mother touch academy npo annual report 1 march 2013 to 28 ... · mother touch academy npo annual...

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Mother Touch Academy

NPO Annual Report

1 March 2013 to 28 Feb 2014

NPO Registration Number


Prepared for the Department of Social Development of South Africa



Section A: Basic details about the Organisation ........................................................................................... 4

1.1. Organisation name .................................................................................................................... 4

1.2. Non-profit Organisation Registration Number ......................................................................... 4

1.3. The 12 month period this Report covers .................................................................................. 4

1.4. Contact persons ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.5. Organisation’s physical address ................................................................................................ 4

1.6. Organisation’s postal address ................................................................................................... 5

1.7. Organisation’s Office Bearers ................................................................................................... 5

1.8. Staff member details ................................................................................................................. 5

1.9. Basic skills or services of the Organisation ............................................................................... 6

Section B: The Organisation’s major achievements over the past year ....................................................... 7

2.1. Planned objectives for period March 2010 to February 2011 .................................................. 7

2.2. Which objectives were achieved/partially achieved? .............................................................. 7

2.3. How were the objectives achieved? ......................................................................................... 7

2.4. Beneficiary benefits realisation .............................................................................................. 10

Section C: Meetings and Changes to the Constitution ............................................................................... 11

3.1. Number of meetings held during the year.............................................................................. 11

3.2. Date of the Annual General Meeting ...................................................................................... 11

3.3. Special General Meetings ....................................................................................................... 11

3.4. Changes to the Constitution ................................................................................................... 11

Financial Report .......................................................................................................................................... 13

Section A: The Organisation’s income and basic accounting details .......................................................... 14

1.1. Accounting Officer’s name: ..................................................................................................... 14

1.2. Accounting Officer’s address: ................................................................................................. 14

1.3. The Organisation’s accounting policies:.................................................................................. 14

1.4. Approval of financials by the Office Bearers ........................................................................... 14

1.5. Admin costs ............................................................................................................................. 14

1.6. Sources of Income ................................................................................................................... 14

1.7. Corporate funding and donors ................................................................................................ 15


1.8. Fundraising resources ............................................................................................................. 15

Section B: Annual Financial Statements ..................................................................................................... 16

1.1. Contents .................................................................................................................................. 16


Section A: Basic details about the Organisation

Organisation name The Mother Touch Academy

Non-profit Organisation Registration Number 070-896-NPO

The 12 month period this Report covers 1 March 2013 to 28 February 2014

Contact persons Contact person 1: Seugnelle Visser

Title: Chairperson

Telephone number: 011 463 0816

Cell phone number: 072 595 0932

E-mail address:

Contact person 2: Petros Lyson

Title: Principal

Telephone number: 011 051 8320

Fax number: N/A

Cell phone number: 078 500 6587

E-mail address:

Organisation’s physical address Plot 1 Braezie Brae, William Nicol Drive, Diepsloot


South Africa



Organisation’s postal address Plot 1 Braezie Brae, William Nicol Drive, Diepsloot


South Africa


Organisation’s Office Bearers (Persons who hold responsibility within the Organisation. Members of the Governing Board or

Controlling Committee).

Seugnelle Visser Chairperson 62 Saddlebrook Estate, Kyalami,1684

PO Box 32514, Kyalami, 1684

072 595 0932


Gwen Makhathini Committee member

5 Toledo Crescent, Dainfern Ridge, 2055

PO Box 31, Paulshof, 2056

083 389 3946


Desmond Zeelie Treasurer The Willows, 29 Del Jardin, Pitsani Street, Kelland, 2196

PO Box 413740, Graighall, 2024

082 336 2285


Petra Lester Learning portfolio 675 Saranton Estate, Broadacres, JHB

PO Box 1721, Fourways, 2055

082 468 1444


Petros Lyson Principal Plot 1 Brazie Brae, William Nicol Drive, Diepsloot, JHB

078 500 6587

Donette Juncker Committee member

12 Stratton Avenue, Bryanston

082 909 8884


Reneesha Roopsingh

Committee member

082 997 7682


Staff member details Job title of staff member Gender (Male or female) Race (Black, White, Indian, Asian)

Petros Lyson - Principal Male Black

Lindelwa Ndyalvani - Teacher Female Black

Nothando Ndlovu - Teacher Female Black

Nthabiseng Jafta - Teacher Female Black


Obert Mlinga - Cook Male Black

Taurai Mutasa - Teacher Male Black

Peter Mutumbami - Gardener Male Black

Basic skills or services of the Organisation The Mother Touch Academy provides pre-school and educational services to children in the

impoverished Diepsloot community. Our goal is to provide pre-school education opportunities

to 150 children in Diepsloot and beyond and to develop them mentally, physically, socially and

emotionally. Besides pre-school, we also intend to offer remedial education, extension

education, a lending library and mom and dad’s workshops.

Our values are : community, compassion, integrity, responsibility, accountability and quality.

We commit to an effectively managed pre-school with an emphasis on a quality education. Our

long term dream is to effect meaningful change in the Diepsloot community and mitigate

poverty, inequality and violence in our country.


Section B: The Organisation’s major achievements over the past year

Planned objectives for period March 2011 to February 2013 To increase the intake of children attending the school

To secure additional space for more classrooms

To increase our school staffing to support our growth

To further improve the skills levels of our teachers

To provide a quality education to our children

To meet the basic needs of our children by providing meals

To extend the lease of the property

To improve the school grounds

To obtain our Health and Safety certificate

To secure dedicated volunteers to head up portfolios within the committee

To secure support from the children’s parents/caregivers around school events and fund raising events

To secure corporate funding

To secure grants from the Department of Social Development

To better our financial controls

To secure donations and funding from well wishers

To update the website and other social media platforms with events

To communicate regularly to our donors

To create a database of well wishers

To plan and run fundraising events

To set up a sustainable vegetable garden

Which objectives were achieved/partially achieved? Refer to the next page.

How were the objectives achieved? Refer to the next page.

Objectives Level of achievement

How was this achieved?

To increase the intake of children attending the school

Achieved We increased from 30 children in Jan 2010 to 135 children in Feb 2014.

To secure additional space for more classrooms

Achieved RC Kyalami/RC Bad Neuenahr and WEC Projects (Pty)Ltd donated a fully equipped mobile classroom to our school. We took delivery of the classroom in February 2013.

To increase our school staffing to support our growth

Achieved We have grown from 5 staff in Jan 2010 to 8 staff in Feb 2014.

To further improve the skills levels of our teachers

Achieved Following teachers have an NQF 5 Qualification: Lindelwa Ndyalvani; Nothando Ndlovu and Taurai Mutasa. Following teacher has NQF 4 Qualification: Nthabiseng Jafta.

To provide a quality education to our children

Achieved The Jungle Tots curriculum has been donated to us by the Jungle Tots franchise and support is being provided by accredited Jungle Tots teachers to assist with rolling out the curriculum

To meet the basic needs of our children by providing meals

Achieved We provide 2 nutritious meals to all pupils on school days.

To extend the lease of the property

Partially Achieved Ownership of the land has changed, however, the lease was extended to beyond Feb 2011. This needs to be extended with the new owners of the land. Currently in discussion with the PIC (owners) around this issue.

To improve the school grounds Achieved Several projects were undertaken to improve the look and safety of the school grounds .

To obtain our Health and Safety certificate

Achieved We are fully compliant and have received a certificate of compliance on 28 May 2012.

To secure dedicated volunteers to head up portfolios within the committee

Achieved Volunteers have been introduced into the committee however, there has been lack of delivery in some instances due to other commitments and this not being a full time job.

To secure support from the children’s parents/caregivers around school events and fund raising events

Achieved The Parents assisted with several fundraising events and came up with the ideas themselves. There is an active Parents Committee meeting on a regular basis.

To secure corporate funding Achieved Corporate funding has been secured from Deutsche Bank South Africa Foundation, WEC Projects(Pty)Ltd, Mary Nash Memorial Trust and many more donations from private individuals.


To secure grants from the Department of Social Development

Achieved We received our first grant from the Department of Social Development for the 2013/2014 Financial Year and received our first payment in September 2013. The Service Level Agreement was signed on the 6 August 2013.

To secure donations and funding from well wishers

Partially Achieved We have secured some funding and donations from well-wishers, but not enough to sustain the school.

To update the website with events

Achieved Photos of events have been uploaded to the website. A Facebook page was introduced on 1 August 2012. Numerous newspaper articles have been published about our school.

To communicate regularly to our donors

Achieved We have introduced a quarterly newsletter to our stakeholders.

To create a database of well wishers

Achieved A database has been created.

To plan and run fundraising events

Achieved The parents and the school ran several fund raising initiatives within the community of Diepsloot .

To set up a sustainable vegetable garden

Achieved We have a full time gardener looking after the vegetable garden. Heartworks Foundation sponsored an irrigation system. Food and Trees for Africa (NPO) and Food Gardens Foundation are actively involved in the food garden and are doing training in Diepsloot using our site. Auto and General has funded and implemented a 2nd food garden supplying both Mother Touch and Diepsloot.

To improve financial controls

Achieved Opened a corporate bank account with FNB with 3 signatory parties, one to load/capture and two to authorise all payments - entirely internet based(no card or cheque book).

To secure pro bono Auditor Achieved Received audited financial statements for the 2010/2011 Financial Year on the 23 November 2012. Service was done pro bono by Alchemy Audit Services incorporated.

To secure a book keeper Achieved Appointed an independent and qualified book keeper Jan 2014. This has made a big difference as a volunteer book keeper not ideal.

To register all staff for UIF and PAYE

Achieved All staff duly registered in March 2014.

To secure pro bono legal assistance

Achieved Signed a Letter of Engagement with Werksmans Attorneys in September 2014.


Beneficiary benefits realisation (Give a general description of how the beneficiaries benefited from your Organisation’s services)

The children that attend the Mother Touch Academy have benefited in the following ways:

The provision of a quality pre-school education to 135 children by the end of Feb 2014

Well-equipped classrooms

Qualified teachers to teach them

A high standard of education through the Jungle Tots curriculum

A beautiful school environment with a well-equipped playground

A healthy and safe learning environment

Healthy food on school days with fresh vegetables supplied daily from our own food garden

Participation in family events, school events and a Sports Day

Financial sponsorship to assist in paying for food, rent and teachers’ salaries, giving us the ability

to educate the children

Engagement with the Diepsloot community through fund raising activities

Providing skills development opportunities to our teachers and workshops to our parents


Section C: Meetings and Changes to the Constitution

Number of meetings held during the year

Type of meeting No. of meetings held during the year


Committee meetings 7 meetings 28 February 2013 6 June 2013 27 June 2013 1 August 2013 26 September 2013 31 October 2013 14 February 2014

Annual General meeting 0 meetings No AGM scheduled for the year

Date of the Annual General Meeting In our Constitution it states that the AGM must be held once a year towards the organisation’s financial

year. Our financial year end is Feb 2013 and we are awaiting final presentation of the financials so we

can sign this off. The following will be covered in the AGM:

Agreement on items to be discussed on the agenda

Noting of attendees and apologies

Read and confirm previous AGM minutes (none for the previous year)

Finance report from the Treasurer/Accounting Officer

Changes to the Constitution

Election of new Office Bearers



Special General Meetings (Give a short explanation of any special general meetings and why we needed them.)

No special general meetings were held in the period March 2013 to February 2014.

Changes to the Constitution (Explain any changes to the Constitution during the past year and attach a copy of the resolution/s to

change the Constitution and a copy of the changed Constitution)


No changes were made to the constitution. New members were introduced. The following changes

were made to the original committee:

The Chairperson:

No change

The Treasurer:

No change

Committee Members:

Reneesha Roopsingh


Financial Report


Section A: The Organisation’s income and basic accounting details

Accounting Officer’s name: Tanya Reed

Accounting Officer’s address: B I Financial Services (Pty) Ltd

Po Box 1

Strubens Valley


The Organisation’s accounting policies:

It has been agreed that accounting records will be updated monthly. This has however been

delayed due to the limited availability of the volunteers’ time and other business commitments.

Subsequently, accounting records are updated on a weekly basis and reports are sent out on a

monthly basis.

Approval of financials by the Office Bearers Have the attached Accounting Officers report and the annual statement been approved by your

Organisation’s Office Bearers? This needs to be reviewed and approved at the AGM for period

March 2011 to end Feb 2013.

Admin costs What % of total annual expenditure was spent on administration costs? i.e. salaries, rental,

travel, water/lights, maintenance, insurances, stationery etc.

93 % of our total annual expenditure was spent on administration costs.

Sources of Income Indicate your sources of income under the headings below with a tick:

Kinds of funds Tick

Donations √

Fees/membership √

Sales of products/services

Gifts in kind (other than money) √

General income (i.e. fundraising events) √

Interest on investment


Corporate funding and donors What % of our annual income came from submitting project or grant proposals to corporates,

foundations/trusts or foreign donors?

59% of the total annual income was from donors

Fundraising resources Who did we use to raise income during the past year?

Our fundraising was done by…. Tick

Full-time staff members √

Part-time staff members

Volunteers √

Outside person/company for a fee or commission


Please note that all the committee members, excluding the Principal are volunteers and are not

remunerated for the work done. The only remuneration is for teachers and staff salaries.


Section B: Annual Financial Statements

Contents Balance Sheet for period March 2011 to Feb 2013.

Income and Expenditure Report for period March 2011 to Feb 2013

(See attached)

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