moving from push to pull

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Ideas from The Power of Pull (Hagel, Brown, and Davison, Basic Books 2010), recapping a conversation on Voices From the Learning Revolution about moving "From push to PULL."


Seven big ideas to move from push to PULL

The Power of PullHow Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion

John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, & Lang Davison Basic Books, 2010

Being passion driven

Accessing and attracting

Creating serendipity

Understanding knowledge flows

Moving from the core to the edge—and back

Seeing leadership as talent development

Managing ROA—return on attention

What is PULL?

The power to draw resources and people when we need them to solve problems and meet challenges

By beginning to build a reputation for being helpful, either by resolving existing problems or providing insights that suggest new opportunities, individuals can begin to attract attention from people that matter.”

Hagel, Brown, and Davison

Pull is about PASSION driven learning

It begins with learning where and how to ACCESS resources but also...

... learning how to ATTRACT as well It’s about FINDABILITY

We begin to see how social networks can provide us with an unparalleled opportunity to achieve our potential by allowing us to access resources and attract people who can help us while we help them.”

Hagel, Brown, and Davison

We can create SERENDIPITY by entering situations and positioning ourselves to be with people who share our passions

The goal is not merely to generate serendipitous encounters; it is to draw out the potential for such encounters by becoming known as a helpful and insightful contributor.”

Hagel, Brown, and Davison

Information = knowledge stocksCo-creating knowledge = knowledge flows

Pull thinkers move to the EDGE to achieve new perspectives and to learn

We can no longer afford to wait around in the core for edge ideas to arrive. We have to seek them out by going to the edges—wherever they are—ourselves.”

Hagel, Brown, and Davison

But we create institutional change by moving our edge experiences back to the CORE

The real work of leadership? TALENT DEVELOPMENT

With so many people, products, info, and ideas, we must focus to achieve ROA: Return on Attention

Pull only works when a given action or interaction is in the interest of all parties concerned.”

Hagel, Brown, and Davison

From Push to Pull

Am I pursuing a passion in my work?

From Push to Pull

How am I accessing & attracting resources?

From Push to Pull

Do I position myself for serendipity?

From Push to Pull

Do I seek knowledge stocks or knowledge flows?

From Push to Pull

How often do I move to the edge?

From Push to Pull

How am I developing others’ talent?

From Push to Pull

How can I amplify and focus my attention?

Read the conversation at Voices from the Learning Revolution:Empowered by PullThe Path from Push to Pull5 ‘Pull’ Ideas Are Changing My Mind

ContactM.E. Steele-Pierce Lyn on Twitter @L_Hilt on Twitter

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