musa ndhlovu - poems - · mr musa ndhlovu wrote the poem, ‘finally’. the poem...

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Poetry Series

Musa Ndhlovu- poems -

Publication Date: 2015 - The World's Poetry Archive

Musa Ndhlovu(1994 April 04) He express his own feeling by writing them down in a form of a poem to shearthem with other people. You might find them touching, but he find it relieving towrite them down. He is not perfect but he strive to be the best. He was not bornthis way, JESUS CHRIST changed his life. Mr. Musa Ndhlovu was born on the 4th of April 1994 at a clinic of Watervaal faroutside of Siyabuswa in Mpumalanga. He was raised by his mother and fatherwith the help of his grandmother from his father's side. Somewhere between the year 2000 and 2003 his grandmother on his father'sside passed away. He started school at the age of 7 at Oost' Eend Primary schoolin Pretoria 2001.2002 he changed school and went to Further Achieves Academyin Middleburg. On the same year, his parents divorced and lived with his mother,from 2003 - 2005, he went to another school in Middleburg Combined School.Early 2006 his mother passed away and he was forced to change location andschool; he went to live with his grandmother on his mother's side in a villagecalled Wolwekraal outside of Siyabuswa in Mpumalanga. 2006 - 2007 he went to school at Bekezela Primary School. As he went to highschool, he changed schools and went to Slindile Secondary School in 2008 -2010. He was successfully able to complete his Education at Kwandebele ScienceSchool in Gaphahla next to Siyabuswa 2011 - 2014 at the age of 20. Living withhis aunt who was a domestic worker. As a young man, he once got himself in a multiple relationship of three.However, there was one lady who loved him more than the others girls did. Shewas the first lady he proposed amongst the other two. His time with her wassmall and it was worth it. As a teenager, he had dreams and wishes, most of hisdreams was about his family that was promised to him by God Almighty. At someperiod, he thought of being honest to himself as well as to the one he love themost amongst the three. But than for him to see who loved him most, he was tobrake up with them all. He started by brake up with the one who loved him most.Then the one who was not even sure who and how he was and ended up with theone who he spent more time with. The ending of his relationships with them all made him to realize that the onewho he spent most time with got over him so fast. Then the one who did notknow him well enough as a lover wanted to fix things with him but she gave up - The World's Poetry Archive

on him. But then, after fourteen days; the one who loved him more than theother two was able to show him that she love him and her life was not going tobe normal with out him. Mr. Musa Ndhlovu came to his sense and started to behonest with her. They bonded together and sheared many things together. Theyboth decided to get married and live happily together. From there on, days went by and he went back to the lady he promised he wouldon the poem ' LEAVING YOU WAS NOT EASY '. The lady however broke up withhim. Through the pain and sorrows Mr Musa Ndhlovu went through, he somehowthought to himself that he will not date anymore. At the age of nineteen, hesomehow got engaged to a lady who mourned his love; the poem ‘MOURNINGTHE UNBOUND LOVE’ tells us so. They fell in love just as Mr Musa Ndhlovu on thepoem ‘WE FELL’ says. The love he had for her was beyond the lady’s mind. Mr MNdhlovu wrote poems like ‘MY HOT WOMAN, COME MY LOVE COME, AFTERMEETING, FROM STRANGERS TO LOVERS, AM I LOSING YOU, MY SOURCE OFHAPPINESS and WHERE DID IT ALL GO’ dedicating them to her. The teenagelady however, one of the bad days, she came to him brave enough and told himthat she is in love with the man she was in love with before she fell in love withhim…By than, Mr Musa Ndhlovu was doing Grade Twelve: as a fast thinker, hebelieved the proverb that said, “THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LOVE OF YOURLIFE AND A SOUL MATE IS THAT THE OTHER ONE IS A CHOICE”. On the year 2011 he mat Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza who was like his biologicalbaby sister in a noisy classroom full of learners. Mr Musa Ndhlovu told himselfthat he has to make himself related to the lady, however by than Mr MusaNdhlovu was Seventeen years old. Instead of proposing Miss Buyisile BeautyMsiza who was Thirteen years old that year, he asked her to be his sister for shereminded him of his biological baby sister. The young lady had a nerve to hatehim just because of her own reasons which Mr Musa Ndhlovu himself knows not.The next year after that, which was 2012 the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza gave in.They became like siblings without their parents knowing. As they spent timetogether, love grew in them so strong in a sense that, Mr M Ndhlovu would saysomething before the young lady would say it. On the contrary, the young ladywould spot sadness and pain in Mr Musa Ndhlovu before he could even speak ofit. (They were one in short.) Intimacy, passion, and commitment love grewstrong in them. (From here we see how friends became lovers) They were both in love unnoticed.Come 2013, the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza was forced to relocate, move fromKwaMhalanga to Witbank. These are two different places in Mpumalanga. Mr M - The World's Poetry Archive

Ndhlovu's life was messed up after she left. And from the young lady's side, herlife was a mess too. Their communication along the year had some break up. Bythen, it was as if there was a force preventing Mr Musa Ndhlovu fromcommunicating with Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza who once hated him. Late 2013they were both indirectly given even chances to see how life would be withouteach other. Pain and sorrows came their way frequently on the year of 2013. Weknow this form the poem, ‘THE ROAD FROM NINETEEN TO TWENTY’.On the year 2014, their communication was build. The baby sister of MissBuyisile Beauty Msiza was kind enough to allow Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza to useher phone ever since she had no phone that year. They spoke after a long timeand Mr Musa Ndhlovu was Twenty years old and the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msizawas Sixteen years old. From what they had learned from the past. The truth wasfinally exposed. Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza told Mr Musa Ndhlovu that when he isdone wasting his time with the other ladies he was dating, he should know thatshe is waiting for him. Mr Musa Ndhlovu wrote the poem, ‘FINALLY’. The poemtells us that Mr Musa Ndhlovu, all along had a clue that the right lady for him isthe one who he met 2011 in a classroom that was full of noise.On the 22nd of March 2014, this two people flipped their siblings like relationshipto lovers relationship. Mr Musa Ndhlovu was so happy and pleased. We get thelady’s description and character in his poem 'HER ATTRACTION'. He wrote manypoems about her and to her which are, ‘BUYISILE, THEY CAME TO ME, ON THATDAY, AS MUCH AS I HATE CONFIRMING and LOVE IS IN THE AIR'. The ladyhowever knows how to play with words. She drafted, ‘KISS IN THE WIND’ andother poems that are not uploaded here about Mr Musa Ndhlovu. Today there is a long distance separating them, yet they are lovers now. Yes,Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza started by being Mr Musa Ndhlovu's little sister andnow they are lovers. They believe that it has been confirmed in the Heavens thatthey are to be together. They consider each other to be soul mates. At the age ofTwenty, Mr Musa Ndhlovu already knew who was his soul mate. Currently Mr Musa Ndhlovu is still at school, Praising and Worshiping the LORDGod Almighty. He is waiting for the right time to settle down. He want to doPsychology, but his gardens want him to do Construction Management. At thisdays of his life, Mr Musa Ndhlovu is a faithful servant of the LORD JESUS. He isan Assistant Pastor where he fellowships at Siyabuswa House Of Praise. - The World's Poetry Archive

A Man Of Different Charectarestics He dress like a school learnerHe go where school learners go.He walk like a hooligan and heSpeak like a pimp, yet that'sNot who he is. He dress like a church leaderHe go were the leaders go.He stand like a thug and heLook like a fool, but that'sNot who he is. He dress like he is in the streetsHe eat what street walkers eat.He think like a wise man and heSmall like a rich woman, howeverThat's just not who he is. He dress like many different peopleHe occupy different positions andHe do what many people do always.That's who he is. A combination ofMany different human character. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

A Silent Gun You don't need a big bangYou can just be invinceablYou can only be seen by those who knowsYou can never be heard Whenever they make noises in classThe noises to answer questionsYou can be there doing nothing about itYou can pretend to not know. A silent gun don't need a big bangIt is seen by the damage it didA silent gun don't fight for positionIt just do what it dose best. I don't need to blow my own trumpetI don't need to show how best I can doI don't even bother making noiseI don't fight back in words. Give me a pen and a paper to show youGive me the task I perform bestGive me the victim to attackMy victim is a question paper to answerI am, I am the Silent Gun. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Acrostic: Musa Ndhlovu Memories is not my thing,Understanding is my thing.Sometimes I talk too much,Actually I express my opinion. Now than, do not work toDeceive me, I know better.However, I swallow my pride,Love everyone around me.Observing nothing bad orVery sad. Just beauty andUltimate God like behavior. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Africa My land Africa.My home Africa.My place of birth Africa.Loved by A, Amateur, Against and Anger are the south Africans.The place of B, Bravado, Botchand Burren is South Africa.The land of C, Criticism, Crime and Corruption is in South Africa.Loved by D, Danger, Drugs and Dirt is loved by South Africans.I robbe a bank. 'It's a bussnes man.'I kill a woman. 'It's her child.'I excape a case. 'It's a bribe.'The people sported a bussnes man a child and a bribe.'Oh land-line news! ' No truth is yet to come.Maybe A is for Anger or B for Bravado nor C for CriticismMore like D for Danger. What is it for?Perheps A, B, C, D is the next altrication.'Oh dear South Africa! ' You cannot sight A, B, C, D bt majority.You cannot compare hance A, B, C, D with W, X, Y, Z whichIs Worth, Xerophyte, Yield and Zealous.My underpants being dregged down,My privet part exposed.The pride I get from my clouths, stolen.Is this the new South Africa?Is this the new rainbow nation of South Africa?Their intaligence and talent are worthless, but I say with pride.My land Africa.My home Africa.My place of birth Africa. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

After All, Open Your Eyes After all, what I wantedWas turned to what I hated. Mixed up emotions with feelingsConfusion, Painful, unbearable feelings. I look for direction but no way How came can I lose love andFind love from another place? Why can't I just have one lover?Why do you have to go? Can't you see that I love you? Look at me, is this not love?I must have been inlove with you. But you where blind to see that,Open your eyes, and look around. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

After Meeting As the distance grew biggerBetween us, I kept looking backMeasuring you as you grew smaller andSmaller. Came a point whereI could only see your shapeAs we walked in opposite directionsI kept looking back till I saw you no more. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Am I Losing You? Late night hour, alone in bed,That's were many questionsCome up to my mind after aLong hot day. They come upLike this, I losing you?If no, than why do you ignore me?Why won't you touch the way youUse to? Why won't you bite me?Why don't you play your songs toMe? Why do you act like I'm history?If yes, is he better than me?Is he able to do you more thanI did you? Is he worth losing kilosFor? Is he worth breaking all the lawsThat woman lives by for? Is he worthMourning for? Am I losing you? Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Another Diffarent Day We played music,Our voices where music.My hands on her;Close enough to smell her. My head above her shoulder,Her head on my shoulder.Snap snap, and turn around;So that I may snap snap the other round: Not being late-Made the enemy not to hate.From a distance they watch,With nothing to do but to watch Boys behind her saw aGuy. Girls in front of her saw aLady. Both of them are glad,Truly, they where made. She made me feel something.By her touch she explained onething.The one that is felt by many,Even though It confuse many. Her eyes where shining like star at night,My chest was warn as the pillow at night.Friands not near by than,Enemies close by than With pride, we did our thing,By hate, they wanted our thing.With love, we gave them the space,With hate, they left our space. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

As Much As I Hate Confirming As much as I hate confirmingThe fact that I am falling inLove with you. Not to mentionThe feeling that I am feelingIn your absence. It's like youAre a quicksand, the more IWiggle, the more I sink intoYou. Running away from you isLike running away from myself,You are always in my heart,Running in my mind, spinningMy world around. Controlling theWeather, changing my dark-days,Making every hour great for me. As much as I hate confirmingThe fact that I am missing you,Makes me to think of doing oneThing which is thinking of you.The distance is always covered byMy thoughts about you. It's likeThey bring you close to me: IFeeling like I am in your mist.Oh woman, how can I show youThe love I have for you? For myWays are so lame compared toThe love I have for you, and IMean you alone I will love andCherish every night after day. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Buyisile From a Zulu name 'Buyisile'Meaning 'Brought Back' With no hope in meShe came and something was back in me.After a violent tempestOr should I say a hungry pest? After all that I lostShe... I mean her.., more like you.It is you who brought backLove, joy, peace, hope and laughter. You brought back the things in need.Yes they where lost, now they are back indeed. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Come My Love, Come. Come my love, come. I amCalling you to come. I amWilling to show you my loveTonight, come I say. RemoveThis things between us andLet me express my love andPlease you. The pleasure isAll mine; from deep down isWhere my love comes from.Come my love, let us make love.Bring your thighs to mine love;Let them feel the love in us.Come my love, this love is in us.Come love; I am calling you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Don'T Go After a long walk with an interestingFlow; from the woods we appeared,Slowly stepping in to the shade aheadOf us. We stood, with joy quenchingThe heat from the blazing sun onOne spring. The conversation went on.We knew much more was to flow.Time went on a last lap: we slowlyIncreased the distance between us.Sadness became our musk, in usWe felt a common feeling, lov'The mood drove her to say don't go.With no choice, I seized, she frozenWe joined hands and a symbol of likeWas exposed to the short one who mightSpend her life with the tall one's trust. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Dreaming Of You Last night, you and IIn my mind we set talking,Preparing ourself for a newShip, with my love you were satisfied.With your love I was blessed.Your touch, your smile, your voice.Ok, your all is what I long for,From my view, you deserve the best,From their view, I'm the best; I cameTo myself and realized I was dreaming. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Earth, You Are So Cruel Oh powerless earth! How long will you consume the innocent?You shake in terror and terrify the breath on you.You wash yourself When they are not done repairing theirShelters. You are so weakened by the structures buildOn you, you are boiling with anger. You sometimesLet it flow down the mountain. Oh earth! YouHave covered your head and feet with ice for you know yourAnger. Why be proud knowing that you are full of moods.You cannot even control your feelings. Speak up I say.Stop the temporary pests that make them use theirTreasures. You are so selfish; you try to destroy their cropsBy locust during the day. Why won't you stand up for yourself?Why send the tarmacs to mess up their fortunes? Why won't you realize that you are a coward. You should swallowYour pride, it has no impact on their souls and it is pointless. You should be ashamed of yourself for they are the one who areMaking you who you are. Perhaps you should think of the futureFor they believe one-day, they will leave you and go somewhere.By than to them, you will be history that is not worth talkingAbout. Change before it is too late for you. Shame on you! Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Failed To Appreciate To all the pain I cost you,I have no way to pay youBack with. The effort costMe much to make you feel pain. To all the time you spent with me,I have no amount to pay you back.The moment I tried to gather theAmount, you spent your time with me. To all the sacrifices you made,I have no better one to counterAct yours. No matter how hard Itried to stop you, you continued. To all the choices you took,The one you made for leavingMe made me to realize that youThought of yourself alone. With a broken heart, you came.With my effort I fixed it. IExpected nothing as a payment,Not even a favor as payment. Wrecked as you were, I buildYou up. I placed you in shape,and you shorn so brightI even feared to touch you. You ignored all the thingsI did for you. The love I hadFor you I proved it by trust.Yet, you boiled with lust. I don't hate you for allOf that; all that don't hurtMe at all. I forgive you. YetNever will I forget your ways. - The World's Poetry Archive

Nothing hurts me mostThan the fact of knowingThat you never appreciatedEvery little thing I did for you.. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Finally After a long time, it finally cameTo heart. She runs in my mind noneStop. The long lost feeling hasFinally came back. The lady IOnce thought will never love meThe same way as I. Has finallyExposed her love to me. This dayI say, is the day true love wasExplained by a reminder of whatWe both had in common. Finally,I now believe that the alterationOf flash has no effect on true love.Finally, I say, even after the sunset,Love will always stay the same, evenTo the point of skin and bones, loveStill believe in its natural love, whichIs beyond the worth of silver andGold. Finally, I now conclude andSay, hail or storm, sun or clouds,Shall come to pass at the end. ButLove will flow till the age of skull.In her alone is were I felt true love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

For The First Time Seeing her for the first timeMade him for the first timeTo love the things he hatesAbout such characteristicsOn a species like her. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

From Strangers To Lovers Never seen together before timeAllowed them to be in the sameField of mind building.Not expecting any bonding. Now both at same level,The one I call stage eleven.Never thought I of friendship,Neither did I think of a relationship. When we closed, they knew friendship,Now we open, they find a relationship.Yes; some will congratulateAnd some will compliant. Souls talk just as birdsSing every day after rise.More like a wolf inEvery full moon in the dark sky. But now, from two monthsIt has finally come to mouth.We bond; building a shipThat will revile our relationship. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Happy Birth Day Mama Joy was boiling in me; it was tooMuch. I wanted to shear it withAn unknown soul which I never met,But I somehow saw from a distance.Not in all days, just once in a yearComes the day which is worth smilingMore than others. I thought once andI concluded before I even finished,My ways of making myself smile, areGenerated by the smiles I see beforeMe. I, calling it the true heart medicine.The only one that can be constructed byJust good words from the heart, sayingNothing but; happy birth day Mama Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

He Went On None Stop Cloudy and less windHe laughed till the end.With no power to run away,I had to wait till he goes away.My actions were loud to make him happy.Even to the point of hate, he was not sadNot even close, not even a little bit.The pleasure of great Joy, madeMe to end up tossing the shameTo undefined excitement from within.To stare could not make him stop,Even thought the second option was a stepTo his terrible, trembling threat.Complaining about the pain equallyMade him to laugh out loudly.With no help, I moved away andOnly to find out where I wentHe was there. Strangers not knowingHis fear, could not hesitate joiningHis melody of laughter caused by my actions.Confirmation: I do not regret what IDid, for I was following the instructions IWas to bow to. Pride ran away andLeft me with a dark feeling in the light. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Her Attrection I could feel her breath as she speaksNext to me. I could not stop lookingIn her eyes, they are as clean as snow,Her brown chunk chubby cheeks are asSoft as cotton. O my! I have seenThe beauty of the LORD in flash.The structure of her body is so amazing.My hands on her were like lotionAll over her. Before she came our loveTo me was blur to me. Next to me...It was the best I have ever seen.If she is not love, than I here love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Him I Mean Me... Her I Mean You Part 1 And 2 I have been hurtOnce and i criedMyself out.She has been hurtOnce and she criedHerself out.We both knowHow it feels to beHeart broken.It took me aLong time to recover.Yet she had no chanceTo recover for I wasThere to fix her broken heart. She is afraid of theWay things will turnOut like the bignningWhich is what I... WhenI mean I... I mean mySelf will try my best toShow her that I can be theKeper of her fragile heart.I was afraid foronceBut it took courageThat is in me to standUp and fix my own heartAndtry my level bestTo give it to the one I love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Am A Moving Force Every force generates from somewhere,It depends on the source ofThe force. The distance ofThe force from the source has no impact.Yes, I am a moving force,Everywhere I go; I make an impact.When I say a word; people act.Yes, I generate from somewhere,My secret is the source I am from.My source makes me to move fromHere to there, from first to second.My source is from above: The second handOf the Almighty! Now tell me your force.What is the source of your force? Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Had Fun The wind was blowing under my armsAs I swung freely under the armsOf a green tree with purple tips.I spun while I listen to the birdsMelody. Oh soul, I had fun.From school, they walk staringAt me as I swung, enjoyingThe wind blowing under my armsAs I swung freely under the armsOf a green tree with purple tips. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Hear A Song I Hear A Cry. Listin to the sound, with no beatThey dance to the sound, with no beat.They make it run like dead watersListin to the sound of falling waters.The song they sing has changed,It has changed to a good night song.All they can say is shut it down,Heads turned it on, now they want it down.Joy in the morning after riseWeeping in the noon after set.Some song when the sun is shining,Same moves when the moon is shining. Should we fight beck or talk beck?Lets stand forward or stand firm. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Love You Not For Your I love you not for yourOwn love, but for the loveOf my love. Tell me, if yourName is love, than yourName is boiling in me, callingYou the owner to fuse andForm a bond of silver and gold.Yet, you stand and act as ifThere is nothing that needs youIn it's presence. You know me:Yet, you don't know theLove I have for you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Miss That Part I miss that part,The very same partThat came every night before I sleep.It happened before you sleep.Young as I was, with noKnowledge and understanding onThe words of wisdom,That invited me freedom.I miss that part.You used to play that partOf reading the book of wisdomFor me, to understand freedom.You used your time before you sleep,To explain every line before I sleep. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Thought You Did, But You Didn'T Feel the same way I didWhen we were bothLeft alone just like swans. I thought you did, but you didn'tGet the explanation thatWas written in black inkOn a paper I sent to you. I thought you did, but you didn'tMean the three shortSweet words that was statedBy you on the love note. I thought you did, but you didn'tUnderstand what I meantWhen I said I love youA little bit more than you do. I thought you did, but you didn'tMean most of the sweet wordsYou said. If I am wrong,Than correct my thoughts. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

I Was Told I was told about the pride of a man whoLived a life so free from evil, yet died.The sun and mountains mound his death;That was when they realized that he wasWho he said he was. I tell you, I was told. I was told about the brave men whoLived their life with sacrifice, yet died.The elders and nations recall their death;That proves to me today that this menStriven for freedom. I tell you, I was told I was told about the great woman whoWoke up every night praying, yet died.Some women still stick to that tradition;That explains why they are called theWomen of strength. I tell you, I was told. I was told about the gossiping woman whoKnew all the news in the village, yet died.Some women still follow her footsteps today;That shows me that, it is gossip that willFollow them till death. I tell you, I was told. I was told about the three hijackers whoStole, killed and destroyed, yet died.Their offspring are still found in the streets;That brings fear to many out there atNight in the streets. I tell you, I was told. I was told about the small smart poet whoWrote about anything he knew, yet dead.Many read his writing even today they do;That taught me souls not to give up inThe things I love. I tell you, I was told. I was told about a faithful great saint whoPreached about the resurrection of the dead.Many people believed and some people do; - The World's Poetry Archive

That gave hope to everyone that day thatThe lost will be found. I tell you, I was told. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

If I Had A Plan... If I had a plan,I would use it to makeYou feel special sinceToday is your special day. If I had a plan,I could expose it outTo you in a way thatIt will please you. If I had a plan,I think I shouldOutlay it to youAlone with love. If I had a plan,No wait, I have aPlan. I will justUse the things I have. If I had a plan,Yes, I have found a plan.My plan is to wish youA happy birthday in black and white. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

If This Is How She Sleeps If this is how she sleepsThen she hardly sleep.The dreams she gets keeps her awake,Not for troubles, yet for the hate awaitsIn the morning. The man of her dreamsHas turned to a man of her grim. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

In Love There Is No Pride It was not your beauty he admired,But your personal being he desired.With his words, he came,Even though they where lame.With courage, he told you his words,But than, you thought he was wired.You gave him a chance to see,The beauty you have like the sea.For a guy, like him, with no prideCame to you, with a heart so wide.And asked you to get on his shipTo build a new relationship.With silence, you took back your handAnd refused to go with him to his land.With confusion, he stood as a young man,With pride, you walked away like a woman. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Is It About Feelings? Is it about feelings?Me, feeling: Praised, : Loved, : Respected.If yes, than why amI feeling: Ignored, : Rejected, : Used?Maybe there is no trueLove in humans. The trueLove is from God.Who can change the odds? Is it about feelings?Oh no, it is about God. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Is It You Or I? Who keeps knocking,Knocking our relationship down. For me I mean myselfWanted to be with you yourselfFace all odds together. Like no other has ever been together.But you I mean yourselfHave your own odds of confusion. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive


Kiss In The Wind If I was the moon;I would light a path to heart,When you are feeling down and stormyAnd when your world is falling apart. If I was the wave;I would wash away your doubts,Flood your world with happinessAnd show you what love is all about. If I was the sun;I would dry up your tears,Your loneliness with despairAnd all your remaining. If I was the wind;I would blow you a kiss,Hug on your heartAnd give you something to miss. But I am just me;Your lover and friend,The love I have for youDose not have an end. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Kyoze Kube Kuning? Kukhola kwami hinganiUngifikela ngisadla ubuntja bami?Budoda bamihinganiUngifikela ngisadla ubuntsizwa bami?Kuguga kwami hunganiUgifikela ngisagla ubudoda bami?Kufa kwami hunganiUngifikela ngisadla ukuguga kwami? Kungani ungathiMawufika uncocoze ngikuvulele?Kyoze kube kuniniLapho isela lingasatjontji?Kyoze kube lilangaLokuqamuka kukaJesu! Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Leaving You Was Not Easy It was not easy,And still, it is not easy.Things from my heartAre not different from art.Some are not worth to sayEven though, I find them easy to lay.The truth that you know,Is the one I want to live with by now.Even thought, trust, believe and support was least,Your true love, kept me in your mist.Even though the path in the bushes may change,Never will my love for you change.I am not leaving you for good,But, I promise to be back for good. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Let Me End This Let me end this,It is not what I had in mind.End it? Not like thisBut how can I use my mind?I tried many ways making a way,But still, it is not working anyway.Why shouldn't I end this?Why can't we both end this?What is that left for you?Move on, you have more than me.They are better than me.What is that left on me?Move on, they have more than me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Letter To My Ex's To think about you dose notMean I miss yot. Your calls to meDose not make me to think ofGiving you a second chance. Your text's;To me they are like wind blowing outOf nowhere. Your sweet words to meAre like the sound that is made by ants.I don't hate you: If I had a glass ofWater and your hair cought fire, IWould drink that water. I love youAs much as trees like growing in the desert.I hope you will forgive yourself for leaving me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Letter To The Devil Darkness I found myself lost in you,With no mercy, my heart is what youPierced. You slicked in and destroyedMe in the dark. Oh yes, you betrayedMe. You welcomed me to kill with you thanYou invited me to steal something better thanWhat I had. You are so dark and for all theThings you did to me; I don't hate You theWay you hate me. I just hate the fact thatI don't hate you at all. And in all of thatI hate that you lied to yourself by believingThat you had me pinned down. Oh and oneThing, in the dark I met light and the oneWho is called darkness bowed before Him.I found myself rejoicing and praising in Him!With mercy, my heart is what light fixed.Light shined in me and gave me faith.Oh yes, He created me. Light welcomedMe to have a good life with Him thanLight invited me to preach something thanTo steal. He is so bright and for all theThings He did to me; I love Him theWay He love me. I just love the fact thatI love Him that's all. And in all of thatI love that He speak the truth even to thePoint of death. Light believes He can exalted me.Oh and last thing; I'm forever in the light now. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Love Is In The Air Soft caring love here you are,What have you been hiding for?Havint you heard what I was looking for?Why don't you want to come out now? Sorry to tell you now-I have filled the air with many things,Things such as Love, Romance and Kisses.Come out now and fall in love. Feel the love in the air,Absorb the Cold-Soft kisses in the air.Let the spirit of romancePut a smile on your face. Do you see how beautiful is the air?It is yours from me to you for fair. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Love Of My Name She still cakes me: by the nameMy blood mother loved to call me with.But that was then, when she use to be withUs: in the same yard. Me with no aim. The one I call my fraternal twin,A lady; is the one who calls me with that name.If one calls my name, I feel at home.At nine, I like it. Now I l've it and I'm nineteen. My mother is gone now,And left me with something odd.Yes, I am the one who ownIt. I always thank God. The subject is not my desire,But the tag, I admire. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Mourning The Unbound Love Truth be said by few even to thePoint of death, it is severe to theOne who hardly speak it. AfterFew weeks, courage has been gainedTo outlay the truth. Just the timingWas not right. The rejection of aGradually growing love within a soul,Ended up boiling with tears, dayAnd night, caused by the rejectedLove. Mourning the unbound love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Hot Woman What a Summer day that wokeMe up from my day dream walk.You are hot and shiny asA iron from a Blacksmith;Your brightness touches my skin,I sometime think of the sinI do before your eyes. Oh my,woman, you are so mine and mine-Alone. When you walk with me,I find every soul staring at me;My true love showers your bodyWith the truth from the HolyOne above who blessed me with you.My love; is what I will feed you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Love After You The sun rises once againA awakening me from the clam of night beforeWhere I could hear nothing but the sound of silenceWhere I could feel nothing but the breath of my soul With the majesty of the morning sun,comes with it the sorrows of my life,Where the realities of losing you haunt me,Where the shadows of my past taunt meCries of mine to you to return,Falls upon the ground belowLike the autumn leaves which drops from the aboveLike the droplets of the rain from the clouds beyond reachThe war within my heartHides between the shadows of the darkPraying for the night for it all to go away again. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Love For You Is what I dedicate to you.Without my voice to say,I take a pen and a paper to say. Not being sure what's next,Sometimes it makes you wonder what's next.Not forgetting what they are sayingKeeps me thinking of the things I am doing. Is it bad for me to touch youOn your chicks or hips? Or use youTo let your soft cold lipsTo turn me on by touching my lips? As the full moon sets behind you,Every guy hates me behind you.Yes; it is round just likeThe marbles on your face I like. Should I keep them away?Or should I stay away?For it seems as if they are not good,Yet, not for us, but for our good... If yes to all, than how can I?Cause the only thing ICan do, is to put more smilesOn your face and keep my lines. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Meaning Of Love My true meaning of love,A feeling that makes you fall in love.I say love is a undefined feeling,Some say it is a lovable feeling. True love is unconditional,Endless and kindly infinity.Love makes you do unwantedThings and things that are wanted. They say love is blind,But I say love is round,With no starting point,Nor ending point. Love is the reason of theSmile on my face and theStars in my eyes and theGrowing faith in thee. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Sister's Love Alone in her absence, I wonderOnly of the words she never saidTo me in person. FlabbergastedI was, after the announcement.As I tried to digest the words,I sucked in them; for the wordsLeft me intoxicated. They soundedSo real and unbelievably so true.The one was born after me - hasFinally outlayed the love in her to me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

My Source Of Happiness My source of happiness hasTurned into a unbearable trash;Which was generated by a new freshTruth that exposed lust from the one who wasTo be known as, the Lover's Princess.Tossed, turned, polled with no flash,I somehow thought I was to parish.By then: My earthly love life was a mess. Now that source of happiness, isNowhere to be seen nor found.For the truth in me; flows with love.Now today, the true Lover's Princess isIn the process of being seen and aroundMe: Not because of lust, but for love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

O How I Would Love To Be O how I would love to beWith such structure. O ho'I like the format of your shape.O lady, I lust for your touch onEvery noonday. Such aboveDoes do chance with the simpleTime flow. If I was to pause the moveOf day, it would be by noon. Simplebecause of your structure drownsMy pride and your shape fill me withAffection. Yet your soft touch drownMe in my own emotion. I so wish of you withMe for loves sake. Yet, even all that mayBe so, other wishes will not come true... Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

On That Day On that day.Someday, one-day,I don't know which day.But that day, I will singyou a song that dayTill you fall to sleep thenext day. When you wakeUp that day: You will notic'That I sang you a song thePrevious day; and you fellAsleep the next day whichWill be on that day. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Only If Spotless beauty, how can ISee the beauty you have? For IHave tried to view all theAngles, but all I get is theSpotless beauty. Toneless sound, how can IHear the sound you make? For IHave tried to listen to all theRooms, but all i get is theToneless sound. Loveless place, how can IGet to the place you're at? For IHave tried to travel all theCountry, but all i get is theLoveless place. Only if you can stop viewing the angles,Only if you can stop listening to the rooms,Only if you can stop travelling the country,Only if you can start looking in your heart,That's where you can find me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Performed Upon The Wall Of Shade I stood there with ecstacy,Expecting, nothing but to seeYou standing by me, holdingMy hand, feeling the graduatingLove growing in me: TransferredFrom my hands to your hands,Heads lifted, eyes opened, handsClapping, complementing our position.Admiring the standard of our situation. I was to be somewhere, but yourPersonal being, kept me in yourMist. I went, I found myselfCraving for your touch. When you laughMy blood dance to theSound you make. Oh My heart!You always desire a natural art.A super strong smooth soundKeeps calling me to your place. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Promise In The Dark So we grew as days go byExpecting the only day that comesTo level us up: My turn cameAnd I found no body but youBy my side. Surely the truth flowedIn the dark. Words falling likeWater from a clef landing onYour heart: I hoping that they willFlow in you forever. What goodnessIs in the dark? The presenceOf two opposite genders sited, shearing,Out laying the truth that will leadThem to make a promise in the dark.Mixed up emotions flowed just asFat on a hot pen till one saidStay by my side and I will stay by your side.That's the promise in the dark. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Quality Performance Quality performans is what we do,It is in us what we do,Regardless of what they are thinking,In our minds we are thinking.Quality performance is what we see.The success, place and life you see,It is a symbol of qualityPerformance that was delivered by quality.Nevertheless, it is by Him.Quality ability is from Him.The strength, courage and love we have,It is still the one they are to have.May we all try not to be proud.And not ignore thous who are proud.It is in us to give love,Not to wait to receive love.Quality performance is in you,Let it be seen in you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Royalty That Rule My Love Hear me callGo not outside looking for me,Deep deep as a wellIn thy heart I stand I say.Up I look I sayI spin nor turn to find love.Only in thou eyes I see loveThey speak louder than thou majestic tone.Pulse beat smooth, Smooth I say is the soundOf your voice that woke me up,Up from the land of loneliness. Nor, my love expression bad looksThou, down written words ye feel. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Sameactions Like a tree with leaves,Green as ever are her leaves.Talk about behavour around me,Exubarating thoughts around me.Body well served from the One,Surly the One is pleased by her.Shy eyes, beautiful smile,Sexual corruption with a smile.Loved by lover confused by love. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

She Is Back There she comes again,Thinking of her again.Not knowing how she will run again,I, knowing she will ask again,Sould I tell her my name again?Since she is back in the fast lane.What if she use her linesTo direct my own to her linesBy paralizing my beautiyul lines? Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Thank You Gerald Dumisani Aphane (Best Friend) He came to me as a friend;Yet, God proved him to be a gift.In all he did, he showed me the right path.The one he worships made me to be anInstrument to be played amongst many.As young as he was, he never destroyed a soul.The love he has generates from the Almighty.Some saw him wired and lame, however ISaw hm as a gift. With nothing to give,I use my talent to say, thank you Gerald. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Broken Frame Windows where opened;I saw a round pan,From a distance itLooked like it.Up-close, it was a shadowOf a frame moved by the wind,From the opened windows.On the floor, smashed!Glasses all over the place.Wait, what is that? A photoFrom the frame has fell,Oh no, I have fell, me: the photoHave fallen with tears likeGlasses in mi eyes. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The End Of It Was The Start Of It When I think ofThe crucifixion ofJesus. My heart dropsLike the last leaf. Against all odds and all things,He had not wrong all things.But for me to start living,He had to stop living. It is in His Spirit where I dwell,For it is in Spirit He want me to dwell.The faithful Samaritan,I worship the faithful Samaritan. Eternal life is what i inherit,He's gift is His inheritance. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Feeling I always thought of itBut I never thought I will do it.Favourable position for our pride,Our love emotions where placedNow to the flabbagastingFeeling that was boillingIn me, made me to lose my mindFor all of this was not in my mind. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Image In The Mirror As I stood like a puzzled tortoise, I marvelTo the image before me as I stoodBefore the mirror. The shape amusedMe. I, wondering about the mighty handThat shaped the image before me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Known One He has beer now by than;But now, it is different from that.Seen by many after a shortMoment of many days. One hotDay came to let him be knownBy the one whom he classified as unknown.The one who told him aboutHimself; Not telling him what went outOf the bold pit which he stood beforeAs if he was a lion cube standing beforeA merciless soul. The one who exposedThe untold history about the unfoldedLetter under the pillow; which wasThere after turning to the known one. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Moment I Never Had The Moment I never had,Is the one that kept runningIn our minds; the one we onceHoped for. I somehow thoughtOf it, wishing to find the rightOne like you. Snap, someone had aBetter wish than mine. Me beingSelfish drove me to expose myselfAnd shower you with the real me.The moment I never had?Yes, the moment of spending myLife with you: The one of makingYou mine; Oh shame on me,That's the moment I never had. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Reason I Call Your Name Part 1 It's likable and very interestingAnd because it's your nameAnd I wonder why we call you that.It makes me laugh because it's almost like Mouse.The first thing that comes to mind is Stuart Little.But than I remember that Stuart is tiny and you are tall,And because I have a good sense of humour, I laugh. Part 2 Ok with no complain, I understand.You are right, my name is mineAnd you call me because I told you so.Confirmation: It does sound like MouseWhen you call it low.I am tall and Stuart is tiny, even though weHave some other things in common.However, one likes your sense of humour. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Road From Nineteen To Twenty As I turn twenty; I thoughtOf my past, I mean when I thoughtOf my last days as a teen (Nineteen)It came a point I notice some changes.Some days where I had to be in thePain I took many out. Oh misery,Sorrow and sadness. You cameMy way with a blazing heat; You cameOut of nowhere. I could not run awayFor you were in me. In other waysYou kept me wondering what would itBe like when I am twenty. Now this is it.I am twenty, it is as if You have fadedInto the darkness and I am in the light.Some days I wonder when will YouBe back or not; it is not like I miss you.No I don't. My expectations is thatYou should never came back: Oh yes,You are not coming back! I know YouAre not even dead. You are waitingFor those who are nineteen and waitingTo grow and turn twenty. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Street Walker See me flowing in the streetsIs for I lost my direction, I lostMy way. I can't seem to find myWay. Some saw it before I didThat i had no bright future. Yes,Some see me as a beggar in thisStreets: Some say I am homeless.Even that's so, I have a dream. I mayNot be having something, yet IKnow I am destined to something. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Two Both twice the same sizeShort tall still same size,What can they say?Thats all they can say. Crazy joy lands fromThe above and fromThe start it destroyersThe humiliating strees. The fastest snail's notesIs the speed of understanding.Up coming terrorsAdopts habits such as tortoise. They shear love as lovers,Yet not by dating relationship. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

The Unknown Lady Her slightly faded smile seemedTo draw my attention to sneerAt my enemies. Dark in her skin.High in her chest. Slowly on herThighs. Next to me she stood.I scoped a glimpse of her breast.She turned. I looked over my shoulder.The better was on. She greened,As I began to flow, a simple touchPulled me to suck, the suck made herTo sound, the sound drove me all theWay. The secrete side of a knownLady was exposed. After all that;Dark in her skin. High in her chest.Slowly on her thighs. Next to meshe stood. I scoped a glimpse ofher feet. She turned and walkedAway as I dip a sneer at my enemies.. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

There It Goes Again There it goes againThe very same feeling again.After a long timeFrom a long brown line.Hunting for nothing moreThan a pleasing sound orA shape with no impedimentBut, the one I can impliment.Now, there it goes againFalling in love again,For the last timeOn the last tine.I, having many moreReasons to be exited more. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

They Came To Me Its been a while since they left;Some days I wondered whether willI ever see them; Are they still the same?If not, than what has changed? They left.I stayed waiting for them to return. WellThey never came back. I said why, someSaid that, yet they never came were we met.As I wonder; some skills and waysWere produced. I changed my location.They seek for direction, they came myWay. They traveled all the way not toBe in my way, yet to be with me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

They Spoke, But I Went On I have been blamed by many;Saying I play and break anyThing that is ahead of me,They not knowing the truth in me.I rejoicing to the sound of theJoy found from a vertically gifted soul.They not knowing what some say inThe dark makes me to act inThe light, expressing the excitementWithin me, the one that is generatedBy you every time when you callMy name. Not to mention the painYou bring to my ears and chin, notTo mention the part you use yourLips to touch my lips, your pleasantLaughter. Need I say more? If yes,Then I shall wait to be in your mistAnd outlay the love in me to you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Time Of Confusion Finaly it has come,I have been waiting for it to come.Like a littil bird opening it's mouthExpecting to eat from it's mother's mouth. They, came one byOne and step byStep, to turn my feelingsOn, so that I may suffer many feelings. I can not run away,But I can stay away. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

To All The Things You Said To all the things you said,I have never tried to proveYou wrong. Being next to you movemy love for you. You hate me I say.You traced me, you faced me, youPinned me down. Yet I never lostHope to rise again. I get mostOf your time in your mind. YouKeep me as a prisoner, youFear the love I have for you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Ubusuku Nemini Abufani! Ngisaba into eyendzeka inyezi icalile,Ngithanda into eyendzeka ilanga licalile.Latjinga bafuna ukucaleka;Lahlaba ilanga abanye abasacaleki.Kazi litjhada lani ebusuku?Ebesuku awa! Emini iye, kaziUngayikhamba ungaphakamisi endleleni.Ebusuku ayaketuka! Emini ayawolwa.Ngizifihlela into eyendzeka inyezi icalile,Ngizikhiphela into eyendzeka ilanga licalile.Intjalo zithaba lihlabile;Ebusuku uzithola zidanile.Imilandu yendzeka inyezi icalile,Bese igwetjwa ilanga licalile. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Wait, Look Over There What is that over there?It is so light inComplexion. Even inIts mouth, it’s white. Wait, look over there,I think I see what's there.It looks so fair,And it has hair.Surly it is incisive. Wait, look over there,You are so right,It looks so light.Hmmm... It is incoherentWith less impediments. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

We Fell Many people wanted toKnow what was happening toUs, bonding out of the blue,They, not knowing that we fell. Only few knew what wasHappening between us.They even concluded bySaying, we fell in love. After a long argument,The truth was revealed.We both understood theSituation, than we fell apart. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

We Weep To Rejoice It was all good,The event turn out not good.After a long time of hopingOnce more the event started changing. We weep for we lostBut our lose result to their gain.Heavenly being praise the Glorythough yet, we praise the pain. Let us rejoice to the LORD,For her soul rest in His hands.What a job well done,Her ways on earth are well done. We stand forth to lift the familyfor God Himself will lead the family. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

What Are They Doing I look to the right, they praise.I look to the left, they praise.They bow down to your feet, they worship.They look above their heads, they worship.They next to me, thank youBy their hearts, they thank you. You before, sent HimWho was betrayed by him.They killed your only SonAnd that took sins of many sons.They praise not to stop,They worship not to stop. They make noise to rejoiceIndeed in the LORD, they rejoice. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

What Can One Say? One saw ye behind my beckLoved ye from the distence.One knew ye got my beckSmelled ye from the distence. Ye call my nameOne thank thy name.The sound ye makeIs the sound one dance for. Shall one save ye for a raining day?Or should one wate for a red-letter day?What can one say to the sun,That bring light to my eyes? Beauty is what I feel,Love is what I see. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

What If, Marry-Ann, What If I told you that I still,Deep down in my heart feel-The same way I did whenI was in your arms by then? What if, Marry-Ann, what ifI showed you the trueMeaning of me? For throughMe, you have ne'er seen:Will you. Sing or sin? What if, Marry-Ann, what ifI proved to you thatYou were ne'er the one thatWas to be married by me?Will that make you hate me? What if, Marry-Ann, what ifI addressed you my sweetBehove benign flint?Would you call me evil?Oh yes; the above is perjury! Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

What It Was? The sound was loud.I did nothing for it was loud.Wait... I thought I heard something,I turned around and I saw somethingIn white with something red on top. The sound suddenly stopped,So i did the same, i stopped.Freeze... I thought it will move,But it didn't, so I didn't moveAny part of my body from the bottom. 'Huh...' I thought it was a goust,'Is this it'? No it's not a goust.It is her, the one i call mama,The thing in front of me was mamaThen, I was to say, 'Happy Mother's Day'. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

When You When you need a friend, God is friendly.When you feel lonely, God is there.When you are alone, God is close to you.When you need help, God is willing to help.When you are in danger, God will save you.When you are discouraged, God will encourage you.When you look ahead, you need more faith.When you look back, you need to give thanks.When you know that God love you, you won't be lonely. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Where Did It All Go? I saw it on the dayWe set together on the sameBench, left alone unattended,Not disturbed; just ignored asIf we were not present in their mist. We had it on our side: by justA short period of trial - it wasIn us. We bonded togetherAnd it kept us together forAbout one summer and one winter. You thought it had died afterThat: But you know where itWas to be going. You openedThe gate and I set it free.It went and fade into the light. Oh soul: It started by IAnd it went on till it wasWe, who had it all; than itEnded by you wanderingWhere did it all go. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Write Me A New Poem Write me a new poemA poem you never wrote to me,A different one from all thePoems you ever wrote to me.Use you talent a create one,Let it express your skill; flowLike eagle in a storm. Smoothly,Set the rhyme. Feel it as you writeIt to me. Let me feel it as I read.Write me a new poemA poem you never wrote to me,A different one from all thePoems you ever wrote to me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Yes, It Is You Yes, it is youWho keeps me smilingEvery time when I am feeling down,Who pushes meTo get what is good for me. Yes, it is you,The one I call my heroWho is not compared with a zero.The tome you have for meIs the thing that pleases me. Yes, it is youWhom I look upon.Just like any other kid demands onA person with loveTo bring back all the long lost love. Yes, it is you.The one I call Mom,And I love you Mom.You are the best for me,You deserve the best from me. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Yes, You Are An Icon Yes, you are an icon,That is being used by everyone.They rely on youSome want to be you. Yes, you are an icon,The one that someone looks upon.The one that can be praised,The one that is to be raised. Yes, you are an icon,That is normally turned onJust to be made angryNot knowing it is amazing. Yes, you are an icon.Seen by anyone,Ignored by many,Rejected by many. Yes, you are an icon.You know how to hold on.Be proud of what you haveAnd use what you have. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Yohhh Maafrica! ! ! Yohhh MaAfrica, kwendzekani kilei lizwe lakithi.Abantu sebabizana ngama gama akhubayo, kuhlupheka abasebenzayo.Even though you are discriminatedYou can still be who you want to be. Yohhh MaAfrica, kwendzekani kileli lizwe lakithi.Abantu sebaphenduke izilwani, kucitheka igazi, sekunenzondo; uthandoalusekho.Even though you are a murderYou can still live a life of a free man. Yohhh MaAfrica, kwendzekani kileli lizwe lakithi.Abantu sebazicabangela bona, omunye nomunye uzfunela okwakhe. Akasekhoonaka omunye.Even though you are sufferingYou can still live a life of a capable woman. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

You Did It Again As we live in this world weDo crazy things. No I, I mean meCame to you with a faded dream,Which means I was faded. DreamsReminds us that we are still aliveIn our sleep. You did it again;You proved yourself to be the gunI need to survive. To use you is notAn option yet to save what I want.With your words, you flippedThe page in my life. You did it again.You showed me you could be theOne. But you know I am notThe fit one to be with you.As little as I am, I can only dangleIn you without you being satisfied. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Your Look The look I seeIs the look I feel,The touch I feelIs the touch I see. The banana I eatIs the banana I kiss,The sun that rise on the easterIs the sun that rest on my shoulder. Oh, round moonWhy are you so comfy?Oh, my day light hourWhy are you so sweaty?Oh, my day night hourWhy are you so sweet? Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

Your Specialty Day and night I seek for the specialThings in you. Day and night all I findAre things that kill and destroy love.Day comes, you stand in the mist ofGossip. Night comes, you promote theViolence in different families. Day and night I seek for the specialThings in you. Day and night all I findAre things that kills and destroy hope.Day comes, you swim in the pool of lies.Night comes, you pursue lovers to separateAnd lose hope in different families. Day and night I seek for the specialThings in you. Day and night all I findAre things that kill and destroy trust.Day comes, you teach the unfaithful lesson.Night comes, you drive out the loyaltyAnd leave families with trust issues. Day and night I seek for the specialThings in you. Day and night all I findAre things that killed and destroyed you.Day comes, you believe not in tomorrow.Night comes, you never think of your mistakesAnd that is what is special about you. Musa Ndhlovu - The World's Poetry Archive

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