my favorite event was when wilbur broke free i liked that part because it had action in it. action...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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I liked that part because it had action in it. Action like He twirled and span jumped and leaped. It was cool. I also liked that part because people chased him and it was like I was there with the great description. That was also cool. The last reason is because I love it when it has action so that was Cool.

A reason why I like Charlotte is because she is nice. Another reason is because she helps Wilbur a lot. Plus she became Wilbur’s Friend when he was lonely. Also That is why I like Charlotte.

The Dragon represents fantasy the pig is realism

A realism part was when they ate breakfast. Another Real part was that there was a pig and a spider. The last Real part was that there were people and there was a barn. An example of fantasy is that a spider spun a web with words in it. A spider takes care of a pig so that’s fantasy two. The last reason is because The animals talk.

A way I could improve this story is for Charlotte NOT to die at the end. Also too make it cooler maybe it would be cool that at the end Wilbur found out that Charlotte was Wilbur’smom.

I don’t really recommend this book. This is because it doesn’t have in of action. Also I think it was just like Wilbur cries and cries then suddenly it turns upside down. That is why I don’t like this book so much.

Peace Folks once again I’m Stav

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