mtc mrs research services

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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MTC Market Research Solutions\' Services


Guiding our clientstowards more profitablebusiness development

OurResearch Services

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Dear Business Owner and Team,

We thank you for your time and your interest in our marketing research solutions and

services. In this brochure you will find all the information you need to make an informed

decision. Our main purpose is to assist you with the right solutions to attain your objectives.

The bottom line, we produce Real Results... insight that is actionable!

So what makes us the right company to talk to?

Our styling is global ... our build is African ... our pricing is local ...

At MTC Marketing Research Solutions, we work with our clients to help them make critical

business decisions for commercial advantage. The agency operates on a belief that research

should be tailored to the needs of both particular research problems and the aims of individual

client companies.

Again, I personally thank you for your interest. We all at MTC Marketing Research Solutions

value your business and hope that this will be a lasting alliance. We are looking forward to

working with you in any future opportunities that may arise.

Should you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us using the above

contact details. Alternatively, visit our web site:

We hope that you will find this brochure useful. Let us know if there is anything else you need

to know.

Warmest regards,

Cecilia Patterson

and MTC Research Team

Plot 80, Unit 05 & 06, Letlanya BuildingGaborone International Commerce Park

PO Box 60806, Gaborone, BotswanaTel: (+267) 3161890

Fax: (+267) 3932145Cell: (+267) 72309346


Our Affiliated Professional bodies:A division of

MTC Consultancy Holdings Association forQualitative Research


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Association forQualitative Research


1 AbOuT uS 2

1.1 Who are we? 3

1.2 Our Regional Presence 3

1.3 Our Corporate Structure 4

1.4 Our Capabilities 5

2 OuR ClienTS, AffiliATeS

& fACiliTieS 6

2.1 Affiliations 7

2.2 Our Client Profile 7

2.3 Country Coverage 7

2.4 Industry Sectors 7

2.5 Value Added Services 8

2.6 Surveys and Products 10

3 OuR SeRviCeS 11

3.1 Customer Retention Surveys 12

3.2 Customer Satisfaction Surveys 13

3.3 Consumer Panels 14

3.4 Brand Positioning 16

3.5 Brand Health Studies 16

3.6 Brand Tracking 17

3.7 MTC Youth Trends 18

3.8 Concept Tests (Preview Tests) 19

3.9 Product Testing 20

3.10 Mystery Shopper Surveys 21

3.11 Retail Audits 22

3.12 Package Testing Studies 24

3.13 Pricing Research 25

3.14 Social Research Studies 27

3.15 Advertising Tracking Studies 27

3.16 Media Monitoring Surveys 28

4 bOTSwAnA All MediA &


4.1 Background 30

4.2 Information provided by BAMPS 31

4.3 Survey Objective 31

4.4 BAMPS Report Content 33

5 COnTACT uS 35

Cecilia Patterson - CEO 36

Theo O’Hara - Business Manager 36

Morongwa Tawana - Communications 36

6 enquiRy fORM 38

MTC Marketing Research SolutionsProducts and Services Brochure

About Us

“Knowing something about your customer is just as important as knowing everything about your

product…” Harvey Mackay


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Association forQualitative Research

About UsMTC Marketing Research Solutions


MTC Marketing Research Solutions is a full service marketing research agency based in Gaborone, Botswana. Full service research agency means we are able to provide services from implementation of a research project, research design including sampling, data collection, data processing, field management, analysis and interpretation of data for both qualitative and quantitative studies.

We specialise in helping out clients achieve more with their brands and advertising by • providing accurate and insightful research. We explore, probe and challenge conventional thinking. • We assess market potential and interpret market trends. • We test products, advertising, perceptions and satisfaction and help our clients build • long-term relationships with their customers. We design research programmes that help our clients retain their customers or win back • customers if they have been lost.

At MTC Marketing Research Solutions we help clients to:Bring the voice of the customer into the boardroom• Help study the competitive landscape of a clients industry• Implement strategic marketing programmes through • the provision of sound marketing intelligenceBetter understand their customers•

MTC Marketing Research Solutions also has network associations with other research houses throughout Africa, referred to by us as “smart partners”. MTC Marketing Research Solutions is active throughout the Southern African region and beyond through its smart partnerships in the following countries:










South AfricaLesotho


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Association forQualitative Research

About UsMTC Marketing Research Solutions



Market Research Director

Statistician Senior Research Executive

Market Research Manager

Media Monitoring Manager

Ad-hoc Field Manager Retail Audit Manager

MTC Marketing Research Solutions has over ten years experience in conducting Qualitative and Quantitative research methods, of types

Business to Business (B2B) and • Consumer. •

In the past years we at MTC Marketing Research Solutions have significantly increased our footprint in Botswana and have experience conducting research nationwide and in other markets. We know the Botswana market place and have in depth knowledge of the customers. Our depth of experience as suppliers of research means that we can offer clear insight into research findings. We are always willing to question not only the basis of research but also the implications of the results.

MTC Marketing Research Solutions covers all sectors of industry, from the FMCG markets to service sector markets and prides itself on being able to offer any company a service relevant to it operatives.

Our goal is to help our clients become more profitable through a better understanding of their customers and the market in which they operate.


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Association forQualitative Research

Our agency regularly deals with clients as well as other research agencies and advertising agencies from South Africa, Europe, Canada and American companies wishing to conduct research in and around Botswana or Africa.

OuR CAPAbiliTieSMTC Marketing Research Solutions offers:

Ad-hoc research in all Market Sectors• Customised field research• (quantitative and qualitative)Strategic recommendations with local relevance• Feasibility studies• Marketing plans• Business plans•

whAT SeTS uS APART?Every research company creates numbers – at MTC Marketing Research Solutions we do the same. Our trick is turning the numbers into action. We are not satisfied with descriptive analysis. And neither are our clients. Successful research guides successful decisions. That is at the heart of the concept of Risk Reduction. It’s what we do, and we provide just that for all our clients.

OuR SeCReT?The secret of our success lies in our incisive and analytical reports which translate the research respondents’ views into detailed, accurate interpretation of the customer needs, plus our in-depth knowledge of the local market.

Our measurements are valid, reliable and feasible• Our approach is based on 10 years Botswana research experience• We deliver speedy, quality results• Our reporting is clear and relevant• Solutions are identified that accurately addresses the identified • customer service challengeWhat we quote is what we ask-within the budget.•


About UsMTC Marketing Research Solutions


Our Clients, Affiliates & Facilities

“..It is in the marketers interest to have an independent audit

that confirms thatthey get what they pay for”

John Farquar(Senior)


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

Our growing client base includes multi-nationals and local companies in all sectors. Some of our clients include:

Barclaycard• Bifm• Brandleadership• BP• BTC• Clover• Coca Cola• DHL• Funeral Service Group• Government of Botswana• Heineken• IFSC• Mascom• Ministry of Commerce & Science• Mmegi• Multichoice Botswana• Namibia Breweries Limited• National Brands Ltd• Nokia• Proctor & Gamble• PSI Botswana• Royal Baking Powder• Shell Oil Botswana• SA Tourism• Standard Bank• University of Botswana• Yarona FM•


MTC Marketing Research Solutions operates according to the professional body standards it subscribes to and abides by the codes of conduct and ethics of these affiliates. our affiliates include:

ClientsMTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

MTC has covered a lot of different industry sectors including:Market Evaluations • Market Strategies/Plans• Media• Retail •

Beverage • Education • Finance• FMCG•

Telecomms• Tourism• Feasiblity Studies• Business Plans•



MTC Marketing Research Solutions is Botswana’s leading and longest established market research agency. Formed in 1997,

the company has grown rapidly to where it is today. The company currently boasts a team

of six highly specialised executives, a full complement of support staff and a field team of over 60 experienced

interviewers in urban and rural areas throughout Botswana.

The map of Botswana shown here highlights all areas

where MTC Marketing Solutions has research


botswana Map



Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research


dATA CAPTuRe SeRviCeSWe provide data capture services to a variety of clients who do not have specialized packages for handling data input and analysis. We have a state-of-the art data capture facility, run by experienced IT personnel who are experienced in data input and analysis.

fOCuS GROuP STudiOWe have in-house state-of-the-art focus group studios:

Fully equipped with modern audio equipment and viewing 1. facilities. A one-way mirror makes it easy for clients to observe focus groups while in motion.Fully equipped with modern audio and video monitoring 2. equipment, making it possible to view focus groups while they are in motion.

Our facilities are available for hire. Hire includes studio facility, hostessing, tea/coffee, mineral water, biscuits an audio recording. VHS recording and refreshments are also available on request. Our pluses:

We can conduct 4 focus groups per day. One boardroom has viewing facilities and • video linking can be organized for viewing of groups in other rooms.We can deliver transcripts to clients three days after the first group• We provide audio and video tapes• We provide interim reports within five days of the last group• We have experienced moderators•

MediA MOniTORinG STudiOOur studio electronically records all TV and radio. We use our tailored media monitoring software to record all live programming in our studio which is then analysed by our dedicated media monitoring team. Complete capture and back checks of all adverts and DJ mentions are done manually.

Our media monitor studio, monitors quality with which the ads

FacilitiesMTC Marketing Research Solutions






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Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

are flighted on air waves in all electronic and print media placements in Botswana and provides details of: Date, Time and Frequency.

From our database of all aired and printed content, we extract and analyse editorial content, then report it to serve individual client needs. As a world class monitoring service, we provide qualitative analysis of clients’ editorial media content benchmarked against their competitors providing competitive analyses as well as characterization of the advertisements and commentary on the program that the adverts were flighted on.

Our studio also provides ad spend data for all advertising expenditure from each market category using published rate cards. Data for the previous month is available within 7-10 days of the new month. Our media monitoring studio is operative for 18 hours a day from 6am to 10pm daily throughout the year, capturing all

electronic media content. Since in electronic media no evidence of placement is supplied, the invoice to the marketer usually reflects the amount agreed on in the contract with the marketer. Whether the agreed program was followed or not is another issue, and marketers have no other way of verifying if they are getting what they paid for.

From using our services, the Marketer receives: Objective information • Expert service • Reliable and usable information• Detailed reporting including competitive • analysis Traceable information (video and audio tapes)•


FacilitiesMTC Marketing Research Solutions

The purpose of the service is to ensure that adverts planned

and booked are flighted correctly with

consistently good quality. Hence, our monitoring service prevents fraud and ensures optimum

quality at all times and is reliable as it is done independently. Competitive analyses

are also drawn from this database depending on

client needs.

broadcaster Annual Market Share(Combined Radio and Tv)




34%5% Yarona FM



Gabz FM


example:The chart displayed shows us Broadcaster share of adverts from marketers / advertisers. This information can then also be translated to total ad spend. We can analyse category expenditure and share of voice by brands across.



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Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research


At MTC Marketing Research Solutions we do not believe in selling standard “off-the-shelf” packages. Our projects are custom designed to meet individual client needs. Our fundamental objective when designing client surveys is to offer flexibility and uncompromised quality research output. Our sole focus is survey-based marketing research. Research rooted in reality.

MTC Marketing Research Solutions’s responsibilities for projects usually includes:Research design1. Sample design (sampling)2. Identification and training of suitable interviewers in sufficient numbers to apply the 3. survey questionnairesDesigning of questionnaires (quantitative and qualitative) in consultation with the client4. Development of specs and code frame for computer entry.5. Field testing of final questionnaire drafts (pilots)6. Logistical arrangements for survey interviewers and supervisors7. Supervision of all field work8. Data input and processing9. Report on research findings (in word or powerpoint format)10.


Some of our projects include:Customer Retention Surveys• Customer Satisfaction Surveys• Consumer Panels• Brand Positioning • Brand Health Studies• Brand Tracking• MTC Youth Trends• Concept Tests (Preview Tests)• Product Testing• Mystery Shopper Surveys • Retail Audits • Package Testing Studies • Pricing Research • Social Research Studies • Advertising Tracking Studies• Media Monitoring Surveys• and BAMPS.•

MTC Marketing Research Solutions

“As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man

who has the best information”Benjamin Disrael



Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research


As marketers you are aware that the purpose of business is to win customers and retain them. We therefore prefer to call our surveys “Customer Retention Surveys” because the end result will be the development of “Customer Retention” programmes. These programmes help to integrate customer satisfaction measurements with customer relationship assessments.

SuRvey ObjeCTiveSThe survey seeks to answer the following questions:

Do the services and products our company provide satisfy our customers?•

How can we achieve higher productivity by improving service delivery and • coordination?

What aspects of service quality affect our customer’s view of us?•

Is our company and services/products perceived as good value for money?•

How do customers make decisions in getting a specific type of our product / • service brand?

How can we consistently achieve and maintain the quality of service product / • service that customers need?

What are customers expectations?•

What keeps customers loyal or leads them to switch?•

How do we rate against our • competitors and why?

What services and products do • customers require or need to be improved upon?

At MTC Marketing Research Solutions we specialize in

carrying out Customer Retention

Surveys to enable our clients to

timely discover what is going on

before customers drift away.

SurveysCustomer Retention Surveys


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysCustomer Satisfaction Surveys


Satisfying customers is the only way to stay competitive in today’s market place. Customers have an expectation of service and product performance that must be met. The balancing act between what customers want and what your company can provide must be optimised in order to maximise your organisations long-term profits. This occurs in two ways:

With precise information, companies can focus on issues that truly drive customer satisfaction. A directed focus often leads to cost reductions because companies can emphasise improvement in areas of customer concern and de-emphasise focus in other areas.

Focusing on motivators of customer satisfaction leads to core loyal customers who tend to be the most profitable customers (repeat business is usually the most profitable). An inclusive customer satisfaction survey and loyalty programme can, therefore, be considered a source of future profits.

MOTivATiOn ReSeARChHelpful in determining strengths and weaknesses of corporate satisfaction and loyalty programmes, Motivation Research is usually an introductory step in developing an integrated customer satisfaction and loyalty programme.

Our experts conduct in-depth motivational research interviews with both employees and customers to develop insight into the performance of your current satisfaction programme. Recommendations to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty are made based on this motivational research.

TRACkinG STudieSStudies repeated at specified intervals give organisations a history of information about customer satisfaction, revealing trends in both satisfaction and loyalty. Tracking studies are especially useful in determining and monitoring key variables that influence satisfaction and loyalty – which in turn influences company profitability. In tracking studies, companies are also able to notice if they have high or low attrition rate, and this can lead to the formulation of win-back strategies from customer satisfaction and retention studies.




Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysConsumer Panels


Consumer Panel is a continuous project, in which the data on consumption in a household are gathered. Clients use the results of the Consumer Panel for short-term, middle-term and long-term planning and decision-making in the field of marketing and sales.

MTC Marketing Research Solutions Consumer Panel answers the following questions:

What is the market of a product in terms of group in terms of share of the market • and purse? What is the trend/development of a product group? • What is the position of our and competitive brands (market shares)?• How many consumers buy our products? • How important are chains of stores and what is the position of our brands and • products in them?How can we identify our target group of consumers, who are our consumers?• Where do they buy, how much do they spend? • Are our products part of growing segments of brand group in the market? • How loyal are our consumers, whose market share do we steal or who is stealing • ours?

A sample includes 500 households and is representative for the entire Botswana population. Purchases of households are recorded on a daily basis by means of a diary. Representative quotas are as follows:

Regions • Size of towns • Size of households - number of members • Children aged up to 15 years in a household •


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

Consumer Panel measures the purchases in shops (supermarkets, stores, fuel stations, drugstores) and on the market place, in specialized shops and abroad. The data gathered by households are forwarded to our head office on a weekly basis and we control and analyse them and prepare monthly, bimonthly, semi annual... reports.

Consumer Panel provides answers on 2 levels:

1. TRACkinG Total market (value and volume)• Market share (value and volume) • Retail prices • Penetration • Information by regions • Information by type of stores• Information by trade chains• Levels or segments• Diagnostics •

2. SOCiO-deMOGRAPhy Of COnSuMeRS Size of households (number of household members) • Children up to 15 years old • Income of a household • Education of the head of a household •

SurveysConsumer Panels




Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysBrand Positioning Surveys

Brand Health Surveys


Brand image refers to the market space occupied by a particular brand in the minds of target consumers. At a particular point in time, a brand occupies a market space (e.g., high quality / low price) that it has achieved by a combination of design and coincidence. Taking a pro active stance towards positioning a brand means that all market communications and product offerings are geared toward creating a unique, sustainable position in the minds of consumers. The goal is to give them reasons to purchase your product rather than the products of competitors.

Positioning is normally driven by corporate strategy, benefits sought by target customers and the current competitive environment in a particular market. Positioning research provides a snapshot of the perceptions of target customers that reflects how well their desires coincide with those of our client and their competitors. This analysis can identify gaps between what customers want and what they think our clients are offering.


It’s important to define a brand that is not only relevant to your customers, but something you are able to deliver against, now or in the foreseeable future. We advise our clients on what information is necessary to assess brand health, but we also advise on what is normal for your brand. This provides important context to interpret brand health statistics. Think of it as a check up - if a doctor told you your blood pressure it is meaningless unless they also tell you if it is high, low or normal for your circumstances. We apply the same rigor to our branding analysis - so no more meaningless numbers. Contact us for further details.


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysBrand Tracking


whAT ARe bRAnd TRACkinG SuRveyS?In addition to advertising surveys (media monitoring services), MTC does brand tracking to support the competitive analysis from the advertising surveys. Brand tracking measures after the fact perceptions of a particular brand from the general public. Understanding how your customers perceive your brand as to that of your competitor could be the key contribute element to maintaining competitive advantage and it is for this reason that our clients have now and in the past opted to do this study.

From brand tracking results we are able to do competitive brand ranking.

In these surveys, we will also help you (the paying client) to determine:Associations i.e. do consumers associate with my brand, • Communication effectiveness i.e. is my message getting across• Awareness i.e. are consumers aware of my brand campaign• Visual appeal i.e. what do consumers think of my campaign, • Personal preferences and appropriateness i.e. how is the advertising campaign affecting • the consumers Memorability of commercials i.e. elements that are strongly recalled •

Brand profile helps you understand your competitive market place and identify the attributes/benefits that differentiate your brand using attribute / benefit importance modelling.

SuRvey ObjeCTiveSTo identify and keep track of your brand within the media. • Keep track of competitors within industry.• Determine the impact and the effect that events, pro active or incidental, have within the • media.Determine the value and effectiveness of any sponsorship or corporate image-building • program that the company may be involved in.Track industries with the view to reacting to any changes or competition • within a particular sector.


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysYouthTrends and Africa In-sight

MTC YouthTrends is a research study carried out quarterly among young people less than 25 years.

why SuRvey yOuThS? They are currently heavy consumers of various products • The habits and values they form will persist in their adult • life They have a strong socio-economic influence on our society•

They spend family money• Influence their parents’ spending (Pester Power)• Are trendsetters•

infORMATiOn PROvided by MTC yOuThTRendS

Lifestyles, values and aspirations • Product awareness, usage and attitudes• Media Consumption habits •

MTC yOuThTRendS infORMATiOn AReAS:Clothes • Role models• Music • Politics• Media •

Radio• TV • Newspaper• Magazines• Cinema•

Teens represent one of the fastest-growing population segments, with the teen population registering a

growth of 16.6% between 1990 and 2000. Teens wield significant buying

power – both in their own rights and in the context of their family purchasing decisions – that is increas-ingly targeted by market-

ers seeking to execute successful growth strate-

gies. However, today’s teens are more media-

sensitive and marketing-savvy than any of their predecessor generations

and require a highly sophisticated marketing



Language • Adverts & Promotions• Computers• Mobile Phones• Product and brand usage• Health Care• Life values• Sports • Restaurants/takeaways•

56% of Africa’s population is below 19 years, representing a huge and future market which is active and seeks to buy youth oriented goods and services such as clothes, shoes, CDs, DVDs, cell phones and refreshment.





Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysConcept Tests (Preview Tests)


Typically when you are working on developing new advertising for your brand, your advertising team comes up with numerous interesting advertising campaign options or concepts. After you have identified your target and an advertising message that is motivating and compelling to this target is formulated. There is need to carry out market research to test the new concepts in order to ensure that they are effectively communicating your brand name and your intended key message, as well as the product. This is also important for making sure the advertising is relevant to the intended market. hOw we dO iT:In concept tests or evaluating an advertising campaign we conduct qualitative research in the form of focus group to measure the ad’s ability to cut through the clutter, generating ad and brand recall. We also measure the ads’ ability to motivate brand purchase. This also includes an exercise where we do a key frame-by-frame analysis to determine the ads’ strong points and the areas where improvement can be made.

Based on the key scores obtained in this test, we can decide whether the ad(s) are strong enough to put on air. The client will be advised based on the research findings whether heavy investment in media is appropriate.

RePORTS We produce a series of reports that capture all of the key test measures:

Unaided brand recall • Unaided ad recall • Intended next purchases • Scores for uniqueness•

Ad relevance• Ad believability• Ad brand fit• Ad liking & noting•

We can customize our reports to meet your specific business requirements.

TiMinG:From the time that you provide us with the test ads and • approve our final test questionnaire we take 14-21 working days to produce a detailed report.


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysClient Product Testing


We do product tests for clients before launch of products on the market place. We do hall / in-home testing and in store product testing.

ObjeCTiveS Of The STudy

Assist clients to achieve product superiority over competitive products. • Continuously improve product performance and customer satisfaction (i.e., to • maintain product superiority, especially as consumer tastes evolve over time). Monitor the potential threat levels posed by competitive products to understand • competitive strengths and weaknesses. Cost-reduce product formulations and/or processing methods, while maintaining • product superiority. Measure the effects of aging upon product quality (shelf-life studies). • Implicitly measure the effects of price, brand name, or packaging upon perceived • product performance/quality. Provide guidance to research and development in creating new products or • upgrading existing products. Monitor product quality from different factories, through different channels of • distribution, and from year to year. Predict consumer acceptance of new products. • How are my competitors performing?• Are there opportunities to gain market share from my competitors?• Where are my opportunities to extend distribution by region and retailer?• Would my pricing strategy work?•


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research


Mystery Shopper technique is a management tool which management can employ to keep in touch with what happens on the ground when their staff interface with their customers. A mystery shopper will assist managers to monitor the quality of their products and services. Mystery shopping provides accurate and objective testimony regarding areas evaluated and highlights areas that require improvement. The technique is unique in that it provides the facets of service from the customer’s perspective (consumer experiences), which is highly beneficial to the organisation, as it will act on factual first hand information basis.

Mystery shopping is very useful in service situations, for example banks, restaurants, shops, travel agencies, airlines, car dealers, estate agents etc. The MTC Marketing & Research Solutions Mystery Shopper program is designed in line with international mystery shopping standards as prescribed by MSPA to which MTC is a full member.

why A MySTeRy ShOPPeR PROGRAMMe? The unique benefits of Mystery Shopper from the point of view of management are that the data will enable them retain and grow your customer base as follows:

SurveysMystery Shopping Surveys

RePORTinG & feedbACkWe provide:

Analysis by sub-group (store, visit time, date, location etc• Qualitative comments to support the scores• Roll Up Reporting for continuous programmes•

Reporting and feedback from a mystery shopper



should the client do?

How is

the client performing?

What are their

weaknesses & strengths?


Continuous measurement your service standards

Helps re-evaluate and set standards

Acts as a training aid or motivational tool for employees

Vehicle to communicate company customer strategy

Gives tactical understanding of employee performance

Teaches employees to be more customer focused


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysRetail Audit Surveys


Retail audits provide a market research standard project that enables regular monitoring of the sales of fast moving consumer goods on a statistically representative sample of stores (shops). They provide information to clients which create a basis for planning and controlling of marketing activities in following fields:

Product and assortment - structure of brand’s assortment, importance of product’s • parameters, gaps in assortment, concentration of models, hit lists of top selling models, shelf talkers etc. Distribution policy - brand distribution policy, unweighted and weighted • distribution of brand and models, distribution gaps Price policy - average price, competitor’s prices, price categories, • development of price categories Market size - sales potention (tension), market shares total and • market shares by segments Market development - particular development of all facts in bi-• monthly periods

The ReTAil AudiT CyCle

Universe Defermation

Universe Classification

Representative SampleSelection (Panel)

Data Capture & Analysis

Monthly / quarterlyAudits

Sample Weighting


RePORTinG fRequenCy:



Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

MTC ReTAil AudiT AnSweRS yOuR key MARkeTinG queSTiOnS What volume loss is caused by out of stock items?• Which outlets move what volumes?• How is the market performing against the period last year? • How does our performance match that of the market? • Which type of product is showing the highest growth rate? • How does our pricing positioning compare with our competitors? • What is the average consumer price of my competition? • How does our pricing affect our competitor’s sales? • What are the trends? • Are my products present in all growing market segments? • Are my models distributed better or worse than those of my competitors? • Which are my strong points and weak points if compared to my competitors? •

PROduCT GROuPS whiCh CAn be ObSeRved by ReTAil AudiT Beverages • Food •

SurveysRetail Audit Surveys



Personal Care • Laundry Products •

Other food categories can be added in depending on client requirements

CuSTOMeR benefiTS Consistent information to aid decision making • Interactive data • Accurate data •

The benefits are passed on to clients in many aspects of our service: Market presentation, rapid response to queries, flexible service• Special reports •

ReSulTS OffeRed by ReTAil AudiT Regular printed reports or electronic data files Market presentations for customers

Efficient data delivery • Information Support •

RePORTed fACTS Sales figures (units)

Sales value (SKU) Purchase (units)

Stock (units) Distribution numerical

and weighted (%) Average consumer price (SKU)


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysPackage Testing Studies


Packaging plays a vital role in the marketing of a product. It is against this background that clients need to ascertain the value of their packaging vis-a-vis the values the brand represents.

In our many years of conducting packaging studies, we have managed to come up with a set of critical package attributes which buoy and influence consumer decision making process.

These attributes are:

Packaging appeal • Type of package material used • Packaging design (Art and graphics) • Does the package represent brand values • Colours used do they represent the brand’s values •

We go further in addressing the following objectives:

Does the package reinforce the brand values? • Does the package reinforce brand equity? • Is the package distinctive against competitor brands? • What is the package’s competitive clout vis-a-vis competitor brand? •


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysPricing Research Surveys


There are only three ways to increase profits - sell more, cut costs or raise prices. The first and second strategies involve considerable effort, but the last is easy - the price ticket is changed, the price list is reprinted. We do not need an economics degree to know that there is a link between prices charged and volume sold. Customers may buy from a competitor due to a price increase, switch to a cheaper substitute or even stop buying at all.

The goal of price checking surveys, is for:

Development of benchmarks i.e. pricing trends • Feedback on prices • Assessment of competition within the same industry to provide clients with competitive • analysis i.e. an analysis of activities of competition i.e. promotions of products Identification of new business opportunities • Tracking of competitors specials • Evaluation of own pricing and promotions •

The fundamentals of value revolve around the trade-off between the benefits a customer receives from a product or service and the price they will pay for it. Customers do not buy exclusively on price but are driven on value characterised by the disparity between benefits a product/service offers and the price that is charged.

How much will a respondent pay for an added value service / product over and • above the present price? How much of a cutback in service / • product requirement would necessitate a price reduction?

Pricing market research can help to verify pricing assumptions as well as answer the questions of where price / product trade-offs may lie in addition to where extra value can be delivered.


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© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

whAT dOeS PRiCe CheCkinG SuRveyS dO?MTC Marketing Research Solutions does price tracking to help organizations in competitive pricing. Price checking of your competitor could be the key contribute element to maintaining competitive advantage and it is for this reason that clients have now opted to do these studies. From price tracking results we are able to do competitive price ranking.

Pricing research needs to take numerous factors into consideration such as emerging trends in the market that may alter perceptions, or even history of the market place (order of supplier entry into the market). Our techniques are designed to understand the trade-offs that respondent’s make when selecting and acquiring products and services by using different price sensitivity models and value maps.

ReSeARCh ObjeCTiveSTo identify pricing of similar products and or same brands.• Keep track of competitors pricing within industry.• Determine the impact and the effect that pricing has.• Determine the value and effectiveness of any promotion programs that the company may • be involved in.Track industries with the view to reacting to any changes or competition within a particular • sector.

whO CAn benefiT fROM ThiS SeRviCe?Any business or organization that needs to monitor its performance through pricing of its products.


SurveysPricing Research Surveys



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© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysSocial Research Surveys

Advertising Tracking Surveys


We conduct social research studies on various topics for local and international clients. We have expertise in HIV impact assessment studies, poverty assessment / alleviation studies, behavioural change monitoring and many more. Please contact us for further information.


Advertising tracking assigns clients to assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns that have been implemented; key indicators of advertisement effectiveness will be explored. Key indicators of effectiveness are measures of awareness, attitude and image that are selected based on the objectives of the campaign. For instance if the goal of the campaign is to raise brand awareness among individuals, we recommend that the focus be on awareness measures. At least two measurements must be taken: A baseline measurement a precursor study before the start of the campaign and follow-up measurements after the campaign has run long enough to stimulate interest and recall in the target audience psyche. Under this type of research, we begin by establishing awareness level both spontaneously (top-of-mind) and prompted awareness. Spontaneous awareness includes all the brand and company names that respondents can think of without any prompting. The measurement of spontaneous awareness is followed by the measurement of prompted awareness (Bottom-of-mind). To measure prompted awareness we read consumers a list of the major brands in the market which they did not mention in response to the spontaneous awareness question and ask them to indicate whether they have heard of these brands.


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© MTC Marketing Research Solutions

Association forQualitative Research

SurveysMedia Monitoring Surveys


The goal of this project is to measure levels of media implementation, effectiveness and trends of usage towards advertising within the local market. It also measures expenditure and volume of advertising covering all key media for the:

Development of benchmarks • Feedback on advertising campaigns• Assessment of competition within the same industry to provide clients • with competitive analysis i.e. an analysis of activities of competition, which plays key role in shaping advertising strategies.Identification of new business opportunities• Tracking of competitors spend• Evaluation of the effectiveness of past advertising decisions•

All information is available monthly or quarterly. Our research team is well-trained, responsible, professional persons who understand the importance of the work they do and the need for confidentiality.

whO CAn benefiT fROM ThiS SeRviCe?Any business or organization that needs to monitor its brand performance through the media and the consumers i.e. advertisers, marketers, media owners, television stations, radio stations, advertising agencies, media planners and buyers.Information is aimed at all media players. This provides the resources that they need to adapt to the speed of change.

whAT dOeS MediA MOniTORinG SuRveyS dO?Advertising is the key factor in satisfying the psychological need associated with consumer’s expectations and lifestyles. Understanding advertising is vital to identifying market trends and formulating effective approaches. MTC produces analysis reports, which reflect where, and how the commercial was broadcast, as well as the quality of the commercial. In addition the reports reflect the time and programme which the commercial was flighted as well as competitive analysis.

They are also for the purposes of spot checks i.e. confirmation of flight of advertisements/commercials. The aim is for our clients to win customers and respond to competitor’s activities, therefore, guiding clients to understand markets and making of strategic decisions.

Our Advertising Surveys i.e. Media Monitoring Services measure:

Ad spend, • Ad trends, • Sponsorship and • Corporate • identity


“This report highlights other basic information that new entrants to markets e.g. investors, can get from some of the CSO reports. The

effective use of (B)AMPS can give organisations an effective insight and commercial advantage to

meet consumer demands along with facilitatingstrategic planning and marketing decisions”.

CEO of MTC Marketing Research Solutions, Cecilia Patterson

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

Association forQualitative Research

BAMPSBotswana All Media and Products Survey

4.1 BACKGROUNDbACkGROundMTC Marketing Research Solutions offers a completely independent, high integrity, media research service providing benefits to Advertisers, Media Owners, Advertising Agencies, Government Departments and also to those who are subject to media coverage and generally involved in the industry.

The Botswana All Media and Products Survey is a quantitative study by design, comprising a study across a representative sample of Botswana consumers. The study aims to determine and measure the daily / weekly habits and trends of consumers regarding all aspects of consumer spend, media usage and related patterns. (B)AMPS is a single source of data providing media, product and consumer information and the first study of its kind in Botswana, provided by MTC Marketing Research Solutions. The first survey was run in the second quarter of 2006 and made available on hard copy reports from the end of the third quarter of 2006.

effective use of (b)AMPS can give your organisation an effective insight and commercial advantage to meet your consumer demands along with facilitating strategic planning and marketing decisions.

The (B)AMPS report answers a series of critical questions regarding media and non media information, such as:1. Product usage 2. Purchasing habits3. life Stages 4. life Styles etc.

SuRvey AvAilAbiliTyAMPS (a SAARF Trademark) research, currently available on Pan African level in the following countries:AngolaGhanaLesothoMadagascarMalawiMocambique

Media research is a rich source of audience data and provides information on:

Target audiences Media usage patternsAudience profilesfavourite programmesStations watchedStations listened toviewing timeslistening timesReadership patterns etc

Nigeria TanzaniaUgandaKenyaSouth Africa

Swaziland Zambia Zimbabwe

OuR ASSOCiATeSBAMPS is conducted in conjuction with our associate members:

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

Association forQualitative Research

(B)AMPS not only provides information on listenership, viewership and readership patterns, but also measures livinG STAndARdS (whether households have tap water, flushing toilets and electricity), life STAGeS, hOMe ACTiviTieS, services, ShOPPinG, fMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), PROduCT PeRSOnAl uSAGe and PuRChASeS. Purchases include financial services and buying habits in varying categories, and ownership and purchase of durables such as vehicles, appliances and electrical equipment.

Interviews for this survey are conducted in main national languages of Botswana, namely Setswana and English. The KISH Grid is utilized in respondent selection where households were selected at random. Data collection methodology utilizes the personal one-on-one technique and diaries using the flooding system, and a total of five hundred households were surveyed in the first survey of 2006 in both urban and rural areas. Follow up studies will survey 750 households due to an increase in geographic scope.

Core questions asked during each survey relate to product usage, newspaper and magazine reading habits, as well as electronic media consumption habits. In line with trends in media research worldwide, MTC Marketing Research Solutions plans to conduct an AMPS study once a year and diaries twice every year on a biannually basis. In addition, the sample size will be increased to 750 households annually.


The objective of the survey is to provide information that can be used by marketers to define and understand their target markets better and provide information on media habits, level of media consumption (electronic, print and outdoor) and usership profiles that can be used to maximize the effectiveness of

BAMPSBotswana All Media and Products Survey


4.2 INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BAMPSMedia research allows you to identify and profile your target market through audience research as it tells you:

who reads,

watches and listens

to which different

media and at what


All Media And Poduct Surveys gold standards, i.e. marketers, media owners and advertisers use the data for the buying and selling of airtime. Other important users include Government Departments.

© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

Association forQualitative Research

advertising spend, by reaching as many of the target market as possible through better placement of advertising.

In short, the survey is designed to provide the marketer with tools for market segmentation, market targeting and product positioning.

weiGhTinG The sample for this study is weighted to the relevant population of Botswana aged 15 years and above, based on the Central Statistical Office’s Demographic Survey of 2001, using adults over 18 years of age only. From the total population of 1,680,863, adults aged 15 and above amount to 1,066,953. This is 64% of the total population. Approximately 58% of these live in the rural areas, while 42% live in urban areas. We survey all adults aged 18 years and above only.

PuRPOSe In 2001, MTC Marketing Research Solutions started talks with the stakeholders in Botswana as we realize the need for an Advertising Research Foundation (the Foundation) for the purpose of conducting All Media & Products Surveys. As there is still no foundation formed, MTC Marketing Research Solutions is taking the commercial risk to conduct this study. Results of this survey are available through data bureau companies such as TELMAR and Eighty Twenty will provide a cross-analysis of all questions by age, gender, area (i.e. urban and rural), home language and LSM’s.

The CD is rich in data. Overall there are a million possible figures that can be extracted.

SuRvey AvAilAbiliTyAMPS (a SAARF Trademark) research, currently available on Pan African level in the following countries: Angola, Ghana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mocambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Swaziland , Zambia , Zimbabwe

OuR ASSOCiATeSBAMPS is conducted in conjuction with our associate members

4.3 SURVEY OBJECTIVE (CONT.)bOTSwAnA All MediA And PROduCTS SuRvey dATA will helP yOu TO:

Formulate Marketing • PlansMaximise efficiency • and cost effective use of limited resourcesTest if media campaign • objectives have been successfulDesign ad-hoc • research studies as a secondary information source

BAMPSBotswana All Media and Products Survey


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

Association forQualitative Research

bAMPS RePORT COnTenTTopics Covered in (B)AMPS report

1 PeOPle i Basic personal demographics ii The survey covers adults who are 18 years or older.

Children under the age of 18 were not interviewed. Included in the demographics: age group, education level achieved, employment status, gender, household composition and size, household income groups, home language, identification of purchasing influence within the household, lifestyles, marital status, occupation, area: geographic distribution of adults and life stages: at-home singles, starting out singles, mature singles, couples, new parents, mature parents, single parents.

2 MediAiii Television viewership and Preferred

programmes on television: All television services, including both terrestrial

and satellite services, together with data on DSTV decoder, other South African TV stations/channels and VCR/DVD ownership

iv Radio listenership All national and regional radio stations broadcasting

in Botswana including some of the South African radio stations

v newspapers All national and some international newspapers sold

in Botswana covering: dailies, bi-weeklies, weeklies, and monthlies. In future to include supplements to dailies and weeklies


BAMPSBotswana All Media and Products Survey


© MTC Marketing Research Solutions


Guiding our clients towards more profitable business development

Association forQualitative Research

4 OwneRShiP And PuRChASe Of duRAbleSxiii Durables such as vehicles, appliances and electronic

equipment. Items owned and bought or replaced new in past 12 months are reported

The section on vehicles includes the number of vehicles in the household and furthermore, details for the one which the respondent drives the most.

Information on purchasing of tyres (retreaded or new) as well as car batteries is also available

5 PuRChASinG hAbiTSxiv The questionnaire contains a comprehensive section

on the buying habits of different categories of products.

6 fMCG (PROduCT) CATeGORieSxv The FMCG (consumer products) categories used/

purchased are measured via a self completion questionnaire. The respondents are divided into best thirds to form light, medium or heavy user categories. (This section for inclusion in future BAMPS)

7 TRendSxvi Much of the value of a continuous survey lies in the

trend data accumulated over months or the years. (This section for inclusion in future BAMPS)

BAMPSBotswana All Media and Products Survey


vi Magazines All national and some international newspapers

sold in Botswana covering: weekly magazines, fortnightly magazines, monthly magazines, alternate monthly magazines and quarterly magazines

vii Outdoor When last other media of advertising, e.g. billboards,

ads on stores, bus shelters, trailer ads and ads on minibus taxis, trucks and buses were seen.

viii internet Internet accessed in the past 4 weeks, 7 days and

yesterday; sending/receiving e-mails in past 4 weeks

ix Cinema When last the cinema was attended. (2007 (B)AMPS

to include: frequency of attendance during the past 4 weeks).

3 SeRviCeS And ACTiviTieSx Some things people do, such as:

Tried to lose weight • Bought a watch or jewellery • Started taking exercises • Changed jobs • Spent money on part-time or correspondence • education Got married • Etc. •

xi A section on travel, covering travel habits in both domestic, regional and international travel

xii Financial and insurance services personally used, and opened / taken out in past 12 months


“Brands are a storehouse of trust”

Niall FitzGerald, Former Chairman, Unilever and Reuters

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MTC’S MARKETING RESEARCH AFFILIATIONS: Association forQualitative Research

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PO Box 60806Gaborone, Botswana

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Tel: (+267) 3161890 Fax: 3932145Cell: (+267) 72309346

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Cecilia PattersonGroup CEO

A division of

MTC Consultancy Holdings

From the Game City circle, turn towards Old Naledi and then take the first right into Commerce Park (West Gate). Take the second left after Dialogue Saatchi and Saatchi, pass Botsnet, and take first left again. We are the grey building (with a lot of trees) on your right.


“The best way to predict the future is to invent it”

Alan Kay



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If you know which of our surveys or services you are interested in, please tick the relevant box(es). Otherwise request a consultation and we will advise you on what is best suited for your organisation.

SeRviCeS Data Processing Services Focus Group Studio Hire (audio & viewing) Focus Group Studio Hire (audio & video) Data Collection Services Media Monitoring Services Consultation Services

SuRveyS Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction Consumer Panels Brand Positioning Brand Health Studies Brand Tracking MTC Youth Trends Concept Tests

(Preview Tests) Product Testing Mystery Shopper Surveys

Retail Audits Package Testing Studies Pricing Research Social Research Studies Advertising Tracking Studies Media Monitoring Surveys BAMPS



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