my portfolio by daniel my voice i am happy with my score because it is good

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 My portfolio By Daniel Slide 3 My voice Slide 4 I am happy with my score because it is good Slide 5 buddie This is my buddie one tip to be safe on the internet is dont talk to people you dont know Slide 6 Energy This term we have been learning about energy. My energy was geothermal it was a lot of fun. I learnt that there are lots of types of energy I also learnt that electricity comes from water I learnt about non renewable energy and renewable energy Pollution in increasing and we need to stop The last thing is geothermal is hot ground Slide 7 Term 1 reflection The activity I enjoyed this term was going to science works because I liked the mood room because you can do different types of moods What I learnt this term was different types of energy like geothermal and green house gases The challenge for me this term was making power points and getting them done on time My goal for next term is getting my reading groups on time Slide 8 My term goal I think I have achieved my goal because I have been getting my homework and diary on time My new goal is making sure I get my reading activities done on time

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