muslims and west post 9 11

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Muslims and West

RacismAmerican-MuslimsWS 405Madeeha IlyasMuslims and West Post 9/11Knowledge of Islam and Muslims

IslamImage of Islam and MuslimsPublic opinionAmericans view about itIslamophobiaLeaders View about Islam and MuslimsDiscriminations against Muslims after 9/11Voices of American Muslims

FACTS about ISLAMIslam is second largest religion in the world. 1/5 of world populationOver 1.5 Billion MuslimsGrowing at a high rate (2.9%) without significant missionary efforts

Image Of Islam and Muslim in U.S

Muslim Americans Soldiers Praying in Iraq (Hidden Image)

Public Opinion?What is your view of Islam?FavorableUnfavorableDont know

Compared with other religions, Islamic religion . . .Is more likely than others to encourage violence Does not encourage violence more than othersNeither/Dont know

According to Polls Over all American Believes that American Muslims57% should undergo more intensive security checks at airports. (Gallup)52% are not respectful of women. (Gallup)44% are too extreme in their religious beliefs. (Gallup)40% are not respectful of other religions (Gallup)39% should be required to carry a special ID (Gallup)34% are sympathetic to al-Qaida (Gallup)33% religion Islam - stokes violence (Wa. Post/ABC News)27% should be required to register their location with Fed. Govt. (Cornell)26% Mosques should be monitored by law enforcement agencies (Cornell)22% should be profiled as potential threats. (Cornell) 46% of Americans have a negative view of Islam (Wa. Post/ABC News) 40% would be less likely to patronize Muslim owned businesses (Zogby)

Where this Image came from as most of the people might have never heard about this strange religion before 9/11 or have no such knowledge of American Muslims around them?When asked how they learned about religion60% from news media16% TV

11% from Obamas words and behavior

Cont. From other MuslimsFrom their leaders Being unable to distinguish between Islam and Muslims. Media as mentioned and basic stereotypes

Media Images representingMuslims

Comic BookMovieBookOppressive Women

StereotypesIslamophobiaisprejudiceagainst, hatred or fear ofIslamorMuslims

Why increase and decrease favorable reasons

Rise in Islamophobia after 9/11

Some facts and discriminatory attacks Why the favorable/unfavorable change?

Politics: Iraq & Afghanistan Wars - bankruptCurrent events:Oct. 2009: FBI Shooting of an imam in Detroit. Nov. 2009: Fort Hood shootingDec. 2009: Christmas Day bombingSummer 2010: Building of a mosque near WTC. Sept. 2010: Burning of Quran on 9/11Death of Imam

Survey by PEW Research CenterHow much do you know about the Muslim Religion?A great dealSome Not very muchNothing at allDont know

Respected Leaders in the Government, Military, and Political LifeS. Carolina Board of Education member Dr. Henry Jordan"Screw the Buddhists and kill the Muslims."

the religion of Islam is a "cult" that worships "Lucifer."

RepresentativePeter King (R-NY)No American Muslim leaders are cooperating in the war on terror.

"80-85% of mosques in this country are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists.

RepresentativeFrank LaseeIslam is NOT a religion of peace.

Islam IS a religion intent on conquering the world this is a central theme in the Koran.

Representative Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)Arrest every Muslim that comes across the state lineIf this kind of Discrimination is shown by the leaders then what would people think and do?Recent Discriminatory Acts in United States against MuslimsA Muslim woman, wearing a head scarf reported an assault on Dec 21, 2010 while sitting in car in Ohio. She was pepper-sprayed in her eyes, called with names and a remark All you Muslims go back to where you came from where she said all that he cared was that I am a Muslim. It was caught on the mosque's surveillance camera

Women response over this incidentSaid had never experienced such hatred before Monday, she said. "I feel very sad. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. I can never forget about this man. I feel like he's still in this room."

Cont.9/11/2010 Burning of Quran day (never happened but caused a lot of destruction in some countries and media attention) It resulted in boycott of Wikipedia, Face book and several other web sites in many Islamic countries for about a monthAugust 20, 2010 a Muslim woman who work as a hostess at entertainment giant Disney, reported saying they have repeatedly sent her home without pay for refusing to remove her headscarf at work.October 11, 2010 Another woman Imane Boudlal, 26, claimed in August that when she wore the hijab to work, her supervisors told her to remove it, work where customers couldnt see her, or go home.

Cont.The Council (CAIR)told theLos Angeles Timesthat it has received other complaints over the years from Muslim women who said they have been denied "front-stage jobs" with Disney because of their hijabs. A comment on this news These muslims who to don't like our system, our work and dress codes, our life style should GO BACK TO THE DESERT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE HERE GO BACK WHERE YOU COME FROM! Americans need to STOP catering these people! If someone comes in your home and dosen't like what you do LEAVE! AND DON'T COME BACK! Cont.Mosque which was to be built some two blocks away from ground zero was politicized because of being close to 9/11 place. Yet again religion was blamed for the mistakes of a group of ignorant extremist people.Still the most prominent is suspicion of officials when it comes to national security. People of eastern background and Arab origin has to wait for about 5 to 6 hours before they can go out of airport. This happened with my dad and two cousins also and it happens every time they are coming back to United States. May be a good enough reason to be stopped is to have Muhammad as a middle name.

Cont.Kalima a Muslim female was sent home from Onslow Memorial Hospital because of her Scarf but called back after a few days. On her annual review day she got fired from her job saying Tea Partiers Freak Over Six Flags 'Muslim Day 9/12/2010 where only special thing was serving of Hilal food (similar to Kosher).It was also highly politicized. Six Flags has been holding these events since 2000 for the 42-year-old Muslim nonprofit, apparently this year, it's getting more attention, both because it falls on the weekend of Sept. 11 and also because of the ongoing controversy about the Muslim center planned a few blocks away from Ground Zero in New York.


Cont.She called for a boycott for the amusement park by spreading discriminatory remarks "it is funding terror -- and by your silence, YOU are funding terror. YOU are funding terror.Later asked how accepting park admission fees is "funding terror," Hamilton can't explain.None of the tea party commentaries mention that one of the men who first established the Muslim Family Day event in 2000 was himself killed in the attack on the World Trade Center.Muslims were not trying to be insensitive but Ramadan month happened to be ended on September, 10th and since Islamic Calendar has only 11 months so it doesnt fall on same day every year. It just happened to be that weekend.Attacks with in 36 hours of the 9/11

Six bullets shattered windows of a mosque in Irving, TX. $3,000 in damage was caused.A bag filled with blood and labeled 'Pig's blood' was thrown at the door of a mosque in San Francisco, CA.Four bricks were thrown through the windows of a Muslim bookstore in Alexandria, VA. Also in Virginia, two mosques reported vandalism.In Canada, the front doors at mosques in St. Catherines, ON and Montreal, PQ were fire-bombed, with minimal damage.TheBritish Broadcasting Commission(BBC) reported that there had been many death threats and assaults against Muslims.Continuing harassment and attacks:

On the afternoon of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed the 49 year old owner of a gas station in Mesa, AZ. He was a Sikh. His family believes that he was killed because he "looked Middle Eastern. Additional shots were fired at a Lebanese clerk and at the home of an Afghan family.On the evening of Saturday, 2001-SEP-15, a gunman killed a Pakistani Muslim store owner in Dallas, TX.

A Christian of Egyptian origin was shot dead in California.Near Chicago, IL, There was a march in which about 300 anti-Arab youths waved flags, shouted "USA, USA," and attempted to march on a mosque in Bridgeview, IL -- a suburb southwest of Chicago. Colin Zaremba, 19, said: "I'm proud to be American and I hate Arabs and I always have." Three demonstrators were arrested.

Countless angry looks, obscene gestures, vandalism hate messages in Internet chat rooms and elsewhere on the Internet, bomb and other threats via telephone have targeted Muslim and Arab-Americans since 9/11.Discrimination in the world against Muslims after the tragedy of 9/11 is more than in U.S. itselfThe current climate of fear, anger, and paranoia as the United States is in a perpetual state of war with terrorists and the Axes of Evil has perhaps done irreparable damage to ordinary immigrant from South Asia and Middle East. The media has succeeded in creating powerful images of aviolent and primitive people based on the oppressive religion and culture of Islam. Heightened negative stereotypes in the aftermath of the trauma of 9/11 has given rise to stark moments of discrimination and result is targeted racism which may be is similar to the experiences endured by Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese after the wars of their respective countries with the United States.How American Muslim feel while living in America? Some excerpts from a book Voices of American Muslims by Linda Brandi Cateura She conducted interviews with Muslims from various disciplines of lives living in Unites States after 9/11

Overseer of our national well-being, Dr. Elias Zerhouni National Institute of Health (Bethesda, Maryland)

Its a disservice to both sides to cartoonize Islam, to emphasize just one form of dress, one concept, one position, rather than present something as it truly is in its many manifestation , in its reality which is complex and not as uniform as people might like it to be.

There is a quality that makes for happiness. I refer to family ties and relationships. They are usually of a closeness that maintains a good family structure.

I want my kids to interact with Christian friends, Jewish friends, and understand the complexity of life and society.

A leading imams (Omar Abu-Namous) response to terrorism Islamic Cultural Center of New York City

The murderers (terrorist) are an isolated group of persons who are very parochial, with narrow understandingThey read the text of the Holy Koran and form an understanding, so narrow, as if you would peek through a peephole and think you had a view of the whole room inside. No, you would have a very small view of the room

Feisal Abdul Rauf, Masjid al-Farah New York (North Bergen, New Jersey) Forceful voice of reason

American Muslims now are in a better position to communicate a newer American form of islam to their relatives, abroad, and thereby influence their thinking about islam.America is a very easy country. You can live any way you want--- you can live a Mormon lifestyle, an Amish lifestyle, or a very atheistic lifestyle. You can be anything you want in this country as long as youre not a national security threat.Very easily it was recognized that the Koran and the hadith do not speak speak to all issues. Many are not addressed in either. In the science of Islamic jurisprudence, there is a recognition that issue not mentioned in holy Scriptures have to be judged by analogy, by consensus, and other sources of jurisprudence.

A school kid of Asian Background (Bridging Islamic School with Kennedy High)

Its like being with different kinds of people instead of only Muslims. I feel comfortable with children of many different religions--- Catholics, Jews, Protestants.Some times when she (mother) doesnt cook, well go to McDonalds or Taco Bell. My brother can drive and he can take us.Since 9/11 things seems to change. I get the impression from everywhere that people think all Muslims are bad. But we havent changed.

Michael Wolfe, writer, convert, filmmaker (Santa Cruz, California) Heir to three monotheistic faiths

Socializing with Muslims is so easy for me because they dont need booze to have a good time. I dont drink and never have. ..Most of my Christians and Jewish friends dont seem to know how to celebrate anything without a glass in their hands.I notice a new openness on the part of American Muslims toward others. Since 9/11, mosques and Islamic centers across the country have engaged in more exchanges with people and institutions of other faiths than entire preceding decade.Islam provides for me an amazing intellectual and spiritual toolkit. By intellectual, I mean that there is nothing mysterious or not understandable about it. It is simple and direct.

Michael Wolfe is a convert to Islam and his decision was of particular interest because he was Christian on his mother side and Jewish on his fathers. He had in his background two monotheistic religions, neither of which seemed to satisfy him until he came across the third monotheistic faith---islam---that, for him, completed a cycle.

A Well Known Religious ScholarShaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, chairman of the Sunna and Sira Council, QatarIslam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers the attack against innocent human beings a grave sin, this is backed by the Quranic verse which reads: Who so ever kills a human being [as punishment] for [crimes] other than manslaughter or [sowing] corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind (Al-Maidah:32)."

Condemned suicide bombings against Israeli civilians and condemned terrorism in all its forms.

The Grand Sheikh of the al-Azhar mosque, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi

Elie WieselUnless we safeguard the liberties of all our citizens, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Declaration of Independence mean about as much as a plastic flag bumper sticker.

Declaration of Independencethat all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of HappinessMargaret MeadNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed its the only thing that ever has.

Koran49:13 Oh mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (Not that you may despise each other).

5:69 Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, and the Christians; any of them who (1) believe in GOD and (2) believe in the Last Day, and (3) lead a righteous life, have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. Koran25:63 The worshippers of the All-Merciful are they who tread gently upon the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they reply, "Peace!

28:55, And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say: "To us our deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we do not seek out the ignorant."

4:94 . . . Do not say to one who offers you peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the spoils of this life. For God has abundant treasure. You used to be like them, after all, and then God blessed you.

-- Mohandas K. Gandhi"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

-- John F. KennedyMankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind...War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."

Benjamin FranklinThere was never a good war or a bad peace."

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