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MST Induction Service Address by Principal, Rev Timothy Meyers


MST Ambassador · Issue 213 · Autumn 2012Melbourne School of Theology

Tim’s Induction Address

I think you can probably guess that being asked to take on a role such as this, especially in light of the remarkable and quite unique story of this College is nothing if it’s not humbling.

I’m not new to leadership – and yet it seems that every time I think about my leadership ministry; and certainly every time I find myself invited into a new leadership position, I feel new to leadership.

And never more so than now. Right here, tonight. Because the story of this College is the story of men and women of faith and courage, of commitment to mission and to the work of God that stretch back over generations.

And that is humbling.

Humbling not only because it represents a fresh challenge, but because it speaks of a precious and unique stewardship that has been entrusted to us, and handed down over many, many years; generations in fact.

Some of you know I grew up in PNG. My Dad, Max, and my mum, Jo – who are here tonight – were with MAF. So I’m an MK. Missionary Kid.

From time to time as a young boy, I’d find myself in the seat of a little MAF Cessna, flying somewhere – here or there – almost always with my Dad – looking down over the stunning scenery that is PNG: vast towering mountain ranges; spectacular escarpments; dense, endless

jungles and rainforests; and great mighty rivers, like the Fly River, and the Sepik River.

One of the things I noticed and was intrigued by, even as a boy, was that as we flew down from the highlands toward the coast – usually toward Wewak, the place of my birth – each river, or creek, or waterfall would invariably run into another … and then another – and another again, in this endless beautiful tapestry of multi-coloured streams and creeks – until they were all flowing together in the great Sepik river, emptying itself out into the ocean a thousand miles away.

When I think about where we are now; here at MST – and I look out at the faces of some of you that are here; I know that behind so many of your faces, are stories of involvement in this ministry that go a long, long way back into the history of this school; countless streams of church and mission and outreach of gospel ministry; stories of faith and courage and vision.

I’m not sure there has every been a time in my own life, or quite frankly, a dimension of my life, that has not been somehow shaped, or influenced, or nuanced, by the work and ministry of MBI – or BCV – or what is now Melbourne School of Theology.

For more information about studying at or supporting the ministry of MST, visit us online at

I know that behind so many of your faces, are stories of involvement in this ministry that go a long, long way back into the history of this school…

Many people at the Induction Service passed on messages of encouragement and support so we have included a few select quotes alongside this address.

Rev Peter Corney, Vicar Emeritus of St Hilary’s Anglican Church, Kew, who has known Tim for 17 years said, “Tim brings great leadership gifts, a proven track record in bringing constructive and creative change, a passion for the Gospel and the ability to inspire people.”

The names of those who founded and led this school have been names that have profoundly shaped the world I’ve known. The world of missions; the world of Mission Aviation; the world the MAF, and the Asia Pacific Christian mission, and the South Seas Evangelical Mission, and the Chinese Inland Mission.

Names like Len Buck, Allan Ker, J. Oswald Sanders, Will Renshaw, Bill Clack … Arthur Cundal, John Cundall, David Price … Lee Neil, the Chairman of Myer, Ralph David, Chairman of Maine Nickless; Harold McCracken, Charles Sandland.

One or two of those men are here tonight; and there are the sons and daughters, or nephews and nieces of these men and women …

I heard these names often in my life, and in my home as a boy. I had no idea who they were until many years later when I came to realise that these names were not only of unique significance in the shaping and work of the gospel and the church and mission here in Melbourne; but tremendously significant in the shaping of the Australian church. They were way up in the headwaters

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MST Ambassador · Issue 213 · Autumn 2012Melbourne School of Theology

For more information about studying at or supporting the ministry of MST, visit us online at

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from where countless streams in global missions, and local church, and worldwide gospel ministry have come … whose legacy continues in a thousand ways and in countless expressions around the world. And each one of these names, and a whole procession of others, were united by at least one common theme – their commitment to, and involvement in, this college.

The number of times I have been somewhere in the world, in a remote village of Central Asia, or the sandy deserts of north Africa; or the stunning highland villages of PNG, or the vast rainforests of the amazons; or the towering cities of Europe, and America, or the simple suburbs of Melbourne, or Adelaide – or the country towns of Western Queensland and the plains for central NSW …

Over and over and over again, here, there; bumping into people whose lives and ministries, whose passion for the gospel, whose love of God and whose view on mission and Bible, were formed and forged directly as a result of studying at MBI, or BCV, and now MST.

I hear from them from time to time. Even this week, letters of affirmation; letters of encouragement; letters of reflection have come in; sometimes emails, sometimes they are letters written in the shaky script of hands that have written much over many years – wishing us well; promising us prayers;

and always, always, reminding me of this one thing:

That the work we do is important, because it is the work of Christ.

So my sense of humility comes as much as anything, from the sheer scope and nature of the MST story. The history. The men and women who have been part of this School – who have studied here, supported the work financially, prayed for the work passionately, and stood by the work loyally.

We stand downstream of these men and women; we are recipients and beneficiaries of their courage and their faith; and we find ourselves at a point in history where, perhaps as never before, we must with creativity and renewed vision move forward under the leading of God, but ever mindful of what He has done in His great mercy and grace, and never, ever presume that it begins and ends with us.

I see faces here whose parents, and grandparents were part of the MBI/BCV story, and I want to say thank you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for supporting this work.

It won’t surprise you to hear that in recent months, I’ve read a book that was written a few years back now, called “Failure is not Final.”

Failure is not Final is a compelling book; not only because it gives a fascinating insight into the man whose energy, whose vision, whose love for God, whose passion for mission, and whose convictions about the fundamental truth and relevance of the Bible, gave birth the Melbourne Bible Institute; But it is also a sobering reminder, and quite a profound insight into something that I have already come to know: often very personally, and often painfully; that leadership, spiritual leadership; God-honouring, relevant and effective spiritual leadership, is profoundly complex, often painful; occasionally even traumatic; on the odd occasions exhilarating, but almost always, humbling.

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“I am thrilled that Tim Meyers has taken up the role of Principal at MST. His mission zeal, pastoral heart and Spirit filled leadership will serve the church in Melbourne and the cause of Christ around the world.”

Alan Demond, Senior Pastor New Hope Baptist Church

“[Tim] appears to have experience in dealing with people, engaging with God’s word and showing leadership.

I was impressed by the new students enrolling, their opportunity to study with people of

different denominations and the Chinese-speaking students.

The induction was a happy time of hope for the future of MST. “

Bishop Barbara Darling Eastern Region BishopAnglican Diocese of Melbourne

“I’ve had the privilege of journeying with Tim and his family for the past 10 years.

I think Tim will bring incredible insight into the leadership of MST, empowering staff and students to become the servants of Jesus they have been called to be.

The Induction Service was a great night of celebration and the unity

in the room, given people’s different backgrounds, was strong – a sign of God’s blessing and presence.”

Ross Grace Principal, Donvale Christian College

Helen Chu, Dean and Assistant Pastor, North Balwyn Living Stone (Mandarin) Congregation:

“I have been involved in MST Chinese for more than 5 years and treat MST as part of my family. I welcome Tim to this family and believe he will lead MST to be a healthy and culturally diverse college, based on God’s word.”


MST Ambassador · Issue 213 · Autumn 2012Melbourne School of Theology

For more information about studying at or supporting the ministry of MST, visit us online at

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Especially when what is involved is the responsibility to steward something that began long before you were around, but now requires fresh vision; new and creative thinking; relevant and sustainable strategies; standards of excellence in management, rigorous scholarship of the highest level, but never at the expense of genuine spiritual formation and Godly character; strategic partnerships with church and mission, locally and globally; and an ongoing and unashamed pursuit of applicable and relevant biblical truth.

How do I feel? Immensely privileged. Sometimes, on occasions like this, even fearful.

It’s probably why my Dad said to me a couple of months ago, “If you weren’t scared of leadership, then I’d be scared of you.”

So it is with a tremendous sense of honour, and an even deeper sense of dependency, that I step into this role – because those of us who are now given the responsibility to lead, and to shape, and to nurture, and to reposition this School really do stand on the shoulders of giants.

“Tim is an exceptional leader – insightful, Biblical, prayerful, visionary and practical. He has boundless energy, is fiercely loyal, and is committed to disciplemaking.”

Simon Longden Director, Pioneers Australia

“Tim’s Kingdom experience as a Bible teacher and Mission leader provides ideal characteristics for MST.”

Ray Walker Christian Management Australia

I am impressed with three things about Tim. One, his up-front commitment to a very high view of the nature and authority of the Bible, because of his commitment to Christ. Two, his commitment to integrating discipleship of the mind with every other aspect of a believer’s discipleship. And three, his commitment to grace-impelled mission to an apathetic and rebellious world.

Rev John Payne Minister, St Andrew’s Uniting Church Berwick

Well, I’m going to let the words of C.H. Nash express it.

Thy changeless word, Firm, unshaken, in unabated strength, Has met the shocks of storm and floodThrough two millennium.

Psalm 19 says:

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.

Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.


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