munjal, m.l. iisc lecture notes series, volume 3

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  • 8/19/2019 Munjal, M.L. IISc Lecture Notes Series, Volume 3


    I I S c L e c t u r e N o t e s S e r i e s V o l u m e 3

    Noise and

    Vibrat ion Control

    M L M u n ja l

    Indian Institute of Scien ce India



    World cientific

    N E W J E R S E Y


      L O N D O N


      S I N G A P O R E


      B E I J I N G


      S H A N G H A I


      H O N G K O N G


      T A I P E I


      C H E N N A I

  • 8/19/2019 Munjal, M.L. IISc Lecture Notes Series, Volume 3


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  • 8/19/2019 Munjal, M.L. IISc Lecture Notes Series, Volume 3


      ri s Preface

    orl Scientific Publishing Co mp an y Indian Institute  of  Science Collaboration

    IISc Press




      co-publishing books authored


      world renowned

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    This pioneering collaboration will contribute significantly  in

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    The  IISc Centenary Lectures Series will comprise lectures  by   designated

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    Editorial Board

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    Diptiman  Sen  (  d i p t   i m a n @ c t   s . i i s c .

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    Sandhya Visweswariah ( s a n d hy a @ m r dg . i i s c .

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  • 8/19/2019 Munjal, M.L. IISc Lecture Notes Series, Volume 3



    Dedication  ν  

    Series Preface  vii 

    Preface  ί


    Chapter  Noise and Its M easurement  1 


      Plane Wave Propagation  2 

    1.2  Spherical W ave Propagation  4 

    1.3  Decibel Level  8 

    1.4  Frequency Analysis  9 

    1.5  Weighted Sound Pressure Level  12 

    1.6  Logarithmic Addition, Subtraction and Averaging  13 

    1.7  Directivity  18 

    1.8  Measurement of Sound Pressure Level  20 

    1.9  Loudness  23 

    1.10 Noise Limits in India  25 


     The noise pollution regulation and control) rules, 2000  25 


     Permissible no ise exposure for  industrial workers  27 


     Noise limit


     diesel generator sets


    1.10.4 Noise limit for portable gensets  29 


     Noise limit for  fire crackers  30 

    1.10.6 Noise limit for vehicles  31 

    1.11 Masking  33 

    1.12 Sound Level Meter  33 

    1.13 Microphones  34 

    1.14 Microphone Sensitivity  35 


     Intensity M eter


    References  36 

    Problems in Chapter  37 

    Chapter 2 Vibration and Its M easurement  40 



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    Noise and Vibration ontrol

    2.1 Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom System 41 

    2.1.1 Free vibration 42 

    2.1.2 Forced response 45 

    2.2 Vibration of a Multiple Degrees of Freedom System 48 

    2.2.1 Free response 49 

    2.2.2 Forced response of multi-DOF system 50 

    2.2.3 Modal expansion 50  

    2.3 Transmissibility 52  

    2.4 Critical Speed 58 

    2.5 Dynam ical Analogies 60 

    2.6 Vibration of Beams and Plates 63 

    2.7 Vibration Measurem ent 69 

    2.8 Measurement of Damping Measurement of Sound Pressure Level 74 

    2.8.1 Logarithmic decrement method 74 

    2.8.2 Half-power bandwidth method 75 

    References 77 

    Problems in Chapter 2 78  

    Chapter 3 - Vibration Control 80 

    3.1 Vibration Control at the Source 81 

    3.2 Vibration Isolators 83  

    3.2.1 Bonded rubber springs 84  

    3.2.2 Effect of compliant foundation 89 

    3.2.3 Pneum atic suspension 92  

    3.3 Dynam ic Vibration Absorber DVA) 94 

    3.4 Impedance Mismatch to Block Transmission of Vibration 98  

    3.4.1 Viscoelastic interlayer 99 

    3.4.2 Effect of blocking mass on longitudinal waves 101 

    3.4.3 Effect of blocking mass on flexural waves 106 

    3.5 Damping Treatments for Plates 107 

    3.5.1 Free layer damping FLD) treatment 108 

    3.5.2 Constrained layer damping CLD) treatment 109  

    3.6 Active Vibration Control 112 

    References 115  

    Problems in Chapter 3 116  

    Chapter 4 - Acoustics of

     Room s, Partitions, Enclosures and Barriers 118 

    4.1 Sound Field in a Room 118 

    4.2 Acoustics of a Partition Wall 125  


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      ontents  xv

    4.3 Design of Acoustic Enclosures 132 

    4.4 Noise Reduction of a Partition Wall and Enclosure 138 

    4.5 Acoustics of Barriers 142 

    References 148 

    Problems in Chapter 4 148  

    Chapter 5 - Mufflers and Silencers 151 

    5.1 Electro-Acoustic Modeling 152 

    5.2 Transfer Matrix Modeling 154 

    5.3 Simple Expansion Chamber SEC) 168 

    5.4 Extended Tube Expansion Chamber ETEC) 171 

    5.5 Extended Concentric Tube Resonator ECTR) 175 

    5.6 Plug Muffler 178  

    5.7 Multiply Connected Muffler 180 

    5.8 Absorptive Ducts and Mufflers 182 

    5.9 Com bination Mufflers 189  

    5.10 Acoustic Source Characteristics of I.C. Engines 190 

    5.11 Designing for Adequate Insertion Loss 196 

    5.12 Mufflers for High Pressure Vents and Safety Valves 201 

    5.13 Design of Muffler Shell and End Plates 203 

    5.14 Helmholtz Resonators 205 

    5.15 Active Noise Control in a Duct 209 

    5.16 P ressure Drop C onsiderations 212 

    References 215 

    Problems in Chapter 5 218 

    Chapter 6 - Noise Control Strategies 221 

    6.1 Control of No ise at the Source 221 

    6.1.1 Select a quieter machine 221 

    6.1.2 Select lossy materials 222 

    6.1.3 Use quieter processes or tools 222 

    6.1.4 Reduce radiation efficiency 223 

    6.1.5 Maintain for quietness 224  

    6.1.6 Design of flow machinery for quietness 224 

    6.2 Control of No ise in the Path 226 

    6.3 Noise Control at the Receiver End 227 

    6.4 Noise Control of an Existing Facility 227 

    6.5 Estimation and Control of Compressor Noise 229 

    6.6 Estimation and Control of Noise of Fans and Blowers 233 


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    Noise and Vibration ontrol

    6.7 Estimation and Control of Noise of Packaged Chillers 237 

    6.8 Estimation and Control of Noise of Cooling Towers 237 

    6.9 Estimation and Control of Pump Noise 239 

    6.10 Estimation and Con trol of Noise of Prime M overs 241 

    6.10.1 Turbines 241 

    6.10.2  Diesel engines 246 


     Electric motors 248 

    6.11 Jet Noise Estimation and Control 251 

    6.12 Estimation and Control of Gear Noise 256 

    6.13 Earthmoving Equipment Noise Estimation and Control 258 

    6.14 Impact Noise Control 259 

    6.15 Environmental Impact Assessment EIA) 261 

    References 264  

    Problems in Chapter 6 265 

    Nomenclature 267 

    Index 271 


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    Noise and Its Measurement

    Sound is a longitudinal wave in air, and wave is a traveling disturbance.

    Mass and elasticity of the air medium are primary characteristics for a

    wave to travel from the source to the receiver. A wave is characterized

    by two state variables, namely, pressure and particle velocity. These

    represent perturbations on the static ambient pressure and the mean flow

    velocity of wind, respectively. The perturbations depend on time as well

    as space or distance.

    Noise is unwanted sound. It may be unwanted or undesirable because

    of its loudness or frequency characteristics. Excessive or prolonged

    exposure to noise may lead to several physiological effects like

    annoyance, headache, increase in blood pressure, loss of concentration,

    speech interference, loss of working efficiency, or even accidents in the

    workplace. Persistent exposure of a worker to loud noise in the

    workplace may raise his/her threshold of hearing.

    The study of generation, propagation and reception of audible sound

    constitutes the science of Acoustics. There are several branches of

    acoustics, namely, architectural acoustics, electroacoustics, musical

    acoustics, underwater acoustics, ultrasonics, physical acoustics,  etc.  The

    field of industrial noise, automotive noise and environmental noise

    constitutes engineering acoustics or technical acoustics. This in turn

    comprises sub-areas like duct acoustics, vibro-acoustics, computational



    The speed at which the longitudinal disturbances travel in air is called

    sound speed,  c.  It depends on the ambient temperature, pressure and

    density as follows.













    f  1.1)

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    2 Noise and Vibration Control


    Here  γ   is the ratio of specific heats  C


      and C


    ,  R   is gas constant,



    is s tat ic ambient pressure,  p


      is m ass densi ty, and  Τ   is the absolute

    temperature of the medium. For air at s tandard pressure

    (γ =1Α ,

      R =  287.05  Jftkg.K), p





      Pa ), i t can ea sily b e

    seen that


    where  Τ   is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

    S y m b o l  Τ   is used for the t ime period of harmonic disturbances as

    w ell. It is relate d to freque ncy f as follow s:


    Fre que ncy / is m easu red in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.

    Wave l eng t h  λ   of m oving disturbanc es, of fre qu en cy / , is given by


    where  c   denotes speed of sound.

    1 .1 P lane W ave Prop agat ion

    Plane waves moving inside a wave guide (a duct with rigid walls) are

    cal led one- dim ensio nal wav es. Th ese are charac terized by the fol low ing

    one-dimensional wave equat ion [1] :


    where ρ , ζ   and  t  are acoust ic pressure, coordinate along direct ion of wave

    propagation and t ime, respectively.

    For harmonic waves , the t ime dependence is g iven by



      o r  cos(cot)  or s in (  ùt),

      wh r

    ω =2π /  is the circu lar freque ncy

    in rad/s.

    General solution of Eq. (1.5) may be written as

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    Noise and Its Measurement 3

    or as

    p{z,t)= Ae









    where  k =


    c = 2n/X  is cal led the wa ve num ber.

    It can easily be seen that   A   is ampli tude of the forward progressive

    wa ve and Β i s am pl i tude of the reflected or rearward progress ive wa ve.

    Algebraic sum of the two progress ive waves moving in opposi te

    direct ions is cal led a standing wav e. Th us, Eq . (1.6) represe nts acoust ic

    pressure of a one-dim ensional s tanding wa ve. Th e corresponding

    equation for particle velocity is given by

    One-dimensional wave occurs primari ly in the exhaust and tai l pipe

    of automot ive engines and reciprocat ing compressors . These waves are

    characterized by a plane wave front normal to the axis of the pipe or

    tube, and therefore they are cal led plane waves.

    The forward wave is generated by the source and the rearward wave

    is the result of reflection from the passiv e term ination dow nstre am . In

    part icular,  B/A = R   is called the Reflection Coefficient, and may be

    determined from the termination impedance [1]. In part icular,   R =   0 for

    anec hoic term ination, 1 for rigid (closed) term ination, and -1 for

    expansion in to vacuu m . In general , R   is a function of frequency.

    In view of the plane wave character of the one-dimensional waves,

    the acoust ic power flux W of a plane progressive wave may be wri t ten as






      prod uct of the m ean densi ty and sound speed, represen ts the

    character is t ic impedance of the medium

    For an ambient temperature of 25° C and the standard atmospheric

    pressure (corresponding to the mean sea level) , we have

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    4 Noise and Vibration Control

    1 .2 Spherica l W ave Prop agat ion

    Wave propagation in free space is characterized by the fol lowing Three-

    Dimensional (3D) Wave Equat ion [1]


    where V


      is the La placian . In term s of spherical pola r coordina tes,

    neglect ing angular dependence for spherical waves, Eq. (1.13) can be

    written as


    where  Y =  p




      / S   is the Ch aracterist ic Im ped anc e of plan e w ave s,

    defined as rat io of acoust ic pressure and volume velocity of a plane

    progressive wave along a tube of area of cross-sect ion S.


    Note that the factor of 2 in the denominator is due to the mean square

    values required in the pow er calculat ion s. Th us, the net pow er

    associated with a standing wave is given by

    (1.10, 1.11)

    where I is Sound Intensi ty defined as power per unit area in a

    direction normal to the wave front (in the axial direction for plane

    waves ) ,  S   is area of cross-sect ion of the pipe, and V is cal led the Volume


    Thus, the acoust ic power flux associated with the incident progressive

    wave and the reflected progressive wave are given by

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    Noise and Its Measurement 5

    Comparison of Eqs. (1.5) and (1.14) suggests the fol lowing solut ion

    for spherical waves:




    Substi tut ing i t into the momentum equation


    Here  r  is the radial distance between the receiver and a point source.

    It may again be noted that the first component of Eqs. (1.15) and (1.17)

    represents the spherical ly outgoing or diverging wave and the second one

    repres ents the incom ing or con verg ing spherical wa ve. In prac t ice, the

    second component is hypothetical ; in al l pract ical problems dealing with

    noise radiat ion from vibrat ing bodies one deals with the diverging wave

    only. Th e rat io of pressu re and part icle velocity for the diverging

    progress ive wave may be seen to be


    It may be observed that unlike for plane progressive waves, this rat io

    is a function of dista nce r. Th is indic ates that for a sph erica l div ergin g

    w ave , press ure and velocity are not in pha se. Ho we ver w hen the

    Helmhol tz number  kr  tends to infinity (or is much larger than unity), then

    this ratio tends to   p


    c. Ph ysic ally, i t im plies that in the far field a

    spherical d iverging wave becomes or behaves as a p lane progress ive

    wave. This also indicates that the microphone of the sound level meter

    should not be near the vibrating surface; it should be in the far field.

    In the far f ield, Helmholtz number is much larger than unity


      » l)

    and then Eqs. (1.15), (1.17) and (1.18a) reduce to

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    6 Noise and Vibration Control

    (1.18 b, c)

    and therefore, sound intensi ty and total power are given by

    (1.18 d-h)




      is the surface area of a hy po thetic al sphe re of rad ius r ove r

    which the to tal pow er  Wis   divid ed equally to yield intensity  l(r).

    Example 1 .1  A bubble-l ike sphere of 5 mm radius is pulsat ing

    harmonical ly at a frequency of 1000   Hz  with ampli tude of radial

    displac em ent 1 m m in air at m ean sea level and 25° C. E valu ate

    (a) am plitu de of the rad ial velo city of the sphere surface ;

    (b) ampli tude of the acoust ic pressure and part icle velocity at a

    radial distance of 1 m.

    (a) For harm onic radial mo t ion, radial velocity u equals ω t imes

    th e radial d isp lacem ent ξ , w here ω = 2 π / . T hu s ω = 2 π χ 1 0 0 0

    = 6 2 8 3. 2 r a d / s


    Helmhol tz number ,  kr  = 18.16 at r = lm, and 0.091 at r = 0.005 m

    (i.e.,  on the surface). As per Eq. (1.17), for a diverging spherical

    wave in free field,  Β =  0, and

    (b) Wave number,

    Dis tance ,



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    Noise and Its Measurement


    It is worth noting that


    Substi tut ing this value of A   in Eq. (1.17) for  r =  lm yields

    Now, use of Eq. (1.15) yields

    Incidental ly, sou nd pressure am pli tude at 1 m ma y also be obtained

    by means of Eq. (1.18a):

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    8 Noise and Vibration Control

    where  log   denotes log to the base 10, and p


      =   2 x l 0

    - 5

      Pa represents

    the threshhold of hearing. This standard quanti ty represents the root-

    mean-square pressure of the faintest sound of 1000 Hz frequency that a

    normal human ear can jus t p ick up. The corresponding value of the

    reference intensi ty represents


    Human ear is a fantast ic t ransducer. I t can pick up pressure fluctuations

    of the order of 1CT


      Pa  to   1 0


      Pa; that is, i t has a dynamic range of

    1 0


      The refore, a l inear unit of m easu rem ent is ruled out . Instead,

    universal ly a logari thmic unit of decibels has been adopted for

    measurements of Sound Pressure Level , In tens i ty Level and Power

    Level . These are defined as fol lows  [1-3]:

    1.3 De cibe l Le vel

    Thus, at the surface (or in the nearfield), sound pressure leads radial

    veloci ty by 90° (because j =  e




      w he rea s in the farfield sound

    pressure is in phase with part icle velocity.

    ikr  at the surface, where  kr 1,




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    Noise and Its Measurement


    1.4 Fre qu enc y An alys is

    The human ear responds to sounds in the frequency range of 20 Hz to

    20,000 Hz (20 kHz), al though the human speech range is 125 Hz to 8000


    Here ,  n


      is the nu m ber of surfaces touch ing at the source. Th us,




      0 for a source in mid air (or free space),

    1 for a source lying on the floor,

    2 for a source located on the edge of two surfaces, and

    3 for a source located in a corner (where three surfaces meet).

    Specifically, for a source located on the floor in the open, Eq. (1.24)



    where Q is the locational directivity factor, given by [2, 3]


    This indicates that in the far field, the sound pressure level or sound

    intensi ty level would decrease by 6 decibels when the measurement

    distance from the source is doubled.

    For spherical ly diverging waves the sound pressure level at a distance


      from a point source is related to the total sound power level as follows








    Making use of Eqs. (1.15) and (1.17) in Eq. (1.20) indicates that in

    the far field the acoustical intensity is inversely proportional to the radial

    distance r . Th is inverse square law wh en interpreted in logari thm ic units


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    10 Noise and Vibration Control


    1 / 3

    = 1 . 2 6 a nd 1 0


      = 1.259


    It may also be noted that


    In Eqs. (1.27) to (1.30), subscripts / , u and m denote lower, upper and

    m ean , respec tively. I t m ay be noted that three contigu ous 1/3-octave

    bands would have the combined frequency range of the octave band

    centered at the centre frequency of the midd le 1/3-octave ban d.

    1000 Hz has been recognized internationally as the standard reference

    freque ncy, and the m id frequ encie s of all octa ve ba nd s and 1/3-octave

    bands have been fixed around this frequency. Table 1.1 gives a

    comparison of different octave and 1/3-octave bands.

    Incidental ly, the standard frequency of 1000 Hz happens to be the

    geometric mean of the human speech frequency range; that is ,

    so that





    Similarly, for a one-third octave band,




    so that

    Hz . Prec isely, m ale speech l ies betw een 125 Hz to 40 00 Hz, and fem ale

    speech is one octave higher, that is , 250 Hz to 8000 Hz.

    T he audible frequency ra nge is divided into octave and 1/3-octave

    bands. For an octave band,

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    Table  1.1 Bandwidth and geometric mean frequency  of standard octave and

    Vs-octave bands [12].





































    44 28.2










    63 88











    88 125 177











    177 250 355 224









    355 500 710 447









    710 1000 1420 891










    2000 2840










    2840 4000 5680 3548









    5680 8000 11360 7079










    16000 22720







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    12 Noise and Vibration Control

    Thus, for pract ical purposes, 2

    1 / 3

      = 1 0

    1 / 1 0

      . Tha t is why w orkin g ei ther

    way around 1000 Hz, 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz, 2000 Hz, 5000 Hz,

    10,000 Hz represent the mean frequencies of the respective


    bands .

      It m ay also be noted that the cen ter frequ encie s in dica ted in the


    n d

      and 5

    t h

      columns of Table 1.1 are internationally recognized nominal

    frequencies and may not be precise.

    It may also be noted that the octave band and


      band filters

    are constant percentage band-width f i l ters . The percentage bandwidth of

    an η -octave fil ter ma y be wri t ten as

    Th us, for an octave filter (n = 1), ba nd w idth is 70.7 % and for a on e-

    third octave filter (n = 1/3), the bandwidth is 23.16% of the mean or

    centre frequency of the particular fil ter.

    Power spectral densi ty represents acoust ic power per unit frequency

    as a function of freque ncy. Po w er in a ba nd of frequ encies rep rese nts

    area under the curve within this band. For example, for a flat (constant

    power) spectrum, the power in a frequency band would be proport ional

    to the ban dw idth in He rtz. As the ban dw idth of an octave band doub les

    from one band to the next , the sound pressure level or power level would

    increase by 10 log 2 = 3 dB . Similarly, the SPL or SWL of a  1/3-octave

    band would increase by 10 log2

    1 / 3



      dB,  as w e m ov e from one ban d to

    the next . As a corollary of the phenomenon, SPL in an octave band

    would be equal to the logari thmic sum of the SPLs of the three

    cont iguous  1/3-octave  bands const i tut ing the octave band.

    1 .5 W eighted Soun d Pressure Level

    Th e hum an ear resp ond s differently to sounds of different frequenc ies.

    Extensive audiological surveys have resulted in weighting factors for

    different purposes. Originally, A-weighting was for sound levels below

    55 dB, B-weighting was for levels between 55 and 85 dB, and C-

    weighting was for levels above 85 dB. These are shown in Fig. 1.1.


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    Noise and Its Measurement 13

    Significantly , howe ver the Α -weight ing netwo rk is now used exclus ively

    in most measurement standards and the mandatory noise l imits .

    Fig. 1.1 Approxim ate electrical frequency response of the A-, B- , and C-weighted

    networks of sound level meters [12].

    Table 1.2 contains a listing of the corrections in decibels to be added

    algebraically to all f requency ba nds . Th e Α -weighted sound pressure

    level is denoted as

    The former notat ion is more logical . However, the lat ter continues to

    be in wide use. Incidental ly, symbol dBA is often wri t ten as dB(A).

    The second column in Table 1.2 indicates octave numbers in popular

    use among profess ionals .


    1 .6 Loga ri thmic Add i t ion , Subtract ion and Ave rag ing

    The total sound power level of two or more incoherent sources of noise

    may be calculated as fol lows:

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    14 Noise and Vibration Control

    Table 1.2 Sound level conversion chart from flat response to A, B, and C weightings.



    Octave band


    A weighting


    Β weighting


    C weighting


    20 -50.5

    -24.2 -6.2

    25 -44.7

    -20.4 -4.4



    -17.1 -3.0

    40 -34.6





    -11.6 -1.3

    63 1


    -9.3 -0.8

    80 -22.5 -7.4 -0.5

    100 -19.1 -5.6 -0.3




    -4.2 -0.2



    -3.0 -0.1

    200 -10.9 -2.0 0

    250 3 -8.6 -1.3 0

    315 -6.6 -0.8 0

    400 -4.8 -0.5 0

    500 4 -3.2 -0.3 0

    630 -1.9 -0.1 0

    800 -0.8 0 0

    1000 5 0 0 0

    1250 +0.6 0 0

    1600 +1.0 0 -0.1

    2000 6




    2500 +1.3



    3150 +1.2 -0.4 -0.5

    4000 7 +1.0 -0.7 -0.8

    5000 +0.5



    6300 -0.1 -1.9 -2.0

    8000 8 -1.1 -2.9 -3.0

    10000 -2.5 -4.3


    12500 -4.3 -6.1


    16000 -6.6



    20000 -9.3 -11.1




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    Noise and Its Measurement



    He re η denotes the to tal num ber of incoherent sources l ike m achines

    in a workshop or different sources of noise in an engine, etc. Similarly,

    the corresponding total SPL at a point is given by


    Incidental ly, Eqs. (1.35) - (1.37) would also apply to logari thmic

    addit ion of SPL or SWL of different frequency bands in order to

    calculate the total level . The logari thmic addit ion of power levels or

    sound pressure levels have some interest ing implicat ions for noise

    con trol. It m ay easily be verified from E qs . (1.36) and (1.37) that

    10 0® 100 = 103


    10 0® 90 = 100.4  dB

    χ ® x = x + 3  dB

    Similarly, 10 identical sources of


      dB w ould add up to x + 10 d B .

    Percept ion wise,

    3 dB increase in SP L is hardly no ticeab le;

    5 dB increase in SP L is clearly notice able; an d

    10 dB increase in SPL appears to be twice as loud.

    Similarly, 10 dB decrease in SPL would appear to be half as loud,

    indicat ing 50% reduction in SPL. Therefore, i t fol lows that :

    (i) In a co m ple x noisy situation, on e m ust first identify all significant

    sources, rank them in descending order and plan out a s trategy for

    reducing the noise of the largest source of noise first , and then only

    tackle other sources in a descending order.

    (ii ) W hile designing an industrial layout or the arran gem ent of m ach ines

    and processes in a workshop, one must identify and locate the

    noisiest machines and processes together in one corner, and isolate

    this area acoustically from the rest of the workshop or factory.

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    16 Noise and Vibration Control

    (iii) It is m ost cost effective to redu ce all significant sourc es of noise

    down to the same desired level .

    Addit ion of the sound pressure levels of the incoherent sources of

    noise may be done easi ly by making use of Fig. 1.2 which is based on the

    following formula:


    It may be noted that the addit ion   AL   to the higher of the two levels is

    only 0.4 dB when the difference of the levels   ( L





     equa ls 10 dB .

    Therefore for all practical purposes, in any addition, if the difference

    between the two levels is more than 10 decibels , the lower one may be

    ignored as relatively insignificant.

    If one is adding more than two sources, one can still use Fig. 1.2,

    adding two at a time starting from the lowest, as shown Fig. 1.2

    The concept of addit ion can also be extended to averaging of sound

    pressure level in a community locat ion. Thus, the equivalent sound

    pressure level during a t ime period of 8 hours may be calculated as an

    avera ge of the hourly read ings; that is ,


    This averaging is done automatical ly in an integrat ing sound level

    meter or dosimeter used in the factories in order to ensure that a worker

    is not subjected to more than 90 dBA of equivalent sound pressure level

    during an 8 hou r shift. Sim ilarly, one can m eas ure   L


    ,  the day t ime

    average (6 AM to 9 PM) and



    , the night t ime average (9 PM to 6

    A M ) .

      Making use of the fact that one needs quieter environment at night ,

    the day-night average (24-hour average) is calculated as fol lows:


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    Noise and Its Measurement


    It may be noted that the   L


      has be en increased by 10 dB A in order to

    account for our increased sensitivity to noise at night.

    Fig. 1.2 Logarithmic add ition of two SPLs, L

    p l

      ® L

    p 2


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    18 Noise and Vibration Control

    Example 1 .2  For a reasonably flat frequency spectrum with no sharp

    peaks or t roughs, the band is nearly equal to the sum of the sound powers

    in the three contiguous one-third octave bands. Make use of this fact to

    evaluate sound pressure level of the 500 Hz band if the measured values

    of the 400-Hz, 500-Hz and 630-Hz 1/3-octave bands are 80, 90 and 85

    d B ,


    Solut ion

      It m ay be noted from Ta ble 1.1 that the freque ncy ran ge of

    400 -H z 1/3-octave ba nd is 355 - 4 47 Hz,

    500 -Hz 1/3-octave ba nd is 447 - 562 Hz,

    630 -Hz 1/3-octave ba nd is 562 - 708 Hz , and

    5 0 0 - H z l / l - o c t a v e b a n d i s 3 5 5 - 7 1 0 H z

    Th us, the 500 -Hz oc tave ban d spans all three contiguous 1/3-octave

    bands. Therefore making use of Eq. (1.37),



      (500  Hz  octave band) = 10 log ( l 0

    8 0 / 1 0

      + 1 0

    9 0 / 1 0

      + 1 0

    8 5 / 1 0


    = 91.5 dB

    1.7 Directivity

    Most pract ical sources of noise do not radiate noise equally in al l

    directions. This directionality at distance r in the far field is measured in

    terms of a directivity index DI, or directivity factor DF, as follows:


    The average sound pressure level  L


    is  calc ulate d from the total

    sound power level by


    The average sound pressure level can be evaluated by averaging the

    measured sound pressure levels at different angles at the same distance

    (r) around the source, making use of the formula

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    Noise and Its Measurement 19


    If all the levels around the machine are within 5 dB of each other,

    then instead of Eq. (1.43) one can take the ari thmetic average of SPLs

    and ad d 1 dB to i t in order to get a reason ably app roxim ate v alue of the

    average sound pressure level .

    Example 1 .3  Sou nd pressure levels at four points around a m ach ine are

    85,  88 , 92 and 86 dB wh en the m ach ine is on. Th e ambien t SPL at the

    four points (when the machine is off) is 83 dB. Calculate the average

    SPL of the machine alone (by i tself) .


    Making use of Eq. (1.43),

    Incidental ly, the ari thmetic average of the SPLs at the four points

    works out to be

    So,  the logari thmic average is quite close ' to the ari thmetic average

    p lus 1 d B ' .

    Now, logari thmically subtract ing the ambient SPL we get

    m chine lone




    machine ambient


     = 10 log

    = 88.6


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    20 Noise and Vibration Control

    1 .8 M easur em ent o f Soun d Pow er Level

    A more precise method of measuring the average sound pressure level

    and the total power level of a source consists in making use of an

    anechoic room. This is a special ly constructed room to simulate free field

    en viro nm en t. Its w alls as w ell as the floor and the ceiling are lined w ith

    long thin wedges of acoust ical ly absorbent material with power

    absorption coefficient of 0.99 (99%) or more in the frequency range of

    interest . Low frequency noise is not absorbed easi ly. The lowest

    frequency upto which the absorption coefficient is at least 0.99 is called

    the cut-off frequency of the anechoic room. Such rooms are used for

    precise measurements as per international s tandards.

    However, i t is logistically very difficult to mount large and heavy test

    ma chines on suspended net f looring. Therefore the Enginee ring M ethod

    of measurement of sound pressure level of a machine to a reasonable

    accuracy is to make use of a hemi-anechoic room where one s imulates a

    hem i-sphe rical free field. This is l ike test ing a m ach ine on the grou nd in

    an open ground . In such a roo m the floor is acoust ical ly hard (highly

    reflective) while all the four walls and the ceiling are lined with highly

    absorbent acoust ical wedges as indicated above for an anechoic room.

    Table 1.3 Co-ord inates of the 12 microphone locations.





    r r


    1 1


    1.5 m


    0.7 0.7

    1.5 m

    3 0 1

    1.5 m


    -0.7 0.7

    1.5 m

    5 -1 0

    1.5 m

    6 -0.7 -0.7

    1.5 m

    7 0 -1 1.5 m

    8 0.7 -0.7

    1.5 m

    9 0.65 0.27 0.71 r

    10 -0.27 0.65 0.71 r


    -0.65 -0.27 0.71 r


    0.27 0.65 0.71 r

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    Noise and Its Measurement

    Fig. 1.3 Microphone locations on a hypo thetical hem i-spherical surface.


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     Vibration Control

    Alternatively, one can use the so-called Survey Method where

    measurements are made at discrete microphone locations on the

    parallelepiped shown in Fig. 1.4.




      is the area of the hypothetical measurement surface in m


    , then

    ^ = ^ v + 1 0 1 o g ( 5 J  1.44)

    For a hemi spherical hypothetical surface shown in Fig. 1.3, the

    measurement surface area  S


      =  2nr


      , and for the parallelepiped surface

    of Fig. 1.4,



      =2ax2b + 2 2a+2b)c = 4 ab + bc + ca\ m



    Fig. 1.4

      Microphone locations

     on a

     hypothetical parallelepiped (Survey Method)


    Example 1 4  The overall dimensions of a diesel generator DG) set

    are 3m χ 1.5m χ 1.2m height). The A-weighted sound pressure levels at

    1 m from the five 4+1) radiating surfaces are 100, 95, 93, 102 and 98

    dBA, respectively. Assuming that the contribution from the four walls

    and ceiling for the DG room is negligible, and making use of the Survey

    method, evaluate the sound power level of the DG set.

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    Average value of the SPL may be calculated by means of Eq. (1.43):

    Solut ion  W ith refere nce to Fig . 1.4,

    Thus ,

    Using Eq. (1.45), surface area of the hypothetical measurement surface is

    given by

    Finally, the power level of the DG set is given by Eq. (1.44). Thus,


    Lou dness index S is m easured in terms of sones and the loudness level Ρ

    in phons. They are related to each other as fol lows:

    1.9 Loudness

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    Noise and Vibration Control

    Solut ion  The exercise  is bes t don e in a tabular form show n be low .

    E x a m p l e  1 5  If the  measured values of the  S P L s  for the octave bands

    with mid-frequencies


      6 3 ,

      125, 250, 500, 1000,

     2000 , 4000



    H z  are 100, 95 , 90, 85, 80, 75 , 70 and 65 dB,  respectively, calculate the

    total loudness level




     wel l


     phon s .

    where  5, is the  loudness  of the



      band  and



      is the m a x im u m  of

    these values . Constant  Β = 0.3 for  octave band analysis  and 0.15 for 1/3-

    octave band analys is .


     summ at ion does


     include  S




    The band loudness index



      of the

      octave bands


      read from

    Fig .  1.5, and then  the com posi te loudn ess level ,  L  (sones)  is  determined

    bv Γ 41



      Equal loudness index contours,

    (adopted with permission from Bies


     Hansen [3]).

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    The measured values of SPL are entered in the first row of the table.

    Th e band loud ness ind ex Si for each octave ban d is read from

    Fig . 1.5 an d ente red in the seco nd row of the Ta ble . It m ay be note d

    that the maximum value of the loudness index,  S


    ,  is 28 son es.

    Con stant Β = 0 .3 for octave ban ds , Th us , ma king use of Eq. (1 .47) ,

    the composite loudness index, L, is calculated as fol lows:

    L = 28 + 0.3 (2 5 + 2 2 + 19 + 17 + 14 + 13 + 11)

    = 28 + 0 .3x 121 = 6 4 .3 sones

    Now use of Eq. (1.46) yields the loudness level in phons:

    Ρ = 4 0 + 33 .2 log 64 .3

    = 100.0 phons

    1.10 N oise Lim its in Ind ia

    The Minis t ry of Environment and Fores ts (MOEF) of the Government of

    India, on the advice of the National Committee for Noise Pollut ion

    Control (NCNPC) has been issuing Gazette Notificat ions prescribing

    noise limits as well as rules for regulation and control of noise pollution

    in the urban environme nt . Th ese are sum ma rized below .

    1 10 1

      The noise pollution regulation and control) rules, 2000 [5]

    These rules make use of Table 1.4 for the ambient air quali ty standards.

    These are more or less the same as in Europe and USA.

    Example 1.5 Table

    Octave-band center

    frequency Hz)

    63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

    Octave-band level


    100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65

    Band loudness

    index sones) 28 25


    19 17




    from Fig. 1.5)

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    26 Noise and Vibration Control

    Table 1.4 Ambient air quality standards in respect of noise [7].

    Limits in Leq (dB A)

    Category of Area/Zone

    Day Time Night Time

    Industrial area 75 70

    Commercial area 65 55

    Residential area 55 45

    Silence zone 50 40


    1. Day time shall mean from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


      Night time shall mean from 10:00 p.m . to 6:00 a.m.

    (i).  A loud spea ker or a public addre ss system shall not be us ed

    except after obtaining writ ten permission from the authori ty.

    (ii).  A loud speaker or a public address system or any sound

    producing instrument or a musical instrument or a sound

    amplifier shall not be used at night time except in closed

    premises for communication within, l ike auditoria, conference

    rooms, community hal ls , banquet hal ls or during a public

    emergency .


      The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where

    loudspeaker or public address system or any other noise source

    is being used, shal l not exceed 10 dB(A) above the ambient

    noise standards for the area (see Table 1.4) or 75 dB(A)

    whichever is lower.


      Th e periph eral noise level of a privately own ed sound system

    or a sound producing instrument shall not , at the boundary of

    the private place, exceed by more than 5 dB(A) the ambient

    noise standards specified for the area in which it is used,

    (v).  N o horn shall be used in si lence zones or during night t im e in

    residential areas except during a public emergency.


      So und em itt ing fire crack ers shall not be burst in si lence zo ne

    or during night t ime.


      So und em itt ing construct ion equipm ents shall not be used or

    operated during night t ime in residential areas and si lence

    zones .

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    1 10 2  Perm issible noise exposure for industrial workers

    In keeping with the pract ice in most countries, India has adopted the

    international l imit of 90 dBA during an  8-hour  shift for industrial

    workers .

    Table 1.5 Permissible noise exposure.

    Duration/day (h)

    Sound Level (dBA)

    Slow response

    16 87

    8 90









    0.25 or less 105

    As shown in Table 1.5, for every 3 dB increase in the A-weighted

    sound level , the permiss ible maximum exposure has been reduced to

    half.  Dosimeters have been provided to the factory inspectors and also to

    the traffic police. Th e technician s wo rking on noisy mach ines or in

    noisy areas are provided with ear muffs or ear plugs, and are required to

    use them compulsori ly .

    The total daily dose, D, is given by

    Alternatively, i f we want to evaluate the maximum time that a

    technician may be asked to work in a noisy environment without risking

    him to over exposure, we may make use of an integrat ing sound level

    meter to evaluate the 8-hour  average o f the Α -weigh ted SPL as fo l lows :


    Ci =  Total actual time of exposure at a specified noise level, and

    Ti -  Total t ime of exposure permit ted by the table above at that



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    Noise and Vibration Control


    where  t  i s in hours . The n, the m axim um al lowed exposu re time to an

    equivalent  SPL,  L

    A e q

      8 A

    , would be given by


    where D, the dai ly noise dosage with reference to the base level cri terion

    of 90 dBA is given by






    9 0



      ( 1 5 1 )

    Here, constant 3 represents the decibel t rading level which

    corresponds to a change in exposure by a factor of two for a constant

    exp osur e time (10 log 2 = 3). Fo r use in U SA , this consta nt wou ld be

    replaced with 5.

    Example 1 .6  T he ope rator of a nois y grind er in an India n factory is to

    be protected against over-exposure to the work stat ion noise by rotat ion

    of duties. The operator 's ear level noise is 93 dBA near the grinder and

    87 dBA in an al ternat ive work place. What i s the maximum durat ion

    during an 8-hour shift that the worker may work on the grinder?


    Referring to Table 1.5,

    Ti for 93 d B A is 4 ho urs , and T


      for 87 d B A is 16 hour s.

    Let the wo rker ope rate the grinder for χ hou rs, and w ork in the

    quieter locat ion for the remaining durat ion of 8-x hours.

    Use of Eq. (1.48) yields


    Therefore, the technician should not be made to operate the

    grinder for more than 2.67 hours during an 8-hour shift .

    2 67 hours

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    1 10 3

      Noise limit for diesel generator sets

    India has the problem of power scarci ty al though the government has set

    up a number of thermal power plants , hydropower plants and atomic

    po w er plan ts . The refore, m ost of the m anufacture rs have their ow n

    captive power plants based on diesel engines. The relevant gazette

    notificat ion of the MOEF prescribes as fol lows [6].

    • Th e m ax im um perm issible sound pressu re level for new diesel

    generator (DG) sets with rated capacity upto 1000 KVA shall be 75

    dB (A ) at 1 m etre from the enclosu re surface, in free field con dit ions.

    • Th e diesel genera tor sets should be prov ided with integral acoust ic

    enclosure at the manufacturing stage


    Noise limits for diesel generator sets of higher capacity shall be as

    follows [7].

    • N oise from DG set shal l be control led by prov iding an acoust ic

    enclosure or by treat ing the room acoustical ly, at the user 's end.

    • T he acoustic enclo sure or acoust ic t reatm ent of the roo m shall be

    designed for minimum 25 dB(A) insert ion loss or for meeting the

    am bient noise standards, wh iche ver is on the highe r side. Th e

    measurement for Insert ion Loss may be done at different points at

    0.5 m from the acoust ic enclosure/room, and then averaged.

    • T he D G set shal l be prov ided with a prop er exha ust muffler with

    inser t ion loss of minimum 25 dB(A).

    • T he m anufac turer sho uld offer to the user a standard acou st ic

    enclosure of 25 dB(A) insert ion loss, and also a sui table exhaust

    muffler with IL of at least 25 dB (A) .

    1 10 4

      Noise limit for portable gensets

    Most shops and commercial es tabl ishments have thei r kerosene-s tar t ,

    petrol-run portable gensets with power range of 0.5 to 2.5 KVA. The

    relevant gazette notificat ion for such small portable gensets prescribes as

    follows [7].

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    Noise and Vibration Control


    ^ i s the environm ental correct ion, 10 log (1+4S/A )


      is the area of the hypothetical measurement surface, m




      = 1 m


    A  is the room absorption, m


      (see Eq. (4.13) in Chapter 4).

    • Th e prescribe d l imit of sound pow er level of portab le gensets is 86


    • Th is noise l imit m ay nec essi tate use of acoust ic hoo ds in m ost case s.

    1.10 5  Noise limit for fire crackers

    The Indian Society is a mix of different racial and rel igious communit ies.

    Each community has i ts fest ivals that are usually celebrated by means of

    sound em itt ing fire crackers . M ost of the t im e, these crackers are fired in

    hand, and therefore the chance of body damage, part icularly to the

    hearing for the players as well as on-lookers standing nearby, is high.

    Therefore, the government has mandated as fol lows [9].

    • T he m anufa cture, sale or use of fi re-crackers generat ing noise level

    exceeding 125 dB(A) or 145 dB(C) peak at 4 meters distance from

    the point of bursting shall be prohibited.

    • Fo r ind ividu al fire-crac ker con stituting a series (joined fire-cra cke rs),

    the above ment ioned l imi t be reduced by 5 log (N), wh ere Ν =

    num ber of crackers jo ine d together .

    • T he m easu rem ents shall be m ade on a hard con crete surface of

    minimum 5 meter d iameter or equivalent .

    • T he m easu rem ents shall be m ade in free field cond it ions, i .e. , there

    shall not be any reflecting surface upto 15 meter distance from the

    point of burst ing.

    Sound power level may be determined by means of the Survey

    method [8] (see Fig. 1.4).

    Th e Α -weighted sound power level of the source in the case of the

    Direct Method is calculated from the equation


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    Noise and Its Measurement


    1 10 6  No ise limit for vehicles

    Table 1.6 Noise limits for vehicles at manufacturing stage applicab le since 1

    s t

     April 2005




    Type of Vehicle



    dB (A)


    1 Displacement upto 80 cc

    2 Displacement more than 80 cc but upto 175 cc

    3 Displacement more than 175 cc





    4 Displacement upto 175 cc

    5 Displacement more than 175 cc




    Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and capable of having

    not more than nine seats, including the d river's seat

    Vehicles used for carriage of passengers having more than nine

    seats, including the driver's seat, and a maximum Gross Vehicle

    Weight (GVW) of more than 3.5 tonnes

    With an engine power less than 150 kW

    With an engine power of 150 kW or above





    Vehicles used for carriage of passengers having more than nine


      including the driver's seat \ vehicles used for the carriage of


    With a maximum GVW not exceeding 2 tonnes

    With a maximum GVW greater than 2 tonnes but not exceeding

    3.5 tonnes



    Vehicles used for the transport of goods with a maximum GVW

    exceeding 3.5 tonnes

    11 With an engine power less than 75 kW 77

    12 With an engine power of


     kW or above but less than 150 kW 78

    13 With an engine power of 150 kW or above 80





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    Noise and Vibration Control

    Environmental noise of vehicles is measured in a pass-by noise test [10]

    as show n in Fig. 1.6. T he vehic le appr oach es line Α -A at a s teady speed

    corresponding to 3/4 times the m axim um p ow er speed of the engine. As

    the vehicle front end reaches point Q , the accelerator is push ed to ful l

    open thrott le posi t ion and kept so unti l the rear of the vehicle touches

    line B-B at point C


    . Th e m axim um S PL reading is recorded at the two

    m icrop hon e locations show n in Fig. 1.6. Th e test is repea ted with the

    vehic le m oving in the oppo site direct ion. Th is is repea ted three t imes .

    The average of the peak SPL readings represents the pass-by noise of the

    veh icle. Detai led operat ing instruct ions as we ll as test cond it ions are

    given in Ref. [10].

    Table 1.6 gives the pass-by noise limits for vehicles at the

    m anufac turing stage [11] applicab le since Ap ri l 20 05 . Th ese l imits are

    similar to those prescribed in Europe since 1996. The l imits are enforced

    by the Automot ive Research Associat ion of India (ARAI, Pune) during

    Fig. 1.6 Measurement of passby noise of an automobile [10].

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    the type test ing of the new vehicles for establishing their road

    worthiness .

    1.11 Masking

    Often env ironm ental noise m asks a wa rning signal . M ask ing is the

    phenomenon of one sound interfering with the perception of another

    sound. Th is is w hy hon king has to be consid erably loude r than the

    gen era l traffic n oise around . It has be en obser ve d that m ask ing effect of

    a sound of a particular frequency is more at higher frequencies than at

    the low er frequenc ies. Th us if w e wa nt to m ask amb ient sound of 500

    Hz to 2000 Hz then we should introduce sound in the 500 Hz one-third

    octav e ban d. In fact, the m askin g effect of a narro w ban d noise is mo re

    than that of a pure tone at the centre frequency of the ban d. Th e am oun t

    of masking is such that a tone which is a few decibels above the masking

    noise appears to be as loud as i t would sound if the masking noise were

    not present . Masking can be put to effect ive use in giving acoustic

    privacy to intellectuals located in open cubicles in large call centers or

    similar large offices under the same  roof.  Pla yin g of soft instru m enta l

    music in the background is enough to mask the conversat ion in the

    neighboring cubicles .

    1.12 Sou nd Leve l M eter

    The basic components of a portable sound level meter are microphone,

    pre-amplifier, weighting network, amplifier, rect ifier, the output quanti ty

    calculator, and display unit .

    The microphone is a t ransducer for conversion of acoust ic signal into

    a voltage signal . Pre-amplifier is an impedance matching unit with high

    input impedance and low output impedance. The wai t ing network relates

    to Α -weight ing or C-w eight ing; B-weight ing is rarely used these days .

    The display unit is essential ly a sensi t ive digi tal voltmeter, pre-cal ibrated

    in term s of sound pressure levels in dec ibels . Fo r con ven ienc e, the

    at tenuators are usua lly arrang ed in 10 dB steps. Th e dyn am ic rang e is

    genera l ly 60 or 80 dec ibels . Th ere is invariably a m eter respo nse

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    Noise and Vibration Control

    function labeled as slow, fast and impulse with averaging t ime constants

    of 1 sec, 100 ms and 35 ms, respectively.

    The Sound level meter is classified as Class I or Class II (also termed

    as Ty pe I and Ty pe II), dep end ing on accu racy. Class I sound leve l

    meter is a precision sound level meter intended for accurate

    measurements whereas Class II sound level meter is a general purpose

    sound level meter intended for field use.

    1 .13 Microphones

    The re are several types of m icropho nes . Th ree major types in com m on

    use are described here. The most precise microphone consists of a

    diaphragm which serves as one electrode of condenser and a polarized

    backing plate separated from i t by a very narrow air gap which serves as

    the other electro de. Th e con den ser is polarized by m ean s of a bou nd

    charge so that small variat ions in the air gap due to pressure induced

    displacement of the diaphragm result in corresponding variat ions in the

    voltage across the con dens er. C ond ens er m icro pho ne has relat ively flat

    frequency response, which makes i t very desirable for precise

    measurements .

    In a p iezo-elect r ic microphone sound incident upon the diaphragm

    tends to stress or unstress the piezo-electric element which in return

    induce s a bou nd cha nge across i ts cap acitanc e. Piezo-e lectric

    microphones are also cal led ceramic microphones .

    Table 1.7 Basic microphone types and characte ristics.





    Sensing element


    frequency range


    Temperature and



    1 Condenser Capacitor



    2 Ceramic Piezoelectric 20-10000 Good

    3 dynamic Magnetic coil 25-15000 Good

    Dynamic microphones produce an elect r ical s ignal by moving a coi l

    wh ich is con necte d to a diap hrag m through a m agne tic field. Ob viously,

    a dynamic microphone must not be used in the vicini ty of devices that

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    create magnetic fields; e.g. , t ransformers, motors and al ternators. The

    relat ive performance of these microphones is given in Table 1.7.

    1.14 Microphone Sensi t iv i ty

    Microphone sensi t ivi ty is essential ly the rat io of electrical output to

    aco ustic al inpu t. In loga rithm ic un its it is defined as



    , the refere nce voltag e is gen erally 1 volt and  p


      the reference

    pressure which can be  1 Pa   or 0.7  Pa (l  microb ar) . Eq. (1 .53) m ay be

    rearranged as

    S = 20  l o g £ - L


    + 9 4 ,  dB   (1.54)



      is in volts and



      is the soun d pre ssu re level (re 20

    micropascal ) on the microphone. Typical values of microphone

    sensi tiv it ies range be tween - 2 5 and - 6 0 d B re lV/P a .

    General ly there is a t rade-off between frequency response and

    sensi t ivi ty. For example, 6-mm diameter microphones have flat

    frequency response over a wide range of frequencies but they have less

    sensi t iv i ty , as compared to the corresponding 25-mm diameter

    microphones . Therefore 12-mm diameter microphones are used

    commonly on most portable sound level meters .

    Example 1 .7  A condenser microphone with sensi t ivi ty of - 30  dB rel.O




      is used as the transd uce r on a portab le sound level me ter. W ha t

    would be the SPL reading on the meter i f the internal electronic noise is


      μ Υ Ί



    Use of (1.54) yields

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    36 Noise and Vibration Control

    A s the internal electronic n oise level is 24 d B , and 24 ® 30 = 31,

    this sound level meter cannot be used to measure SPL of less than 30

    dB with an accuracy of ±1 dB.

    1.15 Intensity Meter

    Intensity is defined as the time average of the product of acoustic

    pressure and normal par t ic le veloci ty . As per the momentum equat ion,

    part icle velocity is prop ort ional to pressu re gradient . The refore, an

    intensi ty probe consists of two microphones with an acoust ical ly

    transpa rent spacer in betw een . Th e acoustic pressu re is then the avera ge

    of the pressure s picked up by the tw o m icrop hon es individually. Part icle

    velocity is proport ional to the difference of the two pressures divided by

    the distance d between the two (equal to spacer length). Thus,

    For this equation to represent the real intensity flux normal to a surface,

    the intensi ty probe must be held near the surface in such a way that the

    axis of the two m icrop hon es is perpe ndicu lar to the surface. Th e outpu t

    of both the microphones is fed to the intensi ty meter which is cal ibrated

    to m eas ure intensi ty direct ly in term s of decib els as per Eq. (1.20). Often

    a good intensi ty meter has provision for measurement of sound pressure

    levels and velocity level too. The sound intensi ty meter is also

    programmed for the octave and  1/3-octave frequency analysis .


    1. Munjal, M. L., Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers, W iley, New York, (1987).


      Irwin, J. D. and Graf, E. R., Industrial Noise and Vibration Control, Prentice Hall,

    Englewood Cliffs, (1979).



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    Noise and Its Measurement


    3.  Bies,

     D. A. and


     C. H.,

     Engineering Noise Control, Fourth Ed ition, Spon

    Press, London, (2009).




     the Com putation




     Noise, Am erican National Standard

    USA S3.4-1968, American National Standards Institute, New York, (1968).



     Noise Po llution (Regulation


     Control) (Am endment) Rules, 2010, M OEF

    Notification S.O. 50(E), The Gazette of India Extraordinary, (11 January 2010).

    6. MO EF Notification G .S.R. 371(E): Environment (Protection) Second Amendment

    Rules, (2002).


      MO EF Notification G.S.R. 742(E): Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules,


    8. Acoustics




      sound power levels


      noise sources using sound

    pressure  -  Survey method using  an  enveloping measurement surface over  a

    reflecting plane, ISO 3746: 1995(E), International Standards Organization, (1995).

    9. MO EF Notification G .S.R. 682(E): Environment (Protection) Second Amendment



    10.  Measurement


      noise emitted


      moving road vehicles, Bureau



    Standards, IS: 3028-1998, New Delhi, (1998).

    11.  MO EF Notification G.S.R. 849(E): Environment (Protection) Second Amendment

    Rules, (2002).


      Joint Departments


      the Army,









     Noise and Vibration Control, (1995).

    Problems in Chapter 1

    Problem 1 1  Often, an approximate value of characteristic impedance





    c)  of air is taken as a round figure of 400 kg / m


      s). What

    temperature does this value correspond to? Adopt the mean sea level


    [Ans : 40° C]

    Problem 1 2  What are the amplitudes of the particle velocity and sound

    intensity associated with a plane progressive wave of 100 dB sound

    pressure level? Assum e that the medium is air at mean sea level and

    25° C.

    [Ans : 6 9 mm/s and 9 76  mW m



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    Noise and Vibration Control

    Problem 1.3

      A bub ble-l ike pulsat ing sphere is radiat ing sound po w er of

    0.1 W att at 50 0 Hz. Calc ula te the follow ing at a farfield po int located 1.0

    m away from the centre of the sphere:

    a) intensi ty level and sound pressu re level

    b) rm s value of acoust ic pressu re

    c) rm s va lue of the radia l partic le veloc ity

    d) ph ase difference betw een press ure and velocity

    [An s.: a) bo th 99.0 dB,  b) 1.78 P a, c) 4.37 m m /s , d) 6.3°]

    Problem 1.4  So und pressu re levels at a point near a noisy blow er are

    115,  110, 105, 100, 95, 90, 85 and 80 dB in the 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000,

    2000 ,

      400 0 and 8000 Hz octave ban ds, respec tively. Ev alua te the total



      and  L



    [Ans. :




     116.6 dB ,




     102 .4 dB A]

    Problem 1.5

      So und pressu re levels m easu red in free space at 12

    equisp aced loc ations on a hyp othetica l hem i-sphe rical surface of radius

    2m around a small portable genset lying on an acoust ical ly hard floor


     7 0, 72, 74, 76, 78 , 80, 8 1 , 79 , 77 , 75 , 73 and 71 dB , respectively,

    (a).  Ev alua te the sound pow er level of the portab le genset .

    (b).  W ha t is the direct ivi ty factor for the locat ions w here S PL is

    maximum and where SPL i s min imum?

    [Ans. :

      a) 90.5 d B , b) 5.62 and 0 .562]

    Problem 1.6  At a point in a part icular env ironm ent, the octave-ban d

    sound pressure levels are 80, 85, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70 and 65 dB in the

    octave bands centered at 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000

    Hz , respec tively. Ev aluate the loudn ess index in sones for each of these

    eight octave bands, and thence calculate the total loudness level in sones

    and phons .

    [Ans. :

      49.6 sones and 96.5 phons]

    Problem 1.7  If the hourly Α -weigh ted am bient SP L in an Indian

    workshop during an 8-hour shift are recorded as 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 93,

    93 ,  91 dBA, evaluate (a) the dai ly noise dose of the technicians

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    Noise and Its Measurement


    employed in the workshop, and (b) the maximum permiss ible exposure

    t ime a ccord ing to the industrial safety standard s.

    [An s.: a) 0.93 and b) 8.6 ho ur s]

    Problem 1.8  Th e techn ical specificat ion sheet of a cond ense r

    microphone has been misplaced. In order to measure sensi t ivi ty of the

    microphone, i t is subjected to SPL of 90 dBA in the 1000-Hz octave

    ban d. Th e output voltage is m easu red to be 1.0 mil l ivolt . Find the

    sensi t ivi ty of the microphone.

    [A ns . : -5 6

      dB re

      l V / P a ]

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    Chapter 2

    Vibration and Its Measurement

    Vibration is an oscillatory motion of a particle or an object about its

    me an posi t ion. This m ot ion ma y or may not be per iodic . W hen

    vibrat ion is caused by the unbalanced forces or moments of a

    reciprocating or rotary machine rotat ing at a constant speed, then i t is

    perio dic. In this chapter, and indeed in this textbook , vibrat ion and the

    resultant acoust ic pressure are assumed to be periodic.

    Vibrat ion is caused by the interact ion of two primary elements: mass

    and spring (stiffness), or in other words, inertia and elasticity. Damping

    represents a third element, which is invariably there in the system but is

    not an essential or prim ary elem ent for vibrat ion to take place. M ass and

    spring are characterized by kinetic energy and potential energy,

    respec tively. Du ring a steady state osci l lat ion, there is a continuo us

    exchange between the two types of energy, with their total remaining

    constan t . Th e external excitat ion, then, supplies jus t eno ugh energ y to

    compensate for the energy dissipated into heat by the damping in the

    system, or radiated out as acou st ic energ y. In the absenc e of external

    excitat ion, the system would execute free vibrat ions (if ini t ial ly disturbed

    and left alone) with successively decreasing ampli tude depending on the

    amount of damping in the system and radiat ion resistance on the

    vibrat ing surfaces.

    In this book, vibrat ion and i ts control have been dealt with primari ly

    insofar as vibrat ing structures radiate noise. However, excessive

    vibrat ion can degrade the performance and decrease the fat igue l i fe of

    m ach ine bea rings and structures, result ing in eco nom ic loss. In extre m e

    cases, they may cause fatal accidents.

    Study of vibrat ions involves Newton's laws of motion and hence the

    science of Dynamics. Vibratory systems are therefore cal led dynamical


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    Vibration and Its Mea surement 41

    systems. These may be classified as l inear or nonlinear, lumped or

    dis t r ibuted, conservat ive or nonconservat ive, depending upon the

    governing differential equations, and the absence or presence of

    damping, respect ively .

    The number of independent coordinates required to descr ibe mot ion

    com pletely is term ed the degre es of freedom (D OF ) of the system . All

    basic features of vibrat ion of a mult i degree of freedom (MDOF)

    dynamical system may be easi ly understood by means of a single degree

    of freedom (SDOF) system as fol lows.

    2.1 Vib ration of a Single De gree of Fre edo m S ystem

    For a l inear lumped-parameter SDOF system shown in Fig . 2 .1 , making

    use of the free body diagram and the Newton 's Second Law of Mot ion,

    the ins tantaneous displacement  x(t)  of the lum ped m ass m is given by

    the equation

    mx(t)  = f(t)-   kx(t)-   cx(t)






    kx(t)= f(t)


    where  m   is the mass,  c  is the damping coefficient, k is the stiffness of the

    spring,  f(t)  is the excitation or exte rnal force acting on the m ass ,

    x(t)= dx/dt  is the instantan eous velocity, and  x(t)=d




      is the

    instantaneous acceleration of the mass in the positive (left to right)

    direct ion.

    Fig. 2.1 A SDOF system with viscous damping along with the free-body diagram of the

    mass, m.

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    42 Noise and Vibration Control

    Equation (2.1) is a l inear, second-order, ordinary differential equation

    with constant coefficients . I ts solut ion consists of a complementary

    function and part icular integral , representing the free vibrat ion and

    forced vibrat ion responses of the system, respectively.


      Free vibration

    The free vibrat ion response of an underdamped system may be seen to be




    is the natural frequency (in rad/s) of the undamped

    system (when  c = 0),

    is the natural frequency of the damped system,

    is the damping rat io of the system, and

    is the critical damping of the system,

    beyond which there would be no osci l lat ion; the mass

    wou ld approach the mean posi t ion asymp tot ical ly .

    A and Β are arbi trary constants that can easily be determ ined from the

    ini t ial displacement  x


      and velocity  u


      of the m ass,  m.  Thus, i t can

    readily be seen that

    For most mechanical vibro-acoustic systems, the damping rat io is

    much less than unity, or in other words, the damping coefficient is much

    less than the cri t ical damping. Thus,



    Figure 2.2 shows the typical free vibrat ion response of such a system,

    where mass


      is given an ini t ial displacement




      and released with zero

    initial velocity.

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    Vibration and Its Mea surement 43

    Example 2 .1  Th e rat io of two successive am pli tudes of the dam ped

    spring-m ass sy stem of the type sho wn in Fig. 2. 1 , w hen d isturbed and

    left to vibrate freely, is 0.9. If the mass is 10 kg and the spring stiffness is

    10 N/mm, evaluate the damping rat io , cr i t ical damping and the damped

    natural frequency of the system.


    Fig. 2.2 Free vibration of a typical lightly damped system.

    The undamped natural frequency in Hertz, or cycles per second, and

    the corresponding t ime period in seconds are given by


    M a s s ,  m  = 10 kg

    Stiffness, it = 10

    Undamped natural frequency of the system,

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    44 Noise and Vibration Control

    As per Eq.  (2.2a)  and Fig.  2.2,  the ratio of successive amplitudes

    is given by




    Thus, damping ratio of the system is given by

    Critical damping of the system,



      = 2mu)


    Finally, damped natural frequency of the system,

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    Vibration and Its Mea surement 45

    This natural frequency and the associated free vibrat ion parameters

    play a seminal role in our understanding of the forced response of the

    system, which is of primary concern in the field of noise and vibration

    control as shown below.





    A periodic forcing funct ion wi th time per iod Τ ma y be expressed as a

    Fourier series


      Forced response

    or as an exponential series


    In this book, the exponential form (Eq. 2.6) wil l be used, with

    For a l inear system, the principle of superposi t ion holds; i .e. , response

    of a periodic forcing function may be expressed as sum of the system

    responses to individual harmonics. Thus, Eq. (2.1) for the part icular

    integral may be wri t ten as


    Ob viously , the steady state resp ons e to the harm onic forcing function

    is given by

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    46 Noise and Vibration Control



    This may be rewrit ten in the non-dimensional form [2, 3]

    Fig. 2.3 Normalized displacement of mass of the single DOF system of Fig. 2.1 with

    damping ratio as parameter.


    where the complex ampli tude of the steady state displacement is given



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    Vibration and Its Measurement 47


    γ -ω Ι ω


      is the freque ncy ratio, and



      = FI k  is the stat ic displacem ent w hich serves as a

    normalizat ion factor

    The non-dimensional forced response or s teady-state response given

    by Eq. (2.12) is plot ted in Fig. 2.3, whence the fol lowing observations

    may be made:

    (a) At very low f requencies , ( r « l ) the dynamic response ampl i tude


      tends to the static displace m ent




    (b) In the abse nce of dam ping , the system res pon se wou ld tend to

    infinity when the forcing frequency


      approaches the undamped

    natural frequency  0


      . This ph eno m enon is termed Reso nance . In

    fact, the spring of Fig. 2.1 would break in no time if the system were

    excited at i ts natural frequency.

    (c) At higher frequencies  ύ ) » ύ )


    ),  the dynam ic response am pl i tude

    decreases monotonical ly as


    Thus ,

      it is imperative to design the system with as low a natural

    frequency as feasible.

    (d) Th e restraining effect of dam ping is l imited to the re son anc e

    frequency and i ts immediate neighborhood. Nevertheless, i ts role is

    crucial .

    (e) In a damped single DOF system, resonance peak does not occur

    precisely at



      ω -ω



      As can be seen from Eq. (2.13) and

    Fig ure 2. 3, i t occurs at a s l ightly lower frequency. H ow eve r for

    l ightly damped system



      ο τ ζ «ΐ),

      this shift ca n be



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    48 Noise and Vibration Control

    2.2 Vib ration of a M ult iple De grees of Fr eed om S ystem

    A dynamical sys tem with more than one lumped masses in terconnected

    with spring (and damper) elements would require more than one

    coordinates for descript ion of the instantaneous displacements (and

    velocit ies). Such a system is said to have, or be characterized by,

    mul t ip le degrees of f reedom (MDOF). An example of an undamped three

    DOF system is shown in Fig. 2.4, where, for convenience, the forcing

    function is assumed to be harmonic.

    Fig. 2.4 Example of a 3-DOF dynam ical system.

    Equations of dynamical equil ibrium for the system of Fig. 2.4 are

    given by the matrix equation [1]

    Natural frequency,


    whence ,

    Stat ic displacement,


    Example 2 .2  A machine of 500 kg mass when lowered onto

top related