mutants & masterminds power profile 10 earth powers

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  • 8/9/2019 Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile 10 Earth Powers



    Earth and stone form the literal bedrock and founda-

    tions upon which we build, and the soil nurtures and

    sustains life. From the whirling sandstorm to the might ofthe mountains, earth powers harness the material of the

    planet and bend it to the wielder’s will.

    EARTH DESCRIPTORS The following descriptors and implications apply to earth


    • Earth: “Earth” in the context of earth powers gener-

    ally refers to the mineral materials of the planet, par-

    ticularly various types of stone, sand, and soil (which

    includes organic matter but is still considered “earth”).Manufactured materials consisting primarily of stone

    or silicon, such as concrete or glass, may be considered

    “earthen” but things like refined metals and organic

    materials—including wood and plastics—generally

    are not. A cubic foot of loam-rich soil weighs about

    20 lbs. (weight rank –1) depending on how saturated

    with water it is. A cubic foot of dry sand weighs about

    100 lbs. (weight rank 1). A dump truck load of sand

    weighs about 25 tons (weight rank 10).

    • Ground:  Earth powers often refer to “the ground”

    meaning the surface of the Earth. Unless specified

    otherwise, ground does not refer to a natural dirt or

    stone surface, and can include asphalt or concrete

    surfaces over natural earth. It generally does not

    include things like bridges or elevated spans, even if

    they are made from stone or stone-like materials. For

    some specific situations, the GM may have to rule on

    whether an area constitutes “ground” or not.

    • Stone: A cubic foot of stone weighs approximately

    150 lbs. (mass rank 2, varying +/–10% based on the

    type of stone).

    A massive monolith, like a singlestanding stone at Stonehenge, weighs about 50 tons

    (mass rank 11). A similar volume of crushed stone is

    roughly one less mass rank.

    • Countering:  Earth powers can often counter each

    other, representing contested control over the

    element, or simply one earthen force smashing or

    displacing another. Earth powers are also useful for

    smothering things like fire effects, just as sand is used

    to put out some fires. The right earth power might

    be able to “ground” electricity harmlessly and the

    mystical opposition of earth and air may allow earth

    powers to counter some air powers, particularly if

    they are magical in nature. Similarly, the interaction

    of earth and water powers creates mud, which could

    counter either or both effects.

    EARTH FEATURESSome potential Feature effects associated with earth

    powers include the following:

    • You can shed dust and dirt (including mud) at will,

    keeping yourself and your clothing clean under

    almost any conditions.

    • You can till and aerate soil like a mechanical plow or

    tiller, simply by walking along the path you wish to till.

    • Similarly you can “heal” damage or upheaval to the

    ground or earthen construction, simply by smooth-

    ing over the damaged surface with your hands.


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    • You can determine the type of any stone you encoun-

    ter simply by touching (or perhaps even tasting) it.

    • You can tell if a stone surface is natural or worked

    with tools (or even shaped by earth powers) simply

    by touching or looking at it.

    • You can automatically sense when you are under-

    ground, as well as the approximate depth.

    OFFENSIVE POWERSMost offensive earth powers wield masses of earth and

    stone as weapons in various ways, or affect the ground on

    which the target stands.


    You open a deep pit or chasm in the ground beneath your

    targets, dropping them into it. At the least, they have to

    scramble to avoid falling, at the worst they plunge intothe chasm, subjecting them to damage and leaving them

    prone. If you can close the chasm on your targets, inflict-

    ing the Damage to them again, apply the Secondary

    Effect modifier, increasing cost by 1 per rank.

    Chasm: Line Area Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge; Dazed,

    Prone), Instant Recovery (the Dazed and Prone conditions only

    last for a round), Limited Degree, Linked Line Area Burrowing

    Attack (Limited to downward), Linked to Line Area Ranged

    Damage, Limited to Targets Affected by Second Degree of

    Affliction • 4 points per rank.


    You kick up a storm of dust, dirt, or sand, severely limit-

    ing visibility in the area. This affects you as well unless you

    apply the Selective modifier or have the appropriate Pen-

    etrates Concealment Sense effect.

    Dust Storm: Environment (–5 visibility) • 2 points per rank.


    You hurl a large rock or mass of earth at your target with

    considerable force.

    Earth Blast: Ranged Damage (rock impact) • 2 points per rank.


    A powerful local tremor shakes the ground, potentially

    knocking targets over. The Secondary Effect provides

    an “aftershock” on the round following the initial quake.

    Earthquakes can cause considerable collateral damage, a

    potential complication (see Earth Complications).

    Earthquake: Ranged Burst Area 3 Affliction (Resisted by Dodge,

    Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed and Vulnerable, Stunned and

    Prone), Extra Condition, Secondary Effect, Limited Degree,

    Limited to along the ground; 120-foot radius • 5 points per rank,

    +1 point per rank per +1 to area distance rank.


    A spray of dirt, sand, or mud hits the target in the eyes,

    temporarily blinding them.

    Earth Spray: Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Impaired, Disabled,

    Unaware), Limited to Vision • 2 points per rank.


    Rather than a mass of rock or soil, you hurl a shower of

    sharp, pointed stone spikes at your target. A version of this

    power without the Penetrating modifier may represent a

    shower or arc of small stones or pebbles.

    Spike Stones: Ranged Penetrating Multiattack Damage • 4 points

     per rank.


     Tendrils or giant hands of rock burst from the ground to

    grab and hold your target.

    Stone Grip: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome

    by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and

    Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited Degree • 2 points per rank.


    You form temporary weapons of stone in your hands, or even

    transform your own hands and arms into stone weapons.

    Stone Strike: Strength-based Damage, Variable (stone weapons)

    • 1 point + 1 point per rank.

    DEFENSIVE POWERSDefensive earth powers call upon the element’s tough and

    enduring nature as well as the nurturing and regenerative

    qualities associated with earth in myth and mysticism.


    So long as you are in contact with the ground, you recover

    quickly from any damage or injury.

    Earth Healing: Regeneration, Source (Earth) • 1 point per 2 ranks.


    Your powers make you immune to effects with the “earth”


    Earth Immunity: Immunity 10 (Earth Effects) • 10 points.


    You transform your flesh, making it as hard as rock (or

    turning into actual rock). Alternately, you might simply

    cover your body in rocky armor formed by your powers.


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    Rock Armor: Impervious Protection • 2 points per rank.


    Your connection with the earth is strong enough to “root”

    you in place and prevent you from being moved if you do

    not wish to be. Your rank effectively adds to any resistance

    to being moved, typically Strength or Fortitude checks,but also resistance checks against trip attacks and other

    effects which would move you, like certain Afflictions.

    Rooting: Feature (Resistance to being moved), Limited to While

     Touching the Ground • 1 point per 2 ranks.

    Some characters are practically immovable while in

    contact with the ground, having Immunity to the afore-

    mentioned effects.

    Immovable: Immunity 10 (Being Moved), Limited to While

     Touching the Ground • 5 points.

    MOVEMENT POWERSEarth movement powers involve moving through soil and

    stone and various ways or using the earth as a medium to

    move in other ways.


    You can “meld” with the ground, passing through it to

    emerge at some other point some distance away. Youmove through the ground at your normal speed and have

    total concealment while doing so.

    Earth Meld: Movement 3 (Permeate), Limited to Earth; Immunity

    2 (Suffocation), Limited to While Earth Melding • 4 points.


    You create and ride atop a “wave” of earth, like a moving

    hill, which carries you along. Generally, an earth wave

    is limited to a rank no greater than 6 (120 MPH, costing

    2 power points). A broad enough earth wave may haveAffects Others and Area (typically Line or Shapeable). An

    Earth Wave can potentially cause some collateral damage

    by tearing up the ground and disrupting structures (see

    Earth Complications).

    Earth Wave: Flight, Limited to within 60 feet (distance rank 1) of

    the ground, Platform • 1 point per 2 ranks.


    You stand atop a chunk or slab of rock you levitate and

    move with your powers, providing you with a flying plat-

    form. If you use your flying rock for a slam attack (Hero’s

    Handbook, page 198) you lose the use of it and have to

    reactivate your power.

    Flying Rock: Flight, Platform • 1 point per rank.


    You can merge with the substance of the Earth, emerg-

    ing moments later virtually anywhere else on the planet.

     The only requirement is you must merge into and emerge

    from natural soil or stone, not earthen surfaces covered by

    water, pavement, or metal.

    Terraport: Teleport, Accurate, Medium (Earth) • 2 points per rank.


    You can rapidly dig through earth and stone, simply

    pushing it aside with your power. You can choose to

    create a stable tunnel so others can follow or to allow

    the material to collapse and fill in behind you. If you can

    create tunnels at a distance, apply the Ranged modifier,

    but for the ability to create pits or chasms as an attack see

    the Chasm power (previously).

    Tunneling: Burrowing • 1 point per rank.

    UTILITY POWERSEarth powers offer a lot of utility, from shaping the earth in

    various ways to transforming the user, taking on the quali-

    ties of different types of earth. For some characters, the

    different Form powers may also be Permanent, and pos-

    sibly Innate, if it is the character’s natural or default form.

    If not, they might have the Activation flaw, if it takes time

    to assume that form.


    You can summon or create semi-independent creatures

    formed out of earth and rock. The creatures you summon

    are not truly alive, merely animated masses of earth. They

    can look like virtually anything, from hulking humanoids

    to mythic creatures like trolls. You can apply the various

    modifiers for the Summon effect to get additional crea-

    tures or to make them more active or capable (removing

    the minion type from the template).

    Earth Creatures: Summon Earth Creature 4 • 60-point minion

    (see the following template) • 8 points + 8 points per doubling

    the number of minions.


    STR  8 STA — AGL  0 DEX  0 FGT  0 INT  — AWE  0 PRE  —

    Powers: Rock Armor  (Impervious Protection 10), Unliving(Immunity 30: Fortitude Effects), Tremor (Burst Area 2 Affliction8, Resisted by Dodge, Dazed, Prone; Limited Degree, InstantRecovery, Limited to Along the Ground), Tunnelling(Burrowing 4)

    Skills: Close Combat: Unarmed 8 (+8)

    Offense: Initiative +0, Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 8)

    Defense: Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 10,Will Immune

    Totals Abilities –14 + Powers 58 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Defenses 12 = 62


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    One of the most basic earth powers is the ability to move

    large amounts of earthen material (soil, sand, and stone).

    You can move up to a mass rank equal to your effect rank,

    with a rank in the 10-11 range as effective as heavy con-

    struction equipment

    Earth Moving: Perception Ranged Move Object, Limited to Earth

    • 2 points per rank.


    You can remold earth and stone as if it were soft clay,

    causing it to flow into whatever shape you wish. If your

    changes are permanent once you make them, apply the

    Continuous modifier. If you can shape earth at a distance,

    apply the Ranged modifier.

    Stone Shape: Transform (earth and stone From one shape toanother) • 2 points per rank.


    You can see through earthen materials as if they were not

    there, allowing you to (amongst other things) easily find

    buried objects or see through stone walls.

    Earthsight: Senses 4 (Vision Penetrates Concealment), Limited

    to Earthen Materials • 2 points.


    You can form objects molded from earth and rock: walls,

    arches, bridges, columns, and so forth. Your creations have

     Toughness equal to your rank and must form out of the

    ground or some other form of earth (rocky outcropping,

    etc.). See the Create effect (Hero’s Handbook, page 102) for

    details of things you can do with your Earthworks. Your

    creations last as long as you maintain them, then crumble,

    unless you apply the Continuous modifier (allowing you

    to create semi-permanent earthen structures). Some ver-

    sions of this power apply the Impervious modifier for cre-ations of stone highly resistant to damage.

    Earthworks: Create Earthworks • 2 points per rank.


    You possess or can take on a mountainous stature. This

    may be combined with one of the following other forms

    (particularly Stone Form) for a giant-sized version.

    Mountain Form: Growth • 2 points per rank.


    You turn into a mass of mobile, intelligent mud. In addi-

    tion to the basic traits, this form might have Elongation

    and Morph as well.

    Mud Form: Immunity 10 (Life Support), Insubstantial 1 • 15 points

     per rank.


    You turn into a mass of mobile, intelligent sand, much like

    the Mud Form (previously) but with a different descriptor.

    Sand Form: Immunity 10 (Life Support), Insubstantial 1 • 15

     points per rank.


    You transform into solid stone, but still capable of move-

    ment, thought, and speech. (A stone form lacking all these

    qualities—essentially an immobile statue—drops the En-

    hanced Strength and applies a –2 Side-Effect.)

    Stone Form: Enhanced Strength, Immunity 10 (Life Support),

    Impervious Protection • 10 points +4 points per rank.


    Like the legendary Greek giant Antaeus, you have tremen-

    dous physical strength, but only while you are in contact

    with the Earth. Rather than the cost reduction of the Quirk,

    a hero might take a Power Loss complication instead (see

    Power Loss, following).

    Strength of Antaeus: Enhanced Strength, Quirk (Only While

     Touching the Ground, –2 points) • 2 points for rank 2, +2 points

     per rank.


    You’re sensitive to vibrations transmitted through earth

    and stone. So long as you are touching the ground, you

    can “feel” the locations of moving creatures also touch-

    ing the ground well enough to target them with attacks,

    but not to make out any more details. This power applies

    the Ranged modifier to the normal sense of touch, which

    is already accurate and radius. Applying Acute and Ana-

    lytical allow you to sense details, while Extended lets yousense over greater distances.

    Tremorsense: Senses 1 (Ranged Touch) • 1 point.

    OTHER EARTH POWERS“Earth powers” in this profile focus on control over the

    element of earth: stone and soil. Some Earth-themed

    characters broaden that definition to include powers as-

    sociated with the  planet  Earth. Examples include Gravity

    Powers, Magnetic Powers, and Plant Powers. BecauseEarth-themed characters are often as strong as their

    namesake element, via Growth or Enhanced Strength,

    the Strength Powers profile may also provide ideas for

    related abilities.


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    EARTH COMPLICATIONS The most solid and reliable of the four elements, earth can

    also be complicated, particularly when those solid and re-

    liable qualities fail in some manner.


    A great deal rests on the strong surface of the Earth. Some

    earth powers have the potential to cause a fair amount of

    collateral damage, if their wielder is not careful: powers

    like Earthquake, Earth Wave, and Earth Moving can tear up

    the ground where they are used, damaging structures like

    buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.

     The mere strength and mass of an earth-powered char-

    acter can become a potential complication: accidentally

    smashing structures or even doing damage to living crea-

    tures. What is worse, the stronger the earth-controller, the

    less graceful they tend to be.

    Like some other elemental controllers, earth powers may

    be tied to their wielder’s emotions to some degree. A hero

    who causes earth tremors whenever he gets angry or

    upset needs to exercise considerable self-control to avoid

    causing a city-wide earthquake!


    Common earth powers include different earthen forms:

    bodies of mud, sand, stone, and so forth. These charac-

    ters often suffer disabilities related to their non-humanmake-up, ranging from a limited (or non-existent) sense

    of touch, taste, or smell, to inconvenient mass or bulk,

    making it difficult to navigate buildings and vehicles con-

    structed from ordinary people.


    Power over the earth often comes with an increased

    awareness of the environment and the threats it faces. It’s

    a small step from there for an earth-controller to become

    a fanatical environmentalist, consumed with hatred forthose who would poison the Earth, or dig it up to root out

    valuable minerals or fuel sources. A hero with this compli-

    cation might have difficulties with the idea of protecting

    polluters operating within the letter of the law, or engage

    in outright vigilantism against them.


    Comfortable in the relative confinement of an under-

    ground environment, surrounded by the embrace of rock

    and soil, an earth-controller might suffer from agorapho-

    bia, the fear of open spaces, and have difficulties operat-

    ing outside under the open sky or outside of the close and

    crowded “canyons” of the city.


     The classic Power Loss complication for an earth-powered

    character is separation from the earth itself. This may be

    as simple as being surrounded by metal, plastic, or some

    other insulating material, or lifted off the ground (like in

    the myth of Antaeus) or it can be as involved as being

    quite some distance from any natural dirt or rock, such asin an airplane or even outside of the Earth’s atmosphere

    altogether! An earth-controller on a space ship or station,

    for example, is certainly at a disadvantage.

    Speaking of space, whether or not a character’s earth

    powers are truly tied to the planet Earth, or can manipu-

    late the stone and soil of alien worlds, is a matter for the

    powers’ descriptors and the Gamemaster’s judgment.

    If they cannot, then being stranded on a distant planet

    or asteroid could also effectively remove the character’s

    powers, even if there is sand or rock all around.


    Power over the element of earth often comes with a sense

    of responsibility for the earth, both the planet and its en-

    vironment. An earth-powered hero might be drawn to

    dealing with problems ranging from soil erosion to rock-

    slides and tectonic stresses. Of course, if fixing some of

    those problems causes further conflict, such as having to

    relocate a construction project or shut down a mining or

    drilling operations, the GM has plenty of opportunities to

    turn the complication into new stories for the game.


    Earth powers are typically “opposed” by either air or water

    elements (see the Air Powers and Water Powers profiles).

    Earth-powered characters may be vulnerable to attacks

    by their opposite: eroded away from powerful winds or

    melted into dissolving mud by water. Such powers can

    have an extra degree of effect on an earth-powered char-

    acter vulnerable to them.

    Sensitive to their environment, earth characters could

    suffer adverse effects from it. If the earth is disturbed in

    an area—strip-mined, for example, or subject to blast-

    ing or long-term pollution with toxins—the character

    could suffer anything from discomfort to agony and even

    disease- or poison-like effects.

    On the other hand, earth powers may come with a strong

    dependence on the life-giving Earth. More than mere

    Power Loss (previously) an earth character removed from

    contact with the ground might begin to suffer serious,

    even life-threatening, conditions. Gamemasters can treat

    this like a Progressive Affliction (Hero’s Handbook,  page

    97–98) going from dazed through stunned to incapaci-tated and even dying. Vary the conditions—and any resis-

    tance check allowed for the victim—as appropriate.


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    Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the

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    System Reference Document , Copyright 2000, Wizards of

    the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,

    Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary

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    Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 2002-

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    Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and

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    Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin

    Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.

     Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin

    Publishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.

    Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians

    of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.

    Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.

    Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,

    Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green

    Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook, Copyright

    2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.

    Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Earth Powers,

    Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author

    Steve Kenson.


    Writing and Design: Steve Kenson

    Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser

    Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold

    Interior Art: Dennis Calero

    Playtesters: Darren Bulmer, Leon Chang, James Dawsey,

    Jack Norris, Aaron Sullivan

    Publisher: Chris Pramas

    Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will

    Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole

    Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Marc


    Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Earth Powers is

    ©2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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