morning meanderings - lord of life lutheran … who has not been baptized is invited to come and...

Post on 27-Mar-2018






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Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 9700 Neenah Ave, Austin, Texas 78717 Phone 512.671.6100 Hours Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm

October 2016 Edition Volume No. 1016

Message from Pastor 1

Global Initiatives 2

Prayer List 2

Sunday Readings 2

Baptism Festivals 2

Men’s Fellowship 2

God’s Generosity 2

Memorial 2

Birthdays/Anniversaries 2

God’s Blessings 3

LOL’s 20th Anniversary 4

Members Expectations 4

SignUp - Volunteering 4

Kindred Sisters 5

Christian Education 6

Education Connection 6

Mark Your Calendars 7

Worship Training 7

All Saints Sunday 7

Harvest Festival 8

Website Project 9

Trunk or Treat 9

Thank You From Pastor 10

Featured Staff 10

India Ministry-Pastor Noah 11

Matching Gifts 11

Council Minutes 12

Save-the-Dates 12

State of the Church 12

Worship Leaders 13

Calendar 14

God’s Work, Our Hands

Inside this issue: MORNING MEANDERINGS

I greet you in the name of the One who can do all things but fail! The older I get the more I find it necessary to rely on recorded reality rather than recall. Some would refer to this as the need to utilize written history over or against oral tradition, fact versus fantasy. Ironically I ran across a document from early 2013 that had been sent from the Synod office to the Call Committee. Among other things, the document raised three issues:

the constant decline during past years;

the lack of increased financial stewardship;

the desire for a “maintenance” pastor. Jesus told the following parable in Luke 13:6-9: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, ‘See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?’ The gardener replied, ‘Sir, let it alone for one more year. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’” Sounds like advice that has been called the height of insanity: Continue doing the same thing and expect different results. As you well know, the above rendering of Jesus’ parable lacks one key line. Verse 8, which records the response of the gardener, actually reads: “Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it!” It certainly sounds as though the gardener was willing to change his strategy to achieve different and desired results. Rather than simply sitting around hoping, something needed to be done. And yet, verse 9 seems to imply that the gardener also realizes there are no guarantees; but to do nothing differently is not the answer. The wisdom of Jesus is seen in the fact that he does not tell us the outcome of the story. It’s almost as though he is merely presenting the possibility of what could be. In the name of Jesus, Pr. Skip

Birthdays: Bryce Sheehan 10/05 Horace Pennington 10/06 Alvin Symank 10/08 Olga Haenel 10/11 Adele Evans 10/13 Lucas Hart 10/15 Denise Sheehan 10/16 Virginia Pfluger 10/18 George Freitag 10/22 Max Kretschmar 10/23 Alfred Symank 10/23 Bill Saegert 10/25 Pamela Kamensky 10/27 Caitlin Warnsman 10/30 Gary Parsons 10/31


Ann Willman, Angie Parr,

Marge Robison, Ilamay Bartholomew,

Herman Haenel, Linda Vaughn,

Roger Adamson, Crystal Dyer Allbritton,

Peggy Suggs, Kathy Vitek,

Lanae Ortivez, Sylvia Ramirez,

Pat Snyder, Faith Bales,

Angie, Ilene Dunn,

Ronnie Czajkowski, Dianne Schoss,

Mike Dean, Elyse Pinkowitz, Norma Hultsch,

The Family of Pastor Ed Schwanke, Pamela Campbell & Family


October 2 Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-9 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10 October 9 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c Psalm 111 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19 October 16 Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8 October 23 Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 (or) Sirach 35:12-17 Psalm 84:1-7 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14 October 30 Isaiah 1:10-18 Psalm 32:1-7 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 Luke 19:1-10

GLOBAL INITIATIVES - l inks Through the benevolence we pay to the ELCA, we are support ing these global initiatives. A link is available on our website under “Giving”, so you can keep up-to-date on what the ELCA is doing to reach the world for Christ.


Anyone who has not been baptized is invited to come and “wade in the waters” of eternal life. Please contact Pr. Skip for a pre-baptism appointment. The only remaining Baptism Festival for 2016 is:

All Saints’ Day, November 6

Contact Pr. Skip as soon as possible concerning which day works best for you.


Walter & Maxine Krizov 10/04 Garrett & Megan Wiruscheske 10/11 Daniel & Jennifer Rosas 10/19 Max & Marge Kretschmar 10/26


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be on October 8th at 8:00am. All men are welcome and

encouraged to attend. Contact Mark Waggoner or 512-800-5412.

RESPONDING TO GOD’S GENEROSITY Giving freely of what has been freely given to us


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September: Harry Bengtson (father of Gayle Covington):

Walter & Maxine Krizov

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God's Blessings!

Our Gratitude

The LOLLC Finance Ministry will be conducting a Pledge Drive this Fall. Those who attended worship on September 25 heard Chapin Smith tell of her Blessings and Gratitude for them. In the coming weeks we will hear more about Blessings Received and Gratitude from others in our Congregation. During this time each of us is asked to reflect on our Blessings and how we express Gratitude for them.

Response Given?

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:10,11

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Kindred Sisters

Kindred Sisters held their September meeting on

Tuesday, Sept. 6th, at 10:30 a.m. at the Koinonia

Cafe at LOLLC. Marge Kretschmar gave a

wonderful Bible Study on "Judgement". We

learned so much about self-judgment, the

judgment of other people, and the judgment of

God, and had a good discussion during the

lesson. After devotions and prayer, we enjoyed

our sack lunches and dessert and refreshment

served by Joanne Forseth, our September

hostess. Thank you, Marge, for an excellent

Bible Study.! We really appreciate it!

Our October meeting will be held Tuesday,

October 4th, at 10:30 a.m. at the Koinonia Cafe

at LOLLC. We will have a presentation by

Marge Kretschmar on "The Story of Texas

Missions", about the beautiful mission churches

that she toured recently. We hope you can join

us for a very interesting presentation, devotions,

prayer, and fellowship! All ladies of LOLLC are

cordially invited to attend. Please bring your

own sack lunch, and dessert and refreshments

will be provided by our hostess for October,

Marge Kretschmar.

We have a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in Koinonia Cafe, so if you would like to be

a hostess or provide a presentation, or have an idea for a presentation, please sign up, or

contact Glenace or Joanne Forseth. Thank you!

There is a box in the narthex of the church for cancelled postage stamps, for our

Stamporee Project. If you have cancelled stamps, please bring them and add to our

collection. We have even received cancelled stamps from a church in Pennsylvania!

Have a Beautiful and Blessed Fall, and enjoy the cooler weather!


Monthly Meeting – 1st Tuesday Morning

Upcoming Opportunities

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

10:30 am – Café

Program: The Story of Texas Missions

Presented by: Marge Kretschmar

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

10:30 am - Café

Program: “Let’s Organize Your Life”

Presented by: Kay Dunning-Bostelman

Please Sign Up on the Fall 2016 Program and

Dessert Hostess Chart

Bring your saved cancelled postage stamps

For LWR Stamporee Box

Questions: Joanne Forseth – 512-986-7387

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Sunday school for children and youth - Children (ages 2 years-5th grade) will gather in the elementary rooms for a Deep

Blue Adventure. Middle and High School youth will meet in their respective rooms for lessons/discussions/DVD’s on

topics geared just for them!!



Waggoner at 512-773-9450 or email

Adult Education Classes:

1. The Jesus Fatwah: Love Your Muslim Neighbor as Yourself - (Café-facilitated by Pastor Skip)

2. $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America - (Sanctuary-facilitated by Dick Fink)

3. A Study for Women - Keep it Shut: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Say Nothing at All - (Conf. room-

facilitated by Felicia Wachsmann)

4. Adult Education Bible Study – This is an off-site bible study on the book of Romans that meets during the 9:30

education hour at the Cottonwood Creek Nursing and Rehab Center in room #603. It is located at 1500 Cottonwood

Creek Trail in Cedar Park. This is Ann Wilman's room and there are three residents attending. The class is led by Marge

Robison and anyone is welcome to join us.

Tuesday Evening Bible Study – Book of James, 6:30pm in the Café

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study - 10:00am snack bar at Target - Lakeline.


Every child reading by the end of

3rd grade – By volunteering 30

minutes a week to read to a

student, you can help solve one of

the largest problems in the

Greater Austin area – school

dropout rates. Research shows

that children not reading at grade

level by the end of 3rd grade are

four times more likely to drop out

of school. Join the movement to

change this trend by becoming a literacy partner or mentor in one of many elementaries

in Leander, Lake Travis, Round Rock, Manor, Austin and Pflugerville ISDs. Ready to

take action? Upcoming training dates are on October 14th & 15th. For more information,

questions or to register, go to:, email or call 512-331-2230.

Page 7 Volume No. 1016

10/2 - 20th Anniversary Celebration 10/4 - Kindred Sisters 10/8 - Men’s Breakfast 10/8 - Group Ministry Training 10/30 - Reformation Sunday 10/30 - Trunk or Treat 11/1 - Kindred Sisters 11/6 - All Saints Sunday

Worship Volunteer Training on Oct. 8

The Worship Team Leaders will provide detailed training for all volunteers beginning at 9

AM on Oct. 8. We’ll be available all morning so if you volunteer in multiple areas, you’ll

have time to train in them all. Whether you’ve been volunteering during Sunday morning

worship for years, or have never done so but would like to know more, I encourage you to

join us. Questions, see Deb Grunska.

All Saints Sunday, Nov. 6

On All Saints Sunday, we will have an opportunity to remember members of Lord of Life

and our friends and family who have died this past year, and to honor the saints in our

lives. Please email or call the church office before Oct. 24. Include your name, the person’s

name, and if it’s for remembrance for someone who has died or honoring as a saint.

Page 8 Life-Lines

11th annual Harvest Festival & Craft Fair Update!

Things are definitely coming together! We have vendors, great entertainment, a fantastic

breakfast and lunch menu! Now all we need is YOU!

We are looking for helpers for set up, café, vendor assistance, raffle donations, silent

auction donations, crafts, bake sale assistance, clean up, and more! Sign up sheets are in

the back of the Welcome Center.

If you have any questions please see Katie Reidy or email us at:

We also have flyers and postcards in the back of the Welcome center for everyone to pick

up. Please feel free to take as many as needed and post them at your offices, community

centers, coffeeshops, etc.

This year’s benefit is the Lutheran Disaster Response for the Louisiana Gulf Coast Relief.

The more we raise the more we help others! So lets have a great Harvest Festival!

Page 9 Volume No. 1016 Website Project

When I was on council last year, I offered to work to improve communication at Lord of Life. Many people are involved in this effort, so I decided with input from others to focus on improving the website. Let me say first of all that we have an excellent website. David Pencil and everyone else involved with setting up the site have done a great job keeping the layout uniform and clean. Not surprisingly, as things were added, the site grew and it became difficult to find some

information. I think it is time to review the site, build on the work already done, and reorganize it to make it easy to find information.

This project ties in with a project I am working on with Toastmasters. Part of the education process in Toastmasters involves running a High Performance Leadership project to learn and develop leadership skills. Improving the website fits in nicely with this project.

The project also involves working with a guidance committee. I would like to thank Erica Smith, Randi Ladolcetta, Mindy Penland, and Cindy Tarsi for their advice and encouragement, both now and in the future.

I am at the stage where I want to assemble a team of people to make the project a reality. I am looking for people with these interests: improving the layout of the website, making the changes, and regularly updating the site. While some technical knowledge would certainly be helpful, I’m sure we will all be learning as we go along. Your interest and enthusiasm is important.

If you are interested, or if you have questions, please contact me. I generally attend early service and Christian Education classes. My phone number is 512-689-1054, and my email address is Once I find interested people, I will schedule a time to sit down and discuss the project with everyone.

The website can be an important part of our mission at Lord of Life. I thank you for trusting me with this project, and I look forward to the final results!

Jim Tarsi

The Missional River Ministry of Lord of

Life Lutheran Church will sponsor its

third annual Trunk or Treat on Sunday,

October 30th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in

the church parking lot.

All are invited to park their decorated

trunks and pass out candy as we welcome

and fellowship with the ghosts and goblins

from the neighborhood. Join us for fun

and fright as the adults attempt to relive their childhood in an evening of laughter, games

and music as they pass out candy to the children.

Can’t join the fun this year? Donations of candy are welcome. Contact member of

Missional River if you have questions. Mark Waggoner, Dick Fink, or Felicia


Page 10 Life-Lines


What a wonderful celebration it was last Sunday!!! The words “Thank You” seem so inadequate when trying to express my appreciation and gratitude for the worship, the meal, and the ordination anniversary gift. Everything was absolutely amazing! Please know how truly honored I felt and how truly grateful I am. To God be the glory! Pr. Skip

Featured Staff Member: Tealithia Oliver, Lord of Life’s Nursery Attendant

Hello! My name is Tealithia Oliver and I am the Nursery Attendant for Lord of Life. I have been the Nursery Attendant since January of 2007. Along the way I have watched our youngest members of the church grow into wonderful teenagers on their way to adulthood. I love working with children and along the years have started a family of my own with two sons, two step-daughters, and my husband, Manuel Oliver.

My passion has always been to help others, especially children, the elderly and the disabled.

I was born in Bryan, TX, but mainly lived and grew up in Sacramento, CA, raised by my mother Wanda Williams. As a single parent, my mother showed me at a young age the importance of helping others and to be responsible. I first started helping people in high school by feeding the homeless in my community. In high school, I joined the People and Student Reaching Out program, which involved traveling to elementary schools speaking to children about strangers, drugs, abuse, and where and who to go to for help. My first jobs were working at Chuck-E-Cheese's as a birthday party hostess on the weekends and a file clerk for an attorney during the weekday evenings at the age of 16. Some of my hobbies were cake decorating, track and tennis. During my spare time, I would babysit for 4 families from the private school.

After graduation, I worked at Children's World Learning Center as a day care assistant during the week and would walk to Merryhill Elementary Private School as an after school counselor. I went to American River College at night for Early Childhood Education.

During this time, my mother and I found out that my grandmother had a stroke and decided to move back to Texas in 2003 to take care of her. While in Texas I transferred to continue working for Children's World Learning Center and went to school at Austin Community College a year later. In 2006, I landed my first state job with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice working in a state prison while pregnant with my first child. I have moved up along the way and now currently work for Family and Protective Services. I first started with Adult Protective Services for 3 years, and now Child Protective Services for 4 years. Our mission is to always protect the unprotected. I have experience working with children from all different backgrounds, ages, and disabilities. One of my many goals is to find a way to be able to continue college and complete my education in order to help children with learning disabilities.

I consider Lord of Life as a second family. Both of my children were baptized here and I officially joined the church in 2015. In the nursery, you are always welcomed and invited. I encourage parents to come meet me along with the other wonderful Sunday school staff. Parents are always welcome to stop by anytime!

Page 11 Volume No. 1016

“Matching Gifts”

Some contributors to Lord of Life may work for a company that matches gifts. Please let Jennifer Niedert, Dick Fink or the church office know if this is the case and we will work with you and your employer to realize a matching contribution.”

Pastor Noah’s Ministry in India: Lord of Life helped support Pastor Sunil Noah on his recent ministry

trip to India. He had revival meetings in Haryana, Delhi, and in Vengadamangalam (a very remote part

of Tamil Nadu) and a village church retreat at Panapakkam (Tamil Nadu). 62 people accepted Jesus as

their Savior, with a few rededicating their lives to Christ. “God is proving that Proverbs 13:23 is getting

fulfilled - "The field of the poor may produce much ..." ISV. Thank you once again for enabling me to go,

and for continuing to support me through your prayers. May the Lord richly bless you.” – Pastor Noah.


Nov 1 - Kindred Sisters Nov 6 - All Saints Day Nov 12 - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Nov 12 - Harvest Festival & Craft Show Nov 23 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service Nov 27 - Advent Begins Dec 6 - Kindred Sisters Dec 10 - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Dec 11 - Neighborhood Caroling


In attendance: Pastor Skip, John Paul Crawford, Mark Waggoner, Randi Ladolcetta, Erica Smith, John Duarte

Call to order

Opening Prayer – Pastor Skip

Devotional – John Paul Crawford

Dwelling in the Word – Matthew 10:32-39

Erica and John Paul read. It was discussed that there will always be division and we discussed how

this is relating to our church family. We talked about how not everyone is on the same spiritual

journey and how that looks different for many people. A common theme was trying to avoid

conflict, it’s hard. John Paul noted that a faith that is untested is untrusted. We discussed having

deeper relationships vs. surface level ones and how to develop those relationships.

What is the mission of the church? Where are we going? Where is the SPIRIT leading us?

Jesus’ mission was directed at those not present, those who are not here.

Coffee with council

We will hold a follow up congregational meeting

Discussed topics and ideas for presentation

Discerning Prayer

Reconciling Class

At least 4 more meetings

One class will be role playing 1:1

Erica will coordinate class times/dates

New Business

Approve Ronnie & Jacque Wachsmann’s membership

Erica made a motion to approve

Mark seconded the motion

All approved

Roadmap Cohort Call – John Paul

Peace Lutheran is also struggling with

in reach vs. out reach

We are getting support from them and

another Pastor

Will continue the call

Closing Prayer – Pastor


Worship Attendance

09/04/2016 91

09/11/2016 87

09/18/2016 115

09/25/2016 89

Weekly Average: 96

YTD Total 3299

YTD Weekly Avg 90


Aug Income 19,799 YTD Income 202,452 Aug Expenses 24,641 YTD Expenses 207,314 Aug Net Loss 4,842 YTD Net Loss 4,862

Page 12 Life-Lines

Worship Leaders for October 2016

October 2, 2016 Color: Green

Presiding Minister: Pastor Carl Schoss Assisting Minister: (1st); Raina Parsons (2nd)

Lector: (1st); Brynn Waggoner (2nd) Media Assistant: Jim Tarsi (1st); Connor Sheehan (2nd)

Communion Assistant: (1st); Dorothy Crawford, Denise Sheehan (2nd)

Ushers: Doug Caldwell, Bill Saegert, Gary Parsons, Mike Brown & Fred Grampp (1st);

Dustin, Dax & Dakota Simpson, Mike Kamensky (2nd)

Altar Guild: Lyn Caldwell (1st); Dick Fink (2nd) Acolyte: Bryce Sheehan (2nd)

Tellers: Mindy Penland & Carol Gaskamp Cantor: (1st); (2nd)

Flowers: The Members of LOL, in honor of 20th Anniversary. Children’s Time: Wendy Waggoner

October 9, 2016 Color: Green

Presiding Minister: Pastor Skip Wachsmann Assisting Minister: (1st); John Paul Crawford (2nd)

Lector: (1st); Dustin Simpson (2nd) Media Assistant: Jim Tarsi (1st); Rex Schroeder (2nd)

Communion Assistant: (1st); Erica & Chapin Smith, Mike & Pam Kamensky (2nd)

Ushers: Doug Caldwell, Bill Saegert, Gary Parsons, Mike Brown & Fred Grampp (1st);

Dave, Erica, Chapin & Luke Smith (2nd)

Altar Guild: Deanna Brown (1st); Deb Grunska (2nd) Acolyte: Luke Smith (2nd)

Tellers: Mindy Penland & Carol Gaskamp Cantor: (1st); (2nd)

Flowers: Lane Family, for Linda’s birthday & Children’s Time: John Paul Crawford

Simpson Family in memory of Jack & Betty Emmons

October 16, 2016 Color: Green

Presiding Minister: Pastor Skip Wachsmann Assisting Minister: (1st); Dick Fink (2nd)

Lector: (1st); Carol Alessi (2nd) Media Assistant: Jim Tarsi (1st); Chuck Neeley (2nd)

Communion Assistant: (1st); Deb Grunska, Carol Alessi, Oscar Lopez, Wendy Waggoner (2nd)

Ushers: Doug Caldwell, Bill Saegert, Gary Parsons, Mike Brown & Fred Grampp (1st);

Gene, Riley & Brady Kaloustian, Jon Wolski (2nd)

Altar Guild: Lyn Caldwell (1st); Avery Willenborg (2nd) Acolyte: Erin Weston (2nd)

Tellers: Mindy Penland & Carol Gaskamp

Cantor: (1st); (2nd)

Flowers: Daniel & Jennifer Rosas, celebrating 31st Anniversary. Children’s Time: Felicia Wachsmann

October 23, 2016 Color: Green

Presiding Minister: Pastor Skip Wachsmann Assisting Minister: (1st); Dustin Simpson (2nd)

Lector: (1st); Dick Fink (2nd) Media Assistant: Jim Tarsi (1st); Connor Sheehan (2nd)

Communion Assistant: (1st); Dorothy Crawford, David Ladolcetta, Denise Sheehan, Jennifer Niedert (2nd)

Ushers: Doug Caldwell, Bill Saegert, Gary Parsons, Mike Brown & Fred Grampp (1st);

Brad & Bryce Sheehan, Mark Waggoner, Mike Kamensky (2nd)

Altar Guild: Deanna Brown (1st); Chuck Neeley (2nd) Acolyte: Kira Niedert (2nd)

Tellers: Mindy Penland & Carol Gaskamp Cantor: (1st); (2nd)

Flowers: Diane Saegert, for Bill’s birthday. Children’s Time: (Vacant) (2nd)

October 30, 2016 - Reformation Sunday Color: Red

Presiding Minister: Pastor Skip Wachsmann Assisting Minister: (1st); (2nd)

Lector: (1st); Brynn Waggoner (2nd) Media Assistant: Jim Tarsi (1st); Dick Fink (2nd)

Communion Assistant: (1st); Erica & Chapin Smith, Mike Kamensky, David Ladolcetta (2nd)

Ushers: Doug Caldwell, Bill Saegert, Gary Parsons, Mike Brown & Fred Grampp (1st);

Dustin, Dax & Dakota Simpson, Mike Kamensky (2nd)

Altar Guild: Lyn Caldwell (1st); Kori Weston (2nd) Acolyte: (2nd)

Tellers: Mindy Penland & Carol Gaskamp Cantor: (1st); (2nd)

Flowers: Rex Schroeder, in memory of Elaine Schroeder Children’s Time: High School Youth (2nd)

Page 13 Volume No. 1016

October 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



20th Anniversary

8:15 am Early Svc

9:30 am Christian Ed

10:45 am Late Svc


11:00 am

Babywearing Mtg

7:00 pm


Ministry Mtg


10:30 am

Kindred Sisters

6:30 pm Bible

Study (Café)


11:00 am

Prayer for


6:00 pm Conf.

6:30 pm Praise

7:30 pm Vocal


10:00 am

Women’s Bible

Study (off-site)

6:30 pm Pack 150


7:00 pm Property

Mtg Mtg



8:00 am Men’s


9:00 am Group

Ministry Training



Connection Booth

8:15 am Early Svc

9:30 am Christian Ed

10:45 am Late Svc 12:15 pm Worship Mtg.


Columbus Day

7:00 pm Finance

Ministry Mtg.

(Conference Rm)


5:30 pm Pack

150 Den Mtg

6:30 pm Bible

Study (Café)


6:00 pm Conf.

6:30 pm Praise

7:30 pm Vocal


10:00 am

Women’s Bible

Study (off-site)

7:00 pm Stephen





8:15 am Early Svc

9:30 am Christian Ed

10:45 am Late Svc



6:30 pm Bible

Study (Café)

6:30 pm TIFA

Meeting (Sanct)


11:00 am

Prayer for


6:00 pm Conf.

6:30 pm Praise

7:30 pm Vocal


10:00 am

Women’s Bible

Study (off-site)

6:30 pm

Council Mtg

6:30 pm Pack

1502 Mtg



23 8:15 am Early Svc 9:30 am Christian Ed

10:45 am Late Svc

30 Reformation Sunday 8:15 am Early Svc 9:30 am Christian Ed

10:45 am Late Svc 5:30 pm Trunk or Treat





6:30 pm Bible

Study (Café)


6:00 pm Conf.

6:30 pm Praise

7:30 pm Vocal


10:00 am

Women’s Bible

Study (off-site)



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