mood art is a form of expression. often times this expression contains an important message for the...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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MoodArt is a form of expression. Often times this

expression contains an important message for the viewer. Mood can enhance this message, especially

through color. Thus, artists must be fully aware of the moods created and messages conveyed though

the colors used in their pieces.

What do colors mean?

• A few basics


• The viewer should “feel” what you are trying to convey. If your image is repulsive people should feel that emotion through the way you have constructed it. If the image is inviting the viewer should feel comfortable and relaxed looking at your image.

One thing that will make your project exciting is your own interpretation of a specific place or theme. For example in the movie “Constantine” Hell is represented in a visually dynamic and non-cliché point of view. Hell is a scorched and windblown place where strange creatures with half of their heads missing still function.

Your project

• Create a scene (anywhere, anytime)• Use perspective• Create a mood through your art-make your

viewers feel something– Your work should stand on its own-shouldn’t need

an explanation.

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