mother days 4

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Canada[edit]See also Other observances in Canada

Mother's Day cookie cake

Mother's Day in Canada is celebrated on the second Sunday in May (it is not, however, a public

holiday or bank holiday), and typically involves small celebrations and i!t"ivin to one's mother,

randmother, or other important !emale !iures in one's !amily# Celebratory practices are very

similar to those o! other western nations, such as $ustralia, the %nited &indom the %nited

States o! $merica and reland# Many people in Canada epress their ratitude towards mothers

and mother !iures on Mother's Day# $ u*b*cois tradition is !or u*b*cois men to o!!er roses

or other !lowers to the women#


Mother's Day is becomin more popular in China# Carnations are a very popular Mother's Day

i!t and the most sold !lowers in relation to the day# [+] n -../ Mother's Day was set as the day

to help poor mothers and to remind people o! the poor mothers in rural areas such as China's

western reion#[+] n the 0eople's Daily, the Chinese overnment's o!!icial newspaper, an article

eplained that 1despite oriinatin in the %nited States, people in China accept the holiday

without hesitation because it is in line with the country's traditional ethics 2 respect !or the elderly

and !ilial piety towards parents#1 [+]

n recent years, the Communist 0arty member 3i 4an5iu bean to advocate !or the o!!icial

adoption o! Mother's Day in memory o! Men Mu, the mother o!  M6n 78 # 4e !ormed a non"overnmental orani9ation called Chinese Mothers' Festival Promotion Society , with the support

o! -:: Con!ucian scholars and lecturers o! ethics#[+.][;:] 3i and the Society want to replace the

<estern"style i!t o! carnations with lilies, which, in ancient times, were planted by Chinese

mothers when children le!t home#[;:] Mother's Day remains an uno!!icial !estival, ecept in a small

number o! cities#

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Mother's Day in Cyprus is celebrated on the second Sunday o! May#

Czech Republic[edit]

n the C9ech =epublic, Mother's Day is celebrated every second Sunday in May# t started in!ormer C9echoslovakia in -.>+#[>-] ?he promoter o! this celebration was $lice Masarykov@#[>-]  $!ter <orld <ar communists replaced Mother's Day with nternational <oman's Day,

celebrated on March#[>-] ?he !ormer C9echoslovakia celebrated <omen's Day until the Aelvet

=evolution in -..#[>-]  $!ter the split o! the country in -..+, the C9ech =epublic started

celebratin Mother's Day aain#[>-]


n Bstonia, Mother's Day (emadepäev  in Bstonian) is celebrated on the second Sunday o! May#

t is reconi9ed nationally, but is not a public holiday# [;-]


n rance, amidst alarm at the low birth rate, there were attempts in -. and -.:; to create a

national celebration honorin the mothers o! lare !amilies#[;>] n -.: ten mothers who had nine

children each were iven an award reconisin 14ih Maternal Merit1 (14aut m*rite maternel1)#[citation needed ] $merican <orld <ar soldiers !ihtin in rance populari9ed the %S Mother's Day

holiday created by $nna Earvis# ?hey sent so much mail back to their country !or Mother's Day

that the %nion ranco"$m*ricaine created a postal card !or that purpose# [;>] n -.-, also

inspired by Earvis, the town o! 3yon wanted to celebrate a 1Fourn*e des M6res1, but instead

decided to celebrate a 1Eourn*e Gationale des M6res de !amilles nombreuses#1 ?he holiday wasmore inspired by anti"depopulation e!!orts than by the %S holiday, with medals awarded to the

mothers o! lare !amilies#[;>] ?he rench overnment made the day o!!icial in -.>: as a day !or

mothers o! lare !amilies#[;+] Since then the rench overnment awards the M*daille de la

amille !ranHaise to mothers o! lare !amilies#

n -.;-, by initiative o!  0hilippe 0*tain, the wartime Aichy overnment used the celebration in

support o! their policy to encourae larer !amilies, but all mothers were now honored, even

mothers with smaller !amilies#[;+]

n -.I:, a!ter the war, the celebration was reinstated# ?he law o! >; May -.I: re5uired that the=epublic pay o!!icial homae to rench Mothers on the last Sunday in May as the 1Jte des

M6res1 (ecept when 0entecost !ell on that day, in which case it was moved to the !irst Sunday

in Eune)#[citation needed ]

Durin the -.I:s, the celebration lost all its patriotic and natalist ideoloies, and became heavily


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n -.I, the celebration was iven a budet and interated into the new Code de l'action sociale

et des !amilles#[citation needed ] n >::; responsibility !or the holiday was trans!erred to the Minister

responsible !or !amilies#[citation needed ]


Mother's Day cake in Kermany

n the -.>:s, Kermany had the lowest birthrate in Burope, and the declinin trend was

continuin# ?his was attributed to women's participation in the labor market# $t the same time,

in!luential roups in society (politicians o! le!t and riht, churchwomen, and !eminists) believed

that mothers should be honored but could not aree on how to do so# 4owever, all roups

stronly areed on the promotion o! the values o! motherhood# n -.>+, this resulted in the

unanimous adoption o! Muttertag , the Mother's Day holiday as imported !rom $merica[citation

needed ] and Gorway# ?he head o! the $ssociation o! Kerman lorists cited 1the inner con!lict o!

our Volk  and the loosenin o! the !amily1 as his reason !or introducin the holiday# 4e epected

that the holiday would unite the divided country# n -.>I, the Mother's Day Committee Foined thetask !orce !or the recovery o! the volk , and the holiday stopped dependin on commercial

interests and bean emphasi9in the need to increase the population in Kermany by promotin


?he holiday was then seen as a means to encourae women to bear more children, which

nationalists saw as a way to reFuvenate the nation# ?he holiday did not celebrate individual

women, but an ideali9ed standard o! motherhood# ?he proressive !orces resisted the

implementation o! the holiday because it was backed by so many conservatives, and because

they saw it as a way to eliminate the rihts o! workin women# Die Frau, the newspaper o! the

ederation o! Kerman <omen's $ssociations, re!used to reconi9e the holiday# Many local

authorities adopted their own interpretation o! the holidayL it would be a day to support

economically larer !amilies or sinle"mother !amilies# ?he uidelines !or the subsidies

had euenics criteria, but there is no indication that social workers ever implemented them in

practice, and subsidies were iven pre!erentially to !amilies in economic need rather than to

!amilies with more children or 1healthier1 children#[;;]

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<ith the Ga9i party in power durin -.++2-.;I, the situation chaned radically# ?he promotion

o! Mother's Day increased in many Buropean countries, includin the %& and rance# rom the

position o! the Kerman Ga9i overnment, the role o! mothers was to ive healthy children to the

Kerman nation# ?he Ga9i party's intention was to create a pure 1$ryan race1 accordin to na9i

euenics# $mon other Mother's Day ideas, the overnment promoted the death o! a mother'ssons in battle as the hihest embodiment o! patriotic motherhood#[;;][;I]

?he Ga9is 5uickly declared Mother's Day an o!!icial holiday and put it under the control o! the

GSA (Gational Socialist 0eople's <el!are $ssociation) and the GS (Gational Socialist <omen

rani9ation)# ?his created con!licts with other orani9ations that resented Ga9i control o! the

holiday, includin Catholic and 0rotestant churches and local women's orani9ations# 3ocal

authorities resisted the uidelines !rom the Ga9i overnment and continued assinin resources

to !amilies who were in economic need, much to the dismay o! the Ga9i o!!icials#[;;]

Mother's Day in %G==$ camp Kermany in -.;

n -.+ the overnment bean issuin an award called Mother's Cross (Mutterkreu ), accordin

to cateories that depended on the number o! children a mother had# ?he medal was awarded

on Mother's Day and also on other holidays due to the lare number o! recipients# ?he Cross

was an e!!ort to encourae women to have more children, and recipients were re5uired to have

at least !our# or eample, a old cross recipient (level one) was oblied to have eiht children

or more# Necause havin !ewer children was a recent development, the old cross was awarded

mainly to elderly mothers with adult children# ?he Cross promoted loyalty amon Kerman

women and was a popular award even thouh it had little material reward and was mostly empty

praise# ?he recipients o! honors were compelled to be eamined by doctors and social workers

accordin to enetic and racial values that were considered bene!icial# ?he mother's !riends and

!amily were also eamined !or possible !laws that could dis5uali!y the mother, and they also had

to be 1racially and morally !it#1 ?hey had to be 1Kerman"blooded,1 1enetically healthy,1 1worthy,1

1politically reliable,1 and could not have vices like drinkin# Criteria that weihed aainst honors

were, !or eample, 1!amily history contains in!erior blood1, 1un!eminine1 behavior includin

smokin or doin poor housekeepin, not bein 1politically reliable1, or havin !amily members

who had been 1indicted and imprisoned1# ?here were instances where a !amily was dis5uali!ied

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because a doctor saw sins o! 1!eeblemindedness1# Bven contact with a Eew could dis5uali!y a

potential recipient# Some social workers had become disillusioned !rom the <eimar

=epublic and supported Ga9i ideas personally as a means to 1cure1 the problems o! the country#

?he application o! policies was uneven, as doctors promoted medical criteria over racial criteria,

and local authorities promoted economic need over any other criteria#[;;][;I]

?he holiday is now celebrated on the second Sunday o! May, in a manner similar to other

nearby Buropean countries#


Mother's Day in Kreece is celebrated on the second Sunday o! May#

By country (H–M)[edit]


n 4unary, Mother's Day is celebrated on the !irst Sunday o! May# t was !irst celebrated in -.>Iby the 4unarian =ed Cross Oouth#


?he modern Mother's Day has been assimilated into ndian culture,[;] and it is celebrated every

year on the second Sunday o! May#[;/]

ndians do not celebrate the occasion as a reliious one, but do their best to thank their mothers

!or care and love# ?he day is, however, celebrated mostly in urban centers#


ndonesian Mother's Day (ndonesianL Hari Ibu ) is celebrated nationally on >> December# ?hedate was made an o!!icial holiday by 0resident Soekarno under 0residential Decree

(ndonesianL Dekrit Presiden) no# +- in -.I+, on the >Ith anniversary o! the -.> ndonesian

<omen Conress# ?he day oriinally souht to celebrate the spirit o! ndonesian women and to

improve the condition o! the nation# ?oday, the meanin o! Mother's Day has chaned, and it is

celebrated by epressin love and ratitude to mothers# 0eople present i!ts to mothers (such

as !lowers) and hold surprise parties and competitions, which include cookin

andkebaya wearin# 0eople also allow mothers a day o!! !rom domestic chores# [;]

?he holiday is celebrated on the anniversary o! the openin day o! the !irst ndonesian <omen

Conress (ndonesianL !ongres Perempuan "ndonesia), which was held !rom >> to >I

December -.>#[>.][;.] ?he Conress took place in a buildin called Dalem Eayadipuran, which

now serves as the o!!ice o! the Center o! 4istory and ?raditional Aalues 0reservation

(ndonesianL #alai Pelestarian Se$arah dan %ilai &radisional ) in NriFen &atamso

Street, Ooyakarta# ?he Conress was attended by +: !eminist orani9ations !rom -> cities

in Eava and Sumatra# n ndonesia, !eminist orani9ations have eisted since -.->, inspired by

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ndonesian heroines o! the century, e##, &artini, Martha Christina ?iahahu, Cut Gyak

Meutia, Maria <alanda Maramis, Dewi Sartika, Gyai $hmad Dahlan, =asuna Said, etc#[>.] ?he

Conress intended to improve women's rihts in education and marriae# [I:]

ndonesia also celebrates the &artini Day (ndonesianL Hari Kartini ) on >- $pril, in memory o!

activist =aden $yu &artini# ?his is a celebration o! the emancipation o! women# [;.] ?heobservance was instituted at the -.+ ndonesian <omen Conress#[I:]

Durin 0resident Suharto's Gew rder  (-.I"-..), overnment propaanda used Mother's

Day and &artini Day to inculcate into women the idea that they should be docile and stay at



n ran, Mother's Day is celebrated on >: Eumada al"thani# ?his is the sith month in the slamic

calendar (a lunar calendar) and every year the holiday !alls on a di!!erent day o! the Kreorian

calendar# ?his is the birthday anniversary o! atimah,[+-][I-] 0rophet Muhammad's only dauhteraccordin to Shia slam orthodoy# Mother's Day was oriinally observed on - December but

the date was chaned a!ter the ranian =evolution in -./.# ?he celebration is both <omen's

Day (replacin nternational <omen's Day) and Mother's Day# [+-][I>]

n -.:, the nstitute !or <omen 0rotection adopted the <estern holiday and established it on

>I $9ar  (- December) o! the ranian o!!icial calendar, the date the nstitute was !ounded# ?he

nstitute's action had the support o! ueen arah 0ahlavi, the wi!e o! the last Shah o! 0ersia,

who promoted the construction o! maternity clinics in remote parts o! the country to

commemorate the day# ?he overnment used the holiday to promote its maternalist view o!

women# ?he Shah's overnment honored and ave awards to women who represented the

ideali9ed view o! the reime, includin mothers who had many healthy children#[I+]

?he slamic =epublic overnment is accused o! usin the holiday as a tool to undercut !eminist

movements and to promote role models !or the traditional concept o! !amily# atimah is seen by

these critics as the chosen model o! a woman completely dedicated to certain traditionally

sanctioned !eminine roles#[+-][I;][II] 4owever, supporters o! the choice contend that there is much

more to her li!e story than simply such 1traditional1 roles#

n slamic and especially Shia reliious culture, atimah is seen as the ideal model o!

womanhood# She was dauhter (to the 0rophet), wi!e (to  $li, the !irst Shia mam and 0rophet'ssuccessor, and historically the !ourth caliph), and mother (to 4asan ibn $li and 4ussein ibn $li,

the second and third Shia mams, and to 7aynab bint $li)# She is seen to be ideally dedicated to

the de!inin roles o! wi!ehood and motherhood and, at the same time, assimilatin the

autonomous and assertive 5ualities that are sometimes associated with her dauhter, 7aynab

(in the latter reard, atimah is particularly noted !or her traic leadership in the brie! interval

between her !ather's passin away and her own, durin which, accordin to Shia accounts, both

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her husband's riht to Caliphate, i#e# Succession to Muhammad, and her own inheritancePthe

arden o!  adakPwere !orce!ully taken away)


?he Eewish population celebrates Mother's Day on Shevat +: o! the Eewish calendar, which !alls

between +: Eanuary and - March# ?he celebration was set as the same date that 4enrietta

S9old died# 4enrietta had no bioloical children, but her orani9ation Oouth $liyah rescued many

Eewish children !rom Ga9i Kermany and provided !or them# She also championed children's

rihts# S9old is considered the 1mother1 o! all those children, and that is why her annual

remembrance day ( QRTUVT ) was set as Mother's Day ( QRWQXY TZ , yom ha'em)# ?he holiday has

evolved over time, becomin a celebration o! mutual love inside the !amily, called amily Day (

QRWTZ \Z V̂ _̀T , yom hamishpacha)# Mother's Day is mainly celebrated by children at kinderartens#

?here are no loner mutual i!ts amon members o! the !amily, and there is no loner any

commerciali9ation o! the celebration# t is not an o!!icial holiday either# [+:]


Main article Mothering Sunday 

n reland, Mother's Day is celebrated on Motherin Sunday, the !ourth Sunday in 3ent#


Mother's Day in taly was celebrated !or the !irst time on -> May -.I/, in the city o! $ssisi, 

thanks to the initiative o! =ev# tello Miliosi, parish priest o! the ?ordibetto church#[I] ?his

celebration was so success!ul that the !ollowin year Mother's Day was adopted throuhout

taly# n - December -.I a proposal was presented to the talian Senate to make o!!icial theholiday#[I/] t is celebrated on the second Sunday in May#


n Eapan, Mother's Day (母の日 (aha no (i ") was initially commemorated durin the Shwa

period as the birthday o! Bmpress &Fun (mother o! Bmperor $kihito) on March# ?his was

established in -.+- when the mperial <omen's %nion was orani9ed# n -.+/, the !irst meetin

o! 10raise Mothers1 was held on May, and in -.;. Eapanese society adopted the second

Sunday o! May as the o!!icial date !or Mother's Day in Eapan# Currently Mother's Day in Eapan is

a rather commercial holiday, and people typically ive their mothers i!ts o! !lowers such as red

carnations and roses#


n &yry9stan, Mother's Day is celebrated on -. May every year# ?he holiday was !irst

celebrated in >:->#[I] Mothers are also honored on nternational <omen's Day#


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on the moderni9ation that was happenin at the time#[] ?his economic moderni9ation was

inspired by %S models and was sponsored by the state# ?he !act that the holiday was oriinally

imported !rom the %S was seen as evidence o! an attempt at imposin capitalism and

materialism in Meican society#[]

?he %GS and the clery o! the city o! 3en interpreted the overnment's actions as an e!!ort toseculari9e the holiday and to promote a more active role !or women in society# ?hey concluded

that the overnment's lon term oal was to cause women to abandon their traditional roles at

home in order to spiritually weaken men#[] ?hey also saw the holiday as an attempt to

seculari9e the cult to the Airin Mary, inside a larer e!!ort to dechristiani9e several holidays#

?he overnment souht to counter these claims by orani9in widespread masses and askin

reliious women to assist with the state"sponsored events in order to 1depaani9e1 them# [/] ?he

clery pre!erred to promote > Euly celebration o! the Santfsima Airen de la 3u9, the patron

o! 3en, KuanaFuato, in replacement o! Mother's Day# [;] n -.;>, at the same time as Soledad's

reatest celebration o! Mother's Day, the clery orani9ed the >-:th celebration o! the AirinMary with a lare parade in 3en#[/]

?here is a consensus amon scholars that the Meican overnment abandoned its revolutionary

initiatives durin the -.;:s, includin its e!!orts to in!luence Mother's Day#[;]

?oday the 1Dfa de las Madres1 is an uno!!icial holiday in Meico held each year on -: May,[] because it's the date when it was !irst celebrated in Meico#

n Meico, to show a!!ection and appreciation to the mother, it is traditional to start the

celebration with the !amous son 13as Maganitas1, either a cappella, with the help o! a mariachi

or a contracted trio# Many !amilies usually ather to celebrate this special day tryin to spend asmuch time as possible with mothers in order to honor them on their day# ?hey are orani9ed to

brin some dishes and eat all toether or maybe to visit any restaurant# $lso, mothers receive

!lowers, i!ts, and multiple stores o!!er their oods discounted in order to stimulate purchases#

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