monthly journal of the brahma kumaris hqs. mount …purity uly 2018 2 historic idy 2018 celebration...

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Monthly Journal of the Brahma Kumaris Hqs. Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India

` 7.50

Vol. 37 No.10 Pages 12

July 2018

Red Fort Delhi : Brahma Kumaris Celebrate 4th International Day of YogaGrand assembly of 50000 Yoga aspirants• YogaisIndia’spreciousgifttotheWorld,saysUNICDirectorDerkSegaar

• Yogashouldbeadoptedforbothhealthymindandbody,saysUnionMoSforTribalAffairs,Hon’bleSudarshanBhagat

• YogameansconnectionwiththeOneSupreme,saysDadiJanki,ChiefofBrahmaKumaris

Report onPage 2

July 2018 2Purity

Historic IDY 2018 Celebration in Delhi

(Purity Report)









Kumaris, said:The iconicRedFortvenuesymbolises communalharmony. In thisveryvicinity lie theDigambar JainMandir,GauriShankartemple,JamaMasjid,GurdwaraSisGanjSahib,FatehpuriShahiMasjid,andachurch.ThisremindsusthatGodisone,anditissignificantthatwearecelebratingtheInternationalDayofYogahere.”






July 2018 3Purity

BK Brij Mohan, New Delhi

Chennai, Tamil Nadu : IDY programme organised by Brahma Kumaris for Greater Chennai Police at Rajarathnam Stadium, Egmore.

Dehradun, Uttrakhand : Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev, Mr. Trivendra Singh Rawat, Hon’ble Chief Minister along with BKs Susheel and Shalu after IDY Yoga Protocol training.

Globally, celebrations on theInternationalDayofYogaare

mostly about hatha yoga, whichis by far themost popular aspectof yoga across the world. This,however, distracts us from theessenceofyoga,whichisspiritual.

A sound mind is in a soundbody,goesaproverb.Thishasledmanytobelievethatasoundbodyby itself produces a soundmind.Butthatisnotthecase.

Mindandintellectarefacultiesofthesoul,whichisaspiritual,notphysical, entity. Just as nutritiousfood,regularexerciseandadequaterestarenecessarytokeepthebodystrong, the mind needs a diet ofpositive thoughts and exercisein the formofmeditation, to stayhealthy.

The information we consumeandthethoughtswecreatearelikefood for themind.As the qualityofthisfood,sowillbethestateofthemind.

Even if the body is healthy,if the soul is under the influenceof any weakness, it will performwrong actions through the body.

Published in The Speaking Tree, Times of India

21 June 2018

4th International Day of YogaYoga for a Sound Mind in a Sound Body

Yoga does bring many physicalbenefits, including a healthy andlong life. But with its spiritualessence having been diluted, orignored, it has been reduced toa mere set of exercises that areeven seen by some as ameans toenhancing their ability to indulgeinphysicalpleasures.

But, the body is subject todecay, and gradually loses itsabilitytofunction.Asoundmind,on theotherhand, candisplay itsbrillianceeveninafrailbody.

All of this shows that theposture of the mind is more

important than physical postures,andthatcontrollingone’sthoughtscomes before controlling one’sbreath.

Thepurposeofyogaistohelpthe individual achieve union ofsoulandSupremeSoul,spiritandmatter,thoughtandaction.Ayogifirst learns to live in peace withtheself,whichhelpshimdevelopharmonious relations with othersandtheenvironmentthatformthefoundationofhealthysocietiesandahealthyplanet.

Practice of yoga leads tothe connecting of individualconsciousness with universalconsciousness, which bringsfreedomfrombondagecreatedbyalimitedawareness.

The Bhagwad Gita, whichis a treatise on yoga, details thedifferent forms of yoga that maybe practised by people of variouspersuasions.Itprescribesthepathof devotion for householders,the path of knowledge for thoseintellectually inclined, and the

path of action for themore agile.TheGita’seighteenchaptersreveala progressive path from the yogaof action to that of devotion and,finally, of wisdom. Hatha yogafindsnomentionintheGita.

Defining yoga, the Gita says:When the mind, restrained bythe practice of yoga, attains toquietude, and when, seeing selfbytheself,oneissatisfiedinone’sownself,hefeelsthatinfiniteblisscan be grasped by the intellect,transcending the senses, and,established therein, he nevermoves from reality... let that beknown by the name of yoga, theseverancefromunionwithpain.

TheInternationalDayofYogais an opportunity to reveal to theworld the subtle science of yoga,which everyone can use not justtoachievephysicalwellbeing,butalsotolearnabetterwaytoliveahealthy, harmonious and happylife.V

(The author is chief spokesman of the Brahma Kumaris Organisation)

Bengaluru (Vardani Bhavan), Karnataka : Brahma Kumaris celebrating International Day of Yoga at Ranichennamma Stadium, Jayanagar.

Gulbarga, Karnataka : International Day of Yoga at Rotary Grounds organised by Brahma Kumaris jointly with Patanjali, Rotary International and Media.

Surender Nagar, Gujarat : Kids doing ‘Pranayam’ at International Day of Yoga celebrations organised by the Brahma Kumaris.

Mount Abu, Rajasthan : International Day of Yoga was celebrated at Polo Grounds jointly by local bodies, organisations and Brahma Kumaris.

July 2018 5Purity

A Wishing Well in Barrmill, Scotland

(Purity Features)

Waterhasheldasacredplace inmostancient cultures in the world. Both

eastern and western traditions aboundin mythologies and folklores that speakaboutmagicalwishingwellswhereitwasthought that any spoken wish would begranted. In European folklore a wishingwell is a term that is used for awell thatisbelievedtohavethepowertograntanywishes. These wishes may be spoken orexpressedinanotherwaysuchasmentally,or in writing, or by using a symbol orritualisticofferingofsomekind.

In ancient times it was not easy forpeopletogetcleanwater.Thussourcesofcleanwatersuchasnaturalsprings,riversand ponds were often considered sacred.Some of these natural springs graduallyturnedintowellsenclosedinstone,woodor brick. They were marked by wood orstonestatuesofthedeity.Theywereoftendedicated to a god or goddess or evensaints.

The Celts and Germanic peoplethought wells and springs had mysticalpowers and believed them to be guardedby spirits. Sometimes the places weremarked with wooden statues possibly ofthegodassociatedwiththepool.Speakingsomething aloud over the source madeit come to pass, if the spirits were thusinclined.Afterutteringthewish,onewouldgenerallydropcoinsinthewell.Thatwishwouldthenbegrantedbytheguardianordweller, based upon how the coinwouldlandat thebottomof thewell. If the coinlandedheadsup,theguardianofthewellwould grant the wish, but the wish of atailsupcoinwouldbeignored.Itwasthuspotentiallyluckytothrowcoinsinthewell,butitdependedonhowtheylanded.

While throwing coins into wells andfountains is still in fashion, in ancienttimes Germanic people were known tothrowthearmourandweaponsofdefeatedenemiesintobogsandotherpoolsofwaterasofferingstotheirgods.Farmersusedtooffersmallmodelsofanimalstothankthegodsforbountifulflocksandgoodharvest.

Many ancient cultures and religionsascribedmagical qualities to clean water.Therewere special springs that containednatural healing properties. People oftenbelievedandstillbelieveinsomeculturesthatwatercleansestheimpuritiesofhumanbeings. Purification was thought to beachievedbymeansofaritualcleansingbybathingorifsomeonewantedtobecuredof an illness a small human figurine thatshowedtheaffectedpartofthebodycouldbedroppedintothewater.

These ancient traditions continue ina formtodayaspeoplecontinue to throwpennies into fountains and wells for funorevenforwishfulfilment.Toadegreeitalsoshowsabeliefthatsuchactsoffaithorsuperstitious beliefs can bring somegoodtothem.

All myths are rooted in some deep spiritual truth. A ‘wishing well’ is a metaphor or symbol for the power of good

The Magic of Wishing Wellaresupposedtodo–theyblessothersandwishthemgoodwithsomuchpurityandpowerthatitaddspositivevaluetoothers’lives.

ButthepowertowishwellandactuallybringgoodtootherscancomeonlywhenwehaveacleanandpureheartandwhenweconnecttotheSupremeBeing,theOnewhoistheBestowerofallblessings.God’sloveandblessingsnotonlyfulfilourpurewishes but also empowerus to shareHisgoodnessandblessingswithothers.

Imagine how beautiful our lifewouldbeifweallmakeitahabittowishwellforeveryoneintheworld.V

wishes. In a world where people havebecomeveryselfishandmean,wheretheysometimes find it easier to give materialthingstoothersthantowishthemwellfromtheir heart, perhaps wishing wells havebecome an alternative source where onecanactuallythinkandwishforsomethinggoodforthemselvesandothers.

Today, people find it very difficult tofeelgoodaboutthemselvesandwishwellfor others’ happiness. Jealousy, maliceand pettiness are feelings that corruptmost relationships. Even in celebrations,festivities and social gatherings peoplemake an outward show of enjoymentand celebration but deep inside they areembittered by jealousy, insecurity andresentment.Theywishandgreeteachotheras a habit on special days like birthdays,anniversaries and festivals but there arenotruefeelingsofjoyandgoodwillforthepeopletheyaregreeting.Peopleexchangeexpensivegiftsonsuchoccasionsbuttheyseldomwisheachotherwell.

Justastheancienttraditionofwishingwells stands for wellness and happiness,it is importanttomakeahabitofwishingourselves and others well. Today peoplehave become so accustomed to beingstressed, anxious and unhappy that theyreallyneedgoodwishesandpurefeelingsto heal themselves. The secret of beinghappy and of having one’s good wishesfulfilled is to thinkgood,begoodanddogood for everyone.Whenwewish otherswellweautomaticallybegintofeelgood.

In a world where most people feeldeprivedofloveandjoy,itwouldbeindeedasacredacttoofferthegiftofgoodwishestoeveryonearoundus.Whenwesincerelywishotherstobehappy,tobefulfilledandtobeliberated,wewillbeliketheguardianspirit or deity of the wishing wells thatgrant thewishes of others. In fact, that iswhatallgods,goddesses,angelsandsaints

The secret of having one’s

good wishes fulfilled is to

think good, be good and

do good for everyone.

In Lighter Vein• Whatdidoneghostsaytoanother?

“Doyoubelieveinpeople?”• Iwanttobecomeadoctor.Ihave

thehandwritingforit.• Theycallourlanguagethemother


• Ireadyournewbook.Whowroteitforyou?Whoreaditforyou?

• DoyouthinkI’lllosemylooksasIgetolder?Yes,ifyou’relucky.

• Sincelighttravelsfasterthansound,peopleappearbrightuntilyouhearthemspeak.

• SometimesIneedwhatonlyyoucanprovide:yourabsence.

• Wehaveaquiethomelife.Idon’tspeaktoherandshedoesn’tspeaktome.

See, keep passports of big loanees and driving licences of

small loanees always with you.

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