mrs. roosevelt miss with group today · 2018. 4. 27. · mrs. roosevelt lunches with better housing...

Post on 28-Jan-2021






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  • Mrs. Roosevelt Lunches With Better Housing Group at Y. W. C. A.


    Secretary Perkins Spends Easter in New York—Representative O’Day

    Fetes Visitors.

    MRS. ROOSEVELT attended

    the luncheon today at the Y. W. C. A. when a group of those Interested in bet- ter housing met. This after-

    •Aon Mrs. Roosevelt will receive a number of farm women who have come from North Carolina.

    The Secretary of Labor, Miss Fran- ces Perkins, will spend the week end In New York, making the trip by motor.

    Mrs. Joseph W. Byrns, wife of the Speaker of the House, was the ranking guest at luncheon today of Mrs. Snyder, wife of Representative J. Buell Snyder of the twenty-fourth congressional district of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Snyder entertained in the Speak- er’s dining room at the Capitol and her other guests were delegates to the Continental Congress of the N. S. D. A. R. from the twenty-fourth district of Pennsylvania, including Mrs. Ellen Springer Rough, Mrs. Mary Hunt. Mrs. D. L. Miller, Mrs. P. E. Sheppard, Mrs. P. F. Smith, Mrs. D. A. Griffith. Mrs. J. B. Sheets, Mrs. J. H. Bamsby, Mrs. W. W. Green and Miss Esther Boughner, registrar of Pennsylvania D. A. R., all of Union- town; Mrs. Emma Evans of Rock- wood, Mrs. Katharine Hooker of Con- nellsville. Mrs. D. L. Miller of Con- fluence. Mrs. J. W. Endsley of Somers- field, and Mrs. Car Duff of Republic.

    Representative Caroline O’Day en- tertained at luncheon today in the House dining room for Mrs. George Hewitt of Carthage, N. Y., and Mrs. Julius Frank of Ogdensburg, N. Y., who are visiting in Washington.

    The Assistant Attorney General and Mrs. Harold M. Stephens entertained at dinner last evening in the Co- lonial room of the Wardman Park Hotel in honor of Senator and Mrs. William H. King of Utah. Their other guests were the Assistant to the At- torney General and Mrs. William Stan- ley. the Assistant Attorney General and Mrs. Frank J. Wideman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suydam.

    Associate Justice Groner of the United States Court of Appeals and Mrs. D. Lawrence Groner returned to Washington last evening after spend- ing several days in Charleston, S. C.

    Mr. Robert Lincoln O'Brien, chair- man of the Tariff Commission, has been joined by Mrs. O’Brien, who spent some time at their lovely coun- try home at Westwood, near Boston. Mrs. O'Brien was here for part of the Winter season and will remain until some time in June.

    The Director of the Census and Mrs. W. L. Austin are in Atlantic City for a week.

    Mrs. Sanford L. Willets, wife of the aeronautical supervisor of Long Island, for the Department of Commerce, Is in Washington to spend Easter with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Wandell. Mrs. Willets was formerly Miss Betty Faunce.

    MaJ. Gen. James E. Fechet, U. S. A.,

    retired, and Mrs. Fechet have returned to the Martinique for an indefinite stay.

    Mrs. Marshall, widow of Gen. F. C. Marshall, has come from Panama and is the guest of her brother-tn-law and sister, Gen. and Mrs. George S. 81- monds in their apartment in the Wyoming. Mrs. Marshall will remain some time and will sail in June for Panama, where she will join her brother, Mr. Charles Tracy Page.

    Mrs. B. Lewis Padgett, wife of Lieut. Col. Padgett, and their two sons, Don- ald and Bruce, are leaving tomorrow on a motor tour through the South, their destination being Charleston, S. C.

    En route Mrs. Padgett and her chil- dren will visit In Raleigh, N. C., and in Columbia and Wilmington, 8. C.

    Capt. William N. Hughes. U. S. N„ and Mrs. Huges are spending a few days at the Martinique.

    Capt. Joseph A. Biello, U. S. N.. and Mrs. Biello have arrived at the Mar- tinique from Newport, R. I., for a short

    ! visit. -•--

    Winchester Society Plans for May Fete

    The Czechoslovakian Minister and Mme. Veverka, whose daughter, Mile. Nella Veverka, will b? queen of the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival in Winchester, Va„ May 2-3, expect to attend the blossom-time celebration, and may be accompanied from Wash- ington by a party of friends. Mile. Veverka will meet members of her court, including princesses and maids of honor, for the first time at a lunch- eon to be given in her honor May 2 by Mrs. Richard Evelyn Byrd. Mme. Veverka, mother of the queen. Is to be guest of honor at a luncheon the following day by Mrs. R. T. Barton. Mrs. Melvin Green and Mrs. B. M. Roszel. Members of the party will watch the queen's parade from Mrs. Barton’s porch and lawn. Dr. and Mrs. Hunter H. McGuire will be the queen’s official hosts.

    “Daphne’s Debut” an Easter Week Benefit “Daphne's Debut,’’ an amusing

    satire on Washington social life, which will be given on Tuesday and

    | Wednesday, April 23 and 24, in the i ball room of the Mayflower, is at- | trading much attention in local so- ! clety circles.

    Miss Rhoda Rumsey and Mr. Ken- nedy McIntyre have a particularly clever cloak room and bell hop num- ber which promises to be one of the outstanding bits in the play. Miss Dorothy Hayes, in her mammy song, “I Ain't Going Home No Mo.” another catchy air, is very well done by this amateur performer. Mrs. Eleanor Hurd Is also doing some very fine work In the leading part as Daphne.

    Betrothals Announced Here Today

    Miss Rowland to Wed Mr. Bishop—Miss Fishback Engaged

    Mis* Isabella Rowland announces the engagement of her niece, Mar- garetta Park Rowland, to Mr. H. Reginald Bishop of Middleburg, Va., son of the late Mr. and Mri. H. Reg- inald Bishop, of Mount Kisco, N. Y.

    Miss Rowland is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black Rowland, of Washington. She at- tended Holton Arms and the Permata School at Aiken, N. C.

    The wedding will take place at Rock Rest, the home of Miss Isa- bella Rowland, near Bluemont, Va., late in June.

    Mrs Frederick Lewis Fishback has announced the engagement of her daughter. Miss Margaret Fishback, of New York and Washington to Mr. Alberto G. Antolini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dante Antolini, of Rutherford, N. J.

    Miss Fishback is a graduate of Goucher College, in Baltimore. Mr. Antolini is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Florence and the University of Switzerland. Both Miss Fishback and Mr. Antolini are connected with R. H. Macy & Co., in New York.


    Congressional Club Parties Easter Week

    According to custom, there will be no entertaining tomorrow in the Con- gressional Club or until after Easter. Easter Monday there will be a matinee bridge luncheon and Tues- day evening at 7:30 o'clock there will be a dinner dance.

    A series of book reviews will be given at the club Tuesday mornings, April 23, May 7 and May 21 at 11 o'clock, by Mrs. Arthur Van Hagan. Members may bring guests.

    Miss MacDonald Guest Dean of Corps and Lady Lindsay 'Hosts—Mme. Saito Not at Home.

    Bis Brittanic Majestys’ Ambassador, the dean of the diplomatic corps, Sir Ronald Lindsay, and Lady Lindsay have as their guest today and over night. Miss Sheila MacDonald, daugh- ter of Prime Minister MacDonald of Great Britain, who arrived in Wash- ington this morning.

    Miss MacDonald, who Is on a trip around the world, visited for some time on the West Coast and has been making her way slowly East. She will sail shortly for England.

    The Ambassador of the Union of So- viet Socialist Republics and Mme. Troy- anovsky have issued invitations for a recital by Mr. Armand Tokatuan and Miss Antonia Brico’a trio Wednesday evening. April 34, at 10 o'clock at the embassy.

    Mme. 8aito, wife of the Ambassador of Japan will not observe her Friday afternoon at home tomorrow.

    The Minister of Ecuador, Senor Co- lon Eloy Alfaro, will leave this after- noon for New York, from where he will sail Saturday on the Santa Inez for Guayaquil, Ecuador. He will be gone two months.

    The Minister of the Netherlands and Mme. van Haersma de With enter- tained at luncheon yesterday in honor of The Netherlands’ consul general in 8an Francisco and Mme. van Coenen Torchiana and Prof, and Mme. Schrieke.

    Mrs. Close, wife of the Minister of the Union of South Africa, has issued invitations for a cocktail party Thurs- day, April 35, from 5 to 7 o'clock in her residence at 1521 New Hampshire avenue. The party will be given in farewell to Mrs. Wilfred Mann, daughter of the Minister and Mrs. Close, who will sail the next day on the Aqultania for her home in London.

    The Minister and Mrs. Close and Mrs. Mann will leave the Capital to- morrow for a motor trip to Charlottes- ville and Williamsburg, Va., return- ing Monday.

    Mrs. Close will not observe her day at home this week and will not re- ceive on Fridays for some time.

    Senora de Brache, wife of the Min-

    Ister of the Dominican Republic, will not receive tomorrow afternoon.

    The counselor of the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- lics and Mme. Skvlrsky entertained at dinner last night, their guests being the Assistant Secretary of the Treas- ury, Miss Josephine Roche; the as- sistant chief of the Division of East- ern European Affairs of the State Department and Mrs. Earl Packer, the counselor of the British Embassy, Mr. F. D. O. Osborne; the counselor of the Japanese Embassy and Mme. Fuji!, the counselor of the Danish Legation, Mr. Hialmar Collin; the counselor of the Canadian Legation and Mrs. Hume Wrong, the military attache of the 8ovlet Embassy and Mrs. Vladimir Burzin and Miss Dor- othy Detzer.

    New Mexico Society To Fete Governor

    Gov. Clyde Tingley of New Mexico will be the guest of honor at a recep- tion to be given Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the north room of the Mayflower by the New Mexico State Society of Washington.

    Children's Theater Will Close Season

    Washington boys and girls will have an Easter treat Saturday morn- ing of this week, when at 10:30 o’clock, In the National Theater, they will attend, many of them as guests of prominent men and women, the final performance for this season of the Children’s Theater of New York, presenting the beloved “Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp.” Even though Eleanor and Curtis Roosevelt Dali will not be in the city, it is expected that Mrs. Roosevelt will attend the play and perhaps take some children as her guests. Other well-known sponsors include Mrs. Harold Ickes, Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes. Mrs. Rob- ert M. La Follette, Mrs. William How- ard Taft, Mrs. William Phillips, Mrs. Donald Rlchberg, Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, Miss Katherine Lenroot, Miss Bertie Backus, Miss Sibyl Baker, Miss Selma Borchardt, Dr. Mary Alice Brosius, Mrs. Jerry Cowden, Mrs. Henry W. Draper. Dr. Everett Ellison, Mrs. C. R. Ely, Rev. Eddy Ford, Mrs. David St. Pierre Gaillard, Mr. Julius Garflnkel, Mrs. Christian Heurich, Mrs. Marion Huff, Mrs. William Henry King. Mrs. Keith Merrill. Mrs. James Oliver Murdock, Mrs. Theodore P. Noyes, Mrs. Richard Ratcliff. Mias Allison Reid, Mrs. Frederick Reuter, Mrs. Alice Rodgers, Mrs. Joseph Wright Rumbaugh, Mr. Vincent Shields, Miss Mabel Vernon and Mrs. Richard Whiteley.

    A number of boys and girls are in- cluded among the list of sponsors for the performance, including Eileen, Hope and Hal Erwin, children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parsons Erwin, and Ann, Elizabeth and Peter Huidekoper.

    children of Mr. end Mrs. Reginald Huidekoper. A number of children will have theater parties Saturday morning, Including Duncan Riggs Burchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Burchard.

    The special guests at the perform- f ance vill be members of the Christ f Child Society, Friendship House, jj Neighborhood House, St. John's Or- j phanage and Weightman School for Crippled Children.




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    I We're not waiting until after Easter... we're reducing our Spring Coats and Suits omorrow, at

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    Choice of our entire stock

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    Spring Coats j and Suits I

    reg. $29.75 to $39.75 1

    *23 These suits and coats are fashion


    highlights in the Spring picture. 7 The suits are two and three piece types, tailored or furred. Furs are Galyac, Fox, Squirrel and

    reg. $19.75 & $22.75 1

    *15 Fitted and swagger coats of nice woolens, well fined. Some have the. popular taffeta trims, others §p are simply tailored.

    Third Floor.

    3*:in m u [ jmiimjjm nnmn 1 V''i ! lllj] nii 1' J / 1 PM nii, T H'l HI I I i 11 liiilllillllliliiillllii'!HL.i.l|lriillilmilHl niillwilllltiiMiWlllroril

    I Clearance of Dresses I I regularly $7.60 to $13.95 I

    A special group of silk frocks Jp in gay prints and colors, includ- jr ing navy, brown, black, and ^ J bright shades.

    Philipsbom, Second Floor. te



    9 For style, youth- ^B S ful smartness and IB 9 value see these 9 Tweeds. The good- 9 |H looking coat sketch- ^B Wm ed Is of striped ^B 9 tweed, with a perky MB ||| pointed collar. 9 jaj You’ll And the gay- ^B 9 est colors and sizes IHj |gl| tor misses and ^B ml women. BK

    ||j Other Coatt M 1 $12.95 to $29.75 9 ■ CHARGE IT AT 8 1 EISEMAN’S S 9 Pay after Eas- 9 9 ter. during May, 9 June and July. 9| 9 No Interest Wk S added. 19


    f\ » *

    FRIDAY, 9:15 A.M. to 6 P.M.

    Friday Clearance

    in the Women’s Shop All Salat Final. Quantities Limited. Subject to Prior Sale.

    10 Navy Pelt Hate; sma*t 13 Misses’ Dresses; prints and Spring styles; were $5. plain colors; sizes 12 to 20; i

    *2.95 were *12 95 to *16.95. *9.95 35 Straw and Fabric Hats; 16 Tailored Suits; navy, brown

    smart Spring styles; were and blaclc; gtzeg l2 20; $5 to $8.50 .$3.95 were $16 95 |i9 95

    15 Scarfs; were $1.95.59e $14.95

    $10.95 to $12.95 Taffeta, Crepe and Print

    SMART DRESSES $5 95 Just 14. Sizes 17 to 20.

    2 Harris Tweed Coats; sizes 48 Pairs Hoee; chiffon and 14 and 16; were (25.*14.95 mesh styles; broken sizes

    1 Coat; white and yellow *nd colors; were (1.15.79c plaid; size 16; was *39.75. 5g Misses' Dresses; high and

    *22.75 dark color print crepes: 54 Pairs Chiffon Hose; broken sizes 12 to 18; were *7.95

    Sizes .49c to $10.95 .(4.95

    • Parking Service—Chauffeurs in Attendance •


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    T For Easter _ / j

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    j 0, C0ATSI V ■*r / X W/MEN min-tii- J / W lored stylet are ^ ( triumphing in I 1 _^^^^BK£BBK|£B^k V, we are g/ f distinctive \

    We are a

    ^^^B^^^BBB store—far a quarter ^^BHBHHB^K a century we have fine ta>- V ^BBKBB^B I or nq for men. j tnese coats you will A j find the same expert 1

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    1 ^BH^^B the same I V of o<

    I^Jb^P*2975 J ^nH^aSKB^V the


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    fine man | achieved without | 9^HHB^BS«B»§|P§|| sacrificing any style t BH^^BBB The I V, sleeves / r ric—the snug neck- I ^^BH^^BB 1 I ^HBB^B pockets—are some ^BBBBaBpl|Br$B the details that make

    one our I

    | j

    \ TAILORED enough for aft- / r I ernoona—dressy enough mS&immKK^B/jk U I for "dress up” affairs. Mads ^ * 1 I more sophisticated by neck- I | line and cuff treatments of I ;W\ 1 grosgrajn ribbon. A sheer t 1 \ \ U chiffon with one of the tea- d j : j / / son's moat promising effects— p^j \J, ®\ I POLKA DOTS. Favored color a T! [11 I I combinations of navy with tjpS I pink, beetroot with pink, '\X X \ brown with aqua.

    ( 51295 ) \ • CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED • I RALEIGH HABERDASHER \ j • Perking Service—Chauffeur) In Attendance $ V THE WOMEN'S SHOP—1310 W STREET J

    r 4

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