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Associate Editor

Science and AAAS seek a talented scientistto serve as an Associate Editor for our newinterdisciplinary journal, Science Transla-tional Medicine.

This position is designed for an individualwith broad interests, a lively curiosity, andexperience with cutting-edge research inat least one, but preferably more than one,biomedical or clinical research field. Toround out our editorial team, we would likeour new Associate Editor to have expertisein immunology (vaccines and autoimmunedisease especially welcome) or bioengineer-ing (devices, tissue engineering and stem cellsare areas of preference).

Responsibilities include, but are not limitedto:• Judge the scientific value of research;• Foster relationships and communicationwith the scientific community throughliterature reviews, meetings andprofessional contacts;

• Manage the review, selection, and editingof submitted manuscripts;

• Select reviewers for submittedmanuscripts;

• Discuss and make recommendationsregarding manuscripts and reviews withother staff, advisers, authors;

• Write summaries of research results forpublication;

• Guide authors on manuscript revisions;• Edit the manuscripts for scientific contentand style before and after revisions;

• Follow the manuscript through productionprocess to ensure material is published ina timely manner; and

• Travel to scientific meetings.

Theminimumqualifications to be competitiveand considered for the position are:• Mastery of a professional field typicallyacquired through completion of a doctoraldegree in at least one biomedical or clinicalresearch field;

• 3-5 years experience, including post-doctoral research experience and multiplepublications;

• Ability to work constructively as amemberof a team;

• Experience with cutting-edge research inone of the fields mentioned above;

• Comprehensive knowledge of scientificresearch methods in order to discusstechnical issues with authors; and

• Exceptional written, communication, andlistening skills in order to communicatewith authors and reviewers in evaluating,editing and modifying manuscripts.

Previous editorial experience is notrequired.

If youwould like to be amember of theAAASteam, please visit our Job Information web-site at to get more informa-tion and to apply online today.

AAAS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organisation offering exceptional career opportunities for Europe’shighest calibre scientists, engineers and administrators. ESA has a clear mandate to promote cooperation among European States,for exclusively peaceful purposes, in Space Research and Technology.

The Agency is looking for an (m/f)

Applied Physicist/Engineerfor its Advanced Technology Section. As part of the Advanced Studies & Technology Preparation Division, based at ESTEC(Noordwijk, The Netherlands), this Section is responsible for developing technologies for future Science and Robotic Explorationmissions.

Applicants should have a university degree or equivalent qualification in applied physics or engineering. This should be combinedwith several years’ post-graduate experience in technology development and space science mission design.

A solid background in one or more of the following areas is desirable: sensors including advanced detectors (such as CCDs, APSs,NIR-detector arrays); advanced optics technologies over a wide wavelength range; micro- and electro-optics; radiation physics;nuclear processes and power generation technologies; cryogenic instrumentation technologies.

Candidates are expected to have a proactive attitude to problem-solving, be innovative and creative in their approach and haveexcellent planning & organisational skills. They should be self-motivated, disciplined and be able to work and communicateeffectively within a multinational team.

Our competitive employment conditions and salaries take into account the particular needs of professionals and their families.

For a complete job description and on-line application guidelines visit our “Careers at ESA” section at http://www.esa.intand choose vacancy number : ESA/VN-ESTEC(2010)035. The closing date for applications is 7 June 2010.



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Want tosearchmorejob


Search thousandsof job postings

—updated daily—all for free.

The Department of Biological Sciences at the Schoolof Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University,invites applications for a tenure trackAssistant/AssociateProfessor position.

The desiredAssistant Professor applicant should be capable of establishing andmaintaining an indepen-dent research program. The desiredAssociate Professor applicant should have a national/internationalreputation and a demonstrated track record of having established and maintained an independentlyfunded research program.Applicants should be focused on (oral) epithelial cell immunology, with anemphasis in the area of cancer immunology and on translating the research into therapeutics.

The Faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences and other researchers of the School of DentalMedicine comprise a diverse group of individuals with expertise in several areas including innate andadaptive immunity, microbiology, signal transduction, genetics, epidemiology, pathology, biomaterialsand imaging. We are actively seeking colleagues with complementary expertise in protein chemistry,cancer biology and epithelial cell biology. Desirable candidates will employ new technologies, such asproteomics, imaging, genomics, cell biology/signaling, biomarkers, cellular therapeutics and/or drugdevelopment in their ongoing work.

Opportunities exist for collaborations with investigators within the School of Dental Medicine, withfaculty of the Schools of Medicine, Engineering (bioengineering and nanotechnology) andArts and Sci-ences (Biology), the Center for AIDS Research, the Comprehensive Cancer Research Center, the SkinDiseases ResearchCenter, the Center for Proteomics andBioinformatics, the Lerner ResearchCenter of theCleveland Clinic and other affiliated institutions. The successful candidate will be expected to contributeto the teaching mission of the department including instruction in the graduate and DMD curricula.

Appropriate candidates will have obtained a DDS, DMD, MD, PhD, or a combination thereof.

Please submit your curriculum vitae, a statement describing your research plans, copies of three publica-tions and the names of three references to:

Dr. Aaron Weinberg

Chair, Department of Biological Sciences

Associate Dean for Research

School of Dental Medicine

Case Western Reserve University

10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-4905

Phone: 216-368-6729


In employment as in education, Case Western Reserve University is committed toEqual Opportunity and World Class Diversity.

Assistant or Associate ProfessorsHost-Pathogen Interactions in Infectious Disease

Department of Microbiology and Immunology,University of North Dakota School of Medicine

and Health Sciences

The School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University ofNorth Dakota is beginning a process of expanding the researchenterprise with an expected 8 to 10 faculty positions to be filledin the next few years. Projected research focus areas includeneurosciences, cancer and the environment, health disparities,eating disorders, aging, and infectious diseases. Faculty positionsare available immediately in the Department ofMicrobiology andImmunology for two individuals investigating molecular and/or

cellular aspects of immunological processes; bacterial or viral pathogenesis;or cellular microbiology.

Applicants must have a PhD., M.D., D.V.M. or equivalent degree in immu-nological, microbiological or related biomedical sciences, at least two yearsof postdoctoral research experience, a history of high quality peer reviewedpublications, and an aptitude and willingness to participate in medical andgraduate education.

Applicants must have a research project or plan that complements cur-rent research interests at the University of North Dakota in pathogenesis/immunopathogenesis of microbial infections, though specific collaborationsneed not be identified. In addition, applicants for the position of AssociateProfessor must have a successful, independent and ongoing research project.

The University is committed to achieving diversity among faculty and staff,and strongly encourages women and members of underrepresented groups toapply. Interested individuals should submit their curriculum vitae, names ofthree references, and a summary of accomplishments and research plans to:Ann Flower, Ph.D., Search Committee Chair, Department of Microbiol-

ogy and Immunology, University of North Dakota School ofMedicine and

Health Sciences, Grand Forks, ND 58203-9037. Address email inquiries Information about the School andDepartment can be found at:

The University of North Dakota is an Affirmative Action/Equal EmploymentOpportunity Employer. These positions are subject

to a criminal background check.



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Lab Director and Division Directors,Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy

Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy (DNL), based mainly onDalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), ChineseAcademy of Sciences(CAS), is looking for outstanding candidates for DNLdirector and divisiondirectors. The divisions are optimized utilization of fossil energy, low carboncatalysis & engineering, energy saving & energy environment, fuel cell &energy storage, hydrogen energy, biomass energy, solar energy, maritimerenewable energy and basic & strategic studies on energy. More detailsabout DICP and DNL can be found at

The DNL director is responsible for the overall management of the DNLlaboratory. He/she provides leadership and direction to DNL, whichsupports research and education in all divisions and related �elds. Thedivision director assesses needs and trends in research in individualdivision, implements overall strategic planning and policy-setting fordivision activities.

Successful candidates for these positions should have Ph.D. degree orequivalent experience; a minimum of 10 years experience in energy relatedresearches; substantial research contributions and strong evidence ofscholarship as evidenced in publications; proven experience demonstratinginnovative leadership in research administration; demonstrated knowledge ofthe research activities and issues associated with the academic community;knowledge of grant and contract administration, �scal management, andbudget preparation with experience in scienti�c research support.

DNL offers a highly competitive salary, excellent bene�ts and a generousscienti�c research fund.

Applicantsmay send a complete CVwith a full publication list to Dr. Hua’anZhang ( or Prof. Can Li (, ormailed or delivered to the following address: Dalian Institute of ChemicalPhysics, 457 Zhongshan Road, 116023, Dalian, China.

Cancer Science Institute of Singapore

Faculty and Post-Doctoral Fellow Recruitment

CSI Singapore, National University of Singapore, is a state-of-the-art research center with a multifaceted and coordinated approach tocancer research, extending from basic cancer studies all the way to experimental therapeutics. The focus of the institute is on cancersendemic to Asian populations such as gastric, liver, lung, leukemia and breast cancers. The institute houses a full spectrum of researchand clinical translational facilities. This major center is led by a team of world-class scientists with significant government funding fromSingapore’s National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education.

We are seeking individuals with exceptional scientific credentials to join a vibrant, dynamic team at CSI Singapore.

Principal Investigators

Qualified candidates at Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor levels should be at the cutting edge of their field with anestablished record of excellence in cancer research. Candidates should have the capability and experience of leading high-level, innova-tive research programs resulting in international quality publications. Successful candidates can look forward to stable funding for up to5 years commensurate with their abilities, ample laboratory space and resources, a competitive salary package and a dynamic workingenvironment. Candidates with research emphasis in gastric, liver and lung cancers will be strongly considered.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Post-Doctoral Fellow candidates should be highly motivated, creative individuals with an outstanding PhD degree in a related discipline.Successful candidates can look forward to working with top cancer researchers in an internationally represented environment.

Interested candidates should send their CV and the names of three referees to:Professor Daniel G. TenenDirector, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI Singapore), NUSEmail:

Please indicate the position you are applying for in the subject title.

Visit our website at

The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.Qualified women and minorities are encouraged to apply; a background

check will be conducted on applicant selected.

The University of Texasat Austin

The University of Texas has recently created a MacromolecularCrystallography Core Facility. This lab will join a list of core facilitiesadministered by the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology. Thenew facility will provide a range of services to research groups acrosscampus. These include crystallization robots for high throughputcrystal screening and state of the art X-ray diffraction data collection.

We are seeking applicants for a PhD level Manager of the facility.The applicant must have experience with crystallization methods,diffraction equipment, X-ray data collection and analysis, as well asmethods of phasing and structure solution. The Manager will beresponsible for scheduling users, and assisting researchers, with arange of skills, who are interested in pursuing structural problemsand their solutions. In addition, the Manager may carry outcrystallographic projects on a contract basis and will be encouragedto pursue an appropriate level of independent research.

Austin is located in the Texas hill country and is widely recognized asone of America’s most beautiful and livable cities.

Candidates should submit a current curriculum vitae and a summaryof research experience and future goals, together with at least threeletters of recommendation. To assure full consideration applicationsshould be received by June 30, 2010. Material should be sent to:

Dr. Jon RobertusChair of the Search Committee

Department of Chemistry and BiochemistryThe University of Texas at Austin

Austin TX 78712
















Crystallography Core Facility ManagerThe Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology

Homepages • • •



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The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has awarded amajorgrant for a 5-year program to study how the mucus layers of colonprotect the epithelial cells from bacterial contact and how bacterialive in the outer mucus layer and a�ect the host. This program aimsat novel anti-microbial targets and treatment for colitis. The programis headed by Prof. Gunnar C. Hansson responsible for themucus andmucin aspects together with Dr Fredrik Bäckhed responsible forbacteria and germ-free mice and Prof. Henrik Sjövall responsiblefor clinical and physiological aspects. Key references are: Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA (2008) 105, 15064-69 and Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A(2007) 104, 979-84.We are currently recruiting several Post-doctoral Fellows forthis program. The positions are fulltime for 2 years within theDepartment of Medical Biochemistry at the Institute of Biomedicineof the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg. Thelaboratories are using English for their communication and goodknowledge of spoken and written English is absolutely required.Experience from international research is an advantage.

Position 1. (Ref: E 36 1737/10) The local mucus-associatedmicrobiota and its selection and effect. The gut microbiotapromotes several important diseases such as in�lammatory boweldisease as well as host metabolic effects as obesity and insulinresistance. The role of host factors that shape the gut microbiota,especially at microhabitats such as the colonic mucus layer ispoorly understood. In this project we will establish 454-basedmetagenomics todetermine the compositionand functional capacityof the gut microbiota. Requirements: PhD in relevant subject areaas microbiology, bacterial genetics, whole genome sequencing,metagenomics and biostatisics.

Position2. (Ref: E361738/10)Thebacterial andhostproteomeofthecolonmucus.The intestinal bacteriahavea largenumberof genesthatwell exceed the host. The proteins producedby the bacteria oncethey live on the colon mucus will be characterized by state of the artmassspectrometryusingourdedicatedOribtrapmass spectrometer.The project will also include studies of host proteins important formaintaining a functionalmucus layer. Speci�ically colonizedgerm-freemice will be an important resource for this project. Requirements:PhD in relevant subject area as proteomics andmass spectrometry,database generation, proteomics, bioinformatics and statistics.

Position3. (Ref: E 36 1739/10)The formationof the colonmucuslayers and the role of ion channels and other host factors. Theimportance of the colon mucus layers for protecting the colonepithelia has been revealedbyus.Wearenowelucidating host factorsthat control the properties of the mucus layers and this position ispart of this e�ort. The applicant will use knock-out mice models forphysiological and biochemical studies of how the mucus layers areformed.Requirements: PhD in relevant subject area as live animal andexplant culture systems as well as biochemical and cell biologicalmethods.

APPLICATION: The application shall be written in English andinclude: a CV and bibliography, a copy of the PhD certi�icate (orproof of completed PhD), a short description of current and previousresearch (max3pages), a personal letter stating visions andplans forthe future, and names and addresses (including e-mail addresses) ofthree scientists that can provide references.

Send your application together with examination certi�icate to:Registrar, Sahlgrenska Academy, Box 400, SE-405 30 Gothenburg,Sweden or by email: and The �inal date to reach the Registrar isJune 14, 2010. Mark the application with the ref number for theposition applied for.

INFORMATION ON THE POSITIONS; or contact: Prof. GunnarC. Hansson ( for all positions,Fredrik Bäckhed ( for position 1, orHenrik Sjövall ( for position 3.


Mucus, bacteria and colitisUniversity of GothenburgGothenburg, SWEDEN

National Cheng Kung University

Presidential Search

NationalChengKungUniversity (NCKU) isoneof the topcomprehensiveuniversities inTaiwan, andoneof the twouniversitieswhichhavebeenchosen by the Ministry of Education to be involved in the Program forPromoting Academic Excellence of Universities.

The selection committee announces a presidential search to openlysolicit individuals of stature and integrity to leadNCKU further towardsits goal of becoming one of the world’s top universities, after thecurrent President Michael Ming-Chiao Lai �inishes his term of of�iceon January 31, 2011.

Presidential candidates can be nominated by professors, associateprofessors and researchers, associate researchers of domestic orforeign academic institutions, and by other academic institutions.For those who would like to nominate a candidate, please �ill in theNomination Form for NCKU Presidential Candidate and send it to theaddress below via registeredmail before July 10, 2010 (postmark) oremail to

NCKU Presidential Selection CommitteeNo 1, University Road

Tainan CityTaiwan

If you have any inquiries, please call (886)-6-2757575, ext. 50923or 50921, or fax (886)-6-2766462, or email to Thenomination formcanbedownloaded from theNCKUWebsite:

W E L C O M I N G A N D W O R L D - C L A S S



Winthrop-University Hospital is leading the way in innovative treatments by using the mostsophisticated medical technology available. Join Team Winthrop & Surround Yourself with the Best!

V I S I T U S A T : W W W . W I N T H R O P . O R G

Institute forCancer Care

Institute forHeart Care

Institute forSpecialty Care

Institute forNeurosciences

Institute forDigestive Care

Institute forFamily Care

Institute forLung Care

The Winthrop-University Hospital Research Institute is actively recruiting MDor PhD scientists to join the current group of clinical and basic researchers in thedevelopment of a new translational Diabetes and Obesity Research Center.

Successful candidates will be capable of developing an innovative program ofresearch focused on the causes and complications of diabetes and obesity, as welltheir prevention, treatment and cure. It is expected that senior candidates will havean established track record of and existing funding and junior candidates will have ahigh degree of potential for becoming successful independent investigators.Appointments from the Assistant to Professor level will be made commensurate withthe level of academic achievements.

As a major teaching affiliate of Stony Brook University, Winthrop provides a vibrant,interactive environment offering numerous opportunities for multidisciplinary collab-orative investigations. Construction of a new research facility and a generous recruit-ment package including support for a team of researchers in clinical, basic, translation-al and outcomes research, create an exceptionally exciting and unique opportunity.

Winthrop is located in suburban Long Island, NY, 30 minutes from midtownManhattan on the LIRR and just minutes from LI’s beautiful beaches.

Please send letter of interest & curriculum vitae to:Alan M. Jacobson, MD, ChiefResearch Officer, Winthrop-University Hospital, 222 Station PlazaNorth, Ste 300, Mineola, NY 11501. Email:

WUH is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. EOE-AA-m/f/d/v



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Nontraditional Careers:Opportunities Away From the Bench

Want to learnmore about exciting and rewarding careersoutside of academic/industrial research?View a roundtablediscussion that looks at the various career options open toscientists across different sectors and strategies you canuse to pursue a nonresearch career.

Webinar Participating Experts:Dr. Lori ConlanDirector of Postdoc Services,Officeof IntramuralTrainingandEducationNational Institutes of Health

Pearl FreierPresidentCambridge BioPartners

Dr.MarionMüllerDirector, DFGOffice North AmericaDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(German Research Foundation)

RichardWeiblDirector, Center for Careers inScience andTechnologyAmerican Association for theAdvancement of Science

Produced by theScience/AAAS Business Office.





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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), located in Saudi

Arabia, is an international graduate-level research university dedicated to

advancing science and technology through bold and collaborative research and

to addressing challenges of regional and global significance, thereby serving the

Kingdom, the region and the world. KAUST faculty are engaged in such globally

significant areas as Energy, Water, and Food. In addition, KAUST emphasizes

research on the Environment and Red Sea, and the discipline of Computational

Science serves as an enabling technology for all its research activities.

KAUST is located on the Red Sea in Thuwal (80 km north of Jeddah). Newly

opened in September 2009, KAUST is an independent merit-based university

which welcomes exceptional researchers, faculty and students from around the

world. KAUST offers attractive salaries and a wide range of benefits. Further

information about KAUST can be found at

Now recruiting

SCIENTIFIC, ENGINEERING & TECHNICAL STAFFfor its extensive Core Labs. Staff are needed to operate and engage in

collaborative research using state-of-the-art facilities in the areas of analytical

chemistry, bioscience, imaging & characterization, marine operations,

nanofabrication, supercomputing, and visualization. Interested persons may

find information and apply online at:

RIKEN invites applications for a Chief Scientist

(Laboratory Director) to lead a new laboratory in

experimental nuclear physics using the RI-Beam

Factory (RIBF) of RIKEN Nishina Center.

The present position is a permanent appointment,

subject to RIKEN's mandatory retirement age of 60.

RIKEN expects that the successful candidate will be

able to take up this position on April 1, 2011.

Applicants should send a full curriculum vitae and

photograph; one copy each of five key publications; a

statement (about five pages of A4-sized paper)

explaining former research experience and research

plans at RIBF, and; the names and addresses of three

referees who might provide reference letters to Dr.

Osamu Kamigaito, Head of the Chief Scientist

Nominating Committee, RIKEN Nishina Center, 2-1

Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan

(Tel: +81-48-467-4896,

Closing date: 17 September 2010

For more information, please visit:




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International Postdoctoral Cancer Research Fellowship

The Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT (KI) has estab-lished the Mazumdar-Shaw International Oncology Fellows Program. Thishigh-impact, bilateral collaboration with India seeks to help develop a newgeneration of cancer researchers in India whose careers and professional net-works will be increasingly global, and to build India’s position as an intellectualhub for oncology research. The program offers opportunities for postdoctoralscientists, engineers, and physicianswith a passion to tackle India-centric oncol-ogy problems. Fellows will work at the interfaces between biology/medicineand the diverse fields of mathematics, engineering, computer science, physicaland chemical sciences.

The Program provides funding for:• A two year full-time postdoctoral research fellowship within the KI• Travel expenses to India for the researcher and a KI faculty advisor to sharetheir research with colleagues at the Fellow’s Indian host institution and peerinstitutions in India.

The Fellowship is awarded with the firm expectation that Fellows will continueresearch in India for a third year, for which funding must be secured from yourhost institution.

The applicant must be either an Indian national, or a non-Indian national whohas a relevant degree from a university in India or has worked in an Indianuniversity, hospital or institution for at least a continuous three-year period. Theapplicant should either be about to submit his/her doctoral thesis or have upto, but no more than, three years postdoctoral experience from date of his/herPhD or MD to the application deadline.

This is an annual competition. The application deadline is September 1, 2010.The start date for the two-year Fellowship term is January 3, 2011.

For qualifications and an application visit:


MIT is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Seeking up to Three TenureTrack Faculty PositionsClosing Date: August 1, 2010PLANTS FOR HUMAN HEALTH


The Plants for Human Health Institute (PHHI) is one arm of an integratedresearch team being formed at the newly founded North Carolina ResearchCampus (NCRC) in Kannapolis, NC. ( will integrate research in metabolomics, biochemistry, pharmacoge-nomics, breeding, molecular biology, postharvest attributes, and phyto-chemistry towards development of fruit and vegetable producewith pharma-cologically relevant levels of health-protective phytochemical complexes.The ultimate goal is to develop and characterize existing as well as newcandidate crops with unique merit for human health and wellness.

Currently we are inviting applications for faculty with research in thefollowing areas:

Plant Metabolic Pathway Engineering. Research focus will be on plantmetabolic engineering for biologically active edible food crops, with empha-sis on elucidation of novel biosynthetic pathways and regulatory factors, andmanipulation of metabolic pathways especially for secondary metabolites.

Pharmacogenomics of Plant Products.Amultifaceted research approachinvolving quantitative global RNA measurements, protein abundance,and metabolic activity will elucidate the mechanisms by which bioac-tive plant components provoke changes in mammalian gene expression.

Systems biologist.An interactive systems biology approach will be usedto build and test predictive models of complex processes that impact onthe health-related metabolites from plants.

Faculty appointmentsmay be at theAssistant Professor level or above. Ph.D.required in specified or related field. To apply, visit http://jobs.ncsu.eduunder Job number 1980. For additional questions, please call 704-250-5401.

AA/EOE. In addition NCSU welcomes all candidates regardless ofsexual orientation.

Canadian Young Investigator Award

The recipient of the 2010 Boehringer Ingelheim Canadian Young Investigator

Award in Biological Sciences is:

Brian K. Coombes, Ph.D.

Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

Michael DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research

McMaster University

Dr. Coombes’ research addresses the molecular and genetic mechanisms of

bacterial pathogenesis, and is focused around two long-term interdependent

programs; one on host-pathogen evolution, including the mechanisms of

genome architecture, regulation, host selection and immunity, and a second

on fundamental mechanisms of bacterial secretion systems, which are

widespread colonization factors in the bacterial world and a key virulence

trait in many pathogens.

The R&D division of Boehringer Ingelheim Canada Ltd. is one of Canada’s

largest pharmaceutical research centres. One of our important corporate

policies is to support and encourage basic research in Canadian universities.

To this end, we have established the Boehringer Ingelheim Young Investigator

Award in Biological Sciences. The award is made annually to a new faculty

member conducting biological research in a Canadian university, and consists

of an unrestricted three-year research grant.

Previous recipients

2009 Dr. Anthony Gramolini, University ofToronto

2008 Dr. Marie Kmita, Université de Montréal

2007 Dr. Zhong-Ping Feng, Department of Physiology, University ofToronto

2006 Dr. Hao Ding, Dept. of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, University of Manitoba

International Symposium

“Signalling meets Synthetic Biology”

September 23th –25th 2010Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany

Biologic signalling processes control growth, differentiationand death and their elucidation is the key to understandphysiology and pathology.

At this symposium the Freiburg Centre for BiologicalSignalling Studies (BIOSS) will bring together scientistsfrom signalling science and synthetic biology. In thisinterdisciplinary environment we will discuss novelstrategies of how synthetic approaches can deepen ourinsight into signalling processes and how pathologic signalscan be detected and corrected towards developing noveltherapeutic strategies.

Registration Poster-Submission Information:

Organization: BIOSS and SGBMAlbert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg




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The Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy(ARPA-E) is an agency of the Department of Energydesigned to catalyze and foster rapid innovation in newand/or disruptive approaches to energy technologiesthat offer the potential to transform the nation_s en-ergy landscape. The agency supports early- to mid-stage,high-risk/high-reward R&D with the goal of ensuringAmerica_s energy security, reducing energy-related emis-sions, improving efficiency across all energy sectors,ensuring America_s technological lead, and attractinga new generation of scientists and engineers to energyresearch.Now one year old, ARPA-E is growing rapidly and

seeking multiple scientists and engineers for several jobcategories.PROGRAM DIRECTORS are responsible for the

creation and management of technical programs. Work-ing with the broader science and engineering community,Program Directors develop cutting-edge, high-impacttechnical programs in new and/or underserved areas ofenergy science and technology, solicit applications fromthe science and engineering community, select individ-ual projects, and work with performers to ensure suc-cess of the program as a whole. Prospective ProgramDirectors need to be imaginative, cross-cutting, and en-trepreneurial, with a minimum of five years of experiencebeyond a doctoral degree in science or engineering, atrack-record of excellence and active research engage-ment in a relevant area of science or engineering, deeptechnical knowledge in a relevant field, and a demon-strated ability to be intellectually flexible and expandbeyond the boundaries of their discipline. ProgramDirectors are hired for a defined period, typically threeyears with the possibility of one renewal.ARPA-EFELLOWS assist the agency in developing

new program areas. They are a nimble, versatile think-tank for ARPA-E, producing deep, thoughtful tech-nical analysis of areas that could lead to new ARPA-Eprograms. ARPA-E Fellows must have completed adoctoral degree in a relevant area of science or engi-neering. They must have a deep interest in energy sci-ence and technology, but need not have experience inenergy R&D. ARPA-E Fellows may come from anycareer stage from recent Ph.D. graduates to faculty onsabbatical to retired scientists and engineers, and maycome from a range of sectors, including academia, in-dustry, and government laboratories. ARPA-E Fellowsspend a maximum of two years at ARPA-E before theyare expected to venture forth and become the energyleaders of tomorrow.Interested applicants should apply by submitting a

cover letter, resume, and a brief preliminary descriptionof a new ARPA-E program concept that they would pro-pose to run. Submissions should be electronically sent toe-mail: ARPA-E will contactcandidates of interest for an initial interview. For moreinformation visitwebsite:

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (TENURE-TRACK)Division of Science and Mathematics

Morehouse CollegeAtlanta, GA 30314

The Division of Science and Mathematics seeks can-didates for a nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Pro-fessor position. Individuals must possess a Ph.D. withpostdoctoral training in a biomedical discipline.Morehouse College is a liberal arts institution. Teaching

obligations will include introductory-level and under-graduate advisement and mentoring. Faculty must es-tablish and maintain research with undergraduates. Theproposed starting date is August 2010.Applicants must submit curriculum vitae, teaching ex-

perience and philosophy, research interests and careergoals, and the names and contact information for threereferences to: John K. Haynes, Professor and Deanof the Division of Science and Mathematics, More-house College, 830Westview Drive, S.E., Atlanta, GA30314. Or e-mail: Deadlineis June 30, 2010.

Morehouse College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ActionEmployer.



The Centre for Chemical Biology at Universiti SainsMalaysia (CCB at USM) is a newly established interna-tional research centre focused on fundamental researchwithin the thematic areas of (1) molecular bio-engineering and synthetic biology, (2) naturalproduct-based drug discovery, and (3) structuraland computational biology. We aim at understandingbiological systems and inspiring genome-based dis-coveries that provide economic and social benefits tothose at the bottom of the global pyramid. We havecreated a rich transdisciplinary research culture bypartnering with some of the best academic andcorporate institutions in the world.We use a bottom-up approach for developing our

research programs, placing emphasis on the dreamsof the individual researchers and allowing them touse their passion and creativity to drive the scienceand make discoveries. Our current research programsencompass virology, extremophile, genomics, signal trans-duction, herbal-based medicine, biomarker discovery,and structural biology.CCB at USM is located in the Science and Arts

Innovation Space (SAINS at USM), a research anddevelopment integrated community being built inthe heart of Penang, Malaysia. CCB at USM has state-of-the-art facilities supporting over 30 graduate students,postdoctoral researchers, faculty, and administrativestaff. We have significant resources available, includ-ing X-ray crystallography, cell and chromosome sorting,DNA sequencing, high-throughput protein purifica-tion, immersive 3-D visualization, and high-performancecomputing. We plan to expand our facilities and capa-bilities over the next several years.We are seeking highly qualified Postdoctoral Fellows

to join our team. Applicants should be talented andpassionate individuals who thrive in a dynamic, fast-paced and team-oriented environment. We offer com-petitive salary and startup packages in accordancewith U.S. postdoctoral standards. Positions are avail-able in the following areas: plant functional genomics,bioinformatics, flow cytometry, X-ray crystallography,extremophile, and microbial signal transduction.For more information about CCB at USM, as well

as complete job descriptions and information on howto apply, visitwebsite: Allinquiries should be electronically sent to Dr. JenniferSaito, e-mail:


FULL PROFESSOR)Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The University of Vermont

The University of Vermont is recruiting for a HealthEconomist to serve in a tenure-track faculty positionwith the Center for Clinical and Translational Science.The qualified candidate will have an advanced degreein economics or a related field with expertise in eco-nomic analysis and evaluation of medical, health care,public health, and health policy innovations, includingcost-effectiveness analysis. Preferred candidates willhave experience in utilization of large, integrated data-bases for research purposes; experience with federallyfunded research; a track record of scholarly publica-tions; and the expectation of continuing to publishin scholarly publications. The dual appointment willbe made at the appropriate professorial level in theCenter for Clinical and Translational Science and inthe College of Medicine. Applications will be accepteduntil the position is filled; however, we strongly en-courage the submission of materials by July 1, 2010.Applicants should send a copy of their curriculum vitaeand a letter outlining their interests to: Brian Flynn,Sc.D., Chair of the Search Committee, Center forClinical and Translational Science, 89 BeaumontAvenue, Courtyard at Given, N302, Burlington,VT 05405. Or they should apply at website: Applications are encouragedfrom women and individuals of diverse racial, ethnic,and cultural backgrounds. An Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer.


A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available fora Ph.D. scientist to study regulated proteolysis in theRas signal transduction using human-mouse-Drosophilamodels. Highly motivated, hardworking, productive,and energetic candidates are sought after. Successfulapplicants must have one or two first-author publica-tions. Please send curriculum vitae, research state-ment, reprints, and the names of three references to:Amy Tang, Ph.D., Eastern Virginia Medical School,Department of Microbiology and Molecular CellBiology, Norfolk, VA 23507. Telephone: 757-446-5664; e-mail:; website: Salary and benefits are paid on the2010 NIH scale.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR #1017University of Wyoming

College of Health SciencesSchool of Pharmacy

The School of Pharmacy at the University ofWyoming invites applications for a nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Division ofPharmaceutical Sciences. The successful candidate willbe expected to establish and maintain an extramurallyfunded research program that matches with or com-plements ongoing research in the Division. Preferencewill be given to applicants that have a background inpharmacy and the field of pharmaceutics, and have ex-perience teaching biopharmaceutics and pharmacokineticscourses. The successful applicant will also be expectedto teach courses in pharmaceutics/biopharmaceuticsand pharmacokinetics, advise professional pharmacyand graduate students, and provide service to the uni-versity, college, school and the broader professionalcommunity. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. orequivalent in pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, or re-lated biomedical fields, postdoctoral experience, dem-onstrated research accomplishments, and classroomteaching experience. Salary and startup package will becompetitive and commensurate with professional ed-ucation, experience, and demonstrated abilities. Inter-ested candidates should submit a statement of researchinterests and objectives, a statement of teaching phi-losophy, vita, representative publications and three let-ters of recommendation to: Dr. Bruce Culver, SearchCommittee Chair, University of Wyoming, Schoolof Pharmacy, Department 3375, 1000 E. Univer-sity Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071. Review of ap-plications will begin June 4, 2010, and continue until asuitable candidate is identified. The University of Wyomingis committed to diversity and endorses principles of Affirmative Ac-tion. We acknowledge that diversity enriches and sustains our schol-arship and promotes equal access to our educational mission. We seekand welcome applications from individuals of all backgrounds, experi-ences, and perspectives.

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28 MAY 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE www.sciencecareers.org1190

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