mountain cove - iapsop · mountain cove ,. and spiritual harbinger. got btlort all, crtator of all,...

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MOUNTAIN COVE ,. AND S P I R I T U A L H A R B I N G E R .Got btlort all, Crtator of all, toilittral gtginnimj, gnSisiblt anb €timal; |flan a special Creation, (ris life, enltation anb jerferlion l t̂ result of perfect Resign, rouburttb bg special gleans, anb tg Ire £3ill anbntereg cf 6ob unfotbeblo aitiBstini.



D is c lo s u r e s f r o m l j u j u t f r i o r .these appear endued with external, forms which ascend, transfigured and transubstantiated, soaring and singing until they arise from the planet to the encompassing heaven; while others descend from the superior spiritual abode, become visible in the transpa­rent ntmosphere, attract harmonic at­oms of external substance to their in-

pose capable of sustaining even a terres­trial human form, and every atom burns with transforming, vitalizing, trnns- substnutiating life. It is also given me to understand the process whereby

inhabitants of the fallen world an. 1 amid become visible hv the attraction of el-the elemental forms thereof. cmental particles.

An angel stands beside me, the same The shining fish descend, becoming angel who stood with the drawn more corporeal, until they mingle andsword, and as a guide couducted me glide away in the transparent wafer,

receptive organisms, according to the from the outer space into the precincts In like innmicr the quadrupedal crea- law of their constitutional aggrega- of the planet. “ Brother and fellow turesnttractexternal particles,becometion, may undergo translation from the servant of the most high God,” the an- terrestriulized. und go forth into theterrestrial to the spiritual condition ;!gel saitli, “ in this department of the garden, hounding with the rapid mo-

THE DISCLOSIVE_ENCYCLOPEDIA. •T a a follow ing D isclosures ore now In process o f tran scrip tio n from

th e Im m orta l W orld , n a m ely : “ The Hook o f th e U nfolding o r N a­irn** j " “ T h e Book o f th e M anifestation o f God u T he Book o f the O u tlines o f th e D n l T c r e c " T he Book o f th e lle rm on ie* o f Time “ T he Book o f th e M elodlei o f S p a c e “ T he Book o f th e In te r io r H ta to ry o f G ood and K e ll." T be*e w ill c o n ta in th e m egalQ cenl f s - pension , e o la tion , and d em onstra tion o f th e g ran d C reative Idea .In w re e g h t in to th e P a n la ten c h , and received a* th e In te r io r W onl | v s s s d v s « . a s « > u i s i o u i H s i i u b w e v s u m s - s h ‘ v » • r — - j ---------- » ̂g - - • • • » ••••» . . . . . . . . ~ • • • • « • - « ■ » ■ '“ ■■■•“ ■ " o . . . . . . ■ ■ ■ - . - j . -

,p"”1**' i**^ ward forms, outshine from the spiritual and standing upon the terrestriul plane terrestrial paradise ofD iadcm ia angels | lion and exulting in sensational cl^ist-th e r w ith th o se h e re a f te r te be d ic ta ted , w ill th e re fo re em body a « * * * * 1 * * * i* * 1 I- _ f . 1 . J * ' 1 * * * ‘ * ' »E x p o sitio n o f Ike W o o d ,/r s m H e record o f G r t im t fo H r r is iu n o f ik e A pocaJfp te , and a s o i r i M D ia c lo s v b i o r t h « I t i u m L C a e s T io e T h e d e p ar tm e n t o f th is Jo u rn a l devoted to " b iv - iu ^ ire v fro m th e In te r io r ," In add ition to its ra re and va luab le off.-tlng*. mill be e n riched from tim e to tim e by cho ice se lection* from th e forego*I n f W orks T hese w ill be , w ith th e subsequen t volume* w hich com- p rise th e D lSC LO tlta E sc T C L O rc o u , p resen ted in th e o ld e r o f the ir un fo ld in g to th e w orld

into the terrestrial glory, mingle with of this home of descending angels, 1! descend and communicate with the un- jeiice. Also in like manner the birdsmf their unnscended terrestrial species, I perceive the operation of the trans-1 fallen race. Behold the method hv the uir assimilate unto themselves ter^ and then ascend again and disappear,[forming law. which the puwor and ability transmit- restrial * particles, unfold a crystalat once attracting and leading the way j In the midst of this miraculous gar-[ted from our God through spiritual! sphere of hunvmit mid luminescent life, to the inconceivable glories of thespir- [den there stands a pavillion, the ascent angels, outworks and manifests itself and warble melody upon the paradisi- itual world. ] ^hereunto is up npyramidu! stairway, in the midst of elements material.” cal atmosphere, nml descend toward

Marvelous though it may appear,I which is built upon a terraced cleva- Saying this, lie applies to his lips a ! the lovely (lowers that adorn, enrich these birds of paradise correspond unto I tion. trumpet. Melodiously he souiulet li and perfume tlteir abode,ideas, horn of angelic love, which de- I now behold a patriarch and his con-[thereupon, and ns the trumpet utters The third angel speaks. lie snith, sccnd into the cerebral consciousness, [jugal associate, who have attained un- its voice, the atomic particles of the at- •• in the beginning God created the heu- and thence into the breast of unfulleu1 to the scvcn-fuM terrestrial degree of mosphere condense harmoniously and vons am! the earth, lie made also the man, moving therein in descending out-j holiness. These ascend the shining! form a crystal pavillion round about. fishes of the sea, the beasts of the field, radiating beauty, und ulso correspond pyramid, dad in patriarchal robes in- us. and the birds of the air ; fur behold the

born spirit sinks into deep repose. 'unto the aspirations and affections of dicalive of sacerdotal perfection. Well ph ased, the angel sm.l. s and Lord Great..r unfolded generative,“ There is a river the streams where/ angelic intelligence, which arise from As they enter into the pavillion, tri- speaks a a am. •' Thou art instructed sensitive organisms bv creative deter-

of make glad the paradise of our Godl the uufallcu heart and become manifest [ umphant music sounds from thognlli- in the book Known upon thy planet ns ininattoii. an 1 i.iorgauizcd each inter- Pcucc and plcnteousncss are in tlie |iu the dome of the unfulleu mind, and cred inaltitudes wlm tlirun"1 the spirit- the hook of Genesis. Therein thou mil form in eleetrul und terrestrial pnr-

tlience ascend illid enter the cerebral uni bights abate ; mid from the court hast read that God, even Jehovah, cans- tides pen ailed In interior life. More- and vital consciousness of tutgels who|n golden ehnriol, sparkling with hn- ed chaotic elements, in themselves over, lie gave unto elicit his element, lire ministering spirits. I mortal lire, ami drawn ns hv the horses[ void, to assume goodly Ibrins. und to nn.l allotted unto eucli his boundary ;


C ontinued from page 07.

A g a in I rise, and am led into a gol­den chamber in the outer circle of the garden ; nnd, overwearied, my Earth-'

midst of her. Righteousness nnd sal ration, honor, safety, exaltation, per feci ion and immortality abide therein. Thus I hearn voice. I rise, invigorat­ed, from slumber. A spirit, clad in white raiment and wearing a crown of twelve stars surinnufitcfl by a cross, stands beside me. i rise nml follow him. lie leads me forth from the gar­den of the conjugal affections into an undulating extent of lawns, terraces, arcades, grottoes, pavilliotis, temples ami statuary. This encloses ami en­compasses the former garden. Upon tile jeweled meads appear parterres of symbolic flowers, whose prevailing hue is transparent diamond whiteness.— Yet while this lucid transparent light is the prevailing and controlling np pearance, every flower exhibits at inter­vals a variety of beautiful lints, which pervade the leaves, petals, and various

Still more marvelous though it limy [ of the sun. ul n radiant w ith uiidviiig [ unfold the earth, the seas, the dry laad. nml the Lord God established n triune seem, yet here I discover quadrupedal j flame, descends toward the bright pa- the atmosphere, nml the vault ami lir- universe of externul images of melody, creatures which, although formed of i villimi. “ ! mametit of heaven. God caused the joy and virtue, tliut thereby the volumeglorious and highly organized nervous I Upon i he summit of the pavillion a harmonic, tweath of ti substance, nreyet invested with terres- spiral procedure m’bicoiicrivnblc glory

seems to rest,. . 1 g'oriouslv ascending1 perceive those a... .... ,1 (Miriurclml forms-—eii opens

trial attributes ; ami these appear like unto the ideal furm whence originatedthe equine race. Tlteir eyes tire bright They tn;-r into t!|„ IVhiwith n luster like the morning star, und to receive l Item their bends arc crowned with cmaiin- The rhurint descends and rests, ca­t ions of exceeding brightness. compassed by the spiral flame; and

But while one species of these up-jnowtho patriarchal pair are met by un­pears to move with terrestrial atlri-[gets, uml side tty side thev assume po­llutes, I also perceive their spiritual sitions in the gulden chariot ; ami niyv

JO.VDivine I’roce- of corrcspnndeners might lie made nia-

tlure, even the speech of Wisdom, to ; u ife s t, and also an externul habitation, descend, even as I, If is servant, in i life- adorned with images of Divino AVis- riority iulinite, poured forth melody dom, might he prepared for the terres- through trump of golden sound ; nail!trial man."lo, the deep heard it, tiud the utumsl “ A momentary view has now, O thereof harmonically vibrated, t vea us1 Mortal yet immortal Pilgrim ! been

presented to thee concerning the great truth that DivineCreative Will harmo­nically unfolds atomic forms and orga­nizes worlds mill the kingdoms there-

thott hast seen in correspondence nm- nifested i t the formation of this pavill- iait. in tdu'dieitee thereunto. The tni- neral crystaliznliotis arose in orderly octaves of succession. The waters of; and now, such being the cmiimund-

metit given unions In Him who is our Lord nud thy Lord, our God and thy

correspondences, nnd these move with J music more lofty, rising into high upinconceivable rapidity, ns if uphtirmy lifted paeans, nud culminating in exta- elements assumed tltetr transparent li by winged radiations, throughout the tic notes, fills all the glowing vault ; quidesci .tee, while the atmusplieriitransparent ether. The beauty of and thus upborne within this shilling particles formed a dome of light, nml Sot tor, vve conduct thee unto lint thirdthese glorious creatures mi art knownchariot, mnl rapidly assimtiiign spirit- the spiritual firmamrnt encompassed dcpr.rtmcnt nnd circle of this terres-

cfllorescent forms, even as n trnnspn-j to fallen man could imitate; and these ttal glory, the patriarch and his com- the terrestrial disclosure.” trial Paradise.”rent angelic countenance is pervaded are correspondences of energies mid paiiiuu are horucaxvnr, mill the terres Suddenly another angel stands in Thus saying, llie.lhree angels arise, by the rose-like luster of affection. procedures of angelic love and its un- trial niultiludcs no more behold them, the pavillion, holding in Li-* right hand floating, glorious to view, uliovc. the

folding intelligence in nil of its vatic- Thus mine eyes behold, upon the pin- u (rump formed as of golden pearl._ surface of the urh, nml led ashy a three-tics, ascending from the terrestrial to net Dindcmin, the operation of that the spiritual abode in holy aspiration, law ami the manifestation of that pro- mid again descending in holy ininistra-cediire whereby Elijah, the ancient tion from the glory of the greater lien-' prophet, was transported froln Earth veil to the aspiring ardor of the less, j to Paradise.

Strange as it limy seem, it is here dis- Let no man marvel, for behold the covered that the equine form sustains hour comcth when Elijah and Enoch

In this garden I perceive a soft silver light, descending from on high nml per­vading the atmosphere. Innumerable companies of angels nsccud and de­scend continually, and minister unto nil who divcll herein. This radiant ex­tent corresponds to the angelic lore o f man unfalten, mid the clusters of blossoms, unfolding every conceivable variety, from a central type which cor­responds to the lily, nrc representa­tions of the varieties of angelic affection unfolding from the lovc-sphcrc of an­gels in the .unfallen human henrt.

Surely ns the garden of conjugal af­fection corresponded to the house of God, so this paradise of angelic love may ulso be said to correspond to the gate ofllcnven; forns the light of many stars concenters within the bosom ofn night-blooming flower, so the spiral avenues that descend from many heu- vens concenter in this pnrilliou-sanc- tuary nnd Eden consecrated to the love of angels.

Paradisical birds, wlioye plumage appears full of eyes, uporfwhosc bends are crowns of plumage glorious to be­hold, nnd whose expanded drooping plumes exhibit all varieties of luster, are visible in numberless and choiring multitudes, like the birds described by the Pilgrim in the most exalted para­dise upon the orb Odora. Some of

relations to the procedure of angelic the two translated ones, shall stand

lie applies it to his lips. A second re- l*"M 1,1,1111 <>•’ love which it is impossible verborntiun proceeds therefrom, nml, I" break, I am guided from the garden lo! atomic particles, hitherto invisible, |*d angelic I»»e.become visible, und form electrical np- I now discover n circular mnphithc-. penrtiRces of plants, which float in the niter. Terraces gently undulate, where midst of the vibrating uir, nml these flocks nml herd-are visible, and where external plant-forms gradually descend magnificent habitations outshine, cm- toward the earth, attracting annual howered in llie midst of majestic trees

ministration ; and here also 1 perceive ̂ upon the Earth, and Adam nud till the particles in* their descent, and v.ken or rather interwoven arbors, descending chariots of Spiritual fire, patriarchs shall reappear ; for behold they touch the surface they lake root I lei’ll re me 1 perceive a winding ave- nud these nrc drawn in stvift descent by the day cometh that shall burn like an therein, uml thus appear in floral per-, one, which, like the nave of some glori- horscs of spiritual lire, and the wheels [oven, and the wicked shall be trodden f,.ctiou in the midst of the garden of ous cathedral, seems overarched by of the clmciots nndthe feet of the horses [down, while the righteous who still cn- j Paradise. foliage. 'This verdant roof is support-outrndiate sustaining buoyancy; nlid dure and have fought the good fight. The second angel now speaks. He etl by stately columns, formed of verd- tliesc descend from the spiritual to the shall receive crowns of glory like unto!gaith : *• Thus the trump of the Divine antique marble, richly veined with terrestrial, dreadful and glorious to the diadems which here adorn the Procedure caused the elements Imrino- agate, jasper, gold, blue diamond, nnd behold. j brows of holy angels, and the chariots [ njoug|y to cohere, pervaded by Divine u species of crystal semi-lucent nnd

Moreover, though it may seem still and the horses of the Divine Procedure; Creative Wisdom ; and thus in the he- white ns pearl, more wonderful,! behold angelic forms [ shall upbear the transubstantiated per- ginning, that Earth from which than These columns sustain an eritabla- riding in those fiery chariots ; sou to mansions prepared nnd thrones hast,arisen, brought forth the herb turc, wrought in substance which up- zing np, I behold round about this pur-, reserved inthc midst of the glory of that yielding fruit whose seed is in itself, for pears like burnished silver. Pointed adisicnl city the spiritual armies of the; eternal habitation whose builder and t|lc Lord God formed every plant of the j arches spring ut regular intervals from God of Israel, thus known upon the [whose maker is God. (Earth before it was in the ground, and these, and the arches, groiuings, span­

drels and various ornaments appear inwrought in golden trellis-work.

Around every pillar a seven-fold va­riety of the vine is intertwined, and the graceful branches form a radiant fret­work about the column. These branch­es are brilliant as the crystals p f native silver, and yet to ductile that they may be compressed and molded by the band. Their fibrous eorticle and woody gra-

fallen orb, and the chariots und the, .Therefore, whosoever shall hear every germ thereof before it grew.” horses thereof. [this word, it shall be unto hima savor| A third angel now appears, holding

Moreover, still more wonderful than of life unto life or of death unto death, in his hand n trumpet formed of ruby all preceding, I discover a kingly char- j The exceeding power of angelic he- interveined with burnished gold, lie int drawn by equine forms, appearing ings and their ability to control terres- applies it to his lips, and melody, full of still more mighty in their swiftness nnd trial substance I here perceive, and am sweetness, power and intelligence, is still more glorious and terrible as they enabled to discern the methods where- poured therefrom -, and lo, os the mcl-

by angelic messengers, in periods gone * ’— ’ - j . l —by, have accomplished those purposes

draw near, and in the midst of the cha* riot 1 perceive a condensation and crys-talizntion which forms a couch of re- whereunto they were sent among the

ody proceeds, multitudes, thrice beau tifui, of birds and beasts and fifths, un­fold as from interior principles, nnd


. . . . <V>r n i l s h a l l know Him from the I attract you unto myself; and also bylions nrodistiucilv visible, ni.d yet from thin, ns the.v radix or germ, ris-jUie Dmne Man, was offered once to Lo d fo al.1 .ho 1 h | ascending I will remove from theor inseparably joined togctlmr. ing oneabove the other in glory and | bear the sin, of many, therefore.,. Him w||h HU nngrls WorlU. this body, the external manifes-


Trumpet-shaped flowers, correspon- sublimity, ding to liie couvolnria, appear blended These palatial mansions of the Sar- ninl intergpvcn together with the ele-1 ucenic type may be called heavenly uiatis, ihc eglantine, the jasmin, the habitations, that correspond to and scarlet bean, sweet-scented climbing that represent the first and the most

| is life and unto all them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

The period then of the Incarnation

violet, the climbing magnolia, and a simple of the affections of social love.

to conquer His foe, and bring His re- tntion; thence shall the true disciple deemed ones to share in the purchns- depend upon the Spirit which liglitetl. ed blessings and ultimate inheritance every mnn that cnnieth into the world, in the kingdom of God ns the Church!and quickencth the humble nod obedi- Triumpbant. ent soul into life and holy desire for

As the external sacrifice terminated good, and aspirations for celestial joys

unto its consummation, introduceth the Gospel dispensation, the principle

flowering vine whose blossoms arc | Myriads of children—and oh how beau-1 of its operation being unfolded in the scarlet and emerald, for'whicb I find no tiful!—arc manifest in the midst of this great commission given to the disci- in Christ, when He suffered upon the unto transformation of being entire,name. archetypal Alhambra. Like a stream! pies at the ascension; the Spirit of Cross, He became the only attractive thence the new birth. I f 1 gta not

Each column in like manner is inter- of sunbeams dancing and sparkling asLvhich sailh, Ye may no more offer ■——:f— —..— .i.:_ o..:.:, a . . .woven ; but while the family of the vine they run, crowned with sparkling the blood of bulls and goats, or consc- appenrs the central and governing wreaths and clothed withclectriclight, [crate the firstlings of the flock, for lotype, I perceive numberless varieties j through which their shining forms ap of climbing plants, whose more deli- pear, even ns the light of the evening rate dependent tendrils are wreathed star when it shines with clear trnns- nniid them. parencc in the midst of the delicate re-

the vnil is removed and the law cnior- geth from flic inner sanctuary ; ens al­so the tnbcmncle of flesh is rent by

manifestation; thus concentrating the away, this Spirit, the Comforter, will focal reflection of the Infinite, coinbin- not come: but if I go away, I will ing the means of grace in Him through send Him unto you. Thus the Mercy whom the goodness of God is bestow of God in more fullness uf Spirit shall ed upon mnn. And thus God oper- approach the race, gerininntiiw light ates to attract the fnllen race from their in the hearts of men; and l i \ t « i -

the sacrifice upon the cross, through depraved nature, which is theopposite scions impression shall reprove vlui Here also I perceive a profusion of flection and purpnreal halo of the sun-j which the •'Redeeming Spirit goeth of good, unto Himself. Christ is then. World of sin, of righteousness, and of

sweet-scented climbing plants, corres- set, and all moving in harmony togc- forth in n mode new and more spiritual, in His humiliation for sinners, the ex-judgment. Of sin, by exposing the ponding to almost every variety culti- tlier ns the starry children of the Plci- Therefore go ye into nil the world and ternnl manifestation of the Divine Pro- hardness of their hearts, nml their op- vated for their beauty upon the fallen ndes, and all encompassed with a floral preach tiik G ospei. to every creature, eedure. in whom dwelt the fullness of positc nature to good ; which so senl- plaurt, ami unfolding a luxuriance, atmosphere whose every atom is fra- T ic that believeth and is baptized shall' the Godhead bodily. And hence God cth them iuJheir own delusion, that a beauty and a delicious perfume ofJgrance, and whose every undulation is be Saved from the dominion of sill and is the Head. Lilennd Divinity ofChrist. although the Scriptures testify of me, which words can never convey an ad- loveliness, appears this infantile soci--the dread abode of conscious guilt; but ( while Christ is theglory, reflection, mid and 1 come, ns in the law mid the pro-quntc description.

Overhead, at a considerable dis­tance above the surface of the orb, the glorious vines alone arc visible, and unfold a rool of deep unsullied verdure, in the midst of which appear their am­ple clusters, and exhaling liquid fra­grance, which, when inhaled, invig­orates, refreshes nml delights the fin­ing.

Corresponding avenues outradintc from nml intcrsecL this which I now traverse, and still more minute aven­ues, intersecting these, divide the en-

(To bo continued . lie that believpth not shall remain un-icxprhss image ofUotl, who is thus man- plicts it is declared of me ; yet they •cater'coi_ ___ 'dor grcater'condcmiintion than those jifest in the flesh. believe not on me ; Of righteousness,

-lTinv tv n A PHI IP tTIflV DC " ' 10 lcj ect'througli blindness, not hav- In confirmation of which, the power because no nflinity existeth betweenEXPOSITION AND A1 I LllAllOiN Oh j jng |u.ard the glad tidings which utter of Christ is manifest in His easting out my Spirit, and that of the world, and

HEBREW S. CHAPS. A III, IX. X. Peace on earth and good-will to men. !ol devils, and raising the dead; llis I go unto mv Father, who is n God of— And these signs shall follow those sympathy, in llis weeping with the love nml of light, and with whom is

IIowbeit. inis significth the Holy that believe; in my name shall they mourners and lamentations for the de- no darkness at nil : and ns ve arc left Ghost, or Word which was made flesh cast out devils ; they shall speak with solatiuns of Jerusalem ; llis goodness, in the world to labor in the Gospel and dwelt among men, and by this ex- new tongues ; they shall take up ser- in healing the sick, nml granting the dispensation, ye shall see me no more ternnl sacrifice proceeded to the altar pouts, and if they drink any deadly petitions of the atllieled and pruiteiit ; in mv present manifestation : Ofjudg- and offered the incense of nil iinmncu- thing it shall not hurt them; they llis meekness and hnrnionv, in llis nieiit, because the prince of this worldlate oblation, and then returning, bore „hnll lav It -m s upon the sick nml they the covering and worldly sanctuary shall recover, (in then, ye chosen of away, casting it oft’ for ever; so that the Lord, enter upon the Gospel Dis-

tirc extent of undulating terraces into thcnrc.tho Divine Procedure emergeth 1 pensutiop : minute and pictures!; divisions. These divisions appear like unto natural pal­aces or grottos, which, unlike the grot­tos upon the planet Earth; arc ervs- tali/.ed above the surface of the soil.These, like chambers in the rock, are completely overarched by floral plains of undulating bloom. Thus I find my­self in the midst of a city of vineyard

mingling with the o titrnsts. encour­aging the transgressor with hope of pardon, llis silence and emnposiire.

is opposed to good ; and a law of love is established which is a stone cut from iIk- mountain of eternal truth, and shall

into the highwnvs before Pilate, submission In tilfrom the inner court to that spiritual anil hedges ; go to the Inst sheep of the el sconrger ami prayer for 11 is scullers form of external manifestation, which house, oflsroel: go nml teach nil to nli- ami crueifiers : llis Divinity, in llis rcndvrrth the Holiest of all accessible serve till things whatsoever I have com- resurrection nml nseeiision : Ills nli- to all who in purity of motive call up- innndcd you; and In, I am with you jeet. in ill nil the name of the Lord. Bv this always, even milo the end of the given to the disciples and the promisemeans Christ is, therefore, the .Media- world. of llis reappearing lo tor of the .Yew Testament, or more Therefore, the Gospel published! 11 is reign of peace on earth, spiritual dispensation, that hv means tlmt whoso enlleth on the name of the |n C'hrisl therefore ({oil is recooeil- of llis offering upon the Cross, ns |,onl shall be saved, lienee the (ins- ing the world unto Himself, lienee

a until All abode of beauty and delight, was appointed anil promised of old. pel ofChrist is die power of Gm! Jesus snitli, I und my EalhThese avenues arc like the corridors should lie secured Ihc redemption of unto salvation, to every one that bc-

of a inngnfieent city, whose palatial (base who had transgressed during; lieveth.edifices are erystalizcd in the midst of *bc continuance of the Find Testa- Thus is unfolded by the Spirit, a paradise of unnumbered varieties of moot umncrificinl iiiauifcstntiun; who, from the Scriptures, the nature, cf- fruit bearing and incense vielding vines; having faith in the fulfillment of the feet nml tendency of the snerifieial of- nnd so perfectly is the mineral and die promise and hope in Him tlmt should faring as ruuncrlrd with the Lcvili- fiornl kingdoms interwoven that the come, offered sacrifice according to nil priesthood: also, its rouvcrgrni-c palaccs are bowers whose every floral the ritual appointed ; and also to per- in t lie sacrifice upon the Cross ; fhener form is v isible in the midst of columns and mirrors niiildnstruiiiciits of music and sculptured forms of art, whose

•ret- operate willi men until nil tlmt is per ishnlilr shall lie broken and removed ; and thence it shall fill die whole earth with its likeness; iherrl'orc the power

sacrifice, Ihc commission of evil shall flee before it, nml ill the contentious flight shall unfold its hid­den na ture flint all shall see its mi- likeaess lo good, lienee opposition to God. who purposed! trium phant vic- torv over nil foes : therefore shall the prince of this world lie judged.

Wherefore, the Holy Ghost shall approach more perfectly the external; since in this manifest lit ion is ed abiding nflinity with the obedient,' through e f fe c t util sacrifice. And when

er are one . whosoever hath seen me hath seen the Father also; believest thou not dial I am in die Fnllicr. mid llie Kill her in me ! The words that I speak until yon I speak not of myself: hut die Fn-

'tli in me, II doelli die Holy Ghost which- is to quicken a l

glory transcends imagination.All dint magnificence which fallen

man strives vainly lo fashion, is here made manifest ill Ideal splendor of per- feeliuli.

llier that dvvithe works. The works flint I do hear I „ || who obey unto eternal life, shall testimony of me ; for no man can do approach llieyyorld ns purposed in hen-

feet the means for transmission of the greater visibility of that Spirit the works tlmt 1 do except God lie veil, He shall guide von into all tru th ;spiritual life to all who should call upon vvliieh hath undertaken die salvation of with him. Therefore whoso hath not | | (. „|,n|| jfliovv vim things to come;Him. men, in a manifestation known as the mv Spirit, is not of m e: and whoso He shall unfold the glory and spirit-

Thc former tabernacle represented. Gospel Dispensation. - luilli my Spirit his works shall lie n tes- ualilv of the Divine Procedure lo thens a symbol, tluit which was hidden ill And ns in the days of old, when the timoiiv of me. Verily, verily, I say world. But tarry ye in Jcrusnlcm un­tile interior, even the Divine Proce- Jews became formal, and die Spirit unto you. lie tlmt believeth on me, the d| this Spirit sliiill endow you fromdure of Redemption ; nml also tlmt it was repulsed, until a fashionable reli- works t lint I do shall lie do also; and on high; thence throughout nil timeis concealed hv externals from mnn gion led the hosts lo dishonor God, by greater works than these shall he d o ;, tlm| unto the consummation of nil

The hanging gardens of Babylon, ill the exterior; and the inner snnctii- approaching Him with lip-service, because I go to iny Father, the luxurious apartments of Versailles, ary, with the sacred contents of Ihc while their hearts were far from Him; Anil when I shall Imvc receivedthe porcelain oflndin, Dresden or Sev- ark, signified! heaven ; and the en- sonlso now, hath the Spirit of the Gos- the cup which nwniteth me, and theres. the cabinets of Japan, the stately trance of die high-priest from the ex- pel Dispensation been suppressed by work for vvliieh die external priest-arabesques of Isfahan, Damascus mid ternnl into the interior thereof was a modern Israel,until is manifest a form- hood was devise'll, and the law of sa-Grcnnda, the marble chambers of Cor- perpetual hieroglypliical typification al religion, which becoming like a vyorn crifice was instituted unto the shed-inth and ancient Thebes : iheseall are of the entrance of Christ for sinners out garment, is ready lo heenst off, for ding of blood, is finished ; no morehut feeble, beggarly mid imitative fail-Auto the holiest of nil through' llis it sheltereth not from the storm. Man shall worship lie confined to Judenures, when cohiparcd to the harmonic own sacrificial offering upon the cross, also, in his deranged and fallen eoirili- nml the circumcised ; lint in every inl­and spontaneously unfolded beauties But Christ is not entered into the ho- lion, still continues to evince, by the lion he that fenreth God and warkethwhich appear in the third department ly place made with hands, which are violation of law and the consequent re- righteousness shall he acceptedor garden of social affections in this the figures of the true, but into heaven suit, that lie is not redeemed ; und the Him.paradisical abode. itself, now to appear in the presence form of worship hath so departed from From the expiatory sacrifice upon peeled as a thief in the night. As 1,

The clown who imitates a king, the of God, thus making provision for us, the Spirit, that the Church hath lost the cross, oblation doth forever cease; j„ (|,;s external manifestation, retiretawdry, maniac who affects the regal ilmt we may approach God at the mer- its power upon the mind, leaving it to and accomplishing tlmt whoreiinto I from the outer world, from conscious-splendor of an empress, the silly druii- ey-sent. N’or yet hath He, as did the seek rest in that philosophy which come, I go away and return again of external men, ye shall see no

tilings. He shall so spiritualize the obedient, ns to bring them into near­ness with me, and receive of mine nml show it unto them. Watch mid lie sillier, for God movctli henceforth for the conversion of the world through means of spirituality, unaided liy ex­ternal sacrifice : and therefore to those who live- in carnality und spiritual blindness, this Spirit shall ever, even

r,f unto the end of the world, make His approach in n way and time as uncx-

grnsp in diseased vanity the pencil making continual sacrifice for the Ami as the purpose of God cannot hand, for the prince of this world coni- M|,„|| Kce me ill my spiritual miluifesta- tliat paints the rainbow and tlmt col- transgressor, for then must He often he perverted, the signs of the times in- rill and hath nothing in me. lion, in the consummation,when I shallors the sunset or the morn,—all these have suffered since the foundation of dicnlc a new and more perfect spirit- Let not your heart he troubled; come a second time without sin iitiftl arc lint imperfect figures, suggesting the world; hut He hath appeared uni manifestation, in which the Divine ye believe in God, believe also in me. salrntion. \the awkward artistic movements of once for nil to put away sin bv the Procedure nppoacheth that period, In my Father’s bouttc arc many man- The spirit of man hath been boundmen, upon the fallen orb, to unfold that sacrifice of Himself. And as Adam when, ns it hath been written of Him, sions ; if it were not so I would have |,j. 8j„ „n(] oppressed by the power ofgrand ideal which ^Divine Wisdom Was the progenitor mid representa- lie shall come without sin unto salva- told you. 1 go and prepare a place iniquity which sceketh the ruin of the oiitfignrcs among the unfallen beings live of the human family in the ex- tion; when lie shall pour out llis for you. And if I go, I will comewho inhabit the planet Diadeuiia. ternnl world, and thence in him all Spirit upon all flesh; mid for every again and receive you unto myself; for

The .Moorish palace of the Allmni- Imvc received the effect and disposi- kindred and tongue there sliull lie mi this I came, that where I am, ye maybrn, the wonderwork of Saracenic nrt,: tion of sin, and as it is therefore np-1 ensign of His people; and the Fro- he also. But because I have told you is hut a slioolhoy's translation of a pointed unto man once to die and nf- phets shall stand in their lot and the this, sorrow liuth filled your heart.— grotto into which I am now conduct- ter that the judgment; so also Christ,: Spirit so freely poured upon the pco- Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it cd. Seven great types of art unfold being God manifest in the flesh, lienge pie that no one shall sity, Know ye the Is expedient that I go away, and thus



race ; but I have come to quicken into life and energy that fallen, bruised spirit, causing it to rise and nssumc the throne of its purposed stren g th ; therefore severe shall be the struggle, of expiring sin, which is the external.

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Msenthumandm en l


THURSDAY, MAY 19.1853. THE SPIRITUAL HARBINGER AND MOUNTAIN COVE JOURNAL 1 0 3REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPIRIT. ! written J l y their fruits von slmll know tendency should call f„rtb the magy and honest, iffi.

— I them : from the abundance of the heart l” 11*1 " ,d «•»»*• ° 2 V ® ? ,‘Jorder that th* i


(I.i order that^th* readers of the H**Bi*Gta may be somewhat apprised of the design of the Spirit dictating at Mocmtaix Core, and therefore he enabled to judge of the true character of the Spirit presenting the Disclosivc Truths to the world, the following requirements, given to those who I nild gently O n. desire to attain, by patience and obedience, to the First Resurrection, arc herein expressed. Whoso rcadeth, let him Understand.] ____

REQUIREMENT FIRST.T he Redem ption of Mun is the pnr

end Infinite Wisdom hath appointed means. Means nre adapted to condi­tions and tendencies. Each great pe-

them ; from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Purify the foun­tain, guard and correct the tributaries, and the current of life shall flow purely

all the lovers of the Sacred Teat. It ia from this (cause in a very great degree, that spiritualiaU are not' T" c is dark with clouds. The mists are favor of tbe'HsBBlSGCT. and desire to suppress the I The frequent showers descend.Disclosivc Truths of the Divine Unfolding which it wind, then mo^ul v o ^ u dadvocates The Sacred Word being maintained bv ' * * " " ,l,e “ J. . , r * « . * j Smoke wreath* are gathered rour.d the stecpTcTrall,

The Spirit seeking the restoration of j ̂ ^ ‘iSTwhh Z Bible' iTthlutilt* discordant a n d evil world to l i a r - end th«* H abbisger maintains the -pint of the cur- Move* like a mourner to ajuncrel motiy and holiness, seeks to enter the j rent doctrines and teachings of the Holy Scriptures So checrlctt ia the heart, and by purifying, qualify it for Nevertheless, w misapprehended is the of So,oak ,, .ml U«ousol

. I , .• c . Ii j . . i . I the Hiblo hv the theological world, that a true wap.,-r i the reception of truth; and bv the pow- ... -c . . i . a.e r a - , n j rs, *1 • , 1 . ' . 1 , 1 sition of the Scriptures, given bv the hpm t, and the T. .pose of Infinite Goodness. To tins er of t r l l t | , control the emotions and onUrgP1i „„Mdings of the principle of interior lir„.! '

sentiments of the human soul, andthence the actions and the tendenciesof the outer ntun. To This end the , oasillsulM raB

riod in the movement of the race ac-! S|li[i, proceeds l0 the expression of]by bT lnV vS yT w ; yet the harmbnyof iuroinplishes its purpose. I he law of that Law of Life which afFocts the pur- movement, it* spirit, it* magnificent display of Di-determination being fixed, there c o n p OSC> and hence the procedure, of those Hue Truth, and its unbruken current and manifestbe no variation in the movement of the w|10 desire the blessing. tendency, ere ever winning substantid friend*—thesenMoaadinir nainpinlp Hn wlm ili>vi«Pil , - , i i who delight in the law of love, and aspire,U> holinessproceeding principle. He who demised, Know, then, O man, w hoever thou (f ^ ;mJ uUiuulc Ullj()n wilh lhe MDCtified incomprehends ; and that which mortals urt> whatever thy condition, that n^ven. That Uio lovers of the Sacaed Word ahouldcannot know, is the.intorior nioveincnt thoughts, meditations, inclinations and rejrrt the teachings of those spirit* who denounceof the grand scheme. This is the age I tlcsircsv or devices, of an unhallowed 1,iv‘M Kcvelutiun as recorded in tire Old and Newof man foretold by the inspired o . . « l ' tllrc alu| 0f a baneful and debasing «h„ »,k the word,ip of the IIolv and. . . . . . ■ .. . . .. the Jurl, the L renter of the L inverse, and who denyprophetic spirits, in w hich spiritual tendency, shall not be indulged within !lic Divinity if Christ, i* the inoyitable remits the tendencies should prevail, and render die secret and hidden movements ol utatcruH'tic nature of tko*u touchings.negative the law of physical movement. (|)e mind. _relative to man. Language is ninltifnnn. By whnt-

And it came to pass, according *11J ,r,*cr method thoughts, desires or pttr- the will of the designer, that a place j pogM „rc c„Uscd to emerge from the be appointed where the evil tendon- |lc;lrt iim] assume form of manifesto, cies ol depraved minds should meet so us to conduct the idea from the in direct contact with the harmonious; originator l0 those designed to he af- spiritunl and redeeming energy of I>i-jfectl,,|, j, language employed for the vine Good. Hence the Spirit com- J specific end. Therefore, whoever shall ninpded that tlmse who were nppoint-| mdulgcan evil heart,desire orpurpose, cd, guided by the Spirit, should seek |>v t|„. |im- ,,f inoveineiit and expression and secure n terrestrial locality. The shall make that desire manifest; ami laws of Heaven cl.... .. not ; the par- ......... whomsoever that desire or pur­poses of God are sure. T is man that pns|, rps|s- , |lc. feelings of the soul tfhnll .hi vacillates, ami lint the dictating Spirit j |)(! cnstampeil.that cnllcth to the Mountain. There- The Spirit imperatively requires fore nil minds that do not unite mid ,|m,°llo j| thought nr desire shall heproceed with the tendency of lint 8dpi-1..... ris:„.,l in llm heart of any who seekrit, bv reverse inoveiuunts ami rep,til i ,|,o.Messing proposed in this iniiiiifcst- sion become shattered, in<reteroiiaale .|tj()|1 „pjrj, Molest not nao-and pass away. Where genuine tiffin-1 |1V *t.t.king to blend sentiment,ity exists between the Spirit of 'l>l,jemotio’n or interest of an unhallowed

with thy fellow.

art-warm smile. oh Beautiful Content! Thy cheerful glow, sweet Spirit of Delight!

are, by the theologians, with feelings equally cm-1 . That gilds the world witli superhuman light Littered and procedure oa wild and euthusiostifroiid And nukct> a palace in Man's lowly teat, false, rejected. - • Upon the passing throng is n u t iu vain;

Thus it Li that the cause wo advocate is maintained “ Uat through the dm me rain,They hurry on. while clouds that darken space RtlLct their gltHjm upon the human £u?e.

•Sure <>tonn and suniliine bear alike to man The gift* of grace and ble»<cdncss divine'.I will not, though the dry is dark, rapine.

Rainbow* of light earth's darknes* overapan.Nty. rather let my spirit trim the lamp-.Of hraTcoly thought, whose fire consumes the t.a:j.| » That, dark end dense, obscure the tuiud'* blue dome : And Paradise, the soul's eternal home.


The lamp* arc lit. The inward mind grows bright.The *hailo\ri take their flight.

The melodic* of ndonilifti roll.From the full choir and organ uf the soul.

T h e w in g e d , m r i a l h a r t i M n i r s

Cliiuh the gt**at »uirway of the die*,,*.sid ri. ing ali’l and still more sweet. I’aUsr^ivviTiiit at the S avior'* feet.Aw! mingle in the song of prai'C That souls of -aint* itnmorts! rai--.


v r̂ir.iT the mode of procedure amipur]>oM-d r«v-ult<, claim ::t the present time the more candid l!p>ui.'!:t* «»f li'ituuii bcingi. Time was, when, in the infancy i I/jVri^anifootatiot'. the subject might

1°" - d Ly v. till itnli(ferenc^, and he who ccglccted "'ll* ii"! p'fidt red l y the neglect guiltv, pare the sin imhfii'TT ni-.-.itd «*f ignorance. But cfiWMual. s«j a-t'.ULMing »ii>! t-.,t,viiM*ing have been the demon- stmt ion* of the TXt.d.tiec end return of spirit., that i.'»nc can now inylcot without jetTonBiMi'* ?|<iriiual ;iud tin.nil •* d.

F r o m th .* **:l.i:t i u i c r i o r t h e v o i c e ‘ ln = g - u r f o t l i

* t i t t ' . f l.tii'1 . a n d j iH - j i l e l y t h " U - a iu l i a r c

in i- . i .• i !<• i n v . - * : i / i : i 1*4, ;»»i.| j „ i n v e d i g n l i o i i a n - a !-

t i - c k d \\ i '.h a is 1 s \ ' t w i t ’

M nliimdt- Spirii Man and -j t f'lit

engaged in the inv

K a lla : IA.rv Soul fn ni death and du< kiH— 1 Join- iu llwt lofty stru’.:i.

I hear the itiji>.. iif F.!t roily.■ TIioii wert f »r ‘inner'< %'.*,» !*’

IT.i-v aing "at; I now t live f-.r evermore, Oh l.ord h im aid we.

r,.r peopjf, l*m If f««re Thee and ad<nv.And find "Ur lcavvn iu Thee!'’

I- d:-.'-•’at: • . hut a«ji*t no esi-ecially d' iinetl •hji-ei is ueeept.-d ur undiTstfd ly lie-

lic v c r i. ’1 h ik \e i v innhv ha tipitifO, nekiMtM ini i i i ' ! t i l f , - . | j,

as the iiuinifi*«4«ti

r the reality of the claim*. ri,r .1liUvjp| ,Uy ,tm . d.rk’v t . u . itvinced i f the verity u f |n ,e inward mind with nionmig raiUancu glow

W illi sp in ln a l sight t \i-\y the nalo* r*»ur»try «.f the light.

Tl.h og d t!»r tntthfulnctt cf tlie claim.

J m j w o f p u b s ' i n t j a l p » o d ; b u n

Movement ami the human soul, by tin law of sp'iritiml attraction nml morallikeness, the soul revolves within lh r |vjn«r to live within the lnw of K(|uity; sphere of the proceeding nirrgv, aiul ,.,,],,.,. j,v depressing, tlislicnrteniiig or sliall, in due time, by assimilation'nml j c,|,|ic.(„nr> lint the rather seek to an eternal union, inseparably blend avert every inllncnc*; deleterious to the and in unity proceed. law of Purity, ami of successful effort

The pnriod has come when the Spi- to suspend the power of Kvil and- to rit proceeds to make statements ami lu-janr the mind into subjection to tin* unfold rrquirmeiits, which arc nbso-. principle* of Uiglit. lute. Holiness, Justice, Truth, are, To this end thou shall not, fur thv- the foundations upon which the Spirit- M.jj* jmltdge urdmllowed tlioiights or ual Kingdom shall he established.—Moral purity nml harmonious action, open and sanctified thoughts, arc the framework of the structure. Sin, therefore, in any form, can notlic-tol

rli.'ir «„,t> ... ! '« ^ “ ""'e' Iu n t i l r t - W illi th y f e l lo w . S e e k m .t t o -Imlf r, ,! i„ tl.--., for,,..,. 1i n l lu e i i c c o r g w e rv e th o s e w h o t t r v i» tn - 1 ..... .

desires ; hut iu all cases endeavor to close the soul against that which, if ultimated, will not result in good.— Keep thy heart pure and thy tongue from speaking guile. Walk tlmii care

IcruttnoU. i„ ilo-ir tv*, (.fiovioo fl)r ,te . ali( „f ,„0n- | w i » v t l i t I m o ,11 < b t i r e u l H|„ u » U r e -

u r . I . i . g • •■ i it .L ti.u n r , r e l y i n g « i |* a i t l , . - |*m|«>

that,nld riltini iit'U unfidj jt*,.|f an,| the world lx; Ik iu Lit-d. olid t)u‘ luiiii.m Lniily Im* mlwiliril ly d*1* il'-.ris «Tii]'ln\V.l in the mainfcftation of spirit'.

I I .

T!i- iiwjulry natitnliy ari/u* in tin* ndial- of all r*n*»«l».l i.L ; tl;.* |*li«-n..|ii9un, wlivther it»«* ma-uir.-'titii.:! 1;. it>i.H/n in tl„> . xi-t.-nri- i.f opirit Iif'*. .hM'nilantifd i> i,..tmi,i*fcd witliuml runt roll­ed Ly tin* will-agvncy ».f the t-sirmal man. And duo* hut f.-w (Diumuniu.uiun* ts|ual the rapauity of fa from wliotit they ]>urp>rt to rotii-, a- di-playrd while in the extcranl fhriu, iNaca>:>.n L- aflimii-il f«,r

•ritioiun ujKjn tbc trutlifulne** of their ctaim.

p an fu l vale*, tbv Kdell glade*,I, I’anulbw! out.bine.

Tbruujtb t-un-brigbl >m» l> and atarry flba<le-i The lin n ; water* rhime;

So nipriit Itur radiant »|>tn-re ittva.l. -,And day is all divine.

But briebtrr than tbc nutwanl i.'ay Kaeh rndiaiit spirit glow*.

And sweeter Cfl.di inetuiiKHM lay Thau living water flows

And richer fragnmee mark* their way Than from tliedi-atli!.-** ro-r.

for all t*..*ir live* in sweet accord t »f love immortal mn,

And all their thought flow* from the Word In holy tintMui,

And all their light i* from the l.uitn,A* from the Spirit Sun.

v t t .

<• Man ! the gl'Vtfs of the Belter CiiaP Shine not uloiic for thoM* within the skin.

The heart attuned love and faith Mihlim*;I nto mnuiumion with tlu.' ble*i umv ri*e.

'U.reover, (he unwilled date iu which tlu? mind* of wllfn kft | | (.aVenV bright gatoi a jar*’And every peaceful starlar.'e pnrtigu* o f .-pirituali*t- have fallen, i* iudicativi

of I ho want of the controlling principle* of developedentulily.

Again ; a* the general iuiprvaaw>n is entertained hy

crated, and whoever persists therein, j and in the way of purity; nor shall not find rest, ami in the end shall|| forth thy hand to that which ina\ fail of the inheritance.

First, then, the Spirit imperatively when secured w ill not enlarge the soul dm code of moral action, in nmny respect*, hitherto quires that from the heart—in soui, bv tbc cultivation of a liolv and iniuior* c,,6,rrwl uP°n (l*c 1,311 il> oriPn »■ Lcatlieowb

harharily, and i* dclctcriou* to human enjoyment, dcvcl'ipitient, harmony »uJ ?f-iritual unf.hling, and

reqtiniiiul, desire, xvard'tuttl tlcctl—you do, tnI tlcsirc. Avoid temptation to sin:literally, sperilically anti especially, in distrust not the Disclosin' V. ortl, and i|,at tl,,, in thrss rcqsrcts. swiciy ma-t Is- ro- all ami every thing, whether hidden, trifle not with the Divine requirements, mwlelyl. nml the law of sectional :ind il vrrsOrdof- knowtt or to he reveaftd, unto others f0P although judgment tarry, sitt will “r sclf-gratitioaiim Ao«H prevail. TM-|Aw ns you would, were your circuiustnn-ieventuate in death, ers reversed, have tliciit do, by, with Whoever shall carefully and obedi-

Sings in ii* jov, and every elM-rub hunt,From J*les of Low that gem the distant roast,

Waft* down ll»c invitation.And mil* thre In thy throne and eonmalion.

Therefore let holy I’eare With gentle tourh rrleaie

Thy taring from iu dark, niaterinl tlirall.Arise! orirt!! ari»e !Pluiuci) for those radiant skim.

From wlienrc the Sons o f Light hormouiotu toth*»f t U t M . M.. I h m x

| demoniac visages, white the vmult below quivered a* if aome mighty potentate of a nether region bad, with

• hi* blazing scepter, touched tbe fountain of the agit­ated sea.

Then there arose out of the pit a flame, which, i t it ascended amid the throng of vile beings, canned the

■sphere gf their being and existence to bum like *n .•vcn ; and a* each ap{ eared a i»e!fsSup;>orter of tie hurling element, w by coalescence the intensity was increased until the boat presented the appearance of one consuming fiery leiupest. This, as a cloud of flame, over-pervaded the Cv ugregatiou of mortal*, wl*» were instruments in the external employed by this principle of evil to consummate the merciless and ficudi*h rfciigu vpon Jesus, die meek and bntnblc bumble suflerer.

** The battle bigVens.'* said au angel, who stood ul* ve tbe tempest iu tbe atmosphere of heavenly pu­rity ; •• with ffni ler, all ye heavens, beh«>ld die aceuc.Sow death and he!! «• 'inbine ; now the power* of ̂ vil. in deadly array, charge ujKm the Uiil-Man, who. while lie coutcud* wiib tbe c. nibit.od force of euiuitv mid destruettun. ly reason of *ym|«thT with the race of mortal* and the redermirp purpose, i* weigh­ed down wi'li the *.-mm*and sin* of tuen. like*cart kdJeJ with sheave*.” ” And.” raid anotheryoiee,

who shall determine the i*ue .* for In, myrimb of the servants of the arch-demon congregate, and lhe tempest increase* The fires are aln> kindling in tbV hum.iii head*, and mortals win* surruund the aulTerer are becoming like unto those immortal demons above them ”

Then I s-.w them lea-1 Jesus into the auJienee- chamber ..f the ruler* of the I jn-n HUIu-ad«.i* n j>' V*-1 er w:i uf downs, si* cruelly applied that Hi* temples were pkdved. and blood eauie *treaming•I >'aii Hi* i h k- Hi* hands were aim houud. Ho-lid not *• n») '.. in He -pake n.-f Hut ns they nn«rk*

1 and -1 lid >\ il'mi. I nsiw Him turn 11 i« eye of love upward »!• 1 Hi- lips moved, a* if adslre.'sing a>bio • <:i< w' i f tu Suddenly the h.M that had arisen from the )-it fell hn.-k x* if itruek by some mighty hand, uni lh-y exclaimed.-,” 1*0, He s|*aks with tio-1* itu l r ill p":y 1h'!i..!-I» the inullit ide of UK<k- er lb- me t* u* in um-.pial warfare Our* Lt hate, malice, revenge . iii* i< love, uieeXucsa aud subiuis- don. Flee we mu< fitmi the power of that geutlo Spirit. It i« the d-.'.-pesi hell to endure his tender- lie-', and c. .-unin.t eontend with hi.* luve.”

Then op-tin .ijescmsl the iiianifestatinu of Kvil in piguntie f .nn nil I he *tretehcd forth hi* hand, fn»m whieh pn-e*. J a dirk Volume of N*lf.(‘ou*umilig ele- uiettl*, and iu a v... more terrible than any languago can expres* lie oaid. ” Ari«-! enter the combat, for il-*w t* lb-- bi '.tlu Oct ' What tlmugli lie looks wpon his tonneut* in love, 1 have tunied many hearts of love into hate ; many calm ‘pirit■ into wild madnem ; many a praying ► >nl into tin; el.-mcuU* of bloiq.lwuiy. lie shall mil prevail, for n>;W the decisive c-nflict tp-

' f.maclK-i the coiioiuiiUMtiou. This day, by tuy ow n hand, 1 wiU achieve fur myself inmiortaJ ami iadt -

. ilrueliblc victory." Thai raying, ho int|iiroil a mor­tal, who nppru.udr.-d Jwiw m He Mood among Hi* accuser-*, mid lo, be nro.*u uml »iuotu Him in (bo faeo with the I'.tlui of Ids land, raying, ” Au*wenst thou the high-pried mt V* •

Then I heard a movement as if the heaven* abiva had fa!l*-ii front their high a1*mIc I lunked. ami In ! all the angels had In lien ii|ni>i their klieer, an I bowed their head*, and litis*J their ImieJs upward, and hea­ven was iu iimurniiig.

And one of the ang*'U said. ” Ix-l us Arise and reseui* Him ! Let it* meet the champion of tbe lowerm region* ; b t u« p-i forth to buttle ” Then again I raw one np].ro.ieh Je*u«, who was (Mate, raying.—” Art thou the C’hriflt ? a rt thou tlie King of lh« Jew* ?’* And Js-sui^answered, “ Thou unyeM it ”— And In, the puw.-rs of darknewi gave way, for Hi* voice disturbed lhe r-giuns of the .had Again all was silent. (To l« rot.ui.iM i

Thermomctrical Table a t KotutUin Core.April. IM1.

nl'o is conducive to honest ^kepticiriu relative to any interior cau«e connected with the manif. Hativii

nml unto vou. 'Fins r e q u ir e m e n t cntly, from the interior consciousness, j i t .w b e o b e y e d , without lettacniiig,;observe these requirements.

S C E N E S B E V O X I t T H E C R A V E .Trance of M arietta Davis.

n:ox Tin; m a r t o r j a m I.1, 1. soirr.That the cause ia iuvUlblc, iatan^ii-K- and incom- Ita ll [-reiicositilp, when considered Irwn lhe oxlrnial. iscs-

without apology, without adapting guard their owu hearts from evil, and taMidied beyond a doubt in various furtm and nani-tlie way of bcrlea JcmonatiatioM; yet ibat it is ^ intimately lllc jUDOCt.

connected with the physical, mental and .jinfatliclif l ing and n|<|^ ar(.,l t)ic nutim> of man as In altn-W inseparably Wend. |« s e n u a lcd morln], j„ ltl. f„rm „( „ demon of gigantia di

circumstances to your desires, with- j gently lead the weak in ont partiality, w'itliout self-love, with- life.out selfish interests, nml without dis- - „ , ,

. L* ' * j I v > , ♦ complex feature, nitmet 1011. Infringe not upon another s /| ho S H in tl l iU 41H Vll 111 fTET skeptical or artiScirights, liqr convert to your benefit, for _ -a »_________________ H (iotjuiring mind nit

fiom IOC )

All voice* eeaied, and In. the infernal plot ngvi* si

eompiox feature, aud hence it is that the prejudiced;

the gratification of your desires, with­out the knowledge and fall and free consent of the rightful person, that which belongs to your neighbor.

Uo this, ami thou shnlt he in the way to live—neglect it.^ptid ruin sluill be the consequence*.

REQUIREMENT SECOND.Mor4£ action originates moral in

sentiment. The gcnernl character of human movement is the manifestation and outward expression of the senti­ment of the interior being. Hence it is

cial oW rw r is enabled I , satisfy the emit(cdmcn-ioo* I p .n hi* head were tiglst horn?; each

B r lhe direction of Superior Wisdom, the Mediaand tendency c>f the mysteriou- phci the burning mngneti.wn of fiendish ex b tn m . Ufon

. .. vx. tv , , . . • , j his forehead was written. "CnNifV him, rrurifyt o t h . a p « L n f o h h n * . r c engaged ,n the wcrlc of Ils powwtocnntrol nmtlttr. the mind and the body him. for lo. he b not worthr to G ». U .U a .d u . ih e r calling, and by public lectures and private „l- r f ma„ w „ nvcrt ,bc human organism to it-.'.wn n-e, « , „f ,|.e people." A—1 - - - • > - >■— — simctlcn. are pren-nnng the elaiiii. of the D «loaiv, , , c[ n. lu roand coMtettct -he A„,Uyon " or theTruth m lhe ditn>rent •et'linni nf iho «. ■„ntp<- an>1 . . . . < , . * *Truth in the different sectiuns of the country, andtherefore mostly absent from the Cove; hence ‘b e ; ;nto UDCJp|orcd regions of mentality in the movement

n*y« * i « s —• Sra Cru lUrtiark*1 Finlay, U-I 6** r.» Ml Very hazy ami imoky

, o Saturday, 10 41 4* 4*< riiNaly and sprmkla^3. Sunday, 41 45 50 4* Cloudy,dncsiinc rain.4. .Mubrfav. So 31 SI 3fi Mrsdy rams. Tuemlav, .7 4 43 SO Sn Fair. |*iM>w laili.i^h'j6. Wednrwlav. SO tl 43 41 Cloudy.rurd y>nd,rsm7 Tliorw'ay, 33 4« 16 43 Fair and (ilrasant.a. Fn*!* r. V< an 63 c-t Fair atxl pieaaant.9. Sa'nrday, .V) CO « 62 Jfosy. high *.w. wiial

10 StirwUy, 40 SJ 54 53 Fair and |4»asant.Ii Muffllflx. 21 r.O C6 56 Final—smoky afttv-*12 T'M*Mlay. SI 7* 7', 70 P wind. buy. *n*okyn Wixli.rildV. ft'2 7U 7 J Smoky haxe, rain at ntN Thursday, 52 M 56 SO Cloudy. a»ith showers.15 Fndsv, 39 CO 64 60 Fair and pleasant.1« SstiinJay, 4H 4*i 50 4H Ralu all day17. SuntUv, 41 42 43 42 Ratay and cool.IS Monday, 40 31 57 53 Fair.l«. TurwUy 47 00 57 M 4’loudy and rainy.k*0. Wednesday, 50 00 M 52 Ham—clear

, M Thursday, 33 72 75 72 Clear and heautifal.22 Friday, ei oO 6| 74 Fair—thunder thowrs23- Saturday, 00 75 79 69 Fair— “ “ to eaeg21 Sunday. SI 70 H 72 Shower, fair.23. Mondar. 54 31 50 49 Rain Marly all day26. Tuesday. 3*» 36 62 36 Clear27. Wrdnesday, 32 70 76 72 Lixht fraat—elear29. TLurwiay, 44 74 79 34 Ooudkaa k beaatiful.22 Friday, M 74 80 66 Fair, wiodgust 5 r JI.30. Saturday. S3 60 67 6-7 Cloudy—pleaaant.

aires and determinations of men, lead* rie inquirer (jnod." Upon hw heart was seen in blazing capital?.. . . | sums \V hi 1c t b i? bra rt beat *. * *b a 11 n'»t tri u mpb, lui I T e w * o f t h e N p l v i t n l l U r W i f w *

re a « n a h y 'l io w i.h e . ofnom erau. eorrespondenla^ TLesc combined propound a momentous dea.h shall doom him ro th . tomb where mortal. ...................................have not been complied with.

SPIRIT MANIFESTATIONS vx THE BIBLE.The effects of the major part of modern Spirit M a-' VI-

nifestation? are not only to prejudice believers against i From the commencement of the manifestation anti} the Bible, bat to beget within them a dislike well now, it has maintained apparent omnipotence, and nigh eqntl to hate for its interior troth, inducing ■ moved with majesty among the people, continually within tbe mind s disposition to discard it and view tending to tbe development of the great principles of! it a* & compilation of <*mi-barhario leg*nd* This interior exHew*#

question and compose an unwivcd problem, having slumber, and where silent inactivity reigns There. TE" c.H#* fw ••• r « r .- « tu s »• m e £*’* * *claims upon and worthy of the roost rareful aud can- there he who has called himself the Son of Ood and r r—reel— «■________did investigation of the people of this ag* equal with niui, eball feel the death-fetters of my ir- TOO* cr.pi—«fU* J*— I —4 lir tU n rs t i

«■ revocable decree. Then I -iU daab hi.upon the rocks of boman prejudice, and gloom, op- o h Im h lihu, iu Aiusue-*t«—t, Or—ai/a, »i vaus prescion and dismay shall await them throughout all *“■?*•** •***c%* u a h ia u ages '' I wostage o s t h is ra re * -

* Hear ye this as I read." said a sepulchral roire »>• u f**-.., » « *J * t i w j » a f * t r e s u u * / T u r « - » « r —r . t i w * r e ’< , ', *4*, , , * l * ' * t

H e« r vm th is ’ h i ^ d t o n ♦ n o a * i r e l t ^ n g n e d w ,.v■* ?- ***«i


ii j WOULD HOT L iy * ALWAY." I wished to prevent the other spirit from having restI yet. On the evening of the 24th. this specter retiyn*

— Jjji*.1? ?. S y i l t o S I e l. bringing with him a tall, thin, elderly woman,whoee form was dark, and countenance disagreeable.

'MhikfoliKliOl b i »»*

I WOULD no*, live alway—live alway below I O do. I’ll not linger when bidden to go.The Jay* of our pilgrimage granted u« hereAn, c ,« th for IV . wo.a> fl.ll enoueh for it. rf,«r. , (M M(, hef sh<KJ „ cre p in |e J Th„ , „ , kcd ̂

1 >bn“k lran th* P*d. which the propbou of God, . { . ,

i She appeared in antiquated fashion, with a high cap, ; and under iCa sort of veil, such as was worn by all j the female specters; her dress was thick, and very

Apostle* and martyrs to joyfully trod ?While brethren *nd friends are all hastening home. Like a sjiirit unbicat o’er the earth would I roam I

could. I will till you oil .bout i t ; but now pray I rowful word! 0 word, which h i . ipre*d firo mid j rejoinder, " »nd I Jo not reraembor lo h .v . crer toon wfth me—say the Lord's praver." . | lamentation upou earth, what must thou, then, mean in i you.

On the night of the 13ih, I placed the woman from! heaven ?" Thus spoke Brother Alius, and every Lcn&ch, before alluded to, in the room with Mrs. H. J day his doubts became greater. One morning he and she told, mo in thc morning she had heard noises,i-^ued from the monastery before the other monks and that then Mrs. H. awoke and spoke with some had rison, and descended into the valley, c «j-

1 would no*, live alway—I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o’er the way; Where Peking for pence, we but hover around, lake the patriarch's bird, and no resting is found; Where hope, when she paints her gay bow in the air, Leaves its brilliance to fadv in the night of despair, And joy’s fleeting angel ne'er sheds a glad ray,To scatter the clouds that o'erehadow the way.

wards and forwards in the room, and looked at Mrs.IL but said nothing. When she inquired of the other { spirit the cause of thpse two coming, he told her, it j was to prevent her doing what he wished ; for that, J by ourseltA."

unseen person; thc first word she heard was— “ Why Mrs. H. related the following conversation :

" I cannot pray a word but what you teach mo.”“ W hy!"

The fieldsstill moist with last night's rain, were glistening un­der tho first rays of tho rising sun, like a maiden

tiling through her tears. Alfus strolled gently

A number of monks were walking up and down the cloisters. Alfus ran towards them, and called them ; but none answered.

lie went closer, but not ono of them oould ho rec­ognise.

" Has there been a miracle hero !" ho criud. " In thc name of heaven, my brothers, haw none of you

through thc shady thickets on the hill-side. The ever seen me before? Docs no one know BrotherBecause nobody teaches us; wc must find it o u t ' birds, which had but just awoke from their slumbers.1 Alfus !"

! u .miM n.»t live si way—ftiu* fettored by oin,Temptation without and corruption within; la a moment of strength if I sever the chain,Scarce the victory u mine o'er I’m captive again.E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fear*,And my cup of thanksgiving with penitent tear*.The festival trump call* for jubilant songs,E-t n»y spirit her own miserere prolongs.I would not live oJwty—no, welcome the tomb! Immortality's lamp burns there bright 'mid the gloom; There, too, is the pillow where Christ bowed His head; O, soft arc the slumbers on that holy bed I And then the glad ilawu soon to follow that night. When thc sunrise of glory shall beam on my right,When the full unliu sung, os the steepen arise To shout in the moruing, shall peal through the skies. Who, who would live alway !—away from his God, Away froin you heaven, that blissful abode,Where the liver* of pleasure flow o’er thc bright plains, And the noontide ol glory eternally reigns ;Where thc Mints of all ages in harmony meet,Their Savior and brethren transported to greet.While tho songs ol salvation unceasingly roll,And the tiulle of the Lord is thc feast of thc soul

! when alive, this huntsman bad hated him, and bad | taken his hatred with hint when he died. The cauoc * of the hatred was, that ho had discharged him from his service, Ac. Ac.

Mrs. H. had frequently told me, that she had dreamt there wa3 something in our cistern in the kitchen— where she never bad been—that should not bo tlWre. It being now emptied, a very ancient, long, thick, and ruity knitting-needle was found at the bottom of it. I took it into Mrs. H.’s room, and left it on the tabic there. After some day*, though nobody had touched it, this needle was found in the kitchen, on an

Who calls on tho Lord, him will ho hear. He will strengthen you, if you ask him," Ac. Ac. She said the specter drew in these words as a child does something that excites bis interest. He pressed her to say more, but sho was exhausted, and could not. Oq the 10th, after various noises, there came a tall dork spirit Mrs. H. had never seen. On tho l i th , I and my wife heard noises close to our chamber, but I could find nobody. On the 21st, the huntsman came, with tho female and thc short dark specter ; the latter was very restless, as he always was ; and the woman mockingly bade the huntsman EOt to mind Mrs. H,

upper story. I took it bick again to the lower floor, | but listen lo her. He entreated her to let this womanand laid it on tho table ; short!}' afterwards, the hunts­man and his companion appeared, and Mrs. H. the needle lifted from thc tabic—which was six paces

be brought to speak tbo name of Jesus. On tho 12th, there were noises in our room, and a table was flung down without anybody touching i t ; and I felt, at the

That h&venly mtuic! what is it I hear t The uotes of thc birpers ring sweet in the air,And see ! soft unfolding those portals of gold !The King all arrayed in his beauty behold !O give me, O gi ve me the wings of a do»c!Let me hasten my flight to those mansions above,Ay. ’to now that my soul on swift pinions would soar,

.And in e*'*fuey bUl earth a lieu evermore.

Spiritual •llaniftslalions iu (Srrmaus.

from her—and carried through the air towards her. same time, an indescribable sensation on my left She screamed, for some one to come to her aid ; aud j arm. On the 23rd, the tall dark spirit appeared again the needle instead of proceeding as far as where .she I for the last time, but said nothing. Mrs. II. thought lay, placed Itself in a glass of water, where I found j he might come on account of thc woman from Lenach. it. when I ran into thc room, on hearing her voice. | On thc 24tb, Mrs. H. removed into thc next house.

On tho evening of the 29th, Mrs. H. being alone, where prefiently the huutsman appeared iu tho next and my servant and another person sitting iu the I room to that sho was iu, and beckoned to her. He adjoining chamber, but close to the door, thc hunts- told her he should find her wherever she was; but man aud the woman returned, walking up and down | that he must uot speak to her, as it would injure her ibe room as usual, ever and anon stopping to look at j health. On the night of her removal, I placed aber__though he said uothing but “ Yes. yes. y e s !" in | very good honest girl to bleep in her room, aud fhea mocking lone, and thc woman looked at hpr with a related to me that, in thc night, Lie duur bad opened, similar expression ; whereupon she was attacked by , and &he had aeon a tall dark specter moving about thc spasms At thc same time, the two persons in the |room. This is thy same girl mentioned in-the history next room heard thc m<»-t extraordinary noises—a!«jf the third apparition. On tlu 27th, thc female ringing of spurs, and a sound as if all thc chairs were -peeler came alone, and said moAingly, the should being flung violently to the ground—and wondering prevent thc huntsman coming, lie came, however,

i whence this could proceed, knowing Mrs. 11. to bo in and said, when the a.-ked him the reason of this— I Led, they rushed into the room ; when n stool wa.< ** O h! God! it i*» bceau*e when alive, I wan too closely j thrown at them, from the opposite side of the room to connected with h .r " lie. however, wished her to where thc bed stood, on which, at thc same time, they Ijc saved.

were perched iu thc hawthorns, shaking down rosy blossoms on bis bald head ; and some butterflies, still half asleep, flew lightly in the sun to dry their wings.

Alfus stopped to gate on thc scene before him.— He remembered how beautiful it had seemed when first ho saw it, and with what transport he bad look­ed forward to ending his days in that delightful re­treat. For him, poor child of tho city, accustomed to see nought but dark courts and somber walls, these flowers, and trert, and clear air, were bewitching nov­elties. How quiokly passed thc year of his no vita to ! Those long rambles in tho valleys, and those charm­ing discoveries! Streams murmuring through the corn-flag*, glades haunted by tho nightingale, egl:

All looked at him with astonish men:. " Alius !" at last said thc oldest; “ there waa form rly a mock of that name at the convent. I used to hear thc old men, long ago, when I was young, talking * f him.— He was a learned man, but a dreamer, ami fund of solitude. One day he descended ioto tho valley, and was lost sight of behind tho wood. Thry .'xpeutod him back in vain. lie nevor returned, ami imno knew what became of h im ; but it is uuw a hundred years or more since that."

At these words Alfus uttered a loud cry, for ho understood it a l l ; and falling on hi* knev/. bo lifted up bis bands and exclaimed with fervor,—

** 0 my God! it has been Tby will to show mo mytino rows, wild strawberries—what joy to light upou , folly in comparing the joys of oarth with thoae of hea­then! for thc first time! To meet with springs from vcn. A century has rolled over my head as a single which ho had not yet drunk, aud mo->>y banks upon [ day, while listening to the bird which sings in Thy par- which had never yet reclined! But alas! these ! adise. I now understand eternal happinok. 0 Lord, pleasures themselves do not last long ; very soon you j be gracious unto me, aud pardon ThinV unworthy have traversed ti l thc paths of thc fores}, you have ’ servaut."heard thc songs of all the bird*, you have pluefyd j Having thus spoken. Brother Alfus ca lcn\jd his nosegays of all the flowers, and then adieu to the beau- arm«,‘kissed the ground, and died.ties of die country ! Familiarity descends like a veil — ------between you and creation, and makes you blind anddeaf.

And thus it was now with brother Alfus. Like men whose abuse of ardent spirits has made them cease to feel their power, he looked with indifference on a spectacle which in his eyes had once boon rav • idling. What heavenly beauties, then, could occupy throughout eternity a soul which the works or God on earth could charm lor the moment only ? Asking himself this question, the monk walked on, his ever fixed on the ground, but seeing nothing, atul his arm- folded on his brea>t. He descended into thc valley, crossed the stream, passed through the wood-*, and oxer the hill* Tho tower of th<s eonven* wan begin­ning air-ady to fade iu thc distance, and at length In

Experience of the Seercss of Provorst.

, saw Mrs. II. lying insensible. When she awoke, she Mrs. 11. a-ked him il he could take any other form J -tupped. He was on the verge«-f a vast forc.nt, which * said she had seen the specter?; but kaew nothing ol than that of a man. IL- answered—•*• Had 1 lived as .extended as far as the eye Could reach, like an ocenii the uproar, having been insensible. At night, when [a brute, 1 should so :i]*j»--ar loyoit. Wc cannot take|of verdure. A thousand melodious sounds met hi>

VJ( j asleep, she said ehc had heard the noise iu her in*en- what forms wc w ill: as *.*ur dbji-.-ifion.i arc. so wcO s the Oil* July 1827. Mrs. II. went to walk in siblc state, because she is then always magnetic; but appear to you." As nt that lucaiont s-hc heard a

the avenue, near my home, which leads to tho town ; «Hnt awake she knew nothing * f it. At night, r-n Urn *»und of mu-, u .u :> neighboring bou-o, she o.-ked tu t she returned hastily, after a few stop*, say ing, she I I s1 August, the good spirit camo to h e r , but the evil j him il there w.v music w Ii ire lie was. He mid, " N o; could not go ntty farther. I did not learn tho reason I ones come also, and stepped W ore him, when he tli*- but sometimes wc tear that of the hippy spirit*, and till the l ith, when she told too, she had seen a man appeared. The huntsman threatened to trouble her that pains us.” whom die recognised to bo a specter ; and that he had 1 continually, but she defied him in the name of God j " l»o you hrar enrthly music ? visited her frequently by night since, begging her to I Gn the i (h they cam**, bringing with them a very go lu the castle* with him, where there was a large and J dark spirit, of u short thick figure, which alarmed Mrs. m small cellar, into which she mud go ; and when she H. very much. These continued to return frequently . refused, he told h r. that he uiu.-.t continue to come '>nd the good spirit now, when ho came, brought with to her till sir* did wliat In required. .She de?cribcd him a small sheet of paper, on which elie discern*!

large letters, intermingled with small red ones. Hi said, “ This is what hinders me." As she could not well road it by night, she bade him bring it by day On thc 31st, I gave her a paper, closely folded and *eakd, cn which was written, " Jesus bears our sin?—

ears from every siJe, and an odorous breeze sighed through thc leaves. After outing an a-iouidied look upon the soft obscurity which reigned in the wood. Alfus entered with h.siiation, as if he fvaivd L.: wore treaJing on forbidJ.mj ground- A* lie advanced, tlw Ibro-st bojuiiuo larger - he found trees covered with

( blcajom* which exhaled an unknown perfumo ; it had *• Now when I oiii with you, lb ?t through you ; j nothing enervating in it, like thus! of earth, hut \va>,

nut otharwU' ^ 0 ^avc uo 1arl i 1 *hat happen* on ; as it w ere, a sort moral of emanation which embalmed earth." . . . . . . I the soul. I t was strengthening and delicious at tin

-amc tiu*\ like the sight of a g » J action, or t .c np.. ‘Tn t*o conllnutJ I

Liu* aa having a go.»l anJ friendly* aspect, and said that he excited no alarm. He looked about seventy years of ag**—had a lung board, an oUfiasbioncd coat nnd hat such as the Tyrolese now wear, and half-boots —and Li:* jpcccb wai mom easy aud rapid than that uf the other apiriK Iu answer to her questions, he raid lie l^id lived in 1529—that he was in a suite of bli.-i— b.*t that J»jtu:tliing prevented his farther ad- vauee; and h? bc*utfght her to take resolution, and 1 said,



preach of a lover. A t length, he perceived farth co a glade radiant with marvelous light. lie sat down to enjoy the prospect, and then suddenly thc song of

( a bird over head fell upon his car.—sounds so mvc Bcror.c Luther begin to preach the Reformation, as to defy description, gentler than the fall of oar.-

monasteries studded the slopes of every hill in Ger- on a lake in summer, than the murmur of thc breeze tell this joyful word to a l l a n d 1 bade .her offer it many ; huge buildings with a quiet, peaceable aspect, among weeping willows, or the sigh of a sleopinj to the first specter that came, and ask him the contents. ̂surmounted by a slender tower rising in tho mid?t o f, fant. All the music of the air and earth and water, She did so ; and tho huntsman, without touching it, the forests through which the ringdoves hopped from thc inclidy of tbeJmman voice, or of inurnment*,

Jesus!—?iu?! What is all that to m e 1— I branch to branch. Those gray w.ilb covered- many | seemed ccntcreJ-u* lhawalls covered many j seemed ecntcre i that eong. It was hardly a song.go witli him- She said, that no spirit ohc had sccn |d iall never bo happy." She said, " Can you ever < a fault, nnd many an error, but they .dickered tueu but of m dodv; it was no language, aud yet tho was *» pleasing to h>r as this one. On the 2lst, she l»opo, being so wicked, to eee God ?" Ijc answered, .also who were in*>cndib!eto worldlyjiy?, saints whose , voico .ipuir. .Science, wisdom, and poetry all were naked him, with wbat the spirits employed themselves j “ H um !—I never shall." She then adjured him lo J thoughts dwelt only on the heritage premised by Christ. | in i t ; and in hearing it ono acquired all knowledge i.i the place he was .in. Ur said, " I am where the go; and in the morning, she returned the paper seal- A t Glrnutz, in particular, there was one who had Alfus listened fora lung lime, with increasing plea- Lcath-.ii* are, and lira© upright men who had no op- vd. as I had given it to her. rendered himself famous throughout the surrounding sure. At Inst the light which illumined thc forest be-|K>rtuni(y ol knowing their Savior; and we arc there | At night, the huntsman returned, alone, and gently,; country by his piety and learning; lie was a simple gan to fade, a low murmur was heard among thc* instructed by ihc sngsl?, till we ore fit for a higher but half jestingly, asked her to tell him how to pray.; and unaffected man, like all men whose knowledge is | trees, and the bird was silentplace." II? ud-Ied, that there were eight beatitudes —but a*yi t, only *.'v;n. as the eighth bad not begun , and that was what wu- meant by the kingdom of 1000 years. On the 20th, she fold him, that she could nut g i with him to the castle, uoles? he told her his name, lie raid, that d*? must not know till they were there. About I hi? litae, another, less bright than this, appeared sometime1!; the dress was military—tho age about forty—and Uis appearance was accompanied with n jingling sound, liki that of spurs; and one day. os the Revereud Mr. II. and I were reading with her, he Middcnly sloped, saying something had touched his foot; and the told m: afterward*, that this military apparition had at that time been close to him. It walk­ed up and down the room—looked calmly at her— but a id nothing. Mr. II. was frequently conscious of thc neighborhood cfspirits, ever since he bad been Draught info relation with them by means of those writtcu interrogations. Presently afterwards as Mrs. II lay un her bed atlccp, in her clothes—and with her lmota on, which were fastened to her feet by books —1 entered thc room, and was looking at her, when thc boots were taken off her feet by an unseen band —carried through thc air, to where her sister was standing at the window—and iat down beside her. Mrs. II. lay perfectly still the whole time, and knew nothing of it when I awoke her : her sister wept, and did not touch the bouts again. When this specter came, the night-light was always extinguished, apd once she kuw him extinguish it himself.

On the 22d, this specter spoke for tbo first time, and told her, in a raockiDg tone, thalhe was the hpnls- inau of him who wanted her to go to the castle. •''Short­ly afterwards, when her .sistccwfnd my dnughtc$.were in the room, a acrccn that lay on thc tablc/fos flung off it, to the other side of the room. 'M rk\H . who was in bed, had just before seen the huntsman enter by tho door. On thc 10:ii, he entered hastily, and flung all thc papers from ‘the table to the ground.— When she asked him what he wanted, he said that he

great, for science is like the 5ea—the farther we ad -! Alfus remained fora while motionless, ns if he were

The Spiritual HarbingerAnd Mountain Cove Journal.

P «»u to4 lM h * p u M U » tio u .J l« cu » » lo ti *iwl P r io f lp U t, Fartv , *i»J T r i l l i o n * — llU lo r ie i l , H oo*l, »*••lilK-al. Ii. l u . l i u l S r i i p lo n l . E th ic a l , M .U p h y .lc * l and C o m ic a l -

rc l* 4 w ,ih M an. » l lh bl* a o J p ro«(*cli«* an* u t lc lp * -1*4 E lin la* f i-n i M oral, M «nU l «nJ M a triU I D arin*** . an4 a* par-

n ; io th * O rigin, I 'lifoM ing and C o n a u w w a tlu n u t lb* M «U - r ia l and S p u ilU tl L'lU**r«»

B clnc d.**-ni. | to lh a tx m p o rtl a n l »p iriloa l • a tl-W In g o f tb * hum an r i r c . Ihi* J o u rn a l m i l tr* a l o l a ll b ra n rh * i o f h u m a n I nfold

and . n l i i l r a p o r tio n of it* colum n* w ill • in b rae* >li*c*Uinl#« of an tnt«rv-l>«>< and lu? tructi< a rb a ra c ta r . and th * gw o tral X*w» of lh a

. I w ilt a im to tlirnw a p c .la l l ig h t u pon tb»aa aubj*ct* w hich M a t* to tli* n-liffi.iu* n a tu re a n d Iwmlwn'jr o f Man.

I t w ill tbi>r.-f.<r« trw al o f tb a ■nulllform lU lig lo a i and mMl*« of W - I i i p th a t r t ia ra r lc r iM M ankind . of Ih c ir C u m p lr i l l ; and Div*r- • ity . u f ib e lr » a il* J t'a u w * and L 'aagoi; o f th a lr E m pliucaac r f i l l - ,1% . .if II,.- »< i l.'iK «i n f th * f a lw and T r u e ; o f llfpw * and Proftac.oua '■»K-d w j-.u ll,*m , b o th ( fn u in * and B rlition* . o f H ollg lou t T t*orl*a i ' l l .- I •, Pr.-jiidir**, L tm i am i D ata lliua de to riiiln ing , by the ir N irh lv th a t w lil. Ii 1. fruiu th e I mag (nation , frwtn liu p ira tlu n o f Good, •r r .«m lu p i 'a n o n » f Evil.

Hi.* W vil t l.- in g luird.-itc.l .w ith unavailing ritu a l* and *j* t*nn , •wtlglnua ami plillo* .ip l,|ra l. rv^u lrr* d>M*ram«nt and uu-U ralandn.g .<> rn m j* r |,rn d l . '» l.l r* «*-«!'4 front l l r i ' m , lo d irec t lb * *lrw ((ltbg . r.t- lloc l in It* lit<|ulrln* a f le r T ru th . IU Cauae, b»ur<-«. .Media and Unde* o f li lM lfr .U llf li i; IU varied rffoi-U upon tb a b o w a n e n d ,I he rl-no -n t* u f n - l glou* Iom and ga in and tb » lr d lvo rgon t u ltim a-

’ii, t.< di-lerfUlne III* D” lng o f Hud, tl.w nalurw o f IID dao llhg* w ith

W blla p av ing dua d .’U m r o to tb o varl»-t arban l* o f Oploiwn. tb la Jo u rn al w ill tavk tn diacuver tb a L andm ark* «f an u n b ru k ri , n n ,* . , t (I b p M 'u v l VnUildlfig. d u r ted th m u a b •pavlal in U rp « .||l» n of tb a vupr. m« D«lng, from tl.w aarlt* a t p*ti«d to th* praawnl lliua . tb a*< fb tic a tln g tb n llo tg S c iip lu jr* a* l»i» In* lte ta la t lo n . Ilia bail* uf *.b# liU o lio|u> of Man-* redum ption , and U*nc* affordln* M l .a tp l i c l t u .1 t r i r fu u b l* d rm u n tU a lU n o f T iu th eoB te rn ing Ut* b ^ l tu ln g , s a a lf« > U tio o a i . l ond of a ll th ing* crwalad.

W* devoted lo the** topic*. I t w ill t># tb * a tpae la l o rgan of tte* • i . t e r - . t i c o u 'c i iU rrd a t It* p lace o f p u b lic a t io n , e la lin g tb a m stivea and rca>»n* w hich In d u ra r rm o ta l to tb a lo c a l i t / ; th * h i .U r r p re- *fve** and p rn tp r rU o f th* E nterprise ; anil al*o, w h a U ta r p* rU n* lo th c ro o d (lion , n a i a m n a n t v l ia o U ;* . n f W rtU ra V lrg laU

I t w ill, fu rth e r m ore, b* a fa iib fn l reco rd bfSpf r itu a l M ar.lfcaU llontj ijivlng puM lcllp to lh * lr ro m p le lo h l t lo c p , *U w h at tb a ; a ia a n l p ro fra . tu a* now wovaUad ; a ad Ibe m . Ib » l* l y w b k b Ibay prop..** to b rn * 0 l th e b nm an rw r* . thu* prot U lm ing lb * u r lg lt and na tu re of th e g rea t In te r io r U nfo ld ing w hich now in U re tU th* e ie- ll l ie d world

C 7 * " T h a S p iritu a l ira rld n g c r and M ounta in Cove J o u r n a l " la I*>urd a t M ounta in Co»*. P a y e lU co u n ty , V irg in ia , l a fullo form , on a •b e e t S f by 33 lu c b e i. on T b u r - la ; n f e a rh week

C 7“ IU U rm i u f fnbwrripU on a r* [parab le Invariab ly lu advanca)

U.M; HOLLA It AMD I I I TV CKXT* for M lu m b m . F o u r C n p l ra f o r n n d T L S f c a p i t a to a n r A d d rr« a foe f 10.

P o rU g r 20 cen t* a year tu any p a r t o f tb a U nion P u b lu h e d by JA M E S L SCOTT and TIIOM.vs V IIA 11IIIS

> W IN C U E ST Z R , P u b lu b ln g Agwet M nunU In C ora , Va Ju n e . IS\3

17“J. B. .Ilaloer, II holesale and KrUU krserr,Cominiuion and Fortvarding Merchant, Steamlroat Apcnt

vancc the wider grows the horizon, and thc Ic.nI du ' awaking from an enchanted sleep. Ho at first looked 1 and Innkeeper, Trn Mile Huuae. Kanaw ha county, Vawe seem onrsdves. Brother Alfus had had. never- around in a sort of xtupor, and then arose, lie found) Received and for »ale. 2 A Lida Ntw Orlcane Sugar, 10 bbU tbclcss, his seasons of doubt and misgiving ; but nf- j his feet benumbed : bis limbs had lost their agility “ ck* Cw,[f r ' aad ■ aaaortment of Frrabter having wrinkled his brow and whitened bis hair It was with difficulty be directed bis tteps towards tho ' p^^Lod* A,9° ’ * 'Vr,1‘*c,cetw* ,Uortmenl of

j y l I l f

Are you in earnest ?—Would you pray ? *•• I would."" Why so ?"** That I may become happier "** Do you believe that you can become happy through

praver ?" 0 *n vain disquuiiUons, he bad at lash been compelled monastery. j" y e3i J believe it now." ,to fall Lack ujw.ui the faith of little children ; and then . But the farther be went thc greater was his sur- , T/ * Cr4ss 'aU ey Gold Mining fo a p tn y * —J.•* Then trust in your Redeemer." confiding his ifo to prayer, as fo an anchor of mercy, prise. The face of thc whole country seemed chang- sioo*^"1 Cmfttel »J5orouo SharesHe then vanished. When ho next returned, she he suffcrc<l himself to rock gently in thc tide of pure (ed. Where he had before seen sprouting sl.rul*?, b<- rich Quartz claims ovrnc*l by the Company cover a

Dow raw wide-Trending c-akl. He looked for the lit- surface of too acre*, in the riche»t and moat deiirtble portion tic wooden bridge by which be was accustomed to °f Grow Valley, California. The Machinery, which i* the cross the river. It was gone, and in its place wa? m“ t «PProv^ powerful of any yet manufactured, iactl-

prayed with him again ; but she told him that she holy virion?, and heavenly hope?, would not do it any more if he brought that dark spirit ̂ But in a little while rough squalls begin again to with him, who, part of the time, made such a noise shake tbc saintly bark. The temptations of the un- that thc sen-ant heard it. She told me that it np-; demanding returned, Alfus grew sad ; dark clouds peared to her, that thc prayers and the pious words began to float over his spirit; his heart grew cold; she uttered were diffused over the spirits, and made and be could no longer pray. Wandering through them brighter; but she felt weakened by them When 1 the country, he sal upon the mossy rocks, lingered by the huntsman next came, she asked him why the good the foatn of waterfalls, and sauntered amidst the mur- spirit camo so seldom. i mure of the forest; but it vra* io rain that be sought

He answered—" I t is my fault; he cannot come J light from nature. To all bis inquiries the mountains,when he would; it is much more difficult for him to ibe leaves, and the streams gave but one answer— como than roc." j Gon! Brother Alfus caine out victorious from many

l c . n • l i • - * culafotl to pulverize 100 tuna of iiuartx per day. The prin-« solid arvh of stone. On josting a hedge on which r ||ld u( the mtr|llnery g ro u n d , and tb. Zsome women were spreading cloths to dry. they atop- mil into- ia daily expected. Tb. whole of the property ieped to look at him, and said among them.*!Ives,— paid for, and the Company free from debt. Thin in nanpec*

" There is an old man drewrd like the monks of ul,,,v* ■JT“ ' A hvr lh» 8,ock for “ •« P*'Olraut, Wc know .11 lie brother., but wc hire ocv. lU CUrV.. » • ! * » ? »***.*<M • obUiocd at th. office; if by mail, enclane two three- realcr seen him before. | *tampe, Adilrru, pontage peid, with remittooca for ntock,

"These women arc fools," said Alfus, and passed (iadraflnon New-Fork or current fond*,) to or*. But at Ixst he began lo foci uuca-v. Hn quick- RICHARDS, Secretary, 107 Fultoo-st. N York,cncj bis footcre,., as ho climbcl tbc narro* patbtraj ! 'Vb*'* •P” 1- ’"* “f n “U-b w i"« • * * * — ) !- J

If I were to go to the castle, as he wishes, can of these straggles, and each time his faith was made which led up the hill-side toward? the convent. But T T 'D ry Goods, TfJLS, foffffS , Ac*—.lu>t rr-you tell me where thc place he speaks of is ?” firmer than ever, for temptation is the gymnasium

" I could, but this black spirit will not lot me!" j of the conscience; if it docs not destroy it, it strength- Immcdiatcly the black spirit stood before her. ens it.

- I t is raid, you shall call co your Lord aud Sav- j But after a time inquietude again came over bis ior, and drive this black spirit from you." , spirit more keenly than ever. He had remarked that

" I w ill; but tell me.bow." (everything beantijful loses its charm by long use ; that" By coutinually beseeching your Redeemer to par- the eye &>.o grows tired of thc most beautiful laud-

don your sins." On thc 12th, ahe asked him why he ; scape, the car of the sweetest voice, thc heart of the. fondest lore; and then he asked, bow shall we fiod.

the gate was no longer in its old place, and the moo- fro"* v»w*York an awortm.nt of DRY COODf,ten- c h in ed ia iu .ppcaraare ; it « grew- J 1!* '" - » • '« « ? r '">u .

Gingham*. MubIirb, Bonnet*. Ribine, and a jpn.rai «*virt- meat of article* adapted to nwn and women’* wear.

was in the middle region.” For my sins. Teach inc lo pray." teven in heaven, a source cf eternal joy 1 In the midst" How ore you bound to that good spirit ?" of magnificence and delight which have no end, what" As by a chain, which has raised an inextingubb-, will become of our restless souls ? Will not unchange­

able hatred in him. I was his inferior,*and 1 made , able pleasure at lost bring on ennui ? " E ternity!a present of a chain to hia lady. lie would nut let ber j what a word for creatures who know no law but that fus rubbed bis eyes in astonishment wear it—took it and threw it into a vault. lie prom- jof change and diversity ? Wbat man would wish his j " Am 1 then mad ?" he exclaimed iscd to help me to a better situation, but he never J sweetest pleasure to last for ever ? O my God I no j the monastery of Olrontz, which I left this morning ?" did it. I and a fouiale servant took a great hatred to more past and no more future ! no more rememhrmn- i The young monk looketflt him.him ; we robbed him, and did biin all the barm we ccs and no more hopes! Eternity ! eternity! O sor- ’• I have beeD porter here for five years," was the

cr in extent, and the buildings were more numerous. A plane-tree which he bad himself planted near tho chapel a few months before, covered thc nacred build­ing with its foliage. Overpowered with asfoniihmeut thc monk approached the new eutrance, and rang gently. But it was not the same silver bell, the sound of which he knew so well. A young brother opened the door.

" What has happened?" o«ked Alfus; " is Anto­ny no longer thc porter of the convent ?"

" I don't know such a penofr," was thc reply. AI-

*' Is not this

Alao, men, women and rhildren’a Boot* and Shot*.Z T For aaie at SAMUEL PIGGOT’SCash Store, Moun­

tain Cove, Fayette county. Va.N. B. Tea* and Coffees of superior quality. afo t̂f

D y fk tk s , HalcSc*, Silrtr.Wtrt, Jc»«*7,kf.—SAMDEL PIGGOT, having recently arrived from th* city of New. York, whence he has removed his husines*, in­form* the citizens of Fayette and the adjoining counties, lh»* he has located himself at the store formerly ©ceupwd by Miles Manser, st Mountain Cove, and ollera for sale an as­sortment of W A T O H B ® A C i0 f W

VJREy 8PECTJCLE8. JE W ELRY,** •»S I L V E R W A R E , S P E C T A C L E S , J E W R srticUa usually found under the above branehea. He *» a1*0 in readiness to accommodate th* wont* of tb* P«hb* *7

Rr̂ alriaf CUcko, Wotckm *»d Jowolrr, in a thorough manner and on reasonable terms.

N B Store closed on tb* Sabbath (SafoltUy ) <l*9H




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wIll'll V iiinm latiol lo ini cxll'll ,nlis liYI (Mnjunfoli|inrinirt'i rd l») rrtur ennd

Miverse rd, tit inir i' hoI \c nl ionTill'IN i* tv |l it alilll».H|| J M S f | | i

drr oTli

inlion mat ci strati liiiriiu resf rii wc mi of iii I when vcniigvirtildi yrintli finds i pa.ikin

Mot oiily k from I igiior. mnitiN cubic From tin* tii nectec line prod ii •inns, Mfllicll •anctu yet un

Mca tained in wlii< cncd every t true s\ •▼ery of kn» •ruth


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