mothers of faithful 13pg

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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ANALYSIS OF THE MARRIAGES OF HOLY PROPHET (SAW)1) Hazrat Khadijah (r.a): His character, loyalty and contentment with only one wife.

2) Hazrat Sawadah (r.a): His consideration that an early convert may be helped and honored and will get a support to carry out his Prophetic mission with ease.

3) Hazrat Ayesha (r.a): His ties with a close friend and a powerful chief strengthened. A jurist, a scholar and a trainee for Muslim ladies was prepared.

4) Hazrat Hafsa (r.a): Another powerful chief brought closer. A learned women, in her person got a secretary and later became the custodian of Holy Quran.

5) Hazrat Zainab bint e Khuzaimah (r.a): A martyr’s widow helped was a devoted lady called Ummul Masakin.

6) Hazrat Umm e Salamah (r.a): A widow with children helped ,got married after Uhad when 77 Muslims got killed.

7) Hazrat Zainab bint e Jash (r.a): An example was set that one can marry widow of adopted son as permission was given though a revelation.

8) Hazrat Jawaria (r.a): A marriage with a political motive, a prisoner in battle of Ditch, belonged to a Jewish tribe. It promoted Islam in Jewish tribes.

9) Hazrat Umm e Habibah (r.a): An early convert, daughter of the bitterest enemy, facing problems in a strange land after conversion of her husband to Christianity and then death. This marriage protected her and softened the hostility of Abu Sufyan.

10) Hazrat Safiya (r.a): A Jewish widow who was rehabilitated. Brought as a prisoner from Khyber.Daughter and wife of chiefs.Helped to promote Islam in Jews.

11) Hazrat Maymunah (r.a): A relative of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), an old woman, needed assistance. Her marriage proved beneficial as her nephew Khalid bin Waleed became so impressed that he accepted Islam. This promoted relations with other tribes and Muslims got strength.

12) Hazrat Rehana (r.a): She belonged to Banu Nazeer, and was brought along the war booty. A widow was helped, and relations with Jews improved.

13) Hazrat Maria (r.a): A gift from a chief, accepted by him to oblige the Egyptian ruler and create good will and harmonious relations between the new state of Madina and Christian state of Egypt. She was raised in esteem and status, as she gave birth to the last child and third son – Hazrat Ibrahim (R.A) – of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)

These marriages were: To provide a variety of examples Various types of house-wives,

Women from different families,

Of different Status and back ground.

To provide protection To gain some objectives. To guide Muslim women and to pass on his life style as a husband and a father. He contracted the marriages in order to win over and pacify tribes. Cement relations with eminent Arab leaders, enlarge the circle of friends. Support the nations in the minds of over-whelming number of nonbelievers and

enemies. Economic and social factors, like rehabilitation of widows of sincere friends and

devoted Muslims.

REASONS BEHIND SO MANY MARRIAGES: Inter-caste marriage: To remove distinction between tribes. e.g. Hz Maimmuna, Hz.

Safiah and Hz Umm-e-Habibah. To support divorced women: e.g. Hz Zainab bint-e-Jaah. To protect widows and their children. E.g

(i) Hz Zainab bint Khuzaimah (RA) and Hz Hafsah (RA) and Hz Rehana (RA) (Jewish tribe, Bani Nazeer)

(ii) Hz Umm-e-Salamah (RA) and Hz Sawdah (RA). To give status of free person to war prisoners. E.g Hz Javeria and Hz Safiyah (Banu

Mustaqliq, Jew) (Khyber) Political reasons To promote Islam in other tribes. His marriage with Hz Javeria paved the way for

people of Banu Mustaliq to become allies of Muslims, and that with Hz Rehana for Jewish allies.

To strengthen his ties with companions. e.g. Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) and Hazrat Hasfa (R.A)

To educate Muslim women. E.g Hz Ayesha, Hz Hafsa and Hz Umm-e-Salamah. To preserve his private life for late Muslims, to convey laws for women/ wives. Hz

Ayesha and Hz Hafsah acted as his secretaries.

Mothers of the Faithful:

The Answer formula Conversion / Marriage Biographical details (Born, Died, Buried) Except Khadija, All are buried in Baqee Services rendered by them Any Verses / Ahadithabout them? How many ahadiththey narrated?

Q1 Describe in brief the biographies of ten of the Mothers of the Faithful.Answer. Holy Prophet married 13 ladies during his lifetime. They are given the title of Mother of the Faithful in the Quran In Surah Ahzab.

Hazrat Khadija bint Khuzaimah (RA) was the first wife of Holy Prophet. She was a Quraishite lady and was in the trading business. She was known as Tahira (the pure one) even before the advent of Islam. When she was looking for people to take her good to Syria for selling she was suggested the name of Prophet Muhammad. She was so impressed by his honesty and his truthful character that she sent a marriage proposal, which the Holy Prophet agreed to. She was the one who consoled Holy Prophet after the incident of the first revelation. She places all the wealth at his disposal and never let him worry about the financial matter of his house. She died in the 10th year of Prophet Hood after the socio-economic boycott.

Hazrat Sauda bint Zama’a was the second wife of Holy Prophet. He married her after the death of Khadija. She herself was widowed and turned away by her family because she was a Muslim. She used to follow the commandments to such an extent that when Prophet Muhammad said to not leave the house after his death, she did not leave even for Hajj or Umrah. She 22 AH and is buried in Janat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Ayesha bint Abu Bakr was the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA). She was born nine years before the hijra and was brought up in an Islamic environment. She had a photographic memory and was always looking for knowledge. She spent her youth with Holy Prophet which helped her to acquire great amount of knowledge on Islam that she later became an important figure in the Islamic world. She narrated as much as two thousand Ahadith. When the Jews spoke ill of her verses of Surah Noor were reveled to prove her innocence. Holy Prophet stayed in her room during his last illness and is buried there. She went to many battle fields to water and treat the wounded. Unfortunately, she battled against Hazrat Ali.

Hazrat Hafsa bint Umer was the daughter of Hazrat Umer bin Khattab. She migrated to Abyssinia first and then to Medina for the sake of Islam with her husband, who was martyred during the battle of Badr. Holy Prophet himself sent the proposal of marriage to Hafsa. She was only second in knowledge to Hazrat Ayesha. As per her instructions, her property was distributed among the poor after her death. She died in 41 AH.

Hazrat Zainab bint Jash was a cousin to Holy Prophet. She was first married to Zaid bin Haritha but got divorced. Then she was married to Holy Prophet. She died in 20 AH. Hazrat

Zainab bint Khuzaimah was the Quraishite convert. She was twice widowed before and was known for her generosity even before Islam. She died 3 months after her marriage to Holy Prophet. Prophet himself led her funeral prayers.

Hazrat Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan was a widow, her husband who had converted to Christianity and later died . She was married to Holy Prophet while still being in Abyssinia. King Negus gave her 400 dinar as dowry. She died in 44 AH.

Hazrat Umm e Salama was an early convert and a Quraishite Lady. She was widowed after the Battle of Badr. Holy Prophet proposed her to marriage. It is said that her recitation style was quite similar to that of Holy Prophet’s. She died in 63 AH.

Hazrat Jawarya bint Jash was the daughter of the chief of Banu Mustaliq tribe. She was brought as the captive. Holy Prophet married her and paid her ransom. Her entire tribe was freed after this. She died in 50 AH.

Hazrat Safyah bint Huyayy was a Jew of Banu Nadir who had embraced Islam. She was widowed after the Battle of Khyber. Holy prophet married her to set an example .She loved Holy Prophet so much that she said that she should have fallen ill instead of him during his last illness.

All of the Wives of Holy Prophet were extremely pious, generous and steadfast. They would fast during the day and stand in prayer all night. They looked for the knowledge and learned everything about Islam from Holy Prophet. They were obedient to what their husband said.They would fulfill their duties as his wives and the mothers of faithful.

HAZRAT KHADEJA (RA) Born in 556 AD. D/o Khuwaylid. Quraish was her tribe Tahira was her title, she was also known as Khadija tul Kubra (the great). She asked the Prophet (S.A.W) to take her merchandise to Syrira, which proved

profitable. Was impressed and sent him a proposal, which was accepted on the approval of Hz.

Abu Talib. Married life; happy,with six children. Prophethood; she consoled and accepted his word. Tradition of the Prophet (S.A.W): When people belied me, she believed in me. They

denied me, she became a Muslim. Wen none assisted me, she was my help. I have my children from her.

She faced torture and persecution. Died after the boycott was dissolved in the 10th year of Prophethood. Stood by his side. Never left him alone. Buried at Hajoon. References: 33: 6 Mothers of the faithful , Ad Duha: 8 First wife, he did not marry again as long as she was alive. The first person to accept Islam and testify him. A true counselor, helped through might and main. Pious, chaste, devoted, loving, self-sacrificing, helping, supporting, caring, a great

help to him and Islam.

HAZRAT SAWDAH (RA) D/ o Zumma. Belonged to Quraish Early convert Migrated to Abysiinia but returned After the death of Hz Khadija (RA), the Prophet (saw) was in need of a person to look

after his house and children, so that he may continue his work. On the request, of Halah he sent a proposal to her, a widow with a son, and they

were marriage She was a loving person, and looked after children. Known for her sense of duty and obeduience. She was a tall and had a heavy built. Once the wives of the Prophet (saww) asked

him which of the wives would die first. The Prophet (saww) said one with a long hand. All believed it would be Sawdah, but Hazrat Zaynab (RA)) died first. It was learnt that he meant the most generous one.

After the Prophet’s death, she never came out of her house, not even for hajj or Umra.

She died in 22 AH. Was buried in Jannat ul Baqi. Ref:33:59 (draw the veils when out doors)

HAZRAT AYESHA (RA) Born Muslim. Belonged to the tribe of Banu Tamem of Quraish. D/o of Hz Abu Bakr and Umm Rooman. Born in 614 AD Married the Prophet in the 10th year of Prophethood, at the age of nine or ten. Was

sent to his house at the age of 13 or 14. Brilliant, intelligent, particular and mindly of human values, decorum and respect for

elders. A brave woman. She took part in battles, and used to supply water and nurse the

wounded. She lost her necklace, and caravan had to stop. Meanwhile, time of prayer

approached, and companions were uneasy as water was not available. Verses 43 of An-Nisa were revealed, giving permission to perform Tayammum.

Incident of If’k took place when hypocrites leveled false accusations against her. Surah Nur verse 11 clarifies her character, and the commandment for 80 lashes as the punishment for false accusation was revealed.

She passed on more than 2000 traditions. The Prophet (saww) instructed and guided her in religious matters. She had command on Fikah. She derived a system to check authenticities of any

hadith in views of the Quran. Holy Prophet (saww) was resting in her lap when he passed away, was buried in her

room. Had command on literature and linguistics.The greatest torch-bearer of rationalism.

Companions used to ask her for guidance. Use used to issue fatwas even during the Caliphate of the first three Caliphs. She enjoyed constant companionship with her august husband. She had an urge to look out for knowledge and information, which she passed on to

Muslim women. Led a simple life, without comfort and luxury Stood up on the request of Hz Talha and Hz Zubair, for peace and to pacify worry

parties. Situation took a turn, and she had to come into confrontation with Hz Ali (RA). She repented this throughout the remaining days of her life.

Had knowledge of medicine, history, and geaneology. Died in 58 AH, at the age of 73. Abu Huraira led her funeral prayer.


Full name was Hafsa int Umar bin Khattab Belonged to Banu Adi of Quraish Born in605 AD Accepted Islam in the 6th year of Prophethood, along with her husband and parents. Migrated to Yasrib with her husband, who was injured in Badr and died. After Iddat, Holy Prophet (saww) proposed to her, and they were married in 3 AH. She learnt the art of reading and writing from her father. He taught her fiqah, social

reforms, practical democracy, personal freedom, and importance of human virtues such as equality and fair dealing.

She quoted 60 traditions heard from the Prophet (saww) and her father. Had sound knowledge of religious matters. Died in 45 AH, during the caliphate of Hz Amir Muawiya. Marwan, the administrator

of Madina led her funeral prayer. Buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. Ref:33: 28 (their reward is with Allah)

SERVICES:A teacher, a guide for Muslims and especially Muslim women, a role model for wives. Intelligent, high cultured. Very obedient, had a cordial relationship with other wives of the Prophet (saww). She and Hz Ayesha (RA) were fast friends. Hz Ayesha used to call her a strong-willed woman, like her father.A pious, devoted, loving, caring, helpful person. Fond of knowledge, and in fact a model of womanhood and a guide for believers. Willed to distributed her property to the poor.

HAZRAT UMM- E- SALAMAH (RA) Real name was Hind. D/o Abbu Ummayyah Sohal, a leader and great horseman.

Belonged o Makhzoom of Quraish. An early convert, migrated to Abyssinia with her husband. 1st woman to migrate to Madina. Was ill-treated by relatives, before her 2nd migration. Finally one of her kinsmen

spoke to her relatives, and she was allowed to leave for Madina, and showed the way to other Muslim women, who were still in a dilemma to join their men folk in Madina.

Her husband Abu Salamah got injuries in Uhad which proved fatal, and he died in 4 AH.

Prophet (saww) proposed to her after her iddat, and they got married in 4 AH. Thus an aged widow with four children got sustenance and respect.


Extremely modest, sensitive, self-respecting, took part in the battle of Khyber, after treaty of Hudaibyah, she advised the Prophet (saww)to sacrifice his camel and get his head shaved. On seeing all this, others followed the Prophet (saww) She was second only to Hz Ayesha (RA) in learning; and had a high degree of brain power, perception, insight and adjudication.

She quoted a number of ahadith, and was very keen to learn them. She was intelligent and clear-headed. Outlived all the wives, died in 63 AH at the age of 84. Hz Abu Hurairah led her funeral prayer, and she was buried in Jannat ul Baqi.

She led a pious life, was fond of fasting, and devoted in prayers. She followed the path of extreme caution. A generous lady with intense love for the Prophet (S.A.W)

Ref: 33:32 (They are not like other women)


Daughter of Jash, cousin of the Prophet (saww) Got married to Hz. Zaid bin Harisa (RA) to teach that class differentiation is not

important, and status is judged on piety Somehow marriage was dissolved and after a Divine revelation giving permission to

marry the divorcee of an adopted son, Prophet (saww) married her in 5 AH She was pious, brave, good at speaking and advocation. Many hadith were quoted by her. She was good natured, kept fasts and offered prayers. Religious minded, truthful, generous and dedicated in the service of Allah. Extremely content and used to earn her living herself. Was an expert tanner. Se died in 20 Ah. Hazrat Umar (RA) led her funeral prayer. Her death left orphans and widows broken-hearted. Prophet (SAWW) had foretold that, among his wives, one with a long hand would

meet him in the heavens, first. By long hand, he meant benevolent as she was the most generous among his wives.

She was buried in Janant-ul-Baqi

HAZRAT UMM- E-HABIBAH (RA) Real name was Ramlab d/o Abu Sufyan Belonged to the Quraish Was born in 593 AD One of the early converts Migrated to Abyssinia with her husband, Ubaydullah bin Jashs. Who adopted

Christianity and later died. On request of the companion, Prophet (saww) proposed to her in order to

rehabilitate her and protect her from the clutches of her father. Her marriage was arranged and the rituals were performed by Najashi. Born in the house of a chief, but faced problem for the sake of Allah and was

rewarded for her piety and steadfastness when the Prophet (saww) married her. Was a staunch believer, who loved her husband to the extent that she did not allow

her father to sit on his bedding. Follow commands of Allah, never missed extra prayers. Supported Islam, faced persecution, stood firm in a foreign land when left alone in

Abyssinia. She tried to help Hz Usman (RA) but rebels obstructed her way. She died in 44 AH at the age of 74.

HAZRAT ZAYNAB BINT-E- KHUZAIMA (RA) D/o of Khuzayma Her second husband Ubaidah was martyred in Uhad

She was leading a life of poverty Prophet (saww) was moved by her poverty-striken life He proposed to her because of her piety, self-sacrifice as well as her husband’s

services. They were married in 8 AH In Uhad, seventy Muslims had been martyred, so the Prophet (saww) promoted

polygamy, under strict conditions, to help widows. This also saved the society from a number of vices, and provided widows and orphas a respectable position.

She was kind-hearted and always ready to help the poor and needy, even at the cost of her own needs.

She was given the title of Ummul Masakin She was a well-mannered and courteous lady. Had no parallel in benevolence. She

used to give whatever she had if there was a needy person at the door. Prophet (saw) raised her for this quality and told his wives that they must have the

same sort of faith in Allah, and always help the poor and needy. She died within 3 months after her marriage. Was buried in Janant ul Baqi. She was buried by her husband, in accordance with Quranic order. She was only 30 when she died.

HAZRAT JAWARIYAH BINT HARIS (RA) Her name was Barra Belonged to Bani Mustalaq of Khuza’a Brought as a prisoner of war Later tried to pay for her freedom, but the Prophet (saww) proposed to her. Because of her marriage, 600 prisoners were freed, and all of them became

Muslims. After her marriage, the Prophet (Saww) changed her name to Jawariyah. She was a handsome woman. She was self-respecting and held herself in high esteem. She was a woman of great learning, and quoted a number of traditions. She was a religious person and spent much of her time in prayer, and fasted very

often She died at the age of 65 in 56 AH, in Amir Muawiya’s reign. Buried in Janant ul Baqi

HAZRAT ZAYNAB (RA) Her name was Zaynab. D/o chief of Banu Nazeer Became a prisoner of war after Khyber

Her husband and family was killed in Khyber. She was given to another companion, on recognition that she belonged to chief’s

house. She was taken by him after paying for her freedom. She embraced Islam and they got married in 7 AH She was known for her feminine charms. She was very loving, caring, sober, patient

and polite. A woman of strong will and endurance Faced the grief of the fall of Khyber but remained calm. Intelligent. Number of ahadith have been quoted from her She was full of wisdom and learning, and has been claim to be a storehouse of

knowledge She was dignified in her behavior, patient and polite. Known for her qualities of heart and mind. People in search of knowledge used to

throng to her house. Women from far off places used to come to her house to discuss their problems, and

get religious knowledge. Died in 50 AH, ages 60 Was buried in Janant ul Baqi Willed one third of her property for her nephew, who was still a Jew. This shows her

regards for blood relations. People were hesitant, but Hz Ayesha (RA) intervened and directed them to carry her will into effect.

HAZRAT REHANA BIN SHAMOOS (RA) She belonged to the well known Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza In 6 AH, she was brought as a prisoner of war Prophet (SAWW) freed her and offered her the marriage proposal with the

acceptation of Islam She accepted Islam after some hesitation, and so they got married. She died ten years after the death of the Prophet (SAWW)

HAZRAT MAYMUNAH BINT HARIS (RA) Name was Barra after her marriage Changed to Maymunah because it belonged to the tribe of Quraish. After the death of her second husband in 7 AH, she got married to the Prophet when

she was 51

She was sister-in-law of Hz Abbas (RA), uncle of the Prophet (saww). Prophet (SAWW) married here to placate his uncle, who wanted her to be rehabilitated.

Khalid bin Waleed was her new. He accepted Islam after this marriage (SAWW), as he came in contact with the Prophet (SAWW) and realized what sort of person he was.

This marriage proved a boon for the mission of Islam 46 traditions are quoted from her She was very God-fearing and had great regard for the rights of her kith and kin. Fond of freeing sleeves Her piety and humility were proverbial. The Prophet SAWW called her a symbol of goodness. Was fond of reforming women and exhorting them to be good and virtuous. Her marriage aws the lastone contracte by the Prophet (saw) as the revelation of An

Nisa 3 came to limit the number of wives to four She died in 51 AH Buried at Sarif

HAZRAT MARIA QITBIA (RA) Was sent with a number of presents by an Egyptian chief She embraced Islam before they reached Madina Later, the Prophet (SAWW) married her She gave birth to the Prophet’s (SAWW) son, Hz Ibrahim. She was pious and religious-minded She was a handsome woman, with a fair complexion and curly hair She died five years after the death of the Prophet (SAWW) Buried in Jannat ul Baqi. She was highly respected by the first two Caliphs of Islam.

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