moree east public school...moree east public school ... mr patrick has been working very hard in the...

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PUBLIC SCHOOL Term 1     Week 6  Thursday 2nd March, 2017 

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday


Adelaide Street Moree NSW 2400 Ph: (02) 6752 1733 Fax: (02) 6752 1553

SCHOOL HOURS Monday-Friday 8:10am-1:45pm

UNIFORM SHOP Wednesday & Thursday

11:30am to 12pm Cash Only Layby available Sorry no Centrepay


School Photos

28th March, 2017


SPECIAL EVENTS Principal’s Message – Yaama! I would like to celebrate and thank students, staff and community for their commitment, organisation and effort towards supporting our school so far this term. McKechnie Shield Swimming – Following our Intensive Swim Scheme in 2016, four of our students were selected to represent MEPS at the McKechnie Shield Carnival. Thank you to Mr Ash Hurley and Mr Adam Raymond for their organi-sation of this event and encouragement of our students. Thank you to our students who represented our school so well, and took the time to respectfully thank the organisers at the end of the day. Great job! Rugby League Trials – Thank you to Mr Adam Raymond and Mr Kyle Saunders for the preparation involved in organising and supporting this opportunity. The boys were very excited to be involved and all demonstrated great sportsmanship on the day. A number of the boys were fortunate to be selected on the team and I congratulate all of the boys for being excellent role models and representatives of our school. Yarn Up and BBQ – Thank you to our busy staff organisers, and Mrs Holly Acorn for her coordination of this event, and to our parent/carers and students who came along to share a yarn and visit classrooms to celebrate the wonderful learn-ing that has been happening from the start of the year. We look forward to more events where we can share our learning journey together throughout the year. Early Action For Success Conference – I would like to acknowledge Mrs Nicole Humphries for the recognition of her expertise and her tireless work preparing for EAfS conferences in Sydney. Mrs Humphries was a key presenter who shared her vast knowledge and understanding of literacy and numeracy with a large number of colleagues from other schools around NSW. We are very fortunate to have Mrs Humphries as our Instructional Leader EAfS , supporting MEPS staff and students and extending this support to other colleagues. Sisters’ Group – Thank you to all of our Sisters’ group members who have been spending time at school planning and preparing for 2017 fundraising activities and supporting our school initiatives. The Sisters are always very keen to offer support to our staff and students in a variety of ways. We appreciate all that you do.  

SPECIAL EVENTS School site – We are very fortunate to have beautiful school buildings and grounds to provide high quality facilities to support our quality teaching and learning. Staff have been busy spending time sorting and resourcing these areas since the school rebuild was completed at the end of 2016. Over January and February, Mr Patrick has been working very hard in the heat to keep our grounds so beautiful. Mr Patrick does this work without complaint and we all appreciate his care and solid work ethic. We continue to monitor the new building, with some school maintenance and repairs undertaken recently to ceilings, doors and windows. There are plans to repair some of our external seats over the coming weeks. I will keep you informed of any updates J Professional Learning – I will be joining our Stage 2/3 teachers, Mrs Henley, Mr Raymond and Miss McDonnell on a trip to Sydney as part of a Connected Communities professional learning initiative. We will be exploring Project Based learning as a focus for our Stage 2/3 classes beginning Term 2. This style of teaching and learning is aimed at further developing our students’ curiosity and skills whilst they engage in authentic, real life experiences. We are all looking for-ward to this professional learning with our Connected Communities schools and sharing this with our MEPS staff, students and community. IMPORTANT: The Last day of Term 1 for students will be Thursday 6th April. On this day we will be having our Easter Hat parade as well as a ceremony to unveil our school plaque from the opening of our new school, as well as the time capsule placement and official opening of our library. It will be a busy day, so please keep this date free to join us in celebrating. If you have any suggestions for the contents of the time capsule, please come to the office and see Carol. There will be no school for students on Friday 7th April. On this day, staff will be joining Moree Secondary College for a day of learning off site. Teachers will not be at school on this day. Back to School Term 2: School will resume for students on Wednesday 26th April 2017. Quote for the week: “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”

Lorinda Potter Executive Principal

SPECIAL EVENTS Our New School Library Each week as a class, students have been going to the school library with Miss Malone. The children have been very excited to learn the routines of the library and look at all the wonderful books it has to offer. During the lesson students have been reading stories, making bookmarks, completing puzzles, learning new computer skills and borrowing books to their classrooms. Miss Malone is very excited to be the new Librarian at Moree East Public School and cannot wait to see what we do next!


Back- L to R: Buddy Hippi, Donny Rose, Ronald Swan, Shaquil Smith, Jakeob Lysaght

Front– L to R: Dreyden Weatherall, Luke Annis-Brown

On Wednesday 1st March, 2017, 7 students represented Moree East Public School at the Moree Schools District Rugby League Trials.

These 7 students represented Moree East Public School with distinction, pride and great sportsmanship.

Moree East Public School was lucky enough to have all students selected to advance to the next trials which will be held on Thursday 23rd March, 2017 at a venue to be decided.

Congratulations to all of the students who represented Moree East Public School.



In 2017 the Brospeak program will be running again at MEPS, giving young Indigenous boys the chance to take part in activities that help boys be strong in their Aboriginal identity, and help in developing and reaching life goals.

Central to the program is the completion of a cultural project. This year the boys will construct totems and begin work on a functional veggie and herb garden for the kitchen. Brospeak links Aboriginal boys with the life stories of Aboriginal men who are invited to speak, in addition to participating in a number of programs to help them set and achieve their goals. The program’s main goals are to assist Aboriginal boys to become strong in their hearts, proud of their identity and solid in their community as they become young men and eventual leaders in our community.

This year the year 5 and 6 boys will be invited to attend and take part. Again our mentor this year is Uncle Matty who will be supported by a facilitator; Mr Raymond. If any parents or carers have any questions about this program they are encouraged to contact the school and ask to speak with either Matty or Mr Raymond. It is an exciting program set for this year and we hope

that the young boys invited to attend embrace and participate fully in all it has to of-fer.




SPECIAL EVENTS MEPS CHIOR We are so excited to inform you that Moree East Public

School now has a singing group for students who are in

Years 3 to 6.

There are 21 students who have given their names to me!

The singing group will practice on Wednesdays at lunch

time in 4/5H classroom in the M Building. The students will

have lunch for 10 minutes, and then we'll practice for about

15 minutes. So the students will have time to go to the toilet

before they go back class for the afternoon session.

We are already planning to sing on ANZAC Day with

students from the Christian School.We will also be

singing for the ANZAC Day ceremony at MEPS.

We are looking forward to a lot of singing with the

children this year.

Mrs Peem Henley and Mrs Kerri-Anne Ryan




HOME TODAY (2/03/17)  









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