music dances and literature

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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- is an artistic form of auditory communication

incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a

structured and continuous manner.


a. Rhythm

b. Melody

c. Tempo

d. Dynamics

e. Form

f. Timbre


- is the movement or variation characterized by the

regular recurrence of pulses that can be contrast of

strong and weak pulses

- Concepts:

- a. Beat – is a regular, recurrent pulsation that divides

music into equal units of time.

- B. Meter – refers to the regular occurrence of accented

and unaccented beats.


Simple Meter – is a beat normally subdivided into

two parts, and the note receiving the beat is always

a standard single note value (i.e a quarter, half,

eight. etc)

Compound Meter – is a beat normally subdivided

into three parts, and the note receiving the beat is

always a dotted note value ( i.e., a dotted quarter, a

dotted half, a dotted eight)

Time signature – consist of numbers with the upper

number indicating the number of beats for every

measure and the lower number, the kind of note

receiving one beat.


- Is that part of music that we can sing. It is a series

of notes arranged in a particular rhythmic pattern

and divided into smaller units called phrases.

- Concepts:

- a. Pitch – is the highness or lowness of a sound.

- b. Key signature – consist of sharps and flats.

- c. Scale – is a group of musical notes collected in

ascending and descending order


- the rate of speed in music.


adagio – very slow

andante - moderately slow

allegro - fast

moderato - moderate

accelerando – gradually becoming fast

ritardando - gradually become slower

presto – very fast

vivace - lively


- The volume or loudness of a tone


Fortissimo (ff) – very loud

Pianissimo (pp) – very soft

Mezzo piano (mp) – half soft

Mezzo forte (mf) – half loud

Crescendo – gradually becoming louder

Decrescendo – gradually becoming softer


- The over all plan or structure, “ big picture”, of a

piece of music that helps a musician put together a

more credible performance or a listener enjoy the

music even more.

- Timbre

- - the musical color


a. Art song – is one that meets the requirements of the musicaland poetic arts.

b. Folk song – is a song of the people and has simple melodic,harmonic and metric fundamentals.

c. National song – is one that belongs to the nation.

d. Popular song – is a song of trivial musical and poetic value,usually written by laymen for popular mass appeal.

e. Strophic song – is a folk art song, consisting of two or morestanzas, each of them set to an identical tune.

f. Non- strophic – changes its melody according to the thoughtof each verse.

g. Ballad – is a song particularly common in England and isderived from ballata, a song with dance.

h. Plain song – is a piece of unisonous vocal music, popularlyused in Christian church rituals.


a. Theme – it conveys the dance’s message.

b. Design – refers to the plan or organization ofmovements in time and space.

c. Movements – is the action of dancers as they use theirbodies to create or organize a pattern.

d. Technique – is a skill exerting movement.

e. Music – motivates the movements in dancing.

f. Costume and props – enhanced the effect of thedance.

g. Choreography- the forms, arrangements, andorganization of dance steps and movements.

h. Scenery – the setting or background, establishing theplace of action of any dance important to make it morerealistic and beautiful.


a. Space – is the area where we have such

movements that create patterns and designs.

b. Time- determines the rhythm, tempo, and duration

of movements.

c. Duration – refers to the length of time expended

by a movement.

d. Force – is an energy which is always present

when motion occurs.


Communal dance – is a dance of the members of

primitive tribal cultures who look at dance as magic,

tragedy, or a method for survival.

Ritual dance – is a conscious dance, whose design,

purpose and meaning, just like any other dance, is

thought about carefully.

Folk dance – denotes any kind of dance developed

within the traditional community.

Social dance – is a major category or classification

of dance forms or dance types, whereby sociability

and socializing are the primary focus of the



Banga ( Kalinga). Literally means pots. It illustrates

the languorous grace of a tribe, otherwise known as

fierce warriors.

Bendayan (Benguet). Popularly known as Bendian,

yhe circle dance .

Manmanok(Bago). Three Bago tribe roosters

compete against each other for the attention of

Lady Lien.

Ragragsakan (Kalinga). Portryas the walk of

indudtrious Kalinga women, carrying water pots on

their heads and wearing the colorful hand-woven

“Blankets of Life” around their necks.

Salidsid (Kalinga) . Courtship dance performed by a

male and a female.

Tarektek (Benguet). Two tarektek woodpeckers vie

for the attention of three females.


Singkil- this dance takes its name from the bells

worn on the ankles of the Muslim princess.

Asik – is a solo slave dance performed by an

umbrella beating attendant to win the favor of her

sultan master.

Kapamalong- malong – is also called Sambi sa

Malong. A dance which shows the ways of donning

the malong.

Pangalay- is a popular festival dance in Sulu

performed in wedding celebrations.

Pangsak- is a dance involving complicated hand

and foot movements.


House – is the place where the audience is seated.

Stage – is the acting area

Backstage – is the waiting area of the actors and

the actresses prior the performance



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