my story so far

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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My Story So Far

About Me

•Birthday: 12/5/1997

•Age: 17

•Ethnicity: Caucasian

•Birthplace: Webster, Texas


Mom: Sara RichDad: Philip RichSister: Allie Rich

Mom and Dad are divorced

About Me

My paternal grandparents hail from the Denton area of Texas. My father was born nearby in Texas City.

My maternal grandparents are from Pottsville, Pennsylvania. They moved quite a bit for my grandfather’s work, so my mother was born in Delaware.

About Me

I am a senior at Clear Falls High School.

Who Am I?

In one word, I am a leader. I live my life at the front of everything I do. I love to lead people, especially in difficult and challenging tasks.

I have a very driven and focused personality. I see goals and I go after them, no matter what.

I am motivated by an intense desire to attend the United States Air Force Academy and to serve my country.

Who Am I?

My boundless energy sets me apart from my peers. Even when others are dragging, I still throw myself completely into the task at hand.

I see myself as unfinished because I can always improve myself.

I feel that others see me as both a useful teammate and an annoyance because I am good at achieving success but I sometimes am insensitive to the wants and needs of others.

Whereas I look at myself as what I will be in the future, others only judge me on what they see then and there.

Strengths Weaknesses

I am a hard worker.I am very analytical.I am very good at

tasks with clear instructions.

I am insensitive to others when focused.

I don’t take people’s emotions into account.

When instructions are vague, I struggle more.

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I would like to be more personable and empathetic in my personality. It is a struggle right now for me to connect to people emotionally.

Physically, I would like to commit more fully to my diet so I can fuel my body for my athletic endeavors.

I would like to always remain passionate in everything I do.

My Values

My Values

My values can be distilled into three key facets: Integrity First Service Before Self Excellence in All I Do

These values stem from the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Core Values.

The values are important to me because the Academy is where I want to go to school, and those Core Values are how I will live my life at the Academy and in my career as an Air Force officer.

My Values

My values serve as a compass by which I make my decisions and how I choose my activities. Sometimes my values d o require me to make sacrifices, such as skipping social events to study or work on a service project. However, this is more than acceptable because it ensures that I am striving to be the best that I can be.

Most of my friends have similar values to me. We are all passionate, driven individuals with very lofty goals.

My Values

When I encounter someone with different values, I do my best to be tolerant and accepting because I recognize that my values are very intense and not a choice that everyone wants to make.

I spend all my time trying to better myself and truly exhibit service, integrity and excellence by studying, volunteering, and training.

I am smart with my money. I don’t buy anything illegal, or that I can’t afford. I save the majority of my money, and spend the rest on gas and other necessities.

My Values

My values ensure that I treat everyone equally and with respect. That is exactly what I do through volunteering and always engaging new people in conversation.




AcquaintanceMy Circle

Of Influence


Mr. Tuneberg-Voice Teacher M

r. Parsons-




- Goo





- Fell






Ben- Boys’ State


- Cow



Blake- Teammate


My mom and my dad are huge influences in my life. They constantly show me that doing things right is better than trying to rush through them or cut corners. They are absolutely positive influences in my life.

My parents are both very hardworking, which is a trait I would like to have. However, they have short tempers, which I don’t want.


Another person that influences me is my freshman AP Human Geography teacher, Mr. Parsons. He has pushed me to imagine new things and pursue far flung goals. He is impressively passionate and I want to find a job where I have that level of passion. However, his passion sometimes is impeded by his energy, which makes him a little spastic. I want to be able to have passion, but be able to control my emotions with it.

My Future

In the immediate future, I want to start a nonprofit organization in this coming year of high school.

Next year, I will ideally be enrolled in the U.S. Air Force Academy as a cadet.

5 years from now, I hope to be a commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and to be enrolled in Undergraduate Pilot Training.

10 and 20 years from now, I hope to be a senior-ranking officer in the Air Force and to go to a graduate school for either business or law, and then run for political office after I retire from active duty.

My Future

My goals are intense. They will require nothing less than superhuman efforts on my end, and more than a fair share of luck. I am preparing now with intense physical, academic, and leadership training.

Secretly, I wish to be Governor of Texas. This would be an amazing honor to serve my state.

I want people to remember me as a servant and a good man when I’m gone. I want to have accomplished real good for my family and fellow citizens.

My Future

If I couldn’t fail, I would run for President of the United States.

I want to make a difference in the lives of Americans.

My Future

I would like to get married to a woman who is strong and supportive of me and can handle my intense passions for service.

I would like 2 kids, one boy and one girl. I believe that is a good balance of being financially practical and teaching my children that sharing is necessary in life.

My Life Philosophy

If you serve the world with passion and

conviction, the world will return the favor.

My Life Philosophy

I see life as not one single person trying to force their way to happiness, but as everyone helping everyone else on the way to it. I show this view in my multiple volunteering commitments such as tutoring, writing letters to soldiers, and cleaning up trash.

I would advise later individuals in my shoes to stop and have fun. Everyone dies eventually; don’t shorten your time by overstressing.

My words of wisdom are to be passionate in everything. Passion makes everything worthwhile, and if you can’t find passion in something, you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

My Life Philosophy

My actions generally match my philosophy, but not always. I am a powerful force in my school’s service community as a tutor, NHS President, and founding member of the Litterbugs, a student organization devoted to cleaning teacher’s trash cans to reduce janitorial load, among other things. However, sometimes I catch myself going alone, ignoring the needs of others in order to meet my own personal gain.

My Mission Statement

I will give everyone respect because they are no better than me.

I will push myself to be a servant to those in need.

I will protect and defend my community, state and nation in whatever way I am called upon to do so.

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