music in germany

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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The German Music Industry: Hip - Hop

Germany Flag White

Sennheiser HD555 Headphones

United States





Series 1

Grossing $1.29 Billion dollars in 2012, Germany is ranked 4th in the world for music sales.

Making your music available in overseas markets will not only increase your revenue. It will also give you global exposure and open up opportunities to perform overseas.


I generate $3,000 to $4,000 a month performing at local clubs.This is all while I am still in the planning and implementing stages of

my Coup of the German music industry.

eMOTION (cc)

Underground and Local Hip – Hop is just as popular in Germany as Mainstream music.

eMOTION (cc)

What are some of the most important things in your career as an artist?

1. How can you increase your fan base.2. How can you increase your revenue generation.


Western Music

Performing abroad!


Germans are supportive of live shows!

Revenue from Live shows is up 22% in 2012

Clipart retrieved 2013

Europe, Asia and Africa

Clipart retrieved 2013

Booking shows at venues in Germany is a simple process!!

5 of 5: Night 1 (Middle of Nowhere)

Selling your merchandise at shows in Germany is easy!

Using the World Wide Web to reach an audience overseas can be done with just a few

mouse clicks!

Clipart retrieved 2013

There are people in Germany just waiting to pay for tickets to your shows!

Paying attention to detail

Reaching Out!

• Soundcloud• iTunes• Youtube

Reaching out

Radio vs Underground

SacaPuntas Experimental

Revenue and Fan Base

$5700 Clipart retrieved 2013

Let them hear what you have!


Tips for song selection to market to German consumers.

1. Stay away from Gangsta Rap if possible2. The use of Dub Step or Electronic beats is suggested3. Germany has a huge party culture, give them something to

dance to.


Tips for booking shows in Germany.

1. Have a 3 to 5 song demo to send out to club owners and managers.

2. Make sure you have a DJ to fill the rest of the time when you are not performing.

3. Perform a few songs around 11PM and the rest of your set around 2AM.


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