multani mitti fack pack

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Multani mitti or fuller's earth is a miracle! As suggested by the name, it is a form of mud.


How to Use Multani Mitti on Face?

Now that you know the various uses of multani mitti for skin, you must surely be curious to know the technique to use it. Here are the steps to make basic multani mitti face packs

How to Apply Multani Mitti Face Pack?

Once the pack is ready, wash your face well with water and pat dry. Then apply the paste evenly on your face and neck. Apply generous amounts to make sure you get the best results. Allow it to dry completely, for 15-20 minutes.

How to Remove it?

Once the face pack becomes dry, you can then wash it off with water. Do not apply any face wash or other creams immediately after.

This is just the most basic multani mitti face pack which is used to get a radiant and healthy skin. But there are 15 Amazing Multani Mitti Face Packs and Masks for Skin Problems, which are easy to make and the ingredients are easily available too.

15 Amazing Multani Mitti Face Packs

1. Multani Mitti and Aloe Vera

2. Multani mitti and Turmeric

3. Multani Mitti and Cucumber Juice

4. Multani Mitti and Mashed Papaya

5. Multani Mitti and Cocoa Powder

6. Multani Mitti and Lime Juice

7. Multani Mitti and Rose Water

8. Multani Mitti, Neem Paste and Camphor

9. Multani Mitti and Yoghurt

10. Multani Mitti and Buttermilk

11. Multani Mitti,  Egg and Oats

12. Multani Mitti and Crushed Mint

13. Multani Mitti, Sandalwood and Honey

14. Multani Mitti and Cream (malai)

15.Multani Mitti, Orange Juice and Turmeric

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