
Post on 20-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Changes
  2. 2. New TN Matching Flow
  3. 3. New EP Matching Flow
  4. 4. Application Counter
  5. 5. EP Application Counter
  6. 6. It shows how many % level of completeness of your TN/ EP form They will give you recommendation whats left to make it 100% It shows how many EPs that apply for that TN ID
  7. 7. It shows how many % level of completeness of your TN/ EP form They will give you recommendation whats left to make it 100% It shows how many TN that he/she already applied
  8. 8. Like and Apply Feature EP has to click apply in TN form Maximum 3 TN applied in 10 days After 3 TNs in 10 days EP form will change into pending TN can like EP form that suitable with them Maximum 20 EP form being liked in 10 days EP will get notification that your TN interested with them
  9. 9. EP click apply TN terms and conditions EP can only click apply maximum 3 TNs in 10 days. After EP click apply in 3 TNs,EPs status will automaticaly change into pending. EP cant cancel their application. EP has to wait confirmation (rejection/approval) from TN within 10 days. There will be notification email when TN reject or approve your EPs application. If TN click approve then your EP id will change directly into matched. If TN click reject your EPs status will become available again.
  10. 10. EP click apply TN terms and conditions If there is no confirmation within 10 days after EP apply one TN than they can apply again to another TN : 1 Apply in 1 TN 2 - 9 Apply in 1 TN 3 - 8 - 7 - 65 Apply in 1 TN 4 - 1 0 - 11 Apply in 1 TN 1 2 - 1 9 Apply in 1 TN 1 3 - 1 8 - 1 7 - 1 6 1 5 Apply in 1 TN 1 4 - 2 0 - 10 days without confirmation from TN
  11. 11. TN click like EP terms and conditions 1 TN id can only click like maximum 20 EPs in 10 days. 1 Like 7 EPs 2 Like 3 EPs 9 Like 1 EP 3 - 8 - 7 - 65 Like 9 EPs 4 - 1 0 - 11 Like 7 EPs 1 2 Like 3 EPs 1 9 Like 1 EP 1 3 - 1 8 - 1 7 - 1 6 1 5 Like 9 EPs 1 4 - 2 0 - After 10 days
  12. 12. Next Step after click Like for TN Manager You have to choose which TN id that like that EP. Because may be 1 TN manager they have more than 1 TN form so they have to choose when they click like
  13. 13. TN Manager Shortlist Menu This menu aim to : 1. show you which TN that already have an applicant (EP who apply for this TNs) 2. Reject/Approve EP that apply in your TN id TN that appear here only TN that already have applicant not all TN id that you have! Click the TN id if you want to reject or approve ep
  14. 14. After You Click TN idEP that apply for your TN ID You only can choose 1 EP to be approved But you can reject several EPs in the same time 1. This is email that will automaticaly send to EP when you click approve. 2. You can customize it by your own 1. Once you click reject to several EPs will send this email automaticaly to EPs email 2. You can If you request EP to fill question or upload documents when they click apply it will show here
  15. 15. Example for rejection email
  16. 16. This is the menu to customize your Approval/rejection email that will automaticaly send to the applicant
  17. 17. It shows how many EPs that apply in your TN TN that will appear here only TN ID that you become TN manager
  18. 18. Shortcut
  19. 19. In this section, system displays the list of TN id that you have which have clicked like EP from This section displied the list of notifications of EPs who have applied for your TN form This section displied the list of TN or EP ids that need to be complited This section will display TOP 20 TN/EP ID that suitable with each of your TN/EP ID based on the requirements that you put in the form. *all of notification will be updated everyday*
  20. 20. List of TN/EP need to be updated Points that need to be updated Shortcut to edit TN/EP directly
  21. 21. 1. Choose whether you want to look EP/TN form list 2. It will display list of your TN/EP IDs (only if you are the TN/EP manager) 3. Click one TN/EP ID then it will show TOP 20 most suitable EP/TN abroad with all of your requirements that you put in the form 4. It will be updated everyday (daily basis)

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