my mind is set

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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My Mind is SetA Self Improvement Presentation

Understanding the Mindsets

• People predominately fall into one of two categories, a fixed or a growth mindset. These mindsets influence the way they see themselves and the world around them.

The Facts About the Mindsets

• Individuals with a fixed mindset believe success is measured by intelligence and talent.

• People with a growth mindset feel the way to achieve success is by learning and effort.

Two Steps Back?

• Someone with a fixed mindset fears failure and often does not want to risk tarnishing their reputation.

• A fixed mindset person believes that their ability peaks at a certain point and cannot go any higher.

Take One Step Forward

• For an individual with a growth mindset, being the first or the best is not as important as what they have learned along their journey.

• Even when things don't go their way, someone demonstrating a growth mindset will examine the situation to see what they can do better next time.

Something to Consider

In life, if you have a goal you want to reach and find yourself at a fork in the road, with a decision to make, do you attack the challenge head on or

do you sit by the wayside in fear of trying and being judged?

What does this quote mean to you?

• “In the growth mindset, it's almost inconceivable to want something badly, to think you have a chance to achieve it, and then to do nothing about it” – Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D

Try to Exhibit a Growth Mindset!

If there is a place you want to be or something you want to do, all that is necessary is to put forth the required

amount of effort and you will reach your goal. Knowledge and skill know no


My Mind is SetA Self Improvement Presentation

By The Thinkers

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