msc automotive brochure

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  • 8/3/2019 Msc Automotive Brochure




    VCA - Del iver ing a Safer Environment

  • 8/3/2019 Msc Automotive Brochure


    VCA - Delivering a Safer Environment | 1

    ContentsPg2 Formal Certifcation Burden or Beneft?

    3 Why VCA?

    4 ISO/TS 16949 (Automotive Quality)

    6 ISO 9001

    8 Lie Cycle Assessment

    10 ISO 14001

    12 Acorn (A Phased Approach)

    14Eco-Management & Audit Scheme (EMAS)

    16 OHSAS 18001 (Health & Saety)

    18 Integrated Certifcation

    19 Training

  • 8/3/2019 Msc Automotive Brochure


    Obtaining certication toISO 14001 has certainly madea difference to our bottom linkby forcing us to look critically atour waste management systems.Some of our waste streams arenow actually making money

    VCA Customer

    We would have no hesitationin recommending the servicesof the VCA to other companies.Based on what we have seenit is difcult to suggest anyimprovements to their ser vice

    VCA Customer

    Formal Certification Burden or Benefit?Providing a quality product in a sustainable way and caring or

    your workorce are rightly viewed as important eatures o

    responsible management. Introducing management systems

    based on recognised standards can play a critical role in this

    process. Having taken that step, achieving ormal certifcation

    will send a clear message about your commitment and

    should give you access to a wealth o industry best practice

    inormation rom your certifcation body.

    It will come as no surprise that the most successul companies

    view their management systems as a vital business tool and

    ar rom being a burden they have the potential to make a

    signifcant dierence to the bottom line. Some o the key

    benefts are:

    Operational efciencies and cost savings

    Supports stronger legislative compliance, signifcantly

    reducing the potential or ailure

    Opens the door to new business as certifcation is oten a

    condition o supply

    Sends a clear message about your to quality, sustainability

    and the welare o your workorce

    Improved perormance, providing a ramework or

    continuous improvement, increasing sta morale

    Why VCA?Choosing the right certifcation partner is one o the most

    important elements o the certifcation process. There are a

    bewildering number o service providers out there but you

    should look or one that will add value to the overall process.

    VCA is a specialist in the automotive sector, having supported

    the certifcation needs o the industry or more than 30 years.

    This means that our expert auditors have a comprehensive

    insight into every aspect o your business. It also means that we

    bring a signifcant amount o industry best practice practice to

    the table and this is oten cited as a key reason why customers

    choose VCA as their certifcation partner. VCA is also the UK

    national type approval authority, certiying most vehicle types

    against the appropriate environmental, saety and security

    standards. This too means that we have an expert understanding

    o legislation and the process o vehicle certifcation.

    Our service is based on the cornerstones o integrity,

    proessionalism, quality and the very best customer service. We


    Provide audit teams that have real experience o the issues

    you ace

    Look or opportunities or improvement, based on experience and best practice within your sector

    Provide a dedicated support team

    Provide clear pricing inormation with no hidden extras

    Promote stable relationships with your audit team, you wont

    see a dierent person every time

    Provide integrated certifcation programmes to save you money (Quality, Environmental and Health & Saety)

    VCA is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service

    (UKAS) against ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Acorn.

    In addition to this, VCA is recognised by the International

    Automotive Task Force (IATF) against ISO/TS 16949. VCA has a

    client base ranging rom SMEs to multi-national companies and

    meets their needs rom ofces around the world. Our aim is to

    help you to succeed.

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    ISO/TS 16949 (Automotive Quality)ISO/TS 16949 was developed by the International Automotive

    Task Force (IATF), in cooperation with the International

    Standards Organisation (ISO). The aim o this standard is to

    provide harmonised quality systems within the automotive

    supply chain, resulting in a ocussed and consistent approach.

    The standard is based on the structure o ISO 9001 and the

    specifc requirements o the automotive quality standard.

    ISO/TS 16949:2009 aligns with ISO 9001:2008. Key points


    Improved product and process quality

    Additional confdence in global sourcing

    Reassignment o supplier resources to quality improvement

    Common quality system approach in the supply chain or

    supplier/sub-contractor development and consistency

    Reduction in multiple 3rd party registrations

    Potential benefts o ormal certifcation include:

    Operational efciencies and cost savings

    Opens the door to new business as certifcation is oten a

    condition o supply

    Sends a clear message about your commitment

    Increases customer confdence

    Provides a ramework or continuous improvement,

    increasing sta moraleAs automotive specialists, VCA was the frst UK certifcation

    body to be recognised by the IATF to this standard. Existing

    customers value the experience that our expert auditors can

    bring to the table, including a signifcant level o industry best

    practice. An excellent indication o this is the list o OEMs that

    have chosen to us e VCA as their certifcation partner, including

    Jaguar, Land Rover, Bentley, McLaren, Volkswagen Autoeuropa

    and Hyundai (Alabama).

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the section

    entitled Why VCA?

    During audits staff arealways professional anddemonstrate a high level ofindustry knowledge

    VCA Customer

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    My rst experience of a VCA audit, which I found professionally deliveredand productive

    VCA Customer

    ISO 9001For many years now the ISO amily o standards have existed

    as an eective ramework around which to base quality

    management systems. By ar the most commonly used standard

    is ISO 9001 as it can really be applied in any sector. The latest

    iteration o the standard contains 5 main clauses, including:

    Quality Management System

    Management responsibilities

    Resource management

    Product realisation

    Measurement analysis and improvement

    An increasing number o companies are seeking to back-up

    their processes with ormal ISO certifcation and the ollowing

    potential benefts explain why:

    Operational efciencies and cost savings

    Increases customer confdence

    Opens the door to new business as certifcation is oten a

    condition o supply

    Focussed sector scheme, allowing or a common approach

    Provides a ramework or continuous improvement,

    increasing sta morale

    VCA is an accredited certifcation body and can oer you the


    Certifcation and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you ace

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas o your quality

    system that might need more work beore certifcation

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the section

    entitled Why VCA?

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    The latest addition to our environmental product portolio,

    Lie Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a process that evaluates the

    environmental burdens associated with a product, process or

    activity. This is done by identiying energy and materials used

    as well as wastes and emissions released into the environment.

    LCA verifcation means that a product or service has been

    produced ollowing the ISO 14040, ISO 14044 and ISO 14062


    Put simply, ISO 14062 covers the integration o environmental

    aspects into the design and development o a product, as well

    as how recyclable it is. The other two standards, ISO 14040

    and ISO 14044 provide principles and guidance or lie cycle


    VCA has conducted assessments or companies in the

    automotive sector, bringing to bear more than 30 years

    experience in this area.

    VCA can oer the ollowing services in this area:

    Assessment and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you

    ace. Assessment can be carried out in conjunction with

    certifcation to ISO 14001 i required

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas that might need

    more work beore certifcation

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the section

    entitled Why VCA?

    As part of our preliminarydiscussions VCA has demonstrateda high level of professionalism andunderstanding of what is a complexstudy

    VCA Customer

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    ISO 14001

    ISO 14001 is the current environmental management system

    (EMS) standard, providing a model or you to ollow when

    creating and applying your environmental policy. Focusing on

    the issues that really matter, ISO 14001 is designed to help you

    achieve consistent regulatory compliance, whilst embedding the

    concept o continuous improvement at the heart o everything.Key requirements o the standard include:

    Creation o an environmental policy

    Appreciation o your environmental issues and their potential impact

    Formalisation o control systems and monitoring processes

    Communication o your policy and approach to sta and stakeholders

    The setting o targets and objectives

    Compliance with relevant legislation

    An increasing number o companies are seeking to back-up

    their processes with ormal ISO certifcation and the ollowing

    potential benefts explain why:

    Operational efciencies and cost savings

    Supports legislative compliance, signifcantly reducing the potential or ailure

    Opens the door to new business as certifcation is oten a

    condition o supply

    Sends a clear message about your commitment to the sustainability agenda

    Provides a ramework or continuous improvement,

    increasing sta morale

    VCA is an accredited certifcation body and can oer you the


    Certifcation and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you ace

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas o your EMS thatmight need more work beore certifcation

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the section

    entitled Why VCA?

    During audits staff are alwaysprofessional and demonstrate ahigh level of industry knowledge

    VCA Customer

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    Phase 1 Commitment & Establishing the BaselineStage 1 Top Management CommitmentStage 2 Baseline AssessmentStage 3 Drat Environmental PolicyStage 4 Develop Environmental Perormance IndicatorsStage 5 Drat EMS Implementation PlanStage 6 Training and AwarenessStage 7 Initiate Continual Improvement Actions Phase 4 Implementation and Opeation of the EMS

    Stage 1 Finalise Management Structure & ResponsibilitiesStage 2 Training, Awareness and Competence, Plans and RecordsStage 3 Establishing and Maintaining Formal CommunicationStage 4 Documentation and Record KeepingPhase 2 Identifying & Ensuing Compliance withStage 5 Reviewing & Testing Emergency Preparedness & Response

    Legal, & Othe requiements Stage 6 Developing Indicators or the Environmental ManagementSystem

    Stage 1 Identiy All Legal RequirementsStage 2 Identiy the Other RequirementsStage 3 Checking ComplianceStage 4 Ensuring ComplianceStage 5 Develop Indicators Relating to Compliance & Liability Phase 5 Audit & review

    Stage 1 Establishing EMS Audit ProgrammesStage 2 Correcting Non-Conormances & taking Preventative

    Action.Phase 3 Developing Objectives, Tagets and Stage 3 Management Review

    Stage 4 Improving Environmental PerormancePogammes Stage 5 Improving the EMS

    Stage 1 Evaluation o Environmental AspectsStage 2 Finalise the Environmental Policy

    Stage 3 Developing Objectives and TargetsStage 4 Establishing Indicators or Environmental Perormance

    Evaluation Phase 6Stage 5 Developing the Environmental Management ProgrammeStage 6 Developing Operational Control Procedures This phase is available to those organisations wishing to prepare orStage 7 Launching Environmental Policy, Objectives, Targets and certifcation to

    Indicators ISO 14001 or EMAS

    The inspection process was professional and done in a friendly manner whilsthighlighting the key areas for improvement to attain ISO 14001. The auditor is

    a credit to your organisationVCA Customer

    ACOrN (A PHASED APPrOACH)You may have a desire to improve your environmental

    perormance, demonstrating your commitment to customers,

    sta and the wider community but your organisation may not

    be ready to move to ormal ISO certifcation in the short-

    term. There can be a number o potential reasons or this with

    pressure on resources being just one. However, this neednt

    stop you moving orward using staged implementation schemes

    like the IEMA backed Acorn certifcation.

    The Acorn scheme is broken down into 5 manageable phases

    (defned in BS 8555) and provides a road map to ultimate

    implementation o an EMS to either ISO 14001 or EMAS.

    Achievement criteria exist or each o the 5 phases, with

    certifed recognition o success along the way. Some o the

    benefts are:

    You can move towards ISO 14001 or EMAS certifcation at

    your own pace, which is ideal or companies with limited


    Formal certifcation is available on completion o each phase,

    which sends a clear message on commitment

    A listing on the IEMA Acorn Register, which is a valuable data

    source or potential customers looking or suppliers

    Potential operation efciencies and exposure to new business, where certifcation is oten a condition o supply

    You dont need to complete all o the stages as each is registered in its own right

    A cced i t ed , I ndependent I nspec t i on A system o independent verifcation is at the core o the

    scheme. Inspection bodies are approved by the United Kingdom

    Accreditation Service (UKAS) and VCA is one such body. When

    choosing an inspection body you should look or one that can

    add value to the process. VCA is part o government and has

    extensive experience in the certifcation arena with client base

    ranging rom multi-nationals to SMEs.


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    ECO-MANAgEMENT & AUDIT SCHEME (EMAS)Based on ISO 14001, EMAS is a voluntary EC Regulation aimed

    at supporting the management o environmental impacts.

    The key dierence rom the ISO 14001 standard is that

    EMAS incorporates the requirement to publicly report on

    perormance in this area.

    As you might expect, the potential benefts are similar to those

    outlined or ISO 14001 with one key addition, so:

    Operational efciencies and cost savings

    Supports legislative compliance, signifcantly reducing the potential or ailure

    Opens the door to new business as certifcation is oten a

    condition o supply

    Sends a clear message about your commitment to the sustainability agenda

    Provides a ramework or continuous improvement,

    increasing sta morale Public reporting provides complete transparency in terms o


    VCA is qualifed as a corporate environmental verifer and can

    oer the ollowing services in this area:

    Assessment and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you

    ace. Assessment can be carried out in conjunction with

    certifcation to ISO 14001 i required

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas o your EMS that

    might need more work beore certifcation

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the s ection

    entitled Why VCA?

    First time we have used VCAsservices. We found everyone wehave dealt with, to be pleasant,helpful and professional in theexecution of their duties.

    VCA Customer

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    OHSAS 18001 (Health & Safety)VCA bring the experience and practicalapproach required to audit and add value

    to our Health and Safety managementsystem in what is a changing industry likewaste management

    VCA Customer

    Historically, managing risk in business has tended to ocus on the

    quality o the product supplied to the customer. In recent years

    the more successul companies have seen this as only part o

    the story. Taking a holistic approach, considering quality, as well

    as environmental and health and saety issues can have a positive

    impact on your business.

    Utilising the same approach as the environmental standard,

    ISO 14001, the aim o the OHSAS 18001 specifcation is

    to provide a ramework or a sae and healthy working

    environment. The specifcation also provides guidelines on

    how to integrate health and saety policies into your overall

    management system. Key requirements o the standard include:

    Creation o the health and saety policy

    Appreciation o your health and saety issues and their potential impacts

    Formulation o control systems and monitoring processes

    Communication o your policy and approach to sta and stakeholders

    Establishing objectives and targets

    Compliance with relevant legislation

    An increasing number o companies are seeking to back-up their

    processes with ormal certifcation and the ollowing potential

    benefts explain why:

    Demonstrates a clear commitment to providing a sae working environment

    Delivers cost savings by minimising risks to your workorce

    Improves operational efciency

    Reduces the potential impact o ailing to meet legislative requirements

    VCA is an accredited certifcation body and can oer you the


    Certifcation and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you ace

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas o your system that might need more work beore certifcation

    To fnd our more about our specifc oering see the section

    entitled Why VCA?

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    The course covered allaspects of the standard

    and requirements andwill be very useful inmy daily work

    VCA Customer

    An integratedBusiness

    Management System needs integrated,

    value-added audits

    and excellentunderstanding by the auditor. That is whywe chose VCA as ourcertication partner

    VCA Customer

    Increasingly, companies are taking a holistic view o their

    management systems, choosing to obtain integrated certifcation

    across the quality, environmental and health and saety spectrum.

    There are clearly a number o benefts to doing this, not least

    potential savings in the cost o certifcation.

    VCA has the ability to provide integrated certifcation and will

    work with you to ensure that you obtain maximum beneft rom

    this approach. VCA can oer the ollowing services in this area:

    Assessment and training delivered by proessional auditors

    with real experience o your sector and the issues you

    ace. Assessment can be carried out in conjunction with

    certifcation to ISO 14001 i required

    Gap analysis to help you identiy the areas that might need

    more work beore certifcation

    As well as providing certifcation services, VCA is also able

    to deliver a number o tailored training courses around the

    subjects covered in this brochure. There are a number i benefts

    to using VCA as your training partner, including:

    VCA training sta are experienced auditors in their own

    right so can relate theory to the practical experiences you

    will ace

    Courses can be supplied either in the workplace or at a

    venue o your choosing

    Many o the courses provided are accredited by the relevant

    governing body, which means you can be sure o a quality


    VCA courses will have an appropriate ratio o delegates to

    ensure that you get the attention you need to get the best

    out o the course

    VCA can manage the whole course process rom booking

    accommodation to delivering material

    Nex t S t eps : A list o courses and potential dates is shown on our website

    and a leaet is provided as part o this brochure. To fnd out

    more contact one the team or complete the online enquiry/

    application orm

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  • 8/3/2019 Msc Automotive Brochure


    +44 (0) 117 952 41

    1 Eastgate Ofce CentreEastgate Road



    BS5 6XX

    Contct Us

    VCa - Dlivring Sfr environmnt

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