mpsj raids healthcare and beauty centres filein action: the enforcement team raiding one of the...

Post on 14-Mar-2019






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In action: The enforcement team raiding one of the premises during.the operation.

MPSJ raidshealthcare andbeauty centres

. Business operators did not adhere tocondi~ons stipulated in their licencetarikb:By LIM CHIA courtesy of MPSJ

THE Subang Jaya Municipal Counci!'. (MPSJ)conducted yet another round ofraids on Thursday evening -..and this

time, they focused mainly onhealthcare andbeauty centres.

The operation, carriea. out by MPSJenforcement officers led by'council presideritDatuk Adrian Md Ikhsan, started at 6pmandended .at about 8.30pm. Fiyeprei11ises'wereraided.

Of the five premises, two of the shops wereiri Taman Equine Seri Kembangan arid oneeach in Pusat Bandar Puchong, Puchong Prima,andUSJ21.

MPSJ assistant public relations officer ZamirUmbra Shahimi said the businesses hadcontravened the MPSJ2007 bylaw as the beau-<ty and healthcare centres were providingtreatments that were not allowed under theirbusiness licences.

"For example, if a business is iicensed forfoot massage, it can offer only foot massage,and nothing else. .

"In this case, the shop had provided fullbody massage, too,".said Zamir.

He said the five preniises were sealed andeach was slapped with a compound fine ofRMl,OOO.

Bed sets were also taken away as evidence,he said, as those providing foot massagesrequired only armchairs and not beds.

"In our last three raids, we checked a total of14 premises," Zamir said. All of them, headded, were issued compounds.

The premises were raided either at random,or following public complaints. He said theMPSJ had also kept tabs and monitored theerrant premises for some time before raidingthem.

Adnan said businesses that had been finedrepeatedly but continued to go against the law


»The councilr:eceives many'businessapPJicatipnsdaily so we might aswell give a chanc~toothers to dobusiness«DATUK ADNAN MD IKHSAN

risked having their licences revoked.He cited the example of the centre in USJ21

which had been fined numerous times ~ first,for operating withouFa licence and then, fornot abiding by theconditions~tipulated in thelicence with regard to the nature of its busi-ness. '

"We will first have to review the statistics onthe number bf times the operators hadpersisted in going against the law.

"After We have done that, we won't take action to revoke the business licences.

"The council receives many business appli-cations daily so we may as well give a chanceto others t() do business," he said"

Adnan added that the business operatorscould consider themselves luci<ythis time asthe council did not have ajointoperation withofficers from theSelangor Islamic ReligiousDepartment Uais). '.

"We are concentrating onthe'bllsillesspremises first before looking into the 'work.ers and other aspects," he said, adding thatsuch raids would be conducted frOmtime. totime and at different times of the day. ornight

SubangresJd~n~s,LJp)narmsovercommercialcomplex. .


RESIDENfSofUSJ6, SUDang. Ja)'R,ar~upin al"Insovetthe." proposed const'ruction of

a nine-storey commercialcomplex "intheir neighbour-hood..

The reside-nts claim thatthe Rroject is unsuitable forthe neighbourhood du{! toth~.size of the land andMJilllead to even more congestedroads." -

Yesterday, Su,bang JayaMunicipal Council (MPSJ)organised a meeting at- iJsheadquartersat 2.30pmwithsome 30 residents' and the

, .-/

PHILIP SOONG: Queried Yibyresidents were told of the project "

onlya week ago. "


~1>rojectdeveloper, PujanggaBudiman SdnBhd, to dis-cuss the objections to theproject.

" Members of the Press were-not .allowed to sit in on theproceedings and waited inthe foyer until the three-hQurmeeting concluded.

Philip Soong, 46, a resi-gent who participated inthe meeting, said he did notunderstand why the proposalwas not mentioned to fhe

- residents earlier and theyhad only found out about the:projecta ~eek ago.

"A big project such as thisshould be made known to~e residents early on as itwill affect u~ tremendously,"he claimed.

Soong claimed that theauthorities and develop-ers had contravened theprinciples of Local Agenda21 (LA21) which required a

'forged partnership betweenlocal authorities and thecommunities they serve, towork together to plan andcare for. the surroundingstowards sustainable devel-opement.

"Under the LA 21, we asresidents should be part ofthe decision~making as theproject wi~Laffect our daily

'lives," he claimed, addingthat any development taking

" place on the land should notbe commercial-based.

Soong claimed that in themeeting, many questionswere left unanswered.

"We questioned the MPSJand develpper on issues suchas parking and the trafficimpact on the area. However,the answers weren't satisfac-tory," he claimed.

MALAY MAIL. . 1 BJUN 2008rarlkh. .........................-

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.Pengusaha;ru."ahuruttida~pemafiie,ikSalahsebuahdaripadapremisrumahurutyangdirampaslesennyaitupernah,dikenakan.tindakansitasebehim'ini keranamelanggar



SUBANG JAVA- Tindakim'pengusaha rumah rifut djsini, membuka.semula pre-

mis. mereka yangse?flU11lini disita seolah-olahinen-cabar 'kesabaran ,MajlisPerbandaran Subang Jaya(MPSJ).

Berikutan itu, dalarn ope-rasi dilakukan malain kelma-rin, MPSJbertindakmerampas' .

,lesen premis berkenaanke-rana mendapati pengusaha-nya telah melanggar peratur-an dikenakan.

Pengarah Penguatkua-sa MPSJ, Zulkurnain CheAli berkata, salah' sebuahdaripada premis rumah urutyang dirampas lesennya itupemah dikenakan tindakansita sebelum ini kerana me-


Beberapawanitayangbekerja dalamrumah urut ditahan unt\.lksiasatan lanjut -"

langgar syarat. lab semakin berani mencabar puchong .ini sanggup mem-Bagaimanapun, katanya" kewibawaan pihakberkuasa belakangkan undang-undang

walaupun ~indakan diambil dengan membuka semula pre- ken~na mahu mengejar ke-

sebelum ini, pengusaha ter-, mis itu. "" untungan. berganda d,enganbabit tidak pemah serik; ma- "Pengusahapremis ,di menjalankan.khidmat urutan

gej ala sosial.f'Sehubungal)...itu,tnana- '

tpimaxBe,RWsa~~.):~gf11e-lai1g~ar§Yarat aan We,l~ku-

/kari k~salahan behIlang, kitatidal( teragak-agak merampaslesen pemiaga~n merekat:'

, katanya.Dala!1l operasiitu,.se-

rarnai 20Penguatkuasa !1l~-nyerbutigarumahhrut diUSJdanPuchong ctans~mllC}pre-

, inisitucti¥abtutup., ' .'Kat~Yar'tiga wanitawar-

, "", g~}l1donesiadiserahkanke-.badan dan batin. . 'pada 'polisselepas serbuan itu

':Kita tidak pemahl11el11-o,untuksiasatan lanjutkeranati-benarkanlesenurutreflekso.'"'' dal(mempunyaidokumenper- '

Ilo,gi-digunakanoleh p~mi!ik jalanan sah. ,,''a,taupekerjallntuk tnenJalan- Difahantkan,NIPSJme~g-

,l(an urutan badan,"katanya. arnbil tindakan menyitasemuaSementara itu, Yang premisdanmerarnpas barang

DipertuaMPSJiDatUkAdnan , 'B'rlkti, manakala pengusahaMd Ikl).sanberkataf'beliaume- terbftbit dikenakan ~ompaunnerimabanyakaduandaripada, RMl,OOO. .,'orang rarnai yang mendakwa Pemilik ya,ngtidak mem-rumah urut itu ibarat seperti punyai lesen dikenakansarang pelacuran. ' tiridakandi bawah Undang~

"Memang kita tiada buk- undangKecilPusatKesihatanti untuk-met:lgatalcan seperti, MPSJ 2007 manakalary-angitu, tetapi jika menjalankan melanggar syaratdikenakankhidmat urutan batin ia se~° ,tindalmndi bawah Seksyenolah-Qlah membawakearah ,3(1)undang-undang,sarna. '

~SINAf-SJUK ~~..............Tarikh: ............




. -

sandminingactivitiesprofits back to the people.

. "The privatisation of water gen-erates huge profits and we are ofthe opinion that these profits

, - channelled back to thepeople. " .

Khalid said other measures to.. . "giveback to the people"wouldbe

of therevjew of privatisation pro-announced.dJJring Pakatan Raky-jectsinvolvingnaturaI resources in. at's.,fu:st .too-day celebrations on.the.state, including, ~and miningfJiday.; . .and water. '. . Earlier,Khalidsaidstategovern-

Khalid.said. natural re,sources ment de.gill"tmentsshould not,,belongedto.thepeopleaild they spend money onsouvenirs for ei:- !should'bethebeneficiariesan.dnot ther' bini, state' executive councilcom;!:)ssjgpc?inp1Wie]~ ' . membersorheadsofdepartmenC

Khalid;, spealdngi after':' ilie KhalidalSo .criticised"themovemonthly assembly'with civil sel'-- . by theFtJderalGovernmentto payvantsat-the state Secretariat on civilservantstheir salaries twiceaMonday,saidthe)'irst20pUbicme- month: - itres offreewatert<fbe giy,ento do" Hesaid this woUldmake it diffi--:mestic users was all''exiunple of cult for themto..manage their ex-how' the state was. ch~elling penses.

. I;IYNeville Spykerman,'!IY'

SHAH AIAM~ The Selangorgov-ernment will take over the sandmining activities in the state.Thjs isexpected togenerlj,te- ,betWeenRM250 million and RM300 millionin profit annimlly.

MenteriBesar Tan Sri Khalid-Ibrahim said the 'state would lIlso

no longer give out concessions to"private cOIJlpanies. .'~'

Currently, the 'state earns onlyRM20million anlmally in,;royaltytromprivatecoDlpanief;. " '

!fTlt~benefitto the people ~;Qnly.cabout 10per cent ofthe entire prof-its made by these cO.Qlpanies."

He said the profitS'derived fromthe activity would be used for thewelfar~ ofthe people. -

Khalidslrid.the decisionv.vaspart

SAND.MINING REVENUE.,. ., '.W' w." .'."'- ,_.


Selangor Menteri Besar Tan SriAbdul Khalid.Ibrahim says tbe people should. benefit fromnatural resources, not concession ~ompa!1ies "

. .

NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: 1.a..~.~.~...~~~.....

~-~" -~_.. -..

:" " " -- '\!~~~~f~f~'.-'-'u~

Duabulantentukan'kadartoldengansyarikatkonsesi.KUALA LD:MPUR - Rundingankerajaan dengan syarikat konsesitol rnengenai kernungkinan rne-ngurangkan kadar to 1, dijangkaselesai dalarn ternpoh dua bulan,

)mta Menteri Kerja Raya Datuk

Mohd. Zin Mohamad sernalilrn."Karni serius dalarn rundingan

dengan syarikat konsesi tol ter-.babit," kata Mohd; Zih ketika di-rninta rnengulas mengenai kerna-juan.rundi,ngan itu.

"laberjalan denganbaik danrnerupakan usaha bIJrsepaduyang serius bagf rnengurangkanbeban rakyat," katanya.

Beliau bercakap kepada pern-berita selepas rnerasrnikanPer-


Tarikh:.:~ 8 JUN 2008.

sidangan Antarabangsa rnenge-naiTIJknologif.~~b~naan dan Ba-ngunan 2008, dl Sill!.

Bulan lepas, kerajaan mengu-rnurnkan .rancangannya untukrnengkaji sernula konsesi. lebuh

raya, dengan kernungkinan kadartol akandikurangkan yang ber-gantungkepada hasil kajian Ke-rnenterian Kerja Raya ke atassyarikat konsesi lebuh raya.- Bernarna .

-_.~ ~._--

Kerajaan sedia kaji sem~Ja gaji 2 kali sebul~nIPOH 17 Jun - Kerajaan bersedia meng-kaji semula pembayaran gaji pegawai dankakitangan kerajaan sebanyak dua kaliseb1ilari jika pelaksanaan sistemitu nantimenyusahkan golongan pekeIja,

~enteri Sumber ¥anusia, Datuk~Dr. S.Subramaniam bagaimanapun

p~~ah~ka~1t~~~~;keri,tj~~,_--;+. .'la bertuJuan'1l1ennga:Ukan beolln pek{LJ.--c

e~()ran kenaik~n ko~ barang sekliran~:'i;::~emp"\lt behau, slstem P~.~g~aI:ai1'gajr;:

tersebut adalah untuk membolehkan pe-keIja membuat perbelanjaan"seeara samarata atau 1ebih tepat gaji pekeIja seIitiasal

, meneukupi sepanjang bulan. ;

"Menerusi gaji sebulan sekali, ada peker-ja kehabisan wang dalam-tempoh dua tigahari selepasmendapat gaji. Ada yang tidakada wanglagi untuk belanjahingga terpak-sa meminjam daripada pihak lain.

"Jadi apabila gaji dibayar dua:kali dil1amsebulan p~ekeIja-b~leh ' mula ea:raperbelanj~n masing- paya duitgaji meneukupi'unm ng bulan,"katanya kepada pemb' as melan-carkan Pameran..l4tw,t aan Keeil '

dan S.ederhanll(PKS)'\!.'1l';"'';';' ini. .Behau ~e~gulas.kenYIl~~§uruhanJaya

H!!kA$asr:Manusla (Suhak3:ip)yang me-5nlintakerajaan mengkaji2se~ula pemba-

yaran gaji kakitangan awam sebanyak duakali sebulan mulai Ogosini. ,

Subramaniam berkata, kerajaan seda:rbahawa kakitangan awam memerlukanmasa untuk membiasakan diri dengan sis-tem pembaY<iran gaji tersebllt.,

Jelas beliau, ini termasuk 'bagaimana,i.,.,:".'..'"

~kakitangan'llwruw:hendak menguruskan~dw",p~mBI:ly'a['!!$ansuran ker~tadan rumali Ibraslllg~maslllg pada 'setlap

):n~J!I;J;l'1 ! .1, 'fJusteru, katanya, semua kakitangaIi

awam perlumengatur kewanganmerekadengan baik supaya masalah kehabisan

, dtIit gaJi sebelumlni dapat diatasi. "

UTUSAN MALAYSIA'Tarikh: ~1.J..~9~..lQr~.....

Dalam pada itu, beliau turut menafikanbahawa kerajaan bakal mengaut 'keuntu-ngan kerana boleh menyimpan .wang gaJipekeIja selama 15 hari menerusi sistempembaya:ran gaji baru itu.,Jelasny;a, tanggapansedemikian adalah

sillah kerana,matlamat utama kerajaandalaUl halj,it1i'adaIah'iuntuk. Ill~mastikanpekeIjam~miJUny'11i wang sep'iUijang bu-~Ian." . ,

,,~,KalaupekeIja menghadapi masalah de-ngah sistem gaji barn itu nantiia boleh,digawakepada kerl].jaan semula dan kitaakan buat keputusan yang baik untuk.pekeIja," jelasnya. . "

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Tarikh: :1.8..J~J.t~....






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Ultimatum 1

for civi;1servants

/1 Toe the Unepr leave, say~ P~tak .MBByHAHF.OONGLIANhal;@thestai'

IPOH:Civil servants in Perak havebeen warned to pledge, their fullallegiance to the stilte goverl)-ment or be moved out of the state,Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Moham-

mad Nizar)amaluddin saig.. 'Speaking at ilpress conference

in the run-up to PakatanRakyafs1OOthday in powerWhith falls onJuly7, Nizarsaid: ,

, "We told' them directly that ifanyone refuses to give,comple,teallegiance to the Govef)1ment, tM

, ,government of the day will tell'him bye~bye;'

However,. Nizarpointed butthatthe~iyils~rvants were begiJl-ning to be I11QrecOll,fidentof theGovernment. ' . ,"

"f}t,fi(st,;w~ila~some problemsbecausE) ,s911l~,~dopted . the .wait~and~seeattirude;!I,said'Ni~ar,wh()'was accompa~ieg,;byhi~stateexecutive cOllncif,members." J

On. wheth~rc!'QY',.si"ir ~ervantbad been removed or volunteeredtoleave,Nizafsaid:, ' '

, "Surprisihgly,(g§g.ealtboughwe hav..e to.1dth,eiTI'Jhat if theydonlWC!,Qtto be,Witl}theGovern-ment; tl1~poor is op\If."

HoW€!Ve~,.,he".didiwt.respondwhen,~skeq if Perak'ReligiousDepart01en,tdir~ctor DatukJarnry~ury; whomtl1ego"ernmenttriedto rem'ove, was,coiinted as a civilservant. '

Niiar noted that most of the


problems the' peoplehad elements of discriminationand his government would not Itolerate that. I

On whether the move to boy- icott Utusan Melayu in the fivePakatan Rakyat~Ied states could'be seen asa form of discrimina-tion, Ni~at~aid:"lf we allowPerakians to read Utusah, theyWouldbe even more tacist."

It wastheobli~(ltion ",of the<ioV~f)1menfto stop ratistsenti~mentsfrom spreading,he added.,

, " Nizar lamented that news .ofthestate'.governmentgivingoutaid to5,OOOl1ardcorE)poor livingin nine, distriCts ha.d 1)0t beenhighlightecLinmany l1ewspapers;

. Suchfunctions coiild easily be< gIven.airtimebutthey wetefiot,"he said. ~lthinkthat it is unfair.

Butthe people of Perak ar~smartandithey cangetcoyerage fromthe ,illtegtat.iyemedia,';Jieadded.

,On'!he'pledge W'redufe watertariffs .bYlO%,seQjorexcoOlem-ber D?tuk t-jgehK(),9Harhsaid asurvey found thatgqmestiCusers '

felt the currenf rates were not aburden.

, Ngeh also pointed out that thestate was 'financially stable andhad someRM700mil in its' re~serves despite a ,deficitin the pastfour,years:

Nizar brushed aside severalquestions such as those touchiQgon PASYouth'scallto i111plement-ed Islamic' systems in Pakatanstates and also011IslamHadhari.

Tarikh: ...1..e..~H~..~.....


State wants back concessions- -

SHAH ALAM:The state gov-ernment wants to "buy back"and restructure the four con-cessionaires involved - in pro-.ducing and distributing waterbecause of inefficient delivery

~of services. " -t 'i Mentri Besat"Tan Sri Khalicl

Ibrahim said that among the rea-sons for the privatisation of thestate's water resources waS to

reduce cost and bureaucracywhile increasing the efficiencyofservices and benefits to con- Isumers.

He noted that the concession-aires had to be offered profits toattract them to undertake theprojectsbut questionsarose whensome of them mad~)1efty profitswhile the people got little inreturn in terms of benefits. '

, -~STAR

Tarikb: j ..e..J.U~."'..



~fS~AH A~~M - Keraj~ Fk~ta,\~g~atan-,".R~Iwat Neg ~gap+~latlg()F:maliq:1IR~ngkaji, ,yang\~iiia teimii-~~ijimjian;~ ntting- \

nma projek penswaStaa:q;~ - idg1a.t-If






~n' itu Y














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J1l,-. '

\",b.agl lilemastlkan P!.°J ,atan,Y<\llg ...~perkhidmatari te.rQabjo';ngufttul!gk~~ar~ akan1fiem-

Icl5.(msep'mei:il(yatkK&~. ' " ,,' , ',,', enguIi1UITlan'mi'yang diamaikan. ;";i-;'~:;;"?meIi"ajlis simbut-

Menteri Besar,' rah'c;Sri<a-ftJQbJr 'adbiraii'PakatanKhalid Ibrahim Derka!~?J.aPg;.;~:;'R'' "'elangoryangdi-

J\Illtet~ebuttldak berqi_,' ' ., ~" j 'g di ~taQiumr~jrnffinegerimahuW~*;> ':'M aatinr. .kan.peIjanjian ata~,~Q;F.(~ft ",', " ' "J:iegeri. baru-

Jidak suka,melihat 15i1t3l(sYa.~ :~jnime,ndlPai:l'e.fs.ettJj~anrikat'IIleri191l#~eunfUhgan,;;"(deng,"!"~y~atB~*ahir{~ir, '~IKita"'s "Selarigor-SdrtBhd(Syabas)J~n-rundingsemuliagarkeimtung-tang'pe.IIlbekalil.nairpefJ;Uina


+kadar:"rang.~ajarj ~gat;'J>e.,,~-,,1~~~t$ij~~Jw,~.~~~&aii11~naI\.bahagl~y~~p~~,2:1pulan~-"iMhlfWJ '~;i!\>Hpap>.r~ya"

'~:lf~1~~~~;~~,~,~~~~I" .'k', J;pengarang:pengarangmediadi, " ,

;1k~i1u}'iiJ,IT'f;l~t~e~epJ3..~~W:,;,.:"se1afio;"disilli seiIlijain.' .,',,'i*,,'~~'tf«p1':;ffi~r\1B~rfp~ijdtf-~wi

rj.anprojek'",,,) , '

.~.~---,~._". ", SlN'AR'~-'''''~'''''--'-'~- ~J.

TarikhoJ.8 JU"-0...............................

SUNTarikh 1 8 JUN 2008,

SUNTarikh 1 8 JUN 2WI}n.n n n............

NEW STRAITS TIMBS'. 1 8 JUN2006Tarllth. .........

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