my family traditions for my birthday written by ap

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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My family traditions for my birthday

Written by AP

On my birthday we have a tradition .We get two cakes

one to eat and one to dunk my face in.We always invite

our family and friends. I like to invite my class because

I did that last year in second grade and I like to invite

my family, too.

My family traditions for myBirthday

Written by CR

My family tradition is to go to Disney world four their

birthday.We also go some where else.We have a good time

at Disney world or somewhere else.My sister goes to the mall for her birthday because she doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday with me,my dad and my mom because she doesn’t want to be embarrassed.She celebrates her birthday with her friends.

My family traditions forChristmas

Written byBH

I interviewed my Dad about Christmas. Some times I go to

one of my grandma’s houses and some times I stay at my

House. I get a lot of presents. My grandma lives in

St. Louis. I go skiing a round Christmas and play in the

snow in the winter. I get good stuff for Christmas.

My family traditions for CHRISTMAS

Written by CD

I celebrate with my Mom, Dad, brother, cousins, uncles, aunts, and most of my family. I celebrate Christmas in my house on Christmas and Christmas eve we have a party. I start planning for Christmas three weeks before Christmas so there is a lot of presents.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by ER

I celebrate Christmas because my family likes it.We share our presents with each other. This year I’m going to my country to celebrate over there.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by GO

I spend Christmas with my family. It is a special day for us because Jesus was born that day. That’s why it is a special day for my family. I celebrate Christmas in my Grandma’s house.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by JG

I celebrate Christmas with my family. When we eat my Mom likes to cook a delicious dinner so that we enjoy it. We like to celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus birthday.

My family traditions forChristmas


I learned about my family traditions. I celebrate Christmas because it’s a tradition that’s been passed from generation to generation in my family. I also learned we usually spend it at my house and we always spend it with our family. I love my family, tradition it is the best.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by GH

On Christmas Eve we go to my cousins and my aunts then we go eat out some of the time we go to Fridays and my favorite thing to eat is Chicken fingers . I eat it all we go back home to take a nap then when we are done we watch t.v. We watch cartoons and some times we watch a movie at my cousin’s house we order pizza and then we put up the Christmas tree.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written byHB

My family goes shopping. When my mom goes shopping. I stay home. Then my mom buys me my present for my dad and my mom I go shopping with my cousins and shopping with him on Christmas. I can go home and wrap my presents, and go to my Grandmom’s house. My Grandmom’s is not going to my cousins house for Christmas.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by JPO

My family does a lot of fun stuff on Christmas eve. First we wrap the presents up. Then we make stuff like snowmen paper reindeer. Then my mom makes yummy food that we can eat for dinner. And then my favorite is when we get to open the presents! Then my dad tucks me in to bed and gives me a kiss good night and that’s what I do on my Christmas eve.

My family traditions for Christmas eve

Written by MM

My family tradition is that we always put baby Jesus in the manger with Mary and Joseph on Christmas eve.Then we decorate the house with Christmas lights.We get carrots milk and cookies for Santa and his reindeer.we always put are stockings up. We always put up our stockings we always go to sleep early or else Santa will not come

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by MC

I spend time with my mom, my dad, my little brother on Christmas. When I wakeup I look under the tree and the presents are there. Maybe Santa will give the best one.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by MT

We celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born onChristmas. That’ why we celebrate Christmas. It is not

because Christmas presents or gifts. It is because of Jesus birthday. I ask my brother what he wants for Christmas. First.he said playstation2. Then he said. What is this for ?. He took the paper he said, I pick clothing. Asked. I where are you going to buy it and he said at the mall.

My family traditions forchristmas

Written byMB

I interviewed my Grandma. On the night before ChristmasI go to my Grandma’s.She gives presents.After that we Have a big dinner.After dinner we talk about what we want To get Christmas . Then we have dessert with Grandma .For dessert we have cake, milk and ice cream .When we are

finished eating dessert we go home and go to sleep.In the morning we go to our Aunts house and have a party.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by NA

My family loves turkey on Christmas day. My family celebrates Christmas. This year I have to have a small Christmas tree. It’s Jesus’ birthday and he was born to bring salvation to all the people on the earth. I like baking Christmas cookies with my grandma. My family tradition is to buy all the family gifts.

My family traditions for Christmas

Written by RS

I am going to my uncle Al’s house because every Christmas we go to all of my family’s houses sometimes I get a present from my right hand neighbor .

We sometimes take present’s from my house and leave some present’s at my house . My brother and I get more present’s than my cousin but she doesn’t care.

My family traditions forChristmas

Written by RH

I celebrate Christmas with my family because Jesus was born in Christmas. On Christmas I go to Playland,Sportime, and sometimes I go to the fair, and sometimesI stay in my house celebrating with my family. OnChristmas I am going to go to my room and look at mypicture frame that god is in and say happy birthday. I loveGod like my son.Jesus is the best of all. He is cool like my whole Family. I love you god.

My family traditions for Hanukkah

Written by SC

I interviewed my mom about her Hanukkah traditions.She said she enjoys spending time on Hanukkah with her family and friends.My mom also told me she celebrates Hanukkah at home.Which I just realized I knew all along.

My family traditions for Hanukkah

Written by KK

I celebrate Hanukkah. We light candles on Hanukkah because it is special and it also means miracles can happen anywere even if you don’t celebrate Hanukah. Hanukkah brings families members together. During the eight nights of Hanukkah, children get one gift each night. Children also play with a wooden top called a dreidel. And the best of all, each candle is for one night that the little bit of oil was able to keep eight candles burning.

My family traditions for Hanukkah

Written by JS

My family celebrates Hanukkah.Every year on Hanukkah I go to a party.I see my friend there when I go to the party I eat and light the menorah.After the party I go to my grandma’s house to celebrate and have a lot of fun.I also see my grandpa.I go home ten or twenty minutes my favorite thing was seeing family and friend’s.I start all of that at sunset.

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