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School of Construction Management and Engineering

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability Energy for a sustainable future


MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability

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A well-established programme with an international reputation which has attracted students from over 70 countries since 1986.

The course will equip students with globally sought after skills, thereby maximising employability.

This unique programme examines the technical and policy questions arising from global demands for secure, affordable and sustainable energy.

The School of Construction Management and Engineering is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in the area of sustainability.

The course contents are suited to graduates from a variety of backgrounds.

Closely aligned with the Innovative and Sustainable Technologies (IST) research group within the School of Construction Management and Engineering.

A series of site visits throughout the year and invited industry experts will expose the students to some of the technology in the field.

Teaching is informed by the latest research of the School’s internationally leading academics, complemented by selected experts in renewable energy.

Academic excellence combined with a focus on real-world problems.

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability The Postgraduate programme in Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability aims to provide students with a robust understanding of the applications of renewable energy and sustainable technology, combined with a strong awareness of the impact on the environment of using non sustainable technologies. The programme examines the technical and policy questions arising from global demands for secure, affordable and sustainable energy. The course covers rapidly evolving fields that are vitally relevant to how society develops in the 21st Century.

There is international concern about the environmental damage associated with the

conversion of energy from all sources. Renewable energy sources can make a signifi-

cant contribution to the reduction of pollution, if used in a sustainable way. Renewable

fuels and energy systems can also offer protection against future shortages and price

increases of conventional energy, and can provide energy supplies in remote areas.

The School of Construction Management and Engineering is an internationally

recognised centre of excellence for teaching and research in the built environ-

ment; we aim to broaden your horizons and teach you to think differently.

The reputation of the School is based on the authority of its academic staff, all of

whom have extensive research and consultancy experience. The School is truly

multi-disciplinary in nature with over thirty members of full-time academic staff,

including eight Professors. The School boasts a diverse and inclusive environment

which continually attracts the industry leaders of tomorrow. The School is among

the strongest within the University in terms of international students. We are inter-

national both in terms of outlook, and in terms of our faculty. You can be sure of the

warmest of welcomes, together with exemplary academic and pastoral support.

Our courses

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability 12 months full-time 2 years part-time

PGD Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability 8 months full-time

Standard offers

Candidates should hold a good first degree in a relevant subject area, including environmental science, mathematics, engineering, physics, construction, geography, agriculture, chemistry, geology, economics, planning and management, business studies, computer science.

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability

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Research projectsMSc candidates undertake an individual research project, which allows a detailed investigation of a particular aspect of the course.

Projects can involve modelling, design and practical work. A number of projects

will be proposed and supported by industrial partners, whilst candidates may also

suggest project ideas from their own experience. The project is assessed through a

written dissertation and seminar. Annual project presentations are well attended

by industry representatives and supporters of the course.

Recent projects have included:• Feasibility study into locally sourced

straw-fired energy production for a

small town in Southern England.

• The heating potential by ground

source heat pumps based on the

geology of Reading.

• Is hydropower a viable option for

distributed renewable generation

in London?

• Determining the ideal renewable

electricity Investment in the UK.

• An investigation to understand the

effects of the application of greywater

to green roofs.

• Reconciling UK static wind capacity

data and an assessment of the factors

impacting wind capacity growth

to 2020.

• Potential inaccuracy of the UK Tidal

Stream Resource Estimate; a review

of alternative methods for estimating

energy tidal currents.

‘I selected Reading because it offered the only MSC course in renewable energy which combined a high standard of academic excellence with a solid grounding in engineering, whilst being open to non-engineering graduates like myself.

The course has delivered on all of these grounds as well as exceeding my expectations in terms of its collaborative and non-stuffy organisational culture. The academic and admin staff are approachable and supportive and this makes us feel more like a family than as components in a machine, which is sometimes the case in higher education. I think these factors made it extremely easy for us all to bond into a group as students and friends, which has in turn reinforced our learning experience and made it a very enjoyable one.’

I would have no hesitation in recommending the MSC in Renewable Energy to anyone.’

Mike MedasMSC student, 2013

Why choose Reading?The University of Reading is recognised as being in the top 1% of global universities and as one of the UK’s top 20 research-intensive universities. Nearly 90% of our research has been rated as being of international standing (RAE 2008).

We have a long history of welcoming

international students and currently

host a thriving international com-

munity of around 3,500 international

students from 130 countries. 89% of our

students reported being satisfied with

their experience at Reading, with 92%

of international students saying they

were satisfied/very satisfied with the

support they received. International

students, both undergraduate and

postgraduate, are guaranteed a place

in university accommodation if they

apply for a room with a firm offer from

the University before 1 August. Other

reasons for international students to

come to Reading include the following:

• The Whiteknights campus is set in

130 hectares of beautiful parkland,

with green open spaces, a lake and

plenty of trees and wildlife.

• We have recently invested over £100

million in the redevelopment of

campus facilities, including halls of

residence and the Sports Park.

• The town of Reading is home to a

large shopping and recreational

centre, as well as being located close

to London, Oxford and Birmingham,

all of which make great day trips.

• The University of Reading has a

thriving Student Union providing

entertainment and student support.

There are over 100 sports clubs and

societies. The University of Reading is

recognised as being in the top 1% of

global universities.

The School of Construction Man-

agement and Engineering is an

internationally recognised centre of

excellence for teaching and research;

we aim to broaden your horizons and

teach you to think differently. The

reputation of the School is based on the

authority of its academic staff, who have

extensive research and consultancy

experience. The School is truly multi-

disciplinary in nature with over thirty

members of full-time academic staff,

including eight Professors. The School

boasts a diverse and inclusive environ-

ment which continually attracts the

construction leaders of tomorrow. The

School is among the strongest within

the University in terms of international

students. We are international both in

terms of outlook, and in terms of our

faculty. You can be sure of the warmest

of welcomes, together with exemplary

academic and pastoral support.

FacilitiesThe School is well endowed in terms of research infrastructure, with approximately 300m2 of laboratory space together with a supporting machine workshop. Facilities include a dedicated environmental chamber, a grey water facility, a photovoltaic roof and a recently refurbished wind tunnel.

The laboratories are especially impor-

tant in supporting students to conduct

experimental work. There is also an

extensive range of materials-testing

equipment which is available to support

students. The School possesses a dedi-

cated innovation lab which utilises a

range of digital technologies, includ-

ing 3D laser scanners for the purposes

of creating digital models of physical

spaces. Access is available to the 3D

immersive VR facility located within

the School of Systems Engineering (SSE).

Teaching facilities include a dedicated

computer lounge equipped with the

latest digital technology to support

experimentation in building informa-

tion modelling (BIM). Software is also

available to support the teaching of

building energy simulations and urban

microclimate modelling.

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability

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Core modulesEnergy, Carbon and Environment 10 credits

Energy underpins our current standard

of living and economic development. The

environmental impact of energy use and

transition to a lower carbon economy

presents significant challenges. This

module is concerned with an introduc-

tion to the technical, environmental,

economic and social issues associated

with the production of energy. It includes

an introduction to energy production

and consumption trends, traditional

means of energy production, renewable

energy, sustainability, environmental

issues and political and economic con-

cepts in energy.

Sustainable Heat and Power40 credits

Students are introduced to renewable

energy technologies. These include

biomass, solar, wind, hydro and marine

energy. Technical, environmental and

social issues are considered. Technologies

associated with the production of power

from renewable energy sources are

described. Technical and non-technical

barriers and issues limiting wide spread

use of renewable energy are discussed.

Assessment through laboratory based,

software and group activities gives stu-

dents an opportunity to examine and

analyse data as well as to investigate

issues concerned with the use of renew-

able energy.

Energy in Buildings10 credits

Comprises, a comprehensive overview

of energy use in buildings. Coverage

comprises an introduction to renew-

able energy technologies and methods

for improving energy efficiency in

buildings, including environmental

architectural design, environmental

systems operation and adaptive occupant

behaviour. Particular emphasis is given

to tools and procedures for the assess-

ment of building energy consumption.

Research methods10 credits

Students will learn how to access the

necessary sources to conduct a criti-

cal literature review on a topic of their

choice which is relevant to their degree

programme. The module is specifically

designed to assist students in the prepa-

ration of their final project/dissertation.

Coverage includes the need to identify

gaps in current knowledge, formula-

tion of a focused research question and

the development of a full research pro-

posal. Research planning is addressed

to ensure successful completion within

the allocated timescale. Additional

topics covered include the preparation

of professional quality reports and an

understanding of ethical issues relating

to research involving human subjects.

Different types of research are covered

together with the use of different

research methods. Students also gain

training and practical experience in the

oral presentation of research findings.

Energy in Buildings – part two10 credits

Students will gain an understanding

of building simulation with hands-

on experience of using commercial

software packages such as Integrated

Environmental Solutions (IES).

ICT and Energy Management 10 credits

Focuses on people-centred energy effi-

ciency in the operation phase of the

building life cycle. A particular emphasis

is placed on the use of ICT approaches

for monitoring and managing energy

consumption in buildings. The module

addresses information and building

energy technologies and their application

to inform, engage and empower build-

ing users to achieve substantial energy

savings at modest cost. In addition to

technical approaches for achieving energy

efficiency in buildings, attention is also

given to organisational barriers and the

need to develop an awareness of relevant

regulations. Quality systems also have

an important role to play in achieving

energy efficiency. Students gain hands-on

experience of the latest digital technolo-

gies and energy data processing software,

thereby enhancing their employability.

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability


Sustainable Urban Systems10 credits

Consideration of urban energy systems

is used to introduce wider systems

thinking approaches that offer new

insights and currently have an evolv-

ing place in energy and sustainability

research. Emerging technologies,

especially alternative vehicles and

electricity based heating systems,

have potential to bring a rapid change

in demand on energy systems. This

module will consider the possible

impacts of such changes and appropri-

ate mitigation approaches, including

the emergence of smarter energy grids.

Carbon management 10 credits

Frames the need for carbon man-

agement against the scientific

understanding of climate change,

noting how clear understanding of

scientific uncertainty is fundamental

in developing appropriate carbon man-

agement policy and actions. Explores

political, economic and technological

responses to climate change, recognis-

ing how these are/ can be implemented

across a range of scales from global /

regional agreements, through national

policy approaches, down to actions

taken by businesses and individuals.

Carbon Management and Analysis 10 credits

Builds on the Carbon Management

module to develop analytical and

investigative skills, essential to consul-

tancy and policy advisory roles and of

increasing value to business. Assesses

the effectiveness of political, economic

and technological responses to climate

change, recognising how initiatives

can be applied at a range of scales

and contexts.

Project Management for Engineering and Construction 10 credits

A study of contemporary project man-

agement as a discipline and the use of

various tools and their application to con-

struction and renewable energy projects.

MSc Project, Dissertation and Seminar60 credits

Dissertations are written during the

summer term and summer vacation

and are between 12,000 – 15,000 words

on a theme of interest to the student,

in accordance with the aims of the

degree programme.

Related subjects

MSc in Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments

MSc in Construction Management

MSc in Project Management

MSc in Construction Cost Management

MSc in Construction in Emerging Economies

Research degrees

In addition to taught programmes, we offer research degrees. For more information about the availability of research degrees, please contact, phone 0118 378 8982 or visit cme-pgr-about.aspx

Core modules (cont . . .)

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability


EmployabilityThe School has international alumni spread throughout the

globe. Many are in senior positions within governments,

NGOs or the private sector. Graduates from the MSc in

Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability will be

uniquely equipped to engage with the challenges of reducing

the carbon footprint of energy generation and use. Students

acquire the expertise and skills to significantly enhance their

employability options in a wide range of energy and sustaina-

bility-related occupations. Particular attention is given to the

development of research skills and critical thinking ability.

The specific aim is to develop specialist skills. These arise

from the student’s exposure to theory, research and methods

of critical evaluation, whilst enabling career development.

Continuous Professional Development Individual modules may be taken as part of a personal

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme.

CPD delegates are not assessed and only attend module

sessions. A University certificate is awarded on completion

of each module.

Careers options

All subjects at Reading offer access to our Careers Advisory Service. It is designed to open doors, launch our students’ careers and ensure they are well equipped to make the most of their potential and the job opportunities ahead. Common careers include:

Energy Officer

Sustainability Consultant

Sustainable Energy Consultant

Renewables Engineer

Renewables Consultant

Technical Director

Project Analyst


Sales and Marketing Specialist

Design Engineer

For more information on our Careers Advisory Service, visit


FundingThere are a range of possibilities of accessing funding

to participate in our programmes.

• The Panasonic Trust Fellowships - for UK students with

first degrees in Engineering; more information available

from the Royal Academy of Engineering,

• The Wallace and Muriel Hirst Fund - bursaries for

international students from developing countries and

territories identified for OECD official development

aid, particularly people who are working in the field of

renewable energy. The fund is available every other year.

Suitable candidates are invited to apply for the studentship

once an offer of a place on the course has been made.

• e8 scholarship programme – for international students

from developing countries and territories identified for

OECD official development aid. For more information,

• University studentships information available from

• A good starting point for international students seeking

funding is to contact their local British Council office.

Further information is available from their website:

Our staffThe course is led by research active academic staff. Specialist expertise is provided by a number of visiting experts who contribute to the course as external lecturers.

Dr Maria Vahdati

Director MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability

Dr Phil Coker Lecturer in Renewable Energy

Professor Tim Dixon Chair in Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment

Dr Emmanuel Essah Lecturer in Sustainable Technologies

Dr Katherine Hyde Lecturer in Environmental Sustainability

Dr Zhiwen Luo Lecturer in Sustainable Technologies

Dr Michael Peters Lecturer in Energy Policy

Professor Li Shao Chair in Sustainable Technologies in the Built Environment

Dr Stefan Smith Lecturer in Energy Systems in the Built Environment

Dr Jacopo Torriti Lecturer in Energy Economics and Policy

Professor Runming Yao Director MSc Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments and Chair in Building and Urban Sustainability

Further details of staff can be found here

MSc Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability

For more information, please contact:

Programme Administrator MSc Renewable EnergySchool of Construction Management and Engineering University of Reading Whiteknights Reading, RG6 6AW Tel (0118) 378 7560 Fax (0118) 931 3856

The University of Reading is committed to equal opportunities and diversity.

Whilst the University of Reading makes every effort to ensure that the contents and statements made in this publication are fair and accurate, it can accept no liability for omissions, errors or subsequent changes.

The statements made and information provided are a general guide and there may be changes following publication which affect the contents. Programmes or modules may be altered or withdrawn without notice and assessment arrangements may be changed. For details of any changes made since publication, please refer to the website address at the bottom of this page.

This document is © University of Reading 2013. It was designed and printed in July 2013.

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