my images

Post on 21-May-2015






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Rita Hayworth, an American film actress and dancer. For this particular image, I wanted the pose to look casual and relaxed but also with the model smiling to bring out a fun side of her personality. I looked at many jazz and pop artists so I could take elements of the image and incorporate them into my own images. The outfit and look of the image looks jazzy, mature and sophisticated, linking in with the jazz side and the smile and facial expressions fill the element of pop. The outfits are similar to each other in the picture as they are both wearing black as it makes you look mature, elegant and feminine.

These images are similar in comparison, by the way they are leaning and their facial expressions. Their faces are stern but with a slight smile, it brings out the attitude of being in control. Both images are positioned by lying on the floor and staring directly into the camera lens. My image looks modernised because of the outfit chosen, the hair and the facial expressions. The dress shows the element of jazz. Also, the pink, patterned tights portray the style of pop. Both images look very casual and relaxed which is what jazz artists portray through their music and how they carry themselves.

I have compared these two images in particular because of the positioning of the models and their facial expressions once again. As I wanted a variety of various images, I looked for more jazz music artists with different poses and expressions. This is another example of what I found. The outfits in both images look mature and elegant. Furthermore, the facial expressions are clearly happy as they both have a big smile on their faces. Their stance is on the side, which adds more variety into the poses. Whereas in my image, her face isn’t directly looking into the camera as I didn’t want my picture to be exactly like the image I found. I wanted my image to be my own creation and by the way her hands are on her hips portrays attitude once again, showing how jazz and pop bring out a mature but fun nature.

Many of the poses I wanted for my model for the Royal S story portrayed slight smiles but with a lot of maturity shown. The way she is looking at the camera is similar to the image of Amy Winehouse, a singer who has elements of jazz incorporated into her music. She usually has many of her pictures looking directly into the camera, with a hint of a smile and showing the attitude she has. Therefore, I incorporated these elements into my image to create the sense of mystery and confidence so that the audience can aspire to be like the models in the pictures.

Another pose I wanted was to create the look of happiness within the image to portray the joy and spirit of the music they are advertising. The pose is similar to the music artist, Pixie Lott, who also has elements of jazz in many of her songs, their poses are alike by the way their hands are on their hips and also, the expressions on their faces portray a big smile creating a sense of excitement. I like the way the model in my image looks to the side of the room and you can still notice how happy she looks, and the view is different as I took an overhead shot.

As Amy Winehouse is known for her jazz elements in her music, I looked at more than one of her pictures to get the inspiration from her poses. In both of these images, the vibe you get from them is the same: they show a sophisticated look but with relaxed features from the way they are standing/sitting. The poses are similar in the way that they show their attitude and maturity but also add the element of pop because they still look feminine and elegant. The images give of different vibes through the positions, facial expressions and poses. The feature I decided to put in my image was the head tilt from Amy Winehouse as I think it looks effective and looks more elegant.

I decided to research images of the music icon, Madonna for her different photo shoot images because her music is mainly pop. When I directed my photo shoot, I added certain elements from the image above to my image of one of my models. The head tilt looked effective and more unique and the way she is standing adds more poses to the image. This image also includes levels as Lucy Arday is standing up, looking away from the camera and Zac Gold is looking directly into the lens, which would grab the audience’s attention and is sitting on the stage. The levels in this image made it a good choice to use for my double page article as it is advertising their music.

Michael Buble is a modern day jazz music artist, therefore, I looked at many of his images for ideas for how I wanted my images and poses to be like. As the image has his head tilt to the side, looking directly in the camera, I decided to just use the element of the head tilt in my picture. In my image, I had both, Lucy and Zac to tilt their heads, looking in each other’s directions to make it clear to the audience that they are promoting their first single, which is a duet. Their bodies are turned to add more movement into the image, which I took the idea from this picture of Michael Buble.

This image of Pixie Lott includes levels as she is sitting down. Therefore, I took images of Lucy and Zac sitting on the stage so I had more variety of pictures to choose from. I took the idea of sitting down and Lucy is in a different position than Zac to make the image look more interesting. Also, the facial expressions in both images are similar to each other as there is only a hint of a small smile on all faces. The image of Pixie Lott is mainly portraying pop so I had to make my pictures look like they are showing pop and also, jazz. The outfits, pose and props make my image looks jazzy as well as pop which was my assignment.

Norah Jones is another modern day jazz artist and from looking at her photo shoot images, she has a softer and more natural look due to her expressions, outfits and the backgrounds that are used. This image of Zac and Lucy is a softer image than the rest that I took as they are both smiling and their eyes are focused into the camera which would attract the audience and lure them in to the magazine. I am glad that I used the microphones as props as they make the image look more musical which is what I needed as the main article is focused mainly on their first, ever single.

Corinne Bailey Rae is yet another jazz and pop artist that I researched for her images and how she advertises both jazz and pop. The use of colours in this particular image are soft and simple which could portray elements of pop, but her outfit and her facial expressions portray elements of jazz. I took features from this professional image and transferred them into my own picture using the same facial expressions. Also, the stance with how they are holding the microphones creates the musical vibe and the same way that they are looking into the camera as this makes them interact with the audience. The image looks simple and natural but also creates the image I wanted. The outfits for many of the females in their photo shoot images are mainly wearing sophisticated dresses which make them look elegant and their faces are usually looking into the camera, either smiling or having quite a serious facial expressions.

When I took this image, I wanted Lucy and Zac to show how much fun they are having and this was accomplished. I compared my image to this jazz music artist. This is because even though the lady is singing, it is extremely clear that she is enjoying herself and is really involved with her music. Therefore, these two images compared to each other are similar due to how they look and the people brighten up the image. In my image, I think it looks more poppy, however with the outfits and props, these add to the element of jazz which was my mission for all the photographs taken.

Even though, the model above (Twiggy) isn’t a music artist, I think the pose and facial expressions are really effective and stand out a lot. Resultantly, I chose this image to be compared to my image because I thought that the facial expression on Lucy’s face were similar to the other image. Both, Zac and Lucy are staring directly into the camera which makes a large impact on the image overall as it would stand out to the audience. Many of the features from Twiggy’s picture has been incorporated into my image, especially for Lucy as she has many of the same qualities as the image above.

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