moses presentation (religion grade 11)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The Story of Moses

By: Amanda Iliadis

It was a time of great slavery in Egypt. The Pharaoh ordered his slaves to build him statues and buildings and courtyards and everything imaginable. But in a nearby Egyptian city, Pharaoh had his soldiers (who were not slaves), killing hundreds of innocent Hebrew children. He did this so that the children would never grow up and have a chance to fight him to win over his country. He was not a kind or just man, and his plot was worse than that of many. It only got worse from here.

These are pictures of slaves in Egypt during the time of Moses, and even before. They were ruled by the Pharaoh in that time period. There was no way out of slaverybut one man would change the fate in all of Egypt forever and ever.

Early Life

It was during this time, that a baby was born, and his name was Moses. Moses mother, along with his brother and sister came up with a plan to save his life so that he may be spared this horrible fate. To save Moses, his mother hid him in a basket by the side of the River Nile.

Moses family loved him very much and were devastated that he has to either leave them forever or die at the hands of the Egyptian soldiers. This was the only way- the better way. However there were also many dangers with sending him down the riveralligators, hippopotami, and birds. Moses could have died anyway but God was on his side. The Hebrew word for God is Yahweh and Hebrews believed in him with all their heart.

The basket continued to travel down the Nile, unharmed by the creatures that lurked there, watched over my his sister Mariam. The basket finally came to a stop in front of a huge palace. The Pharaoh's wife was about to wash her son when she found the basket, and upon opening it, she found baby Moses. He then became her second son.

Moses grew up as an Egyptian prince ruling next to his brother Ramses. One day upon taking a walk, Moses passes by peasants in the village and they tell him that he is NOT the Prince of Egyptthey tell him that he is their family and he is Hebrew. What Moses still doesnt know is that they are his real siblings (Miriam and Aaron). Moses flees from the scene and realizes upon a dream that he IS Hebrewhe doesnt belong in this palace. This is not his real family or his real home. He is not the real Prince of Egypt.

Moses realized that the slavery happening all around him was unjust and criminal. He accidently lost his temper and killed an Egyptian who had beaten a Hebrew slave to death. He had to run away to another land. But after everything he had found out, it was probably better that he leave so he could find himself.

Moses travelled far into the desert to find himself again. During this time, Moses found a lovely community of people including Jethro (the leader), a beautiful woman named Zipporah, and many childrenall of which he became like family to. He soon married Zipporah with her father (Jethros) blessing. He spent ten years there having bore a child named Gershom. His life was peaceful and he felt he was living it the way God intended.Adult Life

One day, Moses wandered into one of the caves nearby the small village because one of his sheep was astray. In the cave, there was a single, green bush on a rock, and that was all. Moses was surprised, but even more surprised when the bush suddenly turned into a burning, white flame and surrounded the cave with its light. The bush began to speak in a deep voice and when Moses asked what it was, the bush replied I am that I am. It was God, and Moses could feel Him. After God told Moses to take off his sandals (as he was on holy ground), He spoke of a request He had for him. To free the slaves of Egypt and bring them to a Holy Land. At first, Moses did not understand why God chose himbut God reassured that He would never leave Moses sideHe would help him with all his power and might. God put his powers into Moses staff (which is what he would use to do [His] wonders. Moses graciously agreed to this task. After God left the bush, Moses returned to the village and told his wife that he had just seen God and told her what he must do. She agreed to go with him.

Moses went back to his ancient home and greeted his brother Ramses (who was now Pharaoh) with intentions to ask a request. After all these years Ramses was pleased to see Moses again. Moses then asked Ramses to let his people go. Moses told him that God had sent him this task. Ramses decided to play along since he loved Moses but was not about to let his people go. He refused Moses and said that God was not real. This was because Moses was Hebrew, not Egyptian, and Egyptians believed in MANY Gods. He would not let his people go. This was the first warning Ramses gave Moses. But Moses did not back down.

Moses continued to warn Ramses that if he did not let his people go, he would unleash the power of God. Time and time again Ramses told Moses to give up his delusion. Moses (with Gods power) and the staff in hand, brought plagues upon the earthten plagues! One was just not enough to get Ramses to agree, and neither were nine. But, after the tenth plague was complete, Ramses finally let the slaves go.The ten plagues were as follows;

Water turned to blood




disease on livestock

Incurable boils

Hail and thunder



Death of the first-born of all Egyptian humans and animals. To be saved, the Israelites had to place the blood of a lamb on the front door of their houses.

So Moses, his sister Miriam, his brother Aaron, and his wife Zipporah beckoned for the slaves to follow them. They did. They followed them for days through Egypt1 Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the LORD showed him the whole landfrom Gilead to Dan, 2 all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the western sea, [a] 3 the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. 4 Then the LORD said to him, "This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, 'I will give it to your descendants.' I have let you see it with your eyes. However before they could even get to Jericho, they had to pass through the Red Sea (it separated Egypt and Europe/Asia).Late Life

The parting of the Red Sea was another momentous event in Moses story. It was one of the most powerful things ever done in the history of time and still is to this day. Gods power went through Moses staff once more and using it, Moses parted the sea before the people and they walked throughendlessly. While they travelled, the Pharaohs soldiers and Ramses himself came after them on horses catching up to them. Luckily the freed people and Moses managed to get through safely; just in time for the water to come crashing down on the soldiers, drowning them to death.

Moses and his people had finally reached The Promised Land unharmed. Everyone was happy and celebrating their freedom! In the meantime, Moses went up to the mountain and there, God instructed him to grab the stone tablets that lay nearby and hold them up. God then engraved ten commandments on the two stone tablets in fire . God told Moses to bring them down to the people and start a new way of life based on these laws. He did as he was told. After all these 40 years travelling many had died among them, and there was a whole new generation of Israelites, so Moses had to teach them the ways of God.

ConclusionMoses Story is miraculous.. Not only did he save over 2 million Israelites, face his brother to the death, and follow Gods every command, but he made a new way of life that would continue to flourish for generations to come. God presented him with The Ten Commandments, and with a Promised Land for the millions of people to live without slavery. Moses did all this without a complaint, without a query he did as God asked and was his Prophet for over 40 years. He was with God longer than any other person in the bible (of course other than Jesus). His story shows that even when times are unbearable, you can always get through them with love to fill the path, faith to guide you and friendship to make it easier to handle.

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