montalk atlantis 2012 frv 4d

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Montalk Atlantis 2012 FRV 4D


    Atlantis and 2012, FRV as 4D


    For an explanation of frequency resonance vibration (FRV) or soul vibe please see my

    previous research note. Now, through intent and the transmutation of negative emotions into

    positive, it is possible to momentarily raise your FRV. The end result should be an elevatedmood and conscious lucidity, reduction in passivity or reactivity, and greater perspicacity.

    Raising FRV from neutral to positive mood is used to connect one with positive probable

    futures, as when manifesting through intent, or initiating communication with higher positive

    entities. Raising FRV from negative to neutral is done by degrees to get one out of a

    depressed or reactive state of mind, particularly one that is the result of psychic attack or lunar


    The thing to notice is that the raising sensation can be felt. It is not just an auto-release of

    endorphins as that is just a byproduct of something nonphysical, rather it is an actual feeling

    of being raised, but not in any three dimensional direction. So lets make a workinghypothesis that raising your FRV actually shifts you in a fourth dimensional direction. This

    hypothesis is useful because in accordance with metaphysical fact, by raising FRV enough

    you could leave the 3D plane and enter into a 4D positive realm. So tuning the dial to a higher

    station gets you there.

    Likewise, lowering your FRV by intensifying and purifying your lowest frequencies of

    resonance would eventually pop you into the 4D negative realm. One might ask, how can

    loweringFRV bring you into a higherdimension? Answer is shown in this diagram:

    As you can see, lowering FRV simply moves one in a negative fourth dimensional direction,

    and raising moves one in a positive direction. This is interesting because from a 4D

    perspective the negative realms are actually beneath 3D. Those of us accustomed to thinking

    in terms of densities (degrees of consciousness) may not have found this initially apparent.

    But here we are talking instead about dimensions (degrees of freedom in motion). Fourth

    density STS beings are higher than us in terms of density and complexity of dimension, but

    positionally lower than us in the fourth dimension. Remember that the third dimension is just

    a subset of the fourth and like a horizontal plane there is space above and space below. So

    when heaven and hell are said to be above and below, this is just a metaphor for positive and
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    negative realms being ana and kata, respectively. Ana and kata are the four dimensional

    equivalents of up and down.

    One reason this hypothesis works is because mythology frequently makes references to dark

    forces residing in the abyss, underground, in tartarus, at the bottom of the ocean where it is

    cold, dark, and still. It is true that negative beings have bases that are literally underground,but the myths also refer to their being fourth dimensionally beneath us. The abyss also seems

    to be the quantum foam from which our three dimensional physical existence and its timelines

    spring forth, and likewise it is the place physical dimensions and timelines may return to

    when wiped from active existence.

    This then brings us to the myth of Atlantis. There are enough archeological, religious,

    geographic, and mythological pieces of evidence that Atlantis existed and disappeared

    between twelve and thirteen thousand years ago. The most convincing evidence is that early

    civilizations, the survivors of Atlantis, sprung into existence quite suddenly at highly

    advanced levels of cultural and scientific sophistication, yet these immediately degenerated

    over the following millennia as old knowledge became lost. And yet, the majority of physicalevidence of Atlantis is curiously missing. Maybe more should have survived if Atlantis

    merely sank beneath the waters.

    But what if the myth speaks not (only) of a physical cataclysm, but a hyperdimensional one?

    What if Atlantis sank into the quantum abyss and the new timeline that sprang forth contained

    little physical evidence of the previous one?

    I am reminded ofMatrix Reloadedwhere it was revealed that the underground sanctuary Zion

    was just the most recent version, whereby the older versions had been intentionally wiped out

    by the machines to make room for the next try, the next iteration of the timeloop. The

    Matrix Trilogy is modern mythology, and as such includes data about hyperdimensional

    history. For instance, note that the Keymaker mentioning a 314 second time limit could

    very well be code for timeloop since 314 is the circle constant PI and seconds is a measure

    of time. Another movie,Donnie Darko, contains similar themes when a temporary timeloop isspawned by a dimensional glitch from the future. We may also take into account ancient

    mythology, like those analyzed in the bookHamlets Mill that appearto describe precession

    of equinoxes when referring to events like the unhinging of the millstone but may in fact

    refer to an unhinging of the time axis, and also the battles between hyperdimensional forces if

    you read between the lines. If you research this stuff deeply, you may even conclude that our

    current timeline may very well have resulted from a monumental abuse of hyperdimensional

    technology, that we exist in a temporary timeloop perhaps very different from the original.

    Returning to the subject of Atlantis, another interesting thing is that the Fall of Atlantis

    occurred exactly half a precessional cycle ago. Every year at spring equinox the sun rises at a

    slightly different spot relative to the background of stars, traversing the entire zodiac of

    constellations over a 25,700 year period. This is known as the Great Year, or Platonic Year.

    For each zodiac sign there is an age lasting around 2100-2150 years, and currently we are in

    the Age of Pisces heading over the next several centuries into the Age of Aquarius. The Fall

    of Atlantis occurred opposite our current age on the zodiac circle, during the Age of Virgo

    going into Leo.

    If we draw the precessional cycle as a wave, it is evident that both the beginning of the waveand its halfway point cross the zero line and thus share common qualities. If the beginning
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    marks the Fall of Atlantis, then the midpoint basically marks 2012 AD, the symbolic mile

    marker of our imminent dimensional Shift opportunity. The dimensional Shift provides an

    opportunity to rise in numbers towards fourth density, to become native to the fourth

    dimension. This is primarily a positive shift, a rising toward something higher. Notice how

    this is opposite what happened to Atlantis whereas Atlantis sank into the abyss, we now

    have an opportunity to rise into the heavens. All of these ideas may be elegantly related in thisdiagram:

    As you can see, the Fall of Atlantis marks descent into a negative half of the cycle. No doubt,

    history since then has been quite dark. And half a precessional cycle afterwards, we now cross

    that zero line again, this time into a positive phase. In the terminology of Ra, I would say that

    the heights of corruption and darkness reached by Atlantis made for a social memory complex

    on the verge of graduating towards a 4D STS state of existence. Not everyone in Atlantiswould have qualified due to lack of sufficient polarization, and they would have been recycled

    allowed to continue in the next timeloop which is the one we currently find ourselves in.

    The negative ones who graduated gained abode in the quantum abyss from which they have

    for the past twelve thousand years manipulated their counterparts within the 3D timeloop,

    namely those negative secret societies who have run the show in all great civilizations of

    history (Egypt, Sumeria, Babylon, Rome, etc).

    It is only appropriate then, that this time around (2012 onwards) there may be an opposite

    shifting, one towards a restoration of balance. But again, the primary point of this research

    note is to emphasize the importance of thinking fourth dimensionally, and how doing so

    unlocks many secrets of mythology, history, current and future events.

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