multimedia & voip

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Multimedia & VoIP. Creating a Competitive Edge in the Contact Center. Multimedia & VoIP: Competitive Edge for the Contact Center. Offers operational / tactical value Extends boundaries for better staffing, lower attrition rates Improves the communications ability of individuals and groups. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


October 10-13, 2006• San Diego Convention Center, San Diego California

Multimedia & VoIPCreating a Competitive Edge

in the Contact Center

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia & VoIP: Competitive Edge for the Contact Center

Offers operational / tactical value

Extends boundaries for better staffing, lower attrition rates

Improves the communications ability of individuals and groups

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Multimedia is now a business requirement in Contact Centers, offering operational &

tactical value.

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact CentersWhat is “Contact Center Multimedia”?

Contact Center = multi-channel capable Customer Interaction CenterCall center = phone-only customer service

Multimedia = Multiple communication channels Phone Web Chat & Collaboration Web call back Email FaxMulti-channel Call Management Call Queuing Reporting

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Why is Multimedia now a business requirement in Contact Centers?

Customer Satisfaction New generation, new communication needs

Customer perception has changed regarding self-service – desired & required!

Speed of service

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Circuit Switched Legacy technologies are limited.

Expansion barriers

Remote workforce limitations

Multimedia not integrated

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

IVR ▌ Web Chat ▌ Web Collaboration Web Call Back ▌ Email ▌ Fax

Integrating Self-Service with the human touch is a strategic differentiator

Benefits Widen self-service options Lower Costs Increase customer satisfaction

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Allows for increased customer retention, & speedier response to events.

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Increased customer knowledge, loyalty & retention.

“Enterprises that fail to establish strong relationships with their customers will erode their competitive positions by

15-20% annually” ¹

“Increased customer loyalty is the SINGLE MOST important driver of long-term financial performance” ²

“Simply cutting defections in half will more than double the average company’s growth rate” ²

¹ Gartner Group, Customer Experience Management is Critical

² Harvard Business Review

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

How can Multimedia help you know & serve your customer better?

Understand the entire customer relationship, purchase history, trends, cycles, and preferences. Out-service the competition, using automation. Every agent can be a super-hero!

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact CentersKnow your customers better:

Application integration provides pre-emptive customer information Screen pops provide

Customer Identity Past purchase history Purchase trending

Understand client preferences & personalize communications

Coordinate marketing & operations: treat customers appropriate to their status

Random acts of CRM” by customer-friendly personnel are not not the same as customer centricity!

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact Centers

Increase revenue: Innovative automated marketing

Web-based– Get people to your website for self-service and benefit from

customer stickiness

– Proactive chat session offers on web-site

– Offers that entice customers to interact with you & provide more selling / service opportunities

Outbound dialer integrated with customer purchase databases– Customer answers or interacts to indicate interest, immediate

connection with agent, with customer information

– Market to specific targets based on customer purchase data & trending

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia in Contact CentersSpeedier response to events & multi-channel

management & integration

More first-call resolutions Better matching of agent skills to client needs Increased response through multi-channel approach Increased response through self-service


– Chat

– FAQ Multi-channel queuing

– Voice message flows like a call – agent gets screen pop• Outbound call placed automatically

– Web chat, emails, phone calls queued together Digital Recording / Real-time Monitoring & Reporting

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California case study

Challenges: Unreliable phone system: Losing 2,000 calls per day Overstaffing to handle volume: Needed to overstaff in order to

handle peak calling times Multi-channel agent/customer interaction

Phone Web

Agents needed more business intelligence: Knowledge of customers Ability to cross-sell / up-sell Where they were coming from, How often they responded to calls Cost per agent, per call

Largest city travel and tourism website in the worldLargest city travel and tourism website in the world

Nearly 2 million unique visitors per monthNearly 2 million unique visitors per month

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California case study

Solution Benefits: Increased revenue by 85%

Decreased headcount

Cost justified within a 2 months

Setting record service levels Reduced agent errors by 80% Reduced transfer and abandon rates Recorder application for quality assurance Faxing capabilities reduced general administrative staff needs

by 50%

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

IP Enablement in Contact Centers

IP-enablement helps to recruit & retain labor force, and allows smarter staffing.

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

IP Enablement in Contact Centers

Recruitment, Staffing & Retention concerns

Geographic agent rates have soared

Lack of qualified workforce

Demand outpacing supply in certain regions

Specific skills at a premium, insufficient supply

Agent Turnover a huge factor

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

IP Enablement in Contact Centers

How does it help?

Virtual workforce• Workforce anywhere; no geographic boundaries

No longer need to overstaff for peak times

Specific skills: get them anywhere you can find them

Cost containment by hiring from lower rate geographies

More agent flexibility & satisfaction

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

General Pool & Spa example

Multi-location wholesale distributor of pool suppliesMulti-location wholesale distributor of pool supplies


Inbound call volume overwhelming

Employees in one location overloaded, while idle in another

Lost calls & sales

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

General Pool & Spa exampleMulti-location wholesale distributor of pool Multi-location wholesale distributor of pool suppliessupplies

Solution Benefits:

Central call distribution, able to balance load

Able to expand to another location without additional head


Cost justified within 12 months

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia & VoIP: Sharpen your competitive edge

Offers operational / tactical value

Extends boundaries for better staffing, lower attrition rates

Improves the communications ability of individuals and groups

October 10-13, 2006• San Diego California

Multimedia & VoIP: Sharpen your competitive edge

Thank you!

Gia McNutt


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