my way mein weg

Post on 08-Nov-2021






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Next, establish how much time

and money you can spend on

your newsletter. These factors

will help determine how fre-

quently you publish the newslet-

ter and its length. It’s recom-

mended that you publish your

Lead Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 words. ing list from a company.

The purpose of a newsletter is to If you explore the Publisher cata-

provide specialized information log, you will find many publica-

to a targeted audience. Newslet- tions that match the style of your

ters can be a great way to mar- newsletter.

ket your product or service, and

also create credibility and build

your organization’s identity

among peers, members, employ-

ees, or vendors.

First, determine the audience of

the newsletter. This could be

anyone who might benefit from newsletter at least quarterly so

the information it contains, for Cthaatpitti’os ncodnesisdcerriebdinagcpoincstisutreent

example, employees or people osorugrcreapohf iicn.formation. Your

interested in purchasing a prod- customers or employees will

uct or requesting your service. look forward to its arrival.

You can compile a mailing list

from business reply cards, cus-

tomer information sheets, busi-

ness cards collected at trade

shows, or membership lists. You

might consider purchasing a mail-

Secondary Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. way, the headline will help you

Your headline is an important keep the story focused.

part of the newsletter and should Examples of possible headlines

be considered carefully. include Product Wins Industry

In a few words, it should accu- Award, New Product Can Save

rately represent the contents of You Time!, Membership Drive

the story and draw readers into Exceeds Goals, and New Office

the story. Develop the headline Opens Near You.

before you write the story. This



MY WAY V O L U M E 1, I S S U E 1


2 0 1 7 / 2018







T H I S I S S U E :

Aus meiner Schule or from my school: the facts,

interviews and notes

Friends abroad or Unsere

Freunde im Ausland

Berufe and Professional Orientation Series:

interviews, how to write a CV and cover letters,

key phrases in German

Unsere Schule und

Aktivitäten or our school and some activities

Bunte Seite & Fun Stuff

Kunstwerke: young artists

in our school

Unsere Klassenreise or

field trip reports

The sports pages


Welcome to the first issue of the annual school magazine My Way/Mein Weg.

The main purpose of this publication is to offer our readers an inside view of

some important events and extra-curricular life in Primary School Stevan

Jakovljević and to present our students' work. The first edition of the magazine

My Way/Mein Weg has been both a difficult task and an enjoyable experience.

Whether you are a student, a teacher, a parent, a former staff member or just a

friend of the school, we believe you will find this magazine well worth your time.

There are many advantages of learning two or several languages, and

overcoming language barriers can certainly increase the likelihood of

intercultural knowledge and friendship, so in this issue of our school magazine

we offer the texts written both in English and German. Also, a part of this issue is

in Serbian because we want to stress the importance of our native tongue.

On behalf of the magazine team, we would like to thank everybody who

contributed. We hope you will enjoy reading My Way/Mein Weg!

The editorial team:

Ljiljana Marković

Saša Vekić



ie Stadt Paraćin befindet sich 150 kilometer

südlich von Belgrad, in der Nähe von der

Autobahn. In der Gemeinde Paraćin gibt es acht

Grundschulen und eine von diesen ist die Schule

„Stevan Jakovljević”.

Die Grundschule „Stevan Jakovljević” ist im Jahre

1963 gegeründet, aber die kleine Dorschulen in Dörfen

Glavica und Davidovac, die heutzutage zu ihr gehören,

existieren noch länger. In diesen Dorfschulen lernen

die Kinder seit dem Jahre 1922, bzw. 1931. Überigens,

die Schule trägt seit immer die Name von Stevan

Jakovljević, der ein bekannter Schriftsteller Serbiens,

Wissenschaftler und Professor an der Universität war.

Herr Jakovljević hat zahlreiche Werke aus dem Fach

Biologie geschrieben und er hat in mehreren

literarischen Büchern die Mühe der serbischen Armee

im Ersten Weltkrieg, in dem er selbst teilgenommen

hat, beschrieben.

Die Grundschule „Stevan Jakovljević” hat gegen 535

Scüler und Schülerinen. Im Rahmen der Schule arbeitet

auch die Schule für die behinderte Kinder, die zur Zeit

12 gibt. Die Schule organisiert den verlängerten

Aufenthalt für die Kidner, dessen Eltern den ganzen

Tag arbeiten.

Die Schule hat 52 Lehrer und Lehrerinen, eine

Pädagogin, drei Angestellte in der Administration, wie

auch Hilf- und Technikkräfte. In der Schule

funktioniert die Schülerküche. Als erste Fremdsprache

lernen die Scülerin Englisch und als zweite

Französisch oder Deutsch. In der Schule gibt es

mehrere Kunst-, Literarisch- und Sportsektionen, die

die ausgezeichnete Leistungen zeigen. Die

Wettbewerbe in Sebien und in der Ehemaligen

Republik Jugoslawien zeigten, dass unsere Schüler

zwischen den besten in den Gebieten: Mathematik, Literatur, Physik, Schachspiel, Bilogie, Malerei, Shießsport, Gymnastik und Basketball sich befinden. In der Schule organiziert man verschiedene Malerausstellungen, literarische Tage, die Handwerkausstellungen und wissenschaftliche Vortäge. Zahlereiche serbische Kinderschriftsteller besuchten die Schule und sie war ein guter Gastgeber für mehrere Schülerwettbewerde und Lehrerseminare, wiel die Schulleitung die Lehrerfortbildung für ganz wichtig halt. Deswegen besuchen die Lehrkräfte jedes Jahr die Buchmasse in Belgrad. Die Schule hat eine fleißige Schulleiterin Snežana Tanić, die mit allen Mitarbeiterinnen ganz gute

Zusammenarbeit hat. Die Schule organisiert in diesem Schuljahr den serbischen Wettbewerb im Basketball für Mädchen. Die Vorbereitungen für diesen Wettbewerb sind gründlich und rechtzeitig. Die Schule feiert jedes Jahr am 7. Dezember denSchultag. An die sem Tag ist Stevan Jakovljevićgeboren. Herr Jakovljević wäre stolz auf die

Leistungen der Schule und auf die Schüler,die heutebekannt sind (zwei Professoren, davon ein arbeitet inDeutschland, sechs Dichter und mehrere gutensportlerm die auch in der USA erflogreich sind ). Die Schule „Stevan Jakovljević” findet die moderne

Technologie, Hilfsmittel und Informatik ganz wichtig und stattet die Klassenzimmer damit aus. Diese Schule ist eine der besten und erflogreichsten Schulen im Gebiet Pomoravlje und in Serbien und hat sicher eine schöne Zukunft.







he school was named after the well-

known Serbian writer, scientist and

university professor Stevan Jakovljević

(Knjaževac, 7 December 1890 —

Beograd, 2 November 1962). He was the

author of numerous papers on issues in

biological sciences and writer of many literary

works in which he depicted the suffering and

valour of the Serbian people during World

War One. The birthday of Stevan Jakovljević ,

7th December, is celebrated as the School

Day every year.


Dobro došli!




The School Principal:

Snežana Tanić


Direktorka škole:

Snežana Tanić

Andrej Đukić, Filip Marković,

Jovan Radovanović


Šta ste želeli da postanete kada ste bili


„U tom mlađem periodu najviše sam

razmišljala o tome da budem arhitekta, neko

ko ce da gradi zgrade i kuće i neke objekte

modernog stila, ali sam imala usmeravanje

od mojih nastavnika i profesora da budem

nastavnica matematike zato sto sam najvise

interesovanja iskazivala za matematiku i

onda se na kraju i to ostvarilo, ali nisam

postala profesor matematike nego profesor

fizike. Jednostavno kad sam počela da

proučavam fiziku shvatila sam da me fizika

više interesuje zato sto se fizika bazira na

eksperimentima a mene je to više zanimalo.“

Da li vas posao direktorke ispunjava i da

li ste zadovoljni kako vidite sebe?

„Da ovo je interesantan posao, posao koji se

sastoji iz mnogo različitih segmenata u

odnosu na moj primarni posao profesora

fizike, i u nasem sistemu obrazovanja ne

postoji forma za direktora škole i morate

sami kroz iskustva drugih direktora koji su

pre mene radili ovaj posao, da prosto

osmišljavate i kreirate svoj posao. Ja najviše

pažnje posvećujem onome što je lepo u

ovom poslu i to me ispunjava. A da li je

posao direktora lak? Iskreno nije. Najlepši

deo ovog posla mi je u školi pre svega sa

učenicima i kolegama a ono sto me malo

vise opterećuje to su oni poslovi koji se rade

sa drugim ustanovama van škole zato sto je

neophodno da sa njima sarađujem.“

Da li ste oduvek želeli da radite sa


„Nisam u ranijoj mladosti o tome razmišljala

pošto sam u početku rekla nešto o arhitekturi

ali obzirom na to usmeravanje koje sam

imala od mojih profesora ja sam nekako

počela da razmišljam o tom radu. Moj uzor

mi je pre svega bila moja učiteljica a potom

i nastavnica matematike u osnovnoj i

srednjoj školi. Počela sam i da se bavim baš

razmišljanjem o tome da ću da radim sa

decom i tada sam počela da čitam dečiju

psihologiju. Tako da sam u mladosti u tom

uzrastu od petnaestak godina počela

intenzivno da čitam deciju psihologiju, ne

jer sam imala neki predmet koji to zahteva

već iz sopstvenog interesovanja, što me je na


kraju dovelo do ovde gde sada jesam, a to je

najlepši posao“

Kako našu školu vidite u budućnosti?

„ Našu školu u budućnosti vidim kao školu

koja će imati svoju autonomiju koja će

zakonski biti definisana. Naša škola, takođe,

učestvuje u fakultativnom programu na temu

informacione tehnologije i robotike sa MEŠ

školom, i ja u tom smeru i vidim budućnost

naše škole, da se uvek bavi onim

najsavremenijim trendovima, a u ovom

momentu su to informacione tehnologije u

okviru fakultativnog programa. Naš cilj je

da naša škola po tome i bude prepoznatljiva.

Sve je to počelo tako sto smo čitali

istraživanja koja se rade na zapadu gde je

recimo putem istraživanja dokazano da deca

od prvog razreda treba da se zainteresuju za

ovu oblast jer koliko god da je to trenutno

aktuelno u svetu jos uvek nije dovoljno, i

mali broj ljudi zaista zna o čemu je reč, kada

govorimo o informacionim tehnologijama.

Mi hoćemo da ta istraživanja iskoristimo i

da i mi, naravno, uspemo da osavremenimo

taj fakultativni program i po tome budemo

prepoznatljivi u našem gradu, a i ne samo to,

već na taj način zajedno sa MEŠ-om želimo

da damo podršku našoj zajednici, dakle, ne

da kao škola mi uvek očekujemo podršku od

zajednice, već da je i mi njoj pružimo,

naravno, kroz našu osnovnu delatnost, a to

je vaspitanje i obrazovanje mladih.“

Po vašem mišljenju, po čemu se naša

škola najviše razlikuje od drugih?

„Naša škola se razlikuje od drugih po etosu.

Etos je međuljudski odnos, dakle, po tome

prvo, a zatim se razlikujemo i po tome što se

bavimo takozvanim novim pristupom

nastavi, a to je takozvani razvoj

kompetencije kod učenika, onda se

razlikujemo po tome što više od drugih

škola razvijamo digitalne kompetencije kod

dece, po tome što pokušavamo da naša

saradnja sa učenicima, između nastavnika i

učenika, bude bazirana na partnerskim

osnovama, dakle, da vas osnažimo, da vas

naučimo da imate svoj stav, da ga branite i

da imate reference da taj stav mozete da

proveravate i upoređujete sa drugima. I za

kraj, jedna rečenica koju sam izgovorila a

kasnije je i zapisala, obilazeci osmi razred,

a naravno za nju ste me svi vi motivisali, a

ona glasi: Učinite sve za sebe da osetite

zadovoljstvo uspeha. To bi bilo to, hvala

vam na ovom divnom intervjuu.”

Nikolina Milanović: My Classroom



Predrag Stojanović,

The Former Head Teacher of

Our School

‘Believe in yourself and never give up

on what you want’

Milica Ranđelović


tevan Jakovljević Primary School has

had many successful head teachers.

One of them was Predrag Stojanović

(72) who is retired now, and we talked with

him about his experience as a head teacher.

How long had you been working at this


“At first, I had been a teacher for 40 years. I

had taught children aged between 7 and 11;

and then, I became the head teacher and

worked at this school for another 10 years.”

How difficult was it to be a head teacher?

Did you have a highly responsible


“Being a head teacher was very difficult and

you had to be very responsible. I always

tried to respect the rights of students and, of

course, the teachers.”

Which job was more difficult, being a

teacher or head teacher?

“Well, both of these jobs were very

demanding, but my job as a head teacher

was more complex. You had to manage all

the documents, students and staff. Also, you

had to organize competitions and make

school better for students. So it was very

difficult and strenuous.”

It seems that you deserved full credit for

the success of this school…

“The students deserved full credit for the

success. This school won 4th place at its

first eighth grade testing.”

If you could, what would you do to

improve our education now?

“I would change a lot of things. I would

implement smaller class size in schools; I

would improve friendship between students

and teachers and working conditions in

schools as as well.”

Which advice would you give to me and

my friends at the end of the eighth grade?

“Well, first, you should listen to yourselves,

and then the others… Believe in yourself

and never give up on what you want.”





Orientation Series

Dr. Miljan Jovančević

‘It is very important to enhance

your self-confidence’

Dimitrije Grozdanović


uring our final year in school, we

were talking a lot about our future

career choices. Those choices were

different, and the students were thinking

about many and various professions. Some

of them wanted to become doctors,

architects, sportsmen, IT experts,

anthropologists… I am interested in

medicine, so I decided to interview a

pathologist Dr. Miljan Jovančević.

Why did you choose to be a pathologist?

“I like researching this field of medicine and

I think it is very exciting and interesting.

When I started working as a doctor, I

worked in accident and emergency (A&E).

Back then, I was interested in diagnostic

medicine. Although, diagnostic medicine

and pathology were not related to my

previous work in the accident and

emergency unit; I started thinking about it as

an opportunity for the future specialization

so I chose pathology considering the fact

that I was very interested in this type of

diagnostic medicine. When I was thinking

about specializations, there weren’t many

choices…that’s why I decided to study


Can you, please, describe your job?

“I have to examine samples of tissues under

the microscope and establish the right

diagnosis. Pathology offers an objective way

of thinking without any doubts or any “what

ifs”. So, it certainly requires some accuracy,

punctuality, and it is an exciting and very

interesting profession. On the other hand, for

a right diagnosis you have to work hard and

be as hard-working as you can.”

When did you start thinking about this


“I hadn’t thought about pathology until I

finished medical school. First when I started

working as a general practitioner, I didn’t

have a vision of what would be my future

specialization, unlike my colleagues who

already had known what they would

specialize. So, the idea of pathology came to

me after I had finished the college, and after

I had thought about some other professions,

which helped me choose more easily.”

Was it hard for you at the beginning?

“Yes, it was very hard for me because I was

working on my own and there weren’t some

other colleagues to help me with my work.

In this medical field, at first you don’t

believe in yourself, and it is very important

to enhance your self-confidence. When I

needed some extra help, I turned to my

Professor of Pathology at the University,

and he was very helpful. In the beginning, I

was not confident about my diagnostic



abilities, and I approached the University

with a request for more help so I avoided

misdiagnosis. Later, I gained the self-

confidence I needed and continued to do my

work successfully, of course, with some help

from the University.”

What does pathology investigate?

“Pathology is the science of the causes and

effects of diseases. It deals with changes in

body tissues and organs, caused by different

illnesses. The medical examination

procedure performed in diagnostic

pathology is biopsy; it involves extraction of

different sample tissues from a living body

performed to establish the right diagnosis. It

is performed to determine whether patient is

suffering from an illness. Also, there is a

post-mortem examination — autopsy — to

determine the cause of death. It can be

performed by a pathologist or medical

examiner. There is a difference between

them: the medical examiner’s task would be

to perform an autopsy if a death is deemed

suspicious or violent.”

What is the task of the pathologist?

“Making the correct diagnosis which will

lead to further medical treatment. When the

right diagnosis is established, doctors choose

the treatment with which they will proceed.

There are two methods of diagnosing:

firstly, identifying the type of disease by the

tissue sampling method; another method

involves taking a piece of an organ, which is

then delivered to me, so that I can determine

the stage of the disease. The stage of the

disease is the key factor influencing

treatment decision-making.”

What personal qualities should a

pathologist have?

“Pathology is the area of medicine which is

very intellectually demanding. It requires

self-discipline, which is very important.

Also, it is important to be very hard-working

and intellectually strong, and to be able to

understand the observed images. Every

pathologist should always be willing to learn

something new and always be curious. That

is something that cannot be taught; it can

only be achieved if you love what you do.”

Key words: doctor, medicine, pathology,

analysis, diagnosis, biopsy, tissue, sample,

treatment, laboratory, research, science.



Biljana Đukić, a skier

Andrej Đukić


This is another interesting story about

successful sportswomen in Serbia. It was

our great pleasure to interview Biljana


Biljana, you have been involved in sport

for the whole of your life, haven’t you?

“Yes, that's right.”

When did you start skiing?

“My parents were professional skiers, and

they had a great influence on me. I started

skiing when I was only four years old.”

What were the ski conditions at the time?

“It was very hard. We had to travel very

often to find suitable snow coverage. If you

want to be professional you have to ski all

the year round.”

You achieved great success as a

competitor, didn't you?

“Yes, in 2002, I won the Balkans slalom

championship; and I won many Serbian

championships. Also, I was the Serbian

Olympic team member in 1992 and 1994.”

You won the Balkans Championship, and

then you decided to end your career.

“Yes, that’s right. I wanted to raise my

child, and it was my first priority. I was 28

years old.”

Do your plans for the future include


“I will ski only for recreation. Also, I have

my own ski club which I run with my

husband. Members of the club are of all

ages. Every year we organize ski camps for


Thank you for being our guest today!

“Thank you, it was my pleasure!”



The sports girl of the

year: Emilija Savić

Filip Marković


milija Savić is the 8th grade

student who has practiced

rhythmic gymnastics for ten

years. She is a very successful rhythmic

gymnast so we interviewed her for this

issue of our school magazine.

How old were you when you started


“I went into my first training when I was

five years old, and it was at my mother’s


How often do you practice to achieve

your great results?

“It depends on how big the competition is,

and on average, I train three or four times

a week. The training lasts for two hours

and it is sometimes very hard and


Which countries and cities where you

took part in competitions did you visit?

“I visited so many countries and cities. My

favourite competitions are the ones which

take place in Pécs, Hungary, and Sarajevo,

Bosna and Herzegovina. My favourite

competitions in Serbia take place in

Belgrade and Novi Sad.”

Is it hard for you to do it, and how

much free time do you have?

“Yes, it is really hard and sometimes very

exhausting, also, I don’t have enough free

time, but, on the other hand, I really enjoy

it, so it is not a problem for me.”



Professional Orientation Series

CV: A brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous occupations Source: English, Oxford Living Dictionaries,

CV (Curriculum vitae - the course of one’s life)

Name and Surname

Address e-mail, phone

Education (years) Work Experience (years) Additional Skills (languages, IT skills, etc.) Interests and Activities



Writing a CV:

Always be clear and concise

Put the most important information first

Give examples

Pay attention to spelling

Your teachers can help you; also, there are many examples on the Internet

Writing a Cover Letter:

To express your interest

To show you are the best candidate

To describe your qualifications

Describe your skills and previous jobs



Was machen Sie beruflich?

der Programmierer

der Bäcker

die Taxifahrerin

die Sekretärin

der Automechaniker

der Bankangestellte

die Kellnerin

die Krankenschwester

der Lehrer, die Lehrerin

der Musiker, die Musikerin

der Schauspieler,

die Schauspielerin

der Arzt, die Ӓrztin

nach dem Beruf fragen:

Was sind Sie von Beruf?

Was machen Sie beruflich?

Was machst du beruflich?

Was ist dein Beruf?

Und was machst du?

seinen Beruf nennen: Ich bin...

Ich bin...von Beruf

Ich arbeite als...



Professional Orientation Series Notes___

Petra Arsić

Petar Ranđelović







My name is Milosh Starchevich. My dad is

from Belgrade and my mom is from Paraćin. I

was born in New York City back in 2004. I

currently go to intermediate (secondary)

school PS128, and I am in 7th grade. My

younger sister Sofia, who is 7 years old,

attends the same school and she is in 2nd grade.

In NYC, up until the fifth grade every school

year children get a different teacher, and we

are assigned into the new class with new

classmates. The sixth grade students are

grouped together mostly according to their

academic performance, and at that point we

have the same classmates, but each class is

taught by a different teacher. Each year we

get a new Homeroom teacher too.

Throughout the school year my English and

Math teachers spend a great deal of time

preparing us for the end of the year

Standardized State Exam. Every year we take

this exam in Math and English Language, and

in fourth and eighth grade in Science, and

Spanish. The score you get on this exam, along

with your grades in all other classes

determines your next school year class

assignment. The highest score you can get is

4.50. Based on this scale the class assignments

are made, such as remedial program (RP),

Standard Program (SP), and advanced or

accelerated program (AP). This year I am in

the accelerated program where academic

expectations are the highest. My class is also

called Honors Class. Part of the requirement

for this class, aside from keeping good grades

throughout the whole school year, good

behavior, and attendance, is that before the

end of the school year we have to collect at

least 40 hours of community service. This

means that I have to volunteer to help other

people and get written note that proves my

service for them. Sharing my story with you is

also one of the activities where my time is

dedicated to you, and your school paper.

Aside from Science and Math, my favorite

subject is Technology. This year technology is

lots of fun as we are focusing on learning how


to build our own webpage. Another favorite

subject this year is the Spanish language. This

is my third language as I understand and

speak the Serbian language too.

My least favorite subject is Social Studies – I

believe in Serbia that would be History. In 7th

grade we get homework every night and

weekly tests and quizzes to assess what we

have learned. Grades are given as a percent

with 65 being a passing grade, and 100 the

highest grade. In lower grades teachers use

numbers from 1- 4, where 1 is passing, 2

approaching, 3 grade level, and 4 above grade


After school I like to stay in the schoolyard

and play basketball with my friends. I like

music too, mostly rock. Every Friday after

school hours, I have a guitar lesson. My guitar

teacher comes to my home and teaches me

how to play the acoustic and electric guitar.

Aside from school activities I like sports. I

practice track and field, and run for my school

team - you guys call it athletics. I can run a

mile (1.6 km) in 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and

4 miles (6.4 km) in 22 minutes and 16 seconds.

Last year I got 3rd place in NYC for running a

mile with kids 12 years or younger. NYC is

surrounded by water. It is on the coast of the

Atlantic Ocean, and on the banks of the

Hudson river. Maybe that is why I like

swimming. I have been swimming since I was 5

years old. My father helps me a lot since he is

the swimming coach. However, most of all I

love tennis. As many of you guys started

watching tennis because of Đoković, I became

obsessed with it too. I have been practicing

tennis since third grade and have competed in

many tournaments on the NYC local level. I

have got more than a few trophies, and

looking forward to win more.

I hope that I was able to tell you a little bit

about my life in NYC. I am looking forward to

reading your articles and learning more about

your school life and after school interests.

Best regards,


Milosh Starchevich



Ein Brief aus der Schweiz

Hallo! Ich bin Gordana Vukić, Ich wohne seit 2 Jahren in der Schweiz. Mein Leben in der Schweiz

ist seht interessant. Hier haben wir sehr viele Parks und Spielplätze. Wir haban nur eine Schule in

Bachenbülach. Ich gehe in die A. Klasse. Meine Klassenlehrerin heisst Livia Jucker. In meiner

neuen Klasse habe ich sehr viele neue Freunde gefunden. Mein Schulzimmer ist total gross. Wir

haben sehr viele Posters auf den Wänden. Wir haben so viele Fächer: Deutsch, Mathe,

Handerbeit, Sport, Englisch, Musik und bald Französisch. Von 1. bis 8. Klasse haben wir nur

Blätter als Hausaufgaben oder als Übung in der Schule. Wir müssen unsere Bücher auch nicht

bezahlen, wir bekommenn es von der Schule. Wie ihr wisst, haben wir einen Sportag. An diesem

Tag müussen die Unterstufne 60 Meter rennen, Weitsprung, Hochsprung springen. Die

Mitelstufe muss 400 Meter rennen auch wie die Unterstufe. In meiner Freizeit kann ich die

Freizeitkurse besuchen, mit Freunden abmachen, drausen spielen. In der Schweiz gefällt es mir

nicht, weil ich manchmal wegen der Schule um 6:00 Uhr aufstehen muss. Aber es gefällt mir,

weil wir erst um 8:20 Uhr Schule haben.



Ein Brief aus Deutschland

Also, alle wissen, dass ich in Deutschland lebe. Meine Stadt ist Hattershem, in der Nähe von

Frankfurt am Main. Ich bin Milica Ralić und ich komme aus Paraćin. Ich bin in Deutschland schon

fast 2 Jahre. Meine Schule heißt Heinrich-Böll Schule, sie ist riesieg.Die Schule hat die Schüler

von 6. Klasse bis 13. Klasse. Einige Klassen haben 9 Klassenzimmer. Nach der 10. Klasse kannst

du in die Oberstrufe gehen oder Ausbidung machen und nach 3 Jahren kannst du arbeiten. Nach

der Oberstufe kannst du an die Uni gehen. In Deutschland ist sehr schön und interessant, aber es

ist auch sehr schwer und ich hasse hier das Wetter. Fast immer regnet es. Ich bin jetzt 9.

Klasse.Der Klassenlehrer von 9R3 (meine Klasse) heißst Hr Lapp. Er ist sehr nett und freundlich.

Ich habe bei ihm 4 Stunden jeden Montag. In der Schule haben wir immer 2 Stunden von einem

Fach. Nach der 2. Stunde haben wir eine Pause. Die Pause dauert 20 Minuten. Meine Klasse ist

sehr groß. Es gibt 33 Schüler. Alle Kinder sind sehr sympahtisch und fleißig. Sie sind nett zu mir.

Hausaufgaben haben wir fast immer. Selten sind die Hausaufgaben schwer,aber wenn wir

Hausaufgaben machen, bekommen wir einen Plus. Das ist gut, weil wir dann bessere Noten

haben. Hier in Deutschland ist die beste Note 1 und die schlechteste ist 6. Im ersten Schuhljahr

hatte ich 2 in Englisch und 1 in Mathe, Deutsch und Sport.




Hi! My name is Nađa Draganović. I am 14 years old, and I am from Serbia, but I have lived in Sweden for almost two years.

I live in the capital city, Stockholm. I can say that there are many differences between these two countries; for example in the educational systems: there are nine grades in Swedish primary schools. When the students finish high school, they usually choose between going to university or finding a job. Students from all over the world come to Swedish schools, and teachers are just like your friends. In Serbia grades are numerical but in Sweden they are alphabetical. Also, every student gets a lap top at my school, and we don’t have to read only paper books. There are many holidays in Sweden, so we don’t go to school for a couple of days every month.

The Swedes are very nice, they always want to talk to you and help you. They like “fika”; it is Swedish for a coffee break —sometimes several times a day — with colleagues, friends or family;also, it is a significant part of the Swedish tradition. In my spare time, I like going out with my friends, and I spend a lot of time with my family as well. The Swedish language is very interesting, and I love it, especially because it has some unusual letters: å, ä, ö. Swedish films are good and there are many really good actors here; Swedish musicians are great and successful around the world as well. I really love Gamla Stan, or the Old Town, the medieval city center; you can see beautiful old buildings there and stroll the narrow cobblestone streets full of people. Sweden’s oldest amusement park Gröna Lund is not far away, so you can spend a memorable day there as well. I hope you will visit Stockholm some day and see all these interesting things.

Best regards,

Nađa Draganović

1 18


Mina Tošić

Today was just an ordinary day in my school. I had to get up early again, at 7a.m., in order to get ready for my classes. The first class was English and it started at 8 a.m. The mid-morning recess was at 8.45h, and today I stayed in the classroom to talk with my friends. I really enjoy the time I spend here so I think this is the best school in my town.

The downstairs classroom window in the early morning hours


Filip Veljković

My school is considered to be the best in Paraćin. We have a great digital classroom (and we call it Samsung). I always enjoy the time I spend there because we use tablets instead of books. A couple of days ago, in this classroom, two young teachers were telling us about the new recycling bins in our school. Actually, it wasn't a big deal; I mean, we had already read the instructions supplied! Anyway, we got some nice “Healthy Kids” T-shirts from our ecology project teachers. Also, one more important thing: we have a great friendship here so the time just flies...

The alternative Christmas tree made out of plastic bottles (and the new recycling bins!)


Mina Šubarević ♫

Today was a great day at school. I got a B in Maths, and an A in Biology as well. Also, we had a great time in the schoolyard! We had played football and some time afterwards we took a seat on the bench and talked. My class is really the best. My fellow classmates say that we always have to help each other and try to be good friends. We all hang out together. We even go on vacations together. I hope we will still have close friendships when we finish the primary school. P.S. I have been playing the violin for seven years now. My favourite composers are Vivaldi and Sarasate.

Maša Icić There are twenty students in my class, 7/1. There are more boys than girls in the class, but it's O.K.! Sometimes we take part in competitions, and sometimes, we go together on field trips and enjoy picnics. My friends Mina, Lena, Ivana, and Darija are my squad called Winx. I love them so much! Well, my school is pretty much cool, and the teachers are quite good. I love to be here.

The space to be creative and artistic: autumn, fall, der Herbst, jesen...


Sara Obradović A day at school: a few notes… Today was just another pretty much interesting day at school... In history class we talked about Turkish victories in the Middle Ages. Later, in maths class, we got the test results.

We did the maths test yesterday and...yeah! I scored 100 points and got an excellent mark. Also, in physics class, we learned how to draw diagrams. English was so interesting today: we talked about Australian culture, history, animals, cities... In Serbian class the main topic of conversation was Desanka Maksimović's poem “Strepnja” (Anxiousness). It is a wonderful poem and Desanka was so sensitive and honest. Finally, our informatics class: we learned how to download audio and video from the Internet.

In the school corridor…


Ana Milojević

My school is pretty much cool, and we have lots of great teachers. Also, I can say that my class isreally special; well, I think that it is characterized by a lack of proper discipline. We are sometimesunbelievable. In math class, we are so quiet, but that’s because out math teacher is so strict. Everybody really loves PE and Art. Well, geography is just OK, but I prefer biology, English andGerman. Biology is totally fun and easy to understand, English is interesting and easy as well, andGerman is…hmm…I’m not so sure but I guess that I like it because I’m good at foreign languages (and I don’t mean to brag here). I like to be open-minded and learn new things and that’s why I like taking part in extracurricularactivities. I joined the school choir and the basketball team. I have extra English classes, and I have joinedthe book club as well. I absolutely hate group projects because you can’t really rely on others. However, I have some truly good friends and great classmates here.

Here you are, thank you, excuse me, please, sorry…


Artistic skills in the school: some nice masks

Dušan Banzić

The way I usually start my day

If we go to school in the morning (8 a.m.) I wake up at 7 a.m. and then I quickly get dressed and have breakfast. When our classes start at 2 p.m. I also set my alarm for 7 a.m. but then I just turn it off and sleep a little bit longer.

Well, something about the school…

I like our digital classroom where we can learn more efficiently; that’s one of the reasons this school is better than all other schools in this town. The most interesting time of the year for me is in summer when kids from English speaking countries come here, and we hang out with them and play some





Lena Jovanović

Aus meinem Tagebuch (Schule und Freunde)

Mein liebes Tagebuch,

ich habe dir lange nicht geschrieben. Es tut mir leid.

Heute ist Mittwoch. Mittwochs habe ich fünf Stunden. Ich hatte zwei Stunden

Werke, Mathe, Geo und Bio. Es war sehr lustig, weil ich eine super Klasse habe!!!

Wir haben den ganzen Tag gelacht. In den ersten zwei Stunden haben wir kleine

Häuser von unserer Stadt gegemacht. Maša, Ivana, Đole, Boki, Stefan und ich

haben unsere Schule und Schulhof gemacht. Unsere kleine Stadt sieht super aus.

In der Mathestunde waren wir fleißig. Wir haben viele Aufagben gerechnet. Die

interessanteste Stunde war heute Geo. Die Lehrerin hat uns gefragt, aber

niemand hat alles gelernt. Antworten waren sehr lustig und wir haben viiiiiiel

gelacht, aber die Lehrerin war sauer und sie wollte nicht mit uns sprechen. Dann,

in der fünften Stunde, haben wir interessante Texte über die Tiere gelesen. Dann

sind wir nach Hause gagangen. Es war eine Gruppe von dreizehn Freunden. Wir

haben auf der Straße gelacht und alle haben uns gesehen. Es war eine super Zeit

und ich war glücklich!!! Ich liebe meine Schule und meine Freunde und


Deine Lena ♥



Andrej Medić

Mein Leben in der Schule

Meine Schule heiβt Stevan

Jakovljevic. Sie ist schön und gut.

Meine Noten sind gut. Meine Lehrer

sint streng, gut und humorvoll. Ich

gehe in die 7. Klasse.

Mein Klassenlehrer ist Zoran. Er

unterrichtet Serbisch. Er ist humorvoll

und geduldig. Meine Lieblingsfächer

sind Deutch und English. Meine

besste Freunden sind Lazar, Đina,

Nemanja und Vuk. Sie sind tolerant,

unruhig und energisch.Ich habe keine

Probleme in der Schule. Ich lerne und

spreche gern. In der Pause spiele ich

Fuβball. Physik ist schwer.

Meine Freunden sagen, dass Schule,

langwailig und schwer ist. Aber ich

denke, dass Schule toll und super ist.

Das Lernen macht mir Spaβ. Ich liebe



The 8th grade field trip

report: the itinerary and


Lea Leković and Vasilija Petrović

e went on the field trip on 28

and 29 October 2016. Early in

the morning, most students of

the 8th grade were in front of the school. We

said goodbye to our parents and set off. It was

cloudy, but the weather got better later on.

Our first destination was the monastery of

Krušedol, and then we went to Sremski

Karlovci. That town surprised us greatly

because of its rich history. Our guide told us

about the history of Karlovci, the town’s

gymnasium and the famous fountain called

"Four Lions".

Then we went to Novi Sad, and visited

Petrovaradin square. We were really tired

and hungry so we had lunch at the hotel

"Vojvodina". Also, we had some free time to

look around the city. At the end of the day

we arrived in Subotica and stayed at a very

nice hotel. Later on, we got ready and went

to a disco. We had fun and a great time


The next morning we went to visit the

centre of Subotica, and then we headed for

Palić. We saw a beautiful zoo there, and

Lake Palić as well. After that, we set off for

Paraćin. We arrived feeling exhausted but

also very happy.

This field trip was a great and valuable

experience; we learned some new things

and after all we had such a lovely time.



Miloš Pavlović


Tamara Stanojević


Katarina Ranđelović


Marija Veličković


Filip Marković


Lea Leković


Isidora Živadinović


Miloš Jevtić


Nađa Markićević


Miloš Jevtić

Miloš Jevtić



Birds in the Neighbourhood

Maša Vugdelija is only 9 years old and she is an excellent

photographer. She has developed a special interest in birds.

White Stork



Black Redstart


European Turtle Dove


Eurasian Tree Sparrow


Long-eared Owl


Marsh Tit









and more…



English und Deutsch


Now, some friendly birds in the corridor!








Mother: "Did you enjoy your first day at school?" Girl: "First day? Do you mean I have to go back tomorrow? "I was born in California." "Which part?"

"All of me." "Aber Herr Ober, der Kaffee ist ja kalt!" "Gut, dass Sie mir das sagen, mein Herr! Eiskaffee kostet nämlich einen Euro mehr ..."

"Aber Herr Ober, der Kaffee ist ja kalt!" "Gut, dass Sie mir das sagen, mein Herr! Eiskaffee kostet nämlich einen Euro mehr ..."

"Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?"

"No, I'm sorry I don't."

"Well, it's two blocks this way, then one block to the left."

Lehrer zum Schüler: ''Für diese Frechheit schreibst Du hundert Mal, 'Ich bin ein fauler Kerl' und lässt es anschließend von Deinem Vater unterschreiben!''

Der Deutschlehrer fragt Bini: "Was ist das für ein Fall, wenn du sagst: Das Lernen macht mir Freude?" Bini überlegt nicht lange: "Ein seltener, Herr Lehrer."

Teacher: Did your father help you with your homework?

Student: No, he did it all by himself.

Friseur: "Ihr Haar wird langsam grau!" Kunde: "Kein Wunder bei

Ihrem Arbeitstempo!"

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?" TEACHER:" Of course not." PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework." Ein Bergsteiger beim Einkauf: "Ich benötige Unterhosen." Der Verkäufer: "Lange?"

Der Bergsteiger: "Ich will sie kaufen - und nicht mieten."

A rule of grammar: double negatives are a no-no.






house...Haus! winter...Winter! grü

school...Schule? English...Englisch(e)? banana...Banane!

mehr...more? dann...then?!! fish...Fisch! go...gehen?

erst...first? May...Mai? April...April! lamp...Lampe!

wann...when? rain...regen? Bär…bear!

neun...nine! Juni...June? bed...Bett? gray…grau?

twelve... zwölf Freitag…Friday come…kommen

leicht...light! welcome…willkommen! sing...singen? light...Licht?! Earth...Erde?

braun...brown! summer...Sommer? hello...hallo speak...sprechen?

Dezember...December! good...gut! hear... hören

kalt...cold? warm...warm?

land...Land! Gitarre...guitar? the World...die Welt?

friend…Freund…Freundin! night...Nacht! haben...nave?

my...mein...meine? red...rot?

Nase...nose? schwimmen...swim?

music...Musik! tomato...Tomate! salad...Salat!

Straße...street! water...Wasser?! wolf...Wolf!




Z E I T!



home on the pig’s back: having successfully achieved one's objective.

flat out like a lizard drinking: going or working as hard or as fast as possible.

in the cactus: in difficulty or trouble.

draw the crabs: Attract unwanted attention.

a fair cow: A particularly unpleasant or difficult situation or thin.

like a stunned mullet: dazed and uncomprehending.

(as) mad as a gum tree full of galahs: crazy, irrational, completely mad.

dingo’s breakfast: no breakfast at all.

come the raw prawn: attempt to deceive.

kick the tin: contribute money to a cause.




Bockety: unsteady, wobbly

Pishogue: a superstitious belief.

Pratie: a potato.


Colleen: a girl or young woman.

Arrah: expressing excitement or strong emotion.

Gobdaw: a foolish or pretentious person.

Mitch: play truant from school.

Hooley: a wild or noisy party.

Sleeveen: an untrustworthy or cunning person.

Boreen: a narrow country road.





"Apples and pears": stairs.

"Bees and honey": money.

"Crowded space": suitcase.

"Dustbin lid": kid.

"Early hours": flowers.

"Fisherman's daughter": water.

"Give and take": cake.

"Light and dark": park. "Stand to attention": pension.

"Satin and silk": milk. Source: Source:

1 A person who was born in the East End of London.



Pass the buck: transfer responsibility to someone else.

Dutch or go Dutch: each person pays for his/her own meal.

Hit the books: study. You bet: of course or no problem. Give the cold shoulder: ignore. Once in a blue moon: infrequently. Shoot the breeze: casual conversation. Spill the beans: reveal a secret.

Crash: to go to sleep; or to show up without invitation: “Can I crash here


Couch potato: a lazy person, one who sits on a couch and watches TV.




Kitchen party: an informal social gathering with dancing and music; it is typically held at a person’s home. Stagette: a celebration attended only by women; it is held for a woman about to be married.. Bunny Hug: a hooded sweatshirt.




Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary by Susan Rennie,

illustrated by Quentin Blake

Beetle Boy by MG Leonard

Crongton Knights by Alex Wheatle

Sweet Pizza by G.R. Gemin

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin, illustrated by Michael Frith

The Journey by Francesca Sanna

Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters By Michael Mahin,

illustrated by Evan Turk.

The Creakers by Tom Flethcher

A River by Marc Martin

On a Magical Do-Nothing Day, written and illustrated by

Beatrice Alemagna

Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos written by Monica Brown, illustrated

by John Parra

The Book of Dust Vol 1: La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman


2017 CHOICE!



Peter and Wendy by J.M. Barrie

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle by Hugh Lofting

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith

Ann of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

Mary Poppins by PL Travers

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl

Of course, our choice


The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

The Story of Ferdinand by Robert Lawson

Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren

Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

The Little Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupéry

Grimms’ Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm

The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

The Lord Of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

well, and many, many more…


The more that you read, the more things

you will know. The more that you learn, the

more places you’ll go.

—Dr Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

It is only with the heart that one can see

rightly; what is essential is invisible to the


—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

The moment you doubt whether you can fly,

you cease for ever to be able to do it.

—JM Barrie, Peter Pan

A person who has good thoughts cannot

ever be ugly… if you have good thoughts

they will shine out of your face like

sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

—Roald Dahl, The Twits

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am

learning how to sail my ship.”

—Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“It is when we are most lost that we

sometimes find our truest friends.”

—Brothers Grimm, Snow White

“So many things are possible just as long

as you don’t know they’re impossible.”

—Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

“Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle

cannot grow.”

—Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret


“In every job that must be done, there is an

element of fun. You find the fun, and the

job’s a game.”

—P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins

Think in the morning, act in the

noon, eat in the evening, sleep in the night.

—William Blake

Die größte Macht hat das richtige Wort zur

richtigen Zeit.

—Mark Twain

Der eine wartet ab, dass die Zeit sich

wandelt, der andere packt sie kräftig an

und handelt.

—Dante Alighieri

Das Leben ist ein Marathonlauf, bei dem

man sich den Sprint für den Schluss


—Sir Peter Ustinov


Das Glück hilft dem Kühnen.

Die besten Gedanken kommen allzeit


Anfangen ist leicht, beharren eine


Der Schein trügt.

Tu nur das Rechte in deinen Sachen;

Das andre wird sich von selber machen.







A small exhibition: some old stuff


We like birds!

And again, our



Mary Poppins would love them…


Some beautiful things in the corridor


…and some beautiful colourful



Welcome to the kitchen!


WELCOME TO OUR GALLERY! Monday to Friday! 13 Vojvode Bojovića Street


In memory of our colleague,

PE teacher Života Radovanović (1958 – 2017)






Auf Wiedersehen!


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