m.sw.(rgjar) (rc)-w ii, ry)palamuruuniversity.ac.in/pg-syllabus/msw.pdf · budgetary allocation for...

Post on 09-Sep-2018






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ftvcN)M.SW.(RgJar) \_,-(Semester-I, II, ilI & ry)(rc)-W

Departnent of Socfal Worlt

Palm,rru Univelsity, Mahabu@ar



Minutes of the meeting of Board of Studies in'social Work (PG) is held on 22.09.2015 at1O.3O am in the Department of Sociology/Social Worlg Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Members present:

1. P?of. C. Ganesh, OU

2. Dr, Vishnu Dev, OU

3. Dr. M. Vijay Kumar Sharma, TU

4. Mr. T. Sridhar, OU






1. The members of the BOS have thoroughly discussed about the existing syllabus andrevised it in accordance with the requirements of CBCS. (A copy of the revised syllabusin a CBCS pattern is enclosed).

2. It is unanimously resolved to request the University authorities to continue the existingbudgetary allocation for rural camp and study tour for the students and faculty of Social


It is also resolved to request the University authorities to enhance the grant for ruralcamp to Rs. 20,000=00 (Rupees Twenty Thousand only) and to study tour Rs.

50,000=00 (Rupees Fifty Thousand only), since the earlier allocation was not sufficientto meet the expenditure related to rural camp and study tour.

It is also resolved to request the University authorities to allow the faculty members ofthe Depaftment of Social Wor( PU to act as the external examiners.

The BOS has also identified the external examiners for the paper setting and paper

evaluation of MSW Course. (List of examiners enclosed).

It is also resolved that the existing syllabus will be applicable to the MSW Course whichis offered under Non-CBCS pattern.

It is also resolved to offer "Corporate Social Responsibility-CsR" as the Inter Disciplinary(I. D) paper at the level of III'd Semester.






8. It is resolved to introduce and incorporate the latest schemes initiated by theGovemment of Telangana in the syllabi and wherever there is a term Andhra Pradesh, itis replaced with Telangana State.

9. It is resolved to incorporate DSM V and ICD 10 in a paper entiUed Medcal andPsychiatric Social Work.

t0. tt is resolved the specialization papers have to be taught by the teacher vuho haneacademic qualifi cation in the concerned/generic/ specialization.

11.It is resolved that contemporary relevant schemes and programs of Government neededto be incoriorated in the syllabi.

Semester IPaper I. Social Work profession, Philosophy and IdeologyPaper II. Social Case WorkPaper III. Social Work Practicals-I (Observational Visits)Elective I

Paper IV (a) Social Poliry and planning

Paper IV (b) NGO ManagementElective II

Paper V (a) Social Development and Sustainable DevelopmentPaper V (b) Legal Systems and Social Legislations in India


Semester IIPaper I. Individual and SocietyPaper II. Social Group WorkPaper III. Social Work Practicals-IlElective I

Paper IV (a) Dynamics of Human BehaviorPaper IV (b) Women and Child Welfare

Elective IIPaper V (a) Counseling, Theory and practice

Paper V (b) Human Resource Management.

Mini Research/Project Report

Semester IIIPaper I. Community Organization and Social ActionPaper II. Social Work Research

Paper III. Social Work Practicals-Ill

Elective IPaper IV (a) Urban Community Development- IPapier IV (b) Psychiatric SocialWork IPaper IV (c) Management Information Systems

Elective IIPaper V (a) Rural and Tribal Community Development -IPaper V (b) Medical Social Work and Community Health- IPaper V (c) Labour Legislations

Interdisciplinary Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Semester fVPaper I. Social Welfare AdministrationPaper II. Social StatisticsPaper III. Social Work Practicals-IVElective I

Paper IV (a) Urban Community Development- IIPaper IV (b) Psychiatric Social Work- IIPaper IV (c) Organization Development and Behavior

Elective IIPaper V (a) Rural and Tribal Community Development -IIPaper V (b) Medical Social Work and Community Health IIPaper V (c) Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare

Social Work Internship (Block Placement)

(Prof. S. Ganesh)Bos - Glffiirfinan

Btrfid of $hrd*xOtF.rtficrrt gt $ociotogY

ria Unrvgeity, H1l

ct,(Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma)BOS -Member BOS -Member




*lOMarks for writeup l5Marks for presentation.


Scheme ofExaminationInternal and


Scheme ofInstruction(Hours per


Social Work Profession Philosophy and

20+80=100Social Case Work

50+50=100Social Work P-13.ti.al: - I

20+80=100Social Poliry & Planning

20+80=100Social Development & SustainableDevelopmentLegal Systems and Social Legislations in


, Elective-Il

'Paper-V (a)

Paper-V (b)

(10+ls) 2s

- l .., r r i. rlr'i.t]r.i-!r)',, ."




cHorcE BAsEp cREprr sYsrEM (cBcs) 2016 - 2017

SEMESTER - IIScheme ofInstruction(Hours per


Scheme ofExaminationInternal and

SemesterIndividual and Society 20+80=100

Social Group Work 20+80=100

Social Work Practicals - II



:,,.1:graOtra,: ,.,'

:'P,aper-w 1a1

Piper'IV (b)

Dynamics of Human Behavior

Women and Child Welfare


20+80=100Counseling, Theory and Practice

Mini Research / Project Report



SEMESTER - IIIScheme ofInstruction(Hours per


Scheme ofExaminationInternal and

SemesterCommunity Organization and Social Action 20+80=100

Social Work Research 20+80=100

Social Work Practicals - III 50+50=100


Paper-IV (a)

Paper-IV (b)

Paper -IV(c)

Urban Community Development-I

Psychiatric Social Work-I

Management Information Systems



Paper-V (a)

rPaper-V (b)

Rural and Tribal Com munityDevelopment-I

Medical Social Work & Community Health-I 20+80=100

Corporate Social Responsibility 10+40--50



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cHorcE BAsEp cREprT SYSTEM (CBCS) 2016 - 2017



Scheme ofExaminationInternal and


Scheme ofInstruction(Hours per

week)20+80=100Social Welfare Administration

20+80=100Social Statistics

50+50=100Social Work Practicals - IV


Urban Community Development-Il

Psychiatric Social Work-II

Organization Development & Behaviour


Paper-IV (a)

Paper-IV (b)

Paper -IV(c)


Rural and Tribal Community Development-Il

Medical Social Work & Community Health-Il

Industrial relations & Labour Welfare


Paper-V (a)

Paper-V (b)


Block Placement



Paper- I : Social Work Profession, Philosophv and Ideology

*Unit - 1

Shrdy of concepts: Social welfare, social seruice and social work. The religious, philanthropic,

rationalistic, humanistic and modern philosophical base for social work. Overuiew of the

historical development of social work in U.K. , US& and India. Goals of social work :

Danelopment, promotiona l, remedia I a nd a meliorative.

*Unit - 2

Social seruice tradition in Indian culture. : Approach to person in need, ideology of Indian

Voluntary organisations and voluntary action.

Unit - 3

Social reform movement: contribution of major social reformers of the 19s and 20s century and

their, contribution to social welfare, relevance, applicability contribution of the reforms to

development of social work profession and reformers of medieval India, Bhakti and Sufi

movement, a broad over view.

*Unit - 4

Emergence and development of professional social work. : Basic principles, Values, ethics and

functions, of Piofessionat social work. Gandhian ideology: Contribution to social work

profession, social welfare and social action.

*Unit - 5

Fields of sociat work practice: family & child welfare, medical & psychiatric social wor(correctional social work, urban , rural and tribal community development, industrial social wor(Inter relatedness of all these areas to have a holistic perspective.


A.R. Wadia History and philosophy of social work

Bombay, Allied, 1961

Values in social work

Ci-JfilRPIRSriNDEPARiiVT-iJr ,.'; :c:i1_ ,'i3i".

OSMAivllr ilf lVEQS!T /,ilYD[|1],?.'.:-'-','lr'


Friedlander, W.A.

Crargule B.N.

lurie H.L.

Fink A.E.

Younghusband E. .

Gore M.S.

Mishra P.D.

London C.C"E.T.S.W ., L97 6

Concepts and methods of social workEnglewood, prentice hall

Gandhi's social philosophy,

Vikas publications, Delhi, 1965

Enryclopedia of social work vol., I 2 3New York National Association of social workers, 1965

The Field of social workNew York, Henry Holt company, 1945

Social work and social values-vol IIILondon, George, Allen, Unwin.

Social work and social work educationBombay, Asia publishing House, 1965

Social Work Philosophy and Methods, Interindia,Publications, New Delhi, 1994.

Df Penf l,tiili I '.'f Si:t'qt" Vv'Ofl'K'

osil qr,;;. r-iN l"/ERslTYH"ura'rc,rD-501 c07

Paper - II: Social Case Work

Unit - 1

Methods of Social Work: Definition and objectives of working with individuats, rralues andprinciples related to working with individuals. process of social casework.

Unit - 2

Theories and models of helping individuals: psychoanalytical, psychosocial, problem solving,techniques, family and therapy. Critical analysis of these approaches and their use in the Indiancontext.


Unit - 3

Social casework communication skills: Ways to enhance effective communication, relationships,transference, counter tra nsference a nd interviewi n g.

Unit - 4

u,se of social casework method in different settings like schools, health, industry and welfareagency. Understand role as a change agent, therapist, social advocate and the worker - clientielationship. Recording in social case work: Types and uses.

iunit -s

Application of skills and techniques in social casework. Study, Review and Analysis of casesrelated to social casework and presentation of cases.


Friedlander w.A. (ed) concepts and Methods of social wor(New Delhi, prentice Hall. 197g.

Biestec( F.P. The Case Work Relationship,London, Unwin. LgSl.

Social Case Work - A problem Solving process,

Chicago, Chicago University press. LgS7.

The Case Worker's use of Hunnybun relationships,London, Tavistock. L962.


/!-o'-''' l.Y*'*


Perlman, H.H.

Farard, M.L. & M.K.

Roberts, R.W andNev R. H.

Tum-en F. (ed)

Hamilton. G,

Mathew. G.

Theories of Social Case Work,Chicago, Chicago University press. tg7}.

Social Work Treatment,New york, The Free press" Lg74"

Theory and practice of Socia{ Case Work,New yor( Colombia, Universtg press. tg40.

An Introduction of Social Case Work,TISS. India printing House, Bombay. LggZ.




Guidelines will be given to the students, by their respective faculty members.

*Social Work Practicals - 1 consists of observational visits, rural visit and concurrent field work..


To expose the students to social realities and problem situations.

To develop in - depth understanding among the students about the placement setting in

particular and social work fields in general.

To foster and develop among the students professional attitude, qualities and ethics

required for a Professional Social Worker.


. To expose to different fields of Social Work.

. To know the practice of Social Work methods.

. To obserue the role of Professional Social Worker in that pafticular setting.o To obserue the physical conditions of agencieso To know tlie administrative structure of the organizations.

*OBJECTIVES OF RURAL VISIT,, 1. To gain acquaintance with the reality of rural life and develop sensitivity towards them.

Z. To fiave an oppoftunity to discuss problems with those affected directly by them and

officials involved in their delivery system.3. To understand the problems in planning and programming and the problems between

planning and execution at the local level.

4, To experience group living, obserue group dynamics and share the oneness that the-

students of a ciass have wiricn otherwise'goes unrecognized through, the stresses of

daily classroom routine5. To irovide learning in the methods of organization, planning and evaluation of visits.

*Students will be placed in an NGO, through which they continue their Concurrent Field Work in

the community which was taken for field work.


1. Studying the organization, history, objectives, programmes, administrative structure and

funding procedure.Z. Studying the community setting in detail and developing an in-depth understanding of

the field-. And reporting their study in the form of a special report (Content of the

Report is GIVEN BELOW:).




I .'l

,1*it*i *-:*,Z---{ s- ?'

ri-lAiRPEii*({-r11nr rrRigrrut o: so'-'rAl woRK,-


./ -t..


HistoryPhysical conditions and facilities"housing ConditionsSo.irl 6omposition (religion, casete, social status, etc')

Education, .Health, sanitation and hygiene'

iriiui.lfii. stylelOaify routine of men" Women and Different occupational groups'

LeadershiP (formal & informal).Problems of the communitY and

Initiatives taken for the improvement of the locality'




Paoer W (a) - Social Policy and Planning

Unit - 1

Concept of Social poliry, Social welfare policy, relatio-nship between social -policy

and social

J.r.r,jfr.n! values underlying social policy, sources of soclal policy (DPSP,-F& and HR) issues

;i;;ili p;li6y.Jin"r"nt modei-s of social poiicy and their applicability to the Indian situation.

Unit - 2process of social poliry formulation, approaches to social poliry: unified, integrated and

te6rat, the contribution of research, role of interest groups. Role of professional social worker

ln,'policy formulation, planning and implementation'

Unit - 3,EViirution of social poliry in India, an over view of historical perspective in development of

,,social welfare seruices. Sectoral policies and their implementation: Education, health, Social

'Wttiur., Women and children, Urban/Ruralflribal development, poverty and gender related

Issues. Housing, population, family welfare, environment and ecology.

Unit - 4,l-oncept of social and development planning in India. Constitutional Position of planning in

Ihdia, planning in India, planning commission of India, composition, leg.al status of planning

commiision, frlnctions, process co1rdination at national, state and district level. Implementation

of social planning at various levels..

' A broad review of flve year plans with emphasis on the objectives of growth and social justice

with special reference to weaker sections.


Macpherson Stewaft Social poliry in third world: The social dilemmas of

underdevelopment Sussex: wheatsheaf Books Limited.

Titmus, R.M.

Sharma P.N.

Shastri C.

Gokhale S.D.

Mahesh Chand &

Puri V.K.

social policy: An introduction,

London George Allen and Uwin

Social planning: concepts and techniques

Socialwelfare: Legend and legacY

Bombay: popular Praksham

Regional Planning in India, Allied Publisher,

1. ,'l-," vJ--dl,l*s' w


_ fiiA j ndrn sorvDEPAPTME^Jr i-r SJCiAL WORK,

9il1t!,,, u r., r,,/b-Q s I rY.HvDER,'BAD_5i.i f 0 7




New Delhi, 1983.

unit - 1 n; !-L-^Ii^h ''rant-in'?id and eligibility' Types of non-profit organisaton'

Voluntary agencies - Registration' grant-in'aid and eligibilitl

ffi *o'**iy:f l"#i.3,li;i3i;l;Xl;;;;;;{'llh:?'::",:1unaiffi lfoffi ';l,ilil'??tl?'

hteradion Process:Iffi ;w iJaaersnip and coordinat'ton'

ffi,,onal, bilateral funding of NGO',s' Fund raising' financial management and budget

preparation' ' c -" elopment projects:

Unit-4 ---r. Nped. obiectives and elements or ptl]1T^y':ffi;";;rrr una techniques:

Projectproposal:Need,objectivesandelementsofproiectproposal.Dev.Monitoringandevaluationcycler;otiufimpactu"t""ntstudies'skillrProblemanalysis'resource*U'f:*""t'conflictresolution'organisingmeetings'documentation, neltwo'f' n g' trai ni n g' lobbyi n g a nd advocacy'


A.R. Dadia

Lurie H.L.

Gore M.S.

Frnk A.E.

History & Philosophy of Social Work' Bombay'

Allied, 1961.

Encyclopedia of Social Work' Vol'' 2'3.''

New York National *tttool" of SocialWorkers' 1965'

SocialWork & SocialWork Education' Bombay'

n iu PrUtithing House' 1965'

The Field of Social Work' New YorK

H.n,Y Holt ComPanY' 1945'




orpnpjl,'t,.ttr ot soc-rAt woRK'""osrtln,.r

r A LJ N r\/E i s I TY-t,

" nr-* n g hi.r - Soir lo7


Hajra Kumar

Gore M.S.

lacob K.K.

Bedi M.S.

M.K.Bhat, Anitha Cheria,



Ministry of Welfare , Lg87 Enryclopaedia of Social Work in India.

B.M.Sharma Roop singh Bareth Good Governance, Globalisation and civil society'

Rawat Publications, JdiPur 2004'

strategies and

Social Poliry and Social development in India

Madras, Association of school of social work in India'


Social Development, Rawat Publications, Jainpur, 1989'

sociat Development Perspectives, Himanshu Publications, Udaipur



Life Goes On.... The Centre for Innovation in voluntary

action. (CIVA),U.K. 1999.




Joel SGB, Bhose

James Midgley

Economic development in the third world , orient long man ,Hyd.,1993Communicating Rural Development - Strategies and AttemaUves,Rawat Publications, Jaipur 2003.

NGO's and Rural Development -Theory and practice , ConceptPublishing House, New Delhi , 2003.

Social Welfare in global context, Sage Publications 1997.



*Unit 1

Indian constitution salient features, i.e. Unitary & Federal features, Social Ideals of Indian

Constitution. Fundamental rights and Directive Principles of State policy"

*Unit - IIConcept of Rightsl Legal rights, Civil rights under criminal procedure code , equality before law,

rights of children , women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

*Unit IIIoverviewoflegislationpertainingtosocialwelfare:Lawseffectingsocialinstitutions,!?*protecting inteiest of children, y5uth, SC'S & ST'S , Laws relating to correctional administration,

Laws for treatment of iociat probl.rr, tegislation on social security measures and people with

disability Act 1975.

*Unit IV :

Legal Aid: History, concept & Need. who needs legal aid, Legal aid schemes ?F . - - .',pi6bbms,public Interest Litigation, History, Conceptf Processes and Problems. Need for Social

Workers Intervention.


Buxi. U. 1982

Desai, A.E (ed) 1986

Iyer, V.R.K. 1984

Iyer V.R.K. 1981

Mathew, P.D.

Newman, G. 1999

NirmalAnjali. 1992


Social Advocacy - perspective of Social Work, Bombay:

College of Social Work.

Alternatives in Development: Law, the crisis of the Indian

Legal System, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House'

Violation of democractic Rights in India. Vol.1

Justice in words and Justice in Deed for Depressed classes,

New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.

Law Versus justice: Problems and Solutions, New Delhi:

Deep and DeeP.

Legal Aid Series, Delhi; Indian Social Institute.

Global Repoft on Crime and Justice, New York: Oxford

UniversitY Press.

Role and Functioning of central Police organizations, New Delhi:



osMANrA uru r vr R srrir, " "


'O /


It consists of writeup and presentation on a pertinent topic on Social work.

"d[il$l*i!s-'*tHlHl;;r-rIc ttoz



Paper; I : Communitv Organlzation & Sociat Action

Unit - 1

Community organization: Concept, meaning, definition, philosophy, scope and nature ofcommunity organization in India. Community client system. Clients perception in communityorganization.

Unit - 2

Community organization: principles, process, skills, techniques approaches and strategies. Therole of community organizer in rural, urban and tribal communities. Models of communityorganization. Rothman model: Locality Developmen! Social Planning, Social Action models.Resource Transaction Model.

Unit -3

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Features, Techniques and Uses. PIA and social anatysis. Theapplication of these techniques in Community Organisation. Study, review and analysis ofcases/issues in community and its presentation.

Unit - 4

Definition evolution and principles of social action. Social actions as a method of socialworkissues confronting developing societies and role of social action in transforming the society.

Unit - 5

Strategies for social action. Relevance of social action in various settings. Successful lessonslearnt from developing nations.


Mcmiller w. Community organisation for social welfare

Chicago, Chicago university press, 1945

Community Structure and Analysis,

New Yor( John wiley,1959

Rural development -principles, policies and management

Sussman M.B.

.1/ .l. - .' {rL-- ilLt**1' !,*-

l-d-'| *-- 'r--'**'CHAi f<.1u xS'..rrr



Polson and Sanderson


Sage publications, New Delhi, 1979 ''---/

Rural Development - principles, poticies and management

Sage publications, New Delhi, 1986.

Working with Communities, Hira pubtications,

New Delhi, 1997

Social Work Practicg Cases, Activities and Exercises,

Sage Publications India M., Ltd., New Delhi.

Community Organising Theory & practice, prentice Hall,

New Delhi, 1983.

Participatory rural appraisal methods

, ):,



,Director, Publications House, prentice Hall, New Dethi.

of Rural Development, by director NIRD, Hyderabad.


Paper - II; Social Work Research

tlnil - 1


,,, ientific approach: Meaning of Science and Research, scientiflc Research and Scientific

.M.ethod, use of scientific Method in Sociar science. Research process and Nature of social

i,Research and social work Research, objectives, Nature, scope, Process of social Work

,Relearctr. Role of Research in Social Work Practice'




Unit - 3

Research Design: concept and its purpose in research' types: conventional designs:

li;6d-Jl'scriptire diagnostic, pr., trr. and Quasi experimentar designs; single Subiect

,desig,R; Time series oesigns; and Progiamme evaluation; Participatory Research methods and



' 'l r'|^^r .t-^aarrrra crrnnlinn Mpthods: ProbabiliW and Non-probability andsampling: concept, Need, Procedure. sampling Methods: Probability and Nt

;il;ffiilffi; and demerits. Types of probability sampling: simple Random, stratified -Proportionate and Disproportionate and Cluster Sampling' Non-probability Sampling:


Unit - 5

Methods and roors of Data coilection: primary and secondary sources, official statistics and

Data from Various Data coilecting Agencies. obseruation, Interuiew Schedure, Interuiew Guide,

Questionnaire and Rating Scales'

DEPARTI\.iEhlT 0f S0CIAL WORK'- bsuntt i A u r{ ivE il sl l'Y,



Methods in Social Research,

Polansky, N"A" (Ed.)



Cochran. W.E.

Allen Rubin & Earl Babbie

Duane R. Monette

Thomas J. Sullivan

Comell R. Dejong

New York, McGraw Hill. 1952.

Social Work Research,

Chicago, University of Chicago" 1960.

Scientific Social Surueys and Research,

New York, Prentice Hill"

Methodology in Social Science Research,

New York, McGraw Hill. 1968.

Research Methods for Social Sciences,

Great Britton, Edward Arnold. 1981.

Social Work Research and the Analysis of Social Data'

Research Methods in Social Relations,

New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1959'

Sampting Techniques, New YorK John Wley' 1953'

Research Methods for Social Work,

Wordsworth Publishing, ComPanY.

Applied Social Research, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc'

llt"fu,@*A-{ e// 'cHAIhPERsol'l

or poai''o i r'r{ oF ?.q9 r11)loJlK'


Mpsw --PsYcHmrRtc srrnuc

1" Criticar appraisar of the agenry,s functioning in reration to its phirosophy, structure,

, policies and programmes" Regullr int ia*io"n with different levels of functionaries to

,. deverop srirts'in ioordination. u^J.oi*ding of the administrative structures, hierarchy

?nd admission Procedures'

2.observationattheoutpatientunit.ThestudentworkerwillmakeobseruationAnd studipuii;nt ut t. time of registration. Learn the process of filling case

Information sheet at the time of admission'

3. CaseworkSelecttwo(2)psychiatricpqtientswithspecificproblemsqndmqkeqdetq

Study qnd qnqlysis of these cases. In the procedures of assessment goal


use skilfully the Guiding priciples of casework practice'

4. Family casework and home visits. Home visits will be made regularly after a

detailed rtuov ano assessment of the patient' Family counselling / therapy

session will be conducted in the homes of thepatient. Various techniques

and skills of Family counselling / therapy will be used'

5. GrouP work:


work involving the different stages of group process' The student worker can

also conduct activities of therapeutic value'

6. Psychological Tests: Under the guidance and. supervision of the psychologist'

obserue and learn the various'm.tnoar and techniques of psychological treatment'


1. criticar appraisar of the agencies functioning in reration to its phirosophy, structure,

Policies and Programmes'

2. Regular interactionwith different levels of functionaries to develop skills in coordination'

3. Understanding of the administrative structure, hierarchy and admission procedure"

Understandingoftheworkingofeachmajordepartment(viz.,Cardiology/oncology/orthopedii l5.rrofogy i poii op.rativ6) (any 2 department in the first term)'

Theoreticai'[no*f"age pertainin]-to th; specific area - extensive and intensive

"teading"4" Case StudY

selection of a minimu of two patients (in each department) with specific Psycho

social problem. Make an in-depth study and assessment of the cases using the

case studY format.

5. GrouP Studies ., -.- -c .- ^G ^rliIdentiff and select the areas of need for formation of a group of patients / family

members. Study individual group members, their dynamics in operation and

assess the growth of individual member during group interaction' use the format

for grouP studY.

6. Social welfare Administration: Develop and understanding in the working of



1. critical Appraisal of the agency's functioning in relatio-n to its philosophy'.structure'

poricies and programmes. Regurar interactiSn with dfferent reversof functionaries to

develop skills in ioordinatiin. Understanding of the administrative structures,

hierarihy, and admission procedures'

Enlist all the Community-- related Projects of the.organization' Take up in-depth

study of prog ra m r" piiini ng. Im ptem.enti ng strategiesl. and Evaluation Modalities'

participate in one of tn" -tommunity UiseA piojeqs / Community Out-Reach'

piog;*r.s and apply the method of Community organis-ation'

Identify and select t*o ..r., for case-study anO. ivo families for a family study'

mainiy'r"tated to any of the health problems faced by them.

Organise a Camp, brr.y, Awareness Campaign or.Health Education Program in

relation to the iOentineJ ui'lut of needs and resources in the Communities'

Health Assessment's of various Target Groups ril<9 9!i]d1e-1, women, ag!g' Conduct a

community screening for ipecific diieases like T.B,STD,AIDS, Leprosy,.Blindness etc'

use of communicai',6n uni research t .nniqr.r in planning and im.plementation of

speciflc progrurr.i on immunization unb prevention of disabilities and deaf

muteness. conducting educative, re-creative and the raputic. Family planning -







DEPAR; M;iii cr s q gtl:.w9,RK

oli,,,ir't'" tll'(iV-ERSt t /

HYDt-lRABAD-:(rU t't

iJentifying and motivating target couples'


t sndy and report about the organization- History, aims, obiectives , goals, Administrative

slructure, opt'uiiontl area' target g';p' progiammet rGoing and problems of the

organization. shrdy and report on the characteristics' migration pattern and analysis the problems of

urban slums'. ShjdY, Work and report on the functioning, models, monitoring of SHGs and on Bank

: 5;5;:H;rrr..,..0* uverihood promotion of a famirv or sroup bv usins livelihood

strategies.. rnvorve in the micro pranning of any project with the target group and report the

Drocess.. Lng.g. in pubric rerations and sociar advocary activities in the organization/community'

. Formutate pressure groups and takl ".itituty action on particular issues in the

communities' . r,^A ^^.,n-aAin rh,, communities and analyze the role of

o ShrdY the programTg:-of UCD covered in the commul

urban local govt' in UCD'

. select on. p'og'u;tiIl:tt*itt/of agency and evaluate it'

o plan and orgariize one/two AuVr. piiiiu'|"t to creatl awareness among the target

poputation on any sp-ecifrc social issue'

: l5#,#l : ifri:lgll,,'S:f'3f;?3.?115 ::[tY ff ffi :''E th e i ssu es a n d probr em s i n

organizing them. shjdy the preient status of any of the development programme implementing by the

. $tfr fit[::lJiil the community needs by usins the process of communitv

Development' eting and record the minutes. Attend the staff/target gr-oup me

o Prepare tn" tlJt it'ay of gny succes--sful / failure case/group

. Invorve in net working, robbying ;;;;d;.;w of ihe concerned project'

. use audio-visual and theatr. .o,inirircution'methods in the field'

. Involve in participatory evaluation'UY usinO thq crj!1ria'

. Taking part in the programTe.s,'rl.ii*-tt, *orrsnopil etc., related to community work

fortheenrichmentofknowledg.-iliq.1lir"-1ry:l'':*tiir'.FaculWsupervisor).. Make extensive reading in the nero or ucD in gun.rul und the areas specifled in the

. flr:ln.t:ffi:'[HH'il11vn" w-ork - dalv dairy and weekrv 1::o'9:'-^-''

. Submit weekly reports to the ralurtv stiperuisorcnJ itt"ia the superuisory conference


or to.i * i nlt' o: .i.q g'lt"woRK

oirrnn"o u\,v:I?L"'iitnr.p^:aD 5io oo7


During this intensive field work training programme the students are expected to :

. Sfudy and report about the organization - History aims , objectives, goals ,Administrative structure, operitional area, target group , programmes, finding and

problems of the organization. btudy the magnitude of unemployment in the community and prepare a report on its

migration Pattern. Anilyze tl're situation and problems of rural industries and suggest the plan for man

power utilization.. btudy, work and repoft on the functioning, models, monitoring of SHGs and on Bank

linkages.. Worli for sustainable livelihood promotion of a famity or group by using livelihood

strategies.. Involv-e in the micro planning of any project with the target group and report the

process.. Study the present status of any of the development programme implementing by the

Govt. in the slum.. . Work on meeting the community needs by using the process of community

Development.. Involve in the micro planning of any project with the target group and report theprocess.

, '', . Engage in public relations and social advocary activities in the

: organization/communitY.o Formulate pressure groups and take necessary action on particular issues in the

communities.r Study the programmes of RCD covered in the communities and analyze the role of

panchaYath in RCD.

. Select one programme/service/of agency and evaluate it.

. ptan and oiganlze one/two days programmes to create awareness among the target

population on any specific social issue.

o Assist the agenry in fund raising and publicity campaigns.. Study and report the steps in community based planning, management and

monitoring of water shed management. Study and-repor.t on different types, functioning activities, role and problems of

cooperative societies in the communityr Attend the staff/target group meeting and record the minutes. Prepare the case study of any successful / failure case/groupo Involve in net working, lobbying and advocary of the concerned project.

Use audio-visual ahd theatre communication methods in the field.. Involve in participatory evaluation by using the criteria.

t .rlt, ",t_ /!*4---AUSZ/ l.+-,

cH/\lrr,l:rnsoruDEPARTMENI iTF SOCiAL WOR(,



. Study the present status of any of the development programme implementing by the

Govt. in the TRIBAL COMMUNITYo Engage in public relations and social advocary activities in the

orga nization/com m u nity". - StuOy tnl-prograrr", of TCD covered in the communities and analyze the role of

PanchaYath in TCD.. belect one programme/service/of agency and evaluate it.

: ;il;; oigu;ir" on.it*o days pr6grammes to create awareness among the target

population on any specific social issue'

Assist the agenry in fund raising and publicity campaigns'

Study and report on diff.r.nt ty:pes, functioning activities, role and problems of

cooperative societies in the community.

Attend the staff/target group meeting and record the minutesprepare the case study of any successful / failure case/group





Human Resource Management specialization concurrent Field work Guidelines



Expose the students to the industrial organization for understanding the personnel

function.n.quir. practical knowledge relating to personnel procedures, practices

-and policies'

Develop professional tnofieOge te[atind to personnelprocedures, practices and policies'

Make the students u*ur. of c-omplexitiof personnel iunction and environment in which

it is carried out.

ffiri;. the skills by doing specific hobs assisting the personnel officer/ manager as and

when possible and asked for.


Meeting concerned people in the industry and obtain necessary permission for your field

work.Visit the HRD department and HEAD of the department understand the relationship of

the department with other department'Study the importance of the existence of the HRD department' And understand

coherence of the HRD department with Personneu HRM department'











gc 114t JtA U N:iVE R S!'rv.HYntrRARAn-5ar0 007

4. Study the role and specific functions of the personnel in the HRD department - Studythe needs of training and development of employees,

5. Study the aspects organization culture"6. Study the aspects organization climate and changing organizational climate.7. Study the issues relating to lnterdependenry of OD & HRD8. Understand communication system and process in the organization.9. Stud the P€formance Appraisal system and the relevance with HRD.10. Understand the role computers in HRD.11. Study the conflict resolution procedures in the organization.12. tJnderstand the Stress management practices in the organization.13. Make mini-research study selecting any special issue relating to HRD for the depth.


These are the possible ways for learning for the students going for concurrent field work:

1, Seek theoretical inputs on policies and practices relating to Personnel/ Human Resourcemanagement/ Human resource development from the personnel holding change ofspecific functions.

2, Observer the functioning of the practitioner while practicing of their skills andtechniques.Observer the roles and styles of the HRD professionals.Request for opportunities for pafticipant obseruation of certain proceedings.Shoulder specific responsibility tasks assigned and up some assignments.Seek opportunities for acquiring supervision skills, is possible.

Note: Students may select any one of the areas in their respective specialisation during theconcurrent field work in the III semester period . The remaining areas must be completedduring the IV semester including Block Field Work. This is applicable for all specializations.

DEDapritEf:1 0F S3;tr,r_ \/jORK,





,Unit. 1

.urbanisation and industrialization in India, Migration to towns and cities, Demographic and

occupational characteristics of urban maii.'oerrlnition of urban area and current issues in urban '


,unit- z.:.

Urban community development: Principles and strategies. Urban community development in


Unit - 3.

Slums: Definition, characteristics and theories of Slums, Indian slums in general and slums in

Andhra Pradesh in particular, slum clearance and slum improvement'

Unit - 4

Urban municipal administration: Structure, composition, functions and current issues' Role and

lrpo*n.. in urban community development.Urban Development Policy and programmes"

Town planning and other laws relating to urban development. Trends in urban planning'


Francis Cherunilam

Dr. Pardeep sachdeva

B. Bhattacharya

Gopal Bhargava

Urbanisation in developing countries

Himalaya publishing house.

Revamping urban governments in India

Kitab mahal

Urban develoPment in India

Shree pubtishing house, New Delhi

India in 21$ century - challenges and opportunities

Anmol publishing, New Delhi, 1993


..rh-.a**il**a.Gf i-cl-tAld,Prnsot'l

n, pppl r.1--llT'OF SoilAL woRK,"*OSMANI,\


r{YDE.IIABAD-500 0c7'

",..;'.'[d . Bijlani

,."::.ii:rlflmdipto Roy and.:

Shangon Das GuPta.'':' lil'iiill,:'i',i :

Urban problems, centre for urban studies, Iipa, New Delhi

Urbanisation and slums Har Anand publishings,

New Delhi, 1995

In the name of the urban poor - access to basic amentities,

sage publications, new delhi, 1993

Urban communitY develoPment,

Rawat publications, New Delhi,1993.




Paper IV(b) - Psychiatric Social Work - I

*Unit - I

Historical development of psychiatric social work in United States, United Kingdom and India.

Professional organization of psychiatric social workers, its objectives in India.

Psychiatric Social Work : meaning concepts of field work and multi disciplinary approach. Role

of social worker in mental health settings. Effective social work interuentions: Clinical social

wor:k practice with psychiatric clients.

Empherical approaches to case assessment methods ,interuention and management. Measuring

the bUrden of psychiatric illness in the family.

*Unit - II

Cllnlcal Assessment and Diagnosis: Assessing Psychological disorders, the clinical interuiew

Physlcal exa mi nation, behavioral assessm ent.

Psychological testing, Neuro Psychological testing, Diagnosing Psychological disorders:

Classification issues : DSM III, DSMIV.

rUnl!.- ffi

Cllnlcal description, causes , treatment/management of Anxiety, Fear and panic generalized

anxlety disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive disorder.

*Unit - IV

Clinical description, causes, treatmenV of management somatoform disorders: Hypochondriasis,

conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorder.

Disassociative disorders: Amnesia, Fatigue, Identiff Mood disorders: depressive disorder,

bipolar disorder

Schizophrenia and Psychiatric disorders: clinical description, causes treatment.

Congnitive disorders: Delirium, Dementia , Amnestic disorders.


Abnormal Psychology, CurrentPerspectives

/,1/{4,.di@,r b-'-

J4' ' =;Ft,'r'{tRPEI{5oN

,..- r -r.Ii.irfu, Cr SCCrA', \,VORK,

" ol.lt'tl t,)illuS:?J;

Callham Hames

Rappaport Jullian


Lowrey Lawson G

Gpland Generald

:lames Coleman

M Doel, Steven Shadlow

[!ar!ene G Cooper

Joan Granuci Lesser

Leena Dominelli

,,,Iffilliam Farley, Larry Smith

Scott Boyle

Child Psychiatry

Indian Journal of Social Work

1.1,, ;,;,"::;!,(j i:lluhity. Psychology, Research and

Action, Holt, Rinehar & Winston, New York


:An Approach to Community Mental Health

: Abnormal Psychology and Moern Life

Taraporewala Sons, BombaY, 1984.

: Modern Social Work Practice

Clinical Social Work Practice - An

Integrated Approach

: Social Work theory and Practice for

Changing profession

Introduction to Social Work




Paper; I : Communitv Organlzation & Sociat Action

Unit - 1

Community organization: Concept, meaning, definition, philosophy, scope and nature ofcommunity organization in India. Community client system. Clients perception in communityorganization.

Unit - 2

Community organization: principles, process, skills, techniques approaches and strategies. Therole of community organizer in rural, urban and tribal communities. Models of communityorganization. Rothman model: Locality Developmen! Social Planning, Social Action models.Resource Transaction Model.

Unit -3

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Features, Techniques and Uses. PIA and social anatysis. Theapplication of these techniques in Community Organisation. Study, review and analysis ofcases/issues in community and its presentation.

Unit - 4

Definition evolution and principles of social action. Social actions as a method of socialworkissues confronting developing societies and role of social action in transforming the society.

Unit - 5

Strategies for social action. Relevance of social action in various settings. Successful lessonslearnt from developing nations.


Mcmiller w. Community organisation for social welfare

Chicago, Chicago university press, 1945

Community Structure and Analysis,

New Yor( John wiley,1959

Rural development -principles, policies and management

Sussman M.B.

.1/ .l. - .' {rL-- ilLt**1' !,*-

l-d-'| *-- 'r--'**'CHAi f<.1u xS'..rrr



Polson and Sanderson


Sage publications, New Delhi, 1979 ''---/

Rural Development - principles, poticies and management

Sage publications, New Delhi, 1986.

Working with Communities, Hira pubtications,

New Delhi, 1997

Social Work Practicg Cases, Activities and Exercises,

Sage Publications India M., Ltd., New Delhi.

Community Organising Theory & practice, prentice Hall,

New Delhi, 1983.

Participatory rural appraisal methods

, ):,



,Director, Publications House, prentice Hall, New Dethi.

of Rural Development, by director NIRD, Hyderabad.


Paper - II; Social Work Research

tlnil - 1


,,, ientific approach: Meaning of Science and Research, scientiflc Research and Scientific

.M.ethod, use of scientific Method in Sociar science. Research process and Nature of social

i,Research and social work Research, objectives, Nature, scope, Process of social Work

,Relearctr. Role of Research in Social Work Practice'




Unit - 3

Research Design: concept and its purpose in research' types: conventional designs:

li;6d-Jl'scriptire diagnostic, pr., trr. and Quasi experimentar designs; single Subiect

,desig,R; Time series oesigns; and Progiamme evaluation; Participatory Research methods and



' 'l r'|^^r .t-^aarrrra crrnnlinn Mpthods: ProbabiliW and Non-probability andsampling: concept, Need, Procedure. sampling Methods: Probability and Nt

;il;ffiilffi; and demerits. Types of probability sampling: simple Random, stratified -Proportionate and Disproportionate and Cluster Sampling' Non-probability Sampling:


Unit - 5

Methods and roors of Data coilection: primary and secondary sources, official statistics and

Data from Various Data coilecting Agencies. obseruation, Interuiew Schedure, Interuiew Guide,

Questionnaire and Rating Scales'

DEPARTI\.iEhlT 0f S0CIAL WORK'- bsuntt i A u r{ ivE il sl l'Y,



Methods in Social Research,

Polansky, N"A" (Ed.)



Cochran. W.E.

Allen Rubin & Earl Babbie

Duane R. Monette

Thomas J. Sullivan

Comell R. Dejong

New York, McGraw Hill. 1952.

Social Work Research,

Chicago, University of Chicago" 1960.

Scientific Social Surueys and Research,

New York, Prentice Hill"

Methodology in Social Science Research,

New York, McGraw Hill. 1968.

Research Methods for Social Sciences,

Great Britton, Edward Arnold. 1981.

Social Work Research and the Analysis of Social Data'

Research Methods in Social Relations,

New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1959'

Sampting Techniques, New YorK John Wley' 1953'

Research Methods for Social Work,

Wordsworth Publishing, ComPanY.

Applied Social Research, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc'

llt"fu,@*A-{ e// 'cHAIhPERsol'l

or poai''o i r'r{ oF ?.q9 r11)loJlK'


Mpsw --PsYcHmrRtc srrnuc

1" Criticar appraisar of the agenry,s functioning in reration to its phirosophy, structure,

, policies and programmes" Regullr int ia*io"n with different levels of functionaries to

,. deverop srirts'in ioordination. u^J.oi*ding of the administrative structures, hierarchy

?nd admission Procedures'

2.observationattheoutpatientunit.ThestudentworkerwillmakeobseruationAnd studipuii;nt ut t. time of registration. Learn the process of filling case

Information sheet at the time of admission'

3. CaseworkSelecttwo(2)psychiatricpqtientswithspecificproblemsqndmqkeqdetq

Study qnd qnqlysis of these cases. In the procedures of assessment goal


use skilfully the Guiding priciples of casework practice'

4. Family casework and home visits. Home visits will be made regularly after a

detailed rtuov ano assessment of the patient' Family counselling / therapy

session will be conducted in the homes of thepatient. Various techniques

and skills of Family counselling / therapy will be used'

5. GrouP work:


work involving the different stages of group process' The student worker can

also conduct activities of therapeutic value'

6. Psychological Tests: Under the guidance and. supervision of the psychologist'

obserue and learn the various'm.tnoar and techniques of psychological treatment'


1. criticar appraisar of the agencies functioning in reration to its phirosophy, structure,

Policies and Programmes'

2. Regular interactionwith different levels of functionaries to develop skills in coordination'

3. Understanding of the administrative structure, hierarchy and admission procedure"

Understandingoftheworkingofeachmajordepartment(viz.,Cardiology/oncology/orthopedii l5.rrofogy i poii op.rativ6) (any 2 department in the first term)'

Theoreticai'[no*f"age pertainin]-to th; specific area - extensive and intensive

"teading"4" Case StudY

selection of a minimu of two patients (in each department) with specific Psycho

social problem. Make an in-depth study and assessment of the cases using the

case studY format.

5. GrouP Studies ., -.- -c .- ^G ^rliIdentiff and select the areas of need for formation of a group of patients / family

members. Study individual group members, their dynamics in operation and

assess the growth of individual member during group interaction' use the format

for grouP studY.

6. Social welfare Administration: Develop and understanding in the working of



1. critical Appraisal of the agency's functioning in relatio-n to its philosophy'.structure'

poricies and programmes. Regurar interactiSn with dfferent reversof functionaries to

develop skills in ioordinatiin. Understanding of the administrative structures,

hierarihy, and admission procedures'

Enlist all the Community-- related Projects of the.organization' Take up in-depth

study of prog ra m r" piiini ng. Im ptem.enti ng strategiesl. and Evaluation Modalities'

participate in one of tn" -tommunity UiseA piojeqs / Community Out-Reach'

piog;*r.s and apply the method of Community organis-ation'

Identify and select t*o ..r., for case-study anO. ivo families for a family study'

mainiy'r"tated to any of the health problems faced by them.

Organise a Camp, brr.y, Awareness Campaign or.Health Education Program in

relation to the iOentineJ ui'lut of needs and resources in the Communities'

Health Assessment's of various Target Groups ril<9 9!i]d1e-1, women, ag!g' Conduct a

community screening for ipecific diieases like T.B,STD,AIDS, Leprosy,.Blindness etc'

use of communicai',6n uni research t .nniqr.r in planning and im.plementation of

speciflc progrurr.i on immunization unb prevention of disabilities and deaf

muteness. conducting educative, re-creative and the raputic. Family planning -







DEPAR; M;iii cr s q gtl:.w9,RK

oli,,,ir't'" tll'(iV-ERSt t /

HYDt-lRABAD-:(rU t't

iJentifying and motivating target couples'


t sndy and report about the organization- History, aims, obiectives , goals, Administrative

slructure, opt'uiiontl area' target g';p' progiammet rGoing and problems of the

organization. shrdy and report on the characteristics' migration pattern and analysis the problems of

urban slums'. ShjdY, Work and report on the functioning, models, monitoring of SHGs and on Bank

: 5;5;:H;rrr..,..0* uverihood promotion of a famirv or sroup bv usins livelihood

strategies.. rnvorve in the micro pranning of any project with the target group and report the

Drocess.. Lng.g. in pubric rerations and sociar advocary activities in the organization/community'

. Formutate pressure groups and takl ".itituty action on particular issues in the

communities' . r,^A ^^.,n-aAin rh,, communities and analyze the role of

o ShrdY the programTg:-of UCD covered in the commul

urban local govt' in UCD'

. select on. p'og'u;tiIl:tt*itt/of agency and evaluate it'

o plan and orgariize one/two AuVr. piiiiu'|"t to creatl awareness among the target

poputation on any sp-ecifrc social issue'

: l5#,#l : ifri:lgll,,'S:f'3f;?3.?115 ::[tY ff ffi :''E th e i ssu es a n d probr em s i n

organizing them. shjdy the preient status of any of the development programme implementing by the

. $tfr fit[::lJiil the community needs by usins the process of communitv

Development' eting and record the minutes. Attend the staff/target gr-oup me

o Prepare tn" tlJt it'ay of gny succes--sful / failure case/group

. Invorve in net working, robbying ;;;;d;.;w of ihe concerned project'

. use audio-visual and theatr. .o,inirircution'methods in the field'

. Involve in participatory evaluation'UY usinO thq crj!1ria'

. Taking part in the programTe.s,'rl.ii*-tt, *orrsnopil etc., related to community work

fortheenrichmentofknowledg.-iliq.1lir"-1ry:l'':*tiir'.FaculWsupervisor).. Make extensive reading in the nero or ucD in gun.rul und the areas specifled in the

. flr:ln.t:ffi:'[HH'il11vn" w-ork - dalv dairy and weekrv 1::o'9:'-^-''

. Submit weekly reports to the ralurtv stiperuisorcnJ itt"ia the superuisory conference


or to.i * i nlt' o: .i.q g'lt"woRK

oirrnn"o u\,v:I?L"'iitnr.p^:aD 5io oo7


During this intensive field work training programme the students are expected to :

. Sfudy and report about the organization - History aims , objectives, goals ,Administrative structure, operitional area, target group , programmes, finding and

problems of the organization. btudy the magnitude of unemployment in the community and prepare a report on its

migration Pattern. Anilyze tl're situation and problems of rural industries and suggest the plan for man

power utilization.. btudy, work and repoft on the functioning, models, monitoring of SHGs and on Bank

linkages.. Worli for sustainable livelihood promotion of a famity or group by using livelihood

strategies.. Involv-e in the micro planning of any project with the target group and report the

process.. Study the present status of any of the development programme implementing by the

Govt. in the slum.. . Work on meeting the community needs by using the process of community

Development.. Involve in the micro planning of any project with the target group and report theprocess.

, '', . Engage in public relations and social advocary activities in the

: organization/communitY.o Formulate pressure groups and take necessary action on particular issues in the

communities.r Study the programmes of RCD covered in the communities and analyze the role of

panchaYath in RCD.

. Select one programme/service/of agency and evaluate it.

. ptan and oiganlze one/two days programmes to create awareness among the target

population on any specific social issue.

o Assist the agenry in fund raising and publicity campaigns.. Study and report the steps in community based planning, management and

monitoring of water shed management. Study and-repor.t on different types, functioning activities, role and problems of

cooperative societies in the communityr Attend the staff/target group meeting and record the minutes. Prepare the case study of any successful / failure case/groupo Involve in net working, lobbying and advocary of the concerned project.

Use audio-visual ahd theatre communication methods in the field.. Involve in participatory evaluation by using the criteria.

t .rlt, ",t_ /!*4---AUSZ/ l.+-,

cH/\lrr,l:rnsoruDEPARTMENI iTF SOCiAL WOR(,



. Study the present status of any of the development programme implementing by the

Govt. in the TRIBAL COMMUNITYo Engage in public relations and social advocary activities in the

orga nization/com m u nity". - StuOy tnl-prograrr", of TCD covered in the communities and analyze the role of

PanchaYath in TCD.. belect one programme/service/of agency and evaluate it.

: ;il;; oigu;ir" on.it*o days pr6grammes to create awareness among the target

population on any specific social issue'

Assist the agenry in fund raising and publicity campaigns'

Study and report on diff.r.nt ty:pes, functioning activities, role and problems of

cooperative societies in the community.

Attend the staff/target group meeting and record the minutesprepare the case study of any successful / failure case/group





Human Resource Management specialization concurrent Field work Guidelines



Expose the students to the industrial organization for understanding the personnel

function.n.quir. practical knowledge relating to personnel procedures, practices

-and policies'

Develop professional tnofieOge te[atind to personnelprocedures, practices and policies'

Make the students u*ur. of c-omplexitiof personnel iunction and environment in which

it is carried out.

ffiri;. the skills by doing specific hobs assisting the personnel officer/ manager as and

when possible and asked for.


Meeting concerned people in the industry and obtain necessary permission for your field

work.Visit the HRD department and HEAD of the department understand the relationship of

the department with other department'Study the importance of the existence of the HRD department' And understand

coherence of the HRD department with Personneu HRM department'











gc 114t JtA U N:iVE R S!'rv.HYntrRARAn-5ar0 007

4. Study the role and specific functions of the personnel in the HRD department - Studythe needs of training and development of employees,

5. Study the aspects organization culture"6. Study the aspects organization climate and changing organizational climate.7. Study the issues relating to lnterdependenry of OD & HRD8. Understand communication system and process in the organization.9. Stud the P€formance Appraisal system and the relevance with HRD.10. Understand the role computers in HRD.11. Study the conflict resolution procedures in the organization.12. tJnderstand the Stress management practices in the organization.13. Make mini-research study selecting any special issue relating to HRD for the depth.


These are the possible ways for learning for the students going for concurrent field work:

1, Seek theoretical inputs on policies and practices relating to Personnel/ Human Resourcemanagement/ Human resource development from the personnel holding change ofspecific functions.

2, Observer the functioning of the practitioner while practicing of their skills andtechniques.Observer the roles and styles of the HRD professionals.Request for opportunities for pafticipant obseruation of certain proceedings.Shoulder specific responsibility tasks assigned and up some assignments.Seek opportunities for acquiring supervision skills, is possible.

Note: Students may select any one of the areas in their respective specialisation during theconcurrent field work in the III semester period . The remaining areas must be completedduring the IV semester including Block Field Work. This is applicable for all specializations.

DEDapritEf:1 0F S3;tr,r_ \/jORK,





,Unit. 1

.urbanisation and industrialization in India, Migration to towns and cities, Demographic and

occupational characteristics of urban maii.'oerrlnition of urban area and current issues in urban '


,unit- z.:.

Urban community development: Principles and strategies. Urban community development in


Unit - 3.

Slums: Definition, characteristics and theories of Slums, Indian slums in general and slums in

Andhra Pradesh in particular, slum clearance and slum improvement'

Unit - 4

Urban municipal administration: Structure, composition, functions and current issues' Role and

lrpo*n.. in urban community development.Urban Development Policy and programmes"

Town planning and other laws relating to urban development. Trends in urban planning'


Francis Cherunilam

Dr. Pardeep sachdeva

B. Bhattacharya

Gopal Bhargava

Urbanisation in developing countries

Himalaya publishing house.

Revamping urban governments in India

Kitab mahal

Urban develoPment in India

Shree pubtishing house, New Delhi

India in 21$ century - challenges and opportunities

Anmol publishing, New Delhi, 1993


..rh-.a**il**a.Gf i-cl-tAld,Prnsot'l

n, pppl r.1--llT'OF SoilAL woRK,"*OSMANI,\


r{YDE.IIABAD-500 0c7'

",..;'.'[d . Bijlani

,."::.ii:rlflmdipto Roy and.:

Shangon Das GuPta.'':' lil'iiill,:'i',i :

Urban problems, centre for urban studies, Iipa, New Delhi

Urbanisation and slums Har Anand publishings,

New Delhi, 1995

In the name of the urban poor - access to basic amentities,

sage publications, new delhi, 1993

Urban communitY develoPment,

Rawat publications, New Delhi,1993.




Paper IV(b) - Psychiatric Social Work - I

*Unit - I

Historical development of psychiatric social work in United States, United Kingdom and India.

Professional organization of psychiatric social workers, its objectives in India.

Psychiatric Social Work : meaning concepts of field work and multi disciplinary approach. Role

of social worker in mental health settings. Effective social work interuentions: Clinical social

wor:k practice with psychiatric clients.

Empherical approaches to case assessment methods ,interuention and management. Measuring

the bUrden of psychiatric illness in the family.

*Unit - II

Cllnlcal Assessment and Diagnosis: Assessing Psychological disorders, the clinical interuiew

Physlcal exa mi nation, behavioral assessm ent.

Psychological testing, Neuro Psychological testing, Diagnosing Psychological disorders:

Classification issues : DSM III, DSMIV.

rUnl!.- ffi

Cllnlcal description, causes , treatment/management of Anxiety, Fear and panic generalized

anxlety disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive disorder.

*Unit - IV

Clinical description, causes, treatmenV of management somatoform disorders: Hypochondriasis,

conversion disorder, somatization disorder, pain disorder.

Disassociative disorders: Amnesia, Fatigue, Identiff Mood disorders: depressive disorder,

bipolar disorder

Schizophrenia and Psychiatric disorders: clinical description, causes treatment.

Congnitive disorders: Delirium, Dementia , Amnestic disorders.


Abnormal Psychology, CurrentPerspectives

/,1/{4,.di@,r b-'-

J4' ' =;Ft,'r'{tRPEI{5oN

,..- r -r.Ii.irfu, Cr SCCrA', \,VORK,

" ol.lt'tl t,)illuS:?J;

Callham Hames

Rappaport Jullian


Lowrey Lawson G

Gpland Generald

:lames Coleman

M Doel, Steven Shadlow

[!ar!ene G Cooper

Joan Granuci Lesser

Leena Dominelli

,,,Iffilliam Farley, Larry Smith

Scott Boyle

Child Psychiatry

Indian Journal of Social Work

1.1,, ;,;,"::;!,(j i:lluhity. Psychology, Research and

Action, Holt, Rinehar & Winston, New York


:An Approach to Community Mental Health

: Abnormal Psychology and Moern Life

Taraporewala Sons, BombaY, 1984.

: Modern Social Work Practice

Clinical Social Work Practice - An

Integrated Approach

: Social Work theory and Practice for

Changing profession

Introduction to Social Work


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