

Morgantownflflay 29,^852.Clover and Tfinolliy Seed!A prfmo article, just received per

300 Book AgeulsWANTED.

ANY gootl^ active and intelligent man, witha email capita) of iVom $30 to $100, can

mako largo prontu by engaging in the sale ofthe followingPOPULAR and USEFUL BOOKS.Chamber*' Jrformation for thf People: or Pop¬

ular Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge..Two large imperial octavo volumes, contain¬ing 1700 pages.

Peterson's History qf the American Revolution.600 large octavo pages, with 200 fine Engra¬ving!.

Peterson's History rjf the United States Navy..600 large octavo pages, and1 150 fiuo Engra¬vings.

Frost's Remarkable Ecentt in the History of A-merica. Two large octavo volumes, con¬

taining 1000 pages and 700 Engravings. Thebest History of Aincrica published.

Frost's Pictorial Life qf Washington. A Splen-did IJook, containing GOO pages and 150 ele-

f;ant Engravings. The cheapest Life ofWash-ngton ever published.

Moore's History of theIndian Wars. Fine col¬ored and Plain Plates.

The True Republican. Containing tho Inaugu¬ral Addresses and tho First Annual Address¬es ana Messages of oil the Presidents of theUnited States, the Constitutions or the most

important States in tho Union, &c., &c. Em¬bellished with Portraits of all tho Presidents,engraved on steel, and a view of the Capitalof the United States. 500 pages, ISmo.

Fox's Book of Martyr's. A Splendid Familyedition, large quarto, with 55 Engravings,beautifully bound in morocco, gilt.

De Cormenin's History of the Popes. 900 largeoctavo pages, with illustrations.

Josephus' Works. Fine Edition, one large vol¬ume.

Sturm's Reflections on the Works of God.St. Pierre's Studies of Nature.White's History of the World. A ValuableGeneral History. One largo octavo volume,with handsome Engravings.

Lives qf Great and Celebrated Characters: of allAges and Countries, One large volume ofS00 pages, with numerous Engravings.Together with a number of other Works par-

ticularly adapted for Popular Reading.ID*The most liberal discounts will be given

to Agents who may engage in the sale of theabove Valuable Rooks.For fUrtherparticular*, niJclresB (postpaid)

J. & J. L. GUI ON, Publishers,No. 98 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

March 27, 1851. 13S-4mo.


MITCHELL & HAYES,Merchant Tailors,

Walnut street, opposite the Jail, Morgantown,iTTAVE entered into Partnership, and just11 brought on from tho Eastern Cities, an

extensivo assortment of French black, blue,brown, green and olive

Clollis,Cassimeres of all 6tylcs and qualities;Vestings of all colors, styles and qualities;7Yimmings of tho best quality, to suit all

colors.Gloves, black kid, best quality, also French

buck, &c.Collars, three-ply; Silk and Linen Cravats,

black and fancy colors Stocks; Pocket-Hand-kerchiefs; a fine quality ofPLUSH and CLOTHCAPS, Navy do., also a large stock of

IlEADV-AIADE CLOTHING,such as Coats, Pants, and Vests, of alljquali-ties and prices; Silk Shirts, Suspenders, and'many other articles not montioned,.all whichwill be sold very cheap fob cash ; PleaBC calland examine our stock.

Dec. 13, 1851.122-tf.N. P..Thoso indebted to P. JV. Mitchell or

Jl/. Hayes, on former accounts, are earnestlyrequested to'settlc up, either by money or note,without delay.



The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers1ECAUSE they are safer, better and more

efficacious than nny others; and becausethe public will tako no other* if they can ob¬tain them.

500,000 BOXEShave been annually sold within the last 5 yearsYOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE,can always Uke them with equal safety, with¬out fear.

IF PILLS BE NECESSARYfor purging and cleansing the stomach and boweli, and purifying the Blood and lluids of thebody, take no others.for no other pills producethese combined effects, or contain Sarsatiarillain them. *

Eat, Drink and Live as usual,and pursue your usual occupation whilst takingthem, without fear of taking cold, during allkinds of weather.ONE THOUSAND DOLLAKS

are wagered that more genuine certificates(from Physicians, Clcrgp-inen, Members ofCon¬gress and respectable citiiensjcan be producedof their efficacy than of any others, and

TEN DOLLARSwill bo forfeited in overy instance whore OweBox will not do more good than Two Boxes ofany others.

Forty Pills are in a Box ! !and sold at TwEirrv-rivE Ceicts a Box, withdirections, aud much wholesome advice accom¬

panying each box.They have no taste or unpleasant smell,Free from dust or powder of any kind,Do uot gripe the Stomach or Jtawols,Produce no sickness, vomiting, or bad foolings,They are GOOD AT ALL TIMES,And adapted to inoet diseases common to

mankind.No one having once taken them will be will,

ing afterwards to take nny others, because theyalways do good, and if they do not then no oth¬ers will.DR. N. B. LEIDY, (ho Proprielor ami

Manufacturer, is a regular Druggist, Chemist &J hystcian, of fifteen years experience in Phila¬delphia } Graduate of the University of Pennsyl¬vania? Member ofdifferent Medical InstitutionsofPhiladelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore,&c., and associate and corresponding memborofseveral Medical Institutions of London andParis-rhcnce the reason of tho greater confi¬dence placed in his pills, and thero beiug re¬

commended in tho practico of most respectablephysicians throughout the United Statos.07* Principal Depot, Dr. Leidy's Dispensary.

No. 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia.and sold wholosale and retail by

II-. Hi CARR, Morgantown ?$. Hcermans, jjollowsvillo ,.T. JU (CurtisflClarJuburs & Millorsvillc :

S." 8c J/Hcernians/Gr'cigsviire jM. M.' Campbell, Fairmont fMallonon & Newlon, Pruntytown t

Strioklor & Co., Philinni jBrooke & Co., Laurel Point jSkiJoA & Cb.vUhid&towniJohn Hagaii, Smithfield;Riricliart & Minor, Waynosburg;C. A. & W. Mestrezatt, Mapletown {

,;J[.Hudson? Newtown} t

D. ICRobjnion^ l|rbwij^villo jand by fUl^ruMiijs and Storekeepers in tho USttks. ggfy' Sopt. 7,1850.


oat", foW, Wheat, Hay, lU'.jvoiiici), in

payment lor papcrs'^ad pdvcrtiring.actjouhts.I': Apptyal tyMirror Qffiu.Spirit* Turpentine,

One barrel, jolt reeoivod and for ule.MareMwUM. ?ARR, SMITH & C«.

01Ij CLOTHS..An usorfmerit,for Tabl«,'St»*l and Bureau Cover», verycheap, for «ala by Carf, Smith If Co.

Castor Oil, by the barrel or dozen,For BifrW HJI. II, PARK & CO.

Entered .wonHna (n Art of (V>n|trw? in tho jnarIBil, by J. H. llWiMITOX. M. II.. I"Offleo of tho DUtrict Court for thr in*torn DWrlct

of Pennsylvania.Another Soientiflo Wonder!


the ruun


GASTRIC JUICEPrepared, froin 11ENNET, or tlic fourth STOM¬ACH Ob' THE OX, after directions of JiaronLiehig, tho groat Physiological Chemist, byJ. S. HOUGHTON, M. I)., Philadelphia, Pa.This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indiges¬

tion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint.Constipation and Debility, curing after Nature'sown method, by Nature's own agent, the(inBtric Juice.10* Half a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in

water, will digest or dissolve Five l}ound» ifRoast Beef in about 2 hours, out of Uie stomach.;PEPSIN is the chiefclement, or Great Digest-

ing Principlo of tho Gastric Juice.-tho Solventof the Food, the Purifying, 'Preserving k Stim-1ulating Agent of the Stomach and Intestines.It is extracted from tho Digestive Stomach ofthe Ox, thus formingan Artificial DigesticeFluidprecisely like the natural Gastric Juico in itsChcmicaij>owors,and furnishing a CompleteandFerfcct Substitute for it. By the aid of tliispreparation the pains and evils of Indigestionand Dyspepsia arc removed, just as they wouldbo by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonderslor Dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaci¬ation, Nervous Dcclino and Dyspeptic Consump¬tion, supposed to be on the verge of the grave.The scientific evidence upon which it is basedis in the liighcstdcgrec curious and remarkable.

Scientific Eviileucc.Baron IJebig in his celebrated work on Ani¬

mal Chemistry says: 4 An Artificial DigestiveFluid, analogous to the Gastric Juico, may bereadily prepared from the mucous membrane ofthe stomach of the Calf, in which various arti¬cles offoori, as meat andoggs, will be softened,!changed alid digested, just in tho same manneras they would be in the human stomach.'

Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on thePhysiology of Digestion, observos that < a dimi-1nution of tho due quantity of the Gastric Juiccis a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dys¬pepsia and he states that a distinguished pro-1lessor ofmedicine in Loudon, who was severe-lv afflicted with this complaint, finding everytiling else to fail, had recourse to tho GastricJuiccobtaincd from the stomachs of living ani¬mals, whichproved completely successful.*ProfcssoiDungli8on,o( the Jefferson College,;

Philadelphia, in bis great work on Human Phy-siology, devotes more than fifty pages to an ex¬amination of this subject. His experiments withDr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice obtainedfrom the living human stomach and from ani¬mals, arc well known. 1 In all cases,' he says,4 digestion occtirrcd as perfectly in the artificialas in the natural digostious.'

AS A DYSPEPSIA CVRER,Dr.Houghton's Pepsin has produced the most

marvellous effects in curing cases of Debility,Emaciation, Nervous Doclinc and DyspepticConsumption It is impossible to give the de¬tails ofcases ig the limits ofthis advertisement;bnt authenticated certificates have been givenof more than two hundred remarkable cures, inPhiladelphia, New York and Boston alone..These were nearly all desperate cases, and thecures wero not only rapid and wonderful, butpermanent.

It is a great Nervous Antidote, and particular¬ly useful for tendency to Bilious disorder, Livercomplaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treatedFever and Ague, and the evil cffccts of Quinine,mercury and other drugs upon the digestive or¬

gans, after a long sickness; also for excess ineating and the too free use of ardent spirits. Italmostrcconciles health with intempcrancc.

Old Stomach Complaints*Thnro is no form of old Stomach Complaints

which it docs not seem to rcach and remove atoncc. No mutter how bad they may bo, it givesinstant relief! A single doss removes all thounpleasant symptoms; and it only needs to berepeated for a short time to mako these goodcffccts pormanent. Purity of Blood and Vigorqf Body follow at oncc. It is particularly exceJ-lent in cases of Nnusoa, Vomiting, cramps,soreness of tho pit and stomach, distress altereating, low, cold state of the blood, heaviness,lowncss of spirits, dospondency, emaciation,weakness, tendency to insanity, suicide, &c.

Dr. Houghton's Pepsin is prepared iu Powderand in Fluid form; and in Prescription vials fortho use of Physician^.

Private Circulars for the use of Physiciansmay bo obtained of Dr. Houghton and his agentsdcscribingthc whole process ofpreparation andgiving tho authorities upon which the claims ofthis new remedy are bnsed^ As it is not asecretremedy no ohjoction can be raised against itsuse by Physicians in respcctahlc standing andregular practice. Price One Dollar per bottle.

Observe This /.Every bottlo of the genuinePepsin bears tho written signature of J. S.Houghton, M. D.solo proprietor, Philadelphia,Pa. Copy right and trade mark sccurod.

Sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicines,\WCAMPBELL Sf WATSON, FAIRMONT.

Wholesale Agents for the State of Virginia.Octobor 2o, 1851. ly

Doctor Yourself!For 25 Cents,

IJy means of(lie Pock¬et /fftculapluft, or Kv-orv one his own PhysicianThirtysixlh edition,withupward* of n hundred en¬

gravings,showing privatedisease in every «hapeand form, and malforma¬tions of the generativesystom,*,by \VMvYOUNG, M. D.

The time linn now arrived, that persons suf¬fering from seoret diseases; need no more bn-como the victim or quackery, as by the pre¬scriptions contained in this book, any one maycure himself, without hindrance to business,or tho knowledge of tho most intimate friend,and witlione-tenth tho>uaual expense, In ad-dition-to the general routine ofprivate disease*,it fully explains the caiiso of manhoods earlydecline, with observations on¬sides inany othor derangements which it wouldnot bo proper to enumerate in public prints,10*Any person Bending TWENTV FIVE

CTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copyof this book, by mail, or live copies will liesent forojin.dollnr. Address "DR. W. YOUNG,No. 152 SPRUCE Street, -PlIlLADiaillllA."Post-paid.ID" Dr. -YOUNG can bo countilted on auvof

the Diseases described in his different publica¬tions, at his OIKco, 102 BjMlUCE Streot, everyday between fl and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excep¬

ted.May h I862.

Lnriic* <fc Gentlemen!tS*1* Your iitlontion wo Wiiulil invilo

to our nock of WOKHTUD <;OOI)S, whichwo arc now determined to clear out at greatlyreduced prices.

Can, Smith >V Co.February 20.

Cotton Batting &. CarpetChain, just rocoivod por Sleoiiior linyand for sole very low by

Carr, Smith <$. Co.February 20. ,

.Molasses.A choice lot of new crop N. 0. Molasses,

juat received and for sale »t the Now York CheapVariety Store of CARR, SMITH A- CO.

:bat,''Wanted Office, in.payment of ar

Tjr: trcarBgrs. A

LIVER COMPLAINT,Jaundicn, Dyspepsia, Chronic

Nervous Debiiily, Diseasesol lite Kidneys,


TfaOM A DISORDERED Stomach,-such as Constwa-

tion,Jkward Piles, Fullness oh

U1.00u to the Head, Acidity ov tim:

Stomach, Nausea, Heaht-ih'Rn, Dis¬gust ron Food, Fullness, on wehjht in

the Stomach, Sour Kructations, Sinkinoor fluttering at the pit ol*the Stomach, Swim¬

ming or tho lload, Hurried and DifficultBreathing, Fullncm at the Heart,

Choking or Suffocating ton-uatioufl when in u lying

posture, Dimness ofVision, Dots orwebs lie forethe sight,

Fever and dull jmin in Hit Haul, Deficiency or

Perspiration, Yellowness qf the Skin and Kycf,Pain in Ihc Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, fycif St<d-den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con-stnnt Imaginings of Evil ana Great depressionqf Spirits, c&n he effectually cund by


rnEiMnr.D hvDR. C. M. JACKSON,

AT THE fiKItMAK MMUICIiVU STOKb,120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Their power over the above diseases is notcxcellod.if any other prepara¬tion in the United States, aB the cure* attest, ininanv cases after skilful physicians had failed.

These Bitters are worthy the attention of in¬valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi¬cation of diseases of the Liver & lessor glands,exercising the moBt searching powers in weak¬ness and affections of the .digestive organs, theyarc withal safe, certain and pleasant.

Read and be Convinced.From the Boston Beo.

The editor said, Dec. 226 :Dr. Iloo/land's Celebrated German Sitters for

the cure ofLiver Complaint,Jaundice, Dyspep¬sia, Chronic or IN'orvous Debility, is deservedlyone of the most popular modicinea of the day.These Bitters have been used by thousands, anda friend at our elbow nays he has himself recei¬ved an effectual and pormancnt euro of LiverComplaint from the use of this remedy. Wearc convinced that, in the uso of those Bitters,the patient constantly gains strength and rigor;a fact worthy ofgreat consideration. They arcpleasant in tasto mid smell and can be taken byperson* with the most dolicato stomachs withsafety, under any circumstance*. We aro speak-ing from experience, and to .the afflicted we ad¬vise their use.

. Scott'». Weekly,' one of the best Literarypapers published, said, Aug. 25.

' Dr. Hooflnnd's German Bitters, manufactur¬ed by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended bysome of the most prominent members of thefaculty an an articic of much efficacy in casesof female weakness. As such is the ease, 'we'would adviso all mothers to obtain abottlo,andthus save themselves much sickness. Personsof debilitated constitutions will find these Bit-ters advantageous to their health, as we knowfrom experience the salutary effect they haveupon weak systems.'

More {Evidence*The'Philadelphia Saturday Gazettethe best

family newspaper published in thoUniied States.The editor says of

Dr. Hooflnnd's German Biftcrs.' It is seldom that we recommend what are

termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence andpatronage ofour readers; and therefore whenwe recommend Dr. Hoofiaud's German Bitters,wo wish it to be distinctly understood that wearc not speaking of the nostrums of the day thatare noised about for a brief period and thor. for¬gotten after they have done their guilty raco ofmischief, but of a medicine long established, u-

nivcrsally prized, and which has mot tho heartyapproval of the faculty itself.'Evidence upon evidonco has boon received

(like tho foregoing) from all sections of tho U-nion, the three last years, and the strongest tes¬timony in its favor hi, that there is more of itused iu the practice of the rogular Physiciansof Philadelphia than all other nostrums combi¬ned, a fact that can easily bo established, andfolly proving that a scientific preparation willmeet with their quiet approval when presentedoven iu this form.That this medicine will euro Liver Complaint1and Dyspepsia no one can doubt after using it as

directed. It acts specifically upon the stomachand liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bill-ous diseases.tho effect Is immediate. They canbo administered to female or infant with safetyand reliable benefit at any time.

Beware of Counterfoils.This medicine has attained this high character

which is necessary for all medicines to attain toinduce counterfeiters to put forth spurious arti¬cles at tho risk of the lives of those who are in¬nocently deceived.

Look veil to the marks of the genuine.They have the written signature ofC.M. JACK¬SON upon the wrapper, and the name blown intho bottle, without which they are spurious.For Salu Wholesale and Retail at thoGERMAN MEDICINE STOKE.

No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Phi¬ladelphia; and by rcspoctable dealers generallythrough tho country.

PricesTo enable all classes of invalids to enjov tho

advantages of thoir restorative powers :*

Single Bottles 75 cents.Also for Sale by 11. //. CARIi, Druggist, Mor-

gantown, Va.,Wholeealc Agents for Virginia, PVHCEU/.

LADD CO., Jtichmoud, Va.feoptcmber b', ISol. 108 ly.ts&- AGENCY Of UK. FITCH'S

CELEBRATED MEDICINES.Pectoral Balsam, Dcpurativc Syrup,Pectoral Kxppetorunt, Heart Corrector,Pectoral Liniment, Humor Corrector,Pure ami Medical Coil) Cough an<l.Cathartic

Liver Oil, J Pills,Anti-dyspeptic mixture, Vermifuge,Nervine, Female Pill»,IFemale Specific, &e. &o.l'«ed by him constantly ami with unprecedented

. success in the treatment ofCoughs, Colds, Consumption. Asthma. Ifcurt

Discuses, Dyspepsia, Scro/ulu, Skin Dis-,eases, Rheumatism, Female complaints,!Piles, fyc. i-c.

Dr. Pitch's unequalled Patent silver plated Ab¬dominal Supporters;

Dr. Fitch's improved plated stool-spring Shoul¬der Draco; !

Dr. Fitch's Silver TuhnliagTidie.DR. FITCH'S CELEBRATED SI.Y

LEOTUKESOn the prevention and euro of Consumption,

Asthma, Diseiises of the Heart, &c., and on themethod of preserving Health and Jlcuuty to anold ago.This book should be' in'every family. To theconsumptive it points out the only reasonablehope lor rotiot* To mothers the directions itgiven for the caro ami education of children arcinvaluable. 78,000 copies ol* this "book liuicpassed through the press, and the sales contiii-'no unabated.For sale, by S. S. FITCH & Co., No. 707

BroiithVay, New York, and //. II. Carr,Morguntowi), Vu.0CT" Dr. Fitch's (Snide .to Invalids, or

Directions to person* using Dr; Fitch's Re¬medies, to be inicl, gratis, of till bin Agents.July C, 1850. 47tf

A larpjo loi, in grout variety, justreceived and for snle at the New \ ork I'jwapVariotv Store ofZSmith iV

Fyorunrjr -b.

p. A. MILM)'' MU'- j.MlUS-&SO.N,Wholesale ami Kelail (itocor),

ronfiirdivi' .Commission Mcrchnh\ ,1 n.l^:«Co'U1.tylVotoo nnd

aaaswst-.«-sgs®sasgNuTir<?!'^^ u^MnTn.rncVu^3teas*»g.sssarto«Btasp®si-WTSSSSrfur llm liBiwnolion of business fany kiwi vounniltal.T'lhc'coimai*friends from »»>' I"""1 "C lhowith fiJcliiy »"d ilesputcli.

Hclcrciiccs.D.C. ClmJwiclt; E5<i-' Morgunfow", U.G. R. C. Allen, Esq-Dr. C. MoUnc,Gen. }*Soorche«i, Pittsburgh.Kramer & Rnbm, ""

William Bagley ^ Co.H. Chills & Co. dg° ,

March 2ii, 1651.

Butler's Celebrated Family MedicinesDecidedly the most popular and off*

tual remedies in use.

Dr. Butler's Elixir of Brandy,,^sa&reemlll§§St"mnr. Butler's Balsam of Elccainpaup,fes/isiall unci and conditional and "'ill bo It'"®'" «'f, n cure for Cougha, Cold., WhoopingBronchitis and Consumption in ru writer "auCy6as«rffl»585dbsssw*^had ofthc Agent, gram.Dr. Butler's Sampson Liniment,

which i> a Liniment, a. its name denotes, tha*

bon'iLinimont; it will Srlve ctalpain .n-stintlv. Arc you bruised, or utrittied in anvwayT^t will remove tl.e .welling' end aorenc..withafow Application-. It .hould .land »cupboard of every family, and may tie\.f«®»*described in Dr. Butler'. valuable receipt book

Dr. ButlS'iiold Mine, °r Califor¬nia Pill,


i, a pill made from the "tract of ain the wilds ofCalifonua; and to a man afBictcowith aome of the ill. that flesh i. beit-to,>.»»'»valuable than fine gold. Thia pill operasgently on the bowel.,and thereby remove, par"and aliiggi.line.ii of the system, and being ccr-Inin in their operation, aru greatly to be pre-fcrred abovo all other pllla. Concerning them,read nr. Buller'a valuable Itoenpt Book, inwhich may be found u.cliil recemwfor dyefflj,and many other thing" ""Jut to Wj'M:for .ale byCANONtM'CLEU.ANn, whole¬sale Agent.,Uniontowhj l'a.H.lI.CARIl,Morgnnlown,\a.C. II.CAR It fcCO., I'airniont, *a.Thomas Meritlclh, Smitlifield,S. &J- Hecrmniis, Fcllowtvilk,Bvrne &Tntt, Evansville,J.' Anbury & Son, Pruntytown,.1. Ai-burv, .Ttiornlown.II. S. Comb., Stewnrttown.A. Lnftua, Uc'« ferry, Monongalia roj, . a.March M, tSfll. ^

Wnlcli Rcpstirins',I'.Nli HAVING, &c. attended to with.prompt¬ness, ami mi n style to'giro «a.ti "faction. ThesubKcribrr linn throe liamln employed at t|iolm«lne«H, and would be glad to keep them oilof mitichier all the time.

Mnrcli g«». .10I1N SlIKAN.

Dr. .1, U. Aycrs1 Cherry -Pcctomi,Ju<i received aiuf for sale byj II. II CA'll |(,V CO


the most rorui.Au


I'scd by I'liysicirius of HighThe*» BITTEHS remove nil morbid. locrotions,

f-wrlt'y Ihe blood, rIvc great tone nad vigor to lh«digestive organs, fortify tho system ngoinil oil futuredisoaso, can bu tiiken with safety,. al uo t»mo dchili*tatlng tho iialknt.being <rutcfu! lo tlio most dell*cute stomach, and remorkublo for their clu oiiitg.Invigorating, strengthening, and rtiiloratlvo proper-lies, und an invaluublo und sura roniody Tor

DYSPEPSIA IX ITS WORST F0B3I5.AUo, Llrer Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, (Co*

titenuss, Kaintnes*, Uisordmof thuSkkt ond Literl.uv" of \\'t. 11 ii', I...W Spirits, Nerrous IJeadaclm(iiddlnoM, rnlpitutiou of tue Heart, Sinking and Full- Iobii of Weight al tho Stomach, ami all olliorVUfiiJM,entiled by an imfiuro atnto of tho blood," li'which tend to debilitate and weakeu.tho »j"

FKMALESJVlio sulfcr from a morbid ond unnaliiralj

will Und thii Mcdlclno of



Uovo toiled iU clllcacy, and thousands mojuedor truatmcnt; mm not one Nolitarrhas rot been rejiortcd. Volumes coulcertificates of those who iuvo bedcured.Call on the Agent, and get aContaining tho L'crtlflcatus of Hcmorlthe high estimation iu which tliia fby the Public Press.colt bo hod of

Sold by all tho Genuino MudicifUnited States.

Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle.Principal Offlrc, 111 FULTON 8T, N. Y., up iteinAnd for aalo by If. II. CAUH, at Ida l>"jgnmlTuliaceo Stnru Morgniitown, Va.JuneI,<10 ly

top related