music magazine covers analysis

Post on 24-May-2015






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The analysis of NME and Kerrang music magazine covers.



NME magazine

front cover


Conventional bar code position in the bottom right of the cover therefore it does not take up much space.

Sans serif fonts, all in capital letters which makes all text stand out more. This use of a less complex font is sensible because the explanatory text is quite small anyway, so enables reader to read it more quickly and clearly.

All text is lined up and only 3 fonts have been used which gives the cover a more neat and organised feel.

Background is all in white, and that contrasts well with the boldness of the red as well as the black and white picture. This use of white space also gives more emphasis not only to the photo of Liam Gallagher but to text around him too.

The masthead is bold and overall simple. The bright red colour and thick sans serif font makes the cover eye-catching and appeals to all genders.

Cover line is bigger in size than most of other texts. This makes it stand out and attract reader’s attention.

This ‘&’ is quirky and original and contributes to the magazine’s authentic house style.

Unusual and funny quote – will probably interest audience and make them want to read on.

Selling line.

The main image is of ex-Oasis band member Liam Gallagher. This instantly reaches out to a large audience of many ages as he is very famous. The fact that he is wearing sunglasses and is looking away from the camera instead of making eye-contact suggests that even though there is an interview with him, he does not wish to be exposed too much. The image is a studio shot in a medium close up angle, with very sharp details and in black and white. It has bright studio lighting with a cyanotype tone to it and in relation to Mise en scene, there aren't any props apart from his glasses which makes the picture very simple but powerful. any props or He is looking towards the right hand of the magazine cover, where people would open up the magazine therefore the fact he is looking towards that direction could incline people to actually open the magazine.


Cover Photo

This cover uses a lot of colloquial language as seen by the examples on the right (‘epic gigs’ and ‘massive summer’) in order to attract a younger audience and make the text on the cover more interesting via the use of informality. It also uses a lot of direct speech and speaks personally to the reader via the use of personal pronouns such as ‘Liam answers your questions’. This is a good thing to have on a cover because it would persuade the reader to open the magazine since they’d feel like they’re being personally addressed to.

Eye Flow

The front cover has a layout which follows the readers’ natural eye flow. They will firstly be attracted to the masthead on the top left at the page, then follow Liam Gallagher’s picture of his face down to the ‘Plus’ section of the page. With this in mind, it was a smart idea to have made the ‘Liam’ cover line in a very large and bold font because it may necessarily not be the thing the audience may be attracted to first.


KERRANG magazine

front cover

The masthead uses a grunge sans serif font with an element of chaos and distortion to it. This may suggest to the reader that the magazine is very busy packed with information as well as setting a genre of rock to it. Unlike other magazines (for example NME) where the masthead is bold and very simple this one differs in the sense that it seems more rebellions and more ‘in your face’, which could also be reflected from the exclamation mark.

Conventional bar code position. Contrasts from the cover’s overall business and distortion.

Via using a quote from the band as the main cover line, the audience feels directly addressed by the band, ergo this connection may entice them to by the magazine.

Appealing sticker.

Main cover line in grunge font similar to the mast head, in a tilted format, very unconventional and sets a tone of distortion to the cover, like the position of the lead singers head also.

Selling line

Extra pictures added on the front cover which gives reader more to look at rather than just the cover photo.

Splatters persuade audience to buy magazine due to the words used such as ‘Win’ and ‘plus’… Suggesting magazine is full of great interesting things and gives readers opportunities.

Unlike NME, Kerrang’s colour scheme is a lot more complex, with more colours such as white, pink, yellow, black and grey and it’s all overall a lot brighter with more vivid colours. This may catch the readers’ eye more effectively


Cover Photo

Like NME, this Kerrang cover uses an informal register to address it’s readers, with overall slangy/colloquial language which would appeal to their target audience of a younger demographic as it’s the vocabulary their familiar with (examples to the right). Even though there aren’t any personal pronouns like in NME, this cover still successes in making a direct link with the audience by saying things such as: ‘Dave Mustaine get’s personal’ which makes the reader think these are exclusive things they might not be able to read elsewhere.

The cover photo for Kerrang is very different to NME’s. Firstly all the members in the band (Paramore) have direct eye contact with the camera which will make the reader feel more personally addressed, as if the band are looking straight at them. Like NME the image is a studio shot but in a low angle and has minimal props, as well as more natural lighting and not in black & white. In fact, the picture is quite saturated and the colours are all very vivid especially the lead singer’s ginger hair which contrasts to the rest of the band’s black clothing. This suggests she is the main feature of Paramore, and since she’s very famous a larger audience will be appealed to buy the magazine.


Eye Flow

The layout of Kerrang also follows the reader’s natural eye flow: from top left of the cover to the bottom right. With this in mind, this cover enables the reader to firstly see the masthead, then the main cover line, followed by the main attribute of the cover photo (Hayley, the main singer of Paramore).

Inspirations for my own magazine cover

• Black and white cover photo• Bold contrasting colours for text and for masthead (red colour especially)• Conventional bar code positions• Kickers and explanatory text all in capital letters• Lining up of text – makes the cover neat • Using a quote from famous band as a selling line

• Use of stickers and splatters• Conventional bar code positions• Follows readers’ natural eye flow• Grunge font for mast head• Studio low angle shot. • Colloquial language • Model’s direct eye contact with camera• Using a quote from famous band as main cover line • Informal register

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