movie poster construction

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Here I started off with a blank A4 canvas of which I painted black. I chose black because it is a dark and dreary colour that displays horror and it also helps emphasise the colours of the text on the pages.

I wanted to keep the text the same that feature in my teaser trailer. Therefore I had to google the font Garamound Rough. This was very simple and easy to find. I applied this to the rest of the text so it would show

continuity. I chose the colour White because it was white on my trailer and stands out from the black background making it very eye catching.

I added text at the bottom saying “FOLLOW THE TREND #SOVEREIGN”, “SUNRISE PRODUCTIONS” and “KELLY PRODUCTIONS”. These were easily added and stand out very well but do not drag away from the title or the main images when you can see them.

I added a 5 star rating so it would make my poster seem so much more professional and I rated it from the guardian because they are a leading newspaper that review a lot of top class and popular films. This was also easily very done and I got the image of the stars on Google and edited them on Photoshop.

I added Lucy’s eyes first at the top due to the fact she is the leading character. I edited the colour of her eyes to be red so it would match in with a horror theme as red is a colour of which represents danger. I blended the image into the black background using the blending tool. This took a while to get use to so I had to practice a lot with it. I also changed the opacity of the image to 38 percent and the fill to 51 percent.

I then added Eimear Rodgers eyes. I only edited hers like Lucy’s changing the opacity to 38 percent and the fill to 51. I also blended the image into the black background.

I done the exact same changes to Eimear’s eyes that I did to Aislings’ and this worked very well. I also did it for Eimear L’s as well.

I added the website so people can visit it. I made it very small so it does not distract from the image and the title.

I then added the release date because it has to be in every poster. I added it to the top right hand corner but made it bigger than the web address because it is an important piece of information that needs to be displayed but not take away from the main image and title.

I then added the slogan of the film which also features in my trailer. I split them between the three images because I did not want one big long sentence because it would look squished and untidy.

The final thing I added to my poster was the Billing Credits at the bottom which also feature on every poster. I created this on Photoshop but I had to download the template off the internet. This was very easy to create and I could add more names.

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