muay thai presentation

Post on 19-May-2015






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I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal

and professional development

A Thai martial art which has been around for 2,000 years

Muay Thai

• Combat fighters use their elbows, knees, fists, and kicks to crush their opponents

• It requires years of disciplined training to be able to get conditioned to the intense workout, the grueling fights, and toughening shins

Muay Thai Values

Muay Thai fighters usually spend a good amount of time toughening their shins against banana trees or sometimes by rolling glass bottles across their shins


The Wai Khru Ceremony is one in which due respect is given to masters and teachers


Sports in general helps to boost confidence and Muay Thai is

no exception

Self Confidence

Children begin training as young as 5 years old

where they sometimes live at the gym where they train


Muay Thai fighters have

the humbleness to be

honest to themselves and

work on their weaknesses


How Muay Thai Helped Shape My Personality

Just like shin

conditioning, I learned to

constantly condition my

brain and soul

I learned to own my

weaknesses and harness

opportunities to work on

improving them

I learned to be proactive rather than reactive

I learned

to strike

while the

iron is hot

I learned that self discipline is more regulating than imposed discipline

•I learned to think

ahead of my


Respecting role models

is key to achieving

success in our lives

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