n e w s o f a r i z o n a ’ s p a l o v e r d e r e p u b ... · corn ,black beans, green...

Post on 12-Jun-2020






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W O M E N ’ SL u n c h e o nG R AY H AW KG o l f C l u b "Fairway House"

8620 East !ompson Peak Parkway, Sco"sdale

April 17th, 201311:00 a.m. Social11:30 a.m. Lunch

PROG#MChicken Chopped Salad with

Romaine lettuce, roasted peppers, corn ,black beans, green chillies,

tomatoes, Jack cheese, tortilla strips and

roasted red pepper dressing

Triple mousse, shaved white chocolate,

and vanilla bourbon saucecoffee, iced tea

rolls butter

$25.00 For reservations e-mail

Jan Stephenson <stephensonaz@cox.net>


Reservations required before 9AM Monday,

April 15th.A reservation made

is a reservation paid!

The Palo Verde PatriotThe Palo Verde Patriot N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b

Our  speaker,  Lyle  Rapacki,  Ph.D.,  will  discuss  Agenda  21  along  with  a  power  point  presenta>on.  Agenda  21  has  its  beginnings  as  far  back  as  1968  with  the  forma>on  of  the  Club  of  Rome.    Members  came  together  to  develop  a  “New  World  Order”  that  eliminates  na>onal  sovereignty  “for  the  good  of  all”  which  results  in  being  ruled  by  an  elite  few.  

In  1992,  at  the  United  Na>ons  Conference  on  Environment  and  Development,  178  na>ons  signed  an  agreement  called  “Agenda  21  –  the  UN  Agenda  for  the  21st  Century.”    The  New  World  Order  not  only  eliminates  na>onal  sovereignty  “for  the  good  of  all”  but  calls  for  a  federal  government  that  removes  all  decision-­‐making  from  local  representa>ves  and  from  the  hands  of  private  property  owners.    The  Agenda  calls  for  lowering  the  standard  of  living  for  Americans  so  that  people  in  poorer  countries  will  have  more,  when  we  will  all  have  less  and  we  will  aSain  equality.    Equality  will  be  the  new  norm  and  redistribu>on  of  wealth  will  be  the  vehicle  by  which  this  is  accomplished.

  Dr.  Rapacki  has  been  briefing  Arizona  legislators  and  others  on  the  tenets  of  Agenda  21  and  their  impact  on  Arizona  Business,  industry,  and  rural  communi>es;  how  it  will  change  our  form  of  government;  how  it  will  affect  law  enforcement  and  how  our  economy  will  be  impacted.

Lyle  Rapacki,  Ph.D.,  is  a  Protec>ve  Intelligence  and  Assessment  Specialist  and  Consultant  in  Behavioral  Analysis  and  Threat  Assessment,  as  well  as  a  Private-­‐Sector  Intelligence  Analyst.    The  owner  of  Sen>nel  Intelligence  Services,  LLC,  Dr.  Rapacki,  since  May,  2010,    he  has  been  providing  selected  members  of  the  AZ  legislature  intelligence  briefings  on  Border  Security  and  related  maSers,  as  well  as  threats  against  AZ  state  sovereignty.  He  has  assisted  law  enforcement  at  all  levels  with  regional  and  na>onal  intelligence  and  has  wriSen  dozens  of  White  Papers  and  Classified  briefings  that  have  worked  their  way  into  counterterrorism  groups  na>onally.  

  Dr.  Rapacki  is  currently  finishing  up  a  state-­‐wide  speaking  tour  which,  for  the  second  >me  this  past  year,    has  taken  him  to  16  ci>es  and  32  groups.

Please  join  us  at  our  April  mee1ng  where  we  will  learn  from  Mr.  Rapacki’s  exposi1on  of  what  Agenda  21,  if  implemented,  

would  mean  to  American  ci1zens.


N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b


Former Florida Rep. Allen West said in a speech at CPAC on Thursday that when more Americans “prefer freebies to freedom,” the United States will be at a greater risk for tyranny.

“For Progressives then and now, the welfare of the people – not liberty – is the primary object of government, and government should always be in the hands of experts. This is the real origin of today’s gun control hysteria – the idea that

professional police forces and military have rendered the armed citizen superfluous; that no individual should be responsible for the defense of himself and his family, but should leave it to the experts. The idea of individual responsibilities, along with that of individual rights, is in fact incompatible with the Progressive vision of the common welfare”

Edward J. Erler – excerpt from a lecture delivered on February 13, 2013 at Hillsdale College.

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is not about hunting, target shooting or assault weapons, it is much more than that. It goes to the heart of our founding principles. It is also unique in that it contains a preface explaining the reason for the rights it affords to us. It does not state that citizens may be armed to hunt or for the pleasure of competitive shooting, it gives us the right to “keep and bear arms” to protect us from a government gone wild. It affords us the right to keep and bear arms for the “security of a free State”. In the debate over the first militia bill in 1789, Elbridge Gerry remarked “whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia”. This is the entire Progressive

debate in a nutshell. This government wants to do away with the Second amendment in their quest for total power.

“The Declaration specifies that when government becomes destructive of the ends for which it is established – the “Safety and Happiness” of the people – then “it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government.” This is what has become known as the right of revolution, an essential ingredient of the social compact and a right which is always reserved to the people. The people can never cede or delegate this ultimate expression of sovereign power. Thus, in a very important sense, the right of revolution (or even its threat) is the right that guarantees every other right. And if the people have this right as an indefeasible aspect of their sovereignty, then, by necessity, the people also have a right to a means to revolution. Only an armed people are a free people – the people are indeed a militia”

Edward J. Erler February 13, 2013

Right now the Administration is attempting to regulate the Second Amendment by tightening up background checks. They realize that they will not be able to get an outright ban on assault guns. However, Mr. Obama has used executive orders over 23 times to push through his gun related agenda. Can we be certain that he will not try and destroy our Second Amendment rights? No; so as part of being a citizen it is our duty to engage in a frequent recurrence of first principals, remembering that we are a militia, and thus, a militia we will be!

Trot on my friends……

Thoughts from the Saddle…Joan Lang, PVRW President

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b



This  is  the  period  of  >me  when  prospec>ve  candidates  and  Proposi>on  advocates  begin  exploring  the  vo>ng  scene.  Just  be  aware  and  do  your  research.    In  the  interim  we  need  to  keep  the  informa>on  circula>ng.  A  good  deal  of  aSen>on  will  be  on  fiscal  maSers:  controlling  spending,  and  cubng  wasteful  spending.

Who  knows  what  will  come  out  of  the  Immigra>on  Bill  Planning.Please  keep  track  of  your  hours  and  get  them  to  Nina.  mail  full  size  Let’s  just  keep  informed  so  we  are  ready  to  be  acHve  in  the  Fall.     Paula  Linker      Poli1cal  Educa1on  and  Legisla1ve  Ac1on

Proud  to  be  a  Palo  Verde  Woman

  The  Palo  Verde  Republican  Women’s  Club  is  an  extremely  ac>ve  group  serving  our  community  in  many  ways.  We  Are  Doers!  Because  AzFRW  on  occasion  has  offered  awards  that  we  were  not  aware  of,  we  would  like  you  to  know  about  the  work  that  Palo  Verde  women  do  to  support  our  city,  county,  state    and  na>on.       First  and  foremost,  we  are  ac>ve  poli>cally  which  is  the  basis  for  being  in  the  Na>onal  Federa>on  of  Republican  Women’s  organiza>on.         Sixteen  of  our  members  are  Precinct  CommiSeemen  plus  four  of  our  Associates.    Six  members  plus  one  Associate  are  State  CommiSeemen.   Our  members  regularly  receive  awards  on  the  District,  County  and  State  Levels  such  as  numerous  Volunteer  of  the  Year  (LD23),  PC  Rookie  of  the  Year,  Most  Volunteer  Hours  at  State  and  District  levels,  as  well  as  AzFRW  awards,  just  to  name  a  few.   We  had  several  members  regularly  aSend  the  2011  State  Redistric>ng  Mee>ngs.  Many  of  our  members  tes>fied  via  e-­‐mail  and  at  least  one  tes>fied  several  >mes  at  those  mee>ngs.      We  hosted  a  Campaign  Forum  in  2012  with  29  candidates  running  for  local,  county,  state,  and  na>onal  office.   During  the  2012  Elec>on  Campaign  our  members  put  in  thousands  of  hours  suppor>ng  their  local,  state,  and  na>onal  candidates,  working  for  MiS  Romney,  and  working  in  the  District  23  Campaign  Office.    For  the  Romney  Campaign  we  par>cipated  in  Opera>on  Swing  

State  by  sending  over  5500  post  cards  with  hand-­‐wriSen  messages  and  addresses  to  Virginia,  Florida  and  Ohio.  Palo  Verde  paid  for  several  hundred  of  these.  We  also  hosted  par>es  for  making  over  2000  phone  calls  to  voters  around  the  country.   In  both  2010  and  2012  our  club  par>cipated  in  David  Schweikert’s  Christmas  Card  Project  by  hand  addressing  and  stuffing  more  than  15,000  cards  each  year.    Member  Cheryl  Pelle>er  spent  5  days  pain>ng  Schweikert’s  campaign  office.  During  the  General  Elec>on  at  least  10  of  our  members  met  weekly  at  Congressman  Schweikert’s  campaign  office  to  work  while  others  took  work  home  to  complete.     When  Vernon  Parker  needed  help,  he  called  on  Palo  Verde  even  though  we’re  not  even  in  his  district  and  his  wife  is  a  member  of  Paradise  RW.  About  5  of  our  members  went  regularly  to  Parker  headquarters  in  Phoenix.  We  brought  in  2-­‐day  Parker  Projects  for  each  of  the  4  weeks  the  LD23  office  was  open.   Member  Liz  James  spent  her  >me  volunteering  on  a  weekly  basis  at  the  State  Republican  Headquarters  in  Phoenix  answering  phones.  On  Elec>on  Day  many  of  our  members  worked  at  the  Polls  or  volunteered  as  Poll  Watchers.     Some  of  our  members  formed  a  PAC  called  SWAT  PAC  (ScoSsdale  Women’s  Ac>on  Team  Poli>cal  Ac>on  CommiSee)  so  we  could  raise  money  and  give  directly  to  candidates.    We  raised  over  $2,500  in  three  months  and  gave  to  Republican  candidates  who  were  in  need.

con1nued  on  page  4

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Con1nued  from  page  3

  As  well  as  being  ac>ve  poli>cally,  Palo  Verde  has  supported  our  troops  in  numerous  ways.  Many  of  our  members  aSended  the  Grand  Opening  of  Mary  Ellen’s  Place—an  affordable  housing  facility  for  women  veterans  of  all  ages  located  in  Phoenix  and  organized  and  built  by  Veterans  First,  Ltd.    It  consists  of  15  furnished  studio  apartments  where  they  may  live  for  a  short  >me  or  the  rest  of  their  lives.  Palo  Verde  Republican  Women  and  individual  members  provided  15  Lazy-­‐Boy  chairs—one  for  each  apartment.  Joan  Lang,  our  president  who  is  an  interior  designer,  had  clients  donate  pa>o  furniture  and  kitchen  appliances.  Members  also  donated  money  to  be  used  to  purchase  $25  Grocery  Giq  Cards  to  be  given  to  each  resident.    Our  total  contribu>ons  in  cash  and  goods  exceeded  $75,000.   According  to  Veterans  First,  Ltd.’s    President,  Joan  Sisco,    work  has  begun  on  another  project,  Sallie’s  Place,  which  will  provide  housing  for  women  veterans  with  children.  We  will  con>nue  to  support  them  with  this  new  project.  For  many  years  Palo  Verde  Republican  Women  has  supported  Opera>on  Homefront’s  Back-­‐to-­‐School  Brigade  which  provides  backpacks  and  school  supplies  to  local  military  kids  in  need.  Each  year  in  June  we  have  donated  30  or  more  backpacks  to  Margy  Bon,  head  of  the  organiza>on.   We  supported  Major  Nicole  Fuller’s  par>cipa>on  in  the  Marine  Corps  Marathon  with  a  $100  dona>on  to  the  Armed  Forces  Founda>on.This  organiza>on  is  dedicated  to  providing  comfort  and  solace  to  members  of  the  military  community  through  financial  support,  career  counseling,  housing  assistance,  and  recrea>onal  therapy  programs.  Maj.  Fuller  is  Director  of  the  Behavioral  Health  Clinic  at  Luke  Air  Force  Base.  We  honored  military  personnel  at  our  regular  mee>ng  by  invi>ng  5  Ac>ve  Duty  people  from  Luke  Air  Force  Base  to  have  lunch  and  speak  to  us  about  their  du>es.    Maj.  Fuller  was  one  of  our  speakers.    We  presented  caps  to  ac>ve  duty  personnel,  children  of  veterans,  and  

veterans  that  had  the  slogan—“We  Salute  Our  Troops”—Palo  Verde  RW.   We  par>cipated  in  the  “Wreaths  Across  America”  annual  Na>onwide  Remembering  Ceremony  to  honor  Brave  Men  and  Women  who  paid  the  ul>mate  price  for  America’s  Freedom  by  purchasing  wreaths  and  helping  to  lay  them  at  Cave  Creek  Na>onal  Cemetery.  We  have  donated  >me  and  thousands  of  dollars  to  this  project.   Palo  Verde  also  cares  deeply  about  helping    children.  In  the  past  3  years  we  have  donated  over  $2,500  to  the  Child  Crisis  Center  in  Mesa  as  well  as  giving  diapers  and  paper  goods.  At  Christmas  we  have  donated  toys.     We  made  a  dona>on  to  the  Joe  Foss  Ins>tute,  an  organiza>on  established  to  educate  our  youth  on  the  importance  of  America’s  unique  freedoms  and  to  inspire  them  to  public  service.   We    made  a  dona>on  to  ‘notMYkid’,  a  drug  preven>on  program  started  by  Steve  and  PVRW  member  Debbie  Moak.   For  several  years  Palo  Verde  has  made  a  dona>on  to  Hillsdale  College,  a  four  year  ins>tu>on  of  higher  learning  that  receives  no  federal  money  and  has  a  strong  religious  and  patrio>c  founda>on.     Palo  Verde  Republican  Women  is  made  up  of  over  100  concerned  women  who  want  to  make  a  difference  in  their  city,  state  and  na>on!    Our  ladies  (and  gentlemen/Pachyderms)  are  known  being  a  poli>cally  astute  Republican  Women’s  Club.


  Jan  Stephenson    and    Paula  Linker

Europe was created by history. America was created by

philosophy. Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b


NOTES ON AMERICAHAPPY APRIL! We have two April days to observe....April Fools Day (1st) and April 15 (taxes!)....they seem to be connected in a strange sort of way...... Ronald Reagan once said: "Taxpayer: that's someone who doesn't have to pass a civil service exam to work for the government." Moments in American history that occurred in April include: April 1, 1954: The U. S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO was established.April 3, 1860: The Pony Express began service between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento, CA.April 4, 1850: The city of Los Angeles was incorporated.April 6, 1889: George Eastman began selling the Kodak camera.April 7, 1970: John Wayne won his only Oscar for his role in’ True Grit’.April 9, 1682: Sieur de La Salle claimed the Mississippi River valley for France.April 11, 1947: Jackie Robinson became the first black baseball player in the major

leagues when he played an exhibition game as a Brooklyn Dodger.April 12, 1945: Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, GA.April 14, 1939: ‘The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck was published.April 16, 1862: Abraham Lincoln signed a bill ending slavery.April 18, 1775: Paul Revere made his famous ride from Boston to Lexington.April 20, 1912: Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox opened.April 22, 1864: Congress authorized the use of the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins.April 24, 1800: The Library of Congress spanish American waswas established.April 25, 1898: The United States declared war on Spain, Spanish-American War.April 27, 1813: American forces captured York (now Toronto) during the War of 1812.April 29, 1945: U. S. troops liberated the Dachau concentration camp in Germany.April 30, 1975: The last Americans evacuated Saigon as South Vietnam surrendered to the Vietcong.

Carol Peters, Americanism/Chaplain

Carol Peters, Kathy Shields, with guests Sarah Ziker, and new member Joyce Eller,

Allison Mary, Jim Gray, Pachyderm and PC, with Joan Lang and Jan Stephenson.


N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b

Angela  Ducey  introduced  our  guest  speaker,  Clint  Bolick.  Clint  is  a  director  at  Goldwater  Ins>tute’s  Scharf-­‐Norton  Center  for  Cons>tu>onal  Li>ga>on  here  in  Phoenix.  He  recently  co-­‐authored  a  book  with  Jeb  Bush  en>tled  “Immigra>on  Wars:  Forging  An  American  Solu>on”.  Clint  said  that  there  are  really  only  two  types  of  immigrants  who  can  currently  get  in  to  the  US:    1)  those  that  have  family  members  here  already,  and  2)  those  that  squeeze  into  one  of  the  work  visas,  which  only  accounts  for  about  13%.  This  is  the  lowest  percentage  of  work  visas  in  industrialized  countries.  Since  the  1960’s,  our  immigra>on  system  has  been  based  on  the  ‘family  reunifica>on”  system.  This  means  that  immigrants  who  are  here  can  bring  in  the  rest  of  their  family  members;  but  these  are  oqen  not  the  kinds  of  people  we  need  here  now  or  in  the  future.  We  need  young  people  who  will  become  produc>ve  members  of  our  society  and  our  workforce.  We  don’t  have  that,  and  that’s  why  so  many  jobs  are  exported  to  other  countries.  The  family  reunifica>on  system  perpetuates  “chain  migra>on”,  leaving  very  few  visa  and  green  cards  for  those  immigrants  who  want  to  enter  the  U.S.  to  work.  Clint  said  we  will  con>nue  to  have  people  who  enter  the  country  illegally  un>l  we  can  offer  a  realis>c  and  legal  way  for  them  to  enter  instead.  Current  laws  are  irra>onal  and  convoluted.  We  need  to  re-­‐start  the  system  from  scratch.  

In  their  book,  Bolick  and  Jeb  Bush  propose  a  six-­‐point  strategy  for  reworking  our  policies,  beginning  with  gebng  rid  of  all  the  exis>ng,  outdated  immigra>on  structures  and  star>ng  over.  They  would  reduce  the  influx  of  those  entering  under  the  family  reunifica>on  system,  by  limi>ng  family  members  who  can  migrate  to  only  spouses  and  minor  children.  They  would  also  recreate  Ellis  Island-­‐not  literally,  but  the  idea  and  framework  of  it,-­‐as  the  way  people  

used  to  come  into  the  US.  They  would  strengthen  border  security  and  implement  the  immigra>on  system  at  the  same  >me.  A  pathway  to  ci>zenship  would  be  given  to  children  who  are  living  here  illegally,  but  those  adults  who  are  here  illegally  would  be  given  a  pathway  to  permanent  legal  residency,  NOT  ci>zenship.  The  Gang  of  8  has  begun  talking  about  stopping  the  chain  migra>on  and  replacing  it  with  a  merit  system.  The  House  has  goSen  involved  and  States  should  play  much  more  of  a  role  in  implemen>ng  immigra>on  reform  

Bolick  said  that  in  their  book,  they  talk  about  how  Republicans  can  beSer  reach  out  to  minority  voters.  He  said  that  most  people  know  that  Republicans  didn’t  do  well  with  Hispanic  voters;  and  most  are  not  aware  of  how  badly  Republicans  do  among  Asian  voters  –  even  worse  than  among  Hispanics.

        by  Judy  Clouse

Angela Ducey, assistant, first VP,Clint Bolick, speaker, Judi VanKeuren, winner of book signed by both Clint Bolick and Jeb BushJoan Lang, President and Marjorie Collins, Gold Mine .

“ Imm i g r a t i o n  W a r s :F o r g i n g   A n   Ame r i c a n   S o l u t i o n ” .

To view web page, go here.

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b


GETTING TO KNOW YOU: KAREN PHILLIPSFirst, I became a Republican because I was "born" Republican. My family was involved in politics - Ohio and CA. My family is in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mother is 95 and doing pretty well. I have been a Real Estate Broker since 1997, started in Northern CA. At the present time, I work SE Valley and North Scottsdale with Prudential Arizona Properties. Harley is my English Springer Spaniel --

my best guy! 

Marjorie Collins present ‘March Birthday Drawing Gift Winner ‘, to Judy Clouse, Palo

Verde RW Secretary.

HAPPYAPRIL BIRTHDAY wishes to:3rd-Barbara Braun25th-Gayla Coletto20th-Nina Natoli20th- Marie Volpe25th-Gloria Morrissey28th-Helene McKinstry

CongratulaHon  to  Palo  Verde  Republican  Woman  Marilyn  HigginsThe  Fountain  Hills  Republican  of  the  Year  2013  is  long>me  grassroots  ac>vist  Marilyn  Higgins.    Higgins  was  presented  with  the  award  at  the  Fountain  Hills  Republican  Club’s  annual  breakfast  Saturday,  March  16.    Marilyn,  

who  moved  to  Fountain  Hills  26  years  ago  with  husband  Jim,  traces  her  involvement  as  a  Republican  to  her  first  Presiden>al  elec>on  in  1964  when  she  voted  for  Arizona  Senator  Barry  Goldwater.  This  led  to  her  involvement  in  many  Republican  clubs  and  events  in  Tenafly,  NJ.    She  joined  the  Young  Republicans.    

She  also  belonged  to  the  local  and  county  Republican  women’s  clubs,  serving  as  a  member  of  the  Execu>ve  CommiSee,  as  Treasurer,  District  Leader,  and  as  chairman  of  many  special  events.    She  also  worked  as  a  Legisla>ve  Aide  to  the  New  Jersey  Assembly  Speaker    and  as  a  poll  challenger.  

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b


Veronica Vossack, with Anita Rodriguez, Joan Lang with 50/50/ winner Roberta Heine, Barbara Cardinal, Joy Russell, and Valerie Mylowe.

Loralee DeSanto, Ida Clements, Diana Balich, Marjorie Collins, and CT and Mary Wright.


Palo Verde Luncheons for 2013GRAYHAWK Golf Club

April 17thMay 15thJune 19th Sept. 18th

October 16thNovember 20thDecember18th

Board Meetings are First Monday of each Month4 MORE YEARS AND STILL NO LEADER


C a l l i n g a l l h o m e c o o k s t h a t h a v e a r e c i p e t o s h a r e ! ”

Everyone has a favorite recipe or two. If you don't mind sharing it with your sister patriots,

send it to Jan D'Atri jdatri1@yahoo.comJAN will put it in the mix and choose one a month to feature in our

newsletter and on our WEB SITE!If there's a little story about the recipe, even better!

Who knows, maybe we can cook up an annual PVRW-Cookers Pot Luck Event as a fundraiser with these wonderful recipes!

FOR BROWNIE RECIPE GO TO ‘Palo Verde Republican Women’s Web site ‘.

Hi Gals! I made Carol Peters "Katherine Hepburn" Brownies tonight. This is going to be such a great recipe and cute, cute story for our newsletter! The recipe is so good, I'm going to do a column on it!Now, with all due respect to Ms. Hepburn, whom I adored, Carol's brownie icing was the real star!This recipe is rich, rich, rich chocolatey goodness...and so simple because it all gets done in one bowl. Plus!! Only a half a cup of flour in the brownies! Whew hoo!(So if you know anyone who's gluten intolerant Lite, it's perfect! HAHAH)Great job Carol! Thank you so much for your submission for the newsletter!

Above is a pic of Carol's icing. I could bathe in it! OXOXO Jan D’Atri

The recipe is from the "First Gentleman's Cookbook" compiled by William D. Orr, husband of Kay Orr, Governor, from the State of Nebraska "This book is dedicated to men who have yet to discover how satisfying it can be to start from scratch and serve a good dish or two....." Bill Orr. The recipe was donated to Bill's cookbook by The Garden Cafe, a popular restaurant and still in business, in Omaha. They still sell the brownies!

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b

APRIL 2013 PAGE 10

The Evidence on School Choice is Out There, Let's Use ItApril 4, 2013 | By Jonathan Butcher/ THE GOLDWATER INSTITUTE

Since 2000, the number of children using a scholarship to attend a private school has increased 748 percent according to the Alliance for School Choice’s 2012-13 Yearbook. You read that right: 748 percent. Nearly 250,000 children attend private schools around the country using an education savings account, voucher, or tax credit scholarship.How did we go from zero children free to choose their school to 250,000 in 18 different parts of the country?The answer: Choice works. A study of the voucher program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, found that enrolling in the voucher program “increases the likelihood of a student graduating from high school, enrolling in a four-year college, and persisting in college by 4-7 percentage points.”

PVRW Ladies stay informed and read more by just by clicking on the

web sites below.


Obama to offer Social Security cuts in new budget — in exchange for tax hikes. posted April 5, 2013 by Ed Morrissey. No wonder it’s taking so long for Barack Obama to send his budget proposal to Congress. The budget is almost two months overdue, but Republicans may find it worth the wait. The Washington Post reports that Obama will offer cuts to Social Security in exchange for tax hikes to close the deficit — in effect, the grand bargain he and John Boehner nearly made two years ago:

Marijuana: Another Gift of the Left to America's Youth “Denver television station CBS4 reports that Colorado has seen a sharp spike in marijuana use among teenagers since Colorado voters passed Amendment 64 last November legalizing recreational use of the drug. As described in The Economist, along with a Washington State measure also legalizing marijuana, Amendment 64 is "an electoral first not only for America but for the world." That means two American states are to the left of the Scandinavian countries, Holland, and every other liberal country regarding marijuana. CBS4 quotes a number of local high school students.” By: Dennis Prager click above to read more.

Video: Celebrating 40 Years of The Heritage FoundationThis is an important week for The Heritage Foundation. Not only are we celebrating our 40th anniversary of advancing principled conservative reforms, but we’re also honoring Ed Feulner’s 36 years of leadership as president and welcoming Sen. Jim DeMint as his successor.

RNC Statement on the March Jobs Report, Posted April 5, 2013.WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement on the March jobs report:“With only 88,000 jobs added and over five times as many Americans dropping out of the labor force, Americans have a lot of lingering questions:


NFRW  Region  3  Conference  ‘Working  toward  Solutions’

Albuquerque,  NM  April  26-­‐27,  2013  Region  3  includes  the  Arizona,  Colorado,  

Nevada,  New  Mexico,  and  Utah.

WHERE:  HyaS  Regency  Albuquerque   $109.00  single/double  505-­‐843-­‐2679       Code:  NMFRW**

HOW  MUCH:  Conference  Fee  Before     April  5-­‐$90            Aqer  April  5-­‐$100NM  Governor  Susana  Martinez  is  now  confirmed  for  the  NFRW  Region  3  Meeting  and  we  are  anticipating  Governor  Brewerand  NFRW  President  Rae  Chornenky  will  also  be  with  us.

Palo  Verde  Ladies  now  planning  to  attend  are  Joan  Lang,  Anita  Rodriguez,  Cheryl  Pelletier,  Roberta  Heine  and  Jill  Byers.

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b

APRIL 2013 PAGE 11

NFRW Convention 2013Louisville, KY...

Sept 20-22, 2013More information should be known

after the NFRW Board of Directors Meeting in Washington DC on March 7-9th. Site of the 2013 Convention is the

historic Galt House Hotel in downtown Louisville.

All Club Presidents are VOTING Delegates

to the National Convention.As the

"next Convention State", we will also be

responsible for hosting a Hospitality Suite...

The new location is in ‘THE VENUE’ ….. which is on the Main Campus of Scottsdale Bible Church, located on 7601 East Shea Blvd, Scottsdale AZ.

N e w s o f A r i z o n a ’ s P a l o V e r d e R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ’ s C l u b

APRIL 2013 PAGE 12


Joan Lang President

wandjlang@gmail.comDebbie Moak

1st V P- Programs debbie@moakaz.com

Angela DuceyRoberta Heine

2nd V P- Membershipbertagreg@cox.net

Sherry GrayTreasurer/Budget

sbgray9999@yahoo.comJudy Clouse


PALO  VERDE  REPUBLICAN  WOMENPalo  Verde  Republican  Women  was  chartered  in  January,  1974  under  the  guidance  of  Mrs.  Joan  Wood  who  was  elected  our  first  President.  Most  of  the  charter  members  had  been  a  part  of  Scottsdale  Republican  Women,  one  of  the  most  acCve  groups  in  the  state.  Because  of  many  concerns  of  membership,  the  ScoFsdale  Club  withdrew  from  the  FederaCon.  Joan  Wood,  and  a  group  of  followers  who  wished  to  remain  in  the  FederaCon  formed  Palo  Verde.  From  the  very  beginning,  Palo  Verde  established  itself  as  a  very  vigorous  and  acCve  Club,  and  has  remained  so  throughout  the  years.  We  educate  our  members  through  the  programs  presented  at  our  monthly  meeCngs,  through  the  monthly  NewsleFer,  and  by  aFending  AzFRW  Quarterly  meeCngs.  We  are  sCll  a  very  involved  and  energeCc  group  of  Republican  Women  who  strive  to  educate  our  membership  and  to  elect  Republicans  to  office.

PVRW is a member of the Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW). Annual PVRW dues are $30 for Active members and $25 for Associate members and Pachyderms.

The Palo Verde Patriot is published for club members and interested friends. It is e-mailed in color or sent via USPS in black-and-white. The Patriot is distributed by the second week of each month when there are meetings. Persons wishing to contribute material should contact Loralee DeSanto, Editor, 480-664-7414 or loralee8122@cox.net


Americanism/Chaplain                                                                Carol  Peters  Awards  Hours                  Nina  Natoli  Fundraising/Retail  Jewelry                        Cheryl  Pelle>er  Community  Service                        Jan  Stephenson

Gold  Mine                          Marjorie  Collins

Laura  Bush                    Colleen  Goodrich  Patriot  Editor                        Loralee  DeSanto  Patriot  Asst.  Editors                        Marjorie  Collins                                                                                                                                                                      Roberta  Heine  Parliamentarian/ByLaws            Michelle  Creveling  Poli>cal  Educa>on/Legisla>on                                                                    Paula  Linker  Publicity                                              Marcia  Thompson  Reserva>ons                            Jan  Stephenson

Roster                                        Linda  Stacey

Webmaster                            Cheryl  Pelle>er                                                              

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