music magazine survey analysis

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Music Magazine Survey Analysis

Question 1: What is your age?

The first question I asked in the survey was their age, just so I could have a clear understanding what my target audience age range was. And I found that 92% of the people who took my questionnaire were between the ages of 15-24. This tells me that I have quite a young target audience and that when it comes to making a music magazine I will have to bear in mind younger people’s interests.

Question 2: What is your gender?

In my next question I asked the persons gender so that I could again, refine my target audience and design my magazine around that. I found that of the people who participated in the survey, 65% of them were female and 34% were male. So we can see that it’s not a completely equal divide between both genders, so I will have to take this into account when producing my magazine and think about the content I’ll be putting in. Although, my magazine won’t be gender specific because it’s hard to say which genders like which music because different people have different tastes.

Question 3: Which town/city do you live in?

For the third question I wanted to find out whereabouts my target audience live because I feel that where a person lives is very important to what kind of person they are whether it be in terms of music taste, financial income or personality. So by finding out this information it can help me determine the content and price of my magazine. In my survey I found that a lot of people lived in the surrounding area, for example, Leeds, Skipwith and York. Although there were a few participants from south England, like London and Brighton.

Question 4: What genre of music do you listen to?

The fourth question is very important for me to gather vital information of what music my readers genuinely listen to on a regular basis. I’ve found out from my survey that just over half the people who took my survey enjoy listening to Rock music, so I will strongly consider making the magazine very rock based but at the same time take into account that there are also other popular genres that people chose for example: Indie, Pop and Dance. So I could do sections of each of these inside the magazine alongside the main focus of rock music.

Question 5: What music magazines have you previously bought?

For my fifth question I decided to find out which magazines people had previously bought, if any. This was useful because I could see which magazines were the most popular and therefore research those magazines further and find out why these magazines are so popular and what makes them appealing to a certain audience. I found that NME was the most popular with 44% of the people who took my survey chose this magazine. So this is definitely a magazine ill research more into and find out there general layout and content that they use to help me develop my ideas for my magazine.

Question 6: How often do you buy music magazines?

In question 6 I wanted to see how often people buy music magazines as it will give me an idea if people actually buy music magazines and if so how often, which could be useful if my magazine allowed a subscription, then I could send out the magazine based on how often people buy them. Although my results found that nearly 60% of the people surveyed said that they either never buy them or they rarely buy a music magazine. This could be good or bad. Good as in I can try and make my magazine appeal to a wider audience and interest people who wouldn’t necessarily buy a music magazine. And bad because we could take this information as people just genuinely being disinterested in music magazines and don’t really care for them.

Question 7: the market has a range of music magazines that suit my needs.

For question seven I wanted to change up the style of question a little so that the recipient didn’t get too bored, so this one was more of a statement and the person answering would choose to either disagree to a certain extent or agree. I found that the majority agreed that the market has a range of music magazines to suit their needs. But no one had strongly agreed so I can see that there is some doubt in whether the market does cater for everyone and that could be a space in the market I could aim for so that people will be catered for on all aspects of music.

Question 8: the cost of magazines nowadays is reasonable.

My findings for question 8 were interesting as there was no certainty in the answers nor was there a dominant outlier. I used the same question format as the previous to find out whether or not people think that the costs of music magazines are reasonable. The results were almost half and half with 34% agreeing that the prices are reasonable and 30% disagreeing with that, and the other 34% saying they weren’t sure. No one had strongly disagreed or strongly agreed so I could assume that the price of music magazines isn’t too expensive or too cheap. But to persuade the people who disagreed I may think about putting the price down below the average.

Question 9: Are you more likely to buy a music magazine if it includes a CD, Poster…etc.?

For question 9 I wanted to see if people were more likely to buy a music magazine if it includes a freebie. And my results showed that just over 60% agreed that they would buy a music magazine if it included a freebie as well as the almost 20% strongly agreeing with this. This gives me a strong indication that people will be more inclined to buy my magazine if I include a freebie. I don’t think I necessarily need to include something for every issue but at least for the first copy so that people buy the magazine and are more likely to read the content.

Question 10: Describe yourself in 3 words.

My final question was to ask people to describe themselves in 3 words, this was so I could get more of a detailed insight in what peoples personalities are like so I can tweak my magazine to suit the kind of people who are reading my magazine so that they get a sense of inclusion and personalisation when reading it.

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